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DOI: 10.1002/open.201300043

Understanding E2 versus SN2 Competition under Acidicand Basic ConditionsLando P. Wolters,[a] Yi Ren,*[b] and F. Matthias Bickelhaupt*[a, c]


Bimolecular base-induced 1,2-elimination (E2) is one of themost elementary reactions in organic chemistry.[1–6] Typically, inE2 reactions, an anionic base abstracts a proton from theb-carbon center of a substrate molecule while, simultaneously,a leaving group at the a position is released, as shown inScheme 1 a. Elimination reactions are, in principle, in directcompetition with another textbook organic reaction, namely,bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2).[1] In the case of thereaction shown in Scheme 1 a, the competing SN2 reaction re-sults from the anionic reactant carrying out a nucleophileattack at the a-carbon center, leading to release of the sameleaving group as in the E2 reaction. E2 elimination has beenobserved to be favored by stronger bases. In particular, acidcatalysis, which involves a comparatively weak, neutral base ornucleophile, generally goes with substitution, whereas basic

conditions, often featuring stronger, anionic bases, tune reac-tivity towards elimination.

Elimination and substitution reactions have been studiedalso extensively in the gas phase using mass spectrometrytechniques.[7–15] Note that differentiation between E2 and SN2processes of the anionic reaction systems through mass spec-trometry is problematic, requiring additional techniques ora special design of reactants (e.g. , leaving group connected tosubstrate via a second bond) as both pathways lead, in princi-ple, to the same detectable anionic product, namely, the leav-ing group Y� (see Scheme 1 a). This problem does not occurwhen studying the corresponding reactions after protonationof nucleophile/base and leaving group (Scheme 1 b).[16, 17, 18] Theresulting cationic reaction systems lead to different productions for the respective mechanistic pathways, namely the con-jugate acid XH2

+ for E2 and the substituted substrate for SN2,which in general have a different m/z ratio that allows forstraightforward characterization of the active mechanisms.

Theoretical studies on both anionic and cationic E2 and SN2reactions have provided detailed information on reaction po-

Our purpose is to understand the mechanism through whichpH affects the competition between base-induced eliminationand substitution. To this end, we have quantum chemically in-vestigated the competition between elimination and substitu-tion pathways in H2O + C2H5OH2

+ and OH�+ C2H5OH, that is,two related model systems that represent, in a genericmanner, the same reaction under acidic and basic conditions,respectively. We find that substitution is favored in the acidic

case while elimination prevails under basic conditions. Activa-tion-strain analyses of the reaction profiles reveal that theswitch in preferred reactivity from substitution to elimination,if one goes from acidic to basic catalysis, is related to (1) thehigher basicity of the deprotonated base, and (2) the changein character of the substrate’s LUMO from Cb�H bonding inC2H5OH2

+ to Cb�H antibonding in C2H5OH.

Scheme 1. Model E2 and SN2 reactions corresponding to a) basic andb) acidic conditions.

[a] L. P. Wolters, Prof. Dr. F. M. BickelhauptDepartment of Theoretical ChemistryAmsterdam Center for Multiscale ModelingVU University AmsterdamDe Boelelaan 1083, 1081 HV Amsterdam (The Netherlands)E-mail : [email protected]

[b] Prof. Dr. Y. RenCollege of Chemistry and Key State Laboratory of BiotherapySichuan UniversityChengdu 610064 (P. R. China)E-mail : [email protected]

[c] Prof. Dr. F. M. BickelhauptInstitute for Molecules and MaterialsRadboud University NijmegenHeyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW underhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1002/open.201300043.

� 2014 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited and is not used for commercial purposes.

� 2014 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemistryOpen 2014, 3, 29 – 36 29

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tential energy surfaces (PES) and the structure of species andtransition states (TS).[19–27] Activation-strain analyses[28] of theanionic substitution reactions between halides and halome-thanes[29] have shown that the SN2 barrier decreases as thehighest-occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of the nucleophilebecomes a better electron donor, that is, as the basicity of thenucleophile becomes stronger, because of a more stabilizinginteraction between nucleophile and substrate. Likewise,a weaker bond between carbon and the leaving group (C�LG)also leads to a lower SN2 barrier because the energetic strainassociated with such a weaker bond is less destabilizing.[28, 29]

Herein, we wish to gain insight into the electronic mecha-nism behind the observed shift from substitution to elimina-tion if one goes from acidic to more basic conditions. To thisend, we have analyzed the competition between antiperipla-nar 1,2-elimination and backside substitution in the cationicand anionic model systems H2O + CH3CH2OH2

+ [Equations (1)]and OH�+ CH3CH2OH [Eqs. (2)] , using density functional theory(DFT). Our model systems represent, in a generic manner, oneparticular reaction under acidic and basic conditions, respec-tively.

