pastoral plan plan pastoral · 5/28/2017  · salmo responsorial salmo 46 r. entre voces de...

7th Sunday of Easter Youth GroupThis week : "This Friday, June 2 join us for a movie night social. We will meet in the cafeteria from 7-9 pm. All high school students are welcome to come for a night of movies and snacks! Taco Sale: We will be selling tacos at all morning masses on Sunday, May 28. All proceeds will benefit the Youth Group’s trip to Houma, LA for the Steubenville Youth Conference. If you would like to preorder tacos, please email, [email protected] . Dodgeball Tournament: Get your teams together to dodge, duck and dive at our Dodgeball Tournament Saturday, June 3. Each team must consist of 6-8 players and cost $10 per person to join. The tournament will be held in the St. Pius gym with registration starting at 8am. ST. PIUS V WOMENS CLUB 2017 CALENDAR Wednesday, May 31 Thrift shopping in Webster. Lunch at “T-Bone Tom’s in Kemah. Leave St. Pius @ 9:30 AM Thursday, June 8 Tour Lavendar Farm & Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham, Eat at “Must Be Heaven”. Leave St. Pius @ 8:45 AM Pastoral Plan Plan Pastoral Help develop our 5-year plan for the parish. Ayude a desarrollar nuestro plan quinquenal para la parroquia. Tuesdays Martes 7:00-8:00PM PLC All are welcome. Todos son bienvenidos. St. Pius V Catholic Church May 28, 2017 Living Our Faith Parish Social Ministry In today’s Gospel, Jesus becomes the farewell gift to the disciples, who in turn become the farewell gift to the world as the y are to go out and take up the saving mission of Jesus. Jesus is also aware of their human condition, doubt which leads to fear, success which could lead to arrogance and indifference to others. He tells them that He will always be with them even to the end of time. In the third chapter of Pope Francis’ book: Embracing the Way of Jesus , (Loyola Press, 2017), Pope Francis tells about the Old Testament Way. He states that the world should be a place of happiness and peace where all men and women find their home because as the father creates all things, they are “good”. He then speaks about Cain and Abel, about what happens to men and women when they only think about their own interests and places themselves in the center, becoming like God. The harmony that God created becomes broken and the brother, “who is to be cared for and loved, becomes an adversary to fight, to kill” (p. 19). God will then ask us “where are you? Where is your brother?” and we will forget that “we are our brother’s keepers!” Even today, we need to continue to ask and answer these questions because when we “let ourselves be guided by idols, by selfishness, by our own interests and (allow for this) attitude to persist… (We) perfect our weapons, our conscienc e “falls asleep”… (it is when we build walls) and we “sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves (all Mexicans are rapists, all Muslims are terrorists, refugees are Muslims, so therefore, they are all terrorists) (and we don’t need to help them) (p.19) ”. We lose our ability to weep….weep for those “refugees drowning in their attempt to reach Europe. (Have we wept) for those mothers and babies that where on the boats and drowned? For (the) men who are looking for a means of supporting their families? We are a society that has forgotten how to weep, how to experience compassion “suffering with” others. The globalization of indifference has taken from us the ability to weep!” (p.19). Who is my brother? And, am I my brother’s keeper? Am I taking up the saving Mission of Christ to all my brothers and sis- ters? Or have I become afraid and not remember that Christ is with us even unto the end of time?

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Page 1: Pastoral Plan Plan Pastoral · 5/28/2017  · Salmo Responsorial Salmo 46 R. Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono. Aleluya. Segunda Lectura Ef 1, 17-23 Hermanos: Pido

7th Sunday of Easter

Youth Group—This week: "This Friday, June 2 join us for a movie night social. We will meet in the cafeteria from 7-9

pm. All high school students are welcome to come for a night of movies and snacks!

Taco Sale: We will be selling tacos at all morning masses on Sunday, May 28. All proceeds will benefit the Youth Group’s

trip to Houma, LA for the Steubenville Youth Conference. If you would like to preorder tacos, please email,

[email protected].

Dodgeball Tournament:

Get your teams together to dodge, duck and dive at our Dodgeball Tournament Saturday, June 3. Each team must consist of

6-8 players and cost $10 per person to join. The tournament will be held in the St. Pius gym with registration starting at 8am.


