pastoral. prayer: january 21, 1979 lord of the church, 1979.pdfpastoral. prayer: january 21, 1979...

PASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, We come to You as sheep separated into many flocks, but claiming One Shepherd. We come into Your Presence as a "broken body" with limb separated from limb, and yet singing, "all one body we". We come as branches reaching out in many different directions, but claiming to be a part of one tree. We come this hour as disciples divided into denominations, but w.ith 'One Master. WE PRAY, FATHER, and then for reunion of Your Church. Show us our selfish ways. If we are seeking our own glory and not your glory, help us to see our selfish, sinful ways •. If we make the Church an object of worship, turn us again to You who alone is to be worshipped. Help us, lord, always to remember that we belong to Christ, and not that He belongs to us· ALl- = 1..JE KNOW FROM OUR PAST: That the POWER for un.lty is through Your spirit. That the REASON for unity is through our common calling and mission. '. That the HOPE of our unity is through :the gift of Your love. WE PRAY, LORD, for every Church in this community ••• in this city ••• in this state. Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox. Large and small, Rich and poor, Urgan and suburban, Cathedral and store front. UNITE US, LORD OF THE PRESENT - With a new sense of community.· With a new spirit of compassion. With a new strength of commitment •. Strengthen our commitment to the vision of One Church, One World. Yea, God, it is high time to let it In the spirit of Christ, Lord, Master and Saviour, 1,;e pray.

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Page 1: PASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, 1979.pdfPASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, ... With a new sense of community.· ... Christ in this city since

PASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979


We come to You as sheep separated into many flocks, but claiming One Shepherd.

We come into Your Presence as a "broken body" with limb separated from limb, and yet singing, "all one body we".

We come as branches reaching out in many different directions, but claiming to be a part of one tree.

We come this hour as disciples divided into denominations, but w.ith 'One Master.

WE PRAY, FATHER, for;~enewal and then for reunion of Your Church.

Show us our selfish ways.

If we are seeking our own glory and not your glory, help us to see our selfish, sinful ways •.

If we make the Church an object of worship, turn us again to You who alone is to be worshipped.

Help us, lord, always to remember that we belong to Christ, and not that He belongs to us· o~ ALl-


That the POWER for un.lty is through Your spirit. That the REASON for unity is through our common calling and

mission. '. That the HOPE of our unity is through :the gift of Your love.

WE PRAY, LORD, for every Church in this community ••• in this city ••• in this state.

Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox. Large and small, Rich and poor, Urgan and suburban, Cathedral and store front.


With a new sense of community.· With a new spirit of compassion. With a new strength of commitment •.

Strengthen our commitment to the vision of One Church, One World. Yea, Lo~d God, it is high time to let it be~

In the spirit of Christ, Lord, Master and Saviour, 1,;e pray.

Page 2: PASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, 1979.pdfPASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, ... With a new sense of community.· ... Christ in this city since

,..: I "\ ~·-..,; ..


INTRODUCTION The week of toil has ended. The day of rest is at hand. May the rest and the quiet of this hour of

worship refresh our inner life. May it renew in all of us a sense of God's holy and abiding Presence.

In silence, let each pray as the heart may prompt.

MEDITATION We rest our hearts in the Promise of Jesus who said:

"Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for my yoke is easy and My burden is light."

" on the Lord. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart. For we dwell in the shelter of the Almighty. He is our refuge and our strength. 11

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. And as many as touched Him were made whole •••• 11

PRAYERS I LORD'S PRAYER 0 Thou who hearest prayer, hear our prayers - for others, as well as for


day: Touch with healing those whom we mention in our prayers this

1. Reed Nalbone 2. Myra Soper

3. 4.

cherished members and friends of this congregation. Comfort the bereaved and the broken-hearted among us. Abide among us as a healing benediction.

Answer the unspoken prayers offered to thee on the altars of our hearts, spoken in the name and spirit of Jesus, who taught us to say when we pray:

"Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen

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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sunday, January 21, 1979

GREETING We come to that time in our service of worship which is reserved for the ~ announcement of our parish concerns.

