patience in islam

INTRODUCTION Patience is the first weapon for the believer to use when facing hardship. Patience has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an more than 90 times. Also it was mentioned many times in authentic Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. All of these verses and Ahadith talk about the importance of patience in the life of the believers. All of the messengers of Allah S.W.T. suffered great hardships and difficulties in their life, yet all of them practiced patience. Therefore, Allah S.W.T. alleviated their hardship and promised them great rewards in the Hereafter. We must realize that patience is an essential characteristics of those believers who are the most advanced in belief, spirituality, nearness to God, and who guide others to the truth. In order to inculcate the values of patience in our heart, we must know much about patience, it’s types, the advantages of being patience and etc. In this chapter, we will discuss more details about patience. According to Imam al-Ghazali, there are 4 types of patience in Islam. Firstly, practicing patience to fulfill the obligations. Secondly, abstaining from evil and prohibiting acts. Thirdly, practicing patience during times of calamities and without complaints. Lastly, practicing patience from the desire of the present world’s life.

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Page 1: Patience in Islam


Patience is the first weapon for the believer to use when facing hardship. Patience has been

mentioned in the Holy Qur’an more than 90 times. Also it was mentioned many times in

authentic Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. All of these verses and Ahadith talk about the

importance of patience in the life of the believers. All of the messengers of Allah S.W.T.

suffered great hardships and difficulties in their life, yet all of them practiced patience.

Therefore, Allah S.W.T. alleviated their hardship and promised them great rewards in the


We must realize that patience is an essential characteristics of those believers who are the most

advanced in belief, spirituality, nearness to God, and who guide others to the truth. In order to

inculcate the values of patience in our heart, we must know much about patience, it’s types, the

advantages of being patience and etc. In this chapter, we will discuss more details about patience.

According to Imam al-Ghazali, there are 4 types of patience in Islam. Firstly, practicing patience

to fulfill the obligations. Secondly, abstaining from evil and prohibiting acts. Thirdly, practicing

patience during times of calamities and without complaints. Lastly, practicing patience from the

desire of the present world’s life.

Hence, to know more details about the patience in Islam, let us go through this chapter. May

Allah bless us in our journey of learning.

Page 2: Patience in Islam


Literal Meaning

It is derived from the word صبر that means to detain, to refrain or to stop.

Technical Meaning

To restrain ourselves from being fearful during hard times. Also to restrain ourselves from doing

prohibited acts and does what is obligated and righteous.1

Patience also means to stop ourselves from despairing and panicking, to stop our tongues from

complaining, and to stop our hands from striking our faces and tearing our clothes at times of

grief and stress.2

The famous scholar Nasir al-Din al-Tusi said : “Patience means retraining the self from agitation

when confronted with undesirables”.

The great Gnostic (‘arif) Khwajah ‘Abd Allah al-Ansari said : “Patience means restraining the

self from complaint about hidden anguish”.3





Page 3: Patience in Islam

Al-Quran had urged all the believers to inculcate the value of patience in their hearts as it has a

lot of benefits in nurturing the person’s mental and spiritual, and also beautify their personality.4

Allah S.W.T. says in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:155) :

Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits

(of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently preserve. 5

In the above verse, Allah S.W.T. has told us that He for sure will test His slaves with something

of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits to test our level of patience and those who are able

to face this kind of disaster patiently are the successor and will get the reward from Allah S.W.T.

In the another verse, in Surah Muhammad (47:31), Allah S.W.T. says :

And surely, We shall try you till We test those who strive hard (for the Cause of Allah) and preserve in

patience, and we shall test your facts (i.e. the one who is a liar, and the one who is truthful). 6

At work, we are sometimes denied a promotion, treated unfairly, or even fired. At home, our

children may be a test for us, especially in this world of violence, drugs, illicit sex, and video

4 Dr. Muhammad ‘Uthman Najati, Al-Qur’an Wa Ilmu Al-Nafs, Volume 1, pages 297-299

5 The Noble Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah (2:155)

6 The Noble Qur’an, Surah Muhammad (47:31)

Page 4: Patience in Islam

games. Some of us may go through a divorce. Others may find that they have an illness that is

very challenging. Dear members of our family or friends may die. Often, it is very trying on us,

and many of us fall into despair. It is important during this times not to lose hopes, but rather to

exercise sabr or patience.7

Allah S.W.T. also says in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:153) :

O you who believe! Seek help with patience and the prayer. Truly! Allah is with the patient. 8

Obviously in the above verse, we must seek help from Allah S.W.T. with patience and the prayer

if we are in trouble, disaster and whatsoever that required a help from the Most Powerful.



