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Let My People Go!. Passover part I. The Ten Plaques Plaque 1 – Blood - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Passover part II

Let My People Go!

The Ten PlaquesPlaque 1 BloodThere was blood everywhere in Egypt, even in the wooden buckets and stone jars that stood inside the houses. There was nothing to drink, nothing to wash with (and the Egyptians prided themselves on their cleanliness), nothing to clean their white linen garments. The fish died, and the air near the river was filled with a terrible stench. Water, that had given them life, now brought them death instead. It polluted, it stank, and the power of death was over it. Ordered creation - the way things should have been, the way they always had been - now gave way to chaos.

Plaque #2- FrogsFrogs were everywhere - in the water, on the land, inside the houses - hopping, noisy, getting squashed underfoot. They were piled into heaps, heap after heap. They made the land stink.Not only the water, but now the land itself was completely polluted. They swarmed - a sign of creation out of balance. The Egyptian frog goddess Heqet, who assisted women in childbirth, was running amok.Even when the plague stopped, the stench remained.

Plaque #3-Lice

Lice and mosquitoes suck the blood of humans and animals and cause a terrible itch. They make people sick and unclean - in ancient Egypt, they could even have been sand flies, carriers of dengue fever, or anopheles mosquitoes, transmitters of malaria.The insects of this plague entered the eyes, ears and noses of the field workers. Egypt became a land where the ground was not covered anymore with gravel and sand, but with lice, which like dust blew all over the place, tormenting humans and animals with a maddening itch. Again, creation was off balance.

Plague #4 consists of dense swarms of flies. They were everywhere, harassing people and animals alike. The Hebrew word in the Bible text refers to biting flies - so they were not just a pest, but a source of pain and infection as well. With them they brought illness, disease and death.The plague of flies showed that YHWH possesses the power to wreak havoc and death

Plaque #5- EpidemicThe fifth plague brought the deaths of Egyptian domestic animals: horses, donkeys, cows, sheep and goats. The animals were struck by a fatal epidemic.The scene is one of utter horror, as suffering animals collapse and die. The people too are indirectly affected, by the loss of their livestock - this plague takes their source of income from work animals - horses and donkeys, and their sources of food - cows, sheep and goats.

Plaque # 6 - BoilsSo far, the plagues have attacked animals and things. Now they attack the bodies of the Egyptians themselves.Stinging, suppurating infections cover the whole body and cause swellings which become itching and painful boils. There is not a place in Egypt where living creatures are safe from the plague of boils.Several illnesses have been suggested: burning sores, smallpox, elephantiasis, leprosy, festering boils. This skin disease, whatever it was, covered the entire body.

Plaque # 7 Hail

When Moses stretched his staff towards heaven, the rumble of thunder was heard. Hail, rain and zigzags of lightning filled the sky. YHWH showed that he ruled the world, and that he could use meteorological phenomena as weapons.Hail storms are very rare in Egypt. For this reason the thunder and hail made a deep impression on Pharaoh. They made a deep impression on the land as well, destroying crops all over the country. The hammering hail was pay-back for the heavy load the Hebrews had carried in Egypt.

Plaque #8 LocustsLocusts can be a real catastrophe in North Africa and the Near East. They swarm over crops, settle on the greenery, and then devour every single leaf. There is no way of stopping them, since their swarms number in the billions of insects.Now they brought death and destruction to what was left of Egypt's vegetation. The land became unfit for human habitation.Locusts are often mentioned in the Bible as agents of divine judgment, often appearing in association with such things as mildew, caterpillars, pestilence, drought and enemies. In wartime, an invading army would be described as a plague of destructive locusts, destroying everything in its path.

Plague # 9A darkness lasting three days covered the land of Egypt, rendering it completely uninhabitable. The darkness was so thick that people had to feel their way around. This was an escalation in terror.Modern commentators suggest that the darkness was caused by a suffocating sandstorm, like the ones that blow in northern Africa from March to May, filling the air, darkening the sun and lasting two or three days. It was particularly significant in ancient Egypt, since one of the main gods was Ra, the sun.Darkness is associated with pre-creation chaos, evil, sin, and ignorance. God is associated with light - God's first creative act was to bring light out of darkness.

