patent self fastening bedsteads....

MASS CONVENTION, The Subscribers respectfully invite their Fellow Citizens of jthe County of St. Lawrence friendly to the election of Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR President, and MIL- LARD FILLMORE Vice President' -of the United States, to meet in Canton, the 27th day of September next, at 26'elock p. mt. to adopt measures preparatory to. the approach- ing Presidential election, and transact suchother business as may be deemed necessary. Mr* Van On the 20th oTIone last, Mr. Van Buren wrote a letter, w£Sttwft»ined the following: " The extentio Wthick J fef§ sustained ft (slavery) in tp.Vanous statfonSfl have occu- pied is taown^OTbJ country. >EIDOS at that time vqlK^&Pwi&J weTitJarthi^ in, this re- sned^^^i^^tf^lestfrim^tmid approve. S. B. James, J. C. Ormsby, Otis Glynn, A. C. Brown, I. L. Seymour, D. Turner, Jr. A. D. Forbes, H. R. Hare, Wm. Wells, A. G. Cadier, Joseph Little, Samael Dix, Ezra Osier, John Bell, Amos Stocker, Charles Hill, Wm. A. Rea, Stillman Foote. Thomas C. Atcheson, Wm. Fawcett, J. C. Bush, R, W. Bush, W. E. Guest, Denis O'Kiaff, H. Van Rensselaer, E. N. Fairchild, L. Sears, Geo. Morris, C. F. Wells, Isaac Baldwin, John Barber, . I. Lamb, S. Higbee, Parley B. Chapin, Hiram Chatison, Thomas Child, Aaron E. Pry, Alfred Stewart, C. C. Chapin, S. H. Sampson, Thomas Dunn, A. Cameron, Geo. Flaneaan, James Kelly, ^Stephen Larsonner, ' Samuel Service. N. H. Lytle, Norman Eastman, J. R. McMahon, James Robinson, Charles T. Pooler, Washington Snider, D. Crichton, Charles D. Crichton. Wm. Ding, Bryan McAvoy, R. BFClure, Samuel Cooke, James Marshall, James W. Lytle, Albert Chlsmore, M. Tobin, B. F. Sherman, J. H. Guest, J. H. Seelcy, G. R. Clark, Solomon Jones, J. C. Barter, Eli Dennis, R. Atcheson. Thomas Atcheson, Thomas Birkby, Carlos Slocum, R. S. Ryon, G. D. Seymour, 3V. Taggart, Harvey Church,. C. B. Wright, Wm. Forbes, Wm. Putnam, M. Caton, Geo. Gunst, John B. Haggett, David Bnrditt, Michael Crane, James Lytle, Wm. C. Broam, Harvey M. Allen, Isaac Allen, Sidney A. Chapin, Roswetl Laraby, Amby A. Chapin, Thomas Shain, F. S. Chapin, S. G. Pierce, Charles Wright, J. Shaver, Alex. Matheson, John O'Leary, B. Paine, T. G. S award, Samuel Wells. William Wright, S. M. Hanna, H. T. Haskell Geo. Ashworth, John Pearson, Isaac H. Bromer, Alex. A. Martin, Joseph Chambers, Joseph Scott, 2d. Jerry M'Lott, D. P. Brteham, John L. Mitchell, Noah D. Buttolph, Norman N. Bellows, George B. Clark, A. M. Bacon, Moses Wells, Carret P. Flack, James Moncreft, James Martin, Simeon Dillingham, Jno. S. Chipman, S. J. Dewey, Lewis S towers, N. A. Reddington, H. W. Pratt, William Clark, John Peacocks, Francis Legro, A. Atkins, A. S. Hatch, Geo. S. Chipman, Geo. C. Bogue, W. S. Bogue, Wm. Benson, John Chappie, Aaron Gillmon, John S. Dankin, N. H. Farmer. Sands Helms, Joseph Bartlett, Simon Laiton Geo. Browning, Justus Webber, B. Armstrong, E. Seger, Roswell Hopkins, O. Gilbert. E. C. Goff. D. D. Wead, S. D. Moody, H. H. Childs, J. G, Goodaie, N. B. Sheldon, J. R. Tilley, Henry Tilley, S. Baldwin, E. C. Page, C. Williams, Harmon Bennett, E. F. Tupper, Isaac Oty, R. F. Harlson. B. H. Leonard, M. McMullan, Araon Nickeson, George B. Couper, Francis R. Harlson, L. Lawrence. H. Foote, E. Hodskin, A. S. Robinson, S. Parker, Jas. Baker, A- B. Conly, Philo P. Gibson, N. A. Chappie, B. F. Read, C. M. Johnson, H. H. Hatch, J.R. Jackson, J. W. Fennimore, F. Smith, John Eldredge, Salomon Higgina, O. B. Hathaway, Thos. Craig, E. R. Chandler, B- F. Wilson, Ambrose S. Briggs, Peter K. Dings, Stephen Moor, John Dings, Samuel Dings, Stery McLott, Andrew A. @.uaw, A. Chapman, Henry Hooker, P. M. McLaren, E. W. White; Jinks Hale, Lewis Hale, Eldridge Wescott, Isaac Bush, E. gaclrus, . M. Birdsall, Geo. A. Chapman, W. S. Scoficld, John Canfield Jr., Israel Ward, Dennis Harley, Chilion Ford, Levi D. Levitt, John Pooler Jr, Amasa Richardson, Stephen Canfield, Joseph Goodwin, Joseph W. Clarkson, Reuben Young, Erastns Northam, E. A. Northam, A. T. Richardson, Joseph Wearer, Hercules W. Wilson, Thomas Hill, N. Whitney, George Robinson, Benjamin Whitney, S. B; Strickland, Jacob Wagnr, Wm. M. Cram, Alfred Stewart, George G. Baker, ** Joseph Bartlett, Geo. P. Ryon, J. Larkin, M. Hickok, John F. Rosseel, William Jones, G-. N. Seymour, Wallace Hitchcock, Wm. Bacon, S. Gilbert, Robert Wood, A. W. Woolley, H. Thomas, Robert Ding, Isaac Thrall, W. N. Hall, T. Shepard, Thomas Arnold, H. G. Foote, Jas. S. Raymond, C. Stillman, Allen Chaney, E. B. Allen, A Bacon, Adam Bateman, J. Baldwin, C. D. Clark, F. Melhinch, John McFadden, Daniel Magone, H. K. Smith, Virgil B. Laughlin, Samuel McFadden, D wight Spencer, D. S. Herriman, George McFadden, Edward J. Chapin, Jacob J. Van Coughnet, D. B. Bulson, Thos. D. Skinner, A. S. Isham, Jacob Pray, Harrison Sawyer, John Melhinch, John Burke, G. W. Foster. Daniel Church, Josephus Bellenger, F. A. Strickland, Alden Vilas, M. S. Daniels, A. B. James, Harmon Lovely, James Boyes, Isaac Perkins, Francis Corry, H. W. Whitney, J. Baldwin, John W. Grant, G. W. Kruger, A. Tyler. M. G. Sherman, R. W. Colfax, H. T. Bacon, L. A. Tambhng, N. B. Beardsiey, H. RorikweU, Joel M. Woolley, Thos. B. Lamb, K. Matheson, Geo. W. Allen, C. O'Learey, Harry Odell, Robert Cadier, H. Briggs, George Arnold, J. G. Hopkins, E. Clark, L. S. Northrup, Joseph C. Chevalier, James Randies, Wm. H. Randies, Alexander Jamieson, John Bailey, James Paterson, Timothy Jones, Arthur J. Gilmour, George Wilson, James Murton, Wm. McCuliins, R. Bailey, L. Hasbrouck, H. M. Eastman, D. Day, N. W. Vilas, John Dezcll, Nehemiah Sh.elden, Isaac Shelden, S. H. LampsoB, Thomas M 1 Carter, Joshua Gregory, O. P. Carpenter. J. Safford, John H. Odell, Richard George, Wm. D. LyUe, George Hinion, Lorenzo D. Marshall, W. Carpenter, A. M. Munson, Isaac Odell, Peter Wells, George Dillingham, Henry Dillingham, Thomas Flack, Robert Hatch, William Hatch, Robert R. Hatch, Russell Covell John S. Snider, John Done, George Kennon James Truax, Daniel Breakenridge, Horace Woodworm, Richard Delong, Simeon D. Pitt, Jacob Peck, Jr. D. H. Cuttins, Arba Robinson, O. S. Morgan, Dr. Beni. Hick, Clark Cloflin, Rufus Sessions, A. S. Graves, S - J. Cooper, DANL. BHADISH, soldier, Whig of now 88 years of age and is a Whig. N. F. Beals, J. R. Brown, Nathaniel Hodskin, O. Van Allen, O. McArthur. George L. Winslow, S. L. Byington, Jonathon Aldrich, Helon Pratt,, Orville Norton, Lucius Richardson, Wm. Westman, Charles Norton, H. N. Wilkinson, Mills Turtle, John B. Farnsworth, Ezra D. Jackson, Truman Bullis, Jael Brooks, R. K. Jackson, David Sears, A. Kingsbury, Joseph Francis James Burr, A. D. Sears, A. Smith, W. Huntington, Stebbins Hosley, E. C. Foote John Page, O. A. Gage, AlansonClark, 2d, Moses F. Folsom, Hinta Powell, Caleb Olin, Daniel Nickerson, E. Squires, Orelana Hosley, L. F. Byington, Samuel L. Moore E. B. Wilson, J. G. Flack, S. B: Ainsworth, D. C. Flack, W. Cleveland, Thomas A. Madfll, - John Tuck, Randall Town, Geo. C. Tyrol, James Flack, James Glynn, John Domott, Richard B. Chapman, John Haggard, John Brewer, Wasson Seymour, David Palmer. Prosper Trowbridge, John Westover, Henry J. Krake, John V. Kent, M. M. Hooker, John fi. Canfield, A. F. Carpenter, Joseph T. Hindmarsh, B. MdAliaster, Jr, John C. Van Camp, Daniel Haggart, William McCaliy, Albert Edwards, Rumbour Mondlgo, Peter McGreggor, Orin Twombley, Thomas Bristow, David McDougall, Gilbert Foster, IsaaC-Demott, Gilbert Haggart, [Rev. 76,1s d^l^jrlblje^dillnionfl^^s deTermin- ed o d ^ p a r t , wJjJiiB'f&e pale; ofthefjO.ap.sti, tutiOni^should b'a / w4hting:to--sOT<zi* tfe tora- pnm^Ms ft&i'werethen understood, and IT ®MfW' ^S0trftOE„lQP,qONSQLA- Tm$Pim M E T H A T I^PEMSTJEI* "THE COURSE; I THEN ADOPTED." k . MARTIN VAJSFBUEEN. Mr. Van Baren sanctioned the Atheiton gag. This is "Consolation" No. 1. Mr. Van Buren went with the South to exclude Abolition petitions. This is' 'Conso- lation" No. 2. Mr. Van Buren, when Vice President, gave his castinp vote in favor of the bill to rob the mails and burn all Abolition papers found South of the Potomac, This is "Con- solation" No. 3. Mr. Van Buren gave his casting vote for the bill which provided for the removal of any post master guilty of allowing Anti-Sla- very papers to go into the mails. This is "Consolation" No 4. Mr. Van Buren solemnly volnnteed a please to veto any bill in favor of abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. This is "Consolation" No. 5. Mr. Van Buren ordered the Marshal of Connecticut to surrender up the Amistad ne- groes an officer of the navy, that they might be sent back into Slavery. This is " Conso- lation" No. 6. Mr. Van Buren instructed oar Foreign M insters to prevent Mexico from entering entering upon crusade against Cuba, lest it should lead to the emancipation ot the slaves of that Island. This is "Consolatioa" No. 7. Mr. Van Buren wrote a letter in favor of The election of Polk. This is "Consolation" No. 8. Mr. Van Buren. and his barnburer friends, elected Polk, voted to annex Texas, approved the War, and stood up lor the Conquest of New Mexico and California. This is "Con- solation" No. 9. Mr. Van Buren now knows that 11 Polk had not been elected, Texas would not have been annexed, there would have been no war, no sacrifice oi human life, and no dan- ger of slavery extension. This is "Consola- tion No. 10. Where Whigs are to extract "consolation" from, when they cast their votes for Van Bu- ren, we cannot imagine. It may afford them satisfaction to know that by so doing they as- sist Cass and Injure their own party; bat that either their heads or their consciences will approve their conduct, we will not be- lieve. It would be some "consolation" to know that Van Buren had repented of some of vile acts. Bat so Jar from this, as recent as June last, he had the effrontery to assert that "it is now a source of consolation to me that I pur- sued the course 1 then adopted 1" It is very foolish for voung ladies to halt each other on account oi" a young gentleman who don't care a fig for either oi them. In reply to the communication of Dr. G—d who has seen fit to address ns npon the sub- ject of our weekly notices of—Q. C. Vangh's Vegetable Lithontriptic Miitore—the Great American Remedy—we have only to say, that every name which has appeared in these notices as giving testimony to the great cura- tive power of tuis iar famed article of Medi- cine, is a genuine one, whatever oar worthy friend may think; no fiction is used here,— if questions our word after this, we would ask him to take the name of any person he has ever found mentioned, the place ot residence, and send a post paid letter to the person; ii he does not receive a satisfactory answer both as regards the genuineness of the names giv- en, and the character of the medicine alluded to also, then we will publish gratis his com- munication. Will this satisfy the Doctor 1— We happen to know what we are engaged in when we print such notices ; this Vegetable Lithontriptic is doing great good all over the country, and seems to be the remedy lor all complaints. As the Agents in this vicinity, whose names are under the advertisement In our paper, will inform the doctor. Get a ..pamphlet and read. What all Want, and by all who use them Say. WHAT A L L W A N T , A N D B Y A L L W H O U S E T H E M SAY—Among the nu- merous purgatives given, it is acknowled by all persons who have used Herrick's Sugar Coated Pills, that they have found none so safe and valuable j they are also a complete substitute for mercury in every shape and lorrn. They are suitable for all constitutions and ages, and being entirely vegetables, no inquiry need be apprehended from taking cold or any other cahse. They will be found a safe, easy, and pleasant cathartic in every case where one is indicated or required.— Nearly all the purgatives administered pass through the stomach and bowels, without stimulating them sufficiently to create a healthy action, but this medicine not only cleanses them of bilious or morbid matter, but likewise changes the secretions, while at the same time theylnvigorate or restore their tone. They gently soften and loosen all the hard and Impure matter collected in the stom- ach and intestines, and carry it' off complete- ly by full, easy and natural evacuations.— Their purity, mildness, safety, certainly and thoroughness render them the most desiraLle medicine known. Address orders to Herrick & Co., No. 6, James street, Albany, N. Y., and lor sale by Jno. J. Ba- con, Humphrey & Co.,Henry R. Hare, Ogdens, burgh j S. J. Dewey, Wadcungton ) A. J. Goss^ Columbia', H. P. Jud,sc-n, Norfolk! E. D. Ran- som & co. Massena: C. Hulburd, Brasher Falls; Sanders & Barnard) Lawrencevillei J. Sherar & Chittenden & co., Nlcholville; G. F. Brown- son & co , Parishviille; Goulding & Leet, Pots- dam ; A G. Brown & co., and B. Hodskin & co. Canton; John Rounds, De Kalb) Cook & Blng> ham, Hermon; SV. M. Goodrich, Gouvemeuri C. Ford, Morristownj and by druggists arid country merchants in every city, village and town in the United States. IMPORTANT LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA. . Fayetteville, March 2, 1847. Dr. Seth Seth "W. Fowle—Dear Sir: Por two years past I have been more' or less troubled wilh a cough. During the past year 1 was taken with a severe pain-in the lelt side,. accompanied by a very bad cough, and a rai- sing of blood; probably a quart or more. In addition to this, I sweat profusely at night, which induced me to apply to a physician, but received no permanent benefit. I then procored a bottle ol Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which seemed to have the de- sired effect. I continued to use it, and my ap- petite, which was very poor, returned, and with it my" strength was restored. After ta- king four bottles 1 was completely cured, and have enjoyed good health since. DAVID R. BELL. The editor of the North'Carolinian, albeit strongly opposed to puffin" 'quack medicines,' but believing that Wista?s Balsam of Wild Cherry ought not to be classed with that sort, cheerfully testifies to his knowledge of the truth of Mr. Bell's statement in regard to the efflcay of the Balsam. Node genuine uniess signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. Jenner, Sprague&Co., Agents, Ogdensburgh. f£gp" Most Extraordinary Wort I _g?\ THB MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion* BY DE. k. M. MAtmlCEAU, Professor of Diseases of Woman. Sixth Edition. 18mo. pp. 250. Price «1. 23,000 COPIES SOLD EX THBEB MOHTBS ! Years of suffering, of physical and mental an- guish to many an affectionate wife, and pecunia- ry difficulties to the husband, might have been spared by a timely possession of this work. It is intended especially for the married, or those contemplating marriage/as it discloses im- portant secrets which shoula'be known to them particularly. Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, hap- piness, affluence. The revelations contained In its pages havo proved a blessing to thousands, as the mnnraer- ahlo letters received by the author will attea, Here, also every female can discover the cau- ses, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, in every com- plaint to which her sex is subject. On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" will be sent (Tnattedfrce) to any part of fljo tTaited States. AUletrera must be addressed frost-paid, to Dr. A. M. Ulauriaean, Box 1?24, New York city. Publishing OfBce, 129 Liberty street New York. £S"Travelling agents are Informed that a few districts In Massachusetts and two other Eastern States, ore yet unengaged. Applications receiv- ed pos{ pjia as above. 