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Page 1 Page 2 Susan Barrie Passion heart Legacy of Love In the Romanian Teodor Atanasiu Collection "He and She" - 26 - Bucharest, 1993 Page 3 CHAPTER I When it came time for Virginia to say goodbye to Lisa, the great hall of the clinic, managed, not without difficulty, to look cheerful. Lisa looked so fragile! You'd think a trip fatigue further weakened. Never her dark eyes had seemed not so huge in her face pale. However, the contoured lip will indicate intact. With heartedly, Virginia warmly promised: - I'll see you tomorrow and get you and some newspapers and books to read. I have an appointment with Dr. Hanson and I think I will let you see in the afternoon. - Wonderful birthday dinner tonight. Put on your blue dress when down at the table, said Lisa smile. Virginia made an effort to reply and she with a smile. - I'm so tired that I will ask you to bring food in room; how about you, I hope you'll eat whatever you shall receive. Night good, Lisa. He went out and took a taxi back to the hotel to Milan. Admirable located hotel overlooking Lake had the sun in Twilight began to cover it flashes gold. Night of Spring water surface was pleasant and had no crease. Virginia was installed on the small balcony of her room to admire better landscape: - What difference before the house of Cromwell Road, in London. When Virginia and her sister Lisa left the airport in London, cold rain fall and spring seemed quite distant. But here, on the shores of the lake Swiss already exploding everywhere. How wonderful to be this summer blooming decor, quiet lake and mountains their snowy peaks! Page 4 Virginia and raised his eyes to the clear sky full of stars and fingers

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Page 1: Passion Hert

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Susan Barrie

Passion heart Legacy of Love

In the Romanian Teodor Atanasiu

Collection "He and She"

- 26 -

Bucharest, 1993

Page 3

CHAPTER I When it came time for Virginia to say goodbye to Lisa,

the great hall of the clinic, managed, not without difficulty, to look cheerful.

Lisa looked so fragile! You'd think a trip fatigue

further weakened. Never her dark eyes had seemed not so

huge in her face pale. However, the contoured lip

will indicate intact.

With heartedly, Virginia warmly promised:

- I'll see you tomorrow and get you and some newspapers and books to read.

I have an appointment with Dr. Hanson and I think I will let you see

in the afternoon.

- Wonderful birthday dinner tonight. Put on your blue dress when

down at the table, said Lisa smile.

Virginia made an effort to reply and she with a smile.

- I'm so tired that I will ask you to bring food in

room; how about you, I hope you'll eat whatever you shall receive. Night

good, Lisa.

He went out and took a taxi back to the hotel to Milan.

Admirable located hotel overlooking Lake had the sun in

Twilight began to cover it flashes gold. Night of Spring

water surface was pleasant and had no crease. Virginia was

installed on the small balcony of her room to admire better


- What difference before the house of Cromwell Road, in


When Virginia and her sister Lisa left the airport in London,

cold rain fall and spring seemed quite distant. But here,

on the shores of the lake Swiss already exploding everywhere. How wonderful

to be this summer blooming decor, quiet lake and mountains

their snowy peaks!

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Virginia and raised his eyes to the clear sky full of stars and fingers

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i have been tense on the balcony. Mr. Dea succeed

Lisa operation! ...

He was required to come up in Switzerland to find a surgeon

to give hope Lisa! Virginia was supposed to meet with him

next morning at eleven o'clock; undoubtedly will see

Lisa before.

If the operation fails, Lisa will never ever play the piano

that the accident was silent for ten months ago and she will

continue to lead this life half dead person,

producing large family concerns.

For Lisa, the music was not only a serious, but was

simply her life. At fifteen, had decided to become

concert pianist and twenty projects they were engaged

firm in this field. Lisa's parents recognize in it a genius

musical? and they really have not done everything for its success? Were convinced

Lisa Holt name will become famous. The first recital of his daughter,

immediate reward for their years of sacrifice and work,

star rising young artist, bright, charming, on

firmament artists. Lisa was brilliant, remarkable. And fully


By evening when a taxi going home, Cromwell Road,

was crushed in a car accident.

When he knew that Lisa will live, but everyone wondered what

state ... He returned slowly became accustomed again to use

members, except the right hand, which remained paralyzed.

Constitute a tragedy for an artist like Lisa, consumed by ambition


Then came a succession desperate, all treatments

being tried in vain possible. To live thus for Lisa

mean not to live at all.

Her eyes so big on her face little, lost their shine.

Grace seemed to have left that body and her smile was full of

bitterness. Would be left over to death if one day, not a specialist

I would be talking about a large Swiss surgeon, capable of rendering life and

supple fingers her property.

Page 5

Virginia has developed sad thoughts and went on the balcony

to get dressed before going down to dinner. Though tired,

suffered too much from solitude to dine alone in the room.

To please her Lisa dressed beautiful blue dress, her only

held that knew him very well come.

Four years older than her sister, Virginia does not resemble at all.

Gray eyes and charming features of physiognomy wore

seal meekness. Her skin was the color of pastel flowers and apple

brown hair seemed dusted with gold.

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The nose does not have the same classic design as a mouthful of Lisa and not

be marked by firm determination.

Virginia could not meet all the tests they

Lisa suffered to achieve its ambition. In fact, it was not

ambitious. But exceed twenty-five years and wondered sometimes

which would be her future ...

Although Lisa was sick, she had all the details

their voyage, the first two sisters who take it without

their parents.

Expedition asked him pecuniary seriously on poor Mr Holt. May

especially that Lisa does not receive welfare abroad. And Virginia

given up her job as a secretary in addition to a notary, to accompany

the sick. To which are added and subsistence expenses. Or, Lisa

insisted that her sister to take at least a few days, the luxury of a

great hotel. Later, they will have to seek a more modest.

In addition, the family were still two brothers, who are not finished

further studies.

But all would have made any sacrifice to give Lisa a chance to

resume interrupted career.

When Virginia fell in bright lit hallway, felt

slightly shifted in the midst of crowds that thronged elegant

there, although they were out of season.

The room sat her to a table sheltered by a glance

large green plant with large leaves.

The young girl tried to use several notions of French

School to order menu, but the waiter replied smiling

Page 6

in a perfect English, which made it fast to feel


In this way, Virginia can leisurely to observe others

people without being seen. He noticed so close to a table,

two pairs that seemed very important that after consideration

manifests staff. One woman, a charming creature,

very elegant and full of sex appeal, her companion address

much charm and bright smiles. Beautiful blond hair was twisted

thick tails, which crowned head. The man, who bowed courteously

for she was dressed in a sober elegance and perfect. Virginia has

admired profile medal with a straight nose, fleshy lips and chin

authoritative. With them there was a little older couple whose

appearance was as refined.

According to Virginia, it was accompanied by some fiancés

parents of one of them. Arose from the battery with a bottle of ice


Celebrate it really Engagement?

Once it had finished eating, Virginia stood up, determined to

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star only half an hour in the lounge before going up to bed.

When approaching the door, just arrived from the opposite

two young blonde with dash of mountain people who, without noticing it,

pushed the suddenness side door. Virginia was hit violently

forehead and swayed while it seemed that all the room lights is

revolved around.

The two culprits were out an exclamation of dismay and were

she threw her support.

- Oh, miss, delivered one of them, excuse us. You hit


- No, no, I'm all dizzy. Virginia tried to smile

to rest, although he felt horrible. Completely pale, clung

desperately door handle.

One young man was getting ready to offer his arm to lead it

the salon when he was firmly pushed aside the stranger that

Virginia noticed it at the next table with her. Taking a class, the

led her to a chair, where she sat immediately. He considered it a

Now, before you speak in perfect English.

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- Do not be anxious, said seriously.

He grabbed his wrists and felt vigorous

immediately better. Curiously, the lights have stopped to play in

sight. And cheeks regained their color, while mumbled:

- It was my fault. I ... ought to look forward.

The young ones are not guilty of anything, really.

The latter, who just came near her, overwhelmed her with

apology in a language that mixes English with German. From

again. unknown seducer them away with a firm gesture, while

a busboy brought a glass which he had ordered. I stretched

Virginia, which had instinctively recoil movement.

- Drink, you will do well! he directed him in a tone that did not admit


She listened and was close to drown needles. Alcohol was a very

hard. But it felt comforting place.

Meanwhile, the man continues to deal with it and fingering

light of his skull table, looking for a bump under her curls

silky. He looked surâzându them.

- I think you will hurt less, for several days. I'll give you a

ointment to relieve your pain. Now would be appropriate to get in


- Yes, indeed, admitted Virginia.

- You'll feel better in the morning.

- I Hope!

- I'm sure you already started to feel better, right?

Tried a strange emotion in his eyes penetrating and

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response, murmuring:

- Yes, much better.

Doubtless he found his answers brief and slightly silly,

but was still under the impact of that accident, added

road fatigue and emotions of the day, leave a little disconcerted.

- If you want, I can take you up to your room

proposed to him that seeing her hesitate.

- No thanks. I'm going alone.

I do not know how to thank him for attentions to her.

Probably was a doctor ... stay deep in thought, when,

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preceded by a particular scent, superb approached Unknown


- Can I help you? The patient should care your advantage as you.

Francis? she inquired in a tone of gentle.

Virginia looked up and met blue eyes

extraordinarily brilliant of that woman, whose beauty a


- Thank you ... spoke face. I feel better already. N / A

was only a little accident. You better take me to


The man went away and helped her up. It is also

knees shook and trembled a little. He supported it when

took a few steps, under the irony of the other women, who

nevertheless recommends a gentle voice:

Do not delay too long, Francis. Do not forget that we expect

Von Loon family. And as you are not any good ...

- Okay, thank you, Carla replied the man over his shoulder.

Virginia turned to him and tried to shy to express


- You were very kind ...

- With pleasure, it was very natural.

Elevator door closed between them.

Arriving in her room on the third floor, Virginia felt suddenly

burden of fatigue. Suddenly, it started just awful head. Her

naked, not without difficulty and allowed to fall into bed with a sigh of

relief. It was so comfortable seated, that he fell asleep immediately, without

to think about even to extinguish the light.

Page 9

CHAPTER II Virginia remained very annoyed when he woke up very late to

next morning. Pressed by hour meeting with Dr. Hanson,

not even had time to drink a cup of coffee. Of course, even

least, to the many shopping promised Lisa.

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Sitting in the waiting room, admired ornaments sober: the walls

whites were adorned with beautiful watercolors and a splendid vessel Delft

overthrow an old oak furniture.

When he entered the office of doctor consultations remained

nailed site astonishment recognized the one who does so

attentive to her the night before.

He smiled to her astonishment.

- Please sit down, Miss Holt. What do you head

this morning? he inquired pleasantly.

- Oh, better, much better!

He passed his hand through his hair and added:

- Bump still hurts, but I slept so well that no

I give much importance.

- That's perfect. You've had a shock, but I said then that will be

well today!

Take a look of admiration.

She wore a costume and a yellowish white blouse. The sun, which penetrated

plenty of room, as in her hair and golden reflections thousand

Her skin seemed fresher daylight.

- Wondering if I knew who you last night, right? further

him. Well, I did not know, but I informed the reception.

He handed a silver cigarette lighter and lit cigarettes. She

caught a glint of amusement in his dark eyes. He resumed:

- It seems that you are younger than your sister,

Miss Holt.

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- No, it is more than four years. But Lisa take life so

of the accident seriously and lost enjoyment of life, so it seems


In fact, Virginia hurry to talk to her youngest

surgeon and his heart was beating his chest to break the pending verdict

s. He dared to ask him, but anxiety is reading the chip.

Aware of her expectation, Dr. Hanson has taken a serious figure

and, from the desk eyes began involuntarily play pen.

Virginia has noted beautiful hands, with fingers extended, in which

emit an aura of strength and skill.

He was the one who committed the conversation on the subject


- If I understand correctly, your sister ambition is to

become a concert pianist?

- It was her goal, actually ... before ... Dr. Hanson raised

head and looked deep into her eyes.

- Where will be able to realize this project,

you think would refuse to consider any other profession, which will

miss music? She is young: might think to get married ...

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- I doubt that Lisa could think of nothing but the profession

Her pianist.

- For Real? Ambition is a general feature of family?

- No, of course not!

Under the astute eye doctor. Virginia blushed


- We have tremendous anyone in the family, she explained

rush. That must be why we are so

Lisa proud ... very proud!

She begged eyes before continuing.

- Doctor, there is the slightest hope that it concerns? There Are

Opportunities to restart one day to play the piano, if you decide it


- Miss, I'll be honest with you. I'm sure

I might be able to restore your sister quasi labor mobility

straight. As far as I'm concerned, uncertainty and risks

failure are minimal. But it is another matter to know whether,

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Once in possession of physical capacity, will become a great artist. It will be

able to sing again, that's our only certainty. Maybe

to become an excellent music teacher. But of course, not

dreaming that she or her family.

With heartedly, Virginia had to admit that ambition Lisa

is placed at a higher level. He tried to describe surgeon

so intransigent nature of her music: the indomitable nature,

a frail body, able to deceive her first view of reality


Dr. Hanson listened carefully but do not express image

revealed none of his feelings. During his career,

reflected Virginia, shall be dealt with more cases

tragic as that of Lisa, in reality, it remained only a

disability small her accident, even if I blow life's ambition.

However, compared harbored a secret hope that the doctor will be moved

Youth patient and would admire her courage exceptional.

Lisa teacher of music, when all her family and her

delirious enthusiasm aroused strong imagine the lovers ... not!

With a low voice, asked the surgeon:

- And your hope is limited to that?

- Not at all! We could go much further. But

I wanted to present you a realistic picture of the situation. Worst

case, your sister will regain use of hand and arm

straight. Currently virtually paralyzed. A normal use. In

At best, he will recover full use of the fingers, which

which will allow you to resume interrupted artistic activity, with price

numerous flexibility exercises, of course.

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- Oh! exclaimed Virginia, glowing eyes, unable to May

say something else.

He was quick to temper enthusiasm.

- But I must add - and it is imperative - it must

first acquire a modicum of calm. For now, it's

taut as a violin string. You'll have to keep in clinical one, two

weeks time to assess the effect it will produce

on her physical rest, if not morally perfect. In addition, the

above, the air here will do just fine.

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Virginia remained a moment appalled. How many charges were waiting for them in

perspective! Everyone had said that stay home in Switzerland will be

short ...

Dr. Hanson a review with the frankness that embarrassment and a

disturbing at the same time.

Not too love to meet them look in both feared it would

able to read his thoughts.

- I assume you will stay beside her? he inquired.

- Of course! I promised it and, moreover, I would not be able

supports the idea to leave.

- Then stay in your hotel room?

He raised his head, wanting to deny.

- It's too expensive. You will have to look for a modest maj.

- I Get It.

He remained thoughtful for a moment, then turned his back

honest look at her.

- In this case, I can help you ... if you want, of course.

- I should be grateful because I know no one here

nor speak.

- I am sure you will do well with French that you

learned at school. Everything will get better, you'll see. Now. if

you'll excuse me, I have a very busy morning. However,

I will accompany you to the hotel, if I may.

Before leaving good, recommended him to her sister's morale

and to convince the success of the operation.

In the afternoon, Virginia ran to visit Lisa. How to

saw her, he found a glimmer of fear in her eyes.

- Well, you met Dr. Hanson? And what did he say? to

Lisa asked her immediately.

Older sister hastened to reassure her.

- All is well, Lisa, and is convinced that he will succeed. But on one condition

very important: it is essential to relax, to relieve

anxiety. It's your only way - indispensable - to help.

Otherwise, he can not take anything.

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Speaking, Virginia contemplate a landscape admirable charm at

Like the day before. However, a low haze covered the surface of the lake and

the sun seemed to shine through a fluid easy. The sky of a

pale blue and quiet, few clouds floating shy.

Lisa had taken a meditative air.

- Yes, Dr. Hanson gave me the same advice. But

Instead I examine my merits glorified his country, which seems

to love greatly. He described the spring and summer here, which is

seem to be delightful. In addition, we found very sure of himself, the


- It is essential to create trust of his patients.

- Indeed. We put so much hope in it ... Seeing Lisa that

is posomorăşte, Virginia decided to change the subject.

- In any case, you already have a mine better and less rosy cheeks.

- Obviously! I was installed on the sun lounger terrace and air

is so strong that it would be surprising not to color my face a little.

But Virginia, tell me, Dr. Hanson has said anything?

The latter was lying in the sun, before responding to a

casual tone:

- No, nothing important. It is sure to succeed, provided that you let it

help to forget worries and to make the most of the weeks that

you will spend here.

- Weeks! It's impossible!

- Oh, two or three at the most. And you have the chance to find yourself in a place


- What about you? You will not be able to stay at the same hotel. Reckoned to

are no more than fifteen days!

- Do not worry! I'm trying to accommodate more modest, perhaps in

a Swiss family pension. In any case would be cheaper and more

agreeable to me than the hotel.

- My poor Virginia! was touched her sister. I'm afraid you

terribly bored! At least, the hotel people moving. There are a

woman to isolate yourself in a squalid room.

- Why? I think so shy? Or timorous?

- No, but ... you are so feminine and beautiful!

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- Do not be silly, you know very well that they are far from being


- On the contrary, you look like a heroine of the novel, awaiting


- Virginia laughed.

- The wait is likely to continue! I found another soul

according ... In any case, do not worry about me for the period

immediate that are still luxurious, where life seems full of

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sights and fascinating people. Now leave you to rest. Take advantage and

read books which I have brought: Swiss fairy tales, translated

in English, of course, and several magazines. That will occupy you until

I will come again to see you, that tomorrow afternoon.

With these words, Virginia kissed her love and her sister

left a strong heart.

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CHAPTER III Two days later, Dr. Hanson phoned in Virginia

hotel pray for it to receive at teatime.

When presented as impeccably dressed, she was waiting for him in

salon. His tanned skin reveals his intense brightness


Exit to shop in the morning, left Virginia

tempted by a beautiful embroidered lace bodice so typical old

costumes in the region and remained still popular. Of course found

frighteningly expensive, but he felt so well and fit

pleated skirt perfectly fine and pastel blue wool vest small. In addition,

after a meeting at the hairdresser, her brown hair shone like silk.

Virginia ordered tea without being sure that this rite British

Dr. Hanson was part of habits - and waited for him to

explain the purpose of his visit. After watching it carefully a moment

long, in silence, he referred to it:

- Here, I inquired to find a place to live and

you're comfortable with.

He seemed to regard as something natural for her to accept his decision

and continued without interruption:

- I think there you will feel better. Moreover, sister

you will be relieved to know you comfortably installed.

Virginia remained prohibited. Why is this man so handle it?

Do not enter the duties of the physician to help the young girl mode


He remained silent and was pleased to offer him a cigarette and


- My aunt will be delighted to welcome you, he resumed in the

the latter. Her house is far too large for her alone and suffering

sometimes loneliness: you know, does not receive as before! He liked

always to be surrounded by young, that you will do a service

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to hold fellowship until you return to England with sister


Virginia could not believe their ears and he could only


- Oh! But ... I could not abusing such kindness ...

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And then your aunt I do not even know!

- True, but is this a reason to decline the invitation?

I have said will be delighted to receive you, but only if you have no other

projects ...

- No, I have nothing planned.

- Then maybe you have no objection to the idea of staying at

this old?

- Of course not! I am so touched ... but finally, not

understand ... How can I accept an offer so generous

from a stranger? she murmured, red of embarrassment.