Wednesday, May 31 Thrift shopping in Webster. Lunch at “T-Bone Tom’s in Kemah. Leave St. Pius @ 9:30 AM

Thursday, June 8 Tour Lavendar Farm & Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham, Eat at “Must Be Heaven”. Leave St. Pius @ 8:45 AM

Pastoral Plan – Plan Pastoral Help develop our 5-year plan for the parish. Ayude a desarrollar nuestro plan quinquenal

para la parroquia.

Tuesdays – Martes — 7:00-8:00PM PLC All are welcome. Todos son bienvenidos.

St. Pius V Catholic Church May 28, 2017

Living Our Faith Parish Social Ministry In today’s Gospel, Jesus becomes the farewell gift to the disciples, who in turn become the farewell gift to the world as they

are to go out and take up the saving mission of Jesus. Jesus is also aware of their human condition, doubt which leads to fear,

success which could lead to arrogance and indifference to others. He tells them that He will always be with them even to the

end of time.

In the third chapter of Pope Francis’ book: Embracing the Way of Jesus, (Loyola Press, 2017), Pope Francis tells about the

Old Testament Way. He states that the world should be a place of happiness and peace where all men and women find their

home because as the father creates all things, they are “good”. He then speaks about Cain and Abel, about what happens to

men and women when they only think about their own interests and places themselves in the center, becoming like God. The

harmony that God created becomes broken and the brother, “who is to be cared for and loved, becomes an adversary to fight,

to kill” (p. 19). God will then ask us “where are you? Where is your brother?” and we will forget that “we are our brother’s

keepers!” Even today, we need to continue to ask and answer these questions because when we “let ourselves be guided by

idols, by selfishness, by our own interests and (allow for this) attitude to persist… (We) perfect our weapons, our conscience

“falls asleep”… (it is when we build walls) and we “sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves (all Mexicans are rapists, all

Muslims are terrorists, refugees are Muslims, so therefore, they are all terrorists) (and we don’t need to help them) (p.19) ”.

We lose our ability to weep….weep for those “refugees drowning in their attempt to reach Europe. (Have we wept) for those

mothers and babies that where on the boats and drowned? For (the) men who are looking for a means of supporting their

families? We are a society that has forgotten how to weep, how to experience compassion – “suffering with” others. The

globalization of indifference has taken from us the ability to weep!” (p.19).

Who is my brother? And, am I my brother’s keeper? Am I taking up the saving Mission of Christ to all my brothers and sis-

ters? Or have I become afraid and not remember that Christ is with us even unto the end of time?

Page 2: Pastoral Plan Plan Pastoral · 5/28/2017  · Salmo Responsorial Salmo 46 R. Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono. Aleluya. Segunda Lectura Ef 1, 17-23 Hermanos: Pido

St. Pius V Catholic Church May 28, 2017

7th Sunday of Easter

El Misal (Ordinario de la Misa) esta en Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song a Partir de 150

Primera lectura Hch 1, 1-11 En mi primer libro, querido Teófilo, escribí acerca de todo lo que Jesús hizo y enseñó, hasta el día en que ascendió al cielo, después de

dar sus instrucciones, por medio del Espíritu Santo, a los apóstoles que había elegido. A ellos se les apareció después de la pasión, les dio

numerosas pruebas de que estaba vivo y durante cuarenta días se dejó ver por ellos y les habló del Reino de Dios. Un día, estando con

ellos a la mesa, les mandó: "No se alejen de Jerusalén. Aguarden aquí a que se cumpla la promesa de mi Padre, de la que ya les he

hablado: Juan bautizó con agua; dentro de pocos días ustedes serán bautizados con el Espíritu Santo". Los ahí reunidos le preguntaban:

"Señor, ¿ahora sí vas a restablecer la soberanía de Israel?" Jesús les contestó: "A ustedes no les toca conocer el tiempo y la hora que el

Padre ha determinado con su autoridad; pero cuando el Espíritu Santo descienda sobre ustedes, los llenará de fortaleza y serán mis

testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria y hasta los últimos rincones de la tierra". Dicho esto, se fue elevando a la vista de ellos,

hasta que una nube lo ocultó a sus ojos. Mientras miraban fijamente al cielo, viéndolo alejarse, se les presentaron dos hombres vestidos

de blanco, que les dijeron: "Galileos, ¿qué hacen allí parados, mirando al cielo? Ese mismo Jesús que los ha dejado para subir al cielo,

volverá como lo han visto alejarse".

Salmo Responsorial Salmo 46 R. Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono. Aleluya.