44m3. The above work i» to be had Jt Boyd 4- Judd's. i T h e fpljftwjtog is from th> :n>«j|tlfho first Pijniin^dJa^esJEla^r^rJlfoyor.t . ! .BEREECTVTJBEOF^^OKMS. arirlltir^girrle^ears oftf/baslulered all' the worst stages of •w'drins j jMjd; "we ha^ve never found an effectual cure, until we ad- ministered Dr. Stnith's Sugas f'ills, which our child fook Without the leaat^e'ructanqe, in doses of two at a time, and we never witness- ed such a change in so short a time. The [Pills brought away a mass of wormsi and she at. once improved. She is mow in joyous health. We have also found the greatest benefit rrom their use. i JACOB CARLOOK, -"* 369 Greenwich s t N . Y . We have many certificates or cures in cases of worms. FROM REvTT.KBIAfjTT. My wiie has taken Moffatt's, Morrison's, and many others, but she has received more benefit from Dr. Smith's Pills than all others. She believes they may be used by females with perfect safety, without changing theis-] . employment or diet, and at any season.. ! JOHN KELLETf, l 197 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn. J For sale by H. S. Humphrey, J enner, Sprague I & Co., and by agents in every village m the 1 State. E SBUI|eW-^JllSDAY 3 Cal£0**tia Water. L T T J S T recfifcjeo 1 a fresh supply of this celebrated «l Water tor sale by the bottle 'or gallon. H. 9- HUMPHREY. & Co. * Ogdensburgh, Sept. .6 1848, ?4 sua, In Janesville, Rock Co., Wisconsin, Aug. 9, CAROLINE M. daughter of Jesse Smith, of Union, Wisconsin. In Lisbon, Aug. 30th, FRANCIS B. DOTY, son of Benoni T. and Lucy Doty, aged 3 years, 1 month and 14 days. He sleeps In death, he's free from pain, He sleeps in innocence and peace, He sleeps in endless bliss to reign, Securely blest where troubles cease. The smiling face, the lovely form, Now rest in peace beneath tine sod, But Oh sweet thought, the spirit is borne, By angels to its Father, God. GRAND VOCAL AND nsrss'iBrarEaissfB'^.Ej SQUIRES, ASSISTED BT J. ADAMS SMITH, OF BOSTOffl Wm WILL Preside at the Piano, Harp and Violin. Monday Evening' September 1 1 , 1 8 4 8 . Admission 26 Ots. . ' Being Informed that Messrs. Squires and J. Adams Smith, propose givinga concert on Mon- day Evening next, I take pleasure in recommen- ding them to the patrons of good music Mr. Squires has an uncommonly fine voice, of considerable compass and very highly culti- vated. Mr. Smith Is a very fine performer on the Harp, Piano, and Violin. H. V. R. R eview of Davis Revelations, Price 3s. For sale at - POMEEOrS. CEMETERY LOTS, A SECOND PUBLIC SALE of Lota In the Ogdensburgh Cemetery will take place on the ground Sep. 18 at 9. A. M. An election of three Trustees will be held at the St. Lawrence Hotel October 2d at 9 AM. The ownership of 400 square foot entitles to a vote. C. A. BURNHAM, Treasurer. Ogdensburgh, Sept. 2, 1848. N. B. Prior to the sale, and address, will bo delivered on the ground, by the President of the Association, Judge Fine, and alitor appropriate exercises for its dedication as the final renting place of the people of Ogdensburgh, undor the direction of a Committee of Arrangements. Should the day noticed provm unfavorable, a postponement will be made, of which notice will DO given. Brigade Order No. 1. HEAD-QUARTERS 15TH, BRIOADE, ) OODENSBUEOH, August 31, 1848. ) B Y ORDER of the Commoinder-in-chief, I hereby order and direct the 115th Brigade, to meet, for training, Dicipllne. Inspection, Review and improvement in martial exercise, in the fol- lowing order. Lieutenant Col. S. F. Judd, will meet the33d, Regiment by Companies, in their respective Districts, at such tunc ana place, as he may deem proper, and best for the Interest of said Compa- nies, and the Malitia generally, between the first day of September ani the first day of Novem- ber 1848. Col. Sidney M. Hickok will meet the 34th, Regimont, by companies, as abo<re directed, be- tween the above mentioned dates. The commanding officers of reglmonts will without delay, notify the several commandants of companies of their respecdvs regiments, of the time and places, that they will meet the sev- eral companies, within their respective districts. A. B. JAMES. Brig. Gen. 15th, Brigade. Regimental Order No* 8. HEAD-Q,UAB.TEIT8 33 REGIMENT, OGDENSBTTRGH, SEP. 1, 1848. To Adjutant George Boyd, Sir» you will without unnecessary delay, di- rect the Beveral commandants olf Company dis- tricts, in the 33d regiment, to notify all who are liable to do military duty within their respective districts (that have not commuted) to meet for Inspection, Revlow. Training, Disciplining and Improving in martial exercise, In the following order ; 1st. Company Sep. 28 at 9 o'clock A. M. at the house of Wuson Taylor Oswega.tchie. 2nd, Cnpt. J Douglass, Sept. 25 at 9 o'clock A M at the house of Wm. H. Guest. Lisbon. 3d, Capt. G. Erwin. Sept, 26 at 9 o'clock A M at the house of D. Wnltney, Columbia Village. 4th, Capt. T. Bames, Sent. 27 at 9 o'clock A M. at the house of H. Foote Canton. 6th, Capt. G. L. Townsley, Oct. 2 at 9 o'clock A M at the house of Mr. Northum, Dekalb. 6th, Capt. M. Eager, Oct. 6 all 9 o'clock A u at the house of H. Rice, Hammond Comers. 7th, Capt, H. Parsons Oct 5th ot 9 o'clock A M at thB House of J M Spencer, iGouvorneur vil- lage. 8th. Capt B F Hamilton Oct. 3 at 9 o'clock A M at tno house of B. Smith Ruasell Village. And remain under arms until aun down of the same day. SCUYLEK F. JTJDD, Lfc Cpl. Comdg. 33 Reg. S N Y M. Election Notice- CANTON Sep. 5, 1848. N OTICE Is hereby given, that a General Elec- tion Is to be hela on the Tuesday succeed- ing the first Monday of Norember next, at which aro t° be elected the officers mentioned in the-annexed copy of a notico from the Secretary of State, of which notico Is hereby given, to en- able you to notify the Inspectors of Election In each Election District of your town to meet a* required by law, to make the necessary arrango- L ments for holding the said Election. JGSIAH WAID. Sheriff of the County of St. Lawrence. STATE OF NEW-YORK, SECBEi'AnY'8 OFVICB. ALDABV, Amonsr 10, 1848. 7othe Sheriff'of the County of St Lawrence. SIB—Notico Is hereby .given, that at the Gen- eral Election to beheld on the "Tuesday succeed- big the first Monday of November next, the fol- lowing officers are to be elected!, to wit: A Govemer and Lieutenant (Sovemor of this State. Thirty-six Electors of President and Vice President of the United States i A Canal Commissioner in the place of Charles Cook, whose term of service expires on the last day of December next; An Inspector of State Prisons in place of John B. Gedhey, whose term of service expires on the lost day of December next | A Representative In the 31s« Congress of the United States, for the Eighteenth Congressional [District, Composed of the counties of St, Law- rence and Lewis. Also, the following County officers, to wit: Three Members of Assembly; A County Treasrurer, and Three Superintendents of the Poor. Yours respectfully,, CHRISTOPHER MORGAN. 24-9w Secretary of State. IMPROVMENT if OF STOCK. A SPENDID 4 year old Canadian "entire horse'' for sale—apply at the American Ho- This la probaDjy tw fine a specimen of the Canadian Horse os is often teen—being about 15 1-Z hands high—well up—fine ngclr, nu4 of a beautiful dapple bay color, end Haul: lets, mans and till. G TE&iMft jmsr. Warranted to remove otaina of any kind canscd by Oil. Point, ot Adda, on.eUb% eatins. Velvets, or cloths,foraate b y . BOYD * JUDJ>, v&nl2«£ >< PATENT SELF FASTENING BEDSTEADS. A sure riq*Jdy for Bed Bugs—/Tho subscriber Is the Bojffssfoprietor for the'town ofpjwra- e only person whcr£3s (hem Gpc- Guest 2d. gatchie, for sale in Sept 5, l Just Received by Express- R AIL ROAD Tracing Paper j Cowrie or Kings, Plot by G. R. P. James | Brother & Sister by Frederflra Bremer j Louisa of Orleans; Ne Pius Ultra; A whim by G. R. P. James;— Lena Cameron; The four Sisters, furnished by 119-101 JENNER, SPRAQUE & Co. ROBBINS & WBItJHT. ATTOBNEY8 ASD 00tra8BLL0nB AT LAW. H AVE removed their Office to the building at the corner of Ford and Catharine streets— Blooms opposite R. W. Judson's office. O. ROBBXNS, [5-23tf.] C. B. WRIGHT. Liife and Times of StLAS WJIIGMTT. A N E W Work by J. D. Hammond, just re- ceived and for sale by Aug. 28, 1848. [ 23tf] POMEROY. 2 0 Reams of Wrapping Pa- per, o lot ofTrunke, and Patent scales weighing from a quarter of a pound to 800 lbs., just received on consignment by BOYD & JUDD. May 17 th, tf. Look at This. H AVING made arrangements for full and ^constant supplies of readrfbiade Clothing suited to the season—we reqJIHKll who wish to purchase to call and cxomlr^pir stock. Canadian and other merchants, can save 20 per cent or more by purchasing tho supplies of SNUFF, of us, as we have made arrangements for ony quantity from the well known factory of Mr. Q. Sclb oi Oswego. We invite calls, and challenge competition In prices for equal quality. dll3w23. BOYD&JtfDD. JUST Received on consignment a full supply of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO from tho well known Manufacturo of J. BAaaEn & Co. Auburn, N. Y„ and for solo at Factory prices, by BOYD & JUDD. Ogdensburgh 13th 1848 v5 nl2 tf. IHEWHI? 8 EFIBWn'ff 8 r HE subscriber has for solo a largo*" of Fruit, of all descriptions, at WE and RETAIL. His stock comprises, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Pine Apples, "Lemons, Oranges, Citrons, Melon*, <SJC, 6ce» Ho will be constantly receiving fresh supplies of the best to be prooured in market. Call at " Gilbert's Corner," opposite the St. LawTenco. Hotel, Ogdensburgh, A. H. HALL. August 17,1848. dl04 w22-tf. AND CONFECTIONERY STORE T HE subscribers have opened a Bakery and Confectionery Bhop at tho stand formorly occupied by Palmer & Munorat. ICE CHEAM, ovory night in the weok (Sundays excepted) at 9 cts per glass. Candy at 12 1-2 cts per lb. A share of public patronago is solicited. M-JNERET&, HOUGHTON. June 19, 1848. B3u. Child Birth. A VALUABLE SCD3NTD7IO WORK, UP- ON tho subject of Gestation and Chlld- Blrth, by R. M. Welssolhoff. M. D.. late of Pa- rhsjust published by the author. This work contains information upon subjects of the highest Importance to married persons, or those contemplating marriage. It will be found of special value to those whose means, health, or othor circumstances do not permit them to in- crease tho number of their family, without great Inconvenience, suffering, or perhaps risk of life. A method of avoiding these troubles and dan- f ers at will, (recently discovered by a celebrated 'renchjihysician) is fully communicated in this work, so that any parson may avail himself of it at once. Tho means cost comparatively noth- ing, and are in tho reach of all. The process is new, safe, Infallible, convenient, simple, and can- not Injure the health of the most delicate. Nor does it curtail matrimonial privileges in tho least. Copies of this work will bo sent, in a close en- velope, at a single letter postage, io any part of the United Suites for #1 sent, post paid, to Dr. R M. WEISSELHOOF. Box, 2710, New York City. Copyright secured. No Bookseller al- lowed to sell this work. 24-Sm. TJ1GHWAY LAWS, for sals at August 22. DAGUERREOTYPE M E S S R S . W A K E F I E I i D & CHHiDS, from Boston & Burlington, have opened rooms over D. Turner Jr.'s store, Ford St. and ore prepared to execute likenesses in the latest and most approved styles, and neatly set them [jnto Frames, Pins and Lockets. ^ A H who feel an Interest in the Art will please call and see their specimens. Ogdensburgh, Sept. 2, 1848. dl04-w22tf S UPREME COURT IN EQUITY.—Georgo Parish va. David McMurphy and others.— Mortgage Foreclosure, J. G. Hopkins, Solicitor. In pursuance, and by virtue of a decretal order or decree of the Supreme Court, In Equity made in the above cause and the statutes in such case made and provided, I shall sell at public auc- tion, at the Tremont House, kept by John B. Haggett, in the village of pgdensburgb, in the county of St. Lawrence, on the thirteenth day of October next, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the lot of land or premises described In the saia decretal order or decree, aeufqllows, viz:—" All that tract, piece, or parcel.^^&Jy- I Ins or being on the north aide of tho^^B|at- chle, or Black Lake, in the town of OswEgStchie, In the county of St. Lawrence, and is a part of lot No. Thirty-one, and bounded as follows ; Be- ginning at a stake on the margin of the lake in tho centre of the said lot No. thirty-one, and running from thence north forty degrees and fif- teen minutes, west fifty chains to on ash stake, thence north forty-nine degrees and forty-five minutes, east ten chains to on elm stako stand- ing on the northeast lino of the said lot, and southwest line of lot number thirty, thence south forty degrees, east fifty chains to a stake an-d stones standing on the bank of the lake which 3a the southeast corner of said lot No. thirty-one , and southwest corner of lot No. thirty, and from thence along the margin of tho lake to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres of land strict measure, excepting hair an acre of land and a road leading to it mentioned in said mortgage." —Dated, August 28th, 184a JOSIAH WAID, Sheriff; by JOEL HOTOHTOT, Deputy Sheriff; 23-6w. OPPOSITE B* B i JWB&^^PSSbmg OGDENS- rW^l t ^*? l ^^' ro "2 : '" 3 ^S£5WiS 4J®ther,>.^^^g«>^^js v ,t ^^t8iwi i «c^- •*iH"-%^y^^^Oj}^triol s J -4. STOOESB'S EMPORIUM, TJTTiH&Ug Ganrienta^y'got VV up," to ^miration, has removed to the stand recently occupied: by-Mr. Hffluaa glovo BtoreVwhichTias since been.thor- oughly repaired'and fitted up at great expense ^ transformed Into a Merchant "Tailor, Shop; which will be.carried on in all its various branches by Mr. A, STOCKER, who is well known as a workman thatBurpnsses not only every thing In Ogdens- burgh, but in tho four quarters of the Globe. He has also just retumedfrom New-York, with the cheapest and Dest assortment of Goods ever offered for sale in Northern New-York. Among which are French, English, American and German, Broad, and Rummer clothsof 511 prices, French, En glish and American, Doeskins. 1 and Casslmeres both fancy and •( plain, Satinetts, Tweeds, Lin- ens, Sheetings, Shirtings and Kentucky Jeans, also a. splendid assortment of Black ana Fancy Satins, with white, figured and plain Marseilles, with a general -assortment too numer- ous to mention—that can't be beat— .and trimmings of every descrip- tion, that must be sold cheap; also money "belts and, purses, Neck and Pockety SHndJcer- chlefs, self adjusting Stocks, Umbrellas, Shirts, and Bosoms, -Studs. Gloves, Bathing Caps, "Half Hose. Also a Large Lot/ of Ready Made Clothing with a large as- sortment of Oil Cloth Cloaks, Coats, Caps and Pontsjat the lowest prices. He is also Agent for the New- York fashions, squares and scales, rule books, crayons or marking chalk. Cutting done on short notice as usual,-and not surpassed. EST Remember to call at A. STOCiCER'S. Ogdensburgh, June 6,1848. B Y ORDER OF EDWIN DODGE, ESQ., Judge of the county courts, in and for the County of St. Lawrence. NOTICE is hereby given that on attachment has been issued against tho estate of William Atkinson, Anthony Atkinson, and George W. Trsbome, now or late of the province of Canada Kast, nonresident debtors, on dne proof made to the said county Judge, pursuant to the directions i )f the statute concerning " attachments against absconding, concealed or nonresident debtors, 0 md that tne same will bo sold for the payment of their debts unless they the said William At- 1 dnson, Anthony Atkinson, and George W. Us- b orne appear and discharge such attachment ac- cording to law within nine months from the first 1 publication of this netlee; And that the pay- indent of any dobts and the delivery of any prop- ei-ty belonging to the eaid debtors, to them or for tl lelr use, and tho transfer of any property by tbsem for any purpose whatever, aro forbidden bjr law and ore void.—Dated tne first day of August, 1848. BISHOP PERKINS, <&-19 9m Au'y for_AUachlng Creditor. MORTGA^pSALE Rufus II. Olmsted hath dfulv mortgaged to W Ullam Young of Canton, St. Lawrence Coun- ty, oil that cortaln piece or parcel of land lying, Sand, being in the town of Plorpont County of St. La\ vrenco, known as lot No. 12, in Cox's Village plo t, and is bounded aa follows,-—Commencing , in t ho cedtro of tho highway North 65° East, 7 c bains and 76 UnkB from the North West cor- ner of a lot of land decdej^ft Partridge <&. Clark. kn< w n on sold Cox's vUHMlot as lot No. 2 and run nlng from thence North 25 ° West 4 chainsj froi n thence North 65 ° East 2 chains 60 links! froi n thence South 25 ° East 4 chains to the cer itre of the highway ; from thence South 65 ° W. jst 2 chains 50 links; containing one acre of Ian d, oxcopting and reserving one rod in width the. whole length of said Lot on tho south west j sid>e, for a highway 1 Together with all the ap- I pu rtonances thereto belonging. Tho mortgage f- is 1 dated on the 29th day of April, 1847, and is re- coi'ded, wilh a power of sale therein contained, in t he clerk's omce'Of the county of St. Law- ren<», on the 6th day of May 1847, lu Book No. 15 0 f Mortgages on psges 197 and 198. The omooint dne thereon at the first publication of | this notice is throe hundred ana eight dollars and eight cents, and default having been made in t'aopayment thereof, the said premises will be e old at public auction and tho rale will take pint :o on the 6th day of September 1848, at ten o'c'iock In tho forenoon at the Hotel now kept by Wm. Young in Canton village. J-ino 13, 1848 WILLIAM YOUNG. Win. O. COOKE, Mortgagee. Attorney. Tax Sale, STATE OF NEW-YORK.) COMPTEOIXEB'S OFFICE. J N OTICE la hereby given,pursuant to the di- rections of Section 60, Title 3, Chapter 13 of the First part of the Revised Statutes, that a list of all the lands liable to be sold for State, County, and Road Taxes, assessed and levied In the years 1840,1841.1842,1848, 1844, has been forwarded to each of tho County Treasurers and Town Clerks in this State, and that so much of tho several parcels of Bald lands as may be nec- essary to discharge the taxes, interest and char- ges which may be due thereon at the time of sale, will on tne Twentieth dug of November next, and on the succeeding days thereafter, be sold at public auction, at the Capitol in the City of Albany. MILLARD FILLMORE. Dated Albany, July L 1848. Comptroller. 16 17w. Dress Making, ]\/I RS. SAMUEL DAY would inform the peo- IV1 pie of Ogdensburgh and its vicinity that she has commencod tho Dress making business at her residence on Caroline Street, and she solicits their patronage. Ogdensburgh July 8th 1848. 1 New Work By Ueadly, Life of Cromwell, will bo published in a few days and sold at POMEROY'S. Hawkstone, 2 vols. 12 mo. by Prof. Sewell Published by Stanford & Swords 4th Edition in 2 months. Stan- The Subscriber has just received a la rgo assortment of English, French, and Amor- leant Prints, Lawns, Ginghams and Muslins of the latent styles and patterns purchased this spring at extremely low prices, which he is en- abl ed to sell much lower than those of last fall' pnr chases. Coll and see J . H . GUEST April 25th, 1848. )Ladies Tuscan and Straw Hats, of diflbront qualities and prices, from 81, 00 to 83, 00 each, of tho laicst styles, just received by April 25th, 1848. h H GUEST. J HAMS { A superior article just received and J for sale by HUMPHREY & Co. " d51-10iwl3u. j For the Children. I lY/TAGNETIO Fish, Dacks, Geese, Swans. 