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ACADEMIC COACHING MANUAL 2014 Academic Coaching Training

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2014 Academic Coaching Training


Table of Contents

1. What is Academic Coaching Pgs. 2-3 2. Resources for Referral Pgs. 4-5 3. Technology

a. Appointments Plus Pgs. 6-11 b. SignUp Genius Pg. 12 c. eCourseware Pg. 13 d. DropBox Pg. 14

4. Academic Strategies a. Goal Setting Pg. 15 & 30-40 b. Time Management Pg. 16 c. Note-taking – Cornell Method Pg. 17-20 d. Note-taking – Mind Mapping Pgs.22-25 e. Reading Pg. 27

5. Meetings Pgs. 25-29 6. Forms Pgs. 30-42


What is Academic Coaching?

Academic Coaching at the University of Memphis is designed to target several populations of students, namely freshmen on Academic Warning (meaning they made below a 2.00 the previous semester) and incoming freshmen on the lower end of the admissions index.

Academic coaching often takes the form of other interventions that take place around campus. For instance, at times academic coaching looks like mentoring, but it’s much deeper than that. Other times academic coaching looks a lot like tutoring. Our academic coaches are more than willing to work with students to help them achieve success in the classroom, however, they focus more on the game plan for success and less on the specific content of the course. Finally, academic coaching may look like counseling as students become comfortable with their coach. Our coaches are not counselors, tutors, or mentors.


Academic coaches:

i. Meet regularly with students to help them take ownership of their academic success

ii. They are prepared to help students set goals and weekly objectives

iii. They assist students in having a game plan for each week iv. They are well versed in academic strategies for success (such as

time management, note-taking techniques, reading strategies, and goal setting)

v. Can refer students to resources on campus that can aid in the students’ success, such as Educational Support Programs, the Counseling Center, Trio, Disability Resources for Students, and the Academic Advising Center

Academic coaches at the University of Memphis are graduate students who are committed to helping students achieve the maximum effort IF the student is motivated to try their best. When the student and the coach collaborate together on a regularly basis, our research shows that these students achieve statistically significant grade point averages after one semester.


Resources for Referral Center for Academic Retention and Enrichment Services (CARES) 500 Wilder Tower 901-678-2393 [email protected] This office works directly with students who are on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, Academic Suspension. In addition, this office oversees ACAD 1100 & 2200, Learning Communities, Living Learning Communities, and Academic Coaching The Counseling Center 214 Wilder Tower 901-678-2068 [email protected] This office provides free counseling services to students who are enrolled in at least six credit hours. Walk-ins take place Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The Center also provides a Relaxation Zone that is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Educational Support Programs 217 Mitchell Hall 901-678-2704 ESP provides academic support programs such as tutoring and supplemental instruction. It also provides Learning Centers, which are focused on subject-specific area, located throughout the campus.


Disability Resources for Students 110 Wilder Tower 901-678-2880 This office provides services and accommodation with students who have a documented disability and who register with the office. Some of the services they provide include: early registration, classroom accommodations, and memos to faculty. Academic Counseling Center 212 Wilder Tower 901-678-2062 [email protected] This office works directly with students who are undecided about their major, pursuing pre-Nursing as a major, taking pre-major courses, and/or exploring alternate majors. TRIO – Student Success Programs 405 Mitchell Hall 901-678-2351 [email protected] This office works directly with first-generation college students, low-income students, and students who have a documented disability. This office provides counseling, a walk-in lab, financial assistance, workshops, and cultural activities.



Appointments Plus: Scheduling program for students on Academic Warning. Allows students to sign up for a time slot with a specific coach. Username: [email protected] Password: letmein 1.) To view appointments by day, click the “Appointments” tab.

Use the calendar to identify the day specific day that you want to see.

2.) To schedule recurring appointments with your students (see next page)


To make a Recurring Appointment in Appointments Plus


Appointments made by the student cannot be converted to recurring…a new appointment must be made. These instructions are for making the appointment recurring after the student has made the appointment online in the student view. If you are making the appointment for the student in the appointment grid, start at Step 5.

The recurring function will skip days that your location is closed (on the Settings tab; Closed Days).

Step 1 If the student makes the appointment on the Student View

Step 2 Log in to Appointment-Plus (not the student view). The appointment will appear on the appointment grid (appointment tab).


Step 3 Click on the appointment, make note of the student name, the day and time of the appointment, and UNCLICK the email notifications to the student. Cancel Appointment.