H2Oþ CH3CH2OH2þ!H3Oþ þ CH2¼CH2 þ H2O ð1aÞ


þ þ H2O ð1bÞ

OH� þ CH3CH2OH!H2Oþ CH2¼CH2 þ OH� ð2aÞ


Our computations show that indeed substitution is favoredin the acidic case whereas elimination prevails under basicconditions. Activation-strain analyses of the reaction profilesreveal that the switch in preferred reactivity from substitutionto elimination, if one goes from acidic to basic catalysis, is di-rectly related to the significantly higher proton affinity of theanionic base. Deprotonation enhances the attack of the basein both pathways, elimination and substitution, but this effectis counteracted by a stronger C�LG bond in the neutral sub-strate. Interestingly, however, our activation-strain analysesshow that protophilic attack benefits more from increasing thebasicity than nucleophilic attack due to a different compositionof the substrate LUMO under different reaction conditions.

Theoretical Methods

Computational details

All calculations were carried out using the Amsterdam DensityFunctional (ADF) program[30] and the Quantum-regions Inter-connected by Local Descriptions (QUILD) program.[31] The nu-merical integration was performed using the procedure devel-oped by te Velde et al.[32] The molecular orbitals (MOs) were ex-panded in a large uncontracted set of Slater-type orbitals(STOs): TZ2P (no Gaussian functions are involved). The TZ2Pbasis set[33] is of triple-z quality for all atoms and has been aug-mented with two sets of polarization functions, that is, 2p and3d on H, and 3d and 4f on C and O. An auxiliary set of s, p, d,

f and g STOs was used to fit the molecular density and to rep-resent the Coulomb and exchange potentials accurately ineach self-consistent field (SCF) cycle. All electrons are includedin the variational treatment (no frozen-core approximationused).

Energies and geometries were calculated at the OLYP levelof the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), which in-volves the optimized exchange (OPTX) functional proposed byHandy and coworkers,[34] and the gradient-corrected functionalof Lee, Yang and Parr for correlation.[35] Scalar relativistic effectswere accounted for using the zeroth-order regular approxima-tion (ZORA).[36] Previous ab initio benchmark studies show thatthe OLYP functional, combined with the TZ2P basis set, leadsto the same trends and qualitative features of the potentialenergy surfaces as CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pv(T+d)Z.[37]

Equilibrium structures were obtained by optimizations usinganalytical gradient techniques.[38] At each step in the optimiza-tion, the estimate of the true Hessian is improved by an updat-ing procedure using the difference of current and previousgradients in relation to the difference in geometries. Depend-ing on the type of calculation, different Hessian updateschemes are used. For equilibrium geometry optimizations andintrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations with ADF, theBroyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) scheme[39] is used.For transition state searches with QUILD, a weighted combina-tion of Powell symmetric-Broyden (PSB)[40] and Murtangh–Sar-gent (Symmetric Rank-One, SR1)[41] is used, as developed byBofill.[42] Energy minima have been verified through vibrationalanalysis.[43] All minima were found to have zero imaginary fre-quencies, whereas all transition states have one. The relativeenergies in the present study refer to the electronic energieswithout zero-point energy correction.

Activation-strain analyses

Insight into the energetics is obtained through activation-strain analyses. The activation strain model[28] is a fragment-based approach to understand the bonding energy DE of twofragments during a chemical process and to explain it in termsof the original fragments. Within this approach, the potentialenergy surface DE(z) is decomposed along the reaction coordi-nate z (or just at one point z, for example at the transitionstate, TS, where DE� =DEz= TS) into the strain energy DEstrain(z)that is associated with the geometrical deformation of the indi-vidual fragments as the process takes place, plus the actual in-teraction energy DEint(z) between the deformed fragments[Eq. (3)] .