1 1 fi. Boats, &c &c. Magic Lanterns. Air and P arlor balls, Dominoes, toy Accoroeons, and Harmonicas, Spy Glasses. Building blocks, &c. &x. Bridges, Temples, Toy slates. Dissected Mlapa. Trunmlng Hoops, Skipping Ropes, Sa- vings' Banks, Toy Plates, and Tea Setts, and Transparent drawing Slates, at 81d3iw POMEROYS, OCHESTER WRAPPING PAPER heav- ler and larger than the old Wntcrtown wrap- p ins paper so favorably known, at 81d31w POMEROYS. POMEROY" K. 6-22tf SATURDA.Y MORNING, A U G . * S . B ABY JUMPERS, at dl06tf rOMEROY'S. Washington Hotel To Let. t r p H E STJBS0RD3ER offers for rent X the "Washington Hotel, Ogdctns- , on' Treasonable terms, for one year or a term of years s Possession given tho first of De- cember next. , , This Hotel Is pleasantly sitnatedr on tho cor- uor of Washington and Isabella Streets, conven- ient to the Harbor, has an excellent suito of spa- cious rooms, and extensive barns and stables. Enquire of T>. T U R N E R . Ogdensburgh, Aorrast 22,1848. 5 22tt VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. A VALUABDB Form, "Within 7 mflesof Ojj- donsburgh, fa offered forea!6. It consists of 160 acres of land, about one half Improved, has two; excellent tootiees, largo barns, mid a living spring of water. Tho largo- htmeo {a pleasantly located, and th» farm' houaala cohvetiiant and comfortable. It la well situated, and adapted for a gentleman's Country residence. "Good' tlito given. Enquire at this office August 22,1848." 22r£ rVotfce 3. ,ty*K$Sr. MfoWftfu J N OTIGEIA hereby DhxctorocfthU ittja-tfcrtan E&iIor|by Selling Off, Selling Off, THE Ballance of my stock of sum- mer clothing will be sold at greatly reduced prices to make room for a largo lot this fall. Also hats and caps ore being Bold 25 per cent, cheaper than can be bought in town. Call and see, one door west of J. H. Guest THOMAS D. SKINNER. Ogdensburgh, July 17, 1848. Useful 'Jlrlicles. TAPE Lines, WAX TA*EB MATOBIS, Plalster, Mottos, Pencil Leads, Drawing Pen. Sand Boxes, "Portable Inkstands, Smndisl WbaWao'a .DrtjWng paper. Rubber, Poc? rules, Wax by th» pound. Waters do. ( Steel Gold Pens, LevVs anti-corrosive Pen, Card ca- ses, Indelible ink '-with stamps and names, do. f with and without preparation, Teeth brushes, Metallic Elastio Bands, Ivory combs, Mathcmat- leal Instruments, Pink and Blue Saucers, White and Black Crayons, Porto Monies and Purses, Steel Beads, Porcelain Slates, Ivory Tablets, Pen Racks, Paper Weights, Paper Files, Clips, Hooks, ready mado Pens, OmcoTnpe, Counting House Slates, Envelopes, Ivory and Bono Fold- era and cutters, Notary Seals, Notary Wafers, Thlrablo Cases and Baby, Whma. at 81-31-wv - - POMEROTS. Mark Wilton, The Merchant's Cleric lord Swords, Publishers Sacred Harmony, the Now Church Music of the Methodist Episcopal Press. Mammoth Pictorial Brother Jonathan for the 4th of July. L. D- POMEROY. Etna Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. CAFZT^IL, $200,000. F HASKELL having been appointed Agent * by tha jEtna Insurance Company of Hart- ford, Conn., offers to insure dwelling houses, stores, mills, manufactories, barn, ships, and veBsolsin port, or on the stocks, goods and every other species of insurable personal property against loss or damage by fire, at as low rates of premium as any similar Institution in good standing. The JEtnn Insurance Company was incorpo- ted in 1819, and thoreputation it has acquired forpromptneas and liberality In the adjustment and! payment of losses requites no additional pledge to entitle it W u liberal share of public patronage^ Ogdonsburgh, Oct. 16,1838. 17o JtTJESS JPOJIK. C ONGRESS Mills Flour* do. do. Corn Meal; Hlghwines and Alcohol 1 Salt. Above in any quantity from one bbl. to BOO. Bar soap (best) at 4 1-2 cts., 1 to 1000 boxes. Mold candles at 12 cts., 1 to 100 boxes for sale by A. BACON. 50 ; JOB PRHNTfftfG, T HE SENTONEI. OFFR5E, with a large number of fonts of new beautiful and fash- lonable'Jon TvrT, Is prepared to ezecuto Joss on ehoit notice, ana on us reasonable terms as can l)ecomraanded elsewhere, Workmen; of npprov- edaJdBiir^^lriplojrcc!; -.. . ,; Saddles & Bridles. P ACKAGES first quality Butter wanted, If delivered early. The highest price in cash, will paid at the old Red Store. Ogdensburgh, July 21,1848, B-I8t£ SPRING GOODS. A. & U. MATHESON, H AVE Just received 0 splendid assortment of French and Englisli Broadcloths, together with tho most extenslvo and choicely select- ed assortment of French and ° English VestlngB ever offered in this market, Marseilles and Cashmerette ves- tlngs of every description, and In the most mod- em styles of pat- terns; also a general as- sortment of Cos- siraercs, •white and brown drills. Plaid and Gold mixed Eminette, Moleskin Camlet Lustre, stripes and Doeskins, which will be sold on the lowest cash terms, either with or without making up. TheseJOgether with a gen- eral assortment of trimmings of every descrip- tion induces them to Invite the public generally to on examination of their stock, feeling assured as they do, that the quality of their goods with "9 moderate prices, must recommend their es-, Jlshment to the most iavoraBieattentioh. " ) greatest core and attention paid to cutting, at tho old stand, in Gilbert's building, for- merly occupied by K. Matheson, two doors east of G. N. Seymour & Sons', ^ A. & H^MATHESOiJ. Ogdenaburghj,Moy. I 1847. (vB-lOtf-j Two Wing's Patent cast Iron Reacting Water Wheels, for sale. Apply at the Land Office. J; ROSSEEL, Agent. Ogdensburgh, July;26,1847. A18tf Annai *Atjtjino^ I'ArilenK BlueV^of' Borax, , - — ; , Bark Peruv. put*.' " Balsam popiaYa, . Bichrom. Potash, Camphor,- ' • Castor Oil,/? P, Calomel. Canthandes," ' Garb. Ammon, Cham. Flowers, Cinnamon, Cloves, Copperas, Corks, all kinds, Cream Tartar, Emery, assorted from No. I to 6. .'• % Epsom Salts, Extract Clenta, " Gentian, " Jalap, Plor Sulphur, •' Benzoin, Glue, ail kinds, Gold Leaf; Gum Opium, :• &»H c » '• Copal, " Myrrh, Hiera Picra, Indigo, Span, float Ink Powders, " in Bottles, Isinglass, A. and R. Jalap, Liquorice Ball, Liquorice Root, Mace, Magnesia, do calcined, Mortars & Pestles, cornp. and iron, Nutmegs, Oil, winter, " summer, " fall, " whale, " Olive or sweet, " Linseed, Ogdensburgh, August, 1848. PatentJTrusses, - "'I^pjpgrsjutces^, >?€! , ftopt and . ^.powuerjea.^. Roll Brimstone, .jRediiPreclpltate,.', SanoVjPaper, Sob Ammon, Salt petre, cruder ., •" «.'' refined, Senna; * • • Shaker'a Herbs, Soap, Castile,^ Sots. Hartshorn, ( .~ Nit. Dale. Sponge, coarse, Sugar-Lead, Sup. Curb. Soda, Sulph. Quinine, Syringes, .assorted, TarUAeld. Paint Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Black Lead. Varnish, Chrome Tellow, " ..Green, Copal Varnish, Coach " Lead, white, dry and in oil, Lead, red, Litharge, Putty, Spts Turpentine, Venetian Red, Vermillion. Yellow Ochre, Camwood, Extract Logwood, Fustic, Hatchwood, Lao Dye. Logwood, Redwood, Madder, Specie Bottles, Tinct. do. 1-2 pint to 2 gallons, Vials, assorted, Window Glass, &c., &c., & c , &c. 5 22tf T O lawyers. Hayden's STew-York Practice and Form; also, Townsend's New Practice and Forms just received and for sale at Publishers Prices by JENNER SPRAGTJE & co. TTJST Received Fresh Camphene, Lamp J Oil at 6, 8, 10s per gal. Lard Oil for Ma- chinery and Factories received and-for sale by JENNER, SPRAGUE & co. Druggists and Apothecaries. W H I T E L e a d . — 4 0 0 B r o o k l y n W h i t e Lead, dry and ground in oil just received and for sale by JENNER, SPRAGUE & 00. Druggists & Apothecaries. L I N S E E D O U - 3 0 0 Gallons Raw Oil 300 Boiled oil jnst received and for sole by JENNER, SPRAGUE & 00. Druggists & Apothecaries. ree'd and for sale by JENNER, SPRAGUE & co Druggists & Apothecaries. F LRIS Green—tOO__Pounds_ just ant " C HLOROFORM & Chloroform Inhal- ers just received and for sale by JENNER, SPRAGUE & co Druggust & Apothecaries. . D YE Woods-Tff Barrels Oampeachy Logwood,50 do. Warranted Logwood,50 do. Fustic Tampico, 50 do Fustic Cuba, 50 do Nic- araugua Trine Hache, 50 do Old Hache, B0 do camwood, 25 Hgh Nicaraugua, just received and for sale by JENNER, SPRAGUE & 00. Druggist and Apothecaries. B RUSHES-Nail Brushes, Hair brush- tooth Brushes, a large assortment just re- ceived and for sale by JENNER, SPRAGUE&co. Druggists and Apothecaries. P ATEXT Medicines which we are gen- eral Agents for, and supply all who wish at wholsale or retail. Townsend's Sarsaparilla with New Label, Wistar's Balsam Wild cherry, Down's Elixir, Osgood's India Chologogue, Meadci Carrlngton's ChologogueLS wain's Pan- acea, Traaks Magnetic Ointment, Dr. Guysott's Extract of Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock, Wood's Sarsaparilla, Dr. Richardson's Cherry Wine Bit- ters, Vaughn's Lithrontriple, for the above med- icines by the gross or single bottle call at JENNER, SPRAGUE & co. Druggists and Apothecaries. J UST RECEIVED.—A quantity of pure CIDER VINEGAR—for sale by the barrel or gallon. H. KELLOGG. Ogdensburgh, July 11th, 1848. 16.2m, FORKS, SCYTHES, SnathB, and Scythe Stones selling at cost for cash by N. S, PITKIN. July 12th 1847. 4 16u Brasher Potash Kettles, O F 120,Gallons, and Farmer's Kettles of 90 gallons, always on hand and for sale by J. C. & R. W. BUSH. Ogdensburgh, June 22, 184a w-d58tf J. P. Snow'a Diamond Stool Pons, Ogdcnsborgh Hall Hoaa and Steamboat Letter Fnporat POMEROVS. May 30.184S. S P R I N G A M D S U M M E R FASHIONS. f&\ TO THE LADIES I—Mrs. ATCHESON has *^T just returned from New York, with the largest and most fashionable assortment of Mil- linery Goods ever offered In this market Her stock consists of Bonnets, of all kinds and sizes. The Rough and Ready Hat; the China Pearl Hat; the Plaited Luton, and the Jenny Lind Hats. Milan Edge; French Lacei Plain Pe- dels; English Dunstable, and Slurred Silk Hats. RIBBONS. A largo assortment of the choicest and most elegant Ribbons; of the latest patterns. Also a large assortment of Flowers, of the richest kindB; and a very large assortment of Caps, oi almost every pattern now In use. Thankful for past favors, Mrs. A. is now ready to wait on her old customers, and as many new ones as may favor her with a call. Call and see ladles j It costs nothing to just look in for. yourselves. N. B. Custom work done as usual, in good order, and «n the shortest possible notice. Ogdensburgh, May 1st, 184S. 5-fctf jtantly ohfland, ageneral.assprtment '" .W^do^C^s^ jLamrTcS Lard'Oils, Putty^PaintSna White WaBhirushes; - GardmgMachinecard "Paints, Cofefe, *" . Combs, Plates, ' Tacks, Emerys&o,,; , Congress Water. j Weaves Reed's &c., . -Which he offers wh01esale : ahd retail, af-the*Iow- -est prices, .'for sash.*. Physicians, Apothecaries, Grocers/ ClqthlersV Dyers,^ l&ttera, Painters, Furniture ihd Chair Muleirs, and CpnfectiQriera 'supplied onthe most* liberal terms. 4 000 lbs. Brooklyn WnifeLeadi dry and ground in oil! just received and for eale by, . H. S.-HUMPMREY &, Co., - J>ruggista'& Apothecaries.^ Linseed Oil. tOO Galls, just receivedimd for sale by » H. S, HJJStPHKEY'& Co., ^Druggists. ^Apothecaries. 3 00 lbs. Paris Ctaeen. just received and for sale by - a S; HUMPHREY & Co., Druggists'& Apothecaries. Chloroform* $ Chloroform jcair." """ " ' J UST RECEIVED and for sate by H. S. HUMPJJREY& Co., Druggists & Apothecaries. D AGUERRfc-OTYPE Plates, Cases, Chemi- cals, and every thing required in the art, of the beBt quality and lowest market priees, for sale by H. S.HUMPHREY & Co., Druggists & Apothecaries. Confectionery- A CHOICE ASSORTMENT of Brewer's, Steven's, & Cushing's celebrated Con- fectionery for sale by H.S. HUMPHREY &Co., Druggists & Apothecaries. Congress Water, J UST RECEIVED and for sale by H. S; HUMPHREY & Co- Druggists & Apothecaries. Cocoa, K ITCHEN'S PREPARED COGOA, Ba- ker's Cocoa Paste, and Cocoa Shells, just received andfor sale by H. S. HUMPHREY & Co., Druggists & Apothecaries. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. pr f| DOZEN of this justly celebrated arti- zJ\J cle just received and for- sale by the dozen or single bottle by H. S. HUMPHREY & Co., Druggists & Apothecaries, LAiUPS. FULL Assortment for sale by H . S . H U M P H R E Y & Co., Druggists & Apothecaries. CIG.1KS. B EN FRANKLIN, Victojia, and Wash- ington Regalias, choice and selected brands, for sale by H. S. HUMPHREY & Co., Druggists & Apothecaries. LAMPS. AJN extensive assort- ment of CAMPHENE, PARLOR SOLAR AND ARGAND LAMPS.GIRANDOLES CANDELABRAS, HALL LAMPS AND LANTERNS; ASTRAL AND SOLAR SHADES, CHIMNEYS.GLASSES A N D W I C K S , I Just received and for sale by L. S. MORRIS. OGDENSBURGH,'!) Nov. 28,1847. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA, For the Removal and Permanent cure of Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, or habit of the system, namely; Scorfula, or Kings Evil; Cancerous Tumors; Cutaneous Eruptions; Erysipelas, Biles, Sore Eyes, Rheumatism, _ Pulmonary affections, Consumption, Liver Complaint. Nervous Headache, Night Sweats, Chronic and Constitu- tional disorders, and BEST OHIO CORN. T*BJOM one Gallon, to 2000 bushels for sale at rTeWaKseof AMOS BACON. Aggnsttod, 184a 91-61-wn. Ice! Ice 11 Ice! J F AMILIES carl bo supplied during the season witblwnjiu^ttaLby H. S. HUMPHREY & Co. , Successors toX. S. Morris - - -;; -•- - ... 5-7r£ j JENNY^O^s Brpfiierfanid Sisters; Pride,| THE Undersigned having formed a new Association In business, would take this method to notify all those Indebted cither to the late firm of Due & ALDBSS, or to A. E. & W. C, ALDERS,that settlement with, and payment to tha subscribers m u « be made without delay. v5 n71£ ^ A. E. & W. C. ALDENS. - y REMOVAL. THE Subscriber has removed from his old stand to one door east of A. Vitas' shoe store, on Ford street, where he will be pleased to W8it upon his old customers. A large assortment of Watches and Jewelry of all description constantly on hand. S. B. STRICKLAND; July 11, 1848. ^ 5-16 2m WATEB J.MU. Five hundred Barrels, Fresh ground by HUMPHREY & Co. l d51-I0iwl3u. JPork 4* Flour. 1 OTi bbls. Mess Pork} 100 barrels superfine X V A / Genesee Flour., 100 bbls. superfine Ohio Flour. 150 ' " Fine " " Just received and for sale by HUMPHREY & Co. June 6th. w 6-lltf-d 42tf WESTERN CORN. 1 F OR. sals by the 100 bushels- at Mr. Parish's ware house on terms favorable to purchasers. JOSEPH ROSSEEL Agt. Ogdensburgh, August 1st, 1848. 519tf BENEDICT & BAttNEY. 7 , Gold -Pya" Wanufaej^arorV.' • " SYRACUSE, N;.Y? " , ' H AVE sent,a sample'uo^fl of their. N e w Gold PetuttoL.1). POMERpVjIor ex- amination. 09d3i-wa. Respect to iho Dead «M$* 8*»**'*» iQJSRPENTiNE- Monurr^fe^ESiave Stones, >'atreduced J i f cvw puico, viupaj', da a B.pxnig oiiu lull Dyspepsia, Jaundice, purifier of the blood, Costiveness, and general Tonic tor Salt Rheum ; the system, it is unar- Bronchitis, Sore rivalled. Throats, Coughs, The diseases for which this article is rec- ommended, are those to which it is known, from personal experience to be adapted j and those apparently removed beyond tbe sphere ot its action, have yielded to its influence.— The catalogue of complaints might be great- ly extended, to which the Sarsaparilla is adapted,, but experience proves its value, and each succeeding day is adding new trophies to its fame. ' , This preparation contains, in 'combination with the Sarsaparilla, the concentrated ex- tract of the Prunue Virginiana, or Wild- cherry, and other highly approved expecto- rant and tonic remedies, which adapt it still more directly to a wide range of Pulmonary Affections; and it is believed that a timely use of this medicine in the first attacks of of those complaints, will be the means of sav- ing thousands of valuable lives, that yearly fall victims to these "most fatal attacks. The following is an extract from a letter received from Mr, Mace, whose wiie had been afflicted with a scrofulous affection of the nose, which baffled the skill of the first Physicians in France; it commends itseli to the attention of all. RENNES, DBPATMENT OP ILLE AND VILLAINS » ] FRANCE, July 17th, 1845. JI Messieurs S<aid&,i— The Sarsaparilla sent has been received, and the great .benefit my wife has derived from its nse upon a short trial, as well as the high recommendations we have received, gives us great hopes oi be- ing able to cure with this medicine a disease* that the most celebra,tedjihysiciaps in France* have not been able to effect. My wife is ful- ly determined to continue its use until a per- feet cure is-effected, and fearing what we now have will not be sufficient, please send us some more without delay, and he assured f entlemen, we shairtake pleasure in making nown-its great.Virtuei to our friends and the public; and Ldougt not will soon be extensively used, here, und-^11 over the, world and that ma'uy",afflicted sufferers.' will haiL with joy tne'knowledg^that»*liere'1s a vega-. table preparation *8ffioiently powerful to eradicate, their diseases,. I have the -honor to' remain, . .1 Yours respeetfnily> t* ' . " 1 M A C E . f No t 1 RaeLoUfeJphllippe, The fmiowingjsjan extract from a letter receivecttroin Key. W i ] Q i a p l <3g^a>- '{..'. t BEBicsaiR^ Y^citfiQms. i^e»hH&^^-I*ave;b^n>ulic]fed witt a severe path-in my side, occasioned by a dis-< eased liver, for tfceteHweirtf'years'; suffer- ing at time8-what- language-'cannot -convey,' butsincetaklfcg ypus^.r§a$arilla I-haveTieea. greasy relieved, fQ-mncft sotiiat-l have,been, able to atten4 to m> b^inessf^d. nreacn oe- c^ionally-'lor tn^rast^lite'en munths. E wholly distiarded^l411ft'othe¥'' medicine, and. -thorongbjFy tried.thesSatsanariila, which £ canrecdmmeM|n,tfflthr5anCfincerity t o a l l those who s t f W W | W « l afflicted with any' sS&iesjys^ftllouS tdmptaints.— There have fieeif^Me^eiHlSkable ciires ef- fected by its use^Ja J lhis r *icinity. Airs. £ Shaw, bythe jise of six bprtfes,. jrestored 'to^eMealtlnhati«he7iiad-before enjoyed •iakten^year^andil^IrsI-^^Sfetens, who m3. .bfeen; fleverely;»filicted ^ © E j j r s t e e l a s / . was) entirrfy, c n » S l M t t o s as^^Mir*gttles. ': lJbWp^'iiM«#«!M|fe/1t -i3cteaper,pleasau!e^ i^tfilyllfetsola^:i»ief^t^r*^ti?Ife 6bottIe»;for©&. Forsale Wholesale, abi-lle. taUby H. S. HUpPHEJ«&.Co; ' •' •i ir siia IA:.''