First, we wish to extend words of warm greeting to any visitors in the congregation this morning. We're pleased to have you with us and we hope that we shall have the opportunity to greet you personally before you depart -either at the door, or downstairs in the Community Room where coffee and tea will be available as well as opportunity for informal fellowship.

If you're a visitor, we invite you to be free in the sharing of your name with us, to sign one of our Guest Books leaving with us a name, an address, and a telephone number. We hope you'll accept the invitation to join us on other Sunday mornings.

You worship in a church that has been ministering in the name of Christ in this city since the year 1837. This is the fourth building of out which this ministry has flowed. It is a House of worship for all people, and all who come here and pray here with us in a spirit of love are most welcome in this House of God! ·

CONCERNS Today, and throughout this week, the Christian Phurch thoroughom. the world is celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity -

Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and Protestants. The ecumenical vision of One Church is being lifted tip - talked about,. thought about.

It is a privilege to welcome the Reverend Richard John Neuhaus to our pulpit today. He comes to us through the invitation of our Church's Committee on Ecumenical Concerns of which Glenn Weeks is Chairperson. I have asked Glenn if he would introduce our speaker ••• tell you a few things about him. Present Glenn Weeks to you at this time.

I heard Richard Neuhaus address the Monday Club of Methodist clergy a week ago last Monday. Some of his insights and observations upset some of our Methodist brethren. He is articulate, dynamic, controversial at time. He will be good for us. I think we can take it. We welcome you, Pastor Neuhaus. You honor us with your presence this day1 ~f" />»he; Jl>-,1' S/.4~

ALSO Please note that the officers of the UMW meet today for a short meeting at the end of the coffee hour in the rear of the CR. The

Trustees meet tomorrow evening. The Committee on Nominations has an important meeting set for Tuesday night. It will be helpful to that committee to have you fill out the blue sheet in the bulletin and offer us guidance in our committee assignments.

Our Charge Conference / Annual Meeting will be on a Sunday night this year. We are planning to have a supper in connection with it for which tickets, costing $4.00, will go on sale next Sunday.

The Adult Fellowship shares in a Winter l.Jeekend Retreat next week­end and so we shall miss some 25 of you next Sunday morning. We pray that the weather will be better than it is this weekend as you share in fun and fellowship together at Warwick, NY.

JESUS SAID: "It is more blessed to give than to receive"

Page 4: PASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, 1979.pdfPASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, ... With a new sense of community.· ... Christ in this city since

GllEETING TO THE CHilDREN (January 21, 1979)

We welcome the boys and girls of our Sunday School to the early part of our Worship Service today.

Sitting down here in the first two or three rows, we invite them to share in the reading from the Psalter, in the singing of the Gloria Patri and the Affirmation of Faith.

They will depart from the sanctuary during the interval for ushering before the first anthem.

We welcome you. You help to brighten up this rainy, dismal January morning. Thank you for coming.

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The use of free time is a growing concern to many concerned and dedicated persons. The need in the field of volunteer service is as great as the need for financial support in a New York City Church. We struggle on in many areas of our program without sufficient support. Yet, we are sure there are many persons who would be glad to help in many ways if th~y knew of the need. Therefore, we have prepared this check list for volunteer service. If there is something listed here that you feel you can have a part in, please check it and return it to the minister.

Please also fill out if you are already working in some area as an indication to the Committee on Nominations and Personnel of the Church that you are willing to continue to serve.


_____ Board of Trustees Administrative Board ---Council oh Ministries ---_____ Committee on the Day School

___ Committee on Education Committee on Finance ---Committee on Audit ---


Sunday School Teacher ---____ Help with infants, toddlers _____ Help with youth projects


Visit members in hospital ---Visit shut-ins ---ADDITibNAL SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES

Sing in Choir ---_____ Usher at Sunday Service ____ Lay Reader, Sunday Service ____ Coffee hour hostess, Sundays _____ Work in office: typing,

folding, filing, etc. World Hunger Concern --- Committee


Committee on rtembership Committee on Altar Flowers Committee on Communion Preparation Committee on Church Property

