pces newsletter october december 2013

Pakistan Christian Evangelical Services “ For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation. . .” (Romans 1:16) October to December 2013 Greetings to our brothers and sisters around the world who support the Gospel through the ministry of PCES. By the grace of God the message of the Gospel is producing fruit as it is spread by many means into more remote areas and the members of the churches grow in faith. Special Edition for the International Conference on Missions Great Trials for Pakistan A series of great disasters have struck different areas of Pakistan in the last weeks. Your prayers are sought for those who have suffered. Floods in Kasur September 16 In the first week of September torrential monsoon rains brought heavy flooding in seven villages of Kasur near the Ghandha Singh border. PCES evangelistic and church planting work is going on in the Kasur district. On September 16, 2013 PCES, with the co-operation of IDES, conducted medical and eye camps and distributed relief in the Kasur villages affected by flood, in Sahjra and Kamal Pura villages. People from other villagers gathered there for help. In the medical camp, Dr Robin and Dr Farhat treated 509 patients who are were suffering different diseases like diarrhoea, malaria, worm infestation, iron deficiency and urinary tract infections. Dr. Ethsham treated 247 eye patients who were suffering eye diseases like cataracts, bacterial and viral infections and corneal scars. Food packets were distributed among 1235 Christians and Muslim families. The majority of the people were very poor and depressed, but it was wonderful to share the love and compassion of Christ with them. Dr. Saleem Massey & Mrs. Naylah Saleem Dr Farhat discusses a patient's X-ray with Dr Robin (standing) Dr Ethsham examines a flood victim's eyes Brother Saleem assists to distribute food relief to flood victims

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Page 1: PCES newsletter October December 2013

Pakistan ChristianEvangelical Services

“ For I am not ashamed of the Gospel,for it is the power of God for salvation. . .”

(Romans 1:16)

October to December 2013

Greetings to our brothers and sisters around the world who support the Gospel through the ministry of PCES. By thegrace of God the message of the Gospel is producing fruit as it is spread by many means into more remote areas and themembers of the churches grow in faith.

Special Edition for the International Conference on Missions

Great Trials for Pakistan

A series of great disasters have struck different areas ofPakistan in the last weeks. Your prayers are sought forthose who have suffered.

Floods in Kasur September 16

In the first week of September torrential monsoon rainsbrought heavy flooding in seven villages of Kasur near theGhandha Singh border. PCES evangelistic and churchplanting work is going on in the Kasur district.On September 16, 2013 PCES, with the co-operation ofIDES, conducted medical and eye camps and distributedrelief in the Kasur villages affected by flood, in Sahjra andKamal Pura villages. People from other villagers gatheredthere for help.

In the medical camp, Dr Robin and Dr Farhat treated 509patients who are were suffering different diseases likediarrhoea, malaria, worm infestation, iron deficiency andurinary tract infections.

Dr. Ethsham treated 247 eye patients who were sufferingeye diseases like cataracts, bacterial and viral infectionsand corneal scars.

Food packets were distributed among 1235 Christians andMuslim families. The majority of the people were very poorand depressed, but it was wonderful to share the love andcompassion of Christ with them.

Dr. Saleem Massey & Mrs. Naylah Saleem

Dr Farhat discusses a patient's X-ray with Dr Robin (standing)

Dr Ethsham examines a flood victim's eyes

Brother Saleem assists to distribute food relief to flood victims

Page 2: PCES newsletter October December 2013

Terrorist Attack on Peshawar Church SundaySeptember 22

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A suicide attack on a historicchurch in north-western Pakistan killed at least 78 peopleon Sunday in one of the deadliest attacks on the Christianminority in Pakistan in years. The attack occurred as worshippers left All Saints Churchin the old quarter of the regional capital, Peshawar, after aservice on Sunday morning. Up to 600 people hadattended and were leaving to receive free food beingdistributed on the lawn outside when two explosionsripped through the crowd.Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, who arrived inPeshawar on Sunday evening, said that 78 people had beenkilled, including 34 women and 7 children. “Such an attackon women and children is against humanity,” he said.Akhtar Ali Shah, the home secretary of KhyberPakhtunkhwa Province, said that more than 100 peoplehad been wounded. Mr. Khan said that 37 of those werechildren. The dead included two Muslim police officers who hadbeen posted outside the church. Witnesses reported scenesof mayhem as rescue workers ferried victims from thechurch, which was scattered with body parts, shrapnel andbloodied clothing. Shafqat Malik, a senior official of the bomb disposal squad,said in an interview that evidence collected from thechurch confirmed that two suicide bombers had carried outthe attack. “Each bomber carried six kilograms ofexplosives,” he said. Details from The New York Times

Peshawar is in the north of Pakistan near the border withAfghanistan.This event has shocked and terrified all Pakistani andInternational Christians because of the martyrdom ofinnocent children, women, men and the cry of helpless,harmless and oppressed Christian community in Pakistan!