Segunda Lectura Ef 1, 17-23

Hermanos: Pido al Dios de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, el Padre de la gloria, que les conceda espíritu de sabiduría y de revelación para

conocerlo. Le pido que les ilumine la mente para que comprendan cuál es la esperanza que les da su llamamiento, cuán gloriosa y rica es

la herencia que Dios da a los que son suyos y cuál la extraordinaria grandeza de su poder para con nosotros, los que confiamos en él, por

la eficacia de su fuerza poderosa. Con esta fuerza resucitó a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo hizo sentar a su derecha en el cielo, por

encima de todos los ángeles, principados, potestades, virtudes y dominaciones, y por encima de cualquier persona, no sólo del mundo

actual sino también del futuro. Todo lo puso bajo sus pies y a él mismo lo constituyó cabeza suprema de la Iglesia, que es su cuerpo, y la

plenitud del que lo consuma todo en todo.

Evangelio Mt 28, 16-20

En aquel tiempo, los once discípulos se fueron a Galilea y subieron al monte en el que Jesús los había citado. Al ver a Jesús, se postraron,

aunque algunos titubeaban. Entonces, Jesús se acercó a ellos y les dijo: "Me ha sido dado todo poder en el cielo y en la tierra. Vayan,

pues, y enseñen a todas las naciones, bautizándolas en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, y enseñándolas a cumplir todo

cuanto yo les he mandado; y sepan que yo estaré con ustedes todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo".

Find the Missal (Ordinary of the Mass) at 150 in Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song

First Reading ACTS 1:1-11

In the first book, Theophilus, I dealt with all that Jesus did and taught until the day he was taken up, after giving instructions through the

Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen. He presented himself alive to them by many proofs after he had suffered, appearing to

them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God. While meeting with the them, he enjoined them not to depart from

Jerusalem, but to wait for "the promise of the Father about which you have heard me speak; for John baptized with water, but in a few

days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." When they had gathered together they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to

restore the kingdom to Israel?" He answered them, "It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has established by his

own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout

Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him

from their sight. While they were looking intently at the sky as he was going, suddenly two men dressed in white garments stood beside

them. They said, "Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven

will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven."

Responsorial Psalm PS 47 R. God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord.

Second Reading EPH 1:17-23

Brothers and sisters: May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in

knowledge of him. May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call, what are the

riches of glory in his inheritance among the holy ones, and what is the surpassing greatness of his power for us who believe, in accord

with the exercise of his great might, which he worked in Christ, raising him from the dead and seating him at his right hand in the

heavens, far above every principality, authority, power, and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this age but also in the

one to come. And he put all things beneath his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of

the one who fills all things in every way.

Gospel MT 28:16-20

The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped, but they

doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make

disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that

I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."

Page 3: Pastoral Plan Plan Pastoral · 5/28/2017  · Salmo Responsorial Salmo 46 R. Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono. Aleluya. Segunda Lectura Ef 1, 17-23 Hermanos: Pido

Mass Intention Schedule for this Week Saturday, May 27—Easter Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Lupita Jarramillo † 5:30 p.m. — Bob Titus † 7:00 p.m. — Silvestre Zacarias Sunday, May 28— 7th Sunday of Easter 8:00 a.m. — For the People of the Parish 10:00 a.m. — Max Rodriguez & Juanita 12:00 p.m. — Virgen de Guadalupe 1:30 p.m. — Lupita Jaramillo † 7:00 p.m. — Manuel Zenteno Zarmento † Monday, May 29—Easter Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Chuck Spear † Tuesday, May 30—Easter Weekday 8:00 a.m. — James John † 7:00 p.m. — Presiders’ Intention Wednesday, May 31—Easter Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Presiders’ Intention 7:00 p.m. — Alfredo Herculano † Consuelo Nava † Thursday, June 1—Easter Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Maria Van Nguyen † Friday, June 2—Easter Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Presiders’ Intention 7:00 p.m. — Jorge Ramirez, Jr. Saturday, June 3—Easter Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Lupita Jaramillo † 5:30 p.m. — Anna & Christian Titus † 7:00 p.m. — Hipolita Salinas †

Pray for Peace ~ & Remember in your Prayers — Recuerda en sus oraciones

Minnie Ulrich, Daoud Forouzan, Margaret Jewell, Ruth Broughton, Stephanie Bunfill, Larry Dean Showalter, Judy Johnson, Julio & Nelly Salazar, June Christ, Cehon & Julia Morales, Dick Haddox, Mary Sparkaman, Modesta Bangilan, Frances Risinger & sister Mary, Megan Cain, Maria Guadalupe Soto, Maria Victoria Alvarez, Gabriel Bareto, Laura De Nova,