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MASS CONVENTION, T h e Subscribers respectfully invite their Fellow Citizens of jthe County of St. Lawrence friendly to the election of Gen. Z A C H A R Y T A Y L O R President, and M I L ­L A R D F I L L M O R E Vice President' -of the United States, to meet in Canton, the 27th day of September next, at 26'elock p. mt. to adopt measures preparatory to. the approach­ing Presidential election, and transact suchother business as may be deemed necessary.

Mr* Van

On the 20th oTIone last, M r . V a n B u r e n wrote a letter, w £ S t t w f t » i n e d the fo l lowing:

" T h e ex tent io Wthick J f e f § sustained ft (s lavery) in t p . V a n o u s statfonSfl have occu­pied is taown^OTbJ country. >EIDOS at that time vqlK^&Pwi&J weTitJarthi^ in, this re-sned^^^i^^tf^lestfrim^tmid approve.

S. B. James, J. C. Ormsby, Otis Glynn, A. C. Brown, I. L. Seymour, D . Turner, Jr. A. D . Forbes, H . R. Hare, Wm. Wells, A. G. Cadier, Joseph Little, Samael Dix, Ezra Osier, John Bell, Amos Stocker, Charles Hill, Wm. A. Rea, Stillman Foote. Thomas C. Atcheson, Wm. Fawcett, J. C. Bush, R, W. Bush, W. E . Guest, Denis O'Kiaff, H . Van Rensselaer, E . N . Fairchild, L . Sears, Geo. Morris, C. F . Wells, Isaac Baldwin, John Barber, . I . Lamb, S. Higbee, Parley B. Chapin, Hiram Chatison, Thomas Child, Aaron E. Pry, Alfred Stewart,

C. C . Chapin, S . H . Sampson, Thomas Dunn, A. Cameron, Geo. Flaneaan, James Kelly,

^Stephen Larsonner, ' Samuel Service.