He looked at her with an air of amused and said smilingly:

- Obviously your English, you have an absolute need for

freedom. This would imply even leave here alone sister

you, who have otherwise required the presence and encouragement of

Your ...

Virginia cheeks were empurple for good. Was forced to

slow response:

- Oh, you're wrong, I assure you! I would do anything to stay near Lisa.

But I'm surprised your offer seriously ...

- Good, because you've recovered from the shock, you're ready to consider

this solution?

His voice and his dark eyes sparkled sweetening of malice.

- So, he continued, what do you say to a visiting aunt

My? We know how to convince you better than me.

Virginia had the impression that he gently mocked her, but as

the tool firmly, and he could only do it the same. In spite of

his polite manners, he felt the implacable will and guess

that a confrontation with him would inevitably fail.

- I feel embarrassed that grab all the time, you are so

busy, she protested weakly.

- Not At All. It happens that I am free now, so hurry.

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He went before them when they crossed the room and foyer, full of

world at the time. When they reached a long black limousine, take

open door with haberdashery.

Virginia was immediately captivated by the beauty of the landscape. It was time

when the snow covered peaks of the mountains were growing gold sparkles that

reflected in the still waters of the lake, there were gardens villas

flowers in abundance. Ground floors and overflowing bougainvillaea bushes

violet, lilac white, clematite large, purple and pink. On the slopes

orchards stretching peaks flowers adorned the crowd.

- Do you like it here? suddenly asked her doctor Hanson on

they went in silence for several minutes.

- Oh yes! Almost too beautiful! Everything looks spotless. You'd

the shops and houses are washed every morning dew

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miraculous. I suppose its clean air acts.

- It's the first visit you make to Switzerland?

- Yes, our family is customary not to travel too.

Of course because I have never ordered material resources.

- I understand you are a very united family.

He paused a moment to allow him to admire one of the most

beautiful lakeside villas, surrounded by a garden of dreams,

who descended in a gentle slope to a small pier where a boat

Dangle the transparent water.

- The Van Loon family home, he explained, starting in May

Further, incantatory my American friends.

A little later, Aunt Dr. Hanson, the Ravaz Helo, I

expect in a salon which took eyes Virginia by refined luxury

furniture. The old lady there with the majesty of trona

Duchess authentic. Her face was haloed with a few wrinkles and white hair.

Adorned with jewels and pearl necklaces, wearing a sumptuous gown

velvet and seemed to receive the most important of visits.

- Welcome, dear Virginia! she exclaimed, extending his hand,

free to stand up and not let go of her ebony cane.

Virginia would find out later that he had harrowing crisis

rheumatism, which neither her nephew could not assuage them.

Tackle a radiant appearance and addressed her in a tone Virginia


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- I am very happy that Francis managed to convince you! Hope

you brought luggage, my dear child. Needless to you

back to the hotel.

Virginia glanced furtively doctor and saw a smile

Ironically forming on his lips. He kindly sent

old lady:

- First, Aunt Heloise, you'll have to convince

Miss Holt it really welcome here and you do not

mind in the least. You know, it's very indenpedentă, all

Britons. You will need to consider ...

- Oh, never mind! I'll see you later.

He examined her with an approving glance Virginia and exclaimed:

- What beautiful hair you, my child! It reminds me much of my

once ... when there was still white.

He pulled a long silk cord, hidden beside her.

- I drink tea and sit a little talk, that we

know better. Francis will be free and will lead to his patients

or will do what you want, just leave us alone.

The surgeon smiled indulgently, revealing and beautiful teeth

looked at her aunt's with a visible condition.

- It's good, accept to be sent to mine without protest. You

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point out, however, that Miss Holt has already taken tea in the afternoon

that. However, from what it seems, the English are very


- To send your luggage here, Miss Holt? If you want, I

deal and the hotel bill and then adjust between us later.

Virginia immediately accepted as having to accept the invitation

so kind of old lady. Really could not leave

asked too much, lest it seem rude.

After listening to the girl shy muttering several

words of thanks, Aunt Heloise turned to her nephew and

exclaimed with a triumphant air:

- See, Francis I succeeded easier for you!

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a car that was

stopped right in front of terrace windows that opened to show. One

young woman, very elegant, fell immediately.

Page 19

- Look, Carla arrived that comes to say goodbye, announced

Aunt Heloise, returning to Virginia. Carla has a voice

wonderful, leave for Italy, where he will give a recital at La Scala. After

why spend a few days in the United States.

Virginia did not lose sight of tense and grim face of

Francis Hanson. How to change the arrival Carla! Seem

extremely annoyed.

Try some feelings for this woman? I grieve

her departure?

Page 20

CHAPTER IV Virginia did not have more than a few days to install

Mrs. Ravaz and feel good. Thanks to her taste for luxury and

comfort, old lady knew how to get perfect.

Usual family life modest apartment in London,

Virginia was suffocated by the splendor of the room was made

available. He had never seen anything so beautiful. No more

satisfied on the green carpet and curtains of the same color in

silk with embroidered covering large windows. One of them

and a small balcony overlooking the garden located behind the house. A meal

lovely toiletries, a delicate birouaş a comfortable lounger:

everything was provided to make your stay enjoyable. It had thought to

and put some books on the nightstand.

On the first morning when he arose immediately appeared a servant

a tray. He sipped hot coffee with pleasure and ate warm bread

cherry jam.

Virginia was afraid that he overslept, but Fanzi, young girl

house, reassured her. Lady Ravaz always served breakfast

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room and guests do the same.

- The lady is so affected by her rheumatism, as it comes

very hard to move, she explained.

- In this case, I could help her aim: to answer letters,

to do some racing?

Fanzi laughed.

- Miss Lady will appreciate the offer of course, but I

doubt that it will accept.

Clearly, Fanzi a delightful found this young

Englishwoman, fresh and delicate as the first flowers of spring.

The maid luggage unpacked and arranged herself invitation


Page 21

When Virginia offered to help her reaction was Mrs. Ravaz

the predicted Fanzi. He refused laughing cheerful, but still made a


- Can you play chess with me every night: that I would do

pleasure! If you do not know, I'll learn. My nephew comes sometimes to

play one game with me, but always want to win, it's not funny!

The custom was quickly resumed at dusk, when the old no longer

expect anyone started to play chess with his young girlfriend in

beautiful salon furnished in Empire style. He agreed, finally,

Virginia to make some morning services: some errands,

changing books to the library and purchase of small trinkets

we loved very much. Indeed, it is adorned with bows,

lace collars. that countless jewels sparkled. When

first world, liked to dress in a black velvet dress,

which highlight the brilliance of diamonds and distinguish her hair


Among the regulars house Van Loon family include, whose villa

Dr. Hanson and garden show it on the lake. The girl

very nice found Mary Von Loon, which seemed typical

American. Her eyes expressed sometimes slightly melancholy, despite

usual good humor. Undoubtedly, suffered from loneliness, husband

them - a collector of art objects - often missing more

months to roam the world.

As Carla, Virginia has never seen it tonight when he

goodbye before leaving for Italy. He kissed Mrs.

Ravaz with a great show of affection and handed both

Dr. Hanson hands with a seductive smile. Then looked at

Virginia, with perplexity, pretending not to know. In the

After all, exclaimed:

- Oh, I remember, you are the victim of one of those gross of

Hotel Milano! You've got it under your wing, to care for, Francis?

- Not at all, my dear Carla. It happens to be the sister Lisa

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Holt, one of my patients waiting to be operated at the clinic.

Virginia does not want to leave her alone. To avoid hotel, aunt

Helo invited her to her home, excited or her company.

Carla is addressed Virginia less friendly tone.

Page 22

- You're lucky, Miss Holt, this home offers and more

comfort than Milan.

- Yes, indeed, I realized.

- Unfortunately, it's not true! immediately protested old

lady. Once, I was flattered that know how to receive. But after two

wars and some trouble, my means are limited, and I

bordering to want my guests do not want to leave me too

early ...

He addressed a delightful smile Virginia.

- How about Miss Holt, I hope to keep her for several weeks.

Carla turned, as if no subject more interesting. He picked

Dr. Hanson arm tenderly.

- Francis, my dear, tonight we drink to celebrate

leaving? I would like something grand, because I will not see weeks

whole ...

- Leaving your urges me not to have fun, he responded,

setting a hardness.

Carla look dissipated in seconds.

- Well, she insisted, will, however, have fun.

- Really? How do you support such a long absence?

She smiled indulgently, blinking genes.

- My dear, honestly prefer to suffer from my absence, you know.

The opposite I would not enjoy at all.

- And yet, you do not intend to change your projects? her

interested him, touching his cheek with a finger slightly comforting.

- No, my dear, even for you! she replied in a tone

no reply.

When they came out, Dr. Hanson took her arm to lead

car, while Virginia and Mrs. Ravaz his eyes watching

the window. The old woman sighed and said raising his head:

- Certainly are a beautiful couple, but ...

- I am engaged? the girl asked, her voice wavering.

- No, not officially, but everyone thinks this will not

delay. Are known since they were children and Francis protected it

Carla always. She adored him, but ... I do not know ... she sighed again.

Page 23

- Maybe her career artist is an impediment? suggested

gently Virginia.

- It's possible ... I suppose you eventually find a solution.

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Ms. Ravaz clearly prefer to change the subject.

- My nephew did not like at all you know one in Milan.

The idea that will stay with me reassure him fully.

- I am delighted, muttering Virginia. I do not quite understand the

what this famous surgeon, absorbed by his profession demands a

love affair that did not seem too cozy, had time to

interest in it.

Two days later, during her visit to the clinic, Virginia

found her sister in great conversation with a young unknown,

casually sitting on the balcony. The athletic wear

right arm scarf. He immediately noticed his blue eyes and hair

blond curly.

Lisa received her warmly on her older sister.

- Virginia, Clive Maddison introduce you. Clive, my sister.

- Pleased to meet you, he said in a tone helpful.

He went where he was perched on a lofty and Virginia movement not

was surprised by the strength of his hand, even if it was left. She moved

discrete fingers to ensure that no sfărâmaseră!

- And you will be treated here? she inquired with the same


- Only a few days more and then I will give way again

the cruel world.

Virginia smiled to herself. The young man was very seductive to

she reflected. He pushed a chair and perched again


- I am your sister neighbor room and our balcony

are stuck, he explained. Therefore, I thought it a good idea to

a visit.

Lisa examined him and her eyes sparkled. He turned to her.

- I was not too inconvenient, I hope, Miss Holt?

- On The Contrary. Your presence has had an effect on me

tonic. Do you sometimes feel alone here and talk to another patient's

very effective moral.

Page 24

- Clive had a skiing accident and stood immobilized in May

several weeks, she told her sister.

- Oh, I'm sorry for you! But I find it

almost restored ...

- It's true, I feel perfect. But you know how are doctors!

Unbearable, he concluded humorously.

- Remained in Switzerland or go back to England? inquired


- I have not yet decided about that. I'm thinking

hire tennis instructor at a hotel during the summer. But I do not know

if the accident will not let me sequelae. Anyway, I need

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I seriously readjust.

When a nurse brought tea on a tray, he stood up with an air

turned freely.

- Well, I did not see that cup, I'll retire.

To the great surprise of Virginia, Lisa responded warmly and

stained cheeks.

- No, do not go, please! I'm sure it can bring you a cup

and no bother Virginia.

The nurse apologized graciously, not without a glimmer ironic

glances. He did not seem at all surprised by the attitude of young beautiful.

- Thank you, Miss, we are extremely grateful.

While returning to Mrs. Ravaz, Virginia has been thinking,

deeply puzzled by the behavior of her sister. Lisa does not display

never masculine interest. And behold, I ask one

unknown to take tea with her. It seemed unbelievable.

Even though it was a very nice boy and seductive, even

if i was neighbor was, however, something extraordinary ...

Page 25

CHAPTER V The next morning, Virginia could not resist the temptation to

lead to some very elegant shopping in the

I drew all eyes. He bought a beautiful lamp for Lisa

and a few meters of material for her, which had planned to

Made a dress. Emerging from the shop at the Clive saw that

was waiting on the sidewalk.

Very relaxed in his suit of gray flannel, he smiled kindly and


- Good day! I hope you have money and kept for another time!

Amazingly, his face red and precipitated confessed:

- Swiss stores will ruin me, but I can not resist.

He looked with curiosity, before asking a ton easier:

- You released?

- In fact I'm free as a bird-flight. To celebrate my

reconquest of independence, I installed Milan.

- Not too expensive?

- Well, yes, but I hope to convince the director to hire me as

Ski instructor. Then I'll find a modest place to

beginning of the season. Now I want to ask you a favor.

He took her arm and led her to the window of a florists.

- You're going to see it on your sister today?

- Yes, I'll take anything.

- Perfect in this case it will add a small gift from


A "little gift"! He began by buying a huge bouquet

emissions exotic flowers, and fruit basket appetizing, adorned with a

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beautiful ribbon, and finally a big box of candy

Swiss chocolate, decorated with a satin ribbon enormous. After that, the

Virginia took her to a cafe-bar, installing it on the terrace.

Page 26

Outraged by his reckless spending, could not face

prevent reproach. But he was limited to listen with a flicker of

malice in his eyes. He struck a hit to say:

- When you do something, you should do well. Submit compliments

your sister and my sincere wishes for a speedy recovery and my


- Lisa will be annoyed by such extravagance.

- It's a remarkable person: so brave ... And then, guess

her vocation such intensity. I know it's equipped, he's a genius

musically. I also know that he is ready to sacrifice everything for

her dream for her searing ambition.

- That's right. That's Lisa. Na never stand half measures.

- If ... if the operation fails, how do you think will react?

- I do not want to think about such an eventuality.

- Do you truly trust the surgeon, Dr. Hanson?

Virginia reflected a moment. How to explain that Clive had

total confidence and instinctive in the surgeon you barely


But the young man already resumed:

- If I rely on my experience, I owe them around

healing surgeon, I would say that only he and no one else will

Lisa could solve it.

At that time, we both noticed the stream of cars

passing in front of a large black limousine that Virginia

recognized it immediately and slowed down in front of them. Virginia to

Dr. Hanson observed driving and addressed a small greeting

honeydew. But he sees no impression that responded.

Clive found that Virginia blushes and suggested an explanation

to reduce embarrassment.

- Dr. Hanson has sometimes moody. You can always be sure

his reactions. I guess because of his profession so difficult.

- I think it saw us.

- Really? After all, it's possible.

But in that scale, Virginia and Clive realized that she had committed a


Page 27

It was one of those rare occasions that they appreciate Heloise

Moreover, when her nephew come to accept her dinner and spend the evening.

So enjoy tête-à-tête also sites that are guarding generally

longer invite other guests. As for Virginia, it was part of

Page 19: Passion Hert

house now, and the old lady had a deep sympathy and

immediate for it.

Dr. Hanson arrived early and was alone in Virginia

room when he entered. She smiled shyly and shook his hand briefly. It Was

Her first contact with the magician and his fingers was strangely


He approached the large window which was at the same time the door,

to admire the splendor of the sun as it set over

garden. They talked about the beauty of that spring evening, but

Virginia thought he could discern a certain reserve

his attitude. Suddenly worried about Lisa asked


- I hope my sister's health condition makes you not

special concern?

- Personally, I have no reason to worry as a


Surprised by his cold tone, Virginia blushed and was silent. And

silently awaited the arrival of the host.

During dinner, the conversation covered various topics and Mrs.

The Ravcz did everything he could to participate in it and face. But

Dr. Hanson did not seek help her.

After the meal, were installed in the lounge to listen to classical music,

while Aunt Heloise embroidery work. But at some point,

head began to sway and nephew and put a pillow on your head.

After that, he returned to Virginia and fixed it with hardness.

- It's a wonderful night. Want to get some air? I would like to talk

something with you.

Virginia has agreed with a nod, with a lump in throat

emotion: have something serious to say?

Once outside, led her, holding her gently by the elbow. They crossed the lawn

and descended to a terrace which lean over the railing Lake

the reflected thousands of stars like so many diamonds. A very horn

Page 28

Fine moon shone with reflex silver suspended in the folds of the robe

blue velvet which enveloped the night. Virginia was subdued

The beauty of the landscape and perfumes they brought breeze


The waterfront was cooler and Hanson doctor advised her to

cover, but it was not cold. He walked beside him in silence, while

they climb to the waves gently lapping small, which is broken at

their feet.

Suddenly, Virginia exclaimed in a voice shaking:

- What wonderful night!

- For Real?

He paused a moment, then resumed, to the great astonishment of

Page 20: Passion Hert

his companion:

- So, so you're friends with Clive Maddison?

- But ... but how do you know?

- It's very simple. I saw you together this morning.

You seemed engaged in a very animated discussion you had a bunch

enormous knees. The young man fell in love with you already?

- But ... but I waved to say hello and you have not

response. Why? Clive and I drank coffee on the terrace. I have

met at the clinic.

- I do not doubt. And it's natural to be happy to talk to a


Stunned by his tone sharp and penetrating gaze of his eyes

black soul that seemed you observe, Virginia remained open-mouthed


A protest ended:

- You probably know better than me, because

you've treated. It was very nice with Lisa and lifted

lot morale. It's a very fun.

- Cert, very fun, I am convinced, for young people

easily impressed, and you Lisa.

She was leaning against the balustrade of stone, with an ironic smile on his lips.

Virginia silence, as he explains:

- Do not take everything I say as a point of law. He lives in Switzerland

some time, although very honorable English belongs to a family that

Page 29

does not seem to flock to recover the prodigal son. Subsists in

some expedients and due to its charm.

- It's possible, but I do not see how far we are concerned, Lisa or

me. Details are strictly private.

- Which means, no doubt, that I do not get involved in what

for, he responded, obviously annoyed. Very well! say their sport

but in reality it's unwise person who needs the existence

to everyday hazards and will not ever get used to a routine

crafts trivial.

- But I repeat that it too little for me.

- I'm not so sure. This morning, I was surprised to see you

already so good in terms of both.

- The fact of serving something on a terrace with a young man is an indication of

"Very good terms"? Incidentally, may I ask why did not you

answered hello?

- I have already explained: because it does not consider this relationship

recommended for you.

Suffocated by arrogance and authority of that man you barely

knew immediately reproached Virginia and ingratitude: not due

already so many? Install aunt's, where he was so well

Page 21: Passion Hert

received and not spent precarious economies. Thanks to him, not only

Lisa was not on her sister's tedious, but in addition find their

hope. Well, what to say, with propriety, that he had no

right over her private life? Nor was he close

got engaged?

As you would have read my mind, he went on a tone


- No need to get mad at me if your watch over,

during their stay in Switzerland. Sure, you're proud to have age

sober judgment, but I think you're still too young and without

experience. So I consider to be my duty to make you avoid


He took her arm to lead her slow steps towards the house. She

looked up to him and, in the moonlight, thought discern a glimmer

amusement in his eyes.

Page 30

- Well, if you want, he continued, not to mention the young

Maddison. I cared only to be on guard. Let us now address a

interesting topic. It's your sister. I can operate it

soon, because I appreciate that her condition has improved in several net


- A murmured Virginia, became suddenly very pale.

- Do not worry. Everything will go well, I'm sure.

He shook hands with force, to persuade and more. It

stopped at the foot of the stairs porch and watched him with Virginia

intensity large gray eyes, with an expression of curiosity. Suddenly

full of gratitude to his address, he wanted to raise again the

hand a troubled little while ago, stroking her to

first. With strong heart, and said it will break soon, that

will not be comforting presence of so strong so


He realized then that the man had fallen in love. This One

revelation struck her, and lightning.