Saleem's reportI travelled from Lahore to Peshawar, about 7 hoursjourney, and reached the site where the suicide bombswere exploded. As I entered into the church what I saw wasshocking and horrible. The walls of the church werecovered with blood and flesh. In front of church door therewere tiny shoes of innocent children who have gone to bewith the Lord but, their shoes give witness to theirmartyrdom.Afterwards, I went to Lady Reading Hospital to visit theinjured men, women and children. It was very sad to seetheir wounds which I found very shocking. The grace of

God is abundant and gave me strength to meet with mybrothers and sisters. I prayed with them and sharedhumble financial gifts for the glory of the Lord!Friends, I would request please keep praying for theChristian community in Pakistan. Let us make a plan tocelebrate Christmas with the Christians who suffered thisterror attack by sharing gifts with them.

I am thankful to all of my Pakistan Christian Evangelicalfriends and supporters who are praying for the victims ofthe attack at the Peshawar Church

Earthquake Tuesday, September 24

A massive earthquake, centred in Awaran district, one ofthe poorest in Pakistan's most impoverished province,Baluchistan caused chaos in the area on TuesdaySeptember 24. More than 3 million people are affectedRescuers struggled to help thousands of people injured andleft homeless after their houses collapsed as the reporteddeath toll rose to 355, with nearly 700 people injured.The quake flattened wide swathes of Awaran. Most of thevictims were killed when their houses collapsed.Men, women and kids were sitting in makeshift shelters.Doctors were treating people, but due to a scarcity ofmedicine and staff, they were mostly seen comforting theresidents. The remoteness of the area and the lack ofinfrastructure have hampered the relief efforts.People who lost limbs in the quake will need to be sent tohospitals in major cities of Quetta, the capital ofBaluchistan province, and Karachi along the Arabian Sea.Houses made mostly of mud and handmade bricks havecollapsed, walls and roofs caved in and people'spossessions are scattered on the ground. Two rockets fired by militants narrowly missed agovernment helicopter on Thursday surveying the scene, assurvivors complained that aid was not reaching far-flungareas.The attack underscored the dangers authorities and aidworkers face in helping victims.The people who survived the earthquake are dying nowbecause they have no food or water Two days after the tremor struck, rescuers were stillstruggling to help survivors. The area's medical infrastructure has struggled to care forthe hundreds of injured who were crushed beneath mudbrick houses when the quake struck. Details from variousnews sources.We seek your prayers that God will be glorified among thepoor people who have suffered greatly in this catastrophe.Pray that as He sends His people to assist they will be givenHis wisdom and protection as they work.

At Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar, a grieving wife caresfor her husband injured in the attack.

Saleem offers help to a young victim of the attack.

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Ken Marshall writes his impressions of Saleem’s ministry in Nottingham UK July 2013I had met Saleem whilst serving at theUnited Christian Hospital Lahoresome five years ago, have visited hishome and preached in one of thechurches.It was a privilege to welcome him fortwo weeks in July.Two hours after meeting, he wasengaged with a rural Methodistcommunity in their worship andfellowship through the courtesy oftheir pastor.The following day Saleem taught on “The God who comesto us in Christ Jesus” from Romans 8, at a Baptist churchwith Spirit-filled Roman Catholics, Baptists, Anglicans,Methodists and others. Outcomes for Saleem included invitations for teaching onprayer, friendship, dialogue and studying Scripturetogether. In one church, a single teaching session on Islam,led to a request for a series of seminars on Islam in 2015. That evening, Saleem was welcomed to a home groupmeeting. The members explored how they could best prayfor Saleem, his family and the churches.Sunday 21st July saw Saleem preaching and teaching in 4different churches, across the denominational spectrum.His message of ‘More than Conquerors’ was well received.Saleem’s underlying gifting as a church planter, Christianpsychologist, and lecturer was a constant asset. Hishumility, love, passion and integrity are joined by evidencethat he is a good steward of God given resources.

He left us all with some big challenges: The financial needsof phase 1 of the Kasur Hospital building project; therunning costs for the new sewing machine centres foryoung women, to get them out of the ‘1,000 mud bricks aday slavery’; £2,000 by Christmas 2013 for a roof for Nash-E-Mann church.May our Living Lord Jesus guide us in all our responses!

