pasha division

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  • 8/13/2019 Pasha Division


    In summer of 1673 sultan Mehmed IV appointed Hussein Pasha, the beylerbey of Sylistriaas the serdar (that is the commander in chief of the army) on the Polish front. As the Turksdid not plan any offensive operations Hussein Pasha was to focus on defense of the lands co-nquered in 1672, in particular the fortress Kamenets. At the turn of July and August 1673 unitsfrom the European provinces were moved to Khotyn (Chocim), while at same time Kamenetswas garrisoned by a strong force. The Turks did not expect any offensive actions on part ofPoland, in addition many of the beylerbeys did not want to take part in any campaigns cla-iming that they already fought in the previous year. Depending on the sources it is estimatedthat Hussein Pasha gathered between 16 and 60 000 soldiers at Khotyn (Chocim) however30 000 Turks, supported by 8 000 Moldavians and Wallachians (who changed sides duringthe battle) and up to 30 guns seems closest to the truth. The serdar commanded troops fromhis own province that numbered about 10 000 men, in addition he was accompanied by Sule-iman Pasha with Bosnian forces (about 6000 men); Seidogli, the pasha of Soa, leading theRumelian forces (depending on the source from 10 to 20 000 men) ands Zagardji Pasha with20 janissary ortas (from 5000 to 8000 men).

    Hussein Pasha, beylerbey of Sylistria, serdar of the Turkish army during the Khotyn (Cho-cim) campaign of 1673. Facing the numerical advantage of the Polish-Lithuanian army he de-cided to ght a defensive battle from a fortied camp. He managed to reorganize the remnantsof the defeated corps and he led it throughout 1674 during further campaigns against Poland.

    The Division of Hussein Pashaat Khotyn (Chocim) Autumn 1673

    Micha Kadrinazi Paradowski, Rafa Szwelicki

    Hussein Pasha

    Formation Move Armor Morale Skill Close Combat Shooting Weapon Effectiveness Range Special Rules

    Hussein /+ Hand weapon CC Commander Djerid Scarce Ammunition Shield CC


    . Command Points: . Cost:

  • 8/13/2019 Pasha Division


    Special rulesCautiousAll the regiments, independent units and artillery in the division of Hussein Pasha start thebattle with Defense Order/Instruction in the 1st turn (if the scenario allows it). Issuing of aDefense Order/Instruction costs Hussein Pasha 1 Command Point less (but not less than 1point). The issue of a Charge Order/Instruction costs him 2 Command Points plus any modi-cations.

    EngineerBefore the battle, if he is the Defender he may place 2 stands of eld fortications for eachCommand Point spent. Those Command Points cannot be then used in 1st turn of the battle.

    Excellent Commander [feudal sipahi]Each turn he receives an additional Command Point that may be spent on issuing an Order to feudal sipahi units or be transferred to a commander of a regiment that contains at least 50%feudal sipahi bases.

    Divisional Special Rules(on the basis of a 1648-1676 European province army)

    The Mountains and Valleys were Full of Them(The Rulebook, page 354)

    The Faithful in Their Trenches(The Rulebook, page 354)

    The Spirits were High(The Rulebook, page 355)

    Veterans of Many BattlesMany soldiers of the Turkish army were veterans of operations in Crete, the war with Austriain 1663 as well as ghts against Poles in 1672. Treat units with this rule as having Skill:5 inClose Combat. The cost of the division is increased by 1 FSP (regardless of the number of re-

    giments with this rule).

  • 8/13/2019 Pasha Division



    Dywizja Husseina Paszy pod Chocimiem jesien 1673 rokuSpecial rules:

    "T M i V F T ", "T Fi i T i T ","T S i i Hi ", "V M B "

    + FSP for each light cannon.+ FSP for each medium cannon.

    N O T E S :

    [Provincial forces from European Provinces( - )] commanded by Aga with

    Command , force must include unitsfrom all levels including FSP: .

    Maximum cemaats of gonullu or besli haveVeterans of Many Battles Special Rule. You cannoteld more gonullu cemaats with this Special Rulethan those without it (same with besli cemaats).

    You can only use Veterans of Many Battles SpecialRule if force have no more than segban or azab


    [Feudal Sipahi Sanjak from EuropeanProvinces ( - )] under the

    command of Seidogli, the pasha ofSoa (can have Command ).Minimum level of this sanjak is FSP: .

    Sipahi cannot use lances but up tohalf of sipahi a las have Veterans of

    Many BattlesSpecial Rule.

    Led by Zagardji Pasha(Aga, can have Command ). Regimentmust be used with all mandatory (black) units

    including FSP: level. All additional optionsand elite janissaries are available.

    [Feudal Sipahi Sanjak from European Provinces( - )] remaining troops from Hussein Pashas

    province, led by Aga with Command(cannot be upgraded). Maximum

    sipahi alas have Veterans of Many BattlesSpecial Rule.

    [Feudal Sipahi Sanjak from European Provinces( - )] under the command of Sanjakney Suleyman (Agawith Command ). Deployed as Bosnian regiment, allalas must have lances. Maximum sipahi alas have Veterans

    of Many Battles Special Rule.