The final plague brings a terrible catastrophe to Egypt: at the hour of midnight, all the firstborn, of humans and animals, die. Their social rank, wealth or personalities make no difference. They are all struck down, from Pharaoh's own firstborn to the lowliest slave in the land.The firstborn of a family symbolized the future of the clan - so the death of Egypt's firstborn robbed it of its future. The firstborn was legally privileged and the most highly regarded among the children of the family, and most deeply mourned if it died.(Exodus 12:29-32)

He will remove the idols of the world one more time!These plaques were only in Eygpt. In the last days they will be world wide!Revelation 16

Exo 12:1 Adonai spoke to Moshe and Aharon in the land of Egypt; he said, Exo 12:2 "You are to begin your calendar with this month; it will be the first month of the year for you. Exo 12:3 Speak to all the assembly of Isra'el and say, 'On the tenth day of this month, each man is to take a lamb or kid for his family, one per household Exo 12:4 except that if the household is too small for a whole lamb or kid, then he and his next-door neighbor should share one, dividing it in proportion to the number of people eating it. Exo 12:5 Your animal must be without defect, a male in its first year, and you may choose it from either the sheep or the goats. Exo 12:6 " 'You are to keep it until the fourteenth day of the month, and then the entire assembly of the community of Isra'el will slaughter it at dusk. Exo 12:7 They are to take some of the blood and smear it on the two sides and top of the door-frame at the entrance of the house in which they eat it.

Exo 12:8 That night, they are to eat the meat, roasted in the fire; they are to eat it with matzah and maror. Exo 12:9 Don't eat it raw or boiled, but, with its head, the lower parts of its legs and its inneroasted in the firer organs. Exo 12:10 Let nothing of it remain till morning; if any of it does remain, burn it up completely. Exo 12:11 " 'Here is how you are to eat it: with your belt fastened, your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand; and you are to eat it hurriedly. It is Adonai's Pesach [Passover]. Exo 12:12 For that night, I will pass through the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both men and animals; and I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt; I am Adonai. Exo 12:13 The blood will serve you as a sign marking the houses where you are; when I see the blood, I will pass over [Hebrew: pasach] you when I strike the land of Egypt, the death blow will not strike you. Exo 12:14 " 'This will be a day for you to remember and celebrate as a festival to Adonai; from generation to generation you are to celebrate it by a perpetual regulation. Exo 12:15 " 'For seven days you are to eat matzah - on the first day remove the leaven from your houses. For whoever eats hametz [leavened bread] from the first to the seventh day is to be cut off from Isra'el.

Exo 12:16 On the first and seventh days, you are to have an assembly set aside for God. On these days no work is to be done, except what each must do to prepare his food; you may do only that. Exo 12:17 You are to observe the festival of matzah, for on this very day I brought your divisions out of the land of Egypt. Therefore, you are to observe this day from generation to generation by a perpetual regulation. Exo 12:18 From the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month until the evening of the twenty-first day, you are to eat matzah. Exo 12:19 During those seven days, no leaven is to be found in your houses. Whoever eats food with hametz in it is to be cut off from the community of Isra'el it doesn't matter whether he is a foreigner or a citizen of the land. Exo 12:20 Eat nothing with hametz in it. Wherever you live, eat matzah.' " Exo 12:21 Then Moshe called for all the leaders of Isra'el and said, "Select and take lambs for your families, and slaughter the Pesach lamb. Exo 12:22 Take a bunch of hyssop leaves and dip it in the blood which is in the basin, and smear it on the two sides and top of the door-frame. Then, none of you is to go out the door of his house until morning. Exo 12:23 For Adonai will pass through to kill the Egyptians; but when he sees the blood on the top and on the two sides, Adonai will pass over the door and will not allow the Slaughterer to enter your houses and kill you. Exo 12:24 You are to observe this as a law, you and your descendants forever.

Exo 12:25 "When you come to the land which Adonai will give you, as he has promised, you are to observe this ceremony. Exo 12:26 When your children ask you, 'What do you mean by this ceremony?' Exo 12:27 say, 'It is the sacrifice of Adonai's Pesach [Passover], because [Adonai] passed over the houses of the people of Isra'el in Egypt, when he killed the Egyptians but spared our houses.' " The people of Isra'el bowed their heads and worshipped. Exo 12:28 Then the people of Isra'el went and did as Adonai had ordered Moshe and Aharon that is what they did. Exo 12:29 At midnight Adonai killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the prisoner in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of livestock. Exo 12:30 Pharaoh got up in the night, he, all his servants and all the Egyptians; and there was horrendous wailing in Egypt; for there wasn't a single house without someone dead in it.