Impressions of PCES Pakistan

David DamronI serve as missions mobiliser for TeamExpansion; and that means I helpmove people and resources toward theplaces in the world where the Gospelof Christ hasn’t been preached or isopposed or resisted. In Lahore I visited churches thatSaleem had planted. In eachcongregation, over a hundred men,women and children gathered,welcomed us with songs and flowers,and then worshipped together. Ipreached with Saleem translating. Thepeople were so attentive and receptiveto The Word.The Lord endeared many people to me, and we shared a lotof experiences. The six pastors had become close friends.Please remember in your prayers, Younas, Emmanuel,Palous, Riaz, Patrus, and Manzar. They are heroes in theFaith!My final days in Lahore were spent visiting congregationsand seeing the land where Saleem plans to build aChristian hospital.

Bruce CampFounder/CEO of DualReach www.DualReach.org

It was my privilege to address menand women from several churches ata week-long leadership retreat inPakistan to prepare people for a life ofministry and abiding in Jesus. Theaudience was attentive andappreciative of my presentation. Itwas an honour to speak to them.I was impressed with Saleem'sconcern for their spiritual lives andtheir desire to learn. May God raiseup more people like Dr. Saleem tohelp shepherd others in their walkwith Christ. My prayers are with him as he continues thisGod-honouring ministry.Thanks again for the opportunity to be with you in Murree.

Wolfgang DetschMissionary in Pakistan and Directorof Operation Mobilization.

In June, I visited a Bible Camporganised by Saleem Massey inMurree and had the opportunity toshare a devotion with the participants.I have been very encouraged by theirzeal and enthusiasm. They weremostly younger people who were eagerto apply their knowledge to theirchurches at home. It was good to see how Dr. Saleeminvests in the leaders of his churches to equip them foreffective ministry.

Jochen Brand

Since I met Dr. Saleem Massey at aPastor's conference in Lahore in April2013, I have had the opportunity tosee the great work God is doing in hisministry.It was my blessed experience to see somany believers coming faithfully tolisten to the gospel and to respondwith open hearts.I had a special privilege to participatewith Dr. Saleem and Pastor Dave fromUSA in laying the foundation-stone fora new church in Nash-e-man town,Lahore . Praise the Lord!I preached at the annual family-camp in Murree, NorthernPakistan . This time of discipleship-training is veryimportant and encouraging for all participants: pastors,elders, leaders and the pastor's wives and children. I saw the land PCES has purchased near Kasur to build ahospital. Let us trust and pray that Dr. Saleem will be ableto succeed with this big project for God's glory and that allthe funds will be provided to complete this importanthospital.

Bruce Camp

Jochen Brand

Wolfgang Detsch

David Damron

Ken Marshall

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James Kirby James travelled with Saleem to Kasurto visit churches and see the hospitalland.

It was exciting to see what God isdoing through Brother Saleem. Godhas been good. God has provided the land for ahospital and bible training centre. MayGod give you the land on the other sideof the road so you will be able toaccomplish businesses to provideincomes and housing for God's people.I hope to see the construction of these facilities begin in thenear future, as God provides. I enjoyed the welcome wereceived from the two churches we visited. The attendancewas fantastic, especially the young people who reallyimpressed me. It was great to see so many in attendance.

Other news of PCES

Sewing Centres

Our Sewing machine Centres are very effective and fruitfulin helping to liberate girls who normally have to work inthe brick kiln to learn skills to uplift themselves financiallyand free them from the tyranny of their employers.

Praise the Lord with the co-operation of the Church ofChrist Dapto, we are currently running a Sewing Machinecentre at Theeng village where brick kiln girls learn skills toliberate themselves from Muslim landlords slavery.

Can your church support a sewing centre in anothervillage?

Your support

All of the work of PCES depends on the support of thoseGod has guided to provide the needs of our brothers andsisters in Pakistan. In guiding your support, He promisesto provide all your needs, too! God provides so that youmay, in His Name, provide for others.

Consider the projects described in this newsletter and seekGod's guidance as to what you can do! Our prayers shouldlead to action.

Family News

Saleem and Naylah's youngest son, Simon has passed his12th grade exam of the Government Lahore Board and willattend Cincinnati Christian University Bible College USAwhere his brother Samson and sister, Sabreena currentlystudy, in January 2014. We request the PCES supportingchurches to sponsor his studies.We give thanks to God for the opportunity this enrolmentpresents to Simon.

