anderson intelligencer.(anderson, s.c.)...

«y... Intelligencef NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. «. W««kly. l«tobUí»e* 18«; Dalí* Jan. 18, !'./.<. _'_ ?_._ ANDERSON, S. C., MORNING, MA\32, 1914. PRICE $1.50 THE YEAR, OFFICIALS GRAVELY ANXi- IOUS FOR SAFETY FOR¬ EIGN PROPERTY TAMPICO DISTRICT Several OH Plants Air. Jy Bru»- ed; Other Properties Valued at Millions in Danger (By Associated Press. Washington. Afrit d.-OflielaJJ^W tonight were gravely anxious for Ute safety of foreign property1 inj tafe Tanjpleo District, where valuable oil plants already have been destroyed, and other properties, valued at mil* lions, are threatened by Msxicail Çotï- ^HOttUonalist and Federal shells. ?.Dispatches today told of the burn¬ ing of warehouses belonging lo a'Ger- I company, with a loas of half. a j ?ion douars ana ot imminent dang- í cr to tb? immensely valuable plant of the Waters-Pierce Oil RcRneT?J$$pte plant, the navy department learned today, has baea occupied by attack¬ ing force the past few days, and as a consequence, shell after shall has been poured into it from Fedora] gun¬ boats In tho harbor. P«?«r-Admiral Mayo's suggestion that an army transport be sent to Tampico to horbor refugees probably will not cause officiai action hero. The hospital ship Solace, with accomodation* for several hundred, was due to leave New Orleapa for Tampico tonight, and at tb* navy department, lt waa said that tho niarJue« on the transport Prairie at Vera Cruz easily could be distributed among the other ship» In. Mex lesa' watsrt).' leaving that crait, with accommodation« for at teas! SOP, h Agree t Carothers at Si Paso -ito o of tneir rights, bod redress their grievances against the Con- lUotir.siat Government. , ion war av in. doubt''.har. e outcome of t oity. Ko de- itcome of the Ithout ndvant- RU80 of heavy xi told callers that Ibis is dolug all lt could for of all Spanish subjectti e indicated that if thc BtS steàrWlstMrt tn their at. FÀLLBK less dispatch received here tonighC.t It caught tire from the Khella of the^ Zaracoga. The loan is intimated at! JÜÖ.Ob». Tampico ls reported to he envelop¬ ed in smoke from the buming oil tanka General Ma^fts''WÔ»ra! cooa- mander at Vexa Cruz has received an urgent call for the gunboats Brayo and Annunclo. Milwaukee Election ~;&taruH. Milwaukee. Wis., April lo.-Cern, píete returns from yesterday'E mun lei- pa! elections give laÂjleVlB; À. Beding, non-partisan 07,761 àt» Emil Seidel, so^ialist-dempcral, Í8¿47 votes. The soelsílst-dettf£#rttys. captured one of the chief efSeeaV.ínat of city at¬ torney, Daniel W. J-foen^tne incumbent having received ^'¿M2 against 31.936 for William HT^iñlIñ... Jr.'? nou-partl- sau. ;:~"*fi.-' -. .'-vsSSfä JUDGE S ^iMUSR FORSTA^fe Friends Aro Íh0¿^n To " "Al¬ low m Name To Bo Used This Time Some days ago thate was soma talk or bringing out Tv Prank Watkins for the State senate from this county. Hr. Watkins bas since received matty tlrely unexpected, and he ia almost persuaded to believe that he^a|pÙI get the nomination,'hut his business tn the siren of the cstfipaign. He .likes that kind ot tbtng'and: Would ilka to make the race, butTTeald'that he can¬ not in justice tb his business. In thé last few days there has been pome talk ot asking J.'f;SV .Fowler to ai low bis name to be used^te connec¬ tion with the race for the senate. It ia stated that be could win easily, and the matter bas beén ^ur .to him by «orne of his friends''but he *has turned a deaf ear ao far. "Mr/ PowtaW^liy many depending upon him for oupnort and for help during' the crop years, and his closo. business associated say teat it would bc ittce to 2ttr. Fowler to ask .un, for he would do it If Si a call from, his county, he or failed to make any SKerlflOff^l^fetdíraon. It tne statement that Dr. R. F. Smith pf Kesley, who bas been mentioned for thO SittiS fitrtSÏC to auoceed" Tom Joe Mauidla, elected judge, has about'decided to enter the race for congress against Mr. Aiken. Cr. Smith was » member of the last this district, and la * j?opular man. LIEUT. GOV^vSMTIH VISITS AifMERSON --;.' Says That He la Re^dvibg En. conragement la Hts Race for Govenaa^KÇî Lieut. Gov. ChaB. A. Smith of Tint- monaville, a Candidate -for governor, ia in *be city in tho Interest or his candidacy. Gov, Smith Is no strauber herc and bis friends were glad to ase him. For four years -hs has he'd the ofnes of lieutenant governor and dig- atty. * ... He started In Ufe as a çebeol teacher charged the duties thsreôf .with ability, and today is tbr haul'of à large mer¬ cantile intarprlee and a bank of eooso- ójienee.' He has avérai"1 lîmes been B>JDB,k>t? 'VTC^<Sfsr't?07^ a -ur .«otooooooooeseooooooj o ol o Regular »ailjr ftobbcry. « o - - ,o O ": Hot SpringB, Ark.. April 9.- .p o Officials ot thé United States o o Express Company here stated o o that between 92.000 and $3,000 o o in money and valuables was esr- o o ried la the express esr of the o o -Hock Island train reported o o robbed near Haskell. Ark., to- o p night. M o o tl 9 loooooeooooooa o . RRFWNÏRRRWl Y VllbtB iiiiuiiwusm ESGAPED^DEftTH BARK RAMMED OFF JERSEY COAST BY AMERICAN STEAMER THREE LOST l!iVES Boats of the Greifen* Wera Stink And Only Calm Sea» Pre~ vented i>ts«»ter *ByAssociated PrcasÎ Newport News, Va.," April 9.