pax session issue

pax* * from Latin pax /pæks/ - peace, harmony session issue

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Page 1: Pax session issue


* from Latin pax /pæks/ - peace, harmony

session issue

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content3. Editorial

4. Officials

5. Top 6 strange facts

6. Lutsk inside out

8. The truth about the EU Association with Ukraine

10. Don`t let them wash your brain!

12. Life hacks

14. Survival kit

15. Think before you type

16. Cheap travels for EYPers

18. English man from Poltava

20. The power of peruasion

22. EYPers do not bite

24. Fears of EYPers

26. Numbers of #LutskNSC

27. Photo grid

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editorialYou are holding the second issue of PAX in your hands. Probably, the session has already come to an end, and you are already coming home. But there is something that the Media Team tried to make endless for you – your memories.

We sincerely hope that these 5 days have changed your outlook, and it is just the beginning of your long and bright EYP career. To remind you about what has happened, we`ve brought you 2 issues of PAX, 4 great videos, thousands of pictures on Facebook, and a Tumblr blog. Moreover, these days have been filled with

fun, randomness, and hard work. Our media team wants to say thank you, delegates, for this opportunity to be here. And we, editors, want to thank our journalists, who had sleepless nights of work and fun. Remember, that EYP gives you the opportunity to feel everything that again with the sessions all around Europe. Try yourself as an organiser, chair or journalist. Do not be afraid to try, and to challenge yourselves. With these words the session comes to an end. But we don`t say «Goodbye», we say «See you soon»

Alex & Can

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Yulia (ITRE)

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Iryna (INTA)

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Lutsk inside outvisit Architect Holovan’s Building (1)Visit one out of seven most strange buildings in Ukraine, the House of architect Mykola Holovan, situated on the beach of the Styr River. Artist says he has spent more than 30 years to decorate the house with all existing architectural styles – from Baroque to Modern. Architect is very welcoming and can even show his workroom.

Lutheran Church (2)Walking back to the city centre, do not forget to look around and notice the 100-year-old Lutheran Church that is probably the only one Ukrainian temple constructed in Neogothic style.

Underground passes150 metres before the Lubart Castle find the Saint Peter and Paul Cathedral church and ask people around you how to get to the Underground Passes. If you are the lucky one, you will visit unique three-storey underground monk passes.

The St. Brigits Convent (3)History may not save our heritage, but we can keep it in our minds. 150 meters more behind the entrance to the Passes you will find a beautiful monastery of XVII century that became a prison and a deathbed for apr. 13 000 people during WWII.




Yulia (ITRE)

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seeViewing pointsWho did not dream about spending some romantic minutes of sunrise or sunset looking on the whole city? You can find several spots for such an event in Lutsk. Just go up to the Entrance Tower of Lubart Castle or have a 2,5 km walk (from the hotel Ukraine) to the special Landscape point on Kvitkova street (5).

Murals (4)Grab your friends and set the competition: who will find more murals (or graffiti made on the full wall) in the city center. The more streets you will explore, the more murals you will find.

eatAfter all the historic places and picturesque views, you will face the hunger for sure. Locals recommend Ukrainian food in Kurin restaurant. If you want to try some croissants and coffee, you should visit Caramel café. In addition, there is an opportunity to find some good and really cheap food in the Mayor’s dining room in the City Hall. more

If you have seen all that locations and Lutsk still does not impress you so much, go to the so-called 33rd district (6). You will not see anything spectacular, but here it is, the longest building in the world! Its length is 3265 meters! Some people think that the top of this building looks like the Olympic rings, while their opponents insist that it resembles bee’s cells.The last, but the funniest one: crazy people of this city placed Lesia Ukrainka’s monument in front of the theater named after Taras Shevchenko, and his monument in front of Lesia Ukrainka’s University. That’s it.




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Kyrylo (AGRI)

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Don’t let them wash your brain!History has shown that media can not only enlighten people, but incite certain political and social groups towards violent actions. One of the first prominent examples of violent media influence, is the Nazi propaganda that has been effectively used to generate the anti-Semitic hatred and motivated people to commit the acts of massive violence. As one can see, the lesson was not learned, and the polarization of the ethnic and social groups by national as well as international media broadcasters has led to thousands of victims and dozens of artificial military conflicts.

