pattern discovery in biological sequences: a review chengxiang zhai language technologies institiute...

Pattern Discovery in Biological Sequences: A Review ChengXiang Zhai Language Technologies Institiute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Presentation at the Biological Language Modeling Seminar, June17, 2002

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Page 1: Pattern Discovery in Biological Sequences: A Review ChengXiang Zhai Language Technologies Institiute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University

Pattern Discovery

in Biological Sequences:

A Review

ChengXiang Zhai

Language Technologies InstitiuteSchool of Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon University

Presentation at the Biological Language Modeling Seminar, June17, 2002

Page 2: Pattern Discovery in Biological Sequences: A Review ChengXiang Zhai Language Technologies Institiute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University



Basic Concepts (“Common Language”)


Motivation Formalization


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Basic Concepts

• Alphabet & Language

– Alphabet = set of symbols, e.g., ={A, T, G, C} is

the nucleotide alphabet

– String/Sequence (over an alphabet) = finite seq. of

symbols, e.g., w=AGCTGC ( How many different

nucleotide strings of length 3 are there?)

– Language (over an alphabet) = set of strings, e.g.,

L={AAA, AAT, ATA, AGC, …, AGG} all nucleotide triplets starting

with A.

Page 4: Pattern Discovery in Biological Sequences: A Review ChengXiang Zhai Language Technologies Institiute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University

Example:“Essential AA Language”

The language (set) of “essential” amino acidson the alphabet {A, U, C, G} L={CAC, CAU, …, UAC, UAU}

The Genetic Code

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Questions to Ask about a Language (L)

• Syntax & Semantics

– How do we describe L and interpret L?

• Recognition

– Is sequence s in L or not?

• Learning

– Given example sequences in L and not in L, how do

we learn L? What if given sequences that either

match or do not match a sub-sequence in L ?

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Syntax & Semantics of Language

• Syntax: description of the form of sequences

– “Surface” description: enumeration

– “Deep” description: a concise decision rule or a

characterizing pattern, e.g.,

• L contains all the triplets ending with “A”, or

• L contains all sequences that match “AGGGGGA”

• Semantics: meaning of sequences

– Functional description of a amino acid sequence

– Gene regulation of a nucleotide sequence

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Recognizing Sequences in L

• Recognizer (for L): given a sequence s, it tells

us if s is in L or not. An operational way of

describing L!

L (G-receptors)

* ( all protein sequences)

Is the sequence “SNASCTTNAP…TGAK” a G-receptor?

Algorithm(G-rec. Recgonizer)

0 (no)

1 (yes)

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More than “recognizing”...

• Can the recognizer explain why a sequence is a “G-

receptor”? Is the explanation biologically


• The “explanatory power” reflects the recognizer’s

understanding of the language.

• Two possible explanations/decision rules:

– It is longer than 300 AA’s

– The four AA’s “A, P, K, B” co-occur within a window of 50


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Learning a Language (from Examples)



Positive examples

Negative examples

Learn a recognizer (Classification) - Given a new sequence, decide if it is in L

Learn meaningful features (Feature Extraction/Selection) - Characterize, in a meaningful way, how L is different from the rest of *

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More Basic Concepts

• Pattern/Motif sequence template, e.g., A..GT

• Different views of a pattern

– A pattern defines a language: L={ seq’s that match the pattern}


• Language learning ~ pattern learning?

• Given a language, can we summarize it with a pattern?

– A pattern is a feature: The feature is “on” for a sequence that

matches the pattern =>

• Feature extraction ~ pattern extraction?

– A pattern is a sequence of a pattern language

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The Need of Probabilities

• We have many uncertainties due to

– incomplete data and knowledge

– noise in data (incorrectly labeled, measurement errors,


• So, we relax our criteria

– L could potentially contain all the sequences, but with

different probabilities (“statistical LM”)

– How likely is a sequence s in L?

– How do we learn such an L? (LM estimation)

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Biological Motivation for Pattern Discovery

• Motifs or “preserved sequence patterns” are

believed to exist

• Motifs determine a sequence’s biological

function or structure

• Many successful stories (Brejova et al. 2000)

– Tuberculosis: detecting “secretary proteins” 90%


– Coiled coils in histidine kinases: detecting coiled coil

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Amino Acid Patterns: Patterns in Protein

• Possible biological meanings: They may

– determine a protein’s 3-D structure

– determine a protein’s function

– indicate a protein’s evolutionary history or family

• “Suspected” properties: They may be

– long and with “gaps”

– flexible to permit substitutions

– weak in its primary sequence form

– strong in its structural form

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Nucleotide Patterns I:non-coding regions

• Possible biological meanings: They may

– determine the global function of a genome, e.g., where all the

promotors are

– regulate specific gene expression

– play other roles in the complex gene reg. network

• “Suspected” properties: They may be

– in the non-coding regions

– relatively more continuous and short

– working together with many other factors

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Nucleotide Patterns II: Patterns in RNA

• Possible biological meanings: They may

– determine RNA’s 3-D structure, thus indirectly

transcription behavior

• “Suspected” properties: They may

– be long and with “gaps”(?)