Gabriel Bareto, Jr., Ana Rivera, Jose Ramirez, Guadalupe Rivas, Dcn. Valeriano Leija, Sara Sodaro, Laura Amezquita, Rita Gonzalez, Camilla Labue, Kyle Emerick, Marcy Bangilan, Sharon Edwards, Lynn Dockall, Zena Marler, Donald Turner, Natividad Reyes, Dora Meraz, Francisco Tovar, Sara Duran, Gaspar Diosdado, Guille Benitez, Mary Escobedo, Joseph

Torres, Melissa Moody, Sara Duran, Sergio Aguirre, Vangelis Basaldua, Christine Nunez, Angelina T Rodriguez, Santiago Betancourt, Mary Ann Grant, Rhonda Hill, Homer Montelongo, Mike Montelongo, Ricardo de la O, Sr. & Jr, Joanne Stagg, Marshall Wallace, Miguel Rocha, Jose Garcia, Pauline Barten, Jose Valles, Linda Seiler, Steve Watts, Anastacio Gutierrez,

M/M Elimon, Olga Nino, Delfina Gonzalez, Darlene & William Cruse, Mary Alice Rendon, Jhon Schexnider, Laura Redford, Valentino Henson, Alice Engler, Martin Rodriguez, Jr.

For repose of the soul of Steve Hamala, Debbie Trainer, Roger Moore, those killed at the Concert in Manchester

(Please notify the church office when someone can be removed from the list)

St. Pius V Catholic Church May 28, 2017

St. Pius V Catholic Church YOUNG ADULT GROUP

We welcome young adults from the ages of 18 to 30 years old, sin-gle or married to join us. We meet in the PLC Meeting Room. For

more info or questions, contact us at 832-790-8521 or at the social media outlets below: Instagram and Snapchat — spvyam

Upcoming meeting dates and events: May 30—Sacraments June 13—Jumping world

June 26 - Cafe Catholica—(go to

nights.html for more information) 27 - Works of Mercy

7th Sunday of Easter

Open Enrollment for the 2017-2018 School Year!

St. Pius V Catholic School is enrolling new students for

grades PK3-8. Please contact Delia Tello at

[email protected] or call (713) 472-5172 for an

amazing tour!

Mass time Collection Upcoming 2nd Collections:

May 28—Catholic Communications

June 4—PSM

June 18—St. Mary Seminary—entire


June 18th








$ 236.00

$ 185.00

$ 246.00

$ 325.00

$ 478.00

$ 243.00

$ 419.00

$ 1818.00

$ 590.00

$ 2302.00

$ 2255.00

$ 2171.00

$ 1456.00

$ 1586.00

Total $ 12,178.00 $ 2132.00

Faith Commitment Contribution Weekly Contributions for church Support

Weekend of 5/21/17

Budgeted 1st Collection: $16,000.00

Don’t forget to go online and check your VIRTUS account to

update phone #’s, addresses and email addresses

and see when you need to attend your next required session

(every five years). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No olvide ir en línea y revise su cuenta VIRTUS para actualizar

los números de teléfono, direcciones y direcciones de correo

electrónico. Y ver cuándo necesita asistir a la siguiente sesión

requerida (cada cinco años).

Page 4: Pastoral Plan Plan Pastoral · 5/28/2017  · Salmo Responsorial Salmo 46 R. Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono. Aleluya. Segunda Lectura Ef 1, 17-23 Hermanos: Pido

St. Pius V Catholic Church May 28, 2017

7th Sunday of Easter

Early Registration HAS BEGUN For Current Students:

June 4-7 & June 25-28

In the Cafeteria* — In the old Bookstore+

* Sun./10 am-1 pm

+ Mon./10 am-1 pm & 6:30-8:30 pm

+ Tues./ONLY 6:30-8:30 pm

+ Wed./10 am-1 pm

Fee: $60/1st child – In AUGUST, $70! And in SEPT., $80 –

plus $10 each additional child

Save time at registration! Go to the parish website; click on

"Connect Now," create a user name & password

à To enroll a child for Sacrament Preparation:

1. His/her Baptism certificate AND a copy are needed;

2. S/He must be enrolled for a 2nd consecutive year.

3. For Confirmation, the 1st Communion certificate and a copy

are also needed.

Faith Formation (FF) Office (CCE) 713-473-9484 Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317) –[email protected];

Felícitas Palacios (x 304) – [email protected]; Office Hours: 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. – Thurs.