Late News

On Friday September 27 militants bombed a bus carryingat least 70 government employees, killing at least 19 peopleand injuring 44 others, media reported. Most of the deadwere government employees, police said, adding that thedeath toll would likely rise. Between 12 and 15kg of explosives was planted in the rearof the bus and connected to a timed device, KP BombDisposal Squad Chief Shafqat Malik said. "Ball bearingswere also added to the explosives to cause more casualties,"he said. The powerful blast threw bodies into nearby fields, RahimGul, an eyewitness, said. Several government employees regularly rode the bus toand from work, officials said. A similar attack killed 21 inJune 2012. It was a planned terrorist act and the police are assessingthe situation, Inspector General of KP Police Nasir Durranisaid. Lady Reading Hospital received at least 26 of the injuredand 11 bodies, hospital spokesman Jamil Shah said. Therest were taken to the District Headquarters Hospital inCharsadda. Pakistani political leaders have been promoting the idea ofpeace talks with the militants in recent weeks, but the rashof terror attacks since then is causing some to question thewisdom of that. Mian Iftikhar Hussain, former KP information minister,accused militants of being hypocrites who demanddialogue while launching devastating attacks on innocentcivilians. "The anti-peace elements are active," KP Senior MinisterSikander Hayat Khan Sherpao said. "They want to sabotagethe efforts to peace launched by the government." Source: Central Asia Online - By Zahir Shah and Javed Aziz Khan

Please pray for this troubled country, its leaders and itspeople.

James Kirby

Simon with Samreena

Ladies of Theeng village attend a sewing class run by PCES

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You can help in Pakistan by praying for these needs:

1. Please pray as the people of Pakistan face the consequences of flood, terrorist attack on churches, governmentemployees and a major earthquake. May God's mercy be clearly shown in the assistance given.

2. Please pray for God’s hand of protection over Saleem and others who are speaking out on behalf of Christians andother minorities in times when Islamic extremists are expanding their activity against them. Islamic extremistsare expanding their attacks on churches and the Christian community as they did in Joseph colony and Peshawarchurch.

3. Please pray for Brother Saleem's trip to Canada and USA as he will be preaching, teaching and presenting thework of PCES to different Bible colleges, churches and the International Conference on Missions in Kansas city,Kansas, USA.

4. Please pray for our Christian sister Martha Boota as she faces difficult struggles because of the Blasphemyaccusations, and for wisdom in what PCES can do to help.

5. BHAGIANA VILLAGE: We praise God that the cross now proclaims its message from high atop the churchbuilding.

6. NASH-E-MANN: Please ask the Lord to provide funds for the construction of a church building and parsonage.Praise the Lord that a foundation stone has been laid. May the Lord provide sufficient funds to complete churchand parsonage project.

7. LADHI CHURCH: We need to construct a boundary wall around the property of the church to save it from fanaticMuslims.

8. VEER KAY NAU: When we started new evangelistic work there the Muslims made threats. There is a great needto construct a boundary wall around the church land so the congregation may feel secure to worship. Praise theLord! We have won two cases in the court and by his Grace will win the third case in order to build church andexalt the cross in that village.

9. GHOHAR VILLAGE in Kasur: Evangelistic work is going well in these un-reached villages. The Sewing MachineCentre is teaching girls skills so they will not have to make bricks as bond servants.

10. HUSSAIN KHAN WALA: Praise the Lord who provided funds to complete building the church and parsonage.Give thanks for the sewing machine centre which has started in this village.

11. KASUR HOSPITAL We have a vision to build a much-needed hospital in the Kasur area, where we have treatedmany patients in free medical camps. Please pray for God’s guidance and provision. Give thanks that the Lord hasprovided so that the land has been purchased.

12. We are thankful to our friends and supporting churches who support the studies of Saleem's children. Please prayas his youngest son Simon is to attend CCU in January 2014. Give thanks that Dr. Samreena passed the secondstep examinations in her qualifications to study in the US. She now awaits an offer from an appropriate hospital.

13. We are thankful to the Lord for our PCES board members, churches and friends around the world who supportthe Gospel in Pakistan.

Saleem Massey420-Q BlockModel Town, Lahore [email protected]

Newsletter Editor and Australian ContactTony Roe8 Carlyle CloseDapto, NSW 2530 (Australia)02 4261-3766 [email protected]

In the United States, if you wish to support the work of PCES, please make checks payable to PCES

And mail to:

PCES c/o Christian Church of Litchfield Attn: Lowell Chandler, Treasurer, P.O. Box 45, Litchfield, IL 62056 USA

For Australia, contact Tony Roe for support details.