DEðzÞ ¼ DEstrainðzÞ þ DEintðzÞ ð3Þ

The interaction energy DEint(z) between the deformed frag-ments is further analyzed in the conceptual framework provid-ed by the Kohn–Sham molecular orbital method.[44] We findthat donor–acceptor interactions between occupied orbitalson one fragment with unoccupied orbitals on the other frag-ment, including the HOMO–LUMO interactions, play an impor-tant role in DEint and in determining reactivity trends. The

� 2014 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemistryOpen 2014, 3, 29 – 36 30


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PyFrag program was used to facilitate the analyses along thepotential energy surfaces.[45] Contour values used for the plotsof the LUMOs in Figure 1 are �0.02, �0.05, �0.1, �0.2 and�0.5.

Results and Discussion

Reactant complexes

Our ZORA-OLYP/TZ2P computations show that our model elim-ination and substitution reactions proceed via the formation ofreactant complexes that, both under acidic and basic condi-tions, can rearrange into various variants. These complexes areshown in Scheme 2, which also provides relative energies andkey geometry parameters of each stationary point (for fullstructural data and energies, see Table S1 in the Supporting In-formation). The most stable encounter complex in all four reac-tions features a hydrogen bond between H2O [Eqs. (1 a) and(1 b)] or OH� [Eqs. (2 a) and (2 b)] and a hydrogen atom of theleaving group of the substrate. An obvious side reaction forour model systems R�OH2

+ and R�OH is deprotonation of theleaving group, which is 22.0 kcal mol�1 endothermic in the

former [Eq. (4 a)] and 21.7 kcal mol�1 exothermic in the lattercase [Eq. (4 b)] .[46]

H2Oþ CH3CH2OH2þ !H3Oþ þ CH3CH2OH ð4aÞ

OH� þ CH3CH2OH!H2Oþ CH3CH2O� ð4bÞ

Note however that this side reaction is not of interest in thepresent work, which serves to model the competition betweenelimination and substitution pathways of the more commonand ubiquitous reactions of ethers R�OR’, amides R�NR’R“ and,in general, substrates R�L with a leaving group that is noteasily deprotonated under the reaction conditions. In the fol-lowing, we therefore focus on the elimination and substitutionreaction pathways [Eqs. (1) and (2)] .

In the acidic case [Eq. (1 a,b)] , the most stable hydrogen-bonded reactant complex is bound by �22.8 kcal mol�1 and di-rectly connected to the SN2 transition states (Scheme 2 a). Onthe other hand, along the E2 pathway, this reactant complexfirst undergoes a change in conformation via a low-barrier(0.9 kcal mol�1) rotation of the OH···H2O moiety around the Ca�O bond to yield a slightly (0.4 kcal mol�1) less stable species.The latter again directly leads to the E2 transition state

(Scheme 2 a). Under basic condi-tions [Eq. (2 a,b)] , the lowest-energy reactant complex is evenmore stable, featuring a hydro-gen-bond strength of �41.2 kcalmol�1. Prior to entering into theelimination and substitutionchannels, the base has to mi-grate first from the leavinggroup to a b hydrogen, yieldingpre-reactive complexes at �15.9and �14.5 kcal mol�1, respective-ly (Scheme 2 b). Essentially, thesecomplexes differ only in the ori-entation of leaving group, andare easily interconverted via rela-tively low-barrier rearrange-ments.

Reaction profiles

The key stationary points andtransition states (TS) for all fourreaction paths, as they emergefrom our ZORA-OLYP/TZ2P com-putations, are schematically dis-played in Scheme 3, includingrelative energies and selectedgeometric data (for full structuraland energy data, see Table S2 inthe Supporting Information).Here we note that Scheme 3shows the lowest-energy path-ways. Alternative pathways exist

Scheme 2. Relative energies (in kcal mol�1) and selected bond lengths (in �) of isomeric reactant complexes forelimination and substitution reactions of a) H2O + C2H5OH2

+ , and b) OH�+ C2H5OH, computed at ZORA-OLYP/TZ2P(see also Scheme 3).