_committee on t-1usic Committee on Methodist Church Home

----Committee on Ecumenical Concerns

Help with pageants and music -----Help with Summer Church Camps -Adult Class

Visit others as needed ----Take altar flowers to sick, shut-ins

Vietnamese Friends Committee Organize Prayer Groups and Bible

Study Groups United Methodist Women Activities

----Adult Fellowship Activities ----Artists for posters/flyers

Projector Operator/films ____ carpentry/Electrical Repairs


Page 6: PASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, 1979.pdfPASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, ... With a new sense of community.· ... Christ in this city since

ANTHEM: "O Taste and See"

"0 taste and see how gracious the Lord is: blest is the man that trusteth in Him."

ANTHEM: "Surely the Lord Is In This Place"

"Surely the Lord is in this place: this is none other but the House of God, and this is the Gate of Heaven. And this stone shall be God's house.

Eehold now, praise the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord. Behold now, praise the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting and world without end, ·and let all the people say, Amen.

Alleluia. Alleluia •. Amen. ',Amen~" . . .


The organ postlude - a final offering of our praise to God - is _played ·after the Benediction. Time p.ermittin_g, ,we invite you to remain to share in it.


Be sure to pick up your copy of the January issue of "A Word In Edgeways" in order to be up to date on Church news and various activities taking place. Copies are located in the narthex as well as on a table in the Community Room.


We welcome the Reverend Richard John Neuhaus to our pulpit this morning. A

c Lutheran· ~Pastor prominent in ecumenical affairs and a leading figure in concerns for soci·al justice, Pastor Neuhaus is Senior

- .. Editor .:-of Worldview magazine as well as the author of Time Toward Home and Christian

··Faith ·and Public Policy. He was convenor of the .famous Hartford Appeal •

. ..A ·.:noted speaker and a longtime advocate of ecumenical progress, he comes to us in connecti~n with the observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

:Pastor Neuhaus keeps a tie with the local;parish scene by serving as Associate :Pastor .of .the Trinity Lutheran Church on the~Lower East Side of Manhattan.


The·United Methodist Women are planning .a meeting for .Sunday, February 4th, follow­ing the co'ffee hour. Officers of the UMV~ are invited to meet together. today around 12: 4·0 pm {rear of Community Room) for a

· ·brief, but important meeting.


The Nominating Conunittee .of the Church will meet Tuesday evening, ·January 23rd, at seven-thirty in the . Community Room. All members are urged to be present.

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Rev. Philip A. . Clar e .: ............ ... .. .... ............... ... ......... .. ... .... .. Minister

Dr. Harold C. Metzner ................. .... Associate Minister, .. E.JneJ'itu1! ,, .. , .. .. .! ... • . .. - · .. ...

Mr. Lyndon Woodside ........... .. ...... .... .. ......... Organist-Choir Oirecior·

<:' :· ('·.· ';~ts! .cLynti':B:,:Cahen~ .... ; : ~~::·~. ::. ::~; ; .... ~. ~\.; .... : .. · .. ;:.: .... ... ............. .... :. Se.cretat.f

·~ ·.:' ~~- Ga~oP:bee ~pui.e.~ .... ' ... .-. :-:: ... !:: .. ~:. ·::.-: : .~ .. :.':: .. ... .. : .. : .. : .. .- .. : ... Secretary ::-~; Mr~ Ju-d'tti. K~i1mlH '· ·· ::- .. ·· :.t-'··· :··:· ·· :])a:·· ·s · h 't~trni- ·t . ........................................... y c o ec or

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Lay Member, Annual Conference ...... ..... ..... .. Mr. Paul R. Russell ··:'·· =-·-:.:·~··· . . .. . ··.·. ~:.:· .-., .. _. ·-: . . · ·. --- r-. ;.·- ~·-: ·· .... , . -. ... : 1:.~)-: : Le~ger,' Th~ Chlirch ........ . :.:< .. ,. ,,~ .. : ... .. , . ..Mr. ~:Wilnam: · P,ioc!Qr.·.

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President, Board of Trustees ..... .. ................. Miss E;Jpfl_y l~()~l!lc~~!- , .

