pat arnott, atms 749 atmospheric radiation transfer figure 13: heat map (within white box) of the...

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon Enceladus, measured at wavelengths between 12 and 16 micrometres, superimposed on a visual-light image. One of the four fractures (right) was only partially imaged. (wikipedia). Ch 13: Radiative Transfer with Multiple Scattering. Primer: Saturn’s Moon Enceladus. How do we know if it’s water vapor, ice particles, or liquid water? Why do we use this wavelength range? Why not use visible or UV?

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Page 1: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon Enceladus, measured at wavelengths between 12 and 16 micrometres, superimposed on a visual-light image. One of the four fractures (right) was only partially imaged. (wikipedia).

Ch 13: Radiative Transfer with Multiple Scattering.Primer: Saturn’s Moon Enceladus.

How do we know if it’s water vapor, ice particles, or liquid water?

Why do we use this wavelength range? Why not use visible or UV?

Page 2: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Two Stream Approximation: Multiple Scattering in 1 dimension.

h, ground level

0, top of atmosphere


z + dzarbitrary layer dz

I↓(z) I↑(z)

I↓(z+dz) I↑(z+dz)

extdz = absdz + scadz. P↓↑= P↑ ↓. P↑ ↑= P↓ ↓.

extdz = Probability a photon undergoes extinction in dz.absdz = Probability a photon is absorbed in dz.scadz = Probability a photon is scattering in dz.P↓↑= P↑ ↓ = Probability a downward photon is scattered up, and vica versa.P↑ ↑= P ↓ ↓ = Probability an upward photon is scattered up, and vica versa.

P↓↑+ P↑ ↑ = 1 all of the choices for a scattered photon in 1 dimension.⇒

Page 3: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Conservation of energy in dz for downward intensity (or flux):(seeking relationships between the fluxes above and below dz).

h, ground level

0, top of atmosphere


z + dzarbitrary layer dz

I↓(z) I↑(z)

I↓(z+dz) I↑(z+dz)

extdz = absdz + scadz. P↓↑= P↑ ↓. P↑ ↑= P↓ ↓.

Gain of downward flux by layer dz = Loss of downward flux by layer dz.(No ↓ flux is generated in the layer by emission. Easy to do emission later.)

I↓(z)+ sca P↑ ↓ dz I↑(z+dz) = absdz I↓(z) + sca P↓ ↑ dz I↓(z) + I↓(z+dz)

absorption scattering transmission

Page 4: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Conservation of energy in dz for upward intensity (or flux):(seeking relationships between the fluxes above and below dz).

h, ground level

0, top of atmosphere


z + dzarbitrary layer dz

I↓(z) I↑(z)

I↓(z+dz) I↑(z+dz)

extdz = absdz + scadz. P↓↑= P↑ ↓. P↑ ↑= P↓ ↓.

Gain of upward flux by layer dz = Loss of upward flux by layer dz.(No ↑ flux is generated in the layer by emission. Easy to do emission later.)

I↑(z+dz)+ sca P↓ ↑ dz I↓(z) = absdz I↑(z+dz) + sca P↑ ↓ dz I↑(z+dz) + I↑(z)

absorption scattering transmission

Page 5: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Form Differential Equations from the Difference Equations Derived

h, ground level

0, top of atmosphere


z + dzarbitrary layer dz

I↓(z) I↑(z)

I↓(z+dz) I↑(z+dz)

extdz = absdz + scadz. P↓↑= P↑ ↓. P↑ ↑= P↓ ↓.

Page 6: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Aside: Asymmetry Parameter of Scattering, g. -1<g<1



nr=1.33=0.6328D=20 umg=0.874

Page 7: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Scattering Relationships: Example and the Asymmetry Parameter g



forward scatteredphotons

back scatteredphoton

Here P↓↓=3/4. P↓↑=1/4.P↓↓+ P↓↑ = 1.

g≡ P↓↓ - P↓↑ in 1-D.g = P↓↓ - (1- P↓↓ )


P↓↓=(1+g)/2 = P↑↑

P↓↑=(1-g)/2 = P↓↑

Page 8: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Relationships for Extinction, Scattering, Absorption, and the Single Scatter Albedo: Coupled de’s for the fluxes.

Fundamental equationswe use for everything.

Fluxes are coupledby scattering.

Page 9: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Special Case: No Absorption, Single Scatter Albedo = 1.Reflection and Transmission Coefficients, R and T.

h, ground level

0, top of atmosphere

I↓(0)≡I0R≡I↑(0)/ I0

T≡I↓() / I0

ground is a totally absorbing surface,I↑() ≡0.

Page 10: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Solving for the Case where Single Scattering Albedo=1 (no absorption)

Page 11: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Features of the Solution for R and T with no Absorption

g and are not uniquely determined by R and T measurements,only the product 1-g) is uniquely determined.

g=1, forward scattering only, then R=0, T=1.

g=-1, R≠1 because of multiple scattering, R=

However, dilute milk will be colored blue (Rayleigh scattering)

Page 12: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Features of the Multiple Scattering Solution Continued ...

