pbis big 5 & other incident reports · training guide for mps data warehouse pbis big 5 &...

Training Guide for MPS Data Warehouse PBIS Big 5 & Other Incident Reports Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion. Jessica Quindel (quindejz), Dept. of Research & Evaluation 475-8165

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Page 1: PBIS Big 5 & Other Incident Reports · Training Guide for MPS Data Warehouse PBIS Big 5 & Other Incident Reports Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion. Jessica

Training Guide

for MPS Data Warehouse

PBIS Big 5 &

Other Incident Reports

Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.

Jessica Quindel (quindejz), Dept. of Research & Evaluation 475-8165

Page 2: PBIS Big 5 & Other Incident Reports · Training Guide for MPS Data Warehouse PBIS Big 5 & Other Incident Reports Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion. Jessica

Data Warehouse PBIS/Discipline 2 Updated 7/30/13

PBIS and Incident Reports via DW Reporting Start by going to the “Apps” page and click on “Reporting” under Data Warehouse.

Click on the + next to Corporate Categories, the + next to Discipline, and the + next to School to find the PBIS Big 5 reports. Double click on the report title to open it.

Discipline reports are divided into two categories (some are in both categories)—District and School. School users (principals, teachers, counselors, and other school staff) should double click on the “School” category. District users interested in information on multiple schools such as all schools in a region and/or focus schools should click on the “District” category.

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PBIS and Incident Reports via DW Dashboard Start by going to the “Apps” page and click on “Dashboard” under Data Warehouse.

Log in using your MPS login and password. Information is available on the login page if you have technical difficulties.

From the School Leader Home Page, click anywhere on the “Number and Percent of Suspensions” graph to get the School Leader Discipline dashboard.

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PBIS Big 5 Reports Referrals by Problem Behavior Gives a graph and table of all referrals in a user-specified date range organized by problem behavior. Filtering available by grade, gender, ethnicity, Special Education status, English Language Learner status, and Free or Reduced Lunch status. Allows user to drill to a list of all students who got referrals based on a particular problem behavior. Further drilling capability to view individual student incident history and a link to the Student Profile available.

1. Double-click on the report “Referrals by Problem Behavior” within the “PBIS Big 5” category (under Corporate Categories Discipline School) or as a link on the School Leader Discipline Dashboard.

2. Enter the start date in the prompt screen, as shown below. When you have selected the appropriate month and year, click on the exact date you want to start your query. To choose the appropriate end date, click on “End Date:” in the prompt screen and repeat the process. Clicking on “today” will end your date range today, giving you data updated as of the previous day in eSIS.

3. Enter the school code by clicking on “School Code:” in the prompt screen. You can type the school code into the rectangle or you can choose the school code from the list at the left by double-clicking on the school code, as shown below.

Use the down arrow on the right to go to a previous year.

Use the arrows on the left to change months.

Click “today” to choose today’s date (usually as your end date).

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4. Once all three green arrows in the prompt screen are checked, press “Enter” or click on “Run Query” at the bottom of the prompt screen.

5. You will get a graph of all of the discipline offense types students at the school were assigned in the date range you chose, as shown below. You will also get a table reflecting the same information, shown below the graph.

6. Filter the report by any of the demographic filters to narrow your search, circled below.

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7. By clicking on any of the problem behaviors in the table below the graph, you will get a list of all students who had a referral in that particular category, including demographic information and each student’s total number of incidents for the current year, as shown below. For example, by clicking on “Harassment/Bullying”, the following list of students appears. These are all the students who have had at least one incident in which “Harassment/Bullying” was the offense type in the date range chosen.

8. Further student detail is available by clicking on the number of incidents for a particular student. This will give you a summary of a student’s incidents for the last four years using the PBIS Big 5 categories. For example, by clicking on “35” in the last column for the first student, we will get a list of all incidents recorded for this student, including the date of the incident, reporting staff member, time and location of the incident, motivation of the incident (if recorded), problem behavior and administrative decision. There is also a summary of suspension, CS Referral (if applicable) and Expulsion (if applicable) information on the top of the page for the last four years. In the example on the next page, the student has had 8 suspensions (for a total of 12 days) in 2011-2012, 2 suspensions (for 6 days) in 2010-2011, 1 suspension (for 3 days) in 2009-2010 and 3 suspensions (for 6 days) in 2008-2009. Clicking on the student ID number next to the name on the top of the page gives the Student Profile.

Click on the number of incidents for a student to get summary information about that student’s incident history (shown below)

Click on the student’s NAME to get detailed information about all incidents in the last four years.

Click on the student’s ID NUMBER to get the Student Profile.

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9. A Student ID number in blue and underlined indicates that the user can drill to the Student Profile. For example, by clicking on this student’s ID number, we will open a Student Profile that includes additional demographic information, attendance, discipline, WKCE, MAP and grade data, as shown below.

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10. The Student Profile offers additional detailed information about an individual student. By clicking on anything that is in blue and underlined, you can get additional information. For example, clicking on “Adm/Wdr History”, you will get a school enrollment history for the student. Clicking on “Incidents” gives a detailed description of each incident, as shown below. By clicking on PBIS Report, you get an individual student’s incident analysis, as shown below. Note: With the PBIS Report, you will need to enter the date range again, as described above.

