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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

Volume 1 Issue 5

4/18/2016 David Gitter

Leah Fang

Rongfei Gou

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

PARTY WATCH is a weekly intelligence report delivered every Monday morning focusing on the latest

activities of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Firmly based on Chinese language sources that are either

controlled by the CCP or controlled by organizations directly subordinate to the CCP, Party Watch endeavors

to provide a broad overview of China and the world through the lens of the country’s most powerful institution.

It also offers context and original analysis to help those that want to dig deeper.

Under the direction of China specialist David Gitter, Party Watch’s team of researchers with native Chinese

language fluency monitor an array of webpages including those controlled by: leading small groups, the four

central departments, CCP news outlets, research and archive centers, cadre study websites, journals, Party

schools and training academies, central work committees, All-China unions and associations, and many other

organizations. Special attention is given to topics that are underreported by traditional media and think tank

outlets. The result is a unique yet important angle that supplements the reader’s understanding of China.

About the Authors

David Gitter is a China specialist and research consultant on Chinese politics, foreign policy, and strategic

industries. He has worked in various research and support capacities at Defense Group Inc. (DGI), the

Congressional Research Service (CRS), the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (OUSDP),

Project 2049 Institute, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) focusing on cross-strait

relations and broader Asian security issues. Dave received his MA in Asian Studies from the Elliott School of

International Affairs at George Washington University and his BA in Political Science from the State

University of New York at Stony Brook. He has lived and studied in Beijing, China and has working

proficiency in Mandarin. He offers custom research and consulting services and can be reached at:

[email protected].

Leah Fang is a master’s candidate at The Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced

International Studies, where she focuses on international economics and energy-related issues.

Rongfei Gou is a master’s candidate at the George Washington University Elliott School of International

Affairs, where he focuses cross-strait relations and issues related to political risk.

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 4

PROPAGANDA WORK .............................................................................................................................. 4

China Establishes First Innovation Strategic Partnership with Switzerland ......................................... 4

Xi Jinping Meets Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari .................................................................. 4

State Council Information Office Releases 2015 U.S. Human Rights Record ................................... 5

Jointly Develop Material and Cultural Progress ................................................................................... 5

UNITED FRONT WORK ............................................................................................................................... 5

How to Manage Diverse Non-Party Intellectuals ................................................................................. 5

PARTY DISCIPLINE .................................................................................................................................... 6

Bar Sick Cadres from Holding Positions .................................................................................................. 6

CENTRAL MILITARY COMMISSION (CMC) .............................................................................................. 6

Fan Chanlong Visits Spratly Islands ......................................................................................................... 6

OTHER ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

Xi Jinping: Protect China’s Cultural Relics as Economic Development Continues ......................... 6

Peking University Scholar: David Shambaugh Wrong about China’s Coming Collapse ............... 7

China Repatriates Taiwan Fraud Suspects Because of Taiwan’s Weak Law Enforcement ........... 7

INTERNATIONAL LIAISON WORK.............................................................................................................. 8

Meetings: 11 April-17 April 2016 .............................................................................................................. 8

ORGANIZATION WORK .......................................................................................................................... 10

Cadre Appointments: 11 April-17 April 2016 ....................................................................................... 10

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.


China has signed its first innovation strategic partnership with Switzerland, specifically to promote

innovation. The partnership is said to be based on China’s “New Development Concept.”

China’s State Council released its own report on U.S. human rights in 2015 in response to the U.S.

State Department’s annual human rights report on China and other countries.

The United Front Work Department is challenged to control an increasingly diverse group of

intellectuals that have questionable loyalty to CCP ideology. A new focus of CCP united front work

is to coopt Chinese students returning from study abroad, as well as young, outspoken professionals

that use social media.

CCP International Department Minister Song Tao held numerous meetings in Malaysia and Indonesia

to promote China’s broad interests with those countries, including with Malaysian Prime Minister

Najib Razak and Indonesian President Joko Widodo.


China Establishes First Innovation Strategic Partnership with Switzerland Xinhua

4.11: China and Switzerland established an innovation strategic partnership to jointly promote development

and prosperity. This is the first time that China has established a partnership with another nation based on its

New Development Concept (新发展理念), which focuses on innovation, coordination, green development,

opening up, and sharing. Xi Jinping praised Switzerland for being one of the earliest Western countries to

establish diplomatic ties with “new China”, and the first among the world’s top 20 economies to sign an FTA

with China. This new partnership is said to allow both countries to expand ties in free trade and financial

cooperation, and also encourages innovative cooperation between businesses, colleges, and research institutes.

