passive voice exercises

PASSIVE VOICE Put the sentences into passive voice. 1 They built these houses in 1902. . 2 She bakes a cake every Sunday. . 3 He broke the vase yesterday. . 4 I clean the shoes every Friday. . 5 We wrote the exercise an hour ago. . 6 They use this road very often. . 7 Thieves stole his car. . 8 They cancelled all the flights. . 9 Brian told the truth. . 10 She always loads the dishwasher. .

Upload: liclauraflores

Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Passive voice exercises


Put the sentences into passive voice.

1 They built these houses in 1902. 

2 She bakes a cake every Sunday. 

3 He broke the vase yesterday. 

4 I clean the shoes every Friday. 

5 We wrote the exercise an hour ago. 

6 They use this road very often. 


7 Thieves stole his car. 


8 They cancelled all the flights. 

9 Brian told the truth. 


10 She always loads the dishwasher. 

11 He sometimes does the shopping. 


Page 2: Passive voice exercises

12 The ambulance took Peter to hospital.


PASSIVE - present and past tense

1 He   (offer) a new job last week.

2 The bridge   (blow off) yesterday.

3 This novel   (write) by Hemingway.

4 Flies   (catch) by spiders.

5 All the trees   (cut) down yesterday.

6 We   (tell) to go home now.

7 Their purse   (steal) yesterday night in the disco.

8 Rain   (hold) up by fog.

9 He   (throw) out of the bar a week ago.

10 Pigs   (use) to find truffles.

11 The old theatre   (reopen) last Friday.

12 She   (ask) about the accident by the police yesterday.

13 Rotten eggs   (throw) at him last month in Bristol.

Page 3: Passive voice exercises

14 Mice   (catch) by cats.

15 I   (often / ask) for her address.