Close that window.

Step 5 Click on the Students tab. Search for the student.


Step 6 Click “Make Appointment” on the left margin.

Step 7. Click the plus sign at the time and on the day that they student had requested.




Select an End Date for this semester’s appointments. Select the number in the group.

Add any Special Instructions for Student or Appointment Notes (internal only). Finalize the Appointment.

To cancel a recurring appointment, click on the chasing arrows on the appointment grid, and select Status Cancelled.


SignUp Genius will be used for students who are registering for the ACE Scholars Program.

E-mail: [email protected]

Password: letmein

To log-in:

1) Go to log-in site at link provided above. 2) Include the e-mail and password 3) In the box “Sign Ups I’ve Created” click on the link that says,

“View” 4) You can see what students have signed up and the times

they’ve requested from this screen


Podcast on how to Navigate eCourseware


Dropbox For both the ACE Scholars Program and the Coaching for Freshmen Academic Warning initiative, we will be using Dropbox to track the number of interventions for each student. There are two folders that apply to academic coaching:

1.) Academic Coaching i. This folder contains an Excel spreadsheet that contains

students’ names, contact information, e-mail addresses, etc. The students in this spreadsheet are freshmen who are on academic warning.

ii. When you meet with a student, you will want to make a notation that you met with the student in the box with the appropriate date range. For instance, if you met with your student the first week of classes then you would place an “X” in the box dedicated to August 25-26th.

2.) ACE Scholars i. This folder contains a spreadsheet for all students who

signed up for the ACE Scholars Program. ii. When you meet with a student, you will want to make a

notation that you met with the student in the box with the appropriate date range. For instance, if you met with your student the first week of classes then you would place an “X” in the box dedicated to August 25-26th.


Academic Strategies

Goal Setting:

A.) Talk about your expectations for your student. B.) Set specific, measurable goals C.) Goals must be revisited each week D.) Focus on long-term semester goals and short-term weekly

goals. E.) Use the form titled, “Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives” to

document students’ goals and weekly objectives



x Have students create a calendar of their semester x Come up with a list of things that will take up student’s time

(work, class, sleep, etc.) x Discuss barriers to their success (working a lot of hours, no time

for sleep, etc).

Sample Calendar


9:00 AM

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

7:00 PM8:00 PM9:00 PM

Student Schedule


Note-Taking Cornell Method & Mind Mapping

Example of Cornell method structure



Example of Cornell Notes


Example of Cornell Notes


Practice Makes Perfect

Use this space to practice the Cornell Method of



Mind Mapping


Example of a Mind Map


Example of a Mind Map


Example of a very good Mind Map


Practice Makes Perfect Use this space to practice the mind mapping

note-taking technique


Muscle Reading


Weekly Meetings



Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives

Name __________________________________ Semester Goals:_______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives Name __________________________________ Semester Goals_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives

Name __________________________________ Semester Goals_______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives Name __________________________________ Semester Goals ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives Name __________________________________ Semester Goals _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives Name __________________________________ Semester Goals _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives

Name __________________________________ Semester Goals ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives

Name __________________________________ Semester Goals ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives Name __________________________________ Semester Goals _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives Name __________________________________ Semester Goals _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Goal Setting/Weekly Objectives Name __________________________________ Semester Goals _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Task Complete By

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Coaching Appointment Checklist Activity

Ask if student has missed any classes. Ask for reason and document responses.

Ask for any grades from previous week, document weekly grades posted (check ecourseware for grades).

Discuss grades with student good/bad. Determine ways to perform better next time.

Ask to see any work that they are going to hand in this week.

Examine calendars – look for upcoming assignments and tests for the week. Check that the student-athlete is keeping their’s up to date.

Ask about future tests-what is the student doing to prepare for it? Give suggestions on studying techniques.

Ask if student needs tutoring services. If so, help him/her to fill out form. Follow up

Check notes and examine book of any classes that the student has a test in. Get a feel for what he/she is going to encounter on test.

Have the student set academic goals for the week. Fill out the “Weekly Task Sheet” with upcoming assignments, etc. to be accomplished and make sure they have a copy.

Have the student set studying goals for the week. Put in their/your planner calendar exact study/tutoring times for the week.

Review syllabi periodically to make sure all class policies, assignments, etc, are being followed.

Leave them with something positive and remind them when you will see them next.