-Bring« lng the dead body of the captain and' eleven''survivors of the crew of the Norwegian bark Oreliana which she rammed and sunk off Barnegat, N. last night at. ten o'clock the American aieamer Peter H. Crowell arrived to¬ night; from Boston. .The eleven survi¬ vors which include one woman, wife the 'Itrst mate, were picked îtùm the water by the Oroweil's boam attar their own boats, two in number had been swamped. The captain was dead when picked up. Two men went down With the Orellaaa.- Captaln Vail the Crowcll roirsSted to Consul Richardson that the col¬ lision occurred during misty weather a&d was dbe to tue poor lights dis¬ played by fb.e OreUaaH. The ero weil s*3jr«¿k,-the. barfc while steaming, al- ? .:, Captain Vail said that, great confusion prevailed aboard thc bark following., the crash. Captain Johabnseu loiltig control of bia men entirely. The sailors, after Captain jonannsen ana me mate had succeed- j od in gettieg the lattcr'B wife into one of the boats, piled into them, (there were but two launched) so wildly that both were swamped, in tbe meantime, th J -Trowel? »as standing by and Cap¬ tain Vail immediately ordered bis life¬ boat, aptaJa Jahaanw:, the wom'/a and J ten men were picked up. The sea caïm and rescue work was comparatively easy. Captain Johanbsen, who waa 65 years ot agre, waa dead when in one of thés retune boats and his death ts tho.igbt to have boen due to heart disease aggravated by the excitement of the .wreck.. Two members ot the crew failed tb leave tn the. boats and wept down with vino Ship. Whether Ussy misjudged the time the vessel would »tay afloat or wished to die aboard the Ship could not be learned tonight «''?'.» \OTEoijmËh ON STATION MATTER For Separate Sealion Over Unto» Ärr*-«gö«nent Won By Vote of ?3âto0X I ; '- vnú w. Bttesey. m-, ap- pointed, from the Anderson chamber bf coinmeríü;. m«t yesterday und can > «*.* % A*7 Vwíí^í .ca» * ntthnî*u £»kP«» the CbarleetOo & Western. Carolina railwy railroad officials. Äfljj agreed to do whatever the subite ¿rf anderson dàsifl^d in this matter, either ( te. build aseoarafe station AP U union j stlktion -, > vew juaüed eat from the otttrfihvl «ff. amerce some days a*r, j .and 2s0 repliés, wore recavad. fkWUea } Ü^^f%^S^Í ysd*^5a* v*s WllRon left hers" et 11:30 o'clock to-j (Hy Asi Äted Press) £1 Paso,- Tas kl S.-News or an I important rebol Bfeat at San Pedro. I about forty mll< iHortbwest pf Toreen I was brought »today by newspaper I men who wah fit allowed to send I the news from hè; rebel vamp. Before I the correspond lté left Torreón the I defeated rebel ofiumn ret urned to I Torreon. Villa sent oiÈj&a,' brigade under I Oe ncr« ¡ Crtcg. .??Katust oat* Pedro. I The defeated t lippui returned Tuen-1 day,, it ia said. federal rapid fire I guns, sweeping the level plain, work-1 ed havoc arnon $|em. Night attacks I failed to'dllodj *-.the enemy and Or-1 tega*returned -*|tli the explanation! that ho fouud ¡he federals In unex-l peeled force. $t Brownsville, ftff,, April 9.-Rein- forcemcntp ent ejk to the aid of the Tampico feder ^garrison were de¬ feated yestorda willi the IOBB of forty men, accord in; to constHutionalistH reported today .9 Jdatambras head¬ quarters.. So ilr aK known, Matamo¬ res bas had ni- recent reports from thc con8tituttor iklit aeige ot Tam¬ pico. j,. "I;-^-^- - KVlîRY OOllflR EUR l*KPR\SE Were J "Foll American Chicago, league is r Federale over Louis America Jumped to the today, accoril American lens Atc.erieea less If >t take».eve ury," ^ald Joh wtil be. left urti Head It». Another V. hekaey. 9.-Thc American| go to war with thc 1 Hamilton, the St. B'ague- pitcher, whe naas City. Federals to Ban Johnson, president. "Thc will stop Hamiltor loUar in the treas- Q tonight. "Nothing >T the Next «des Day To Be . nllension Committee of in^jer of ronfifcrce Thursday after- ¡noon anaouncí§.vth¿' following Pro- [gram for Tradi||Day, Tuesday April 21st, next. Thnday will be known as Flower Day;Kd the chief exercises «rill be h«rid at Ks Palmetto Theatre, beginning atj llj|0 A. M., promptly, ^oijrum dHLnnounced lg as fol- IS:30 Opening» Pi'jietto Theatre. 10:35 AonouttijBtents-by Chairman, 10:45 InvocalSB-P/ev. D. W. Dodge, Pastor, fcéntral Presbyterian Church;'wa .' 10:55 Illuslratfil' Address with Slides, o;>. v hiclftvelopment in Coun¬ try, by F|M; Bucnett, Secty. Y. M. C. A.|of Anderson. 11:30 Addressl-Hortlculture- W. J. HlfltiHg^B. Agr. Agt., Soutb- tty.t'Washington, D. C. 12 Moving;Mclure Reel, compll- I ; mentary'fH Palmetto Theatre. subject; porai Parade. Flo Kera I-'-', galore. IJ $ÍBCT. GOT. c.«i i the Logical Csu Defeated JW Up" Fight Federal* In Forre. El Paso, Tex., April 9.-r-It was re¬ ported at Torreón that General Ve- lavco, who evacuated that city five days ago hud Joined federal General Hidalgo at Saltillo. Hidalgo, with 7.000 men. had »tarted to reinforce Velasco at Torreon, but waH delayed. Tim combined farces at Saltillo there¬ for number about 12.000, ii the Hi¬ dalgo report proves correct. KltlTINJl COSSU, I NDKK FIRE Kl Paso. Tex., April 9.