The establishment of this innovation-based partnership demonstrates the utility of Chinese diplomacy in

serving a core grand strategy: promoting development through innovation.

Xi Jinping Meets Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari Xinhua

4.12: During a meeting between Xi Jinping and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, Xi Jinping praised

the positive cooperation between China and Nigeria over the past 45 years. After pointing out the development

challenges that both governments face, Xi Jinping stated that the two countries should increase cooperation in

the fishing industry, oil refineries, mineral exploitation, electromechanical engineering, light industry, textiles,

and manufacturing. China is willing to help Nigeria solve its issues with regards to infrastructure, talent

shortages, and financial shortages, Xi added. In addition, Xi called on the two countries to cooperation in the

areas of culture, education, media, and gender equality. Xi stated that China will support Nigeria in playing a

bigger role in international and regional affairs, and will also strengthen communication and coordination on

major issues such as the peace and stability of the African region, climate change, and the 2030 Agenda for

Sustainable Development. Buhari also praised the China-Nigeria relationship and promised to expand

cooperation. Business and trade relations between Nigeria and China have grown tremendously in the last

decade, with bilateral trade volumes rising from $2.8 billion in 2005 to $14.9 billion in 2015.

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

State Council Information Office Releases 2015 U.S. Human Rights Record Xinhua

4.14: In response to the U.S. State Department's release of its annual report of human rights violations in

China and other countries around the world, the Chinese State Council Information Office released its own

report on U.S. human rights in 2015. In around 12,000 words, the report listed issues such as loose gun control,

police brutality, racial discrimination, and problematic campaign donations as evidence of U.S. human rights

violations. Specific 2015 figures and circumstances cited in the report include: 51,675 gun-related shooting

incidents; 965 people killed by police; more than 560,000 homeless people living without shelter; American

society suffering from the worst racial relations in 20 years; and the continued worsening of conditions for

women. The article and related State Council report suggest that issues related to ideology, values, and human

rights are increasing in prominence in U.S.-China relations, even as other important issues in the security and

political spheres appear to worsen.

Jointly Develop Material and Cultural Progress

China Spiritual Civilization Net

4.14: An article featured on China Spiritual Civilization Net explained that material and cultural progress

must be developed jointly. The piece states that persevering in the development of Socialism with Chinese

Characteristics will continue to be based on material progress, and that reform and opening continues to be

the source of China’s vitality. However, even though reform and opening continues to advance China’s

economy and its people’s well being, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the China Dream can only

be fully realized through advancing China’s spiritual culture. The article explains that material culture

provides the material conditions and practical experiences necessary to build spiritual culture. Likewise,

spiritual culture was said to provide the spiritual vitality, intellectual support, and ideological safeguards for

material culture to thrive. The joint development of cultural and material progress is formalized in China’s

13th Five Year Plan, which states that the country must raise the Chinese people’s cultural quality, enrich

cultural products and services, continue to prioritize society’s benefits, and integrate societal and economic

benefits. Efforts to foster healthy cultural development is complemented by new regulations meant to curb the

spread of perceived ideologically harmful content that has resulted from expanding cultural influences,

including the new Central Committee General Office mandatory guidelines, the “Opinions on Further

Deepening Comprehensive Law Enforcement Reform in the Cultural Market”《关于进一步深化文化市场



How to Manage Diverse Non-Party Intellectuals United Front Work Department

4.12: An article from the United Front Work Department instructs its cadres to realize the diverse nature of

non-Party intellectuals (党外知识分子) in order to better unite them around the CCP. According to the piece,

during the initial stage of economic reform, non-party intellectuals came mostly from higher education and

research institutes. However, a new group of non-Party intellectuals has emerged through economic reform,

consisting of professionals such as lawyers, accountants, and appraisers; they stand outside the Party and

political system and have diverse ideologies. With current economic reforms in motion, this group was said

to lead to an even higher percentage of non-Party intellectuals. Furthermore, the article stated that students

returning to China after finishing overseas studies are a special group and the new focus for united front work.

Last but not least, Internet media has created a new group of young professionals who are highly educated

and outside the Party system. These intellectuals are more willing to express themselves through critical

language (更愿意以批判性语言发表意见) and able to reach wider audiences. Therefore, the United Front

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

Work Department must unify and guide this group, the piece states. The article illustrates a difficult challenge

that the Party faces: it relies on an increasingly diverse group with questionable ideological loyalty to guide

China’s economic future.