He felt it tremble and asked her with a worried voice:

- You cold? Let's go quickly.

Aunt Heloise rested sure yet. He received


- How well you did, Francis, that you took on Virginia in the garden. E

a splendid night, but never open the windows, so me

afraid to get drafts!

Shortly thereafter, Dr. Hanson has said goodbye to the

two women and Aunt Heloise beckoned the girl to come to sit

beside her on the couch.

- So, my little one, my nephew told you your sister? You were

anxious for something?

Page 22: Passion Hert

- Oh, no, on the contrary, believes that her condition improved obviously and

that will soon operate it.

The old lady patted her on the shoulder with her fingers loaded


- In this case, you do not have to fear, because you can count on

my nephew. Your sister could not be in better hands.

Page 31

- Of course, ma'am, I'm sure. Lady Ravaz them

studied face and she found little pale and shaken. This little thing

charming Englishwoman need to have another concern

than her sister. It would be nice to find it.

Page 32

CHAPTER VI Finding Virginia's presence at her lady friends have Ravaz

was glad to invite the girl to entertain it. As a result, the second

day after the evening spent in the company of Francis Hanson has made a

Van Loon visit spouses.

Mary Van Loon always tightened around her and young people

Her land was admirably maintained tennis. Of course, Virginia

Clive met there that reapucase to play with ardor

exuberant, despite the advice of the surgeon to proceed with moderation.

As for Virginia, she did not play tennis much and she was ashamed to

occur in public.

Aware of her embarrassment, Clive took a walk around the lake.

Virginia could not think of the words of Dr. Hanson.

In his suit white, impeccably tailored, Clive was indeed a charm

undeniable, his tanned skin, eyes very blue and curls

blond. But look in vain in his face traces of that weakness and

that instability which had put the doctor on call.

He asked cautiously.

- Do not you miss to go back to England?

- Not particularly. Why?

- Oh, I wanted to know so ... she replied in a tone elusive.

- It's true, I travel than a few years, but I've missed


Virginia had the impression that hurry to change the subject to

at the address on that holding.

- You asked Dr. Lisa Hanson?

- It seems satisfied and wants it soon operate.

- Not once did he say? I'll keep in touch, okay?

The expression of his face became very serious and Virginia wanted

to reassure him.

- Of course, I'll tell you as soon as I find out.

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Page 33

He perceived a slight tremor of her voice and hurried her calm.

- Do not you do not worry. With a doctor as Hanson, Lisa is not likely


They returned to the villa, near the other guests. Mary Van Loon take

Virginia proposed to show some artistic treasures brought by her husband

his travels. All rooms Virginia was able to admire carpets

Orient sumptuous, refined jade statues, a splendid mirror

Venice framed in silver hammered and still other miracles.

She was very surprised when he discovered a new room

furnished room for children. For she knew that Van Loon had


Mary smiled her surprise and explained what it was.

- My brother lost his wife six months ago and is now alone,

with two children. His job compels him to travel as much

Edouard as my husband. I have decided, therefore, to deal with provisional

nephew and my niece.

- O what consolation for you! exclaimed Virginia

spontaneously, as she loves children and he thought that everyone

shares the same taste.

Mary Van Loon confessed with a pensive air:

- I am pleased, of course, but also a little concerned, and not a

hide, because I wonder how I'll handle it. I'm at an age

The hard six and seven years, and it seems very naughty. I'm afraid

my brother take terribly spoiled.

- Oh, but it's easy to get close to children, especially when they feel

that you love.

- Does it look so easy? Mary replied immediately. Why not come

then to deal with them, if you inclinations?

Taken in short this offer, Virginia thought first that

they host joked. But the proposal was serious. As for the camera

Children, was arranged so luxury and comfort, that would be a

pleasure to spend the day there.

Virginia hesitated, still looking at Mary Van Loon, whose dress

elegant white silk and precious necklaces outfit contrasted with

modest girl and a single confection. As a jewel not

have only wristwatch.

Page 34

Mary had the air of Virginia thoughts guessed because blushed

weight and put his hand on his arm.

- My dear, do not be mad at me if I showed too

pressed! she apologized. Especially do not think that you consider a simple

maid. I know you worked as a secretary in London at a desk

notary. You must be a little sad for you, that is

certainly a better situation than what I propose you. But

Page 24: Passion Hert

the idea came to me unexpectedly, obviously if you intend to May

Stay a while in Switzerland ...

- Oh yes, I really want to remain in this lovely setting and

with my new friends. I will not be easy to resume my life in


Mary Van Loon was dropped on a soft couch and down and

Virginia invited to sit together.

- If your sister operation fails, I suppose-and will continue

music career. And you? Do not tell me you're going to spend all

existence in a dusty notary office. You're too nice. There Are

sure you could take other things here that Dr. Hanson

You could find a job. Otherwise, the country's climate

Perfect in any season, and you could take advantage of winter sports ...

- Do not tempt me too much, protested Virginia smile. In any

case, do not want to abuse the kindness of Dr. Hanson. Made

so much for me already persuaded his aunt to me


- He left very easily convinced!

Mary suddenly decided to change the subject.

- You know Carla Spengler?

- Yup. It's very beautiful, right?

The young woman shrugged.

- I find it a little harsh beauty. Most of the

our friends Francis and believes that it will get married one day,

but I personally have doubts ... Now I have to go to other

invited, but remember: Peter and Paula should arrive in a few days

so it remains to decide.

Page 35

On her return to the villa, Virginia learned that Dr. Hanson a

without looking at her phone.

- With me personally wanted to talk? Do not let any

post? inquired her heart beating strongly.

- Come, my child, do not lose your head. I said you were a

game of tennis and he said he would simply call later.

I am convinced that there is nothing to bother you, but how you see

In such a state, we eat something light for dinner and lounge

one to go to sleep early, this will calm.

Virginia outlined a weak smile:

- You are very good, ma'am.

- But it's very natural.

But Dr. Hanson never called that evening and Virginia

had to swallow a powerful sleeping pill to sleep.

The next morning, breakfast was served as usual

room, but had a knot in his stomach and his ears continually Ciulea

hear the phone ringing. At the end of the morning, the lady has Ravaz

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realized the face of growing concern and decided to take her in

visit from a friend Englishwoman, who was spending the winter in a small hotel

in the neighborhood.

- You will do well to talk to a compatriot, you see, is

charming. As for me, I would be delighted to come second.

This last remark made by Virginia to be impossible to

refuse to risk not show lack of courtesy

Elementary. He agreed, so its host but not deceived.

However, since its purpose was to entertain the Virginia it was shown


The hotel was pleasant, the slope of a hill flower

Spring and majestic snowy peaks dominated.

Miss Finch, who invigorating climate profiteers, received the

enthusiasm and began to evoke nostalgia London, which

knew very well.

They were served a typical English tea and Virginia managed to look a

moment of her anxieties. But when approached mealtime started

Miss Finch fear that they will remember for breakfast. Fortunately,


Page 36

He turned to Mrs. Ravaz villa, they ate only two and

and finally the phone rang. Impersonal voice of secretary Dr.

Virginia Hanson has announced that the surgeon was sending machine

driver to take her to the clinic, where he wanted to see her once


- Something worried about my sister? inquired

Virginia, close heart.

- Nothing to worry about. You will be able to see her as not

is under anesthesia.

- Anaesthesia ...

- The limo comes to pick you up in ten minutes. Lady Ravaz to

close quietly and took in hand to put the device in

fork. Virginia trembled.

- Lisa ... he mumbled she lost.

- Lisa, my child will be happy to see you when you open

eyes. Go fast and get ready. Want to join you?

- No, thank you, ma'am.

- Well, my little one, have courage.

But Virginia had no courage at all. The vehicle was driving at

Clinical felt in shock. He understood very well that the doctor

Hanson had wanted to spare her any uneasiness, putting it in front

fait accompli rather to communicate hour before surgery and so

let it wait kneading.

However, he did not find it normal for Lisa to face one

testing, no family member with her. Why the

Page 26: Passion Hert

Dr. Hanson such a decision without talking with Virginia? Not

could prevent be less angry with him.

When he arrived at the clinic and explained that it had to be of little

patience before you see her sister and that Dr. Hanson ago

receive it. Head nurse came in person and brought a cup

tea and calm on the outcome of the operation.

- Everything went very well and I can say that Dr. Hanson

is very satisfied.

- Then ... Lisa ... not in danger?

- Her condition is quite reassuring.

Page 37

Virginia was left alone in that little room where another advantage

Board admirable view of the lake. Quiet replies

nurse, plunged in reverie.

The door opened without a sound, still dressed in his shirt

White, Dr. Hanson stood in the doorway.

Virginia no longer seen only in town or evening outfit and i

It seemed very different. His gaze was absent, attitude


- Good evening, Miss Holt. You can go to sister's bedside

you without delay now.

- Why did not you warned operation day and time? she asked

in a tone of reproach.

He noticed the teapot and empty cup on the tray and was limited to


- May want tea or coffee? Trembling voice, Virginia


- I do not want tea or coffee. What I want is to know you

Lisa made it without you tell me before?

Sweetened doctor to look forward to irritate this

very direct question, answered calmly:

- I thought more rational to save you hours of standby and

of concern. You have a vivid imagination and a little too did not want it


Virginia could not not realize he was right, yet it

count, but Lisa. Francis Hanson resumed without waiting:

- Perhaps you have less indignant if you knew it was in

Meanwhile, Lisa and wish to let you unknowingly provisional

basis. Everything you think you have been betrayed? he inquired with a

glint of amusement in his dark eyes.

- No, obviously not. And, on the other hand, I'm not surprised that Lisa

done that, it's so brave.

He examined her long, while she was trying to stem the

tears. It was at the same time very excited and very relieved.

Suddenly, he took her hands and squeezed them stronger.

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Page 38

- You'll see, everything will be better when you rest beside her. But

you expect to talk more. And besides, you can not only be


- And to succeed, right?

- Certainly.

As Virginia blinked his eyes, he could not stop a tear to

expression on his face. Him this man owed him everything Lisa.

She turned suddenly and blew his nose and strong.

When the surgeon led her to see her sister, Virginia just

recognized a dimly lit closet. He had the impression that

addressed a stranger when he muttered:

- All is well, my dear, it's all good! Lisa's eyes lit

a smile on her lips could only sketch it. Her sister

more leaned toward her to hear you try to whisper.

- Tell Clive ... you?

- Of course, I'll pass away. As a child tired. Lisa

allowed to fall eyelids, her face took on an expression relaxed and

seemed quiet sleep.

Virginia went on tiptoe and found Dr. Hanson

who was waiting at the door.

- I'll take you into town if you want, proposed it. You had a

rough night.

- Do you think I can make a phone call first?

- Of course, if it's important. Can not wait until tomorrow

in the morning?

- I mean ... well, you need to give news of Lisa's

Clive Maddison.

- So, really it's not hurry. Now if you are ready to go.

How to display the name of the young man felt that Virginia has committed a

error. The doctor replied, his voice and his face glacial crisp.

It was useless to insist, she thought. Moreover, he knew too little

Clive to call the hotel at that late hour. And, on the other

part, also try gratitude to Dr. Hanson, that

did not want to upset him.

If he had taken in his hands the destiny of Lisa, what would have happened

with it?

Page 39

That evening, the driver drove the car and sat Virginia

with the doctor. He dared not ask him any of the questions

an agitating how long convalescence provide it to Lisa? Will

soon you may start to play the piano again?

Involuntarily, he took a deep sigh and was surprised to feel

Francis Hanson's hand sitting on her.

Page 28: Passion Hert

- You're tired and you will definitely be willing to go to bed as

get home. Tomorrow you will return to your sister has

He reassured her gently.

- Doctor ... if Lisa is doing well, will be satisfied

you, she murmured, choking with emotion.

- And?

- What, you do not realize how important it is?

His fingers rested long magician in cotinuare over the

of the face. Troubled, he searched for words to express

shout out.

- You know, Doctor, as great as your fee

for this operation, our moral obligation remains huge and


Surgeon outlined a weak smile and in the penumbra of the car,

saw that he turns to a ravaged face. He replied with a voice


- No time to discuss monetary issues. Moreover, I

that will never be such a moment. Now, I would like to

be a little more relaxed. So forget everything!

He passed his arm around Virginia shoulders and pulled her gently toward him,

leaning her head against his shoulder.

- So, now close your eyes and stop thinking about anything. And

Think only pleasant things ...

Virginia felt his heart beating in his chest that man's

unexpectedly caused a tumult of feelings. We recommend

calm down! Naturally, a forgotten Lisa suddenly, he thought of it,

very surprised by the happiness that try to be so close


But he already resumed:

Page 40

- You know, I thought of something. If, as I'm sure everything will

Lisa out well, we escape to the mountain all day. I will show you some

scenery that you will not never see in England. What do you think?

- Uh ... it'll be awesome!

What will be the reaction if it was Carla? could not not ask

Virginia herself.

- Perfect! In this case, do not worry any program

next Sunday. And if someone else Clive Maddison. for example,

intends to invite, refuse, right?

- Of course!

He wanted to roost on his chest and remain strong and virile

there, eyes closed, for hours. But already had reached the house.

He insisted to accompany her in and asked the Fanzi, which

Virginia waiting to go to sleep, take them to a glass

milk in its room. Then he took the girl's hand and took it to his lips,

Page 29: Passion Hert


- Good evening, my little one!

- Good evening ... and thank you for everything, she murmured

choking with emotion and trembling legs.

Page 41

CHAPTER VII Lisa convalescence was rapid. Although bandaged hand, from

weekend was allowed to stand on the balcony.

The expression of her face and suffered a transformation behavior.

Regăsiseră his eyes glow, and her cheeks were rosy tint. Display

a perfect optimism, but did not talk about future content to

live in the present, which seemed agreeable. Especially since receiving

Clive Maddison's visit, a huge fun. In addition, it does not

without ever coming to bring many gifts, flowers, boxes

chocolates ... When she protested, knowing that he had little, he

said that money is taken to be spent. And what better reason

be found to spend, but the future of a great artist?

Virginia never seen her before her sister so clearly

love. Lisa was unable to hide his feelings. Not

discussed even by their own projects, but you have chances

Clive to get a job as a tennis instructor.

Do not ignore the fact that Clive, for different reasons and they justify

always, too much is never the same service.

If, by chance, Virginia risking a remark on this subject.

Liza defend him warmly Clive. In her opinion, he was not a

fickle, but a being hungry again that nearly had already

world tour of curiosity. Confident and added:

- One day you become a man sitting, I'm sure.

Her older sister did not share the certainty and wondered what

their parents would think Lisa's sudden passion. There is room

it henceforth, in her universe for something other than music?

As Clive, who were his true feelings for

Lisa? Indeed, manifests affectionate and full of attention to it.

But from what Virginia knew about it, Lisa was first

receive his attentions.

Page 42

Clive show more consideration for Virginia and met

often in the morning, when she was shopping in stores. In

invariably led to a cafe terrace on the lake.

In fact, everyone seemed to know the surroundings and how

Virginia and he gave the impression of old friends, had formed

habit of getting together in the circle of knowledge lady

Ravaz. The young Englishwoman sometimes feel embarrassed because of this.

Especially when Francis Hanson was among the guests, which was also

Page 30: Passion Hert

happened one evening when he tried to avoid it openly and Virginia

when he left without saying goodbye.

Virginia was very contrite. However, consoled when

thought that they would spend together what the next day. Virginia them

his sister talked about this project, which looked thoughtful.

- I am very glad for you, Virginia, and I hope everything

will perform well. It's really nice of Dr.

Hanson, right?

- Oh, you know, he does his aunt. Lady's afraid Ravaz

always lest I get bored and inevitably seeks to me

fun. So you see, I give a little of his time ...

At these words, Virginia could not not help blushing

easy and Lisa noticed immediately, thinking that her sister gives her too

more trouble to come up with explanations. And she had something to


- You know what I suggested Dr. Hanson, Virginia? I ride and

to live at his aunt when I get out of here, ie within one


- I did not know! her older sister exclaimed, astonished.

- I was wondering if you said. Of course, not put

abuse problem in both hospitality Ravaz lady. Not

you think?

- Yes, really. This means that one of us should be

return home. And will not that be you!

- I'm afraid so, but ... and Dr. Hanson?

- No ... not realize the connection between Dr. Hanson and

my return to England, Virginia stammered, blushing more


Page 43

Lisa sketched an ironic smile, but with tenderness.

- Come on, do not play dumb! Have a weakness for him, confess!

Virginia flinched.

- But Lisa, what do you think? Dr. Hanson is as engaged

Carla Spengler. All their friends are waiting to fix the marriage date.

You have some strange ideas!

- Is your opinion! After all, what does it more than you, this

Carla Spengler? A beautiful voice and all.

- Oh no, she is very beautiful.

- You're as beautiful as her, all I know!

- On the one hand, does not bear against, on the other, belong to

different environments.

- Well, not to mention. But are distressed at the idea that

must interrupt your vacation and go home because of me. But

how could we do otherwise?

Suddenly reminded of Virginia and Mrs. Mary Van proposal

Page 31: Passion Hert

Loon. To handle nephew and niece, is what allows him to

stay in Switzerland. But ... why would like to extend your stay? All

good things come to an end ... However, Mary had proposed a

service and she needed help. And besides, Virginia liked

children. Not much he could not flock to resume sad service

secretary in a dusty office on the edge of a gloomy neighborhood


It is worth to consider such an idea ... However,

Virginia did not want to talk about it with her sister. Not yet. Not

Lisa had to try her influence.

Page 44

CHAPTER VIII When it was day, that Sunday morning in a purple haze

and vapor, which promised a summer temperature, Virginia decided

never to think of nothing but joy and pleasure

that escapade.

He chose a calico dress and smooth and hair tied in a bow. Her

went to her room to greet her host before leaving. Supported

the pillows, she looked at her with an air of approval.

- You are very elegant, my child, and charming over.

I remember, ever more, as I was and at your age.

Virginia compliments gratefully accepted. Lady

Ravaz still had enough charm and distinction, despite her figure something

fuller, to imagine how it looked old. He resumed


- I hope you're having fun and you'll oblige my grandson

relax a little.

When Francis Hanson made his entrance, began by placing a

kiss on the cheek little old lady powdered, who addressed

its recommendations immediately.

- Take care of the little guy, Francis, and bring it back to an hour


His eyes sparkled surgeon of malice when he said

- Not afraid, so to entrust me, aunt?

- Not at all. On the contrary, I fear it will be too high

safe with you.

After they came up and were comfortably installed both in the car,

Virginia cheeks were still red, but sensed that her neighbor is

amuse. He threw an ironic glance before starting.

- My good aunt sometimes has a curious way of doing

apropouri. As her humor might be a little mischievous ...

Page 45

- I find it very pleasant, Virginia protested without

dare to look at the speaker. I have begun to cherish

Page 32: Passion Hert

since we live under the same roof.

- All the better. Tell me you do not feel anxiety at the idea of

spend a day in my company, although you do not know where we're going?

Virginia pinched little white purse and stared

fixed on her sandals with straps.

- No, I do not worry at all, she said.

- What chance! he said sarcastically. Then do as

I proposed: to forget everything and take advantage.

For Virginia this program would be carried on entirely

and that Sunday was wonderful to remain forever engraved

in memory.

