pc safety & security

PC Safety and Security Manual A Summary © 2007 Rob Clement all rights reserved www.boysbach.com with thanks to www.powerbacks.com for the background

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Have you been scammed online? Do you use your computer for both personal use and business? What would happen if your computer totally died, would you be able to function without it? No idea then you need to read the whole book to get the answers to these questions. Download your copy from www.boysbach.com


Page 1: PC Safety & Security

PC Safety and Security Manual A Summary

© 2007 Rob Clementall rights reserved


with thanks to


for the background

Page 2: PC Safety & Security


Beware you can lose your data sooner than you think.

One lightning strike could be a catastrophe for you.

A computer is “cheap” and easily replaced.The information may be irreplaceable.

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What if I lost my computer -permanently?


Switch off your computer/s for a day.Keep the machine turned offSee what you need to have right now.How much is that information worth?

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What if I lost my computer -permanently? II

Options are to use the Internet at Cyber cafe or library.

What if you had your PC stolen or it was destroyed?

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Keep Your Computer Safe.

Place your computer in a secure place.

Check out your security video.

Avoid high-visibility locations.

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Keep Your Computer Safe. II

Is your power supply safe?

Consider Surge protectionBattery backupGenerator

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Keep Your Computer Safe. III

Drinks and floods

Get a new keyboard don't fix itPortables and liquids do not mix.Keep your desktop off the floor.

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Keep Your Computer Safe. IV

Cleaning sprays can be deadly

Fires and explosions happenkeep your computer data safe.

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Traveling With Your Portable

Backup data twice before traveling.One backup with youOne backup leave behind

Don't lose it

Don't have it stolen.

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Protect Your Passwords.

If you use a computer at the coffee shop or Cyber cafe

Log off e-mail at the end.Log off your bank account at the end.

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Protect Your Passwords. II

Protect your bank and personal details

Your use of a computer at a Cyber cafe or coffee shop could be being monitored.

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Backup Options and Priorities

Backups are essential.

Backup to magnetic tape is best.DVD or CD R/W discs otherwise

Check your backup from time to time.

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Backup Options and Priorities II

BackupDocuments (My Document before Vista)E-mailsother software's data

(e.g. The accounts package.)

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Backup Options and Priorities III

Keep optical discs away from heat or light.Replace optical discs if they show problem.Keep backup away from computer.

Check the warranty on a fireproof safe.

Make a decision do not leave to chance.

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Backup Options and Priorities IV

Keep original software discs safely.

Backup any software you downloaded.

Always rotate a number of copies of the backup.

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Why are magnets so dangerous to computers?

Answer To wipe your data from a floppy disc or hard drive use fixed magnet. It can never be recovered.

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Computer Operating System and Software Discs

Collect the boot and recovery discs for your PCPut them in a CD holderIf you use a portable take them with you when traveling.

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Your PDA Is “Part” Of Your Computer.

Do not forget your PDA.It is always in danger of damage or loss.Copy all the data onto your PC often.

Do not forget to back up your telephone numbers

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Simple Settings on Your Computer

Apply updates to your computer system

Turn on your firewall.Include Vista Windows Defender.

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Simple Settings on Your Computer II

Set browser to maximum security.Consider an alternative browser

Install software protectionAnti-virusInternet Security

Evaluate the choices not just the prices

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Simple Settings on Your Computer III

Do not open unknown e-mail attachments.

Do not run programs, you do not know where they came from.

Disconnect from the Internet when not using it.

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Simple Settings on Your Computer IV

Think about where to locate physical firewalls

Turn off your computer when not in use

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Spam Is Coming.

What is Spam?Unwanted or junk e-mail.Beware of becoming a spammer.

Check your spam folder often or miss important mail.

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Spam Is Coming. II

Do not release your e-mail address to the Internet.

Use spam blocking software.Use multiple e-mail addresses

Get an e-mail provider who will stop spam.

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Adware, Spyware and Malware

What is the difference between adware, spyware and malware?

Spyware is software that enables an individual or company to see what web sites you are accessing, search your hard disc for “useful information” and also what your account numbers and passwords are.