Bar Sick Cadres from Holding Positions Xinhua

4.11: During the 6th Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), Xi Jinping

stated that the CCP still faces severe corruption, and that the Party cannot veer from its task of combating

corruption within CCP. In the past 3 years, 31 provinces, direct-controlled municipalities, and autonomous

regions have had senior cadres investigated and punished due to corruption. Every region and every

department was said to have a corruption problem; the only difference lies in the degree of corruption, Xi said.

Central, provincial, and municipal CCP committees must be held accountable for their cadres in order to

ensure discipline in every level of the Party. Furthermore, Xi rebutted the rumor that the CCP will slow down

its anti-corruption campaign, and instead stated that the Party will enforce even stricter rules. Finally, Xi

pointed out that the next two years are period of political transition, and that the CCP cannot allow “sick”

cadres to hold positions. Early 2016 figures show that the CCP war against corruption is continuing unabated;

the CCDI investigated 6,551 problems involving 9,073 individuals in January and February alone, 7,138 of

whom received Party and or government disciplinary punishment.


Fan Chanlong Visits Spratly Islands Ministry of National Defense

4.15: Vice Chairman of the CMC Fan Chanlong (范长龙) inspected the Nansha Islands alongside a group of

military and civilian officials. According to the article, Fan reportedly met with officers and soldiers that are

stationed on the islands. He was also said to have met with construction workers, and was briefed on

construction projects on Nansha’s islands and reefs. Projects were reported to be moving along smoothly;

such projects include lighthouses, weather stations, oceanic observation centers, and research facilities. Five

lighthouses have been completed, four of which are currently operational. Fan’s visit coincided with U.S.

Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s visit to a U.S. aircraft carrier transiting the South China Sea, as part of his

larger tour in the region. During his tour, Carter announced in the Philippines that the U.S. will station

warplanes in the country, and that the U.S. began joint patrols with the Philippine military in the South China

Sea in March.


Xi Jinping: Protect China’s Cultural Relics as Economic Development Continues State Commission Office of Public Sectors Reform

4.12: Xi Jinping and other CCP Politburo members used the 12 April National Cultural Relic Work

Conference in Beijing to highlight the importance of protecting and passing on cultural and historical relics;

Xi Jinping’s statements on the topic were transmitted along with a written statement from Premier Li Keqiang

by CCP Politburo member and State Council Vice Premier Liu Yandong (刘延东). Xi stated that in recent

years, China’s cultural relics work and protection have made great strides. However, he emphasized that as

the country undergoes rapid urbanization, cultural relics preservation work still has a long road ahead. Xi

explained that Party committees and government departments at every level must increase their reverence for

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

historical relics and successfully plan cultural relics protection alongside economic development. Liu

explained that such work was irreplaceable to the training of core socialist values, realizing the China dream,

and fostering China’s image of a civilized great power. Activities and topics at the conference were said to

include deeply studying Xi’s important instructions, implementing the “State Council Guiding Opinions on

Further Strengthening Cultural Relics Work”《国务院关于进一步加强文物工作的指导意见》 , and

discussing the appropriate policy measures for protecting cultural relics in the new period.

Peking University Scholar: David Shambaugh Wrong about China’s Coming Collapse China Daily/Qiushi

4.13: An English-language article posted on the Qiushi journal’s website refuted the findings of U.S. China

scholar David Shambaugh in his new book “China’s Future,” calling them inaccurate, unhelpful, and

neglectful of the Chinese nation’s resolve. The piece stated that Shambaugh’s recent views of “collapsism”

represent a U-turn from his previously moderate views, and fails to address the Chinese political system’s

responsiveness to societal changes. The author cites China’s successful contracting-out of rural land system,

which was originally initiated by Anhui Province farmers illegally, as proof that policy innovations are

supported when they are effective. The article also argues that Shambaugh’s analysis is too simplistic, in that

he sees only four choices for the CCP ahead: hard authoritarianism, soft authoritarianism, neo-totalitarianism,

and semi-democracy. The author instead believes that China should continue to muddle through, without a

need to make either-or choices. Finally, the author laments that China-watchers regularly speak of “collapse”

when discussing the challenges facing China, but use other terms such as “stagnation” or “decline” when

discussing challenges facing the West. Use of the term “authoritarianism” is said to be contrary to current

trends in China, which point to greater openness and responsiveness from the Chinese government. The author

cites the quick removal of the poorly designed stock market circuit breaker as well as increasing National

People’s Congress scrutiny of the government as the “reverse of authoritarianism.”