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in which stationary points (including the TS) adopt differentconformations in which one or both of the OH or H2O groupsare rotated. Typically these are only a few tenths of a kcal mol�1

higher in energy and will not be discussed here. For acidic con-ditions, we find that elimination [Eq. (1 a)] is outperformed bysubstitution [Eq. (1 b)] , with reaction barriers of + 7.2 versus+ 4.1 kcal mol�1, respectively. However, going to basic condi-tions, the reaction barrier for elimination [Eq. (2 a)] becomes�7.0 kcal mol�1 and thus drops below that for substitution[Eq. (2 b)] , which assumes the significantly higher value of+ 9.1 kcal mol�1 (see Scheme 3). Thus, our model systemsnicely reproduce the experimental observation that the pre-ferred pathway often shifts from substitution to elimination ifone goes from acidic to basic conditions. Before we providedetailed activation-strain analyses of this phenomenon, we willdiscuss in the following the mechanistic features and reactionprofiles in more detail.

Under acidic conditions, we find that the elimination reac-tion proceeds in a concerted manner, via an E2 mechanismwhich is characterized by a double-well potential energy sur-face. One TS, at + 7.2 kcal mol�1 relative to reactants, separatesthe aforementioned hydrogen-bonded reactant complex at�22.4 kcal mol�1 from the product complex at �11.6 kcal mol�1

(see Scheme 3). The product complex consists of a H3O+ ···H2Omoiety interacting with ethylene. Dissociation yields the prod-uct olefin + H3O+ ···H2O at �1.1 kcal mol�1 relative to the reac-tants, which makes the overall elimination process slightly exo-thermic (see Scheme 3). The competing substitution also pro-ceeds via a double-well potential energy surface, as iscommon for gas-phase SN2 substitution at carbon.[47, 48] Thebarrier for substitution is + 4.1 kcal mol�1 relative to reactants,that is, approximately 3 kcal mol�1 lower than that for the elim-

ination pathway (see Scheme 3). Overall, the symmetric SN2 re-action is thermoneutral.

Under basic conditions, we find again a double-well poten-tial energy surface for the symmetric, thermoneutral SN2 reac-tion, with a TS at + 9.1 kcal mol�1, that is, only slightly higherthan for the corresponding substitution pathway in the acidiccase. At variance, the TS of the competing alkaline eliminationreaction drops significantly and, interestingly, the eliminationreaction now proceeds via an E1cb mechanism. Thus, we arriveat a triple-well[15a] potential energy surface, along which ab-proton transfer from substrate to base occurs in a separatereaction step prior to the expulsion of the leaving group. Theoccurrence of an E1cb mechanism is in line with the strong ba-sicity of the hydroxide anion and the poor leaving-group abili-ty of the hydroxyl group.[49] The first TS, associated withb-proton abstraction, is at �14.2 kcal mol�1 relative to reac-tants, that is, less than 2 kcal mol�1 above the preceding reac-tant complex. The resulting intermediate, at �15.2 kcal mol�1

relative to reactants, is a O�H···C� hydrogen-bonded complexbetween the newly formed water and the �CbH2CH2OH carban-ion. The second and overall TS, at �7.0 kcal mol�1 relative toreactants, leads to the expulsion of the leaving group. We notethat the E1cb potential energy surface around the TS for leav-ing-group expulsion is extremely flat and may be considereda transition plateau, in line with earlier 2D explorations of po-tential energy surfaces of anionic E2 reactions.[19a] This causesthe position of this TS along the reaction coordinate (but notits energy) to be sensitive for algorithmic differences (differentHessian update schemes, see computational details) betweenTS optimization and intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) explora-tion. Thus, the TS optimization yields a saddle point at a stretchin Ca�LG bond of slightly less than 1 � (open dot in PES for

Scheme 3. Relative energies (in kcal mol�1) and selected bond lengths (in �) of stationary points along the lowest energy elimination and substitution path-ways of H2O + C2H5OH2

+ [Eq. (1 a,b)] and of OH�+ C2H5OH [Eq. (2 a,b)] , computed at ZORA-OLYP/TZ2P (see also Scheme 2).

