pastor’s message the second advent of

parishworks! 1 Vol. 6 No. 33 November 13, 2010 Pastor’s Message The Second Advent of the Son of Man by: Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Suñga SUNDAY GOSPEL LK 21:5-19 turn to page 3 Dear Parishioners: One of the most despised characters in the history of the Church was Julian the Apostate. He became emperor of Rome in the year 360. Although baptized and trained as a Christian, he turned completely against Christ and His followers. He sacrificed to pagan gods, turned many churches into pagan temples, restricted Christian teachings, and waged a war of words and cruelty against everything Christian. website: and turn to page 4 turn to page 2 Fathers Jeff and Dennis celebrate sacerdotal anniv Through God’s grace, Father Jeffrey T. Jamias, in his fourth year and Father Dennis B. Sudla, in his ninth, celebrated their sacerdotal anniversary with a Eucharistic celebration followed by a dinner and a short program held last November 9, 2010 at the Jubilee Hall. PYM Holds Marian Serenade The Saint Andrew Parish Youth Ministry (PYM) held a Marian Serenade last October 30, 2010 at the Jubilee Hall. About 100 people attended .

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parishworks! 1Vol. 6 No. 33 November 13, 2010

Pastor’s MessageThe Second Advent of the Son of Manby: Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Suñga

SundAy GoSpel

lk 21:5-19

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Dear Parishioners:

One of the most despised characters in the history of the Church was Julian the Apostate. He became emperor of Rome in the year 360. Although baptized and trained as a Christian, he turned completely against Christ and His followers. He sacrificed to pagan gods, turned many churches into pagan temples, restricted Christian teachings, and waged a war of words and cruelty against everything Christian.

website: and

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Fathers Jeff and dennis celebrate sacerdotal anniv

Through God’s grace, Father Jeffrey T. Jamias, in his fourth year and Father Dennis B. Sudla, in his ninth, celebrated their sacerdotal anniversary with a Eucharistic celebration followed by a dinner and a short program held last November 9, 2010 at the Jubilee Hall.

pyM Holds Marian Serenade The Saint Andrew Parish Youth Ministry (PYM) held

a Marian Serenade last October 30, 2010 at the Jubilee Hall. About 100 people attended .


Sacerdotal... from page 1

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leo the GreatFeast day: nov. 10

St. Leo was born an aristocrat. in 400 A.D. In 431, he was chosen to serve as a deacon in Rome.

During this time he was chosen by the Emperor to settle a dispute between Aetius and Albinus, two of the highest officials in Gaul.

Elected as Pope in 440, succeeding Sixtus III, he worked tirelessly as “Peter’s successor,” guiding his fellow bishops as “equals in the episcopacy and infirmities.” Leo was a significant contributor to the centralisation of spiritual authority within the Church. Leo appealed to the civil power for support, and obtained from Valentinian III the famous decree of June 6, 445, which recognized the primacy of the bishop of Rome

In 452, he became famous for convincing Attila the Hun from his intended invasion of Italy. Leo is known as one of the best administrative popes of the ancient Church. His work branched into four main areas, indicative of his notion of the pope’s total responsibility for the flock of Christ. He worked at length to control the heresies. A second major area of his concern was doctrinal controversy in the Church in the East, setting down the Church’s teaching on the nature of Christ. He also led the defense of Rome against barbarian attack. His growth to sainthood has its basis in the spiritual depth with which he approached the pastoral care of his people, which was the fourth focus of his work.

He is known for his spiritually profound sermons. An instrument of the call to holiness, well-versed in Scripture and ecclesiastical awareness. One of his Christmas sermons is still famous today. He died in November 10, 461 and was buried in his own monument.

MAGpAS updates: Talk of His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales on October 09,2010 at

Jaime Cardinal Sin Auditorium, Paco, Manila

“Many Gifts and Many Ways of Serving, But There Is Only One Lord”

Jesus taught that everyone has a role in the Church that He founded. First of all, there are many gifts but always there is but only one spirit; although there are many roles in the church.

Who are these people in the Church who have different gifts and how are they different? Should there be disciple-apostle type of leadership?