N . H . Lytle, Norman Eastman, J. R. McMahon, James Robinson, Charles T. Pooler, Washington Snider, D . Crichton, Charles D. Crichton. W m . Ding, Bryan McAvoy, R. BFClure, Samuel Cooke, James Marshall, James W. Lytle, Albert Chlsmore, M. Tobin,

B. F . Sherman, J. H . Guest, J. H. Seelcy, G. R. Clark, Solomon Jones, J. C. Barter, Eli Dennis, R. Atcheson. Thomas Atcheson, Thomas Birkby, Carlos Slocum, R. S. Ryon, G. D. Seymour, 3V. Taggart, Harvey Church,. C. B. Wright, W m . Forbes, W m . Putnam, M. Caton, Geo. Gunst, John B. Haggett, David Bnrditt, Michael Crane, James Lytle, Wm. C. Broam, Harvey M. Allen, Isaac Allen, Sidney A. Chapin, Roswetl Laraby, Amby A. Chapin, Thomas Shain,

F . S. Chapin, S. G. Pierce, Charles Wright, J. Shaver, Alex. Matheson, John O'Leary, B. Paine, T. G. S award, Samuel Wells. William Wright, S . M. Hanna, H. T. Haskell Geo. Ashworth, John Pearson, Isaac H. Bromer, Alex. A. Martin, Joseph Chambers, Joseph Scott, 2d. Jerry M'Lott,

D . P. Brteham, John L. Mitchell, Noah D . Buttolph, Norman N . Bellows, George B. Clark, A. M. Bacon, Moses Wells, Carret P. Flack,

• James Moncreft, James Martin, Simeon Dillingham,

Jno. S. Chipman, S . J. Dewey, Lewis S towers, N . A. Reddington, H. W. Pratt, William Clark, John Peacocks, Francis Legro, A. Atkins, A. S. Hatch, Geo. S. Chipman, Geo. C. Bogue, W. S. Bogue, W m . Benson, John Chappie, Aaron Gillmon, John S. Dankin, N . H. Farmer. Sands Helms, Joseph Bartlett, S imon Laiton Geo. Browning, Justus Webber, B. Armstrong, E . Seger, Roswell Hopkins, O. Gilbert. E . C. Goff. D . D . Wead, S . D. Moody, H . H . Childs, J. G, Goodaie, N . B. Sheldon, J. R. Tilley, Henry Tilley, S . Baldwin, E . C. Page, C. Williams, Harmon Bennett, E . F . Tupper, Isaac Oty, R. F . Harlson. B. H . Leonard, M. McMullan, Araon Nickeson, George B. Couper, Francis R. Harlson, L . Lawrence. H . Foote, E . Hodskin, A. S. Robinson, S. Parker, Jas. Baker, A- B. Conly, Philo P . Gibson, N . A. Chappie, B. F . Read, C. M. Johnson, H . H. Hatch, J . R . Jackson, J . W. Fennimore, F . Smith, John Eldredge, Salomon Higgina, O. B. Hathaway, Thos. Craig, E . R. Chandler, B- F . Wilson, Ambrose S. Briggs, Peter K. Dings, Stephen Moor, John Dings, Samuel Dings, Stery McLott, Andrew A. @.uaw, A. Chapman, Henry Hooker, P . M. McLaren, E . W. White; Jinks Hale, Lewis Hale, Eldridge Wescott, Isaac Bush, E . gaclrus, . M. Birdsall, Geo. A. Chapman, W. S . Scoficld, John Canfield Jr., Israel Ward, Dennis Harley, Chilion Ford, Levi D . Levitt, John Pooler Jr, Amasa Richardson, Stephen Canfield, Joseph Goodwin, Joseph W. Clarkson, Reuben Young, Erastns Northam, E . A. Northam, A. T. Richardson, Joseph Wearer, • Hercules W. Wilson, Thomas Hill,

N . Whitney, George Robinson, Benjamin Whitney, S. B; Strickland, Jacob Wagnr, Wm. M. Cram, Alfred Stewart, George G. Baker, ** Joseph Bartlett, Geo. P . Ryon, J. Larkin, M. Hickok, John F . Rosseel, William Jones, G-. N . Seymour, Wallace Hitchcock, Wm. Bacon, S. Gilbert, Robert Wood, A. W. Woolley, H. Thomas, Robert Ding, Isaac Thrall, W. N . Hall, T . Shepard, Thomas Arnold, H . G. Foote, Jas. S. Raymond, C. Stillman, Allen Chaney,

E . B. Allen, A Bacon, Adam Bateman, J. Baldwin, C. D. Clark, F . Melhinch, John McFadden, Daniel Magone,

• H . K. Smith, Virgil B. Laughlin, Samuel McFadden, D wight Spencer, D . S. Herriman, George McFadden, Edward J. Chapin, Jacob J. Van Coughnet, D . B. Bulson, Thos. D . Skinner, A. S. Isham, Jacob Pray, Harrison Sawyer, John Melhinch, John Burke, G. W. Foster. Daniel Church, Josephus Bellenger, F . A. Strickland, Alden Vilas, M. S . Daniels, A. B. James, Harmon Lovely, James Boyes, Isaac Perkins, Francis Corry, H. W. Whitney, J. Baldwin, John W. Grant, G. W. Kruger, A. Tyler. M. G. Sherman, R. W. Colfax, H . T. Bacon, L. A. Tambhng, N . B. Beardsiey, H. RorikweU, Joel M. Woolley, Thos. B. Lamb, K. Matheson, Geo. W. Allen, C. O'Learey, Harry Odell, Robert Cadier, H. Briggs, George Arnold, J. G. Hopkins, E. Clark, L. S. Northrup, Joseph C. Chevalier, James Randies, Wm. H . Randies, Alexander Jamieson, John Bailey, James Paterson, Timothy Jones, Arthur J. Gilmour, George Wilson, James Murton, Wm. McCuliins, R. Bailey, L. Hasbrouck, H. M. Eastman, D. Day, N . W. Vilas, John Dezcll, Nehemiah Sh.elden, Isaac Shelden, S . H. LampsoB, Thomas M1 Carter, Joshua Gregory, O. P. Carpenter. J. Safford, John H. Odell, Richard George, Wm. D . LyUe, George Hinion, Lorenzo D . Marshall, W. Carpenter, A. M. Munson, Isaac Odell, Peter Wells, George Dillingham, Henry Dillingham, Thomas Flack, Robert Hatch, William Hatch, Robert R. Hatch, Russell Covell John S. Snider, John Done, George Kennon James Truax, Daniel Breakenridge, Horace Woodworm, Richard Delong, Simeon D . Pitt, Jacob Peck, Jr. D. H. Cuttins, Arba Robinson, O. S . Morgan, Dr. Beni. Hick, Clark Cloflin, Rufus Sessions, A. S. Graves, S - J. Cooper, D A N L . BHADISH, soldier, Whig of now 88 years of age and is a Whig. N . F . Beals, J. R. Brown, Nathaniel Hodskin, O. Van Allen,

O. McArthur. George L. Winslow, S. L. Byington, Jonathon Aldrich, Helon Pratt,, Orville Norton, Lucius Richardson, Wm. Westman, Charles Norton, H. N . Wilkinson, Mills Turtle, John B. Farnsworth, Ezra D . Jackson, Truman Bullis, Jael Brooks, R. K. Jackson, David Sears, A. Kingsbury, Joseph Francis James Burr, A. D. Sears, A. Smith, W. Huntington, Stebbins Hosley, E. C. Foote John Page, O. A. Gage, AlansonClark, 2d, Moses F . Folsom, H i n t a Powell, Caleb Olin, Daniel Nickerson, E. Squires, Orelana Hosley, L. F . Byington, Samuel L . Moore E. B. Wilson, J. G. Flack, S. B: Ainsworth, D . C. Flack, W. Cleveland, Thomas A. Madfll, -John Tuck, Randall Town, Geo. C. Tyrol, James Flack, James Glynn, John Domott, Richard B. Chapman, John Haggard, John Brewer, Wasson Seymour, David Palmer. Prosper Trowbridge, John Westover, Henry J. Krake, John V. Kent, M . M. Hooker, John fi. Canfield,

• A. F . Carpenter, Joseph T. Hindmarsh, B. MdAliaster, Jr, John C. Van Camp, Daniel Haggart, William McCaliy, Albert Edwards, Rumbour Mondlgo, Peter McGreggor, Orin Twombley, Thomas Bristow, David McDougall, Gilbert Foster, IsaaC-Demott, Gilbert Haggart,

[Rev. 7 6 , 1 s

d ^ l ^ j r l b l j e ^ d i l l n i o n f l ^ ^ s deTermin-ed o d ^ p a r t , wJjJiiB'f&e pale; ofthefjO.ap.sti, tutiOni^should b'a/w4hting:to--sOT<zi* tfe tora-pnm^Ms ft&i'werethen understood, and I T ®MfW' ^ S 0 t r f t O E „ l Q P , q O N S Q L A -Tm$Pim M E T H A T I^PEMSTJEI* " T H E C O U R S E ; I T H E N A D O P T E D . " k

. M A R T I N V A J S F B U E E N . Mr. V a n Baren sanctioned the Atheiton

gag . T h i s i s "Consolation" N o . 1. Mr. V a n Buren went with the South to

exclude Abolition petitions. This i s ' 'Conso­lation" N o . 2.

M r . V a n Buren, when V i c e President, gave his castinp vote in favor of the bil l to rob the mai l s and burn all Abolit ion papers found South of the Potomac, T h i s i s "Con­solation" N o . 3 .

Mr. V a n Buren gave h i s cas t ing vote for the bill which provided for the removal of any post master gui l ty of a l lowing Anti-Sla­very papers to g o into the mai l s . T h i s is "Consolation" N o 4.

Mr. V a n Buren solemnly volnnteed a please to veto any bill in favor of abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. T h i s is "Consolation" N o . 5.

Mr. V a n Buren ordered the Marshal of Connecticut to surrender up the Amistad ne­groes an officer of the navy, that they might be sent back into Slavery. T h i s i s " Conso­lation" N o . 6.

Mr. V a n Buren instructed oar Fore ign M insters to prevent M e x i c o from entering entering upon crusade against Cuba, lest it should lead to the emancipat ion ot the s laves of that Island. T h i s is "Consolatioa" N o . 7.

Mr. Van Buren wrote a letter in favor of The election of Polk. T h i s i s "Consolation" N o . 8.

Mr. V a n Buren. and his barnburer friends, elected Polk, voted to annex T e x a s , approved the W a r , and stood up lor the Conquest of N e w M e x i c o and California. T h i s i s "Con­solation" N o . 9.

Mr. V a n Buren now knows that 11 Polk had not been elected, T e x a s would not have been annexed, there would have been no war, no sacrifice oi human life, and no dan­ger of slavery extension. T h i s i s "Consola­tion N o . 10.

W h e r e Whigs are to extract "consolation" from, w h e n they cast their votes for V a n B u ­ren, we cannot imagine . It m a y afford them satisfaction to know that by so doing they as­sist Cass and Injure their o w n party; bat that either their heads or their consciences wil l approve their conduct, w e wi l l not be­l ieve.

It would be some "consolation" to know that V a n Buren had repented of some of vi le acts. Bat so Jar from this, as recent as June last, he had the effrontery to assert that "it is now a source of consolation to m e that I pur­sued the course 1 then adopted 1"

It is very foolish for voung ladies to hal t each other on account oi" a young gentleman w h o don't care a fig for either oi them.

In reply to the communicat ion o f Dr. G—d w h o has seen fit to address n s npon the sub­ject of our weekly notices of—Q. C. Vangh's Vegetable Lithontriptic M i i t o r e — t h e Great American Remedy—we have only to say, that every name which has appeared in these notices as g iv ing testimony to the great cura­tive power of tuis iar famed article of Medi­cine, is a genuine one, whatever oar worthy friend may think; no fiction is used here,— if questions our word after this, w e would ask him to take the name of any person he has ever found mentioned, the place ot residence, and send a post paid letter to the person; i i he does not receive a satisfactory answer both as regards the genuineness of the n a m e s g iv­en, and the character of the medicine alluded to also, then we wil l publish gratis h is com­munication. W i l l this satisfy the Doctor 1— W e happen to know what w e are engaged in when w e print such notices ; this Vegetable Lithontriptic is doing great good all over the country, and seems to be the remedy lor all complaints. As the Agents in this vicinity, whose names are under the advertisement In our paper, w i l l inform the doctor. Get a

..pamphlet and read.

W h a t a l l W a n t , a n d b y a l l w h o u s e t h e m S a y .

W H A T A L L W A N T , A N D B Y A L L W H O U S E T H E M S A Y — A m o n g the nu­merous purgatives g iven, it is acknowled by all persons w h o have used Herr ick's Sugar Coated Pi l l s , that they have found none so safe and valuable j they are also a complete substitute for mercury in every shape and lorrn. T h e y are suitable for all constitutions and ages , and being entirely vegetables, no inquiry need be apprehended from taking cold or any other cahse. T h e y wi l l be found a safe, easy, and pleasant cathartic in every case where one is indicated or required.— Near ly all the purgatives administered pass through the stomach and bowels , without st imulat ing them sufficiently to create a healthy action, but this medic ine not only cleanses them of bilious or morbid matter, but l ikewise changes the secretions, whi l e at the same time t h e y l n v i g o r a t e or restore their tone. T h e y gently soften and loosen all the hard and Impure matter collected in the stom­ach and intestines, and carry it' off complete­ly b y full, easy and natural evacuat ions .— T h e i r purity, mildness, safety, certainly and thoroughness render them the most desiraLle medicine known.

Address orders to Herrick & Co., No. 6, James street, Albany, N. Y., and lor sale by Jno. J. Ba­con, Humphrey & Co.,Henry R. Hare, Ogdens, burgh j S. J. Dewey, Wadcungton ) A. J. Goss^ Columbia', H. P. Jud,sc-n, Norfolk! E . D. Ran­som & co. Massena: C. Hulburd, Brasher Falls; Sanders & Barnard) Lawrencevillei J. Sherar & Chittenden & co., Nlcholville; G. F. Brown-son & co , Parishviille; Goulding & Leet, Pots­dam ; A G. Brown & co., and B. Hodskin & co. Canton; John Rounds, De Kalb) Cook & Blng> ham, Hermon; SV. M. Goodrich, Gouvemeuri C. Ford, Morristownj and by druggists arid country merchants in every city, village and town in the United States. I M P O R T A N T L E T T E R F R O M N O R T H

C A R O L I N A . . Fayettevi l le , M a r c h 2, 1847.

Dr. Seth Seth "W. F o w l e — D e a r S ir : Por two years past I have been more' or less troubled wi lh a cough. D u r i n g the past year 1 w a s taken with a severe pain-in the lelt s ide , . accompanied by a very bad cough, and a rai­s ing of blood; probably a quart or more. In addition to this, I sweat profusely at night, which induced m e to apply to a physic ian, but received no permanent benefit. I then procored a bottle ol Wistar's B a l s a m of W i l d Cherry, w h i c h s e e m e d to h a v e the de­sired effect. I continued to use it, and m y ap­petite, w h i c h w a s very poor, returned, and with it my" strength w a s restored. After ta­king four bottles 1 w a s completely cured, and have enjoyed good health s ince .

D A V I D R. B E L L . T h e editor of the North'Carol inian, albeit

strongly opposed to puffin" 'quack medicines , ' but bel ieving that W i s t a ? s Ba l sam of W i l d Cherry ought not to be classed with that sort, cheerfully testifies to his knowledge of the truth of Mr. Bell's statement i n regard to the efflcay of the Ba l sam.