The surgeon was obviously used to drive on those roads

mountain and young Englishwoman dizzy speed, while a landscape

dream unfold before her eyes. Francis was wearing Hanson

gray flannel trousers and a navy blezer. He seemed very disconnected

and this time did not feel intimidated Virginia's presence and to

laid back.

Very sensitive to the side of his entourage, he guessed that it does not

longer defensively and enjoyed.

They took lunch in a small hotel perched in the mountains, where

Dr. Hanson was well known. He received many testimonials

of respect. Their table was on the veranda, which already dominates the valley

blooming all. Some cows grazed coastal hills; would you have taken

as some toys because of the distance. In the distance loomed a village and

a delicate bell churches in an atmosphere of purity


Virginia try to fix this view in memory

and a leisurely remember, when it is at home in England.

Francis Hanson turned his head towards her and noticed her expression


- Without melancholy thoughts today, he said affectionately.

Her heart beat strong emotion under the gaze penetrated hard

her companion.

Page 46

- I thought this landscape is one of those that you

I promised to show them and delight to me before I

return home.

- There will be more ... more ... After lunch, left

hotel with a basket well stocked with everything you had to take

tea green grass. The heat became oppressive and were satisfied

when they reached the cool calm of a forest of conifers, where

subtle fragrance floating pine needles dropped. A waterfall

beautiful clear water and pour their throw in a small stream,

passing under a bridge rustic.

Another image that Virginia will never forget, she was sure.

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- We could stop here, proposed physician. You have time to me

tell about the life you lead England. I would like to

Picture your home.

Vest stretched carpet of pine needles and Virginia sat with

thanks to her.

- Oh, you know, there's nothing interesting to tell, she said, while

she watched as he stretches, pulling out a sigh of pleasure.

With eyes on a corner of blue sky, among the peaks

trees, he insisted:

- Tell me, though, about your daily life.

She tried to expose how to conduct its existence in

their apartment in Cromwell Road - which seemed extremely

away now! - And her work monotonous office. He mentioned

Also rare amusement arose: an evening dancing at club

amateur tennis and meetings travel.

While speaking, he noticed the air approvingly. Dress her

yellow calico highlight them as peach skin. A ribbon

golden curls gave her cheerful nature villagers, rays

sun gently caress them and makes them brighter. Her little

fleshy mouth always have a touch of melancholy, even when


- And you have around your admirers eager to snatch you from

this monotony? he inquired suddenly.

Virginia sincere replied that he had no courtier. At least,

none appeared so far ...

Page 47

Surgeon and lit a cigarette and leaned on one elbow. In his eyes

dancing a strange glow that troubled her exceedingly Virginia.

- Well, your compatriots are missing, unfortunately,


She smiled shyly and murmured:

- Do you?

He could not gaze off her pink lips.

- I am convinced. immediately before leaving this forest of

pin, I ask you something. But wait, I want to know if stay

Switzerland will leave your memories and we will look very

fast ...

- I will not look at all those whom I met here and

memories of those weeks in Switzerland will certainly

among the happiest of my life.

- That's what I like to hear! My aunt will be happy to

Lisa receive it, you can leave the clinic, ie some

days. I'd like to follow closely the beginning exercises

rehabilitation whom I prescribed hand. In addition, you will be pleasantly

for you to be together and take advantage of this little vacation.

Page 34: Passion Hert

- Sure, but I abused too much hospitality lady

Ravaz, protested the young Englishwoman energy. It was a stay

lovely. When Lisa will leave the clinic, will therefore be to go back

at home.

- Really? It is mandatory? he inquired obviously disappointed.

My aunt would be happy to have a house full of young people ... if they had

after her heart.

- No doubt, but I do not want to force the issue. Besides ...

She had a moment of hesitation before deciding to

speak to Mary Van Loon offer.

- We have received a proposal for work. Ms. Van Loon their

expected grandchildren, who will soon arrive in America. He asked me to

take care of them. I do not know yet whether to accept.

- A ?! he exclaimed, raising his eyebrows. I remember actually

Mary will take her nephew and niece. He wondered just what to

do? Do you like children? asked her warmly.

- Yes, a lot.

Page 48

- Well, here is a solution hit, right? If your pride

does not allow you to stay at my aunt still offer this fall

great! You'll feel great Van Loon family. Edouard

is often gone, but I realize it's lovely. And Lisa will be happy

you'll be able to stay here. Otherwise it would be a sin before they see the

This snow covered. We have to learn to ski.

He seemed to believe that something natural for her to accept that proposal

service. What did it matter to him whether I stay or go? To

the idea of leaving, Virginia was put a lump in my throat.

He took in hand a handful of pine needles and secured their so

strong that he was injured and could not repress a grimace. He

notice and take crisp fingers gently opened.

- Be careful, he smiled. You have to walk carefully with them.

Now, why do not drink this tea that awaits us?

The rest of the afternoon and early evening passed with speed

lightning. They walked through the woods and past small bridge under which

torrent could be heard. Virginia shuddered when she bent over


- On my word, exclaimed Francis Hanson, took her by

arm you dizzy? one day I'll take you up the mountain to start your


- Maybe I'll be able ...

However, Virginia considered in the company of Francis Hanson, will

able to face any danger without fear. But how to stay

next to him when he would soon marry Carla Spengler?

- Well, what do you think? asked a voice surgeon

gentle, throwing a sharp look.

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Unable to reveal her thoughts, replied:

- You said earlier that before leaving the forest

pine want to ask me something. What is it?

- It's just a beautiful memory that we

Keep on this day, he murmured, while a strange glint them

dancing in his eyes.

Before you understand what is happening, Virginia felt that Francis

Hanson had hold of her lips heady.

Page 49

Without the slightest opposition sketch, Virginia remained

Her gray eyes fixed on his big stupefaction.

With a tender gesture, he raised a rebel loop forehead and

caught up in yellow background.

- You know it was a moment longed very much? to

he confessed with a charming smile. Exactly at our departure

in the morning. Now we have to leave the hotel and go shopping basket. I have

can and eat there if it's too late. I must, however,

thinking of my work waiting for me.

- Of course you do not want to take up too much time.

A Yes, the day was lovely, but now had to return to

reality. When they installed in the car, she was forced to be cheerful in

during the journey.

Page 50

CHAPTER IX On the way back, the car suddenly started to behave

Francis Hanson bizarre and worried. He stopped at a workshop where

he was told that he needed at least a half hour to

provide repair. Although annoyed, they found that this incident

offered the opportunity to eat at the hotel. Trying to make fun of

trouble, Virginia said:

- It's a great way to end the day and forget

another moment chores waiting for me.

Sensitive to the effort you made to prove a conv

agreeable, Virginia has settled and she has not shown by anything

sudden melancholy. However, it could not recall

idyllic moments spent in the pine forest.

In the middle of the table, Francis Hanson Virginia asked her to excuse him;

had to make a call. When he returned to the table, to understand where the air

his absent after eyebrow frown, he was worried.

Embarrassed, he tried to explain to face the situation.

- Yes, I'm afraid I have bad news. I called the garage and so is

more serious than originally thought. The repair may take several

hours. Have one vehicle available to us to return, but

is so old that I can not portray your risk. It

Page 36: Passion Hert

could get stuck in the middle mountain ...

Virginia looked uneasy.

- But then I ...

He paused, lest guess his thoughts, because it does not

feared not remain trapped in the mountains, alone with him ... in


- It would be better for you to stay here at the hotel, the

he said with a worried mine. Tomorrow, when the car will be repaired,

someone will bring to the city.

- A! she exclaimed, making efforts to conceal their disappointment.

Page 51

- I really grieved, he apologized sad tone.

He leaned toward her, and across the table and put his hand over his fingers

Virginia, which crumble bread nervous. Again, a disorder that

not tried before, swept a ...

- I assure you regret this unpleasant accident, he continued.

I will be forced to drive very quickly and would have liked to


- No matter, protested weakly Virginia, who wanted to

remain as long as the doctor.

- No doubt, but I have no right to assume this

responsibility. It will take care of you right here and do not have

Just choose a room in which to install. On the other hand, we

I phoned home and expects an emergency. I really need

back, he said consulting his watch.

- Really? In this case, I understand. Do not waste time and not worry

for me. Everything will be fine.

In reality, the idea of seeing her leave without breaks his heart. The

however sketched a weak smile.

- Are you sure? he insisted, still showing a relieved smile.

- Yes, be quiet.

- In this case, I suggest you take this forced stay

this place nice and not rush to go back. I do not need

car than tomorrow afternoon.

- No, I will return as soon as you have finished the repair.

He got up and headed for the door, greeting her with his hand.

Excitedly, she watched departs without him hear

a waiter asked if he wanted coffee. When he repeated

question for the third time, was startled and replied with an air of fun

that a drink in the lounge. There he found old magazines in English and

French and browse them without being able to concentrate on what he was reading.

The image of a surgeon obsessed. After a while, it was decided to

climb into the room. He realized then that it planned to bring

anything with it for the night, not even a toothbrush! One

carer has bought what he needed and Virginia was lying in the

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Finally, with a heavy heart.

Page 52

The next morning, breakfast and swallowed quickly learning that

the car was ready, asked the bill. She was very surprised

finding that it had already been paid by Dr. Hanson! One of the

hotel waiters, treating it with the utmost respect, he led the

Ravaz car to the lady. The latter received warmly

and told him how much regrets the incident disturbing. Young

Englishwoman hastened to reassure her and showed that everything was fine.

However, immediately cringed when they host added a

casual tone:

- You know, Virginia, is something so ugly from Carla to

return without notice and to ask Francis to come immediately.

Otherwise, it could also take advantage of failure to spend quiet

night in the mountains. And you would not have had to go back to this

unknown! Incidentally, I did not like it at all that you left alone at

hotel! Nor do I embarrassed to tell him!

- Oh, you must not upset, I assure you! I understand perfectly that

Dr. Hanson wanted to return to see it on

Miss Spengler, she added in a tone that was forced to be


So, Carla was the famous "emergency" that forced Francis to

leave in such a hurry! This finding strongly excited her.

He tried to recover and to hide the shock of this


Now at least knew what to expect! This will allow the

next to refuse all invitations them he would not have done and

tête-à-tête avoid sites with this seductively dangerous.

He climbed into her room just whichever tears. He suffered no

only hurting her own lovemaking, but a disappointment even


Suddenly, took a handkerchief and rubbed vigorously lips. It would be

wanted to erase the memory of that kiss on the bridge, in the pine forest

under soft light, green trees. Why is abandoned so

hugs that stupid?

He took strong determination to chase her final thoughts

seductive image of that doctor.

Page 53

CHAPTER X That very evening, phoned his aunt Francis Hanson

to inquire if Virginia had returned smoothly from

mountain. A matter entirely unnecessary, especially since the car

that day had been returned in good condition. The lady did not Ravaz

revealed that the girl was with her in the room, and when he asked her to

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phone, old lady, refined person, replied that Virginia

stroll through the garden, where he could not go looking for her.

- Understand, commented surgeon, obviously disappointed. In any case,

dear aunt, tell him I regret exceedingly that our trip so

agreeable, has suffered in this way. Shall forward, right?

- Of course, my dear Francis.

- Tell him that the car which I have given to workshop

was very uncomfortable and would have hated to travel in it.

- After know how women think, on the contrary, that would be found very


- I'd be so surprised! he exclaimed irritably.

Lady Ravaz resumed:

- What is Carla? When he comes to see me?

- A soon, I hope, have been problems in American tour on

had to shorten it. He preferred to change the subject: Sure

Virginia does not know where he is? I'd like to talk to her more.

- My dear Francis, it's free day Fanzi and

My rheumatism not allow me to go look for her.

- Okay, okay. Tell him also that I saw her sister

today and that her condition is getting better, he replied sec.

- All right.

After dark, returned to Virginia, with a malicious smile:

- I have no remorse that I lied deliberately

my nephew. But I suspect you did too wanted to talk to him, right?

Page 54

Young cnglezoaică take a look of gratitude.

Biting his lower lip to prevent it from shaking, he


- I know it's silly of me, but yesterday I had to

really think are extra.

Aunt Heloise beat her lightly on the arm with an air of understanding:

- Yes, a little vanity robbery. Not bad at all, and, who knows, it

will be arranged later ...

Virginia did not understand the exact meaning of these words, but if Mrs.

of Ravaz imagined that she would try such an experience with

doctor, serious mistake.

Otherwise, it was almost decided to return to London, to parents

and his brothers, to resume her work in the office and monotonous

existence. Lisa will not delay too long and she will return and all

family will meet again.

The next morning was waiting for a letter that would give

head over all projects. Mary Van Loon from and sow

with a genuine distress:

"My niece and nephew have already arrived and I realize it and

more difficult than I thought to take care of them. They are very nice,

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but ... You could come to lunch today, if you have nothing better to

done? I could you possibly give some tips how to grow some

children. Remember well that you said that it is extremely simple?

Mary Van Loon "

Virginia try a strange feeling: if you accept the offer, engage

can a very confusing situation. However, his letter

Mary, so friendly and warm, indeed contain a call

Help and Virginia found that it is difficult to resist. It was decided to

agree, at least, the invitation to go to breakfast.

Lisa had to install the Ravaz lady at the beginning

weekend. There remains no doubt than a week, but ...

So, I had to start by making a visit to Mary.

Page 55

CHAPTER XI Mary Van Loon was not hard at all to convince

Virginia to accept the offer: they did it for her children.

They were both early and delicious, although turbulent. With loops

blonde and blue eyes, very cozy, Paula insists to put the

most beautiful dress even when playing in the garden. And Peter, dressed

in jeans and plaid shirt, proudly wearing a belt fitted with

a dagger. A fixed Virginia with a serious look and sincere. And he

said the young Englishwoman right:

- If you come here, I'll take care of you, but you will need as you

take care of me. No one stays long enough to play with us.

So you want?

He thrust his hand into the little Virginia, and Paula made

same thing and added:

- Yes, stay with us, I like you and I will try to be good!

- Here. You were adopted, Mary intervened laughing. And do not

think you lock in an office and do monotonous work, you

I guarantee that this will not have time to get bored. I officially hire

the amount that you fix yourself.

In Virginia a hint.

- It's very kind of you ...

It was not thought too long. Mary and the children were so cute!

In addition, the contribution salary was not neglected to help the father

her and Lisa.

So exclaimed enthusiastically:

- Well, I agree, that all want it.

Children out a cry of joy.

- When you can come? Mary asked her Van Loon.

- When you want.

- Then immediately!

Page 56

Page 40: Passion Hert

Virginia was taken pretty quickly, will not leave it so

dear aunt suddenly Heloise, who proved his kindness. With

However, Lisa will soon replace it. And then, actually

decisive among others, Spengler Caria was coming to visit, without

doubt, the lady Ravaz and Virginia did not care at all to


Van Loon family will find perfect shelter from singer

noisy and as engaged in the house will have all the excuses to

refuge in the nursery, where Carla will be among

Mary's guests.

As Dr. Hanson will keep all gratitude for

what he had done for Lisa, but if you come to Mary, not

will be required to devote all his attention as he had at home

his aunt. Besides, the presence of Carla will make Spengler

beautiful surgeon to avoid any desire aa longer look at other


Virginia was determined to devote himself entirely to children whose

Mary responsibility granted to him so confidently, and it still


It remained to convince the lady that starting Ravaz

sudden there was a race and not a rudeness to address them.

To the great relief of Virginia, the old woman was very

understanding and even happy that the girl had decided to stay in

Switzerland, which allowed him to enjoy the pleasure of receiving the

visit. He said he decided to give a great reception to celebrate

Lisa recovery, once it comes to sit on it and will be

rested less.

Excited as a teenager on the first ball, lady Ravaz take

Virginia shared her projects:

- There will be all over the garden lanterns, an orchestra to play

dance music and if time allows us, we will have a show

cabaret on the terrace. Buffet and champagne are naturally provided. Without

let alone a supper ordered to Milan. Finally, I hope you

be a memorable evening.

Suddenly seized with doubt, Aunt Heloise exclaimed:

Page 57

- Do not let me come with you excuse your new occupations

will prevent participate! In reality this celebration is for you

both. Lisa and me. I enjoyed so much that you lived in

my home that I leave you with great sorrow. I am sure,

But I'll see often. Spouses Van Loon does not live far away.

Virginia tried a sense of melancholy, thinking about

pleasant moments spent in the company of her host, visits

Dr. Hanson and their walks in the park when talking together

about the progress they made Lisa. A period its age and another

Page 41: Passion Hert

What began, which still did not know anything ...

The decision was taken and, in this last night in that house both

of hospitality, it was useless to lie in wait ringing phone. Without

doubt, Dr. Hanson had better things to do, for now

before, only to come to his aunt. Virginia decided to

bags and prepare to go to bed early.

Besides, he was certainly aware of her projects.

But Lisa knew them, because Virginia had telephoned the beginning

series. Her sister was still thrilled and shocked at the same time.

- What a wonderful solution to be able to remain in Switzerland,

Virginia! But did not you say anything Dr. Hanson? What will you believe?

- I do not see why it would look.

He hastened to change the subject.

- Listen, Lisa, I get my free Saturday afternoon to

You can accompany the lady out of the hospital Ravaz. Only you

expected to come!

- But ... Dr. Hanson promised me that he leads me to Aunt


- Good, perfect! In this case, no need to take my pool. Then,

see you soon, Lisa.

- But Virginia ...

- Good night, sweetheart.

- Good night ...

That night, Lisa was hard to sleep. It was something

Virginia? It changed? It seemed distracted and unhappy ...

Page 58

CHAPTER XII Although he had never been in a situation to answer two children,

Virginia was able to do from the beginning and has adapted very

Van Loon family soon. Children were definitely naughty

but they recognized their new governess gentle authority, which

never attempted to abuse.

Virginia did not take long to discover that, in reality, little ones too

missing much tenderness and affection they got to where

I was immediately grateful. Not at all bored to read

their stories and answer questions endless.

Peter most lively of them two, suffered from nightmares and seizures

anger. They show great patience with him and managed generally to


Mary Van Loon never interferes in what decided the

Virginia in the nursery and gave freedom in the preparation

lessons for school and entertainment.

Virginia regarded as salutary this occupation as an absorbent,

but at the same time can take many hours of free will, whereas

and had a maid, in reality, not missing the pleasure of

Page 42: Passion Hert

house, to the great surprise of Mary Van Loon, who would have believed it

Lisa eager to visit her as often as possible.

The latter is admirably restored after surgery and

flexibility exercises for the hand seemed very efficient. Her future

in sight again admirable promising.

Virginia telephoned almost every day and his story

Ravaz lady frequent exits. In addition, went from

Sunday drink coffee with Clive Maddison. It had a

so favorable impression on Aunt Heloise that she received

happy home.

When Virginia cheerful voice heard on the phone and vibrant sister

her encounter feelings of gratitude to the surgeon, who plays

Page 59

joy of life. Do not Francis Hanson had seen only one

Once, when the family moved to Van Loon.

It happened one morning when you go out walking with two

children, holding each hand. The doctor passed away when he

saw her and stood beside it.

- Who do I see! he exclaimed. You must confess that I

precipitated surprised your flight, the more that I did not have

which project said.

The young Englishwoman was able to satisfy his violent beatings

heart and if blushed as little would have been criticized and breeze which

blow at that time on the lake.

- Have a happy air all three. Especially you, children, because

eat ice cream. If you still want one, go up quickly in the car

will lead to a pastry shop where Miss Holt will accept can drink a

coffee with me.