The media’s impact on the the escalation part of the conflicts has been widely recognized, whether the effectiveness in the peacebuilding process is widely questioned among both politicians and academic scholars. Yet, one need to take into consideration the fact that media sphere is divided in two parts of interests, journalists and media owners. While journalist may express their opinions, most probably based on personal believes or analytical researches, media owners seek for bigger profits and protection of the economic interest. Besides that, in most of the cases media deadlines are following the unwritten rule of: “if it bleeds, leads”. Meaning that violent conflicts are much more frequently a headliner of the the news issue, rather then a cross-cultural dialogue in post-conflict society.

Several studies have confirmed that the impact of the media on the escalation of the conflict is much greater then on the prevention and the peacebuilding process. This creates the fundamental contradiction between the nature of the peacebuilding process and the news coverage. In most of the media seeks for drama, ethnocentrism and simplicity in order target the general

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Don’t let them wash your brain! Michael (AFET)

audience, which in turns creates a destructive impact on the peacebuilding process.

Last month, was exactly one year after Malasian flight MH17 was shot down over the eastern Ukraine. The media coverage of this horrifying tragedy has shown how rumors and different media corporations can manipulate the public opinion, by creating to absolutely contradictory storylines. In addition to that, the tragedy MH17 is proving the previously mentioned statement of the more blood, more interest, as it has accelerated the massive propaganda war over the Ukrainian conflict in the East of the country. As far as the final conclusion with regard to the the perpetrators of this tragic crime is yet to be found we are continuing to observe how media can change and accelerate the conflict instead of mediating and seeking for justice.

This leads us to the question, whether the information that we are receiving is an objective point of view and is it possible to avoid the brainwashing and get the ideal source of information. As far as there is nothing ideal in this world, in particular the media sector, the only way to get most objective position of the problematic issues, is analysis and multi-vector comparison of different media opinions. One should avoid reading only one popular source of news, especially if it is considered a mainstream one. Secondly, read and listen as much as possible and make your conclusion only after filtering various positions and thought. Last but no least, discuss, do you own research and remember that there is no single truth, so, the answers can be multiple, especially in the situations that are related to conflict and peacebuilding.

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LIFE HACKSget your things done easier

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LIFE HACKSget your things done easier Iuliia (DROI)

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Alina (LIBE)

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Think before you type«Hiding behind a pretty screen, doesn’t make it less hateful, written words have


The Internet has created a whole new world of social communications for young people who are using e-mail, web sites, chats and text messaging to stay in touch with friends and make new ones.

Internet brought us development as well as youth degradation. With the advance of technology, young people from all over the world, who would otherwise be unlikely to meet, can easily and instantly communicate. The numerous platforms for emailing, instant messaging, chat rooms, text messaging and picture sharing provide a powerful platform to target peers, harass and bully them.

How often do you see an act of bulling in real life? Now think about how often it happens on the Internet.

In 2014, a 14-year-old Italian girl was looking for an advice on a social network after breaking up with her boyfriend. Some of the anonymous replies she received included: ‘Kill yourself’, ‘Nobody wants you’, ‘You are not normal’. The girl eventually committed suicide by jumping from a tall building.

Cyber-bullying has been defined as: ‘an aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend himself / herself.

There is little doubt that cyberbullying, which can be the equivalent of «social death» for many young people, is traumatic. It differs from traditional, face-to-face bullying in that it is relentless, and public, and at the

same time anonymous. Cyberbullying has turned the usual image of «the bully» on its head; it’s no longer only the «tough kids» who may act aggressively – it can just as easily be shy, quiet types of teenagers, hidden behind their computers. Added to this is the potential presence of countless, invisible witnesses and/or collaborators to the cyberbullying, which creates a situation where victims are left unsure of who knows, and whom to fear.

A quarter of youth who perpetrate cyberbullying are teenagers who have also bullied others offline. However, the remaining three quarters do not bully others in person – implying that the Internet has empowered youth who would never consider bullying anyone in the physical world to do so in the virtual world.Cyberbullying is everyone’s business and the best response is a pro-active or preventative one.

Alina (LIBE) & Mari (СULT)

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Cheap travels for EYPersUs EYP’ers might have contrasting views during heated debates, but there is at least one thing we have in common. The passion for travel, adventure and meeting new people. Sadly, most of us face a problem hindering the amount of travel and adventure we have. Being High School or University students means money is not of abundance. But do not worry my fellow explorers, there is a solution. In this article I will talk about traveling with a small budget by using a car pooling web site.