8 The Noble Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah (2:153)

Page 5: Patience in Islam

On the authority of Abu Malik al-Harith bin ‘Asim al-Ash’ari, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who said : The

Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, said :

“Purification is half of iman (faith). Saying ‘Alhamdulillah’ (praise be to Allah) fills the scales. Saying

‘Subhanallah wal Hamdulillahi’ (Exalted be Allah and Praise be to Allah) fills the space between the

Heavens and the Earth. Salah (prayer) is a light. Sadaqah (charity) is a proof. Sabr (patience) is a

shining glory. The Qur’an is an argument either for you or against you. Everybody goes out in the

morning and sell themselves, thereby setting themselves free or destroying themselves.”9

The above Hadith told us about the values of patience which is equivalent to a shining glory.

This means that the one who inculcate the patience in his/her heart, always stay calm at any

condition are the glorious person.

In the other Hadith :

Abu Hurairah reported that a man said to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,

“Advise me.” He said, “Do not get angry.” He repeated his request several times and the Prophet said,


Page 6: Patience in Islam

“Do not get angry.” (al-


The Hadith shows us the important to control our temper, stay calm at any condition and be

patience although we suffered a hardness and difficulties in our life. This is because the anger is

come from the Satan (devil) and we must control ourselves so that we will not be controlled by

the Satan.

In another Hadith :

Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said : “No slave of Allah has been given

a gift better or bigger than patience.” (Authentic Hadith, Narrated by Bukhari, 1496)

Not the nice car or house you own,or the excellent job you have. The biggest and best gift that

you can possibly get is that of having patience.11




Page 7: Patience in Islam

Imam al-Ghazali said, “ There are 4 types of patience ; Firstly, practicing patience to fulfill the

obligations and to do righteous. Secondly, abstaining from evil and prohibiting acts. Thirdly,

practicing patience during times of calamities and hardship without complaints. Lastly,

practicing patience from the desire and pleasure of the present world’s life.12

The first type of patience : Practicing patience to fulfill the obligations and to do righteous.

This type of patience is when a person work constantly to fulfill obligations and to do righteous

deeds. With that said, Allah S.W.T. commands his servants in the Noble Qur’an :

Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, and all that is between them, so worship Him and be constant and

patience in his worship. Do you know of any who is similar to Him? (of course none is similar to Him) 13

Similarly, Allah S.W.T. says in the Holy Qur’an :

And enjoin prayer on your family, and be patient in offering them. We ask not of you a provision. We

provide you. And the good end (i.e. Paradise) is for the pious.14

So, this type of patience is about the patience when obeying Allah and finding it is difficult to do

so. We must have a high level of patience to fulfill all of His obligations as well as to do

12 Imam al-Ghazali, Bimbingan Mu’min Pada Mencari Redha Rabbil-Alamin, Volume 2, pages 279-289

13 The Noble Qur’an, Surah Maryam (19:65)

14 The Noble Qur’an, Surah Taha (20:132)

Page 8: Patience in Islam

righteous deeds in order to get His Jannah in the Hereafter. The example for this type of patience

is wake up early in the morning for Fajr prayer. We should be patient and show gratitude when

carrying out these deeds as this deeds is among the compulsory obligations that must be


The second type of patience : Abstaining from evil and prohibiting acts.

This type of patience is when a person abstains from prohibited acts and from evil. Abstaining

from prohibited acts requires a great struggle against one’s desires, and takes much patience in

refraining from the evil influences of Satan among man and Satan among Jinn. Therefore, Allah

S.W.T. will give great reward on the Day of Judgment to those who patiently abstain from evil.