Virginia has found voice to protest:

- Oh, no, you dirty car with their hands sticky. And,

Moreover, it's almost dinner time ...

- Come on, turn-Vura more ...

He opened a rear door and exclaimed:

- Hona up, kids! And Miss Holt sits next to me.

What could make Virginia, if not to accept? In confectionery, he

excessively spoiled children, which amused him so talk

much that he neglected to talk to Virginia in May. She felt the

fully relieved, but suddenly Peter and Paul have been made aware of

a kite lifted nearby and Dr. Hanson took advantage to

stoop to Virginia to ask it:

- You feel good in your new job? Do you like really?

- Sure, more ...

He was silent a moment, staring at her, after the manner of

which disturb.

- You know, he resumed after a moment, my aunt is organizing a large

Page 43: Passion Hert

reception in your honor, Lisa and yours. I hope you can attend.

- Of course not! Virginia hesitated before continuing: I

feel completely embarrassed that they do Ravaz lady so much trouble

Page 60

for us. I am very moved. When you see her, please tell her that regret

pleasant evenings spent together.

- I'll take care to transmit. You will be sure to impress you

appreciated your stay at it.

Lunch time approached. He went on to Virginia and children

Ms. Van Loon, declined the invitation to stay at the table and left

Virginia addressing him a polite smile, but cold.

The young Englishwoman thought becoming more in evening

danceable. There were fifteen days of waiting! He knew that Lisa and

preparations were formidable Aunt Heloise: Garden Lights, games

fireworks ...

It was even possible that Spengler Carla agrees to sing, what

would have been certainly a special treat for guests.

Virginia had remained to solve a significant problem: what to

wear at the prom that great, given to them? Lisa believes that

could buy both toilets us. The two sisters

met the best shopping street and enjoyed the heart to

search windows. But in reality, it was so great that a variety

represent a real torture to decide.

Lisa finally laid eyes on a white lace dress with a

matching jacket, dress and looked great and put them in

records brightness brown-black eyes and golden reflexes


Virginia still hesitate: try to be more elegant than

usually or remain in her usual taste, not a never betray?

And imagine Carla wearing a sumptuous house from a large

mode of Paris. What was surprising that a man like Dr. Hanson to

be attracted to a being so sophisticated? Virginia has remembered

day out in the mountains. Undoubtedly, a guest from goodwill and

treat it as a student of pension happy to escape one day after

boarding. An even rewarded with a kiss!

A kiss that force him to forget ...

Recovered and admired the dress that held out the shop,

a black tulle material, airy and very elegant; not

toilets at all like taking your eyes, you wear the famous


Page 61

Lisa remained perplexed, looked at her and dared shy:

- You know, I think you could use pink better. I do not deny that the colors

dark suit you as well, but I kinda old.

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The seller was also of the same opinion, when Virginia was decided


- The more I like black. I'll go with shoes

silver with very high heels and black gloves over your elbow.

Said and done. Virginia bought the dress and accessories. Her sister did

could not tell:

- You decided, therefore, to produce an instantaneous impression? On

Dr. Hanson, among others?

- Are You Kidding!

Her older sister was ready to defend himself, when, to her relief,

saw the familiar figure of Clive Maddison, who was passing by chance

on the street.

- Bathtubs pat! she exclaimed. How come you're handy

when they need you man? A wonderful coincidence, occurring


Of course, the young has led to the terrace and offered one

ice cream. They said that there were many visitors to the hotel where he worked

tennis instructor. In high season will be increasingly

less leisure.

The conversation turned naturally to the reception lady Ravaz

and joys they promised. Unfortunately it was at the same time a party

farewell and Lisa had to go to England a few days later. In

reality, parents wanted to have by and may continue

Hand exercises in London as soon as possible have to

resume interrupted career.

Not to confess her sister Virginia was thinking that if

Clive and Lisa friendship turns into a feeling

deep, had as one of the two to win right there.

Clive manifest very unstable professionally!

He waved a taxi to bring them home on two sisters,

Lisa first, then Virginia.

When he was leaving the latter, said on a

ton less mysterious:

Page 62

- One day, I will ask a great service. She looked intrigued:

- You are welcome. But why me? Why not Lisa?

- No, just that the Lisa.

- What mystery!

- So you can count on? He smiled affectionately.

- Of course, if I can do something.

- Oh yes, you ... think!

He greeted her, and walked away quickly, while Virginia was left


Page 63

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CHAPTER XIII In the days that followed, Virginia came very hard not to

evenings think about the great preparations.

But his thoughts were distracted at the moment of return

Edouard Van Loon. Tired after had driven capitals

Europe for months, was very pleased now to return

home and to see again his wife. A warmly praised that discovered

so nice a person as Virginia Holt to handle

Peter and Paula.

As he watched, the young Englishwoman quickly gained confidence

a man so frank and direct as Edouard: Mary was lucky with

a man like him! Unfortunately, the absence profession obliged him too


Van Loon family celebrated the return of the traveler by two

large dinners. At first, among the guests was found and Carla Francis.

Virginia had a great Pretex not to participate: in

reality, little Peter had fever and was stirred for a few days and refuse

If the government did not fall asleep next to him.

Dressed in a sumptuous toilet, Mary opened the room door

Virginia children and addressed him:

- My child, it's a shame to miss out on this table. Leave

maid to stay with Peter. Do you have enough confidence in it.

- No, I prefer to stay with him. It's so nervous today. I asked

already cook to bring me food. Do not worry


The threshold May Mary still hesitated. The room was already answered

expensive perfume scents, which he acquired from Mary

Paris. He proposed:

- Because Francis Hanson is among the invited scale

This, I might ask to consult the child? Obviously, he's a surgeon and

no family doctor, but anyway ...

Page 64

Virginia interrupted immediately:

- Oh no! Not the case! What Spengler says Carla? I do not think Peter

is something serious. He took a cold and has little temperature. Staying near

He and I fall asleep and I install the chair with a book.

- And do not go down at all? Not even half an hour?

- No, I prefer to quit, if you see any inconvenience.

- Okay, whatever. But if you do not feel better, you have

called the doctor. And do not forget that tomorrow is the big reception from Mrs.

The Ravaz for you and Lisa. Can not live.

- Of course.

Virginia was totally agree. If slight indisposition

Arrange a child today because avoid to see Carla Spengler

in the company of that mattered to marry singer in

Page 46: Passion Hert

Conversely, tomorrow, hope to put new dress and have some fun.

The large number of guests allowed him to get lost among them and not risk

to wake tête-à-tête in Francis.

He hastened to reassure her on her host:

- Do not worry, Peter will feel much better after a night

hi there. I gave half of aspirin and begins to doze.

But the next morning, the child was better. Doctor

called hastily found a serious cold, without being able

rule on the other track.

Mary has somewhat out of yarn:

- In this case, Virginia can not handle it alone, have a


Addressing the girl decided tone, added:

- Go and rest to be fit for tonight. We can not

cause a deception so great lady and not going Ravaz

soiree. Besides, and you would be terribly disappointed. In the list of

Once the doctor nurses is one available.

Virginia was reluctant. Responsible for the child, and why to make a

Mary extra expense? Moreover, it was believed that Peter had something


Mary insisted, however, and it was executed. Unfortunately, without success: no

a nurse was not free until the next day.

With a firm voice, her host said:

Page 65

- In this case, I remain with Peter. And you, Virginia, you go to

Ravaz lady.

Edouard Van Loon agreed with his wife's decision:

- Me and Mary we stay quietly at home and we will watch Peter.

You can then flaunt your dress and you bought it

opportunity tonight. I am convinced that your stay great.

Virginia was left satisfied. But Peter decided otherwise. A grip on

girl's hand and refused to let go. I guessed intentions? Severely was

the temperature rises alarmingly. When Mary returned to

nursery for Virginia urge it to prepare the

found after his appearance that things were as expected.

- What, Virginia? Call a doctor? to

she murmured.

- No, not really. But it's useless to worry illusions can not go out tonight


Very annoyed, Mary was silent, while Virginia was stirred in

around the patient, wiping the sweat from his face and hands

Crisp turning his pillow and stroking her head of curls

Brown violated.

With stubbornness, Mary spoke again:

- Obviously it's not his fault that Peter has cooled, but it's a whim to

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wants at all costs to keep you near him. He decided it that you are

indispensable not tolerate anyone with him.

- You know, no sacrifice too great, sincere Virginia answered.

How would ever have fun and take advantage of the reception, knowing that

Peter needs it?

- It's an inappropriate situation, nothing more, she added. If I

like at all costs to go to dance, while Peter and shake it on

point of getting sick and worse, I would not never forgive myself.

- I realize, but I think it's asking too much.

- In any case, you should go with

Mr. Van Loon. We can not suddenly abandon all Mrs.

The Ravaz.

Mary Van Loon sighed:

- Perhaps Edouard would agree to go alone, while I

I will keep companionship.

Page 66

The young Englishwoman remained firm.

- Nor is the question!

- Okay, Virginia, if you so decide ... but, at least,

promise me that my phone if you have the slightest fear. And we

right back. Now I have to go get dressed.

After his wife left Van Loon, Virginia was left alone at home

with sevitoarea and children. He could not listen to the radio, because Peter

had to sleep. She then took a book, but he opened it immediately. It

thinking of her sister, who was supposed to be so beautiful in her white dress

lace and very happy to dance with Clive Maddison, terrace

lit enchanting.

His young man with serious intentions Lisa? Virginia regret

her sister had met when the following to resume career

interrupted. What happened to fall in love now?

Image seducer surgeon has crossed thoughts. It was easy

to recognize their own weakness that she was in love with a doctor.

Unfortunately, her feelings were far from being shared ...

As assumed, when Peter made sure that Virginia's on

his head, he fell asleep. His fingers clutched the small remaining

Virginia's hand, who could not move without him awake.

However, after a while, his breathing became more

regular and released her hand. His feverish cheek redness


In the next room, where he had moved to avoid potential

contamination, Paula sleep peacefully.

Peter's room, put a silence. Lamp head

light with a golden glow blue in the sleeping baby crib, which

I watched vigilantly.

When Virginia was able, finally, to withdraw his hand, was pleased

Page 48: Passion Hert

he could get up and approach the large window wide open for a


The lake looked like a silver blade. The trees swaying gently in

night breeze. It felt soft and sensual warmth that breeze

she managed not spread too thin.

Page 67

God, it was a night when you could dance to Aunt Heloise

to lose your breath and you walk in the garden with paths

fragrant! No doubt that many couples took advantage of the shade

conducive to the bushes, where they received certainly music

lovely orchestra. Lisa and Clive were really there? Maybe

stood side by side on the terrace, with elbows on the railing, right

where delayed Virginia near Francis Hanson ...

But of course, in those moments surgeon succumb to the charm

Carla and her blonde murmured words of love.

Peter, seemed still sleeps. Virginia took advantage

to go quietly to her room. He opened the closet,

and he contemplated beautiful evening dress and prom shoes silver

buy for that evening where he could not go ...

He looked dreamy sumptuous bathroom designed to make an impression

the guests ... It was not exactly her style. Maybe it should have

listen to Lisa and choose a pink dress.

But, ultimately, how to be safe, if not try it?

Like Cinderella, stripped and put his prom attire.

When he gazed into the mirror remained ered: not only

He felt great dress but a completely transform! He seemed

feminine, fitted with a mysterious charm ...

A slight noise in the next room made a sudden turn.

Peter rose?

No, nothing moves in his room. However at the end of the corridor is

outline silhouette of a man dressed in a white tuxedo.

Virginia looked on, astonished, elegant creature, her face slightly

arrogant and piercing eyes.

- But ... but what are you doing here mumbled it?

- And you? Dr. Hanson replied a carefully measuring the

head to toe. Why are you dressed like that? I thought you

draped in black waves of sacrifice, seem ready to participate in a

fashion parade?

Page 68

CHAPTER XIV Outraged by his sarcastic tone, Virginia immediately changed his mind.

- Probably just had to wear the dress tonight

if I went to your aunt. What's wrong with that?

He approached the door ajar room and threw children

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a look inside. The child was resting quietly.

- Why did not you tell Mary yesterday to call me to see

Peter? he inquired sternly.

- Because I do not think it's necessary. Persist to believe that

is nothing serious. But it's a very nervous temperament and has attached much

me. I was anxious to leave him alone.

- I Get It. Well, I have come to replace you if you want to take advantage of a

hour or two and go to the party. I have no intention to evade a customer

My colleague, but nothing prevents me from doing guard least

He explained to the great astonishment of the face. Should participate yet

at a party given in your honor.

- Oh, I hope Mrs. Van Loon explained how the situation

Ravaz lady ...

- Natural! he interrupted her immediately.

He examined her in silence for a while longer and Virginia had

impression that a strip eyes. In his eyes bleak, play a glimmer


- Your sister was very contrite, of course, that you could not come, the

he continued. I promised my aunt that you come for a short time

abide in you. My driver's waiting in the car and how

show ready to go ...

- I'm not ready at all! I tried simply dress, see

As my best. Anyway I can not accept your offer ...

- Why?

She glanced at Peter, who had just moved less

and went out on the balcony to not risk both to wake him up.

Page 69

He repeated the question.

Virginia was firmly determined not to leave his post that night

for the world leaving Francis to replace

lets go have fun,

In fact, there was neither a pleasure to have fun when he would be free.

Since this was absolutely safe. And there was Carla: singer arrogance

would be released if she poisoned glances would be allowed to spoil the evening

depriving it of constant attentions of her fiance.

Unable i explain this man who at that time

looked straight in the eye, Virginia was limited to answer:

- For me it's impossible. Dr. Hanson frowned in


- What answer!

Aware of his irritation, Virginia confident she replied:

- Try to understand my situation: my duty is to remain with

child, whose responsibility I have. If one of your patients had

need you, I'm sure you've given more importance than

a fleeting amusement. Believe me, I am very sorry for it

Page 50: Passion Hert

Aunt disappoint you, but not my decision, as

you can find.

Little accustomed to take chest, Dr. Hanson went their increasingly

that of patience.

- You're nothing but a stubborn child! that's it. I can also

watch over the child as well as you, for a few hours. Stop


It took a ton of deceptive gentleness to reply:

- No childhood and say no!

- And if you insist to stay here?

- In this case, I'm staying. However, if you want to do me service

to wait here a moment, profits to go to change.

She returned already, when he was placed between it and the window-door.

- Virginia! ...

The girl flinched. While her heart was beating his chest to break.

- Virginia! You do not have any sympathy for me, right?

At first stunned surprise, she stammered:

Page 70

- How? Why I do not have sympathy for you? You were so

good to us, you have done so much for Lisa ...

- Do not talk to your sister, will you? he interrupted her immediately

coldly. A few weeks ago I became good friends or the

least I hoped so. Until that Sunday I fucking

spent together ...

- I liked that day ...

- For Real?

No eye on the girl, who moonlight a bathe in a

silver halo.

- You really seemed pleasant day? he insisted.

She replied with the utmost sincerity:

- It was one of the best days of my life!

- A Virginia!

He calmed down immediately and restarted with a wavering voice:

- And I'm wondering if maybe you were mad,

because you kiss ...

Virginia has held his gaze and replied without embarrassment.

- Why do you harbor a grudge for that kiss that did

right, not after such wonderful moments? It was more or

least, a right reward.

She was frightened by the sudden change of expression: Pali is

încordaseră lips and jaws.

- So that you got! he found a glacial tone.

Without cloudy, Virginia continued:

- And of course, when you found out that Miss Spengler waiting, the

I had to rush to leave, I understand very well.

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- Look! And how do you know, please, that I expect Miss


- From Aunt Heloise, testified she eventually. Too

I suspected, rightly, that would have been embarrassing for you to

accompany you on that car loan. You could not do otherwise than

leave me alone in the hotel. Otherwise, Miss Spengler could

become suspicious.

Page 71

He looked at her long, intrigued, even scrutinizer, and then returned the

back. Leaning his elbows balcony, staring at the lake,

resumed the total voice, impersonal:

- I'm sorry I came here this scale. Your friend Clive

already proposed to replace you, but I felt more qualified

to watch him Peter. You should'll send you Maddison. Have

was undoubtedly more sensitive than his arguments


Without looking at her, back in the room and approached the bed

where Peter was sleeping well deserved sleep. Virginia saw putting

delicate hand on the baby's forehead.

- No need to watch, he noted. You must be

tired and you sleep better. There has temperature and tomorrow

morning will be completely restored.

How Virginia said anything, concluded:

- Good night, Miss Holt! If I were in your place

I would also manifest a professional conscience. Although it is

admirable! Do not bother me drive! I know this house perfect

go back as I came.

Before Virginia have had time to nţeleagă, he shut the door in the nose

and the room was plunged in complete silence.

Lower noise remained the entrance door is closed. Then the

motor car that started.

Crisp hands on his chest. Virginia was destroyed by despair.

- Why, O why I saying? she murmured. When you try

do me a favor! I was bad! And finally, why I

interference in his private life? When I think of all that he did

for Lisa ... she thought bitterly.

Upon their return, Van Loon wife found her huddled Virginia

in an armchair, the gown, bedside Peter. His eyes

ringed, pale and perplexed air.

- My dear! exclaimed Mary. Why do not you slept? Where is

Dr. Hanson? We phoned and told us that Peter is more

Well, but you do not want to receive. As he was summoned to a

sick and had afterwards to return; Of course, I have not seen in

Page 72

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his aunt again and was very disappointed. After making many

efforts that are perfect evening! And it was, in fact, although you missed,

my dear and very short despite the presence of Dr. Hanson.

- But ... How did Miss Spengler?

Mary and allowed to laugh easily amused:

- It was not only unhappy, but livid with rage. Refused to and

sing, claiming that a neck hurts. Poor Heloise, not worth that!

Virginia conceal their hard satisfaction. He preferred to change


- And Lisa? I hope to have a good time?

- Oh yes! But you, poor Virginia, I think you are bored terrible!

- No, I assure you ...

Mary looked intrigued and resumed:

- I wonder what Francis did not return. It seemed, indeed, well

ready when he arrived. And it is curious that a patient detained so long!

- Maybe it was a very important patient suggested Virginia

regardless false tone while leaning to wrap Peter.

- I'm not surprised that Miss Spengler expressed

bad mood, she resumed. Some time ago seemed to pay

this so important. I wonder what prompted

change. Undoubtedly, discovered perhaps that is likely to lose the

she resumed.

What woman would be so stupid to risk losing a man like

Francis Hanson, without knocking? reflected girl with tight heart.

But to really beat, still had to have the slightest hope and not

Virginia was the case.

Page 73

CHAPTER XV In the weeks that followed. Virginia understood that losing

one after the other bands which would allow to find friendship

Dr. Hanson.

At first, Lisa returned to England. Then the lady Revisited

suddenly took the decision to take a few weeks to one of her friends

in Paris.

Even Mary Van Loon, which it usually met Dr.

Hanson knowledge not seen him much. I thought very absorbed

Carla's professional life and you grab the rest of the time.

This was preparing a second tour in America and try to

convince accompany her.

Does she thought this trip as a honeymoon? wonder


However, she managed to meet him one last Francis

time. At Lisa's departure. Ravaz Lady invited a number of

intimate tea to take farewell of the girl.

Francis Hanson had behaved very nice with Lisa and I had many

Page 53: Passion Hert

Tips for hand rehabilitation, which put them into practice

London. May I ask a little patience before knuckle down to

piano. In addition, necessarily wanted to participate in her first recital.

Lisa has maifestat gratitude to the surgeon and its full

confidence in the future.