The car pooling concept that is built on is simple. Are you planning on driving from Kiev to Lutsk to attend a mind blowing EYP session? Then register an account and submit to the website that you have available seats. You decide how what the price is, where and when to meet people that will sit in your extra seats that would otherwise be empty. By doing this both the driver and the passenger save money. Other benefits are helping a fellow traveller, having the chance to have a simulating compensation and less environmental damage. As a passenger you go on the site, type in your start and end destination and see your options. With over 20 million registered members in 19 countries, Ukraine and Russia joining in 2014, blablacar could be the key to your future traveling.

My first experience with blablacar was actually prior to this session. I travelled cheaply with Wizz Air from Norway, my home country, to Lublin, Poland saving over 200 Euros compared to flying to Kiev. I was very satisfied with myself bragging to my friends and family. This would turn out to be short lived satisfaction as days before leaving I realized that there was no transport that would get me on time from Lublin to Lutsk. What would this poor Norwegian do? Was fate that cruel that it would deny me my only true love in life: EYP? But as I have always suspected, fortune favours EYP’ers, so I stumbled across blablacar. My saviour came in the form of a Ukrainian Andriy and his wife driving from Warsaw to Lviv. Through the power of google translate I agreed on where and when to meet and the very affordable fee of 5 euros. Despite the language barrier we all were interested to know about each other and why I was travelling to Ukraine. I can not think of a better way to have travel and highly recommend anyone to make car pooling a part of your next travel.

Bill (SEDE)

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British Man from PoltavaRecently, Ukraine has created the international image of the ‘European war-zone’ that may expend even further to the west. This has literary scared a massive amount of tourist and foreigners who refused to visit or permanently move to this beautiful country. Yet, there are still some brave people who are willing to come here to learn and enjoy every bit of Ukraine. One of them is the chairperson of the AFET, Mr. Sherrby, British national who has moved to Ukraine one year ago and still has no plan to leave this country. Hence, our media team got curious what has stimulated Sherby to make such a revolutionary decision to change British fish & chips for Ukrainian Varenyky and asked him for a chit-chat with our journalist.

Hola, Sherby, so, please introduce yourself and tell us your life story in few sentences? Hello! So, ma name is Sherby, official name Sherbaz Ahmed, I originally come from London, but I currently live in Kiev. I have lived here and studied for the past year. Before that, I was living in Berlin and before that I have graduated from the University of Nottingham were I studied German and Spanish. During that period of my life, I have lived and studied in Latin America, Austria and Cuba. So, yeah that’s basically my short story.

Thanks, so the fist question is, what have motivated you stay here and why in Ukraine?So, I visited Ukraine for the first time three years ago and was because of my current ex-girlfriend. Many people have asked me, why I came to Ukraine and I’m trying to think about politically correct answer, but there is nothing wrong when girl originally brought me here. Yet, my decision to move here was made long time ago, because after visiting Ukraine approximately 12 times, I have become interested in this part of Europe really a lot. It was different life, different society and it helped to focus on my main interests and make a decision what I really want to do in my carrier life. I

have moved here because I want to work in the international organization, primarily British Embassy in Ukraine in order to open a new chapter in British-Ukrainian relations and support this country during the process of EU integration. So, I though it is logical to live here, to get to now people language and culture in order to advance in the political way of working.

Great! So, the second question is, please tell us three things You like the most about Ukraine and three things you hate the most about Ukraine. Hmmmm, I like Ukrainian drinks, Ukrainian women. What else do I really like, I want to say, the attitude of Ukrainian people. By this, I mean that people have a lot of problems and it does not stop them from doing in their every day life. Yet, it is a good thing and and a bad thing, because for example if in England the bus is stuck because of the construction or bad condition of the road, people will immediately complain to the transport department, whether in Ukraine the reaction will be, ohhh it happens no worries. So, form the one side I have learned how superficial we are in the UK, but form other side this attitude of Ukrainians is not changing bad things in the country.

Michael (AFET)

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Three things I don’t like, emmm, Marshutkas for sure! Secondly, is the fact that imported products are super expensive and sometimes I really need them. The last thing I don’t like is the fact that, when I start to speak Ukrainian to people they immediately respond in Russian, that really makes me angry of because I simply don’t speak Russian.