RCIA News — Noticias de RICA Please continue to pray for Our Neophytes and those Received into Full Communion during this final week of the Easter season, as

they reflect on the mysteries of their new sacramental life in Christ.

Favor de continuar sus oraciones para Nuestros Neófitos y las personas recibidas en plena Comunión durante esta última semana

de Pascua mientras que meditan sobre los misterios de su nueva vida sacramental en Cristo: José Álvarez – Linda Delia Treviño – Ashley Ballesteros – Arwen Cardona – Mia Hernández – Lizzette Jiménez – Natalie Quintanilla

– Izabella Mojica – Jakob Moreno – Juan Diego Álvarez – Alexa Cruz – Karenny García – Yvan & Anthony Hernández –William Ji-

menez – Brianna & José Lozano – Estephany Mancilla – Chelsea & Romel Mares–Kassandra Reyes – Arleth Reynaga – María Aralle-

li – Noemí & Ernesto Ríos – Miguel Ángel & José Julián Ruiz – Ashley, Briana, Kattlyn & Jason Vázquez – Evelyn Vázquez – Jason &

Nathalie Villalta

Full Communion – Plena Comunión: Jasmin Duran – Alex Aguilar – Luis Martínez – Juan Diego Cantú

Understanding Sunday’s Gospel — Entender Más el Evangelio del Domingo

Find activities for home and information at “Sunday Connection” below.

El sitio web tiene actividades e información en inglés.

NEXT Sun.: John 20:19-23 — El Dom. PRÓXIMO: Juan 20:19-23

Inscripción temprano HA EMPIEZADO Para Niños Ya Asistiendo:

4 al 7 y 25-28 de Junio

En la Cafetería* — En el Bookstore+

* Dom./10 am-1 pm — + Miér./10 am-1 pm

+ Lunes/10 am-1 pm & 6:30-8:30 pm

+ Martes/SOLO 6:30-8:30 pm

+ Miér./10 am-1 pm

Cuota: $60/1o niño – ¡En AGOSTO: $70! Y en Septiembre:

$80 – más $10 cada niño adicional

¡Ahorre tiempo en el registro! En el sitio web de la parroquia,

haga clic en "Connect Now," y crea un nombre de usuario y


à Para inscribir un niño en la preparación sacramental:

1. NECESITA su Acta de Bautismo Y una copia;

2. Debe estar inscrito por su 2º ano consecutivo.

3. Por la Confirmacion, NECESITA también el certificado de 1ª

Comunion Y una copia.

Question of the Week — ¡Pregunta de la Semana! Jesus: With Us Always (Matthew 28:16–20) — Jesús: Con Nosotros Siempre (Mateo 28:16–20)

Adults/Adultos: Jesus promises to be with us always. How do you experience his presence most? – Jesús promete estar siempre con nosotros. ¿Cómo experimenta su presencia más? Children/ Niños: What good news about Jesus could you share with someone? – ¿Qué Buena Nueva de Jesús podrías compartir con alguien?

¡CATEQUISTAS! Modulos catequéticos siguen las clases el 30 y 31 de Mayo; y el 1º, 7, 8 y 12 de Junio. Estas modulos presentan

los temas básicos requeridos de la arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston para obtener una certificación de catequista. Favor de contac-

tar a Felícitas Palacios (información arriba) para inscribirse.

For CATECHISTS – and inviting parents or parishioners!! Catechetics modules in English, including the elec-

tive of Classroom Management, continue on 6/6, 6/10, 6/16, 6/19 & 6/24 – 6:45 pm, Room 7-8. These modules pro-

vide the foundational concepts for teaching our faith. Please contact Mary Kay (information above) for days & times,

and to sign up.

Page 5: Pastoral Plan Plan Pastoral · 5/28/2017  · Salmo Responsorial Salmo 46 R. Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono. Aleluya. Segunda Lectura Ef 1, 17-23 Hermanos: Pido

Scripture Study in English—meets on THURSDAY EVENINGS at 7pm in the Parish Life Center Living room...Join us any time.


Our Goal this year is $60,000

As of May 22nd:

$ 31,776.59 pledged

$ 20,099.60 paid

if you have not yet made a pledge,

please prayerfully consider making one today and

help us reach our goal.