The DisciplesThe disciples are those called by Jesus. Discipleship

goes beyond simple observation or accompaniment. It requires listening to the master’s words, reflecting on what He says and choosing what needs to be repeated and shared with others. In discipleship the direction of life has already been decided by one’s desires.

Reason must prevail over our desires, because the process will follow our motives.

But There is Only One Lord, Jesus ChristSome people left Christ because they found him

unbending when the truth He teaches contradicts their preferences, and his words were too hard to take.

Again the doctrine on life is different to both understand and accept.

There are people who find it difficult, near impossible to admit there is already life, human life in every fertilized ovum. The doctrine of the Church that follows the teaching on life by Jesus, the Christ, is that life begins at conception, when the ovum is fertilized. This is the doctrine on life that is being defended by the Church, and therefore any threat to that life, from conception to full maturity till normal death, must be considered an offense on the Author of all life. Unless, science or any one can prove that there is no human life there yet, it is not possible for the Church to change its doctrine on the value of life.

What is the difference between a newly fertilized ovum and a mango seed that has newly sprouted from the ground this morning? If I squeezed it or trampled the soft seedling this morning before I come to this hall, I have snuffed the life of a mango. The mango is not only a mango tree when it bears fruit. This is at the heart of

Father Jeff was ordained priest last November 9, 2006 in Manila Cathedral and has been designated as Parochial Vicar of Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish since October 1, 2009 while Father Dennis was ordained on the same day in 2001 in the Cathedral of Perth in Australia and was assigned as guest priest of Saint Andrew last 2008.

The two priests’ relatives and friends from Singalong, Manila joined the St. Andrew parishioners at the celebration.

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pastor’s Messasge from page 1...

He even tried to prove wrong the prophecy of Christ we just read regarding the temple in Jerusalem: “The days will come when there shall not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” This happened in the year 70. Julian ordered the rebuilding of the sacred structure, but when they tried to lay a new foundation, according to a pagan historian, “fearful balls of fire burst forth from the earth close to the foundation, scorched the workmen, and made it impossible to get near the place.”

These facts from history bring out a truth too much forgotten, namely, that Jesus made predictions which came true. We hear a lot about the predictions regarding Christ in the Old Testament but too little about the predictions our Lord Himself made. Here are some of them:

Jesus predicted His sufferings, death, resurrection, ascension, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. His words were carried out to the smallest detail.

He foretold the betrayal of Judas, the denial by Peter and desertion by His disciples. But He foretold too His own Resurrection and the downfall of evilness and the final triumph of the Church “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your hands because your redemption is at had.” Luke 21: 27-28. The Second coming of Jesus is the

triumph of goodness over evil, the triumph of truth over lies, the triumph of life over death.

This is what our readings for this Sunday are trying to cement in our Christian faith. We are now about to close and see the fulfilment of our salvation as proclaimed by Jesus through the gospel of St. Luke. We saw and had experienced in our lives how the cross of Christ was such powerful part of our experience while the full knowledge of our own resurrection is ours to receive. As such, we together with the early Christians in their great sufferings, are being bolstered to be courageous and to persevere in patient alertness.

St. Luke’s gospel has been guiding us to the very end. This Sunday’s gospel is part of a longer apocalyptic discourse in Luke 2:15-30. Christian apocalyptic literature is there to help the faithful survive their present sufferings and to understand that their struggles in life are part of the birth pangs of the coming glory. By their endurance and faithfulness to the Lord they will meet that end of times with confidence and not fear, with joy and not dread. The predictions of the end is indeed a source of joy giving us a sense of fulfilment in the life we are living now. This is the true reality in spite of the sufferings we are enduring everyday. Let us all hope and pray that all of us without any exceptions be there with our heads erect meeting the Triune God and becoming totally united with Him. Amen.

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the present heated debate. And some people find it very hard to understand that there already is life there as early as when the sprouted as a seedling. It is the same thing in human life.

Responsibility in parenting is what is needed. And here is where you are all about to be launched by the Church in the total care for life. This is discipleship: Come! And Stay! These are two words that belong to the disciple, “Come...follow Jesus”.