As Clive, with a gloomy air, looked out the window without

say anything. Virginia, which granted Dr. Hanson is not a word,

approached the young man to snatch his sad thoughts, take

proposed to walk through the garden, and she accepted.

Clive drew angry cigarette. He suddenly threw it on

half smoked and took out another.

- Clive, smoke too much, rebuked Virginia. It becomes dangerous

health. Not to mention what effect it has!

Page 74

- It's true! It's devastating when you do not win any

even enough to even think about getting married.

His eyes were fixed light blue with sadness

bright extent of the lake.

Moved by his sadness, Virginia asked:

- Lisa and you only become good friends, or intending

you review?

- We are determined to see you. He put his hands deep

pockets and returned to Virginia with a determined air.

- Only you can help and almost you promised, a few

weeks, that you will, if possible.

- How can I be helpful?

He took her arm, having glanced back

to ensure that no one approaches the path.

- I tell you, he answered immediately. I want to ask you tomorrow

dinner in Milan. Lisa starts in the morning and are satisfied that there is

here to face a test which is not ready.

- An attempt?

He smiled sadly and murmured:

- I can not say anything on time. In fact, expecting a visit ...

someone who comes from London and shoot at Milan. It would be desirable

Lisa meet her, because no one can remain indifferent

to its charm. Lisa and her big black eyes! The first time I saw her,

I compared it with a deer. It's so attractive, so delicate ..

- Where are you going? she interrupted. Do not tell me you

I pose as my sister?

It already worried about the effect it produced in their absence salon

prolonged, which may not be noticed and may erroneously


Clive immediately protested:

- It's not that, but ...

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He raised his head, unable to continue.

- Listen, he ended by confessing, I want to give me

confidence. I promise that my project is perfectly simple and honest and that

risk nothing. You sister Lisa, a worthy representative of your family and

We've done a huge service to both ...

Page 75

- And that was to dine with you at Milan?

- Yes, and ... someone ...

Virginia thought quickly. He could, of course, to ask a night off

Mary, because never had. But this invitation

mysterious plot. And if Lisa could help her ... But to go

in Milan, a hotel so chic ... What will his toilet? He thought

black dress, bought for the famous party. It would be dressed

too elegant for a simple dinner? He asked:

- You want to be very elegant? she inquired. In my Wardrobe

very limited and does not allow me fantasize.

Smiling all, Clive said:

- Yes, very elegant! I advise you to dress up with miracle

you bought it for evening Ravaz lady, I know after

Lisa description. Too bad you could not come. I was ready to come to you

replace, but Hanson took me before.

- Very nice of you. Dr. Hanson told me that you


- For Real?

He enveloped her Virginia with a puzzled look and resumed:

- Hanson that's strange sometimes. A real mule when he took a

judgment! When the family went to Van Loon to replace you,

his girlfriend, the singer was mad with rage. I think he appreciated

who knows what the gesture.

Virginia made no comment. However, his heart beat

every time i spoke to Francis. At that time, it seemed

he heard footsteps on the gravel driveway and jumped.

- So you accept to go with me tomorrow? he insisted.

- Yes, if you care so much.

- Perfect. I pick you up at eight. Lisa appeared after a

shrubbery and exclaimed:

- Look, here, both of you! You disappeared ...

Just after they arrived and Dr. Hanson, tense figure that

explained glacial tone:

- Lisa must leave tomorrow very early, I suggested

to bed early. I think you want to be a single moment

both before parting it longer ...

Page 76

Turning to Clive, proposed the same tone:

Page 55: Passion Hert

- If you're going to pass the hotel. Maddison ...

- Thank you, it's useless. I leave later and walk. I do not

hurry at all.

The surgeon takes a look clouded Virginia.

- Good evening, Miss Holt, he greeted sec.

Then Lisa shook hands and wished to return safely to

her family.

This could not hide his excitement and was on a tear prelns

cheek, while mumbled:

- Thanks to you, Doctor, will be a wonderful return.

He smiled, but her warmly.

After he left, Lisa looked at her sister with consternation.

- Can not find the changed attitude towards you? I do not understand

why. However, at some point, I thought ... finally, it seems

not bothering you too much. And if she marries this gorgeous

Carla will certainly be happy with it. Although not reflect the image of

very happy ...

Lisa raised his eyes to Clive and Virginia guessed what he was thinking was

their last evening together and had much to say ...

- I'm going to stay a little chat with the lady Ravaz, rushed

it meant. I too have time to talk to her and go

soon. Lisa, do not forget the advice of Dr. Hanson: You have to sleep


- I'll take care, Clive said, taking her hand on Lisa. But

before going to do a tour around the lake together.

The next day evening came when Clive wife, Virginia read

admiration in his eyes and he did not hesitate to say:

- God! How beautiful you are! I'm not surprised that women

time consuming as their toilet, they obtain such results!

Mary Van Loon. who accompanied the Virginia salon, he addressed

its recommendations raising a false finger threateningly.

- Do not forget that Lisa has just arrived in England and not the time to

be unfaithful.

Clive smiled kindly.

Page 77

- There's no problem. We discuss some business.

Mary raised her eyebrows with an air of amused:

- Here's a dress for a business dinner! At least it will give you


Virginia really need it, because Milan do not

lost none of his impressive luxury.

Clive put her at a table and arranged for three people

ordered an appetizer until the arrival of "guest" his.

- Good evening! uttered a deep voice behind them.

A tall man looked at her through a monocle tucked in eye

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Clive stood up quickly and vibrant voice announced:

- Dad, I present Miss Holt. Virginia, is my father

General Maddison!

Page 78

CHAPTER XVI General sat comfortably stretched out his long legs under

table without embarrassment, he began to examine it through monocle Virginia.

His words, delivered in a voice audible and jovial, have made it

girl blush:

- Well, boy, congratulations, you taste! If Lisa is as

charming as her sister ...

Clive did everything he could to save Virginia from this

awkward situation:

- Dad, do not be ... Miss Holt is terribly embarrassed. There is

so direct usual compliments. In fact, nothing like

Lisa, who is brown.

- I prefer blondes! 'he said, blinking his eyes maliciously.

He realized suddenly that is served sherry and protested


- Oh, what a mess! At this time only whiskey and soda.

He called a waiter and Clive took advantage to justify


- You're probably mad at me for this surprise. But I

preferred not to reveal anything before you, to be more natural.

Do not be intimidated by my father's harsh manners about you

make sure it's not bad. It could have been me, because we deserve.

But I am sure it will soon succumb to the charms of Lisa, as we

was sure that will happen before your charm.

General, who is brought whiskey, turned to young


- First time I see my son in the last five years. E

more! Especially when you're only a child! And that continues to roam

world as a vagabond, without even thinking about those left behind.

His blue eyes were launching lightning beneath bushy eyebrows and his

continued grumpy tone:

Page 79

- It will be difficult to convince me, boy, have you turned and

want to go home to become a farmer. It's a profession

they despised before!

- Do not despised profession, dad, but I doubted that I was able

so basically, it's a shade!

- Subtleties that are beyond me. I note, however, that you left,

but apparently did not manage to get rich on your travels ...

Page 57: Passion Hert

How to deny the truth? Virginia take a look accomplice

young, while General muttered a few words neintiligibile

in his large mustache.

When he was asked again Clive was without any


- And now you come to our area! I'm not sure

I want to see you home!

After that, he pulled out a large handkerchief from his pocket and blew his nose and

as a trumpet. Then he spoke:

- Good thing your Aunt Hetty's sentimental like me.

Already preparing a meal rich to receive the prodigal son, in

Otherwise, have a lot of projects all are ridiculous ... Women

being silly!

She wore a smile ambiguous Virginia, who did not seek any

even condone such a statement. She replied with a smile

wholeheartedly convinced that the general was suddenly sick man, when

in fact he was full of goodness. Moreover, certainly suffered from

due to long absences and his son claimed not only restoring

relations with him.

Clive seemed touched the evocation of his aunt.

- Aunt Hetty, dear girl! Todeauna I could count on

her help. Even in those years when "I wandered through the world" as

Whatever, I wrote faithfully, at least once a month.

- It's exactly as I say: women are stupid! he growled.

Virginia leaned toward him with the voice.

- Oh, no general! Women are not so bad. They only

more intuition than men and are more prepared to forgive and


- Really?

Page 80

Mr. Maddison scâteiau eyes of malice, while its

chair near the table.

- Well, we can discuss the problem with food and, if

you want my opinion, I waited long enough.

It cooled champagne in a bucket on the table. Unwilling to

delicate mission entrusted waiter uncork it was busy

himself and very courteous, amounted to a toast

Virginia. After that, did the honors due to food.

Undoubtedly, drink amber and quality

dishes, helped the heating cosiderat

atmosphere between Conv. Virginia was pleased that accepted

Clive's invitation. It had been completely conquered general. Obviously,

needed to understand the humor quite a bit special remarks

challenge. You must accept also that his thundering voice to

exceed the table. But it was certainly a good man.

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Do not hide the slightest admiration for Virginia. As

the mass forward, Clive is decontractanta and his father began to hope that a

Lisa will appreciate as Virginia.

General made no allusion to the past conduct of his son.

What caused so many disappointments. Moreover, seemed to appreciate

companionship and future projects.

From the next room could hear echoes a languorous music,

played by an orchestra installed on a platform. Several couples dancing

the ring. Some drink coffee on the terrace could admire the sky

starry and take advantage of soft night air. The light was veiled

women more beautiful and disturbing. With her eyes shining with

her delicate skin, and put more out of her black dress, what

could very well have certainly Virginia did nothing to envy the dc

client's finest restaurant.

Permanent gallant General invited the girl to dance and she could

to see how agile is maintained. In turn, Clive took her to a

Waltz, who flushed cheeks long.

After that, the room was dark and lit scene for

a short folklore. Swiss dancers in traditional costumes

gave a performance that Virginia has applauded enthusiastically.

Then she turned to the window and contemplated the great view

Page 81

fascinating snowy ridges and starry sky. Do not forget

Never tonight, she thought, dreamy, while lights

Local lit again.

Then just felt stare fixed on her. Her

returned and became terribly pale. General, which was a

dissertation on years of service in India and Indian dances that

admired them there, did not notice anything. But Clive noted

face attitude change.

At one of the neighboring tables, very elegant in an evening dress

impeccable, Dr. Hanson was with Carla Spengler,

very low-cut dress in which her blond highlights.

Some sparkling emerald earrings with a pendant and

a matching bracelet, producing a striking effect on her milky skin.

Fly a little bored expression, even grumpy. As

Dr. Hanson, he evokes one of those marble portraits

can be contemplated in museums and maintains a undecipherable,

very independent human concerns. His eyes remain

fixed on Virginia and did not leave to discern any sense.

- Here, There's Hanson! Clive exclaimed.

Virginia could not withhold not to add:

- Carl Spengler.

- Who? ... Friends of yours, Clive? Give me them! intervened

General with a sharp voice.

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Young threw a short glance to see if Virginia

like the idea. But they pale in anxious and could not guess who will

be her reaction if he accepts his father's proposal.

Seeing his fiancée Hanson and assigns to him murmur

public, managed to shatter, one shot pleasure in Virginia

night. He came very hard to remain natural, while Clive

amounted to request pair and pray for it to come to

Mr. Maddison table.

Pretext that his father would be very happy to get acquainted with

doctor who had operated his arm so skillfully his son after

Ski accident. Dr. Hanson has accepted the invitation and polite

he smiled General has received enthusiastically.

Page 82

In turn, Carla has exhibited charm to seduce his father

Clive and managed without difficulty. If Clive seemed without search

because of his profession and lack of wealth, his general instead

imposed by his stature, experience and security that gave

possession of a vast area.

For its part, the Virginia no choice but to sign a short

the brilliant singer, not a word addressed.

Dr. Hanson occupied the seat beside her and maintained

polite conversation with her. Uncomfortable, she responded by

monosyllables and wondered what was the point of his eyes unreadable

fixed on her.

It could be said that he was trying to read his thoughts, flooding her with a

torrent of words superficial.

Finally, he invited her to dance, while Clive take it on

Carla on the floor. Orchestra of the attack when a sensual tango

and Virginia felt absolutely astonished, unable to move. Not

knew the difficult steps and would not show off with a

dancer so worthy as Francis Hanson. He pretended he was

made a blistered heel shoes because new surgeon

pretended to believe her.

He remained in the chair next to her and continued to talk, while

Carla and Clive evolved with the ability of professional dancers in

languorous rhythm of the music. General beating rhythm foot and seemed

that dying of envy that was not on the floor among couples

half fainting.

How to end tango orchestra began a waltz. The Lord

Maddison, at the height of joy, bowed down and asked Carla

to give him a dance that reminded her of balls from his regiment

of India.

At the same time, Clive was called by friends at a table

and Virginia asked her to apologize. He remained, therefore, only in

Francis's company.

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Once never been any witness to hear the doctor has

changed attitude. I turned to Virginia bluntly:

- So, you refuse to dance with me? The girl flinched and

protested scared:

Page 83

- What strange idea!

- We must not deny the truth ...

He looked at her dreamily, before adding:

- I forget the wound of the foot, is not it?

She stood without uttering a word. As no doubt,

Francis was a knight peerless. He held firmly but not so gather

too hard and spun the pace and looked over her head. Not

May bothered to make conversation. Virginia felt her hands

frozen ramping and managed quite well to take

after her partner. A natural way of understanding had been established between them,

harmonize their bodies and twist them at the same rate.

A slight an exalted happiness on the face, which is rotated abandoning all

more in front of her partner. He ended up finding the courage

to raise his eyes to his face. When their eyes met, a light

has flooded both heat and Virginia felt a squeezing and

more. Unfortunately, lasted but a moment! Bliss without result,

supreme joy, but ephemeral ... already silent Orchestra, dancers were

separated from each other and floor empty.

But, much to the consternation of Virginia, instead it lead back to

table, her knight took her elbow and led her to the door that led to

hotel garden.

Noticing her surprise, he turned toward her. Under the moonlight,

his thumping seemed carved in granite, explained the strange voice


- No one will be surprised to see us coming together. Do not

about, you bring back to your friends in a few moments. But before I

like to ask you a question.

- A, she mumbled.

- Tell me, Lisa knows you're here tonight, with two


- No ...

This simple and honest response to Francis's eyes lit a

glimmer of contempt.

- I doubted myself, he replied in a tone sharp. When Lisa was

here, I wonder which of you two prefer Maddison. He seemed to

determine both the one and the other company. Today, I know what

Page 84

to expect. Boy even convinced his father to come to you

know. Obviously you managed to charm him completely, for the sake of

Page 61: Passion Hert

general. When will I be able to congratulate you?

- No ... I do not understand anything you tell me, protested Virginia, in

empurple while her cheeks.

A thought somehow able to betray her sister with Clive soon

Why Go? How do was to be miserable about it!

- How do not you understand? he replied impatiently. On the contrary, I think

understand perfectly.

Virginia had the impression that living a nightmare, to exit a

pleasant dream. It was terribly disappointed. So close link

thought he had settled between them while dancing was a pure illusion

here's what he thought about it!

Suddenly broken, exhausted, tired voice murmured:

- If that's your impression, there is no point to talk. Us


- Will you marry Clive? Brutality has managed to question

disconcert Virginia. He replied bluntly still:

- No. I thought never to marry Clive. Moreover, after

As you know, I am committed to remain a certain time with the family Van

Loon. Tell me, Miss Spengler not be surprised that you go?

He raised his eyebrows, but persisted to question.

- Where's worse: that comedy deliberately play with Clive and father


- I knew only general tonight. If you are convinced

I play some comedy, it's your job! Now back to the others, you


- Perfect! Excuse me if I mix in your affairs. But

understand why I was surprised to meet you here tonight, when

Lisa has left this morning. Have fun air as well! I have

always imagined that there is great affection between you two.

- You're not wrong at all: we love very much.

Without adding a word, he turned and headed for

restaurant. He was forced to follow.

Located next general Carla display an air of great boredom, while

having fun, listen to him speak.

Page 85

When he saw that coming together in Virginia and Francis, singer

the presumptuous lips and shook her blue eyes gaze of

become icy, while a girl fixed.

No surgeon gave them time to sit down and immediately said:

- I want to leave soon, Francis. I'm a little tired. Attractions

ended the evening not much of interest.

He arranged for them to sketch a delicious smile and Clive's father

and his Virginia greeted with nods imperceptibly. It

Francis asked what stood stiffly at that girl, insignificant, working

as governess to their friends. Why keep relations with her, now that

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Her sister had returned to England?

He promised to say a word when they are alone.

In Virginia ochiii evening had lost all charm. He tried to

merry appear not to disappoint him and Clive managed in part,

General continued because it compliments. He confessed

May anecdotes that listen with interest than being blonde with eyes

blue freezes you.

- If the surgeon he intends to take her to wife, to hope

for he that will enliven this magnificent little mannequin and

get a bit of human warmth!

Clive guessed load Virginia and noted that changed

Francis Hanson's departure. I sincerely hope that Mrs. Lisa

was not about to attach to this man! How could he fight

against brilliant Carla Spengler? His dazzling artist

Francis confided during the dance that she had to

married in the very near future.

Clive manifested especially since warner front of Virginia

felt it disturbed. He thanked the effusion that had managed to

contribute to the success of the evening.

- Glad you came to represent Lisa! I think you took

fortress assault.

- I'm very flattered, Clive. You know I'd do anything for her!

Clearly, the future is promising to announce Lisa. What

Virginia could hope for it?

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CHAPTER XVII He came late summer and autumn of banks shrouded lake

its shimmering waves. Offers the beauty, but also promises winter

Poil with brumele and cold.

Finally the first snow fell. Virginia had not seen

never so much snow in her life. When the clouds have passed and the sky

Blue seemed fresh, pure air and cause an intoxicating feeling

young Englishwoman she found more refreshing than the

banks of the Thames!

However, everyday life had nothing intoxicating. It was, in

contrast, ordinary and routine had to deal with two children to

strengthen the body and soul and inspire some concepts to you

develop intelligence. Virginia quickly won the friendship and esteem of

Mary Van Loon and her husband. But the latter, after a short

period home, I had to leave again. This time Mary has

expressed a desire to accompany. Virginia may well take

One responsibility of children. In addition, the lady came Ravaz

Paris could, when needed, to help with advice.

Virginia remained so alone with the children and servants. Apart from them,

not only see the lady of Ravaz.

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Aunt Heloise was always delighted to receive

Virginia tea, you can release the work. He had resumed

relations agreeable time when she lived in Virginia. But with a

contrast: Francis never spoke. Steps surgeon no longer

resounded on the floor of the porch, when talking eagerly about

trolley service that woman put silver tea service.

When was going to ring, the phone is voice sound reverberate

of ...

The refined lady Ravaz guessed that it was better not

make allusions about her grandson in her face and it was afraid not to

Page 87

redness or pale face betrayed by her emotion and a cause

the name of the surgeon.

From what he feared most was to learn the news of his imminent

marriages. Search - in vain - to prepare to be indifferent.

Moreover, hope to have left Switzerland at that time so feared,

because he knew that Peter and Paula soon will go to boarding school in

England and will not need it. It will then return to the country


Upon returning home spouses Van Loon, winter had set and layer

Snow was large enough for skiing. Spouses Van Loon had to

mountain villa where he invited friends happy.

So they organized a trip for a group which included

and Virginia, children and maid, Effie.