China Repatriates Taiwan Fraud Suspects Because of Taiwan’s Weak Law Enforcement China Peace

4.14: In the context of Kenya’s deportation of a group of Taiwanese telecommunications fraud suspects to

China, an article on the CCP Central Committee Commission of Politics and Law website explained that

Taiwan’s efforts to address the longstanding problem have not been sufficient. The piece states that every

year, RMB10 billion are transferred by such fraudsters from China to Taiwan. It is difficult to recover these

lost funds because Taiwan’s fight against telecommunications fraud is weak, which in turn encourages

criminals to increase their activities, states the article. A scholar from China University of Political Science

and Law explained that Taiwan lacks special criminal laws to counter telecommunications fraud. Another

scholar from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences explained that China used to transfer such suspects to

Taiwan, but because they were only lightly punished or even released, they would become repeat offenders.

Similar future versions of this scenario seem possible as Beijing seeks leverage over an incoming, less-

accommodating Democratic Progressive Party presidential administration in Taiwan. Officials from Taiwan

will travel to China to discuss the current situation the week of 18 April.

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

INTERNATIONAL LIAISON WORK Meetings: 11 April-17 April 2016

4.12: International Department Minister Song Tao (宋涛) met Datuk Seri Adnan bin Mansor, Secretary-

General of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) and Malaysian Minister of the Federal

Territories at the UMNO headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. Both sides expressed their high regard for close

party-party relations and the desire to strengthen communication channels and deepen educational exchanges

between between China and Malaysia.

4.12: International Department Vice Minister Guo Yezhou (郭业洲) met a delegation led by Spanish State

Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ibanez Ignacio Rubio in Beijing. Guo stated his interest in

expanding channels of communication between the CCP and political parties in Spain to promote bilateral

relations, and Ibanez reiterated his desire to further cooperation with China in the European Union.

4.12: International Department Minister Song Tao met Malaysian Prime Minister and President of the United

Malays National Organisation (UMNO) Najib Razak in Kuala Lumpur. Both sides stated the importance of

promoting friendly cooperation in order to further develop bilateral relations.

4.12: CCP Politburo member and Chongqing Party Committee Secretary Sun Zhengcai (孙政才) met with

Argentine President Mauricio Macri in Buenos Aires. Sun praised the important consensus that Xi Jinping

and Macri reached regarding investment contracts in areas such as hydroelectric and nuclear power on 1 April

during the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit. Macri reinforced the importance of developing a strategic

partnership with China and expressed his desire to cooperate with China in the infrastructural development,

commerce, and cultural arenas.

4.12: International Department Minister Song Tao met Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, Vice President

of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) and Malaysian Minister of Defence in Kuala

Lumpur. Song hoped for both sides to address sensitive issues and strengthen their strategic partnership

through enhanced communication channels between both parties. Hishammuddin expressed agreement and

emphasized that China and Malaysia are at the apex of their relations. Hishammuddin stated that Malaysia not

only regarded China as a friend, but also as family.

4.13: International Department Minister Song Tao met Minister of Transport and President of the Malaysian

Chinese Association (MCA) Liow Tiong Lai in Kuala Lumpur. Song praised rapid developments in bilateral

cooperation under China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and complimented the MCA for its work in

facilitating friendly cooperation between China and Malaysia. Liow stressed MCA’s support for China’s

“One Belt, One Road” and wished for greater cooperation through party-to-party channels.

4.13: International Department Minister Song Tao met Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Jakarta. Song

stated that because China and Indonesia are both developing countries, strong bilateral relations are crucial to

the furthering of mutual interests and regional stability. Widodo agreed with Song’s remarks and reiterated

the importance of fostering mutual win-win relation relations with China through bolstering channels of


4.14: International Department Minister Song Tao met Megawati Sukarnoputri, leader of the Indonesian

Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and former Indonesian President, in Jakarta. Song stated that China-

Indonesian relations are in a period of rapid development, and that both sides should take the opportunity to

advance means of cooperation and strategic coordination for their growing strategic partnership. Megawati

vowed to uphold the ideals of her father, former Indonesian President Sukarno, in pushing stronger party-to-

party relations and promoting the strategic partnership.

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4.14: International Department Minister Song Tao met Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, chairman of Indonesia’s

Democratic Party and former Indonesian President, in Jakarta. Both sides emphasized that deepening strategic

cooperation between the CCP and Democratic Party of Indonesia would bring mutual gains, contribute to

regional stability, and deepen the China-Indonesian friendship.