– contain many “coordinating/interacting” elements

– weak in its primary sequence form

– strong in its structural form

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Nucleotide Patterns III: Tandem Repeats

• Possible biological meanings: They may

– be a result of mutations from the same original segment

– play a role in gene regulation

– be related to several diseases

• “Suspected” properties: They may

– be contiguous

– approximate copies of the same “root form”

– be hard to detect

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Pattern Discovery Problem Formulation

• The ultimate goal is to find Meaningful


• Broadly three types of sub-problems

– Pattern Generation/Enumeration

– Sequence Classification/Retrieval/Mining

– Pattern Extraction

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Map of Pattern Discovery Problems


Function InfoCandidate Patterns

Pattern Extraction

Seq. ClassificationPattern Generation

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Pattern Generation/Enumeration

• Given a (usually big) collection of sequences

• Generate/enumerate all the “significant” patterns

that satisfy certain constraints

• Issues:

– Design a pattern language (e.g., max. length=?)

– Design significance criteria (e.g., freq >= 3)

– Design a search/enumeration strategy

– Algorithm has to be efficient

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Sequence Classification

• Finding structures on a group of sequences

– Categorization: group sequences into known families

– Clustering: explore any natural grouping tendency

– Retrieval: find sequences that satisfy certain need

• Goal: maximize classification accuracy

• Issues:

– Dealing with noise + Using good features/patterns

– Breaking the limit of “linear similarity”

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Sequence Categorization

• 2 or more meaningful classes

• Examples available for each class

• Goal is to predict the class label of a new

instance as accurately as possible

• E.g., protein categorization, G-receptor




Learn the boundaries

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Sequence Clustering

• Given sequences, but no pre-defined classes

• Design similarity criteria to group sequences that

are similar

• Goal is to reveal any interesting structure

• E.g., gene clustering based on expression

informationLearn the boundaries

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Sequence Retrieval

• Given some desired property of sequences

• Find all sequences with the desired property

• E.g., find all Enzyme sequences that are similar

to my G-receptor sequence

Find these sequences


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Pattern Extraction

• Suppose you are given a lot of text in a foreign language

unknown to you

• Can you identify proper names in the text?

• Issues:

– Need to know the possible form of a meaningful pattern (Will a

name have more than three words?)

– Need to identify useful “clues” (e.g., Capitalized)

– The extraction criteria must be based on some information

about the functions or structures of a sequence

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Entering the Algorithm Zone ...

• The most influential ones seem to be:

– Pattern Generation Algorithms


– Pattern Classification Algorithms

• I believe that most standard classification algorithms have

been tried

• HMMs are very popular

– Pattern Extraction Algorithms: ???

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• Find deterministic patterns (exact algorithm)

• Pattern Language:

– Allowing gaps, e.g. A..H…C

– Constraints on density of the wild-card “.”

– Less powerful than the regular language/expression

• Significance criteria

– Longer = more significant

– Higher frequency = more significant

– Statistical test: How likely is it a random effect?

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• Generate & Test

• Pruning strategy: If a (short) pattern occurs

fewer than 5 times, so do ALL longer patterns

containing it!

• A “Bottom-up” Inductive Procedure

– Start with high frequency short patterns

– At any step, try to extend the short patterns slightly

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Possible Applications of TEIRESIAS & SPLASH

• Defining a feature space (“biological words”)

• Suggesting structures for probabilistic models

(e.g. HMM structure)

• A general tool for any sequence mining task

(e.g., mining the web “click-log” data?)

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Map of Pattern Discovery Problems


Function InfoStructure Info

Pattern Extraction/Interpretation

Function Analysis (Classification)

Structure Analysis (Alignment)

Pattern Meaningful Structure?

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Probabilistic Pattern Finding

• Probabilistic vs. Deterministic Patterns

– Functional comparison

• A deterministic pattern either matches or does not match a


• A probabilistic pattern potentially matches every sequence, but

with different probabilities

• Deterministic patterns are special cases of prob. Patterns

– Structural comparison

• Deterministic patterns are easier to interpret

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Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)

• Probabilistic Models for Sequence Data

• The “System” is in one of K states at any moment

• At the next moment, the system

– moves to another state probabilistically

– outputs a symbol probabilistically

• To “generate” a sequence of n symbols, the

system makes n “moves” (transitions)

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Unigram LMs

P(w1…wn) = p(w1|s)…p(wn|s) = p(w1)…p(wn)