Thanks! So the last question, what would be your advise to the young generation of Ukrainians, to stay or to leave this country, and what can motive them to stay? Transcript, [Laught]. Emmm, it’s really hard to answer this question, because I understand why people leave, but I think

they still have to believe that it will be a change and this change will take place in their life time. Besides the post soviet pessimism that is still present in the country, I believe in young generation of Ukrainians and would strongly advise them to stay. Because, if young Ukrainians will leave, the country will be left with the generation of old pessimists or those who didn’t manage to leave and are not motivated to change and progress. May be it sounds a bit cheese, but its young people who started Maydan and those youngsters should continue the change, otherwise there is a small chance for a big progress in the future.

Thanks a lot, Sherby and hope to see You as a future British Ambassador to Ukraine!

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The power of persuasionPublic speeches are one of the few things which are more nerve racking, yet are satisfying. How could Steve Jobs inspire a generation, while high school presentations result in voice cracks and uncontrollable shaking? Is it a skill divinely gifted at birth? No, it is an acquired and polished ability which comes through experience and knowledge. Experience will be gained through a long and challenging EYP career. Knowledge may trigger your progress and this paper we will explain how to empower your ability to persuade.

Before the speech

Preparation is a key to success. Being prepared gives you confidence, knowing that you have practiced and adapted your material to the audience. Alongside academic preparation there are practical tips.

- Start off with mental preparation: set a clear goal you want to achieve, think of any doubts which appear in your head, write them down and contemplate on how they can be worked on.

- Forgetting about the body language once on the stage? Rehearsing your gestures in front of the mirror is a good way of practicing and implementing the movements into life. Additionally, you can practice your eye contact by looking directly into your own eyes while speaking. Strange, but works!

- Think of the points you are going to raise in your speech. Preparing the cards, which include your points of the talk, beforehand makes your presentation look simple and professional.

- Explore your audience and create specific techniques, used during the speech. Try to accommodate your talk to the knowledge of those, who will listen to you.

- Be prepared to fail. You are a human being and it’s essential to make mistakes during the speech delivery. Take an attitude of making mistakes as an interactive way of gaining quick experience and trying new things. Take risks and enjoy learning from them.

- If you feel like you did your best to prepare, sit back and visualize yourself ‘killing’ the speech. Imagine yourself in front of thousands of people, looking confident and successful. Add up a crowd, which claps and stands up for your speech. This activity will help you believe in future success and aim at similar performance.

- Butterflies in the stomach and cold hands are no unknown feelings, experienced before the speech delivery. However, we have a hint for you to keep your body warm, such as drinking warm water or eating a banana, which contains a chemical, which calms you down. Go for it and see! Delivering the speech

Preparation is vital, but to influence the audience and there are certain aspects that should be follow. Many influential speeches are successful for the way they are delivered. Steve Jobs’ University speeches and Martin Luther Kings “I Have a Dream” are prime examples of follow tips.

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The power of persuasionPublic speeches are one of the few things which are more nerve racking, yet are satisfying. How could Steve Jobs inspire a generation, while high school presentations result in voice cracks and uncontrollable shaking? Is it a skill divinely gifted at birth? No, it is an acquired and polished ability which comes through experience and knowledge. Experience will be gained through a long and challenging EYP career. Knowledge may trigger your progress and this paper we will explain how to empower your ability to persuade.

- What is the first impression the audience will have of you? You walking to the stage. Therefore make a point of walking confidently yet naturally to the podium.

- The suspense and intrigue builds. You’re standing with an open posture: shoulder broad and pushed back, feet shoulder length and head up.

- You don’t start pouring out hard facts straight away. No, you tease them. By confidently doing a 4-5 second artistic pause before even saying a single word. Continue with artistic breaks after asking rhetorical questions and key points. This emphasizes the last statement you said by forcing the audience to process and reflect.

- Attention grabbers make your speech remembered. Either start or finish with an out of the box idea. Light a candle symbolizing hope or ask the audience to close their eyes and Image the world with the changes you have advocated for.

- Nervousness? Embrace it! It means you’re passionate and you’re doing something of importance to you. It is completely normal and natural. Tips: What do boxers do when they are announce winner? They put there arms in the air. It is the primitively inbreeded way to show confidents and accomplishment. Before going out raise your hand out stracted above your head, breath deeply.

- People like feeling seen and appreciated. Therefore, maintain eye contact. The audience will naturally give you their attention by making them feel like you’re talking to them personally

- Smile! In most cases, a positive tone of the speech will result in a positive audience and you being portrayed as confident.