- H. S. Cu¬ nard-« 'uminiuH. ucting Uri tish vice consul at Gomez Palacio,-waa used by General Villa during the battle of Torreón to carry a demand to Gen¬ eral' Velasco on March 27 that the latter surrender. According to news- paper carreapondenta who reached here from that front tonight. Mr. Cu- nard-Cumins performed thc mission under protest and was subjected to rifle fire on lils return toward be reb¬ el linea. orge C. Curoth?rs. special agent of tile state department at the battle, in t^e report of the incident he has made to Washington denies Üils. SISE I*KETTY M l.Cl TS Sew Vehicles Bought By Prosperous 1!?-Utcnts of the Zion Section. Thursday was a good day for trade In farm o aimais and farm vehicles. The Fretwell boys sold hair a dozen buggies and several mules and Fow¬ ler's stables sold nine buggies to as many farmers from the .Mt. Tabor and Zion neighborhood, the land made famous hy thc Zion school band. The good farmers from that section who bought buggies «'ere: H. C. Graham, P. D. Bowl and, W. D. Ballard.Norman THE PROGRAMME Given By The Anderson Chamber SPECIAL The Chp'uber of Commerce will give away a special prize of one 920. solid prass Egyptian Vase to the lady, any age, W;JC places on exhibit at tho rooina of the Chamber of Commerce, on or betöre 12 o'clock the best Bou¬ quet of Flowers, of any kind I This contest ls open to any women la An¬ derson County, outside bf the incorpo¬ rated limits of the City of Anderson, or to any young lady or mis». The prise 1B perhaps the handsomest vase,of Ita kind ever aeon in Anderdon, and Is of solid brass. Judges.-The. Judges thc Flowers will be Mesdames Rufus F»«».i. Mr J. W. W. Chiholm, G. M. Tolly a ad Mr. Ar¬ chie Todd. Tb* exerclsco gJro opan to men as well ag women, and all wili occur ai thc Palmetto Theatre, thu ;¡u-Jo¬ in.; cf tho flowers, which will bo held at 2: ?0 P. M. at the othoe of the Chumbar of Commerce. Aa A. SMITH aléate fór Geveranr. O'Neal. M. H. and D. M Mann. Vandl- ver Sharpe and John sharpe These gentleman clubbed together and got a club rate. Til KHK IS NO non: The New York Gunmen Munt Die Next Monday. Alban». N. Y., April 9.-Governor Glynn today refused to nee four wom¬ en, relatives of the condemned gun¬ men, who are to be electrocuted next Monday for the murder ot Herman Rosenthal. "I have rendered my final decision." he said. "To have seen these women would have meant only another dra¬ matic scene and no good would huve come of it.'' There was another feature in the case today when a slip of paper con¬ taining eleven words was found. This purported to be a warning that the four men bad been convicted on false testimony of Kuban and Margolls. NO POLITICS FOR (THESE AGENTS Farm Demonstration Workers Must Keep Out of Partisan Lines This Summer Special to The Intelligencer: i 'tenison Coiiuje, April ».-1 mi i m Hons for their guidance during tho approaching political campaign are contained in a letter that has been [sent to every demonstration agent in South Carolina by W. W. Long, state agent of demonstration and superin¬ tendent of the extension division of Clemson college. South Carolina ag¬ ents are to play no patt In the cam¬ paign other than to vote. They are to refrain from discussing politics, and from doing anything which might construed as pernicious political activity. Mr. Long's letter, which clearly defines his petition in this matter, ls as follows: "There is a matter of special im¬ portance to which I desire to direct your attention. I am sure you will appreciate my motive in so doing. By your splendid record of valuable and patriotic service you justly occu¬ py a high place in the respect and tmOdence of the peupla jr ou. are uer- my ambition, and 1 feel -atimM. JJ tiewinriaT»''^ can be accompitshed only by faith¬ ful nug Unselfish service and a strict attention to public duties. "There will be In South Carolina this Bummer a political campaign. The only part we should play is that expected of every good citizen, to rsi*. My suggestion Is that we re¬ frain from diecuasing politics, ca¬ pee lal I y In public places. "I shall feel lt my painful duty to recommend the removal of any ag¬ ent who becomes an. offensive parti¬ san. This great organization will be of value to thefistate only so long ss our people are qfnvinced that lt ls en¬ tirely removed from politics, and that avery agent receives his appointment solely because of merit, and without regard to political Influences or af¬ filiations." SELF INFLICTED WOUND IS FATAL M«. Murdock Died Yesterday Morning From Bullet Fired Into Her Bram Mrs. Anna Murdock, wife of James I., Murdock, died at her home about seven miles from Monea Path yesterday morning at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Murdock shot herself through the right temple Tuesday waa seen front, the first that there was no chance fer her re¬ covery. It 'is understood . that she never regained consciousness before she