Exo 12:31 He summoned Moshe and Aharon by night and said, "Up and leave my people, both you and the people of Isra'el; and go, serve Adonai as you said. Exo 12:32 Take both your flocks and your herds, as you said; and get out of here! But bless me, too." Exo 12:33 The Egyptians pressed to send the people out of the land quickly, because they said, "Otherwise we'll all be dead!" Exo 12:34 The people took their dough before it had become leavened and wrapped their kneading bowls in their clothes on their shoulders. Exo 12:35 The people of Isra'el had done what Moshe had said they had asked the Egyptians to give them silver and gold jewelry and clothing; Exo 12:36 and Adonai had made the Egyptians so favorably disposed toward the people that they had let them have whatever they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians. Exo 12:37 The people of Isra'el traveled from Ra`amses to Sukkot, some six hundred thousand men on foot, not counting children. Exo 12:38 A mixed crowd also went up with them, as well as livestock in large numbers, both flocks and herds. Exo 12:39 They baked matzah loaves from the dough they had brought out of Egypt, since it was unleavened; because they had been driven out of Egypt without time to prepare supplies for themselves. Exo 12:40 The time the people of Isra'el lived in Egypt was 430 years. Exo 12:41 At the end of 430 years to the day, all the divisions of Adonai left the land of Egypt.

Exo 12:42 This was a night when Adonai kept vigil to bring them out of the land of Egypt, and this same night continues to be a night when Adonai keeps vigil for all the people of Isra'el through all their generations. Exo 12:43 Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, "This is the regulation for the Pesach lamb: no foreigner is to eat it. Exo 12:44 But if anyone has a slave he bought for money, when you have circumcised him, he may eat it. Exo 12:45 Neither a traveler nor a hired servant may eat it. Exo 12:46 It is to be eaten in one house. You are not to take any of the meat outside the house, and you are not to break any of its bones. Exo 12:47 The whole community of Isra'el is to keep it. Exo 12:48 If a foreigner staying with you wants to observe Adonai's Pesach, all his males must be circumcised. Then he may take part and observe it; he will be like a citizen of the land. But no uncircumcised person is to eat it. Exo 12:49 The same teaching is to apply equally to the citizen and to the foreigner living among you." Exo 12:50 All the people of Isra'el did just as Adonai had ordered Moshe and Aharon. Exo 12:51 On that very day, Adonai brought the people of Isra'el out of the land of Egypt by their divisions.

1. The Passover was the beggining of months- Nisan was now to be the beginning of the Spring feasts.

When you accept Yeshua as your Messiah you have begun a new life in Him and a new beginning

2Co 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is united with the Messiah, he is a new creation the old has passed; look, what has come is fresh and new!

2. The lamb was hidden for four daysYeshua was hid for 4000 yearsThe 4 days that the lamb was hidden is prophetic of the peoples expectations that the Messiah would come 4000 years from the creation of Adam as part of the 7000 year plan of G-d to redeem both men and the earth back to how things were in the Garden of Eden. (Mishnah, San Hedrin 97-98)

3. The lamb was to be without blemish Yeshua was without blemish in everyway.1Pe 1:18 You should be aware that the ransom paid to free you from the worthless way of life which your fathers passed on to you did not consist of anything perishable like silver or gold; 1Pe 1:19 on the contrary, it was the costly bloody sacrificial death of the Messiah, as of a lamb without defect or spot.

4. The lamb was of the first yearYeshua was the first born of Miryam and the first born of G-d spirituallyRom 8:29 because those whom he knew in advance, he also determined in advance would be conformed to the pattern of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers;

5. It is a male Because Adam the first male sinned, so a male, Yeshua must die to atone for that sinRom 5:17 For if, because of the offense of one man, death ruled through that one man; how much more will those receiving the overflowing grace, that is, the gift of being considered righteous, rule in life through the one man Yeshua the Messiah! Rom 5:18 In other words, just as it was through one offense that all people came under condemnation, so also it is through one righteous act that all people come to be considered righteous.