Node genuine uniess signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper.

Jenner, Sprague&Co. , Agents, Ogdensburgh.

f£gp" M o s t E x t r a o r d i n a r y W o r t I _g?\ THB

M A R R I E D W O M A N ' S

Private Medical Companion* BY DE. k. M. MAtmlCEAU,

Professor of Diseases of Woman. Sixth Edition. 18mo. pp. 250. Price «1.

23,000 COPIES SOLD EX THBEB MOHTBS ! Years of suffering, of physical and mental an­

guish to many an affectionate wife, and pecunia­ry difficulties to the husband, might have been spared by a timely possession of this work.

It is intended especially for the married, or those contemplating marriage/as it discloses im­portant secrets which shoula'be known to them particularly.

Truly, knowledge is power. It is health, hap­piness, affluence.

The revelations contained In its pages havo proved a blessing to thousands, as the mnnraer-ahlo letters received by the author will attea,

Here, also every female can discover the cau­ses, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, in every com­plaint to which her sex is subject.

On the receipt of One Dollar, the "Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" will be sent (Tnattedfrce) to any part of fljo tTaited States. AUletrera must be addressed frost-paid, to Dr. A. M. Ulauriaean, Box 1?24, N e w York city. Publishing OfBce, 129 Liberty street N e w York.

£S"Travel l ing agents are Informed that a few districts In Massachusetts and two other Eastern States, ore yet unengaged. Applications receiv­ed pos{ p j i a as above. 44m3.

T h e above work i» to be had Jt Boyd 4 - Judd's.

i T h e fpljftwjtog i s from th> :n>«j|tlfho first P i j n i i n ^ d J a ^ e s J E l a ^ r ^ r J l f o y o r . t .

! . B E R E E C T V T J B E O F ^ ^ O K M S .

a r i r l l t i r ^ g i r r l e ^ e a r s o f t f / b a s l u l e r e d all' the worst s tages o f •w'drins j jMjd; "we ha^ve never found an effectual cure, unti l w e ad­ministered Dr. Stnith's S u g a s f ' i l l s , which our child fook Without the leaat^e'ructanqe, i n doses o f two a t a time, and w e never witness­ed such a change in so short a time. T h e

[ P i l l s brought a w a y a m a s s of wormsi and s h e at. once improved. S h e i s mow i n joyous health. W e have a l so found the greatest benefit rrom their use. i

J A C O B C A R L O O K , -"* 369 Greenwich st N . Y .

W e have m a n y certificates or cures in cases of worms.

F R O M R E v T T . K B I A f j T T .

M y wi i e has taken Moffatt's, Morrison's, and many others, but she h a s received more benefit from Dr. Smith's P i l l s than al l others. She bel ieves they m a y be used b y females with perfect safety, without chang ing theis-]

. employment or diet, and at any s e a s o n . . ! J O H N K E L L E T f , l 197 Myrt le A v e n u e Brooklyn. J For sale by H. S. Humphrey, J enner, Sprague I & Co., and by agents in every village m the 1 State.


Cal£0**tia Water. L TTJST recfifcjeo1 a fresh supply o f this celebrated « l Water tor sale by the bottle 'or gallon.

H . 9- H U M P H R E Y . & Co. * Ogdensburgh, Sept. .6 1848, ?4

sua, In Janesvi l le , Rock Co. , Wiscons in , A u g .

9, CAROLINE M . daughter of Jesse Smith , of Union, Wiscons in .

In Lisbon, Aug . 30th, FRANCIS B. D O T Y , son of Benoni T . and L u c y Doty, a g e d 3 years, 1 month and 14 days.

He sleeps In death, he's free from pain, H e sleeps in innocence and peace, H e sleeps in endless bliss to reign, Securely blest where troubles cease.

The smiling face, the lovely form, N o w rest in peace beneath tine sod, But Oh sweet thought, the spirit is borne, By angels to its Father, God.




J. ADAMS SMITH, OF BOSTOffl Wm WILL Preside at the Piano, Harp and Violin.

M o n d a y E v e n i n g ' S e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 1 8 4 8 .

Admission 26 Ots. . ' "»

Being Informed that Messrs. Squires and J. Adams Smith, propose g iv inga concert on Mon­day Evening next, I take pleasure in recommen­ding them to the patrons of good mus ic

Mr. Squires has an uncommonly fine voice, of considerable compass and very highly culti­vated. Mr. Smith Is a very fine performer on the Harp, Piano, and Violin. H . V. R.

Review of Davis Revelations, Price 3s. For sale at - P O M E E O r S .


Ogdensburgh Cemetery will take place on the ground Sep. 18 at 9. A. M.

An election of three Trustees will be held at the St. Lawrence Hotel October 2d at 9 A M .

The ownership of 400 square foot entitles to a vote. C. A. B U R N H A M , Treasurer.

Ogdensburgh, Sept. 2, 1848. N . B. Prior to the sale, and address, will bo

delivered on the ground, by the President of the Association, Judge Fine, and alitor appropriate exercises for its dedication as the final renting place of the people of Ogdensburgh, undor the direction of a Committee of Arrangements.

Should the day noticed provm unfavorable, a postponement will be made, of which notice will DO given.

Brigade Order No. 1. HEAD-QUARTERS 15TH, BRIOADE, )

O O D E N S B U E O H , A u g u s t 3 1 , 1 8 4 8 . )

BY O R D E R of the Commoinder-in-chief, I hereby order and direct the 115th Brigade, to

meet, for training, Dicipllne. Inspection, Review and improvement in martial exercise, in the fol­lowing order.

Lieutenant Col. S. F. Judd, will meet the33d, Regiment by Companies, in their respective Districts, at such tunc ana place, as he may deem proper, and best for the Interest of said Compa­nies, and the Malitia generally, between the first day of September ani the first day of Novem­ber 1848.

Col. Sidney M. Hickok will meet the 34th, Regimont, by companies, as abo<re directed, be­tween the above mentioned dates.

The commanding officers of reglmonts will without delay, notify the several commandants of companies of their respecdvs regiments, of the time and places, that they will meet the sev­eral companies, within their respective districts.

A. B. J A M E S . Brig. Gen. 15th, Brigade.

Regimental Order No* 8. H E A D - Q , U A B . T E I T 8 3 3 R E G I M E N T ,

O G D E N S B T T R G H , S E P . 1, 1 8 4 8 .

To Adjutant George Boyd, Sir» you will without unnecessary delay, di­

rect the Beveral commandants olf Company dis­tricts, in the 33d regiment, to notify all who are liable to do military duty within their respective districts (that have not commuted) to meet for Inspection, Revlow. Training, Disciplining and Improving in martial exercise, In the following order ;

1st. Company Sep. 28 at 9 o'clock A. M. at the house of Wuson Taylor Oswega.tchie.

2nd, Cnpt. J Douglass, Sept. 25 at 9 o'clock A M at the house of Wm. H. Guest. Lisbon.

3d, Capt. G. Erwin. Sept, 26 at 9 o'clock A M at the house of D . Wnltney, Columbia Village.

4th, Capt. T. Bames, Sent. 27 at 9 o'clock A M. at the house of H. Foote Canton.

6th, Capt. G. L. Townsley, Oct. 2 at 9 o'clock A M at the house of Mr. Northum, Dekalb.

6th, Capt. M. Eager, Oct. 6 all 9 o'clock A u at the house of H. Rice, Hammond Comers.

7th, Capt, H. Parsons Oct 5th ot 9 o'clock A M at thB House of J M Spencer, iGouvorneur vil­lage.

8th. Capt B F Hamilton Oct. 3 at 9 o'clock A M at tno house of B. Smith Ruasell Village.

And remain under arms until aun down of the same day. S C U Y L E K F. JTJDD,

Lfc Cpl. Comdg. 33 Reg. S N Y M.

Elect ion Notice-C A N T O N S e p . 5 , 1 8 4 8 .

NOTICE Is hereby given, that a General Elec­tion Is to be hela on the Tuesday succeed­

ing the first Monday of Norember next, at which a r o t° be elected the officers mentioned in the-annexed copy of a notico from the Secretary of State, of which notico Is hereby given, to en­able you to notify the Inspectors o f Election In each Election District of your town to meet a* required by law, to make the necessary arrango-

L ments for holding the said Election. JGSIAH WAID.

Sheriff of the County of St. Lawrence.


ALDABV, Amonsr 10, 1848. 7othe Sheriff'of the County of St Lawrence.

SIB—Not ico Is hereby .given, that at the Gen­eral Election to beheld on the "Tuesday succeed-b ig the first Monday of November next, the fol­lowing officers are to be elected!, to w i t :

A Govemer and Lieutenant (Sovemor of this State.

Thirty-six Electors of President and Vice President o f the United States i

A Canal Commissioner in the place of Charles Cook, whose term of service expires on the last day of December next ;

A n Inspector of State Prisons in place of John B. Gedhey, whose term of service expires on the lost day of December next |

A Representative In the 31s« Congress of the United States, for the Eighteenth Congressional

[District, Composed of the counties of St , Law­rence and Lewis .

Also, the following County officers, to w i t : Three Members of Assembly; A County

Treasrurer, and Three Superintendents of the Poor. Yours respectfully,,

C H R I S T O P H E R MORGAN. 24-9w Secretary of State.


A S P E N D I D 4 year old Canadian "entire horse'' for sale—apply at the American H o -

This la probaDjy tw fine a specimen of the Canadian Horse os is often teen—being about 15 1-Z hands high—well up—fine ngclr, nu4 of a beautiful dapple bay color, end Haul: lets, mans and t i l l . G

TE&iMftjmsr. Warranted to remove otaina of any kind canscd by Oil. Point, o t Adda, on.eUb% eatins. Velvets, or cloths, for aate b y . B O Y D * JUDJ>,

v&nl2«£ > <


A sure riq* J d y for Bed Bugs—/Tho subscriber Is the Bojffssfoprietor for the'town ofpjwra-

e only person whcr£3s (hem Gpc- Guest 2d.

gatchie, for sale in

S e p t 5, l

Just Received by Express-

RAIL ROAD Tracing Paper j Cowrie or Kings, Plot by G. R. P. James | Brother &

Sister by Frederflra Bremer j Louisa o f Orleans; Ne Pius Ultra; A whim by G. R. P . James ;— Lena Cameron; The four Sisters, furnished by

119-101 J E N N E R , S P R A Q U E & Co.

R O B B I N S & W B I t J H T . ATTOBNEY8 ASD 00tra8BLL0nB AT LAW.

HA V E removed their Office to the building at the corner of Ford and Catharine streets—

Blooms opposite R. W. Judson's office. O. ROBBXNS, [5-23tf.] C. B. W R I G H T .

Liife and Times of StLAS WJIIGMTT.

A N E W Work by J. D. Hammond, just re­ceived and for sale by

Aug. 28, 1848. [ 23tf] POMEROY.

2 0 R e a m s o f W r a p p i n g P a ­per, o lot ofTrunke, and Patent scales weighing from a quarter of a pound to 800 lbs., just received on consignment by B O Y D & J U D D .

May 17 th, tf.

Look at This. HAVING made arrangements for full and

^constant supplies of readrfbiade Clothing suited to the season—we reqJIHKll who wish to purchase to call and cxomlr^pir stock.

Canadian and other merchants, can save 20 per cent or more by purchasing tho supplies of S N U F F , of us, as we have made arrangements for ony quantity from the well known factory of Mr. Q. Sclb oi Oswego. We invite calls, and challenge competition In prices for equal quality.

dl l3w23. B O Y D & J t f D D .

J U S T R e c e i v e d o n c o n s i g n m e n t a full supply of C H E W I N G and SMOKING TOBACCO from tho well known Manufacturo of J. BAaaEn & Co. Auburn, N . Y „ and for solo at Factory prices, by B O Y D & J U D D .

Ogdensburgh 13th 1848 v5 n l 2 tf.


rH E subscriber has for solo a largo*" of Fruit, of all descriptions, at W E

and RETAIL. His stock comprises, A p p l e s , P e a r s , P e a c h e s , P i n e A p p l e s , "Lemons, O r a n g e s , C i t r o n s , M e l o n * , <SJC, 6ce»

Ho will be constantly receiving fresh supplies of the best to be prooured in market.

Call at " Gilbert's Corner," opposite the St . LawTenco. Hotel, Ogdensburgh,

A. H. H A L L . August 17,1848. dl04 w22-tf.


TH E subscribers have opened a Bakery and Confectionery Bhop at tho stand formorly

occupied by Palmer & Munorat. ICE CHEAM, ovory night in the weok (Sundays excepted) at 9 cts per glass. Candy at 12 1-2 cts per lb.

A share of public patronago is solicited. M-JNERET&, HOUGHTON.

June 19, 1848. B3u.

Child Birth .

A V A L U A B L E SCD3NTD7IO WORK, UP­ON tho subject of Gestation and Chlld-

Blrth, by R. M. Welssolhoff. M. D.. late of Pa-rhsjust published by the author.

This work contains information upon subjects of the highest Importance to married persons, or those contemplating marriage. I t will be found of special value to those whose means, health, or othor circumstances do not permit them to in­crease tho number of their family, without great Inconvenience, suffering, or perhaps risk of life. A method of avoiding these troubles and dan-

fers at will, (recently discovered by a celebrated 'renchjihysician) is fully communicated in this

work, so that any parson may avail himself of it at once. Tho means cost comparatively noth­ing, and are in tho reach of all. The process is new, safe, Infallible, convenient, simple, and can­not Injure the health of the most delicate. Nor does it curtail matrimonial privileges in tho least.

Copies of this work will bo sent, in a close en­velope, at a single letter postage, io any part o f the United Suites for #1 sent, post paid, to Dr. R M. W E I S S E L H O O F . Box, 2710, N e w Y o r k City. Copyright secured. N o Bookseller a l ­lowed to sell this work. 24-Sm.

T J 1 G H W A Y L A W S , for sals at

August 22.


ME S S R S . W A K E F I E I i D & C H H i D S , from Boston & Burlington, have opened

rooms over D . Turner Jr.'s store, Ford St. and ore prepared to execute likenesses in the latest and most approved styles, and neatly set them

[jnto Frames, Pins and Lockets. ^ A H who feel an Interest in the Art will please

call and see their specimens. Ogdensburgh, Sept. 2, 1848. dl04-w22tf

SU P R E M E COURT I N EQUITY.—Georgo Parish va. David McMurphy and others.—

Mortgage Foreclosure, J. G. Hopkins, Solicitor. In pursuance, and by virtue of a decretal order

or decree of the Supreme Court, In Equity made in the above cause and o£ the statutes in such case made and provided, I shall sell at public auc­tion, at the Tremont House, kept by John B. Haggett, in the village of pgdensburgb, in the county of St. Lawrence, on the thirteenth day of October next, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the lot of land or premises described In the saia decretal order or decree, aeufqllows, viz:—" All that tract, piece, or p a r c e l . ^ ^ & J y -

I Ins or being on the north aide of t h o ^ ^ B | a t -chle, or Black Lake, in the town of OswEgStchie, In the county of St. Lawrence, and is a part of lot No . Thirty-one, and bounded as follows; Be­ginning at a stake on the margin of the lake in tho centre of the said lot N o . thirty-one, and running from thence north forty degrees and fif­teen minutes, west fifty chains to on ash stake, thence north forty-nine degrees and forty-five minutes, east ten chains to on elm stako stand­ing on the northeast lino of the said lot, and southwest line of lot number thirty, thence south forty degrees, east fifty chains to a stake an-d stones standing on the bank of the lake which 3a the southeast corner of said lot N o . thirty-one , and southwest corner of lot No . thirty, and from thence along the margin of tho lake to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres of land strict measure, excepting hair an acre of land and a road leading to it mentioned in said mortgage." —Dated, August 28th, 184a

JOSIAH WAID, Sheriff; by JOEL HOTOHTOT, Deputy Sheriff; 23-6w.


r W ^ l t ^ * ? l ^ ^ ' r o " 2 : ' " 3 ^ S £ 5 W i S 4 J ® t h e r , > . ^ ^ ^ g « > ^ ^ j s v

, t ^ ^ t 8 i w i i « c ^ -

•*iH"-%^y^^^Oj}^triols J -4.