The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. told us about the people who will receive a special reward : “Seven are

(the person) whom Allah will give protection with His shade on the day when there would be no shade

except His shade (i.e. on the Day of Judgment) and among them : a youth who grew up with the

worship of Allah, ……a man whom an extremely beautiful woman seduces (for illicit sex relation), but

he rejected this offer by saying : I fear Allah…..” (Imam Bukhari & Muslim).16

So, when we finding it hard to abstains from sins, we must apply this type of patience and always

remember about the great reward that will be given from Allah in the Hereafter as mentioned in

the above Hadith. For example, when a person listens to music and then finds out it is not

allowed in Islam to listen to music, this person tries his utmost best to refrain from listening to

music, even it is very hard for him to do so.17 Prophet Yusuf A.S. is another example of a person

who abstained patiently from the evil lure of the wife of the King of Egypt. Prophet Yusuf

choose incarceration for several years rather than committing an evil act.

The third type of patience : Practicing patience during times of calamities and hardship without





Page 9: Patience in Islam

This type of patience is when a person practices patience during times of hardship, calamities,

difficulties and disaster without complaints. One must not complain because Allah S.W.T.

predestines their hardship. This is the fruit of believing in predestination. Predestination is one of

the pillars of faith. Allah S.W.T. said in the Noble Qur’an :

No calamity befalls, but by the Leave [i.e. Decision and Qadar (Divine Preordainments)] of Allah, and

whosoever believes in Allah, He guide his heart (to the true faith with certainty, i.e. what has befallen

him was already written for him by Allah from the Qadar ). And All is the All-Knower of everything.18

People who are trying to be patient during hardship should not just sit around and do nothing to

help out their bad conditions. Instead, a Muslim must be patient, yet ease his hardship by all

lawful means. There are some tools that Allah has made lawful for us to use to fight against

hardship. Therefore, we should make use of these means to release ourselves from these


This type of patience also about the patience when a person was annoyed by others either by

words or by actions.20 As Allah S.W.T. has said in His Holy Qur’an :

18 The Noble Qur’an, Surah At-Taghabun (64:11)


20 Imam al-Ghazali, Bimbingan Mu’min Pada Mencari Redha Rabbil-Alamin, Volume 2, pages 279-289

Page 10: Patience in Islam

And be patient ( O Muhammad) with what they say, and keep away from them in a good way.21

Through the above verse, it can be conclude that we must be patient if we were annoyed by

words or actions from others and we must not react to their provocations as Allah S.W.T. has

said :

And if you punish (your enemy, O you believers in the Oneness of Allah), then punish them with the like

of that with which you were afflicted. But if you endure patiently, verily, it is better for the patient.22

The fourth type of patience : Practicing patience from the desire and pleasure of the present

world’s life.

This type of patience is when a person facing the desire and the pleasure of the present world’s

life that they covet such as women, children, wealth, career position and others. We must have

this type of patience in facing such luxurious world’s life. This is because if we did not have this

patience, we might lost our control and forget the real purpose of our creation, that is to worship

Allah S.W.T.23

Allah S.W.T. says in His Noble Qur’an :

21 The Noble Qur’an, Surah Al-Muzammil (73:10)

22 The Noble Qur’an, Surah An-Nahl (16:126)

23 Imam al-Ghazali, Bimbingan Mu’min Pada Mencari Redha Rabbil-Alamin, Volume 2, pages 279-289

Page 11: Patience in Islam

O you who believe! Let not your properties or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah.

And whosoever does that, then they are the losers.24

According to Sheikh El-Bahi El-Khuly in his book, Tazkirah ad-Da’ah, there are another type of

patience which is patience in conveying the Islamic message (Da’wah).25 For instance, the

Messenger of Allah needed great patience in order to fulfill their obligations of conveying the

message and fixing the conditions of individuals and society. Without this patience, they could

not succeed in their tasks. Therefore, Allah S.W.T. commanded to the Prophet Muhammad

S.A.W. in the Holy Qur’an :

Therefore be patient ( O Muhammad) as did the Messengers of strong will ………………………......26.