6. It is a lamb for a houseThere is a progressive revelation of the Lamb in the BibleA lamb for a house Exodus 12:3-4A lamb for a nation John 11:49-52 A lamb for the World John 1:29

7. A Passover (Pesach) lamb was to be killed between the eveningsThe phrase between the evening refers to the period of the day that goes form noon to 6:00 pm, which is exactly 3:00 pm. When Yeshua died on the execution stake/cross Mattiyahu 27:45-50

8. The whole assembly shall kill itEvery person who has ever lived on planet Earth and sinned is guilty of Killing Yeshua because he died for all sinners.Rom 3:23 since all have sinned and come short of earning God's praise. Rom 3:24 By God's grace, without earning it, all are granted the status of being considered righteous before him, through the act redeeming us from our enslavement to sin that was accomplished by the Messiah Yeshua. Rom 3:25 God put Yeshua forward as the kapparah for sin through his faithfulness in respect to his bloody sacrificial death. This vindicated God's righteousness; because, in his forbearance, he had passed over [with neither punishment nor remission] the sins people had committed in the past;

9. The blood must be applied to the doorThe only way into the house of G-d is through the shed blood of the Messiah Yeshua, who is the DoorJoh 14:6 Yeshua said, "I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me.

The body of the lamb must be eaten a. It must be eaten the same nightYeshua was crucified, suffered and died the same night b. It must be eaten with unleaven breadLeaven speaks of sin, Unleaven without sin c. It must be eaten with bitter herbsBitterness of our live before He redeemed us. d. The lamb must be roasted in fireFire speaks of judgement, refining, purification e. It must not be soddened with waterThe Basar/Gospel must not be watered down f. The head and legs and other parts of the lamb must be eatenWe must give ourselves to Him wholly Spirit, Soul and Body

11. The lamb must be eaten in hasteWe must be ready to leave Eygpt when He calls and our Pagan ways and walk according to His teachings and instructions.a. It must be eaten with our loins girded b. Our shoes must be on our feet c. A staff must be in our handEphesians 6:12-18

It is YHWHs PassoverIt is Yeshua who has enabled us to Passover from death to eternal life!Joh 5:24 Yes, indeed! I tell you that whoever hears what I am saying and trusts the One who sent me has eternal life that is, he will not come up for judgment but has already crossed over from death to life! Joh 5:25 Yes, indeed! I tell you that there is coming a time in fact, it's already here when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who listen will come to life. Joh 5:26 For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has given the Son life to have in himself.

13. IT is a memorial a. G-d remembers us- Lev. 26Lev 26:13 I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, so that you would not be their slaves. I have broken the bars of your yoke, so that you can walk upright. b. We must remember G-dNum 15:38 "Speak to the people of Isra'el, instructing them to make, through all their generations, tzitziyot on the corners of their garments, and to put with the tzitzit on each corner a blue thread. Num 15:39 It is to be a tzitzit for you to look at and thereby remember all of Adonai's mitzvot and obey them, so that you won't go around wherever your own heart and eyes lead you to prostitute yourselves; Num 15:40 but it will help you remember and obey all my mitzvot and be holy for your God.

14. It is to be observed at the going down of the sun Yeshuas crucifixion15. It is the place where G-d would put His Name Jerusalem2Ki 21:4 He erected altars in the house of Adonai, about which Adonai had said, "In Yerushalayim I will put my name."

16. Not a bone of the lamb was to be broken Not a bone of Yeshua was broken17. There was to be an explanation of the Service The Seder18. The Egyptians were spoiled at the Exodus Ha satan was spoiled when Yeshua enetered hell and rose againCol 2:15 Stripping the rulers and authorities of their power, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by means of the stake.

19. You must be circumcised to eat the Passover20. The Passover (Pesach) feast was to be a holy convocation, and no work was to be done21. The Passover lamb must be killed outside the gates of the city Yeshua was crucified outside of the city walls

22. There is healing in the lamb Yeshua is our healer sent from G-d Psalm 103, Isaiah 5323. The Exodus was on eagles wings24. They sang a song of rejoicing in the Lord25. Israel is the firstborn of G-d