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basic elimination in Figure 1 b), whereas the IRC scan reachesits highest point at a stretch of more than 1.5 � (filled dot inPES for basic elimination in Figure 1 b). Importantly, the differ-ence of less than 1 kcal mol�1 between the two energies (�7.0and �6.1 kcal mol�1, respectively, relative to reactants) is signifi-cantly smaller than the effect that we are studying and there-fore does not affect our conclusions. In the course of its expul-sion, the leaving group forms a strongly hydrogen-bondedHO�···H2O moiety that interacts with ethylene, at �27.7 kcalmol�1 relative to reactants. Dissociation yields the productolefin + OH�···H2O at �21.8 kcal mol�1 relative to the reactants.This makes the overall elimination process under basic condi-tions rather exothermic.

In the following section, we use the activation-strain modelto show how the barriers arise, how their relative order de-pends on nucleophilicity and leaving-group ability, and whythe preferred reactivity shifts from substitution to elimination ifone goes from acidic to basic conditions.

Activation strain analyses: Acidic conditions

The ZORA-OLYP/TZ2P activation-strain diagrams (ASD) for allfour model reactions are shown in Figure 1 a,b. Herein, thebold lines represent the reaction profile, that is, the relativeenergy profiles DE(z) as a function of the IRC projected ontothe stretch of the bond between the a-carbon atom and theleaving group (C�LG). A dot on these lines indicates the TS.The relative energy is decomposed into a strain energy term,DEstrain(z), which is the dashed line above DE = 0, and the inter-action energy DEint(z), represented by the dashed line belowDE = 0 (see [Eq. (3)] and Theoretical Methods for details).

Three general trends emerge from the ASDs of our modelreactions: In the first place, the strain and the interactioncurves show counteracting trends, if we go from acidic tobasic conditions. Thus, for both elimination and substitution,the strain curve becomes more destabilizing and the interac-tion curve more stabilizing. This leads to a partial cancellation,and, as a result, changes in the total energy profile are compa-ratively small. Secondly, however, the changes in strain and in-teraction, if we go from acidic to basic conditions, are signifi-cantly larger for the elimination pathway. Thus, while in theacidic case the strain and interaction curves do not differ muchfor elimination and substitution, they adopt significantly largerabsolute values for elimination under basic conditions. Andthird, the single most determining factor working in the direc-tion of the overall shift in preferential reactivity from substitu-tion in acidic to elimination in basic conditions is the enor-mous strengthening in base–substrate interaction in the lattercase. In the following, we address the electronic mechanismsbehind these trends.

The ASD for the acidic case shows that the barrier for theelimination reaction is not only higher than for the substitutionreaction (+ 7.2 kcal mol�1 versus + 4.1 kcal mol�1) but alsooccurs at a much later stage (see Figure 1 a). This is a conse-quence of the fact that, although the proton abstraction andleaving-group expulsion occur in a concerted manner, they donot occur synchronously: leaving-group expulsion is ahead of

proton abstraction. One factor working in this direction is a rel-atively weakly pulling base, H2O (with a proton affinity of only164.5 kcal mol�1, calculated from enthalpies at 298.15 K and1 atm), and an excellent leaving group, also H2O, which makesfor a rather soft C�LG bond. A deeper reason for the late, E1-like elimination mechanism is revealed when we inspect theKohn–Sham orbital electronic structure of the substrate. Forthis purpose, we describe the molecular orbitals (MOs) of theCH3CH2L substrate (L = +OH2) in terms of a methyl and a substi-tuted methyl radical, CCH3(b) + CCH2L(a) (see Figure 1 g, a andb label the methyl fragment containing Ca and Cb, respective-ly). Under acidic conditions, the substrate is protonated at theleaving group, and this stabilizes the corresponding CCH2L(a)fragment molecular orbitals (FMOs) considerably.

This has an important consequence. The empty e*(a) FMOdrops so much in energy that it begins to interact predomi-nantly with the occupied e(b) instead of its direct counterparte*(b), and the LUMO of the CH3CH2L substrate becomes mainlythe antibonding e(b)�e*(a) combination (see Figure 1 g). Thus,the LUMO keeps its regular Ca�L antibonding character stem-ming from e*(a),[28c] but it becomes Cb�H bonding (instead ofCb�H antibonding) due to e(b). This can also be nicely seen inthe quantitative contour plots of the CH3CH2OH2