The villa is situated not far from the Hotel Grünwald, where Virginia

Breakfast with Francis during their trip was over so

dumbass. Some very close, there are numerous ski runs, more

Swiss and frequented by tourists passing through.

Evening athletes gathered at the hotel to dance or talk,

the cozy lounges, well heated.

Virginia followed first beginners course, where did

first steps. A little discouraged by the difficulties of the sport completely

unknown, the girl wanted to quit the first day.

But Mary patiently helped her to adjust. But the children were

easily adapted. For Virginia it was a question of prestige

they could not remain alone as a spectator getting bored. There was

forced to go.

It did not take long to do a very

honorable, but was aware that he will never be a performer.

He bought a navy blue jacket, with a red scarf assorted

and a suitable hat. It was lovely to see her with red obrajiii

due to strong air and sparkling eyes. Leaving no children at all, and

all three formed a charming group. So it was not surprising that

many young people often turned their eyes to it!

Changing altitude, sunny, snow, and this life

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Holiday gave her lust for life and wrote enthusiastic letters with Lisa

about the pastimes of Switzerland in winter.

Page 88

Lisa wrote that no longer aching arm and hand and that he had resumed

serious piano exercises. Testified that had never been so

happy. Especially that Clive is officially engaged after being

received from his family, in Buckinghamshire. General and his sister,

Aunt Hetty, a warmly received. Clive seemed to consecrate

pleasure existence of gentleman farmer and his father smiled with joy

the idea that it will be seconded to the administration area.

The marriage of the two lovers was planned for early


Of course, once married, Lisa will continue to work on the piano:

her ambition to give concerts not left. But success was not

the sole purpose of her life. Clive took first place to come.

Virginia continue to think of her sister with the same affection and

hope that he will find happiness first.

Her future but it seemed a little dark, but for the moment

refuse to think about when you leave Switzerland.

However, Lisa letter with all the details about engagement and visit

her family's future, be made to raise the heart.

One day, sitting in the sun on a tree trunk and contemplate

magnificent scenery which took place at her feet, while

thinking of Lisa and Clive. Later, you will be back in the mists of

her homeland, will evoke memories of these forests heartbreaking

pines, like meals that grim relief of pearly whiteness

slopes and those skyrocketing in dark blue


He sighed and then stood up, angry with herself that give way

melancholy. Such reflections will not bring any encouragement more

Well would concentrate on what to write to her sister. It was decided to

back to the villa and take up correspondence. No one will

surprised by its absence, as he was now able to ski alone.

It was very nice, but the house was too far away Never attempt

fear and appreciate the contrary that intoxicating feeling of slipping,

close fly, well beaten slopes.

No doubt his left ski caught badly, because he gave

realize that no one will listen as usual. In the mid-slope of

Page 89

tried to hold back, as taught, but he only managed to bath

all the weight and to roll without be able to stop, as a

snowballs. A slope brutally stopped rolling, but

failed to get past the skis and poles.

He felt a little ridiculous and especially very shocked by the fall.

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Deviated from the runway, stopped in a snow bank of fresh snow, the

where he could not get out. All her efforts were not only a

sink and more.

Scarlet, on the verge of tears, she did not know what to do when a silhouette

- Apparently fallen from heaven - and she stopped at a fraction of

second was back on his feet, supported by someone who looked

with a mischievous air.

A rasp voice exclaimed:

- I wonder if you realize how ridiculous you look? You lie


Anger, wrath subtle and violent, they rarely felt in life, the

comprehended Virginia.

- Well, if I find so funny, why did not you leave

the position where was I? replied her trembling.

When he looked up at her savior - in this case Francis Hanson -

could not bursting into a furious cry. He felt that

some valves had opened in her and sobbing convulsively with hiccups.

I could say exactly what a grip. The pain from the ankle

left, sprained in the fall, there was enough explanation. Consider

it's grotesque to behave like a child, but it was too much for her.

Francis's attitude changed and asked with concern:

- Did something happen? Tell me where?

- No, nothing. I rolled only on the slope of her hiccupping.

- You have sprained something, or you have a sprain? Are you in pain?

- No, but I do not think ...

He took her firmly in his arms and shaking Virginia.

- Stop crying! he commanded authority.

- No ... I can not!

- If you do not stop immediately, you ... kiss you! She emerged with a

small crying and wiped eyes with a handkerchief he handed her,

red still bowed his head.

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Tears dried up miraculously.

- See, I knew it would be effective! he murmured satisfied.

He smiled again and Virginia found the strength to respond with a

smile. He tried to apologize:

- I'm really desolate that I did not know what ridiculous ...


- Really? Now I want to watch foot. Sit down for a moment.

It must be left, right?

He easily palpated ankle swelled not yet, but it hurt.

- No longer can ski a day or two, but it's nothing serious, concluded

his professional tone.

Knelt at her feet, in immaculate snow this time

was able to observe him at will. Do not wear anything on his head and

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His black hair highlights her beautiful face tan. Take smile

further, revealing splendid white teeth in his eyes

dark, Virginia not read any hostility, but a strange expression.

- Please excuse me if I gave the impression that I mock

you. But if I come to you out there, what would you do? to

he asked, fixing it with intensity.

- I do not know.

She laughed a little nervous, managing to relax.

He put back his boot, he patted her on the hand, in order to

calm, with a gesture affectionate.

- I think you tried a violent shock, he acknowledged.

- It was my fault. I had to be careful when I tied


- I'll help you up at the villa, he decided tone without reply.

- Where are you staying? The hotel? I do not even know you were here, he said


- We arrived yesterday evening. I took a room at the Hotel Grünwald and

I went out on the track today Edelhorn.

It was one of the toughest tracks, accessible only skiers

Experienced. He stood up abruptly:

- I'll take you in my arms and I finished the descent on skis, if you're


- But ... you can not!

Page 91

- Oh, I can assure you! Incidentally, I have no choice, because you no longer

you can put the left ski. You've done nothing but put your arms

around my neck and hold me tight. Otherwise, give yourself to me, the

He encouraged her with a friendly air and at the same time amused.

He stretched out both hands and helped her up.

- Well, what do you say? It's simple, right?

- If you believe ...

He laughed almost youthfully:

- I am convinced!

When Virginia raised fists at his neck cowered Francis and

his chest, his heart was beating his chest to break. A raised as a

flake. Impressed and disturbed by his athletic conformation was

empurple easy.

He contemplated the little face so close to his, and


- Sit tight ...

She closed her eyes and lowered his head next to his neck and his warm

abandoned confidence in his arms.

When they reached the house, there was only Effie. The children slept in

their room was quiet in the living room, where a good fire burning

in the fireplace.

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Francis asked the maid to bring some cold water and gave

Virginia immediate first aid. After he bandaged ankle, the

installed the girl on the sofa, surrounded by pillows, and advised her to

rest a day or two, before restarting to ski.

- Thanks for bringing me home, she said, still drunk from

lowering dream which he had made in front of the surgeon.

Another wonderful memory when it is in England!

Effie served them tea, which they drank together, conversing in

quiet, as the time when Aunt Heloise lived in Virginia. It

happen to laugh and changing impressions.

When Van Loon wife arrived home, they were astonished to find them

Francis. Mary immediately inquired how it feels Virginia: may

Does the ball go to the hotel? Sure, he had no chance!

Mary turned to the surgeon:

- What do you think, Francis? You can dance tomorrow night?

Page 92

- Obviously not; will have to be content to look at others,

if amused.

Virginia thought it could not be so bad, provided

Francis also like to attend the prom.

Who knows, maybe it will take less and it? ultimately may

harbor few illusions.

And then, there is an important asset: Carla Spengler was not the hotel,

As far as the doctor said.

During the evenings, you can find Francis to Virginia

gentleness and attentions that he had given them back when a treat

Lisa? Unfortunately, the girl had no idea when he would fall in love

surgeon and life seemed full of promise yet ...

Mary could not fail to notice how his eyes sparkled Virginia

cheeks flushed. Wear it responsibility for this doctor

disorder? How it got on track in time to

Virginia jumped help?

"Oh, God, she thought, I hope not to be in love with him ..."

And yet ...

There was no news yet about the supposed marriage of Francis

Carla. At least, no date had been set.

Page 93

CHAPTER XVIII The next morning, Dr. Hanson presented courteous to

villa to find news about Virginia. He found her sitting

şezlog a comfortable, on the porch, reading aloud stories

for children.

Seeing, Virginia turned red as usual. She was surprised and

while flattered that he had trouble to inquire

Page 68: Passion Hert

her health.

When he knelt before her to examine the ankle and

breathing, so close, manly scent of perfume that I

emanate, Virginia was breath.

Doctor's deft fingers have become easier to

foot feel it tougher. Again, read the eyes of a

some fun.

- Well, because there is no hope to go to dance tonight

so, what you want to do? Stay quiet here? Or would you

go sledding at the hotel? I invited Mary and her friends on

dinner with me; I do not want to think you will not be among them.

- I do not want to bother anyone, protested Virginia, while

children watched him with interest as recovering from surgery bandage.

- I do not see how disturbing.

Without looking at her to stop, added:

- I'll come get you. It's the only way to make sure that no

I have forgotten at home.

Beating heart to break, Virginia wanted to leave the eyes,

to see that no malicious glint that not an explanation

bleak eyes that spell. He could only answer with a voice


- It's very kind of you.

- Very sensible, on the contrary. We can not allow your misfortune

playing tricks again.

Page 94

When he set foot again bandaged velvet slipper,

Dr. Hanson turned to children and began to play with them.

Virginia was surprised to see how much success he did, although he knew

very little. He promised if they were obedient, cable car to take them

to the top of the mountain and were delighted.

After the departure of the children spoke only about him and not Virginia

get enough to listen, so dear to him was this.

After that, she went to her room to prepare for the evening

enjoyed before. She put her beautiful black dress again

and, because the longer deflated ankle, managed to put shoes

silver. Do not risk further harm once: not stated Francis

Hanson authoritative tone that will be limited to regard dancing


What mattered if he was there and came to take her to wife

his guests?

When Mary told him to visit the doctor, it raised a

eyebrow, surprised hearing that will transport the girl to the hotel. However,

refrained from comment.

Once ready, Virginia to look in the mirror and found that the

toilet if he felt better in the evening when dinner general and

Page 69: Passion Hert

son. Emit a kind of inner light which enhance the beauty


What hope from that evening? I could say, but his fever

burning eyes, a bold new devoured his heart. Never had

tried similar sensations.

Mary has realized its transformation when he saw her coming out


- My little, how beautiful you are! she exclaimed.

Under the power of a sudden impulse, he kissed Virginia and take

murmured in his ear

- I wish I always take with us! If she knew Mary! It Was

the desire deep inside her hot! He would have liked to stay

in this country until the end of days ...

Dr. Hanson was quick to come and invited Mary to

Virginia accompany you rented sled. But Mary

Page 95

refused the invitation, their group had made all preparations to lead to


Well cavers cocooned in a robe, sitting with Virginia

hands crossed on his knees and contemplate all the lights

beautiful shining that night: the distant stars, the

nearest lanterns and windows.

Francis leaned toward her and, with a gentle voice that surprised her

the girl said:

- I know that you expect more from the reception. I hope not to be


Virginia replied calmly but firmly:

- Of course I will not be disappointed.

They have not changed a word in their journey short. In front of

building took her in his arms and took her with caution in bright entry


The doctor ordered a big meal for his guests seated

center of the hall. It was covered with flowers, champagne while it cooled in

batteries. The best wines were made to gain room temperature

and waiters already yelling for placing table companions.

Virginia and Mary sat on the left to the right host. Very

polite, Francis shared his attentions between the two fair

neighbors and the rest of the guests. Virginia lost admire manners

its worldly and try to accommodate despite

its natural timidity.

The table was very lively and cheerful. Afterwards, everyone

toward the next room where his orchestra already granted

instruments. Virginia was installed in an armchair and all friends

Van Loon spouses came, one after another, to keep them company.

The room was beautifully decorated with garlands and lights effect.

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When Francis came to Virginia in turn, nobody

disturbed. He was perfectly happy with it and wanted to evening

extend to infinity.

The musicians sang songs especially gentle and melancholy, which

Virginia them specifically agree and which perfectly matched the

state of the soul.

Page 96

- Begin to be stifling here, the doctor said suddenly.

Central Heating going too strong! I think the air is fresher

on the porch. Would you like to go?

- How you.

She got up immediately and he offered his arm, which she supported

to take the few steps that separated him from the next room.

He helped her to sit on a couch and sat beside her,

lighting a cigarette. With eyes on the starry sky

large windows, he noted:

- It's more fun here, right? You can hear the music anyway.

He turned and looked at her with some curiosity;

- Are you okay Van Loon family? You like to take care of


- Oh yes, I love them more.

- Have the air you're doing well with them. What projects do you have? inquired

He suddenly, crushing his cigarette in the ashtray.

She was silent for a while. Why had put that question? she asked herself


- Mrs. Van Loon remain until Christmas and get back home

early, she said, finally.

With downcast eyes, without the slightest reaction, he said:

- Do you miss home of course.

- Yes, sometimes she remarked in a low voice.

- What is Lisa?

- Oh, very well, and health and music. Her old teacher

Piano is very satisfied with her progress and regained flexibility


- It's great!

- But it's not an issue to be addressed to

Your ...

Very embarrassed, she bit her lip before continuing.

- My father wrote me and told me he does not answer

the letter asks the amount of your fee.

I want more to pay off what you owe. Ultimately, Lisa

came from England to treat your clinic, as

any patient and ...

Page 97

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- And? he smiled.

- I have managed a remarkable job and we are all very

grateful ... as you can imagine.

- Okay, I feel very rewarded!

- Not at all she protested vehemently, he imagined that her family

will accept such a commitment?

- Understand that you can not, she insisted. You are a surgeon

renowned. You have done an operation, have kept Lisa a number of days

clinic, the care of the. We are modest, but we can not stay

owe. We pride ... And then I was some unknown ...

- Why do you want to go home? he interrupted her calm. E Dor

true, or you are tired of Switzerland? Before letting her answer,

continued: I am going to stay here at Christmas Mountain.

There are only twenty days; I hope to stay at the family Van

Loon and prolong your stay beyond the holidays. It's a period

very pleasant to spend with a group of friends! In addition, it's time

when the snow is very good for skiing.

- I'm not a performer!

They both started

laugh, remembering the

recent feat of the face.

- I could give lessons! he said.

Virginia could not not ask the question that was burning lips:

- And Miss Spengler? Do not come and celebrate it? I have to

be a very good skier ...

- Yes, they are doing very well. In fact she comes with us, as

her parents.

With a lump in my throat, Virginia and left eyes and silent ...

Francis Hanson looked at her thoughtfully. The porch light reigned

diffuse. He clearly realized that the girl had changed his attitude.

So he repeated the question with great delicacy:

- Do not tell me why you want to come home.

- Oh, that must be ... she replied in a tone elusive.

And suddenly, without knowing why, he added clumsily:

- Because marriage.

- Marriage? he repeated prohibited. When it fixed?

- At the beginning of January.

Page 98

- You have to go to training, of course.

- Yes, of course.

He realized immediately that her words cause confusion and

Francis was wrong. Had failed to specify that it was marriage

Lisa and not hers.

To explain? No, return to the issue of Spengler and Carla

some have imposed silence spite. After all, to believe what he wants!

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He had done enough to suffer the whims of permanent, treating it when

with the greatest kindness, when most cold. For her

a kiss without consequences, but the gorgeous singer vows

eternal love ...

He was hard to swallow saliva, so much emotion a try. The

invaded a wave of anger. The "chance" to meet beautiful

surgeon in Milan, the night that Clive has invited the company

his father! At least Francis Hanson have cost had not been

abandoned by all ...

The facial features tightened, the doctor asked a final question:

- The decision that came unexpectedly, or you took to dinner at

that you met your future in-law?

- I ...

Fortunately, Virginia has never had to answer, because

Mary's voice suddenly sounded very close to them:

- Hey, you two! We were wondering where you disappeared. If you want to

dance, Francis, I remain with Virginia.

- Of course, Dr. Hanson, go! encouraged it in


Mary surprised the two faces an expression that surprised her, but

not commented.

The doctor stood up, bowed slightly to the women and left them in


Insightful, Mary guessed that something happened between doctor and girl.

Also, when Virginia asked her if he could return to

villa, lasting a little ankle, Mary was not fooled by the cover, but

was quick to agree:

Page 99

- Of course, my little girl. And I wanted to go, so go

together. Actually I do not think you should sit as much amused in

while others dance.

They wanted to take leave of their host, but could not find it

nowhere, they instructed Edward to convey their thanks.

How did the house, Mary asked him to drink a cup of Virginia

good tea and take an aspirin before going to bed.

- You look a little tired. That will do you good and you then take

pain, she added.

The next morning, Edouard Peter and Paula took them on

slopes for beginners and Virginia was able to speak only with

Mary. Half the night he could not sleep, looking at what

terms to tell him her decision. Without introduction, she announced her:

- I must return home. The sooner, the better

ok. Today, if possible.

- But ...

Mary Van Loon was speechless. How changed Virginia

Page 73: Passion Hert

a few days! Her eyes with dark circles violet lost their glow,

soften their cheeks pink.

- I know it seems too precipitate, she exclaimed in a tone

jerky. But Effie is perfectly able to take care of children and the

early January will go to boarding school in England. So no more

need me.

- My child, I intend to propose your longer stay, longer

Hold on to me.

- We are very grateful, but you have done it out of pity. With a

weak smile, she added: I must return home as soon as

possible if you do not mind.

- I will not keep you from, if you care so much. But tell me, if not

are too intrusive, it's because Dr. Hanson?

- Yes, she murmured, bowing his eyes.

- You ... you love him, right?

She glanced eloquent response instead.

- I suspected least, Mary sighed. But I hope that there Carla

will help to not make too many illusions. But yesterday, I confess,

I think the situation evolve in your favor.

Page 100

Leaning toward Virginia, took her hand tenderly.

- Are you sure that you have no hope, and for that reason you want

to go back to parents, right?

- Yesterday evening, I left him to understand that he was going to marry

Clive Maddison. When in fact, it's Lisa. Dr. Hanson

always imagined that there was something between me and Clive.

- And the pride do not want to tell him he's wrong?

- Exactly. Maybe you can help me playing this comedy to

my departure?

Mary Van Loon seemed disoriented.

- It's dangerous and less stupid! she protested. No pass more and

will reveal the truth. What will happen then?

- Nothing, Virginia replied bitterly, turning his head. Will

undoubtedly be happy to meet me not in the way of Please,

not say anything, as I sit here. And let me go today.

Can I take evening air.

- Do you think to be reflected back after you calm?

Virginia raised his head with an air of sad but firm.

- No, I will never come back.

- O! But what I will tell Francis, when asked where are you?

- Explain to him that I was called urgently to England and that I had

time to say goodbye.

- But it will be very surprised and ask questions ...

- That does it for anything! she exclaimed in a tone without


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Mary Van Loon and realized that Vir-Gini had decided

irrevocable. Stamping and heart surrendered.

- How do you, my dear child. I can not do anything for you,

than can help you to prepare your luggage. But, I want to give me

allowed to tell the truth lady Ravaz. It has a lot of affection

for you and would be better to make a wrong impression. Do you understand me,


Virginia hesitated before accepting; then sighed, thinking

Aunt Heloise and her generous hospitality. He wanted so much

do not leave Switzerland without to thank you once again for

great kindness.