Position WeightMatrix(PWM) s1

P(w1…wn) = p(w1|s)…p(wn|s)







1.0...1.0Start End

Deterministic PatternAUG……[UAG|UGA|UAA]


AStartEnd U



p(“A”)+ p(“U”)+ p(“G”) + p(“C”)=1

1 2 3 U





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Three Tasks/Uses• Prediction (Forward/Backward algorithms)

– Given a HMM, how likely would the HMM generate a particular


– Useful for, e.g., recognizing unknown proteins

• Decoding (Viterbi algorithm)

– Given a HMM, what is the most likely transition path for a sequence

(discover “hidden structure” or alignment)

• Training (Baum-Welch algorithm)

– HMM unknown, how to estimate parameters?

– Supervised (known state transitions) vs. unsupervised

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Applications of HMM

• MANY!!!

• Protein family characterization (Profile HMM)

– A generative model for proteins in one family

– Useful for classifying/recognizing unknown proteins

– Discovering “weak” structure

• Gene finding

– A generative model for DNA sequences

– Identify coding-regions and non-coding regions

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An Example Profile HMM• Three types of states:

– Match– Insert– Delete

• One delete and one match per position in model

• One insert per transition in model

• Start and end “dummy” states

Example borrowed from Cline, 1999



Match (at position 2)alignment

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Profile HMMs: Basic Idea

• Goal: Use HMM to represent the common pattern of proteins

in the same family/domain

• First proposed in (Krogh et al. 1994)

• Trained on multiple sequence alignments

– #match-states = #consensus columns

– Supervised learning

• Trained on a set of raw sequences

– #match-states = avg-length

– Unsupervised learning

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Uses of Profile HMMs

• Identify new proteins of a known family– Match a profile HMM with a database of sequences– Score a sequence by likelihood ratio (w.r.t. a background

model), apply a threshold

• Identify families/domains of a given sequence– Match a sequence with a database of profile HMMs, – Return top N domains

• Multiple alignments

• Identify similar sequences: Iterative search

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Profile HMMs: Major Issues

• Architecture: Explain sub-families, more constrained

(motif HMMs)

• Local vs. global alignment

• Avoid over-fitting: Mixture Dirichlet prior, Use labeled


• Avoid local-maxima: Annealing, labeled data

• Sequence weighting: Address sample bias

• Computational efficiency

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Profile HMMs: More Details

• Dirichlet Mixture Prior

– Generate an AA from a Dirichlet distribution Dir(p|) in two-


– Given observed AA counts, we can estimate the prior

parameters ’s

– Assume a mixture of k Dirichlet distributions Dir(p|)

– For each column of multiple alignment

– Assume that the counts (of different AA’s) are a sample of

the mixture model

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Protein Structure Prediction with HMMs

• SAM-T98:

– Best method that made use of no direct structural

information at CASP 3 (Current Assessment of

Structure Prediction)

– Create a model of your target sequence

– Search a database of proteins using that model

– Whichever sequence scores highest, predict that


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How do we build a model using only one sequence?

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Application Example: Pfam (HMMER)

• Pfam is a large collection of protein multiple sequence alignments and profile

hidden Markov models. Pfam is available on the World Wide Web in the UK,

…, Sweden, …, France, …, US. The latest version (6.6) of Pfam contains

3071 families, which match 69% of proteins in SWISS-PROT 39 and TrEMBL

14. Structural data, where available, have been utilised to ensure that Pfam

families correspond with structural domains, and to improve domain-based

annotation. Predictions of non-domain regions are now also included. In

addition to secondary structure, Pfam multiple sequence alignments now

contain active site residue mark-up. New search tools, including taxonomy

search and domain query, greatly add to the functionality and usability of the

Pfam resource.

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HMM Gene Finders

• Goal: Use HMM to find the exact boundary of genes

• Usually Generalized HMMs

– “With Class” (GeneMark & GeneMark.hmm?)

– State = Neural Network (Genie)

• Architecture: 2 modules interleaved– Boundary module: start codon, stop codon, binding sites,

transcription factors, etc.– Region module: exons, introns, etc. – A lot of domain knowledge encoded

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HMMs: Pros & Cons


– Statistics

– Modularity

– Transparency

– Prior Knowledge


– State independence

– Over-fitting

– Local Maximums

– Speed

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More Applications & Discussions

• Ultimately how useful are these algorithms

for biology discovery?

– Integrated with biological experiment design

(reinforcement learning?)

– Biological verification of patterns/classification

• Evaluation of these algorithms is generally

hard and expensive?

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Some Fundamental Questions

• How powerful should the pattern language

be? Is “regular expression” sufficient?

• How do we formulate biologically meaningful

or biologically motivated

classification/extraction criteria?

• How do we evaluate a pattern without

expensive biological experiments?