died. Mrs. Murdock waa a daughter of Johr Thomas Ashley and wag well known in that immediate section of the county. She was 33 years of] age. It is presumed that Mrs. Mur¬ dock took her own life because of ill health and despondent spirits. The Interment took place yester¬ day afternoon at Mt. Bethel Church. COAL CAR HELD UP TRAFFIC! Brae Ridge Train Was Delayed Yesterday When Car Got Off The Track v The shifting engine ut me Blue Ridge railroad rea a caa! car off ino track in the Blue Ridge- yards yester¬ day, holding up paesaager train No. ll. coming into this etty, for about 80 minutes. The car was loaded with coal snd getting lt back on the track was quite an undertaking. Tho dam¬ age done was small and easily rspalr . ed. Masses Mildred Branyon and Corrie Pan non, of the Shady Grove secnVm were in town today shopping. HEARINGS BEGUN OH TOLLS REPEAL SENATE CANALS COMMITTEE OPEN FIFTEEN DAY PUB¬ LIC DISCUSSION REPUBLICAN SPOKE I -. ! Lodge Center of Senate Attrac¬ tion-Logically Advocated Repeal of Tolls (By Associated Press) Washington, April 9.-Hearings on the Panama tolls exemption >'<>pcal bill opened today before thc senate canals, committee, but interul ia lia repeal ¡fight was focused on the senate Itself, where Senator Lodge, veteran repub¬ lican member of the foreign relations committee held the attention. Qi vir¬ tually the entire membership and of crowded galleries for more than two hours, defending the position of Presi¬ dent Wilson in Insisting upon the pae- tsage of the repeal bill. The senator Bpoko without a single Interruption. He declared that, tn his opinion, the right of the, United States to exempt any of Its shipping from tolls was unquestioned under strict interpretation ot the treaty; but be¬ cause of the delicate position ip which the country Ands Itself tn Its foreign* relation?, urged noi-partisan support of the president. At the conclusion of Senator Lodge's address the galleries broke Into applause and the vlce-presl dent's gavel pounded several minutes before order, was restored and the warning given that Senate filles'-pro¬ hibited any display of approval or dis¬ approval from the gallery. Senator Lodge was given the strict? est attention by hts colleague.« on both sides of tile chamber, and without re- aspect to their announced view» on the repeal struggll . elga, policy is quite another thlu£> ; I to be undertaken except for tl gravest reason. In one case w-. throw a party leader within thñ where tbs American people alone sit in'Judgment; in tue oiher we break ¡down and dtecredit the representative of the whole country in the great fo- jrum of the nations of the. earth, sud .paralyse his future power and itse¬ lfulness in that field where he alono. I can declare and represent the policy, the honor and the dignity of the United SUtes." Delay Appears Probable.. Before the canals committee, Sena¬ tors Norris and Thomas appeared 'to discus their propositions, the session msrklng the beginning of the fifteen day public dlscusuton, decided upon earlier in the week. It was, doubtful ttonight Just what the program ot the hearings would be for the nest few days. Representatives Of tho commer¬ cial organisations in Pacific Costs cit¬ ies, and New Orleans, at whose request the hearings were ordered have not arrived, and several senators who have submitted "substitutes for the Sims repeal bill intimated tods/ they had no .desire to defend their pro¬ posals before the committee. Conse¬ quently a delay to thwart the arrival of the commercial.representatives ap¬ peared probable. '" Senator Norris urged upon the Com¬ mittee his suggestion that while the exemption clause be "repealed,.tbs tight of the United sutes to make such exemptions be asserted in the repeal measure, and the president empowered to arrange-for arbitration to the dis¬ pute on this point Senator Thomas outlined big pisa to throw open the canal to the free pas¬ sage of all commerce. He elaborated this later tn the day lu the senate. Debate on the repeal fight, which bas occupied the senate virtually tae entire week, although senators havo' not been speaking directly to any bill, promises to continue at intervals at least until the committee reports' Ito findings. Senator J\eöyon announced during the day that ha approved the sugges- IUoa of Former President Roosevelt that i tho toi Jh question be arbitrated« Senator Williams of Mississippi* agreed that the question might well bo arbitrated, and that arbitration would satisfy the "nearer consequoncea" spoken Of by President Wilson in bis repeal message. He said, however, that a canvas ot the senate a year ago showed that two thirds of the renata were not in favor of arbitration, ah4 so far art he had heard, only two; aerators opposed to repeal sssscrtcá arbitration. Preldent Wilson todcj* said ho was) more confident than ever ot the pane« ag« of the repeal b-U ¿a-* iíis.% witt day bis confidence waa increased. Mr. Wilson said the animus behind some of the attacks on the MI! was obvious but he did not go Into AeUlU. Such antmus, bs said, often proved a boo uv* arang. . _^ ??BBW