4.14: International Department Minister Song Tao met Chairman of the Great Indonesia Movement Party

Prabowo Subianto in Jakarta. Both sides acknowledged the importance of party-to-party, high-level, and

educational exchanges in maintaining the healthy development of China-Indonesian bilateral relations.

4.14: International Department Vice Minister Zhou Li (周立) met Andrei Klimov, chairman of the United

Russia Party Supreme Council and vice chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Affairs

and Regional Policies. Both sides exchanged remarks on party-to-party relations and standardizing

communication channels and bilateral exchanges.

4.14: CCP Politburo Member and Beijing Party Secretary Guo Jinlong (郭金龙) met Secretary General of

Portugal’s Social Democratic Party José Matos Rosa in Beijing. Both sides emphasized the importance of

party-to-party exchanges, and Rosa communicated his desire to deepen cooperation with China on the

political, economic, cultural, education, and tourism fronts.

4.15: International Department Minister Song Tao met People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of

Indonesia (MPR-RI) politicians in Jakarta. Both sides expressed the desire to deepen relations between the

CCP and Indonesia’s political parties and their role in facilitating mutual trust and friendship between the two


4.15: International Department Vice Minister Chen Fengxiang (陈风翔) met a delegation from Portugal’s

Social Democratic Party led by Secretary-General José Matos Rosa in Beijing. Chen praised the close bilateral

and party-party relations between China and Portugal, and both sides reiterated the importance of developing

close ties between the two parties to improve the bilateral relationship.

4.15: International Department Vice Minister Guo Yezhou (郭业洲) met a delegation from Namibia’s South

West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO) led by Nangolo Mbumba. Guo complimented the close

relationship between the CCP and SWAPO, and pledged to work together toward improving bilateral

relations. Mbumba highly praised the CCP’s work in poverty alleviation and infrastructural construction and

wished to strengthen party-to-party exchanges on various fronts.

4.15: International Department Vice Minister Liu Hongcai (刘洪才) and Assistant Minister Li Jun (李军)

met a political activist delegation from the Social Democratic Party of Japan (SDPJ) and a China-Japan tree

planting delegation for friendly relations in the 21st century. Liu acknowledged Japan’s intentions for friendly

relations with China, especially in times of difficulty for Japan-China relations.

4.15: International Department Vice Minister Zhou Li met Zdeněk Škromach, Vice President of the Senate

of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, in Beijing. Both sides highly regarded President Xi Jinping’s state

visit to the Czech Republic on 28 March and pledged to strengthen channels of cooperation to implement the

agreements set forth by Xi’s meeting with Czech President Milos Zeman.

4.15: International Department Vice Minister Zhou Li met Jan Kohout, Foreign Policy Advisor to Czech

President Milos Zeman in Beijing. Both sides commented on the historic importance of President Xi Jinping’s

state visit to the Czech Republic and stressed their commitment to deepen and expand the bilateral strategic


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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

4.15: Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Vice Chairman

Wang Zhengwei (王正伟) met a delegation from the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in

Beijing. Both sides exchanged remarks on party-to-party relations and exchange.


Cadre Appointments: 11 April-17 April 2016

Dai Dongchang

4.11: Dai Dongchang (戴东昌) was confirmed to be the new Ministry of Transport vice minister. He was

previously a member of the Ministry of Transport leading Party group, and Department of Planning director.

Liu Weiping

4.11: Liu Weiping (刘伟平) was confirmed to be a new Chinese Academy of Sciences ministerial-level vice

president. He was previously the CCP provincial committee deputy secretary and governor for Gansu Province.

Xiang Libin

4.11: Xiang Libin (相里斌) was confirmed to be a new Chinese Academy of Sciences vice president. He

was previously the Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites (SECM) director.

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Copyright © 2016 Party Watch by David Gitter, All rights reserved.

Wang Jingqing

4.11: Wang Jingqing (王京清) was confirmed to be a new Chinese Academy of Sciences ministerial-level

vice president. He was previously the CCP Central Committee Organization Department deputy head.

Li Changping

4.12: Li Changping (李昌平) was confirmed to be the new State Ethnic Affairs Commission deputy director.

He was previously a member of the Standing Committee of the CCP Provincial Committee in Sichuan


Zhao Yingmin

4.14: Zhao Yingmin (赵英民) was confirmed to be the new Ministry of Environmental Protection vice

minister. He was previously the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s chief engineer.

For questions regarding Party Watch, please contact David Gitter at: [email protected]