Please make checks payable to DSF

Readings for the week of 5/29/17

Monday: Acts 19: 1-8; Jn 16: 29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20: 17-27; Jn 17: 1-11a Wednesday: Zep 3: 14-18a Thursday: Acts 22: 30; 23: 6-11; Jn 17: 20-26 Friday: Acts 25: 13b-21; Jn 21: 15-19 Saturday: Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25

Sunday: Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31; Jn 21: 20-25

St. Pius V Catholic Church May 28, 2017

7th Sunday of Easter

The Youth Group of St. Pius is work-ing on special projects to earn monies to go to this year’s Youth Conference in Stubenville, La. in June. Please partici-pate in their fundraiser efforts or if you would like make a special $ donation, please contact Christian [email protected].

Viviendo nuestra fe Pastoral Social Parroquial

En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús se convierte en el regalo de despedida a los discípulos, que a su vez se convierten en el regalo

de despedida al mundo, ya que deben salir y asumir la misión salvífica de Jesús. Jesús es también consciente de su condición

humana, la duda que lleva al miedo, el éxito que podría conducir a la arrogancia y la indiferencia a los demás. Él les dice que

Él estará siempre con ellos hasta el fin de los tiempos.

En el tercer capítulo del libro del Papa Francisco: Abrazando el Camino de Jesús, (Loyola Press, 2017), el Papa Francisco

habla del Camino del Antiguo Testamento. Afirma que el mundo debe ser un lugar de felicidad y paz donde todos los

hombres y mujeres encuentran su hogar porque como el Padre es el creador de todas las cosas, todo es "bueno". Luego habla

de Caín y Abel, acerca de lo que sucede a los hombres cuando sólo piensan en sus propios intereses y se sitúan en el centro,

convirtiéndose en Dios. La armonía que Dios creó se rompe y el hermano "que ha de ser cuidado y amado, se convierte en

un adversario para luchar, y matar" (p.19). Dios entonces nos preguntará "¿dónde estás? ¿Dónde está tu hermano? ", Y

olvidaremos que" somos guardas de nuestro hermano”. Aún hoy debemos seguir preguntando y respondiendo a estas

preguntas porque cuando "nos dejamos guiar por los ídolos, por el egoísmo, por nuestros propios intereses, y (permitimos)

que esta actitud persista.... (Nosotros) perfeccionamos nuestras armas, nuestra conciencia "se queda dormida"... (Es cuando

construimos muros) y "afilamos nuestras ideas para justificarnos (todos los mexicanos son violadores, todos los musulmanes

son terroristas, los refugiados son musulmanes, por lo tanto, son terroristas) (y no necesitamos ayudarlos) (p.19). Perdemos

la capacidad de llorar... para aquellos "refugiados ahogados en su intento de llegar a Europa (¿hemos llorado por aquellas

madres y bebés que cruzaban en los barcos y se ahogaron?" Por los hombres que buscan un medio para sostener a sus

familias... Somos una sociedad que ha olvidado cómo llorar, cómo experimentar la compasión - "sufrir con" los demás. “La

globalización de la indiferencia nos ha quitado la capacidad de llorar! (p.19).

¿Quién es mi hermano? ¿Y soy el guardián de mi hermano? ¿Estoy asumiendo la misión salvífica de Cristo para todos mis

hermanos y hermanas? ¿Me he asustado y llenado de miedo que no recuerdo que Cristo está con nosotros hasta el fin de los


St. Pius Offices —

will be closed on

Monday, May 29th in

observance of Memorial

Day. Take a moment to

remember the men and

women who died while

serving in the U.S.

military. Have a safe

and restful weekend!

Page 6: Pastoral Plan Plan Pastoral · 5/28/2017  · Salmo Responsorial Salmo 46 R. Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono. Aleluya. Segunda Lectura Ef 1, 17-23 Hermanos: Pido

St. Pius V Catholic Church May 28, 2017

7th Sunday of Easter

Dear Frieds, Queridos Amigos,

I want to invite you to a very special conference. I will pay the cost of registration for everyone who would like to

attend. (It includes lunch). Please call the office by Wednesday and leave your name and contact number so that I

can register you. The Conference is for everyone and has both an English and a Spanish track.

Quiero invitarles a una conferencia muy especial. Pagaré el costo de inscripción para todos los que deseen asistir.

(Incluye almuerzo). Por favor llame a la oficina antes de Jueves y deje su nombre y número de contacto para que

yo pueda registrarlo. La Conferencia es para todos y tendrá presentaciones en inglés y en español.

Greater Houston Catholic Stewardship Conference 2017

Conferencia: La Corresponsibilidad Catolica 2017