Stay. This means that you live with Him stay longer with Him. You will be one with Him. It also means that in difficult moments, in most trying moments, you will stay and remain with Him.

The Apostles are SentIf in discipleship the Christian is asked to stay and

remain with Jesus, the Apostles, after having befriended Jesus and learned from Him, will be asked to go out

and preach the Good news to others. The Apostles are missioned.

To be an apostle then means one will be sent to his or her family first, for this is the first arena of your most powerful influence. If one fails to be a parent of responsibility here, the rest of parental influence must be surely ineffective.

To be an apostle also means one will be missioned to his community (social responsibility) and to his country (patriotism). The best training for love of country is, of course, behavior in the family where everyone is trained to be sensitive to the need, rights and care for the other. Patriotism starts at home.

Discipleship also prepares the individual person to see the needs of the rest of people and mankind by taking care of the needs of the planet we all call earth, our only known home this part of life. It has been said that the network

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Ria Salvaña Matthew LizaresParish Works StaffEllie Medina, Angelina Poe,Emilio Medina, Teresita CabralJohn David OngAnnouncements CoordinatorsPia Sanedrin, Rochelle Pineda Bulletin Board EditorEJ CarlosPowerpoint CoordinatorGing Santos, JayR PaduaContributor: Glo Pineda, Magda Gana

Spiritual AdvisorRev. Msgr. Emmanuel Suñga

PublisherSt. Andrew the Apostle ParishN. Garcia St. cor. Kalayaan Ave.Bel-Air II, Makati CityPhones: (632) 890-1796 / 890-1743 [email protected]

Parish Works is the official weekly newsletter of Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish. Media and Communications Ministry Co-coordinators

Beyond Tolerance from page 2...




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of nature resources — land, sea, air, forest, mountain and valleys and the animal world in it — is considered the umbilical cord of life on earth. If we love life, we also must respect and protect its god-given support. No one therefore can claim for his or her or their group alone the exploitative use and consumption of these earthly resources.

Again, care for the planet and its resources begin in the home. Thus, apostleship for ecological care begins in the way the family cares for itself, they way they respect and share their resources, in the manner they treat their excesses, including the healthy disposal of waste.

All are Disciple-ApostlesTo the question at the beginning - the safest and truest

answer will be to say that all of us are servant-leaders. We have all been called, having heard and learned from Him, we are all told to go - share with others what we have learned ... we are now all sent... apostles too.

- Glo V.Pineda, EDM Chair

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Marian Serenade... from page 1

The event’s theme was the Month of the Holy Rosary this October. Fr. Jeffrey T. Jamias, spiritual director of the PYM, opened the event with a message followed by Bunny Callejo, PYM head who explained the history of the Holy Rosary. The program included the praying of the Holy Rosary with the songs for the Blessed Virgin Mary sung by the ‘Hymns of Youth’ and the flower offerings afterwards which eventually tailed by the serenade of the PREX choir led by Ms. Cecile Jaime.

In celebration of Christ the King there will be a mass on November 20 (Saturday) at 5:00pm at the San Miguel Village Covered Court. The mass will be followed by an Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and an overnight vigil. The following day a procession after the vigil will start at 3:15pm and will end at St. Andrew with a closing prayer at 4:30pm.

Novena masses in honor of our patron, St. Andrew the Apostle will be held starting November 21 through November 29 at 6:00pm on Sundays and at 6:30pm on weekdays. On his feast day, November 30 (Tuesday) masses will be held at 6:30am, 12:15pm, and at 6:30pm. The last mass will be celebrated by Bishop Francis de Leon. A procession in honor of St. Andrew the Apostle will start from the church grounds at 4:00pm.

To celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Penafrancia, the devotees are sponsoring a free Medical checkup on November 21 (Sunday) from 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Parish Jubilee Hall. Everyone is invited to come.

The National Shrine of the Sacred Heart is holding an Exhibit of Relics of Saints and Blesseds, with the theme “Heart of Jesus, delight of all Saints” in commemoration of the Solemnity of All Saints. The Exhibit will run until Nov. 28.