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Adware, Spyware and Malware II

Adware on the other hand will display adverts for various types of products and services available on the Internet. Adware is annoying; spyware can be catastrophic to your computer and to you.

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Adware, Spyware and Malware III

Malware is spyware in its worst forms, where in the end the malware will give all of your computer information to a third party, mess up your web browser settings and your Internet sites and prevent you from using your computer as it runs so slowly.

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Phishing and Identity Theft

Phishing and identity theft is big business.

Ever received an e-mail from a reputable business or bank?Are they real? No they are Phishing for bank or credit card info?

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Phishing and Identity Theft II

Identity theft someone steals your ID and passwords and then pretend to be you, stealing money and arranging bank loans.

Ask for personal advice for software to combat this

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Computer Virus or a Cold

A computer virus is a program (or a script)it causes worry to the useror harm to the computeror both

Computer virus detection is big business.

Beware of special days like Friday 13th, 9/11 etc

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Computer Virus or a Cold II

Always have anti-virus updates paid for.Always update your anti-virus

A Trojan horse appears harmless or even helpful

but it is harmful and may be deadly.

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Computer Virus or a Cold III

Switch the Firewall on now.

To access the Internet without anti-virus etc is playing Russian Roulette

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Computer Virus or a Cold IV

Use the free service offered by Symantec or Kaspersky to check your computer.

Shop around and ask for advice.

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Online Scams

Do not trust everyone on the Internet.

You cannot see their faces

You cannot see their body language.

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Online Scams II

If someone appears too good to be true they probably are.

They may appear a novice.

They may appear an expert.

They may appear to be average.

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Online Scams III

Do not give out your personal details

Not your home address

Not your date of birth

Not your bank details

Not your credit card details

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Online Scams IVCheck their ISP to see where they are.

Check business addressCheck website picturesCheck company registrationCheck list of directors

Before accepting any proposal


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Disaster recovery.

Disaster recovery is mainly for businessesIncludes non-profit organizationsIncludes clubs

and special interest groups.

How do we define a disaster?How do we recover from it?

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Disaster recovery II.


A disaster is an event that means you cannot continue to run your business and need to recover.

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Disaster recovery III.

We take a disaster audit.

List of computers and their software.What would happen if any of these

computers failed?What information would you lose?What correspondence would you lose?

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Disaster recovery IV.

How long from the loss of that computer would the replacement be working with all the information that you have on it today up to date (and that does not allow for any information waiting to be input)

Document all this in one place.

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Disaster recovery V.

List all the computers you use that if they failed today you could roll in a new computer onto the desk and within an hour or two everything would be fine.

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Disaster recovery VI.

Now the hard part!One or more computers that are vital to your operation that you need to have available now.Define how many hours a week they need to be available (24x7 or business hours seven days a week or business hours Monday to Friday.)Document how long your business can do without that computer before it hits problems.

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Disaster recovery V.

Finally in your disaster auditlist all telephoneslist Fax machineslist modemslist routers and their connections

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Disaster recovery VI.

Decision timeDo you have too many eggs in one basket?Do you need to spread the computer load?Do you need a computer to mirror another?

Back up every computer in your business now!

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Disaster recovery VII.


The decisions need to made and written down then make a plan.

Get someone as an IT resource even if only for a disaster

Do you have a support contract for your computers?

Get support you cannot recover a disaster single handed.

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Disaster recovery VIII.

Define your disaster and get a feel for timescales and prices.

Balance between the costs of immediate recovery and 2 to 3 days of downtime before all services are resumed.

Draw up of a network diagram for the current systems and computers. Keep this up to date.

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Disaster recovery IX.

Keep multiple copies of the disaster recovery plan so everyone knows what to and who to contact.

Review and update the plan at least every year.

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Protect your computer.Secure your computer.Protect from virus, spam, spyware, adware, and malware.Make back up so you never lose data.Make a plan for a disaster.

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PC Safety and Security

The end of the Book

The start of protecting your computer.


for copies of the complete manual.