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IntelligencefNEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. «. W««kly. l«tobUí»e* 18«; Dalí* Jan. 18, !'./.<._'_ ?_._





Several OH Plants Air. Jy Bru»-ed; Other Properties Valued

at Millions in Danger

(By Associated Press.Washington. Afrit d.-OflielaJJ^Wtonight were gravely anxious for Ute

safety of foreign property1 inj tafeTanjpleo District, where valuable oilplants already have been destroyed,and other properties, valued at mil*lions, are threatened by Msxicail Çotï-^HOttUonalist and Federal shells.

?.Dispatches today told of the burn¬ing of warehouses belonging lo a'Ger- I

company, with a loas of half. a j?ion douars ana ot imminent dang- ícr to tb? immensely valuable plant ofthe Waters-Pierce Oil RcRneT?J$$pteplant, the navy department learnedtoday, has baea occupied by attack¬ing force the past few days, and asa consequence, shell after shall hasbeen poured into it from Fedora] gun¬boats In tho harbor.P«?«r-Admiral Mayo's suggestion that

an army transport be sent to Tampicoto horbor refugees probably will notcause officiai action hero. The hospitalship Solace, with accomodation* forseveral hundred, was due to leaveNew Orleapa for Tampico tonight, andat tb* navy department, lt waa saidthat tho niarJue« on the transportPrairie at Vera Cruz easily could bedistributed among the other ship» In.Mex lesa' watsrt).' leaving that crait,with accommodation« for at teas! SOP,

h Agreet Carothers at Si Paso

-itoo of tneir rights, bod redresstheir grievances against the Con-lUotir.siat Government.