- Don’t be static. Bring momentum to your speech by both moving around confidently and illustrating with hands gestures. Why? To portray assuredness and creating passion through your passion.

Conclusion Winston Churchill used to say: ‘who owns the information - that owns the world’. Now that you are aware of the hints of public speaking, we challenge you to start using this information right now. By taking a small step of introducing those concepts into your everyday lives, you will notice an impact it carries. Just do it – set a goal of owning your audience. Feel the power and enjoy.

Bill (SEDE) & Julia (DROI)

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EYPers do not biteBy joining this unique organisation and attending a number of sessions, we gain valuable knowledge, great experience and most importantly, life-long friendships. Thus, it is not surprising at all that even after attending numerous sessions; one cannot help but apply for more and more EYP events.

After 3 days of endless discussions and sleepless nights full of diligent work the session, which seemed to be eternal, unfortunately, came to an end. It’s high time to see what delegates from different committees think about their experience in Lutsk.

- Describe the session in 1 word- Describe the session in 1 sentence- Your first impression - Advice for new-comers- 1 thing you’d like to change in EYP- If you had a task to earn 1 million dollars, what would you most likely do to get it

Marya (AFET), 2nd Session- AWESOME- The best thing of the summer- At my first session I was really disappointed as my committee has not participated in teambuilding as the participants dropped out, so I had 15 minutes to join another committee.- Be confident, be yourself and take it easy. - I would not divide people according to

their age.- I would like to make cupcake business

Lukas (AGRI), 4th Session- Hot.- Sweating oceans.- On my first session we had to make a circle to play allele and It felt a little bit weird. - Be open-minded.- I’d like our resolutions to be taken into consideration after the session.- Being on the stage, performing.

Marya (LIBE), 1st session- Interesting.- There’re a lot of new facts for me.- Massive, super huge meeting.- You need to be open, not afraid of gaining a knowledge.


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- It’s never enough.- Making desserts .

Iana (INTA), 2nd Session- Awesome.- Eurovillage, CW+Teambuilding.- EYP is kind of family were you play games, discus but still there are no rivals in this big family.- Never be afraid of expressing your opinions and try to make more and more friends to meet them on the upcoming sessions.- I would not change anything.- By attracting more people in EYP.

Nastya (ITRE), 1st Session - Improving. - Amazing combination of non-formal and formal education where we can meet lots of inspiring young people with cool ideas.- Many talented participants.- Be energetic all the time.- Organise some social events for young people from low social class.

Ilya (DROI), 7th Session- Brilliant.- Kind of crazy.- It was EYP weekend and I was just sitting, afraid as everybody was speaking in English but then I got to know them and everything seemed to be easy.- Enjoy your 1st session, do not keep

silent and have fun.- Sessions should be longer.- I would organise 1 huge session.

Nadya (ITRE), 1st Session- Future.- Young people working together.- That’s the place where people can have lots of fun and at the same time get really amazing experience.- Do not miss the chance to meet different young people and share their thoughts and do not be shy as every opinion will be supported.

Polina (CULT), 1st Session- Work.- Serious work with lots of fun.- Everyone is so young but already so professional, they manage to do everything as adults. I am pretty much impressed.- Do not be shy to ask and to initiate, because EYP-ers do not bite.- EYP is very structured, I would make it easier for new-comers to take high positions.-I would be splitting atoms.

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applicant no. 1“I’m really afraid of missing my plane. That’s why I’m arriving at the airport hours before it.”

applicant no. 2“By doing sessions extensively, “By doing sessions extensively,

I’m really afraid of getting tired with EYP.”

applicant no. 3“I love travelling, but I’m afraid I will never see the world. EYP is an opportunity, though.”

applicant no. 4applicant no. 4“It’s strange, but I am scared of

our resolution to fail.”applicant no. 5“EYP is so addictive that you cannot adjust back to your real life.”

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applicant no. 6“I feel like I’m a bad chairper-son.”

applicant no. 7“It’s a phobia for every organiz-er, when a delegate loses their-

stuff on the bus.”applicant no. 8“Losing a delegate on the way to lunch is the scariest thing.”

applicant no. 9“I am REALLY afraid of pigeons. I

have like a phobia.”applicant no. 10“It is scary to pick up the phone when an unknown number calls.”

applicant no. 11“Snakes. I hate those.”

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