+ LUMO inFigure 1 e, in particular, as one approaches the TS. Thus, the in-teraction with the base does not favor Cb�H bond rupture,and b-proton abstraction occurs late when the Ca�L stretch isadvanced and quite some strain has already been built up. Fur-thermore, once the Cb�H bond begins to stretch, this deforma-tion has an energy-raising effect on the LUMO (because thisorbital is Cb�H bonding) and thus counteracts the energy-low-ering effect of Ca�L dissociation. This is at variance with the sit-uation for the SN2 pathway along which the LUMO energydrops more significantly because only the Ca�L has to break.The earlier and more pronounced decrease in LUMO energyalong the SN2 pathway is plotted in Figure 1 c. All together,these effects favor an earlier onset of the base–substrate inter-action along the SN2 than along the E2 pathway (see Fig-ure 1 a). The result is the late, E1-like E2 elimination witha somewhat higher barrier than the corresponding SN2 substi-tution under acidic conditions.

Activation strain analyses: Basic conditions

The ASD for basic conditions shows the aforementioned am-plification of destabilizing strain and stabilizing interaction, es-pecially for elimination, as compared with the ASD for acidicconditions (see Figure 1 b). The increase in the strain curvealong the SN2 pathway is caused by the fact that the Ca�OHbond in ethanol is significantly stronger (with a homolyticbond dissociation energy, BDE, of + 93.7 kcal mol�1) than theCa�OH2

+ bond (heterolytic BDE = + 32.7 kcal mol�1). The stron-ger interaction results from the higher-energy HOMO of OH� ,which makes this species a more strongly binding electron-do-nating agent than H2O in the interaction with an electron-ac-cepting substrate.[29, 46] The increase in interaction would havebeen even higher if the substrate would not also change fromprotonated to non-protonated ethanol. The neutral substrate

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in the basic case has a higher-energy LUMO than the former inwhich all orbitals are lowered in energy due to the net positivepotential. The two effects nearly cancel and, therefore, the SN2reaction barrier of + 9.1 kcal mol�1 under basic conditions isnot very different from the SN2 barrier of + 4.1 kcal mol�1

under acidic conditions.

Before continuing with theASD for the elimination process,we first elaborate on the natureof the substrate’s LUMO. Thelatter undergoes a qualitativechange in character if we gofrom the acidic to the basic sit-uation, and this change playsa key role in understanding theshift in reactivity towards elimi-nation. Again, we describe theMOs of the CH3CH2L’ substrate(this time, L’= OH) in terms ofa methyl and a substitutedmethyl radical, CCH3(b) + CCH2L’(a)(see Figure 1 h). Under basic con-ditions, the substrate is nolonger protonated at the leavinggroup and, as a result, the corre-sponding CCH2L’(a) FMOs areconsiderably higher in energythan in the acidic case. Thus, thee*(a) approaches e*(b), its coun-terpart on CCH3(b), from belowand the overall LUMO of thesubstrate CH3CH2L’ becomesmainly e*(b) + e*(a), that is, thebonding combination of the twoempty methyl FMOs. Therefore,under basic conditions, the sub-strate LUMO is s* antibonding inboth the Ca�LG and the Cb�Hbond (see Figure 1 h). This canalso be clearly recognized in thequantitative contour plots of thisLUMO as the substrate adoptsthe geometry that it has in theTS for elimination (see Fig-ure 1 f).

Now, we return to the ASD.The combined Ca�LG as well asCb�H antibonding character ofthe substrate LUMO leads toa completely different behavioralong the elimination pathwayunder basic conditions. In thiscase, the interaction with the ap-proaching base OH� inducesa weakening not only in the Ca�LG bond but also in the Cb�H

bond, especially after this bond has been slightly extended(see “LUMO in TS” in Figure 1 f which also holds for slightlystretched Cb�H distances). Furthermore, the stretching of theCb�H bond that goes with the elimination pathway now con-tributes to a lowering of the LUMO energy which thereforedrops much faster than along the SN2 pathway, that is, exactlythe other way around than under acidic conditions (cf. Fig-

Figure 1. Activation-strain analyses of model reactions (a, b; dot designates transition state, TS), substrate-LUMOenergies along reaction coordinate (c,d), substrate-LUMO contour plots (e,f) and schematic substrate-LUMO com-position (g,h) under acidic and basic conditions, based on ZORA-OLYP/TZ2P computations (see text).