, ion war avin. doubt''.har.e outcome oft oity. Ko de-itcome of the

Ithout ndvant-RU80 of heavy

xi told callers that Ibisis dolug all lt could forof all Spanish subjecttie indicated that if thcBtS steàrWlstMrt tn their at.


less dispatch received here tonighC.tIt caught tire from the Khella of the^Zaracoga. The loan is intimated at!JÜÖ.Ob».Tampico ls reported to he envelop¬

ed in smoke from the buming oiltanka General Ma^fts''WÔ»ra! cooa-mander at Vexa Cruz has received anurgent call for the gunboats Brayoand Annunclo.

Milwaukee Election ~;&taruH.Milwaukee. Wis., April lo.-Cern,

píete returns from yesterday'E mun lei-pa! elections give laÂjleVlB; À. Beding,non-partisan 07,761 àt» Emil Seidel,so^ialist-dempcral, Í8¿47 votes.The soelsílst-dettf£#rttys. captured

one of the chief efSeeaV.ínat of city at¬torney, Daniel W. J-foen^tne incumbenthaving received ^'¿M2 against 31.936for William HT^iñlIñ... Jr.'? nou-partl-

sau. ;:~"*fi.-' -. .'-vsSSfäJUDGE S ^iMUSRFORSTA^fe

Friends Aro Íh0¿^n To" "Al¬

low m Name To Bo UsedThis Time

Some days ago thate was soma talkor bringing out Tv Prank Watkins forthe State senate from this county.Hr. Watkins bas since received matty

tlrely unexpected, and he ia almostpersuaded to believe that he^a|pÙIget the nomination,'hut his business tnthe siren of the cstfipaign. He .likesthat kind ot tbtng'and: Would ilka tomake the race, butTTeald'that he can¬not in justice tb his business.

In thé last few days there has beenpome talk ot asking J.'f;SV .Fowler toailow bis name to be used^te connec¬tion with the race for the senate. It iastated that be could win easily, andthe matter bas beén ^ur .to him by«orne of his friends''but he *has turneda deaf ear ao far. "Mr/ PowtaW^liymany depending upon him for oupnortand for help during' the crop years,and his closo. business associated sayteat it would bc ittce to 2ttr.Fowler to ask .un, for hewould do it If Si a call from,his county, a» he or failed tomake any SKerlflOff^l^fetdíraon. It

tne statement that Dr. R. F. Smithpf Kesley, who bas been mentioned forthO SittiS fitrtSÏCto auoceed" Tom Joe Mauidla, electedjudge, has about'decided to enter therace for congress against Mr. Aiken.Cr. Smith was » member of the last

this district, and la * j?opular man.



Says That He la Re^dvibg En.conragement la Hts Race for

Govenaa^KÇîLieut. Gov. ChaB. A. Smith of Tint-

monaville, a Candidate -for governor,ia in *be city in tho Interest or hiscandidacy. Gov, Smith Is no strauberherc and bis friends were glad to asehim. For four years -hs has he'd theofnes of lieutenant governor and dig-atty. *


He started In Ufe as a çebeol teachercharged the duties thsreôf.with ability,and today is tbr haul'of à large mer¬cantile intarprlee and a bank of eooso-ójienee.' He has avérai"1 lîmes been

B>JDB,k>t? 'VTC^<Sfsr't?07^ a -ur

.«otooooooooeseoooooojo olo Regular »ailjr ftobbcry. «o -

- ,oO ": Hot SpringB, Ark.. April 9.- .po Officials ot thé United States oo Express Company here stated oo that between 92.000 and $3,000 oo in money and valuables was esr- oo ried la the express esr of the oo -Hock Island train reported oo robbed near Haskell. Ark., to- op night. Mo otl 9 loooooeooooooa o .