EMPORIUM, TJTTiH&Ug G a n r i e n t a ^ y ' g o t VV up," to ^mirat ion , has

removed to the stand recently occupied: by-Mr. Hff luaa glovo BtoreVwhichTias since been.thor­oughly repaired'and fitted up at great expense ^ transformed Into a Merchant "Tailor, Shop; which will be.carried on in all its various branches by Mr. A, STOCKER, w h o i s well known as a workman thatBurpnsses not only every thing In Ogdens­burgh, but in tho four quarters of the Globe.

H e has also just retumedfrom New-York, wi th the cheapest and Dest assortment of Goods ever offered for sale i n Northern New-York. Among which are French, English, American and German, Broad, and Rummer c lo thsof 511 prices, French, En glish and American, Doeskins. 1 and Casslmeres both fancy and •( plain, Satinetts, Tweeds, Lin­ens, Sheetings, Shirtings and Kentucky Jeans, also a. splendid assortment of Black ana Fancy Satins, with white, figured and plain Marseilles, with a general -assortment too numer- ous to mention—that can't be beat— .and trimmings of every descrip­tion, that must be sold cheap; also money "belts and, purses, Neck and Pockety SHndJcer-chlefs, self adjusting Stocks, Umbrellas, Shirts, and Bosoms, -Studs. Gloves, Bathing Caps, "Half Hose.

Also a Large Lot/ of Ready Made Clothing wi th a large as­sortment of Oil Cloth Cloaks, Coats, Caps and Ponts jat the lowest prices.

H e i s also Agent for the N e w -York fashions, squares and scales, rule books, crayons or marking chalk.

Cutting done on short notice as usual,-and not surpassed.

E S T Remember to call at A. STOCiCER'S.

Ogdensburgh, June 6,1848.

BY O R D E R O F E D W I N D O D G E , E S Q . , Judge of the county courts, in and for the

County of St. Lawrence. N O T I C E is hereby given that on attachment

has been issued against tho estate of William Atkinson, Anthony Atkinson, and George W. Trsbome, now or late of the province of Canada Kast, nonresident debtors, on dne proof made to the said county Judge, pursuant to the directions

i )f the statute concerning " attachments against absconding, concealed or nonresident debtors, 0 md that tne same will bo sold for the payment of their debts unless they the said William At-1 dnson, Anthony Atkinson, and George W. Us-b orne appear and discharge such attachment ac­cording to law within nine months from the first

1 publication of this net lee; And that the pay-indent of any dobts and the delivery of any prop-ei-ty belonging to the eaid debtors, to them or for tl lelr use, and tho transfer of any property by tbsem for any purpose whatever, aro forbidden bjr law and ore void.—Dated tne first day of August , 1848. B I S H O P P E R K I N S ,

<&-19 9m Au'y for_AUachlng Creditor.

M O R T G A ^ p S A L E Rufus II. Olmsted hath dfulv mortgaged to

W Ullam Young of Canton, St. Lawrence Coun­ty, oil that cortaln piece or parcel of land lying,

Sand, being in the town of Plorpont County of St. La\ vrenco, known as lot No. 12, in Cox's Village plo t, and is bounded aa follows,-—Commencing

, in t ho cedtro of tho highway North 6 5 ° East, 7 c bains and 76 UnkB from the North West cor­ner of a lot of land decdej^ft Partridge <&. Clark. kn< w n on sold Cox's v U H M l o t as lot No. 2 and run nlng from thence North 25 ° West 4 chainsj froi n thence North 65 ° East 2 chains 60 links! froi n thence South 25 ° East 4 chains to the cer itre of the highway ; from thence South 65 ° W. jst 2 chains 50 l inks; containing one acre of Ian d, oxcopting and reserving one rod in width the. whole length of said Lot on tho south west

j sid>e, for a highway 1 Together with all the ap-I pu rtonances thereto belonging. Tho mortgage f- is 1 dated on the 29th day of April, 1847, and is re-

coi'ded, wilh a power of sale therein contained, in t he clerk's omce'Of the county of St. Law-ren<», on the 6th day of May 1847, lu Book No . 15 0 f Mortgages on psges 197 and 198. The omooint dne thereon at the first publication of

| this notice is throe hundred ana eight dollars and eight cents, and default having been made in t'aopayment thereof, the said premises will be e old at public auction and tho rale will take pint :o on the 6th day of September 1848, at ten o'c'iock In tho forenoon at the Hotel now kept by W m . Young in Canton village.

J-ino 13, 1848 WILLIAM Y O U N G .

W i n . O. COOKE, Mortgagee. Attorney.



NOTICE la hereby given,pursuant to the di­rections of Section 60, Title 3, Chapter 13 of

the First part of the Revised Statutes, that a list of all the lands liable to be sold for State, County, and Road Taxes, assessed and levied In the years 1840,1841.1842,1848, 1844, has been forwarded to each of tho County Treasurers and Town Clerks in this State, and that so much of tho several parcels of Bald lands as may be nec­essary to discharge the taxes, interest and char­ges which may be due thereon at the time of sale, will o n tne Twentieth dug of November next, and on the succeeding days thereafter, be sold at public auction, at the Capitol in the City of Albany. M I L L A R D F I L L M O R E .

Dated Albany, July L 1848. Comptroller. 16 17w.

Dress Making, ]\/I R S . S A M U E L D A Y would inform the peo-IV1 pie of Ogdensburgh and its vicinity that she has commencod tho Dress making business at her residence on Caroline Street, and she solicits their patronage.

Ogdensburgh July 8th 1848.

1 New Work By Ueadly, Life of Cromwell, will bo published in a few

days and sold at P O M E R O Y ' S .

Hawkstone, 2 vols. 12 mo. by Prof. Sewell Published by Stanford & Swords 4th Edition in 2 months.


T h e Subscriber has just received a la rgo assortment of English, French, and Amor-leant Prints, Lawns, Ginghams and Muslins of the latent styles and patterns purchased this spring at extremely low prices, which he is en-abl ed to sell much lower than those of last fall' pnr chases. Coll and see J . H . G U E S T

April 25th, 1848.

)Ladies Tuscan and Straw Hats, of diflbront qualities and prices, from 81, 00 to 83, 00 each, of tho laicst styles, just received by

April 25th, 1848. h H GUEST.

J HAMS { A superior article just received and J for sale by H U M P H R E Y & Co. " d51-10iwl3u.

j For the Children. I lY/TAGNETIO Fish, Dacks, Geese, Swans. 1 1 f i . Boats, & c &c. Magic Lanterns. Air and

P arlor balls, Dominoes, toy Accoroeons, and Harmonicas, Spy Glasses. Building blocks, &c. &x. Bridges, Temples, Toy slates. Dissected Mlapa. Trunmlng Hoops, Skipping Ropes, Sa­vings' Banks, Toy Plates, and Tea Setts, and Transparent drawing Slates, at

81d3iw P O M E R O Y S ,

O C H E S T E R W R A P P I N G P A P E R heav-ler and larger than the old Wntcrtown wrap-

p i n s paper so favorably known, at 81d31w P O M E R O Y S .

POMEROY" K. 6-22tf

S A T U R D A . Y M O R N I N G , A U G . * S .

BA B Y J U M P E R S , at dl06tf r O M E R O Y ' S .

Washington Hotel T o Let .

t r p H E STJBS0RD3ER offers for rent X the "Washington Hotel, Ogdctns-

, on' Treasonable terms, for one year or a term of years s Possession given tho first of De­cember next. , ,

This Hotel Is pleasantly sitnatedr on tho cor-uor of Washington and Isabella Streets, conven­ient to the Harbor, has an excellent suito of spa­cious rooms, and extensive barns and stables. Enquire of T>. T U R N E R .

Ogdensburgh, Aorrast 22,1848. 5 22t t


A VALUABDB Form, "Within 7 mflesof Ojj-donsburgh, fa offered forea!6. I t consists of

160 acres of land, about one half Improved, has two; excellent tootiees, largo barns, mid a living spring of water. Tho largo- htmeo {a pleasantly located, and th» farm' houaala cohvetiiant and comfortable. I t la well situated, and adapted for a gentleman's Country residence. "Good' tlito given. Enquire at this office

August 22,1848." 22r£

rVotfce 3. ,ty*K$Sr.MfoWftfu J

NOTIGEIA hereby DhxctorocfthU

ittja-tfcrtan E & i I o r | b y

Selling Off, Selling Off, T H E B a l l a n c e o f m y s t o c k o f s u m ­mer clothing will be sold at greatly reduced prices to make room for a largo lot this fall. Also hats and caps ore being Bold 25 per cent, cheaper than can be bought in town. Call and see, one door west of J. H . Gues t

T H O M A S D . S K I N N E R . Ogdensburgh, July 17, 1848.

Useful 'Jlrlicles. T A P E Lines, W A X T A * E B M A T O B I S ,

Plalster, Mottos, Pencil Leads, Drawing Pen. Sand Boxes , "Portable Inkstands, Smndisl WbaWao'a .DrtjWng paper. Rubber, Poc? rules, Wax by th» pound. Waters do.( Steel Gold Pens , LevVs anti-corrosive Pen , Card ca­ses, Indelible ink '-with stamps and names, do.

f with and without preparation, Teeth brushes, Metallic Elastio Bands, Ivory combs, Mathcmat-leal Instruments, Pink and Blue Saucers, White and Black Crayons, Porto Monies and Purses, Steel Beads, Porcelain Slates, Ivory Tablets, Pen Racks, Paper Weights, Paper Files, Clips, Hooks, ready mado Pens, OmcoTnpe, Counting House Slates, Envelopes, Ivory and Bono Fold-era and cutters, Notary Seals , Notary Wafers, Thlrablo Cases and Baby, Whma. at

81-31-wv - - P O M E R O T S .

Mark Wilton, The Merchant's Cleric lord Swords, Publishers

Sacred Harmony, the Now Church Music of the Methodist Episcopal Press.

Mammoth Pictorial Brother Jonathan for the 4th of July. L. D- POMEROY.

E t n a I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y ,


CAFZT^IL, $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

F H A S K E L L having been appointed Agent * by tha jEtna Insurance Company of Hart­

ford, Conn., offers to insure dwelling houses, stores, mills, manufactories, barn, ships, and veBsolsin port, or on the stocks, goods and every other species of insurable personal property against loss or damage by fire, at as low rates of premium as any similar Institution in good standing.

The JEtnn Insurance Company w a s incorpo-ted in 1819, and thoreputation it has acquired

forpromptneas and liberality In the adjustment and! payment of losses requites no additional pledge to entitle it W u liberal share of public patronage^

Ogdonsburgh, Oct. 16,1838. 17o

JtTJESS JPOJIK. CO N G R E S S Mills Flour* do. do. Corn

Meal; Hlghwines and Alcohol 1 Salt. Above in any quantity from one bbl. to BOO. Bar soap (best) at 4 1-2 cts., 1 to 1000 boxes. Mold candles at 12 cts., 1 to 100 boxes for sale

by A. BACON.



TH E S E N T O N E I . O F F R 5 E , with a large number of fonts o f n e w beautiful and fash-

lonable'Jon TvrT, Is prepared to ezecuto Joss on ehoi t notice, ana on us reasonable terms as can l)ecomraanded elsewhere, Workmen; of npprov-edaJdBiir^^lriplojrcc!; - . . . , ;

Saddles & Bridles.

PACKAGES first quality Butter wanted, If delivered early. The highest price in cash,

will paid at the old Red Store. Ogdensburgh, July 21,1848, B-I8t£


HAVE Just received 0 splendid assortment of French and Englisli Broadcloths, together

with tho most extenslvo and choicely select­ed assortment of French and ° English

VestlngB ever offered in this market, Marseilles and Cashmerette ves-

tlngs of every description, and In the most mod­

e m styles of pat­terns; also a

general as­sortment of Cos-siraercs,

•white and brown

drills. Plaid and Gold mixed Eminette, Moleskin Camlet Lustre, stripes and Doeskins, which will be sold on the lowest cash terms, either with or without making up. TheseJOgether with a gen­eral assortment of trimmings of every descrip­tion induces them to Invite the public generally to on examination of their stock, feeling assured a s they do, that the quality of their goods with

"9 moderate prices, must recommend their es- , Jlshment to the most iavoraBieattentioh. " ) greatest core and attention paid to cutting,

at tho old stand, i n Gilbert's building, for­merly occupied by K. Matheson, two doors east of G. N . Seymour & Sons' , ^

A. & H ^ M A T H E S O i J . Ogdenaburghj,Moy. I 1847. (vB-lOtf-j

T w o Wing's Patent cast Iron Reacting Water Wheels, for sale. Apply at the Land Office.

J; R O S S E E L , Agent. Ogdensburgh, July;26,1847. A18t f

Annai *Atjtj ino^


BlueV^of' Borax, , - — ; , Bark Peruv. put*. ' " Balsam popiaYa, . Bichrom. Potash, Camphor,- ' • Castor Oil , /? P , Calomel. Canthandes," ' Garb. Ammon, Cham. Flowers, Cinnamon, Cloves, Copperas, Corks, all kinds, Cream Tartar, Emery, assorted from

N o . I to 6. . '• %

Epsom Salts, Extract Clenta,

" Gentian, " Jalap,

Plor Sulphur, •' Benzoin,

Glue, ail kinds, Gold Leaf; Gum Opium,

:• &»Hc» '• Copal, " Myrrh,

Hiera Picra, Indigo, Span, float Ink Powders,

" in Bottles, Isinglass, A. and R. Jalap, Liquorice Ball, Liquorice Root, Mace, Magnesia,

do calcined, Mortars & Pestles,

cornp. and iron, Nutmegs, Oil, winter,

" summer, " fall, " whale, " Olive or sweet, " Linseed,

Ogdensburgh, August, 1848.

PatentJTrusses, - "'I^pjpgrsjutces^, >?€!

, ftopt and . ^.powuerjea.^.

Roll Brimstone, .jRediiPreclpltate,.',

SanoVjPaper, Sob Ammon, Salt petre, cruder . , •" «.'' refined, Senna; * • • • Shaker'a Herbs, Soap, Castile,^ Sots . Hartshorn,

•(.~ N i t . Dale . Sponge, coarse, Sugar-Lead, Sup. Curb. Soda, Sulph. Quinine, Syringes, .assorted, TarUAeld. Paint Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Black Lead.