Page 101

CHAPTER XIX The journey back to England was not to let too many memories

Virginia. He remembered simply that already raining appearance coast

London and the British turned to flood. In addition, it was cold and

girl shaking for good when he cried for a taxi to take her

at home.

No one warned of its coming on precipitated and, of course, not

expect someone to come to meet her. Peak misfortune was

Friday night, the day her parents went, usually in cinema. Yup

God be at least Lisa home! Lest she be out with father

and her mother. But certainly not with Clive, who was some courses at a

College of Agricultural Engineers.

When Virginia got out of the car and rang the door

their apartment, tried some concerns because they do not hear

piano and did not see any light. Some steps have recently sounded the

vestibule and Lisa just ajar door, trying to hide

because it was the gown.

- Virginia! she exclaimed, jumping and neck. These two were

Lisa kissed her affectionately and immediately protested:

- Why did not you said that coming? What happened? I am single,

What would you have done if I had not been home?

- I would have lingered in the doorway until he întorceaţi.

At great effort, she began to laugh, but Lisa did

they tricked her with false cheerfulness. He hastened longer stir the fire in the lounge and

to light all the lamps to be lit room.

Virginia looked around her: nothing had changed since leaving

them. As usual, all parties lay magazines and books, a kit

Sewing remained abandoned furniture. The TV was not lit.

than in the days when the boys came home. Lisa's superb piano trona

majestic effect.

Page 102

In this place where disorder reigned nice, Virginia

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felt like a lost Oita who had returned to the fold. He left in a

armchair near the fireplace and stretched out his hands frozen to


Lisa explained why the gown is:

- Just trying a dress that I bought it

in the morning. If I could guess that live tonight, I would not have received

so. I would have booked another reception!

He looked surprised but sister and asked her:

- Tell me, what's with this sudden coming? After your last

letter I felt you were happy in Switzerland.

- I missed you, and I realized suddenly answered without


- Mary Van Loon let you leave without convince you?

- Would have preferred to stay. But children will go to retirement anyway

in early January and will no longer need me. I

doing so worried the house! You can not imagine!

Vehemence surprised tone Lisa, who was not used to a

see in that state. In addition, he found that he has a bad mine. Of Course

road fatigue was not sufficient to explain the pale

image, sadness in his eyes, trembling lips that Virginia and a

bite nervous. And charming smile appears on her mouth not to disappoint

anyone and especially Lisa!

But perhaps it was better not to insist on time and to

bâiguielile settle laconic of Virginia. Whereupon Lisa

spoke with vivacity:

- You must be hungry. Unfortunately, nothing in the house

to prepare a feast! Come with me to the kitchen, however, you

prepare some eggs and coffee. And we could talk meantime. Of

otherwise, it's even hotter here, where I just put on fire.

- Tell me, Lisa, you use both hands normal? her

Virginia interested in seeing her sister stirring.

Lisa smiled radiantly.

- Oh yes, absolutely! Is not it wonderful? Thanks to Dr. Hanson!

Parents bears his special gratitude. But they feel very embarrassed that

fail to get the note with the doctor's fee.

Page 103

- O, I'll send him, replied Virginia, forcing it to

keep his voice even. He hastened to change the subject. And the wedding? Have

fixed date? I know it was scheduled for early January: one

the reasons for my return. You really need to help prepare you.

Do you imagine that I would be allowed to run only in stores? concluded

it with humor.

- Oh, now I understand why you're back! Unfortunately it's too late.

I and my busy wedding trousseau. It took me a long time,

because I had not only clothing but also much

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for home. And this despite the fact that we live in the old house

general! His sister has just complained that the house is too big. E

delighted to come to her and is ready to give my all responsibilities


- I hope you know to keep a house.

- Not yet, but I'll learn.

Virginia hardly recognized in this young overflowing with vitality

and confidence in herself, the one who had lost all hope

after the accident! He could not not ask, they fidget

since you were in Switzerland!

- And the piano?

- No question is not to abandon him! But now, Clive has


Without a break, Virginia to let her speak at length

about her fiancé and about their future projects. Lisa was

particularly evident in love and thought her marriage. Figure it

express such radiant happiness that her older sister was

excited. She was trying to stifle in her heart aching a

feeling hopeless, how much they wanted to know the same

joy! Do not review will undoubtedly never man

who obsess endlessly ...

Also speaking, Lisa and suddenly realized that her sister will not listen

with the same attention. Take pity that looks so drawn and laid fatigue

on account of the journey. Knowing that their parents return very late, take

Virginia suggested to go to sleep.

- I'm waiting for his father and mother and tell them that you're back.

What will be happy! My father always said that-ie miss you so much.

Page 104

Virginia felt oppressed by the idea of being finally home. The

next day she wakes up in her room and I will see all of the family,

especially her father who always understood better than mother and

her sister!

Despite the warm reception from the family and the joy of

return to her home, Virginia was hard to readjust to life


Affection for her parents had not abated during that stay in

abroad, but could not think without doubt Francis

Hanson. He had to think about it until the end of days, only to

that man? And I never come to rest interest


When Lisa took her to her stores, Virginia pretended a

Shipping interested her sister. But films or sheets

house, nothing was holding out. The limit to follow the young

engaged as a robot. Even grandma lace veil it

wore on her wedding day and who will bear the Lisa, a leave indifferent.

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During the weekend, Clive came and took them to the restaurant. It

manifested particularly grateful to Virginia for service

you had, accepting to meet his father. This in

After trying artificial gaiety was retained to refuse when the

engaged couple have decided to go to a disco. Although

efforts, her joy simulated sounds fake and evening was wasted.

If Lisa tackle the subject of conversation they stay in Switzerland,

Virginia retreated into silence imposed and Lisa hurry to

talk about something else. But as her older sister had suffered attempt?

wondered young pianist, however, guessed the truth.

Virginia ended attitude of the plot, then you worry on

her parents. But no one, not even her father was denied even the

low confidence. Asked about her projects, she said

only after marriage Lisa secretary station will resume if

was still open.

A week before Christmas, came home on holiday

her brothers and the whole house was immersed in preparations for the holidays.

The walls were decorated with cheerful colors and shimmering bands,

garlands were hanging around the fireplace and ceiling. Both

Page 105

preference for boys always had acted Virginia and she

did everything they could to spoil. But his pain

persist in heart and despised his own weakness.

In the kitchen, where they shake their mother, two sisters gave a

help appreciated, but less efficiently than before as a

watched the big sister.

Whenever he could. Virginia discreet escape and went to

walk the streets, avoiding to look brightly lighted windows.

Constant thought the Hotel Grünwald, perched in the mountains, where

Francis spent a wonderful day. And there were preparations

Christmas ...

The doctor had most likely to hotel and, of course, Carla

Spengler. It was the best time for snow: skiers, of course,

amused themselves fully. On the evening of New Year would be a great ball in

hotel lounge.

It will probably be the timing of Clara for Francis to

announce their engagement. As Clive and Lisa, will marry when the


So it was not surprising that ground also thoughts, they

produced worried ones.

Despite her suffering, do not forget those who still friends and I

had services. Also, chose appropriate gifts

Ravaz lady, Mary Van Loon and, of course, Peter and Paula,

who would soon arrive in England. He tried to make packages

beautiful and hurried to ship by air.

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The torrential rain that day and she how she could protect packages

well as waterproof. As soon as she took the post was watered

soaking. But knowing that it was not anyone in the family home at

Therefore, do not hurry to return. Actually, not thinking only

Switzerland and watched the thought go packages.

By the time he got home, a taxi stopped in front of the entrance and

he descended from a man. Terrified, never moved at all and

gaze intersected with the black eyes so familiar, the

under the brim ... Dr. Hanson. Visa it? No, he was right.

Page 106

From a jump was beside her and caught her hand firmly. Without

introduction, he asked:

- You live, right?

- Yup.

- Then come quickly to change: a cold otherwise. I wait in

taxi and go to a place where we can discuss.

- No one's home. Want to climb?

He hesitated a moment before answering:

- No, I prefer to meet your parents later. For The Time Being,

you want to talk. Hurry!

Page 107

CHAPTER XX Virginia changed with a coat beige raincoat wet hair

camel. Over blonde curls and put on a blue velvet hat.

Not had time to her skin and makeup and looked pale.

Dr. expect taxi. When he saw her, came and opened

door. Then he came and sat beside her and gave an address


Extremely upset, Virginia silent.

He spoke first:

- What have terrible climate in this country! The rain that while

... And there's gloomy and cold over!

- Indeed, today's not nice. Not lucky, she answered


- I saw you walking in the rain, however, under the downpour without you

rush. You were wet. It's a habit of yours? No one in the family told

stop doing that?

Virginia wanted to protest, but discouraged by cold tuna

which he had used it, was confined to note:

- Wear a raincoat. And besides, I'm afraid not get wet

a little.

- I really need someone to take care of you! take

he told sec, with furrowed brows.

The driver made a turn about brutal that designed it in Virginia

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in Francis Hanson.

Instinctively, she clung to his coat sleeve tweed and

pulled out a small cry when she woke up chained strong arms


With a hoarse voice, he whispered in my ear

- I was determined to punish you because you made us miserable

both. But now that we're near me, it's the only thing

I can do.

Page 108

When he kissed her on the footbridge in the pine forest had made a

some kindness. This time, however, not only has his kiss

bruised lips, but he cut her breath.

A clamping authority, demanding and it recognizes the same desire

that she tried for him since he left.

Lacking strength and willpower, he could only roost and

close to him, while taxis run on wet streets, in the rain

London beat in the twilight.

Finally, Virginia and laid his head on the shoulder of the doctor and

Her hat rolled away. But he no longer off from

her mouth who can not get enough of the taste of his mouth. The beating heart

unison, one glued to each other.

Taxi continue their race and swaying at the mercy of both

Turn and stops at traffic lights.

He ended liberate Virginia lips. She looked straight

eyes. It was so close! Never, not even in her dreams the

bold may not have thought so much love in her.

- Virginia! Yes, my dear, my darling! he whispered.

The girl was silent. But penumbra taxi, he read in her eyes

what they seek: the same as his starting.

He adored his head close and his fingers were lost in the hair

Her silky.

After he murmured in his ear words of love, who

troubled her so deep down, he kissed her again.

His lips tenderness recăpătaseră their first kiss and it seemed to him


Virginia raised a hand that trembled to comfort the

cheek; He caught it on the fly and he pressed her mouth.

- Virginia, why did you run? Why did you leave me without any news? If

Aunt Heloise I would have said, I knew nothing.

- Did ... did he say it? she whispered, her voice muffled, while

continue to face tucked into his chest. How did? resumed


- At first Mary Van Loon said. And then never had

need to inform anyone, because you guessed better

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Page 109

than me. I did not know what to expect from you, I you

I loved ... I adored you from the beginning.

Under the effect of a total surprises, Virginia recovered energy.

I do not understand. It was not possible. Appalled, he repeated:

- Since ... started?

- Of course, my love. Since those kids you have hit your head

door, the Hotel Milano. In fact, I confess that I noticed

already, they sat alone at the shelter that green plants.

From that moment, I knew what I wanted most in the world

was to be mine. You were so small, so lovely, so shy!

I think I was able to get up and take you in my arms. There,

full restaurant, in front of everybody! And God forbid the one that would

tried to stop me! Unfortunately, things did not happen

so ...

- No, of course, because it was Miss Spengler.

- Carla? But why?

- Because everyone claimed would you engaged.

He seemed a little surprised.

- Carla and I know from childhood, but I'm sure

never loved me. And it's true and vice versa. We are very good

friends, that's all. At the moment is going to be

marry a rich American and probably will leave Switzerland.

- And do not suffer?

- The idea!

- And I thought ...

He lifted his chin with your fingertips and looked at her with eyes in

to see that love. With his lips on hers, he murmured:

- What you thought, my dear, it's nothing compared to what I thought

and felt the night that you've announced that you want to marry Clive


- I never said that! I simply explained that

I had to return home for the wedding, the Lisa!

- Yes, I know, my love, but you're allowed to keep

confusion. You know why I invited everyone at the hotel that night?

I intend to ask you to become my wife!

- Oh, Francis! If I had known! she sighed.

Page 110

- It's the first time you say Francis, he whispered, stroking her

hair. I love to hear my name in your mouth, Virginia. You got

so much trouble to make me think you were indifferent! From

Fortunately, my Aunt Heloise revealed everything. So now tell me

if you love me.

- I love you more than anything in the world. I ca n't live without you,

told her vibrant voice.

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In fact the doctor had asked the driver to go at random,

awaiting his instructions. Left to wander without purpose, he

Finally interested in:

- Where do we go now, sir?

With an amused air, Francis proposed to Virginia:

- What would have to eat somewhere?

- I'm not hungry at all.

- I seem to have weakened since you came back to England. I have to

nourished. Alminteri, we can not ask this man to go

to infinity on the streets of London.

She leaned over and gave the driver some instructions. He took a

Virginia arms again and said, laughing:

- We're not properly dressed to go to a local

Luxury. But I know a little restaurant, quiet place to eat

well ... or to discuss if you prefer.

- It seems that know London well, murmured shyly Virginia,

clutching him.

- Oh, I did some work placements here and I like to come back.

He laid his cheek on her hair blond, where exudes a faint fragrance.

- This time, I'm here because of you, a fugitive heartless, which

abandoned me!

Virginia had suddenly remorse.

- I broke all draft Christmas! You wanted to spend

holidays in Grünwald !

- Never mind. What matters, it's what I have to say.

At the restaurant, sat quietly in a corner. Although they were absorbed

discussion, appreciated, however, the quality of food and service.

Page 111

Virginia wondered at any time if dreaming or was

indeed Francis Hanson who stood before them and spoke

future projects.

As for Francis, he wastes no time: not only wanted to

Virginia marry, but over wanted this to happen

asap. He was not even decided to talk about it

parents, even tonight? Virginia protested weakly:

- But ... but that's impossible! Lisa is getting married in early January

and we should expect ...

- Whatever you marry Lisa. It has nothing to do with

our marriage, he replied without trouble.

Shy, bringing to him a look of adoration that shone, she


- And if we choose the same time?

- For anything. Aunt Heloise advised me to go back

with you as soon as I arrive in England. Or at least when

I will find you. And it is exactly what I will do. Moreover, we provide

Page 82: Passion Hert

very little time. It is useless to think about'll make a trousseau

bride. There are far too rushed! Nor try to summon all

friends and all knowledge to be present at the ceremony. You will not have time


Again, facing the unbearable arrogance that

discourage so much at the beginning of their relationship! He knew by the expression

His stubborn man and his lips tight fold that his decision was

taken and was therefore irrevocable. He had no choice: he had to accept

Francis's project, and if not, I just have to give it up.

When he put his hand on hers, which remained tense next

plate when he felt a wave passes through a heat understood that

able to resist this man who henceforth will occupy

life. It was for him to take decisions, it could only be


Besides, immediately added a convincing tone:

- You really want to be my wife, right? I put myself on guard: you

once fled; Lest you going longer risk a date?

Page 112

- I will never run anymore. I promise! Virginia words were

accompanied by a look so full of promise that succeeded it


Miraculously, the express image of Francis relented. Eyes

who knew him so well express or cold irony is enveloping

tenderness and seemed a caress.

- We will take the necessary steps starting tomorrow and we

We married in a few days. The fact that we are so close

Christmas present no inconvenience. I think the return will

stay a while in Paris. There you can make purchases that they

want. You'll find toilets worthy of the charming young girl

are. I do not like English fashion style. Ends

raincoats and head scarves to protect yourself from the rain!

Virginia has sketched a smile amused as he had seen you go out of


- How to Dress winter when you live in England? protested


- From now on you will live in Switzerland! He leaned toward her, over

table, and said, whispered:

- Virginia, I love you. I live in my house. I want to

forever, forever.

With bated breath, so excited that she could barely

speak, the girl murmured:

- Oh, Francis ...

Her cheeks were stained and happy tears have blurred eyes.

Page 113

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CHAPTER XXI When Virginia took Francis home, to present

her parents were all there, as Lisa and her brothers.

Her sister then just wash my hair in the bathroom, heard voices

known in the vestibule and was completely confused. He hastened to

dry hair and get dressed to go where there were others.

The whole family was in full effervescence, questions, exclamations

darted from all sides. Lisa looked furtively at Virginia and

found that complete metamorphosis, look radiant and illuminated

happiness. So much sadness and melancholy days earlier!

The man who had made one of them to be able to fully use

had given his hand also other joy of living.

The surgeon seemed as transformed, lose air

severe, while his lips arrogant line was gone.

He addressed her Lisa smile:

- I want a brother in law?

She returned the smile and replied with enthusiasm:

- You have a brother-very useful!

Lisa threw her older sister to hug her

and kiss her.

- Oh, my dear, how happy I am for you! she exclaimed.

Although this undoubtedly means that we will break you, the

added she is afflicted.

Remaining mute emotion, Mr and Mrs Holt looked upon the

which, earlier, wanted to express his gratitude to Lisa. And

behold, now he brings happiness and Virginia!

Without it ever be confessed, Mr. Holt's daughter prefer

higher. Enjoy seeing her so happy. But why should

this joy with grief pay a breakup? Although

they try a lot of great respect and admiration for his future

son in law. Could daughter to dream of a better husband? In a situation

Page 114

good and an established reputation would give his wife a pleasant life


In turn, the two boys had big eyes to look at

distinguished surgeon, whom he secretly supranumiseră, "man

scalpel ", before meeting. Up close, they seem so

feared nor no longer intimidating. And, on the other hand, his talent is not

Lisa had the opportunity to continue their career?

In the midst of that agitation, Mr. Holt went to bring a bottle

champagne to celebrate the event properly. Then,

Francis invited his office, where they closed both a time to

speak for themselves.

It was an evening that Virginia has proposed to never forget. Would

could she imagine such an outcome a few hours before,

Page 84: Passion Hert

when, with a heavy heart, without perspective and sad, just dispatched

Christmas gifts? In the deepest solitude he had found in

at the door on which an image obsessed, the one that I thought so

far, only that mattered to her. What great shock

had encountering those dark eyes fixed on her.

It was not far from midnight, when Francis took goodbye

the new family. Remember a hotel room nearby and,

of course, he and Virginia had to meet the next day

in the morning. But both would have liked the hours that remained to be

already passed.

She accompanied him to the door and there they remained long embrace,

Unable to bear this new division, as short as


He whispered in my ear

- Tomorrow, my love! As early! In some days there

you will be required to leave me tonight.

In the dim light from the entrance, Francis found a glimmer of

fearful joy in the eyes of Virginia. Since he could not believe what was


When, finally, eyes were opened, they found that the rain

ceased. London was sleeping under a starry sky.

Page 115

Virginia looked up and watched the stars of heaven, bringing their

remember Aunt Heloise garden and lake in the night sky pure.

- Hello dear aunt, how are eager see her again! to

she whispered suddenly.

He lovingly caressed her cheeks and said:

- He wants her to stay a few days, when we return. While

you see my bachelor abode to determine what changes to


- For Real? We'll live in it from the beginning? How happy I am!

In her heart of hearts she knew that happiness will be complete: Aunt

Heloise and Francis! ... I do not see why I make changes to your home, to

she continued. What little I saw I liked. And if you

love and like you, I will like me.

- Do you think, darling?

He smiled with an air of gentle irony.

- I wonder if you will always have the same opinion with me in ten,

twenty or thirty years ...

Virginia lost gaze into the stars of heaven and became


Ten, twenty or thirty years of happiness with the lake ...


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