Example of Patience of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

24 The Noble Qur’an, Surah Al-Munafiqun (63:9)

25 Sheikh El-Bahi El-Khuly, Tazkirah ad-Da’ah, Volume 1, pages 436-447

26 The Noble Qur’an, Surah Al-Ahqaf (46:35)

Page 12: Patience in Islam

The story takes place in in the city not far away from Mecca, known as Tha’if. The Prophet

S.A.W. went there to preach Islam to the locals. The Prophet S.A.W. approached the leaders of

Tha’if and called them towards Islam. Not only the leaders reject the call to Islam but they

reacted in such a way that they set young children upon the Prophet S.A.W. to taunt him, stone

him and chase him out of Tha’if. The Holy Prophet S.A.W. bled till his footwear was drenched

in blood. The Angel Jibra’eel A.S. came to the Prophet S.A.W. and said, “If you wish, then I will

give the order for two angels to crush the residents of Tha’if between the two mountains in

which it lies.” The Prophet S.A.W. replied in the negative and said, “I am hopeful that their

descendants will accept Islam.” This was the patience of the Prophet S.A.W.27

Example of Patience of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

During the Hijra of the Prophet S.A.W. with Abu Bakr, in the cave of Thawr, the Prophet

S.A.W. fell asleep on the lap of Abu Bakr when Abu Bakr had his legs stretched to covers the

holes in the walls fearing something would come out of one of them an sting the Prophet. So,

Abu Bakr got stung by a scorpion, and he did not either screams or moves because he did not

want to disturb the Prophet S.A.W.’s sleep. He endure until the tears fell from his eye to the

Prophet S.A.W. and wake him up. That’s how the great patience of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq.28


There are so many advantages for the Muslim for being patient. Among them are :

1. Patience leads to intelligence.



Page 13: Patience in Islam

One of the major factors preventing people from acting intelligently is their impulsive

thinking and behavior brought about by impatience. Sudden anger or desires shut down

the mind and pushes people to act without thinking. Thus, patience will calm our temper

and lead us to act intelligently in such pressure condition.

2. Patience ensures the ability to do good.

Patience enables people to overcome many of their bad characteristics and hence to

discover good behavior.

3. Patience ensures just behavior.

Those who are expected to ensure justice must not give way to their emotions, succumb

to anger, or acted from such motives as hatred or revenge. When they encounter such a

situation, they must display serious patience.29

4. Patience controls you from following your own desires.

5. Practicing patience gives you guidance in your heart.

6. Practicing patience will lead you to being loved by Allah S.W.T. and the people.

7. Practicing patience will make a person enter Paradise and it will save him from the


8. Practicing patience will always keep you under the protection and care of Allah


9. Practicing patience will protect you from the fear on the Day of Judgment.

10. Practicing patience will lead you to die as a good Muslim.

11. Practicing patience will give you the blessings and mercy of Allah S.W.T.30


Patience is an essential characteristics of those believers who are the most advanced in belief,

spirituality, nearness to God, and who guide others to the truth. Allah S.W.T. has mentioned

29 Harun Yahya, The Importance of Patience in the Quran, Volume 1, pages 34-39


Page 14: Patience in Islam

about patience more than 90 times in His Holy Qur’an. Patience also has been mentioned so

many times in the Hadith.

If we look back through the history of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. and his companions

(Sirah), we will realize that the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. and all of his companions has the

value of patience. Therefore, as a pure Muslim, we must have the value of patience in our heart

in order to achieve the pleasure of Allah and closure to Allah.

Overall, we have learned that patience is the key to success in this life and in the Hereafter.

Therefore, we should try hard to practice patience in our lives, and we should know that we

could gain patience with practice and struggle. We can also learn patience by being with those

who are patient and being away from those without it. We ask Allah S.W.T to make us among

those who are patient, and to gather us with them in the Day of Judgment.

May Allah bless us in all of our deeds!


1. The Noble Qur’an ; English Translation of the meanings and commentary.

Page 15: Patience in Islam

2. Dr. Muhammad ‘Uthman Najati, Al-Qur’an Wa Ilmu Al-Nafs, Volume 1, Dar as-Syuruq,


3. Imam al-Ghazali, Bimbingan Mu’min Pada Mencari Redha Rabbil-Alamin, Volume 2,

Pustaka Nasional, 1980

4. Sheikh El-Bahi El-Khuly, Tazkirah ad-Da’ah, Volume 1, Yayasan Islam Terengganu,


5. Harun Yahya, The Importance of Patience in the Quran, Volume 1, Goodword Books,