RRFWNÏRRRWl YVllbtB iiiiuiiwusm



THREE LOST l!iVESBoats of the Greifen* Wera Stink

And Only Calm Sea» Pre~vented i>ts«»ter

*ByAssociated PrcasÎNewport News, Va.," April 9.-Bring«lng the dead body of the captain and'

eleven''survivors of the crew of theNorwegian bark Oreliana which sherammed and sunk off Barnegat, N.last night at. ten o'clock the Americanaieamer Peter H. Crowell arrived to¬night; from Boston. .The eleven survi¬vors which include one woman, wife oíthe 'Itrst mate, were picked îtùm thewater by the Oroweil's boam attartheir own boats, two in number hadbeen swamped. The captain was deadwhen picked up. Two men went downWith the Orellaaa.-Captaln Vail oí the Crowcll roirsSted

to Consul Richardson that the col¬lision occurred during misty weathera&d was dbe to tue poor lights dis¬played by fb.e OreUaaH. The eroweils*3jr«¿k,-the. barfc while steaming, al-

? .:, Captain Vail said that,great confusion prevailed aboard thcbark following., the crash. CaptainJohabnseu loiltig control of bia menentirely. The sailors, after Captainjonannsen ana me mate had succeed- jod in gettieg the lattcr'B wife into oneof the boats, piled into them, (therewere but two launched) so wildly thatboth were swamped, in tbe meantime,th J -Trowel? »as standing by and Cap¬tain Vail immediately ordered bis life¬boat, aptaJa Jahaanw:,the wom'/a and Jten men were pickedup. The sea caïm and rescuework was comparatively easy.Captain Johanbsen, who waa 65

years ot agre, waa dead when inone of thés retune boats and his deathts tho.igbt to have boen due to heartdisease aggravated by the excitementof the .wreck.. Two members ot thecrew failed tb leave tn the. boats andwept down with vino Ship. WhetherUssy misjudged the time the vesselwould »tay afloat or wished to dieaboard the Ship could not be learnedtonight «''?'.»\OTEoijmËh ON

STATION MATTERFor Separate Sealion Over Unto»

Ärr*-«gö«nent Won By Vote of?3âto0X I

; '-

vnú w. Bttesey. m-, ap-pointed, from the Anderson chamberbf coinmeríü;. m«t yesterday und can>«*.* % A*7 Vwíí^í .ca» * ntthnî*u £»kP«»

the CbarleetOo & Western. Carolinarailwy railroad officials. Äfljjagreed to do whatever the subite ¿rfanderson dàsifl^d in this matter, either (te. build aseoarafe station AP U union jstlktion -,

> vew juaüed eat from theotttrfihvl «ff. amerce some days a*r, j.and 2s0 repliés, wore recavad. fkWUea }Ü^^f%^S^Í ysd*^5a* v*s

WllRon left hers" et 11:30 o'clock to-j

(Hy Asi Äted Press)£1 Paso,- Tas S» kl S.-News or an I

important rebol Bfeat at San Pedro. Iabout forty mll< iHortbwest pf Toreen Iwas brought h» »today by newspaper Imen who wah fit allowed to send Ithe news from hè; rebel vamp. Before Ithe correspond lté left Torreón the Idefeated rebel ofiumn ret urned to ITorreon. j»Villa sent oiÈj&a,' brigade under IOencr« ¡ Crtcg. .??Katust oat* Pedro. IThe defeated t lippui returned Tuen-1day,, it ia said. !» federal rapid fire Iguns, sweeping the level plain, work-1ed havoc arnon $|em. Night attacks Ifailed to'dllodj *-.the enemy and Or-1tega*returned -*|tli the explanation!that ho fouud ¡he federals In unex-lpeeled force. $t

Brownsville, ftff,, April 9.-Rein-forcemcntp ent ejk to the aid of theTampico feder ^garrison were de¬feated yestorda willi the IOBB of fortymen, accordin; to constHutionalistHreported today .9 Jdatambras head¬quarters.. So ilr aK known, Matamo¬res bas had ni- recent reports fromthc con8tituttor iklit aeige ot Tam¬pico.

j,. "I;-^-^- -


Were J"Foll


Chicago,league is r

Federale overLouis AmericaJumped to thetoday, accorilAmerican lensAtc.erieea lessIf >t take».eveury," ^ald Johwtil be. left urti

Head It». Another V.hekaey.9.-Thc American|go to war with thc1 Hamilton, the St.B'ague- pitcher, whenaas City. Federalsto Ban Johnson,president. "Thcwill stop HamiltorloUar in the treas-Q tonight. "Nothing

>T the Next «des Day To Be

. nllension Committee ofin^jer of ronfifcrce Thursday after-

¡noon anaouncí§.vth¿' following Pro-[gram for Tradi||Day, Tuesday April21st, next. Thnday will be knownas Flower Day;Kd the chief exercises«rill be h«rid atKs Palmetto Theatre,beginning atj llj|0 A. M., promptly,

^oijrum dHLnnounced lg as fol-

IS:30 Opening» Pi'jietto Theatre.10:35 AonouttijBtents-by Chairman,10:45 InvocalSB-P/ev. D. W. Dodge,

Pastor, fcéntral PresbyterianChurch;'wa .'

