passion perseverance and prayer

Passion Perseveran ce & Prayer -- Pooja Ruprell

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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-- Pooja Ruprell

Your New Happiness Manual!

Steve jobsThe only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Had Steve Jobs chosen to ignore his burning passion, our planet would have been deprived of a Electronic Revolution.

It is passionThat has you jumping out of bed, looking forward to another challenging day

When you feel driven from within, no matter what the hardship

If you are lying awake in bed, trying to assess what you can do to get a step closer to your goal

Thomas EdisonI have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that Wont work.

Thomas Alva Edison had a dream that he was just not willing to give up on. Had he

given up, the world may have still been a dark place.It is Perseverance When you start afresh after each failure

That has you looking at new ways to get to your chosen destination

If you refuse to take NO for an answer

BuddhaEvery morning we are born again. | What we do today is what matters most.

Prayer elevates and transforms you. Nourish your soul using this powerful communication tool every day, and your life will transform

It is Prayer When we close our eyes and communicate with the source of our faith That gives us hope when we feel stuck Even if we bow our head and accept joyfully all that is sent our way

Passion + Perseverance + Prayer = HAPPINESS

Happiness is an outcome in the lives who live with these 3 P’s.

Passion adds color to your life

Perseverance refuses to let you give up hope

Prayer serves as the tool to communicate with the source of our faith, enabling

us to find inner serenity, strength and wisdom

Happiness begins with ‘YOU’.

Why should you read Pooja’s book?

Read it for it gives you vital tips on experiencing joy—not a

transient joy, but a permanent, everlasting joy that can rise only from

deep within.

Draw inspiration towards understanding and fulfilling your unique


Help your self to make a fresh start.

Read it to help you make your dreams come true.

Above all, read it so you can learn to follow your heart.

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Thank you