President, United Methodist Women .......... Mrs. Morton Delson

Chairman, Administrative Board .. .... ..... .. .. ........ Mr. Ke~~~h.· V~_~;_:_· . . Chairman, Council on Ministries .. .. ................. Miss Janet Frisbee

c'; ·:; "' ':{3h'aihiiltn;' E<l&datfbii C~nrlttee:. ::·. :~' .... ~.:: ::~.Mf:s: ia'me<S · N'e~pole ··: "'";"~ • p •• - , . ··. -iit \7i .:.:l'~ '""'J ~ ~"': 1•~:· ...... _ • . _ .· .. -- ·--~ ~. ·: :· \r. ... " f-"' :·-. r!t]:.l .-.. . :~

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Co-Chairmen, Day School Committee .. .... Mr. and Mrs. Hughes

Chairman, Ushers .... ............... ........................... .. Mr. Ken!I"~ffi· ~~~!!i':}~-i':: ~.

Coordinator, Adult Fellowship ... .... .. .... .. .... ..... Miss Doreen Surber ............ --""" -'· ~ - .-: .. ·.r:.:_ . . -. --~- ,:- .-- -.. ---~ ~~ .~~:;.::;. --

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Page 8: PASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, 1979.pdfPASTORAL. PRAYER: January 21, 1979 LORD OF THE CHURCH, ... With a new sense of community.· ... Christ in this city since



ORGAN !'Andante" Rheinberger CALL TO WQ_RSHIP HYMN NO. 74 "All Praise to. ·Thee.., -0 King Divine" PRAYER OF CONFESSION (seated)

Most merciful Father, we have done little, to forward Thy kingdom in this world, to foster tne brotherhood of man.,··.._an:d ,,to .. establ.ish_love. . as ... .the law df life. l'le have .allowed self to blind us, pains to embitter us. Pardon our shortcomings; forgive our neglect-; give us ·-a ":pure-·-ileart -. -1-ntent on pleasing Thee. Help us · in· all our seeking ' to seek first Thy kingdom and Thy righteousness. And make us to come, as came Thy Son, not to be ministered unto, but to minister. We ask this in the spirit of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen




No. 555 No. 792 No. 740


"0 Taste and See" Vaughan Williams


I Corinthians 7: 29 - 31 Mark 1: 14 - 20

ANTHE:r-1 "Surely the Lord Is In This Place" PRESENTATION OF THE OFFERING WITH THE DOXOLOGY HYMN NO. 185 "More Love to Thee, 0 Christ" SERMON "One World, One Church: High Time

To Let It Be!" Pastor "The Church's One Foundation"


Neuhaus HYMN NO. 297 BENEDICTION ORGAN "Allegro moderato" Rheinberger

*** Interval for Ushering


We welcome Mr. Kenneth Barclay as our Lay Reader today. A native .of Toronto, Kenneth is -Executive Vice-President of .Bell,--Gouinlock & Company, Inc. A member of the....Church for five years, Ken is Chairman of the tJs-hers, ~a--- Member of the Finance Committee, the Vietnamese Fr.i.ends 'Committee and the Administrative

"" Boar.a...


--. !Phe~ flowers ,.on~the altar today are given in loving memory of Joseph L. Harlacker by his wife, Carol.


Coff~e and.tea_will be served in the Community Roan after the service. Members and friends are invited to share in these moments of warmth made possible for us today by l•lrs. Carey., Miss Bruhn, Ms. Davis, Dr. Garcia, Mrs. Maltby and Mrs. staempfli.


The ushers today are Mr. Morales, Mr. Bates, Mr. Hairston, Mr. Lund, Dr. Molt, Mr. Padilla, 1-tt. Weeks and Mrs. Williams.


Sessions of Church School for children are offered every Sunday morning from eleven to twelve. Classes meet on the third and fourth floors and in the Community Room. · Nursery care for infants and toddlers is avail­able on the fourth floor.


A class for adults meets on Sundays from nine­thirty to ten-thirty in Fellowship Hall. Coffee is served and new members are always most welcome.