“Photons are lost to the downward stream only if they are scattered in the opposite direction”



Page 13: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Direct and Diffuse Transmitted Radiation






LWP = Cloud Water Mass / AreaQext = Cloud droplet extinction efficiencyCCN = # cloud condensation nuclei

Cloud optical depth

nr=1.33=0.6328D=20 umg=0.874

figure 1

Diffuse = Total - Direct

Page 14: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Can show that the downwelling diffuse dadiation in the single scattering limit is matches expectations from

direct integration of the radiative transfer equation in the single scattering approximation (done in class for

Rayleigh scattering).

Page 15: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Summary of Multiple Scattering Equations: 1 D model.

Page 16: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

R and T:

Page 17: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Reminder from Chapter 7 Presentation

Page 18: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Optical Depth from kext: Liquid Water Path

Liquid Water Path



Somewhere there has to be an integral over z!

Page 19: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Homework Problem: Aerosol Indirect Effect Reproduce the figure on the next slide using the simple model with absorption for the values

of = 1 and ≠1. Calculate the cloud albedo as a function of effective radius and liquid water path for single scattering albedo equal to 1.0, and 0.95. In the second problem, assume that the absorption is caused by black carbon aerosol embedded in the cloud. Calculate the absorption coefficient necessary to give the value of the single scattering albedo as a function of the liquid water path. Comment on the likelihood of observing these absorption coefficients. Finally, comment on how aerosol light absorption impacts the aerosol indirect effect (i.e. the increased cloud albedo because of smaller more numerous droplets).

Note: the mean free path of photons between scattering events is = 1 / sca.

Tdir = exp(- exth)= exp(-) = probability that photons pass through the general medium without interaction with the scatterers and absorbers. (Ballistic, unscattered photons useful for imaging in scattering medium with fast lasers that can gate out scattered photons that arrive later due to their larger path length).

Page 20: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Cloud Liquid Water Path, Effective Radius, And Cloud Albedo

grams / m2

Global Survey of the Relationships of Cloud Albedo and Liquid Water Path with Droplet Size Using ISCCP.Preview By: Qingyuan Han; Rossow, William B.; Chou, Joyce; Welch, Ronald M.. Journal of Climate, 7/1/98, Vol. 11 Issue 7, p1516.

Does this make sense? Why?

How do things change when the single scattering albedo is not equal to 1, and absorption happens?

Page 21: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Cloud above a Reflecting Ground

I↓(0)≡1 R


ground has reflectance, (or albedo) = Ag.




T2Ag T2AgRAg



T2Ag(RAg)2 T2Ag(RAg)n

T(AgR)nTAg (AgR)n

Rtotal= R+T2Ag+ T2AgRAg+ T2Ag(RAg)2+ ... + T2Ag(RAg)n + ...

Rtotal= R+T2Ag / (1- AgR)

Ttotal= T+TAgR+ T(AgR)2+ ... + T(AgR)n + ...

Ttotal = T / (1- AgR)

Page 22: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Features of a Cloud above a Reflecting Ground

I↓(0)≡I0 R


ground has reflectance, (or albedo) = Ag.




T2Ag T2AgRAg



T2Ag(RAg)2 T2Ag(RAg)n

T(AgR)nTAg (AgR)n

General Relationship:Rtotal= R+T2Ag /(1- AgR)

Ttotal = T / (1- AgR)

Ag=0Rtotal= R, Ttotal = T

Ag=1Rtotal= R +T2 /(1- R)Ttotal = T/(1-R)

Ag=1, R+T=1 (conservative case)Rtotal= 1Ttotal = 1

Cloud Absorption, AAtotal= (In - Out)/I0

Page 23: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Weirdest thing (study the Ag = 1 case, R + T = 1 conservative case)

I↓(0)≡I0 R


ground has reflectance, (or albedo) = Ag=1 in this case.




T2 T2R



T2(R)2 T2(R)n



Ag=1Rtotal= R +T2 /(1- R)Ttotal = T/(1-R)

Ag=1, R+T=1 (conservative case)Rtotal= 1Ttotal = 1

Case shown: R ≈ 1. Radiation is ‘trapped’ between the cloud and ground.A very small amount is reflected besides the first reflection.Energy is conserved because In = Out, or 1 = Rtotal

Let R=0.99. With 100 photons incident, 99immediately reflect upwards and are lost.One photon passes through and reflects 99 timesbetween the ground and cloud before being lost by transmission to the upward direction.

This is the basis of an optical buildup cavity and integrating spheres.

Page 24: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Conservative Case: Example of Ttotal

Page 25: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Energy Conservation for the Conservative Case

I↓(0)≡I0 R


ground has reflectance, (or albedo) = Ag.




T2Ag T2AgRAg



T2Ag(RAg)2 T2Ag(RAg)n

T(AgR)nTAg (AgR)n

General Relationship:Rtotal= R+T2Ag /(1- AgR)

Ttotal = T / (1- AgR)

Energy Conservation:In to system = Out of system1= Rtotal + Agnd = 1

(can show with algebra)Total Absorption by Ground, Agnd

Agnd= (Ingnd - Outgnd)/I0

Agnd = Ttotal (1- Ag)

Can show with algebra, or by inspection

Page 26: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

Additional Relationships and Limits for the General Case:

deep multiple scattering with some absorption

Page 27: Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Figure 13: Heat map (within white box) of the thermally active field of fractures in saturn’s moon

Pat Arnott, ATMS 749 Atmospheric Radiation Transfer

An Example