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ure 1 c,d). On one hand, the simultaneous stretching of Cb�Hand Ca�LG that is now induced by the base–substrate interac-tion causes the strain to increase more pronouncedly. Howev-er, it also makes the interaction curve gain in stabilization sig-nificantly more steeply. Eventually, it is the better electron-do-nating capability of OH� (with a proton affinity of 400.7 kcalmol�1, calculated from enthalpies at 298.15 K and 1 atm) incombination with the rapidly dropping LUMO energy alongthe elimination pathway that makes the base–substrate inter-action pull the barrier of this pathway below that for SN2 sub-stitution (cf. Figure 1 a,b).

Finally, the strong increase in interaction and, in particular,the Cb�H antibonding character of the substrate LUMO alsocauses b-proton transfer to run ahead of leaving-group expul-sion. This is so, even to the extent where b-proton transfer be-comes a separate first step in the reaction mechanism, fol-lowed by leaving-group expulsion from the carbanion inter-mediate in a second step. Thus, our model reactions showa shift from an E1-like E2 elimination that is dominated by SN2substitution under acidic conditions, to an E1cb eliminationthat dominates SN2 substitution under basic conditions.


Our computations confirm the often observed shift from sub-stitution to elimination when changing from acidic to morebasic conditions. This follows from our theoretical analysesbased on relativistic density functional theory (DFT) of themutual competition between base-induced 1,2-elimination andnucleophilic substitution in model systems that represent, ina generic manner, one particular reaction under the two differ-ent conditions, namely, H2O + CH3CH2OH2

+ for acidic andOH�+ CH3CH2OH for basic conditions. In particular, we findthat the elimination pathway in our model systems goes froman E1-like E2 mechanism that is dominated by SN2 substitutionto an E1cb mechanism that prevails over SN2 substitution.

Our activation-strain analyses (ASA) reveal that the dominantcause for the above shift from nucleophilic (substitution) toprotophilic reactivity (elimination) is an enormous gain in stabi-lizing interaction between the reactants if one goes to basicconditions, in particular in the case of elimination. The en-hanced interaction is a direct consequence of the fact that thebase (or nucleophile) changes from H2O to OH� . The latter hasa significantly higher-energy HOMO and thus enters into morestabilizing interactions with a substrate LUMO. In the case ofSN2 substitution, the enhanced interaction is approximatelycanceled by the more destabilizing strain that arises as we gofrom a relatively weak carbon�leaving-group bond underacidic (Ca�OH2

+) to a stronger one under basic conditions(Ca�OH). Thus, the SN2 barrier changes comparatively little.

On the other hand, the enhancement of the interaction,from H2O to OH� , is significantly more pronounced for elimina-tion and pulls the corresponding barrier below that for substi-tution. Interestingly, there is a fundamental reason why elimi-nation benefits more from a higher-energy HOMO of the baseunder basic conditions, namely, the fact that also the substrateLUMO changes its character such that it favors the elimination

pathway when it interacts with an attacking base. Thus, theLUMO goes from Cb�H bonding and Ca�LG antibonding underacidic conditions (i.e. , in CH3CH2OH2

+) to s* antibonding inboth bonds, Cb�H and Ca�LG, under basic conditions (i.e. , inCH3CH2OH). Therefore, under acidic conditions, the HOMO–LUMO interaction between base and substrate does not assistCb�H rupture and the LUMO is not stabilized as the Cb�H bondeventually breaks. At variance, under basic conditions, theHOMO–LUMO interaction between base and substrate doesassist Cb�H rupture and the LUMO is stabilized as the Cb�Hbond begins to stretch, right from the onset of the eliminationprocess.


We thank the National Research School Combination–Catalysis(NRSC-C, The Netherlands), the Netherlands Organization for Sci-entific Research (NWO), the National Natural Science Foundationof China (No. 91016002), and the Open Research Fund of KeyLaboratory of Advanced Scientific Computation, Xihua University(China) (No. szjj2013-024) for financial support.

Keywords: activation-strain analysis · density functionalcalculations · elimination reactions · nucleophilic substitutions ·reaction mechanisms

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Received: January 8, 2014

Published online on January 29, 2014

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