PBIS Individual Student Report

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General Data Warehouse Navigation Tips:

• To re-run the same report for a different date range and/or school, click on “Refresh Data”, circled below.

• When in Data Warehouse Reporting, to go back to the list of reports, click on “Document List”, circled below, then click “ok”.

Referrals by Location Gives a summary of the number of referrals by location in graph and table form. Allows user to select date range, school and specific locations. Filtering available by grade, gender, ethnicity, Special Education status, English Language Learner status, and Free or Reduced Lunch status. Allows user to drill to a list of all students who got referrals based on a particular location. Further drilling capability to view individual student incident history and a link to the Student Profile available.

1. Double-click on this report under Corporate Categories Discipline School PBIS Big 5 or from the link on the School Leader Discipline Dashboard.

2. Choose start date, end date, and school code. Optional prompt for location is available if you want to select a particular location only.

3. You will then get a summary of referrals by location at the selected school. 4. By clicking on the location name, you will get a report with all students who had a referral in

that location in the specified date range.

Referrals by Time Gives a summary of the number of referrals by time of day in graph and table form. Allows user to select date range and school. Allows user to drill to a list of all students who got referrals based on a particular time. Further drilling capability to view individual student incident history and a link to the Student Profile available.

1. Double-click on this report under Corporate Categories Discipline School PBIS Big 5 or from the link on the School Leader Discipline Dashboard.

2. Choose start date, end date, and school code. 3. You will then get a summary of referrals by time at the selected school. 4. By clicking on the number of incidents for particular times, you will get a report with all

students who had a referral at that time in the specified date range.

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Referrals by Student Gives a summary of the number of referrals by individual student in graph and table form. Allows user to select date range, minimum number of Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs), and school. Filtering available by grade, gender, ethnicity, Special Education status, English Language Learner status, and Free or Reduced Lunch status. Allows user to drill to Student Profile and to a list of all students who got referrals in a particular date range by grade and whole school.

1. Double-click on this report under Corporate Categories Discipline School PBIS Big 5 or from the link on the School Leader Discipline Dashboard.

2. Choose school code, minimum number of ODRs, start date, and end date for your query. Press “Enter” or click on “Run Query”.

3. You will then get a graph and table of individual students and the number of referrals each student had in the specified time period.

4. By clicking on a student ID number, you will get the Student Profile. 5. Click on the “School ODR Count” tab (circled below) to get a summary of all students by grade

and the number of incidents students had in the specified time period, as shown below. Clicking on any blue underlined number gives a list of the students in that category with demographic information and the number of incidents each student had in current year.

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Average Referrals Per Day Per Month Gives a summary of the average number of referrals per day by month for user-specified years in graph and table form. Allows user to select multiple years and school. Filtering available by grade, gender, ethnicity, Special Education status, English Language Learner status, and Free or Reduced Lunch status.

1. Double-click on this report under Corporate Categories Discipline School PBIS Big 5. 2. Choose year(s) by double-clicking on the year(s) you want to analyze. Press “Enter” or click on

“Run Query”. 3. You will then get a graph and table with the average number of referrals per day by month for

each of the years specified in the query, as shown below.

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PBIS Individual Student Report Gives a graphical summary of an individual student’s incident information for a specified date range. Average number of referrals per month and referrals by problem behavior, location, time, and motivation displayed in graph form for the individual student.

1. Double-click on this report under Corporate Categories Discipline School PBIS Big 5. 2. Enter student ID number, start date, and end date for your query. Press “Enter” or click on

“Run Query”. 3. You’ll get graphs of the average number of referrals the student has had by month as well as a

summary of referrals by problem behavior, location, time, and motivation for the individual student, as shown on page 7 above.

PBIS Universal Screener Report There are two tables on this report. One displays a count of current students by number of suspensions they have received in the last 90 school days. The other table displays a count of current students by number of referrals in the last 20 school days. Filtering is available by gender, ethnicity, Special Education status, English Language Learner status, and Free or Reduced Lunch status. Report also allows user to drill to a list of students who have received suspensions or referrals (depending on table drilled). Further drilling capability to view individual student incident history and a link to the Student Profile is available.

1. Double Click on the report “PBIS School Universal Screener: within the “PBIS” Category (under Corporate Categories → Discipline → School).

2. Enter the school code by clicking on “School Code:” in the prompt screen. You can type the school code into the rectangle or you can choose the school code from the list at the left by double-clicking on the school code, as shown below.

3. Once you have selected a school in the prompt screen, press “enter” or click on “Run Query” at the bottom of the prompt screen.

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4. Your report will now run and you will get two tables. The top table shows the number of

students by grade level who have various numbers of referrals. There are also totals by grade level and number of referrals columns. The bottom table shows the number of students by grade level who have various numbers of suspensions. There are also totals by grade level and number of referrals columns (shown below).

5. By clicking on any of the blue total numbers in either table you will get a Student Referral or

Suspensions Detail graph (example shown below).