-« Varnish, Chrome Tellow,

" ..Green, Copal Varnish, Coach " Lead, white, dry and

in oil, Lead, red, Litharge, Putty, Spts Turpentine, Venetian Red, Vermillion. Yellow Ochre, Camwood, Extract Logwood, Fustic, Hatchwood, Lao Dye. Logwood, Redwood, Madder, Specie Bottles, Tinct. do. 1-2 pint

to 2 gallons, Vials, assorted, Window Glass, &c.,

&c., & c , &c. 5 22tf

TO l a w y e r s . H a y d e n ' s S T e w - Y o r k Practice and F o r m ; also, Townsend's N e w

Practice and Forms just received and for sale at Publishers Prices by


T T J S T R e c e i v e d F r e s h C a m p h e n e , L a m p J Oil at 6, 8, 10s per gal. Lard Oil for Ma­chinery and Factories received and-for sale by

J E N N E R , S P R A G U E & co. Druggists and Apothecaries.

WH I T E L e a d . — 4 0 0 B r o o k l y n W h i t e Lead, dry and ground in oil just received

and for sale by J E N N E R , SPRAGUE & 00. Druggists & Apothecaries.

LI N S E E D O U - 3 0 0 G a l l o n s R a w O i l 300 Boiled oil jns t received and for sole by

J E N N E R , S P R A G U E & 00. Druggists & Apothecaries.

r e e ' d and for sale by J E N N E R , S P R A G U E & co

Druggists & Apothecaries. FLRIS Green—tOO__Pounds_ j u s t

ant "

CH L O R O F O R M & Chloroform I n h a l ­ers just received and for sale by

J E N N E R , S P R A G U E & co Druggust & Apothecaries. .

DY E W o o d s - T f f B a r r e l s O a m p e a c h y Logwood,50 do. Warranted Logwood,50 do.

Fustic Tampico, 50 do Fustic Cuba, 50 do Nic-araugua Trine Hache, 50 do Old Hache, B0 do camwood, 25 Hgh Nicaraugua, just received and for sale by J E N N E R , S P R A G U E & 00.

Druggist and Apothecaries.

BR U S H E S - N a i l B r u s h e s , H a i r brush-tooth Brushes, a large assortment just re­

ceived and for sale by J E N N E R , S P R A G U E & c o .

Druggists and Apothecaries.

PA T E X T M e d i c i n e s w h i c h w e a r e gen-eral Agents for, and supply all who wish at

wholsale or retail. Townsend's Sarsaparilla with New Label, Wistar's Balsam Wild cherry, Down's Elixir, Osgood's India Chologogue, Meadci Carrlngton's ChologogueLS wain's Pan­acea, Traaks Magnetic Ointment, Dr. Guysott's Extract of Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock, Wood's Sarsaparilla, Dr. Richardson's Cherry Wine Bit-ters, Vaughn's Lithrontriple, for the above med­icines by the gross or single bottle call at

J E N N E R , S P R A G U E & co. Druggists and Apothecaries.

JU S T R E C E I V E D . — A quantity of pure C I D E R V I N E G A R — f o r sale by the barrel

or gal lon. H . K E L L O G G . Ogdensburgh, July 11th, 1848. 16.2m,

FORKS, SCYTHES, SnathB, and Scythe Stones selling at cost for

cash by N . S, P I T K I N . July 12th 1847. 4 16u

Brasher Potash Kettles, OF 120,Gallons, and Farmer's Kettles of 90

gallons, always on hand and for sale by J. C. & R. W. B U S H .

Ogdensburgh, June 22, 184a w-d58tf

J. P. Snow'a Diamond Stool Pons, O g d c n s b o r g h H a l l H o a a a n d S t e a m b o a t

L e t t e r F n p o r a t POMEROVS.

May 30.184S. S P R I N G A M D S U M M E R F A S H I O N S .

f&\ TO T H E L A D I E S I—Mrs. ATCHESON has *^T just returned from N e w York, with the largest and most fashionable assortment of Mil­linery Goods ever offered In this market Her stock consists of Bonnets, of all kinds and sizes. The Rough and Ready Hat ; the China Pearl H a t ; the Plaited Luton, and the Jenny Lind Hats. Milan Edge; French Lace i Plain Pe-dels; English Dunstable, and Slurred Silk Hats.

R I B B O N S .

A largo assortment of the choicest and most elegant Ribbons; of the latest patterns. Also a large assortment of Flowers, of the richest kindB; and a very large assortment of Caps, oi almost every pattern n o w In use.

Thankful for past favors, Mrs. A. is now ready to wait on her old customers, and as many new ones as may favor her with a call.

Call and see ladles j It costs nothing to just look in for. yourselves.

N . B . Custom work done as usual, in good order, and «n the shortest possible notice.

Ogdensburgh, May 1st, 184S. 5-fctf

jtantly ohfland, ageneral.assprtment

'" . W ^ d o ^ C ^ s ^ jLamrTcS Lard'Oils, Putty^PaintSna White WaBhirushes;

- GardmgMachinecard "Paints, Cofefe, *" . Combs, Plates, ' Tacks, Emerys&o,,;

, Congress Water. j W e a v e s Reed's &c., . -Which he offers wh01esale:ahd retail, af-the*Iow--est prices, .'for sash.*. Physicians, Apothecaries, Grocers/ ClqthlersV Dyers,^ l&ttera, Painters, Furniture i h d Chair Muleirs, and CpnfectiQriera 'supplied o n t h e most* liberal terms.

4000 lbs. Brooklyn WnifeLeadi dry and ground in oil! just received and for eale by, .

H . S . -HUMPMREY &, Co., - J>ruggista'& Apothecaries.^

Linseed Oil. tOO Galls, just r e c e i v e d i m d for sa le by » H. S , H J J S t P H K E Y ' & Co. ,

^Druggists. ^ A p o t h e c a r i e s .

3 00 lbs. Par i s Ctaeen.

just received and for sa le by -a S; H U M P H R E Y & Co. ,

D r u g g i s t s ' & Apothecaries .

Chloroform* $ Chloroform jcair." """ " '

JU S T R E C E I V E D a n d for sate by H. S. H U M P J J R E Y & Co.,

Druggists & Apothecar ie s .

DAGUERRfc-OTYPE Plates, Cases, Chemi­cals, and every thing required in the art, o f

the beBt quality and lowest market priees, for sale by H . S . H U M P H R E Y & Co.,

Druggists & Apothecaries.

Confectionery-A C H O I C E A S S O R T M E N T of Brewer ' s ,

Steven's , & Cushing's celebrated Con­fectionery for sale b y

H.S. HUMPHREY &Co., Druggists & Apothecaries.

Congress W a t e r ,

JU S T R E C E I V E D and for sale by H . S; H U M P H R E Y & C o -

Druggists & Apothecaries.


KI T C H E N ' S P R E P A R E D C O G O A , B a -ker's Cocoa Paste , and Cocoa Shells ,

just received andfor sale by H. S . H U M P H R E Y & C o . ,

Druggists & Apothecaries.

Townsend's Sarsaparilla. pr f | D O Z E N of this justly celebrated arti-zJ\J cle just received and for- sale by the dozen or s ingle bottle by

H . S . H U M P H R E Y & C o . , Druggists & Apothecaries,

LAiUPS. F U L L Assortment for sa le by

H . S. H U M P H R E Y & Co., Druggists & Apothecaries.


BE N F R A N K L I N , Vic to j ia , and W a s h ­ington Regal ias , choice and selected

brands, for sale by H. S. H U M P H R E Y & Co.,

Druggists & Apothecaries .

LAMPS. AJN extensive assort­

ment of C A M P H E N E , P A R L O R S O L A R A N D A R G A N D L A M P S . G I R A N D O L E S


A N D W I C K S , I Just received and for sale by

L . S . MORRIS . O G D E N S B U R G H , ' ! ) Nov . 2 8 , 1 8 4 7 .


F o r t h e R e m o v a l and P e r m a n e n t c u r e o f

D i s e a s e s a r i s i n g f rom an i m p u r e s tate o f

t h e B l o o d , o r h a b i t o f t h e s y s t e m , n a m e l y ;

Scorfula, or K i n g s E v i l ; Cancerous T u m o r s ; Cutaneous Eruptions; Erysipelas, Bi les , Sore Eyes , Rheumat ism, _

Pulmonary affections, Consumption, L iver Complaint. Nervous Headache , N i g h t Sweats , Chronic and Constitu­tional disorders, and

BEST OHIO CORN. T * B J O M one Gallon, to 2000 bushels for sale at r T e W a K s e o f AMOS BACON.

Aggns t tod , 184a 91-61-wn.

Ice! Ice 11 Ice! J FAMILIES carl bo supplied during the season

wi tb lwnj iu^t taLby H . S . H U M P H R E Y & Co. ,

Successors t o X . S . Morris - - -;; -•- - ... 5-7r£ j

J E N N Y ^ O ^ s Brpfiierfanid S is ters ; Pride,|

T H E Undersigned having formed a new Association In business, would take this method to notify all those Indebted cither to the late firm of Due & ALDBSS, or to A. E . & W. C , ALDERS,that settlement with, and payment to tha subscribers m u « be made without delay.

v5 n71£ ^ A. E . & W. C. A L D E N S .

- y REMOVAL. T H E Subscriber has removed from his old stand to one door east of A. Vitas' shoe store, on Ford street, where he will be pleased to W8it upon his old customers.

A large assortment of Watches and Jewelry of all description constantly on hand.

S . B. S T R I C K L A N D ; July 11, 1848. ^ 5-16 2m

WATEB J.MU. Five hundred Barrels, Fresh ground

by H U M P H R E Y & Co. l


JPork 4* Flour. 1 OTi bbls. M e s s Pork} 100 barrels superfine X V A / Genesee Flour.,

100 bbls. superfine Ohio Flour. 150 ' " Fine " "

Just received and for sale by H U M P H R E Y & Co. •

June 6th. w 6 - l l t f - d 42tf


FOR. sals by the 100 bushels- a t Mr. Parish's ware house on terms favorable to purchasers.

J O S E P H R O S S E E L Agt. Ogdensburgh, August 1st, 1848. 5 1 9 t f

B E N E D I C T & B A t t N E Y . 7 ,

G o l d - P y a " W a n u f a e j ^ a r o r V . '

• " SYRACUSE, N;.Y? " , '

HA V E s e n t , a sample'uo^f l o f their. N e w Gold P e t u t t o L . 1 ) . P O M E R p V j I o r e x ­

amination. 09d3i-wa.

R e s p e c t t o i h o D e a d « M $ * 8 * » * * ' * »

i Q J S R P E N T i N E - Monurr^fe^ESiave S t o n e s , >'atreduced

J i

f c v w p u i c o , v i u p a j ' , da a B.pxnig o i i u lull Dyspepsia, Jaundice, purifier of the blood, Costiveness, and general T o n i c tor Sal t Rheum ; the system, i t i s unar-Bronchitis, Sore rivalled. Throats, Coughs,

T h e diseases for which this article i s rec­ommended, are those to which it is known, from personal experience to be adapted j and those apparently removed beyond tbe sphere ot its action, have yielded to its influence.— T h e catalogue of complaints might be great­ly extended, to w h i c h the Sarsaparil la i s adapted,, but experience proves its value, and e a c h succeeding day i s adding n e w trophies to its fame. ' ,

T h i s preparation contains, in 'combination with the Sarsaparilla, the concentrated e x ­tract of the Prunue Virg in iana , or W i l d -cherry, and other highly approved expecto­rant and tonic remedies, w h i c h adapt it stil l more directly to a wide range of P u l m o n a r y Affections; and it i s believed that a t imely u s e of t h i s medic ine i n the first attacks o f of those complaints , wi l l be the means of sav­ing thousands of valuable l ives, that year ly fall v i c t ims to these "most fatal attacks.

T h e fo l lowing i s an extract from a letter received from Mr , M a c e , whose wi ie had been afflicted with a scrofulous affection o f the nose, w h i c h baffled the ski l l of the first Phys ic ians in F r a n c e ; it commends itseli to the attention of a l l .

R E N N E S , D B P A T M E N T OP ILLE AND V I L L A I N S » ] F R A N C E , Ju ly 17th, 1845. JI

Messieurs S<aid&,i— T h e Sarsapari l la sent has been received, and the great .benefit m y wife has derived from its n s e upon a short trial, a s w e l l a s the h i g h recommendat ions w e h a v e received, g ives u s great hopes oi b e ­ing able to cure with this medic ine a disease* that the most celebra,tedjihysiciaps in France* have not been able to effect. M y wife i s f u l ­l y determined to continue i t s use until a p e r -feet cure is-effected, and fear ing w h a t w e n o w have wi l l not be sufficient, p lease send us some more without delay, and he assured

fentlemen, w e sha ir take pleasure i n m a k i n g nown-its great.Virtuei to o u r friends and t h e

p u b l i c ; and Ldougt not w i l l soon b e extensively used, here , und-^11 over the, wor ld and that ma'uy",afflicted sufferers.' w i l l ha iL with joy tne'knowledg^that»*liere'1s a vega- . table preparation *8ffioiently powerful t o eradicate, their d i s e a s e s , . I have the -honor to' remain , . .1 Y o u r s respeetfnily>

t* ' . " 1 M A C E . f N o t 1 RaeLoUfeJphl l ippe,

T h e f m i o w i n g j s j a n extract from a letter receivecttroin Key. W i ] Q i a p l < 3 g ^ a > -

'{..'. t„ BEBicsaiR^ Y^citfiQms.

i ^ e » h H & ^ ^ - I * a v e ; b ^ n > u l i c ] f e d w i t t a severe path-in m y side, occasioned b y a dis-< eased liver, for t f c e t e H w e i r t f ' y e a r s ' ; suffer­ing a t time8-what- language- 'cannot -convey,' buts incetaklfcg ypus^ .r§a$ar i l l a I-haveTieea. g r e a s y rel ieved, fQ-mncft s o t i i a t - l have,been, able to atten4 to m > b ^ i n e s s f ^ d . nreacn o e -c^ iona l ly - ' lor t n ^ r a s t ^ l i t e ' e n munths . E w h o l l y distiarded^l411ft'othe¥'' medic ine , and. -thorongbjFy tr ied. thesSatsanari i la , w h i c h £ canrecdmmeM|n,tf f l thr5anCfincerity t o a l l those w h o s t f W W | W « l afflicted w i t h any' s S & i e s j y s ^ f t l l o u S t d m p t a i n t s . — T h e r e h a v e fieeif^Me^eiHlSkable ci ires ef­fected by its use^Ja J l h i s r * i c i n i t y . Airs. £ S h a w , b y t h e jise o f s i x bprtfes,. jrestored

' t o ^ e M e a l t l n h a t i « h e 7 i i a d - b e f o r e enjoyed •iakten^year^andil^IrsI-^^Sfetens, w h o m3. .bfeen; fleverely;»filicted ^ © E j j r s t e e l a s / . was) entirrfy, c n » S l M t t o s a s ^ ^ M i r * g t t l e s .

': l J b W p ^ ' i i M « # « ! M | f e / 1 t -i3cteaper,pleasau!e^ i ^ t f i l y l l f e t s o l a ^ : i » i e f ^ t ^ r * ^ t i ? I f e 6bottIe»;for©&. Forsale Wholesale, abi-lle. taUby H. S. HUpPHEJ«&.Co; ' •'

• i i r s i i a IA:.''