???? 6. By clicking on the student’s ID number, you will get the Student Profile report. 7. By clicking on the student’s name, you will get The Last 4 Years Details for the student. 8. By Clicking on the “No. Susp”, you will get Current Year Discipline Details for the student.

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Other Discipline Data: Incident Reports Incidents by Month Summary

1. Double-click on this report under Corporate Categories Discipline School Incidents. 2. Enter school year (s) by double-clicking on the year(s). Then click on “Run Query”. 3. School users will go to the “School Summary” tab, as circled below. Choose your school from

the filter on the top left, circled below. You can also filter by gender, ethnicity, Special Education status, English Language Learner status, and Free or Reduced Lunch status. Incidents are organized by the three categories: Learning Environment, Personal/Physical Safety, and Weapons. Use the arrows at the top to change pages, as circled below.

4. By going to the “School Detail” graph, you will get the information in table form for each type of problem behavior within the three categories, as shown in the example below.

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5. Clicking on any of the numbers for the current year allow you to drill to a list of all students with an incident during the specified month. From here, you click on a student’s ID number to get their Student Profile.

6. Graphs and tables organized by specific problem behavior are available on the “School Graphs” tab, as shown below. Clicking on any of the numbers for the current year again allow you to drill to a list of all students with a particular type of incident during the specified month.

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Incidents by Teacher Summary Gives a summary of incidents based on the reporting staff member. Report is organized by the number of incidents in the Learning Environment, Personal/Physical Safety, and Weapons as well as the number of incidents and suspensions for unique students. Filters available for ethnicity, gender, Special Education status, English Language Learner status, and Free or Reduced Lunch status. Report also drills to lists of students.

1. Double-click on this report under Corporate Categories Discipline School Incidents. 2. Enter school code and school year by double-clicking on the year. Then click on “Run Query”. 3. Report displays each reporting staff member and the number of incidents in the Learning

Environment, Personal/Physical Safety, and Weapons as well as the number of incidents and suspensions for unique students.

4. By clicking on the blue underlined number, you will get a list of students who were referred.

School Incidents and Actions Gives a summary of incidents and subsequent actions for a particular school. Report is organized by the number of incidents in the Learning Environment, Personal/Physical Safety, and Weapons as well as the number of incidents and suspensions for unique students. Filters available for ethnicity, gender, Special Education status, English Language Learner status, and Free or Reduced Lunch status. Report also drills to lists of students.

1. Double-click on this report under Corporate Categories Discipline School Incidents. 2. Enter school code. Then click on “Run Query”. 3. Report displays each incident type within in the Learning Environment, Personal/Physical

Safety, and Weapons as well as the number of incidents and actions associated with each incident.

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4. Each incident type has a certain number and percent of that type associated with each action. For example, in the example below, 46 incidents based on “chronic disruption or violation of school rules” led to suspensions while 2 led to conferences. To scroll to the next page of the report, click on the arrows near the page number on top, as circled below. Note: One incident may have led to multiple actions.

5. To look at previous years’ data, click on any of the other tabs, as circled below. This year’s data is Year-to-Date. Previous years’ data is for the entire year.

6. Summary data for each incident type is listed at the end of each incident’s section. By clicking on the blue underlined number, you will get a list of the students to which that number refers. Further student detail available by clicking on the student ID number (Student Profile) and name (discipline history for the last four years).

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Sorting, Printing, and Saving

SORTING Most detail reports have preset sorts that need to be removed so follow these steps: 1. To override preset sorts, right-click in the data area of any column (not in the column “header”) and select Sort – Remove Sorts. 2. Then right-click in the column you want to sort, and select Sort – Ascending or Descending. 3. For additional sorts, click in a different column and repeat step 2. NOTE: You cannot sort on a column containing links or tables containing crosstabs. (The default sort order will be restored next time you open the report.) FILTERING To focus on a single value in a column: 1. Right-click in a column – Filter – Add Filter 2. Move selected value(s) to the right side and click OK 3. To remove, right-click – Filter – Remove Filter PRINTING A REPORT Reports are now written in HTML, a format that provides you with powerful new features you’ve already experienced – the ability to drill, sort, and filter. However, to print a report, you will need to convert it to PDF format (which is basically a picture).

Click the down-arrow by View and select PDF mode. Then: click the Printer icon on the left (not the one at the top of the screen) be sure to select the page range you want before clicking OK to return to the report, click “View in HTML format”

NOTE: In the case of a multi-tab report, all tabs will be printed. If you only want part of the full report, select the page range in the “Print” screen before clicking OK. SAVING A REPORT Click the down-arrow next to Document • Save to my computer as choose Excel or PDF • then Open or Save. (It’s usually preferable to open and view the spreadsheet first.)

WARNING! “Saving” is actually “exporting” data outside the MPS firewall where it could potentially be viewed or altered by unauthorized parties. Access to confidential student data by unauthorized parties could expose you to considerable personal risk.

You can minimize the risk to yourself by always password-protecting your exports. To protect an Excel document, go to File – Save As…(F12) After assigning a file name and location, click Tools – General Options… and enter a “Password to open:” Click OK.

(Don’t forget your password.)