10:55 Illuslratfil' Address with Slides,o;>. v hiclftvelopment in Coun¬try, by F|M; Bucnett, Secty. Y.M. C. A.|of Anderson.

11:30 Addressl-Hortlculture- W. J.HlfltiHg^B. Agr. Agt., Soutb-tty.t'Washington, D. C.

12 Moving;Mclure Reel, compll-I ; mentary'fH Palmetto Theatre.subject; porai Parade. Flo KeraI-'-', galore. IJ

$ÍBCT. GOT. c.«ii the Logical Csu

DefeatedJW Up" Fight

Federal* In Forre.El Paso, Tex., April 9.-r-It was re¬

ported at Torreón that General Ve-lavco, who evacuated that city fivedays ago hud Joined federal GeneralHidalgo at Saltillo. Hidalgo, with7.000 men. had »tarted to reinforceVelasco at Torreon, but waH delayed.Tim combined farces at Saltillo there¬for number about 12.000, ii the Hi¬dalgo report proves correct.


Kl Paso. Tex., April 9.- H. S. Cu¬nard-« 'uminiuH. ucting Uri tish viceconsul at Gomez Palacio,-waa used byGeneral Villa during the battle ofTorreón to carry a demand to Gen¬eral' Velasco on March 27 that thelatter surrender. According to news-paper carreapondenta who reachedhere from that front tonight. Mr. Cu-nard-Cumins performed thc missionunder protest and was subjected torifle fire on lils return toward be reb¬el linea. G« orge C. Curoth?rs. specialagent of tile state department at thebattle, in t^e report of the incidenthe has made to Washington deniesÜils.


Sew Vehicles Bought By Prosperous1!?-Utcnts of the Zion Section.

Thursday was a good day for tradeIn farm o aimais and farm vehicles.The Fretwell boys sold hair a dozenbuggies and several mules and Fow¬ler's stables sold nine buggies to asmany farmers from the .Mt. Taborand Zion neighborhood, the land madefamous hy thc Zion school band. Thegood farmers from that section whobought buggies «'ere: H. C. Graham,P. D. Bowland, W. D. Ballard.Norman


Given By The Anderson Chamber


The Chp'uber of Commerce will giveaway a special prize of one 920. solidprass Egyptian Vase to the lady, anyage, W;JC places on exhibit at thorooina of the Chamber of Commerce,on or betöre 12 o'clock the best Bou¬quet of Flowers, of any kind I Thiscontest ls open to any women la An¬derson County, outside bf the incorpo¬rated limits of the City of Anderson, orto any young lady or mis». The prise1B perhaps the handsomest vase,of Itakind ever aeon in Anderdon, and Is ofsolid brass.Judges.-The. Judges oî thc Flowers

will be Mesdames Rufus F»«».i. Mr J. W.W. Chiholm, G. M. Tolly a ad Mr. Ar¬chie Todd.Tb* exerclsco gJro opan to men as

well ag women, and all wili occur aithc Palmetto Theatre, thu ;¡u-Jo¬in.; cf tho flowers, which will bo heldat 2: ?0 P. M. at the othoe of theChumbar of Commerce.

Aa A. SMITHaléate fór Geveranr.

O'Neal. M. H. and D. M Mann. Vandl-ver Sharpe and John sharpe Thesegentleman clubbed together and gota club rate.

Til KHK IS NO non:

The New York Gunmen Munt Die NextMonday.

Alban». N. Y., April 9.-GovernorGlynn today refused to nee four wom¬en, relatives of the condemned gun¬men, who are to be electrocuted nextMonday for the murder ot HermanRosenthal.

"I have rendered my final decision."he said. "To have seen these womenwould have meant only another dra¬matic scene and no good would huvecome of it.''There was another feature in the

case today when a slip of paper con¬taining eleven words was found. Thispurported to be a warning that thefour men bad been convicted on falsetestimony of Kuban and Margolls.


Farm Demonstration WorkersMust Keep Out of Partisan

Lines This Summer

Special to The Intelligencer:i 'tenison Coiiuje, April ».-1mi i m

Hons for their guidance during thoapproaching political campaign arecontained in a letter that has been

[sent to every demonstration agent inSouth Carolina by W. W. Long, stateagent of demonstration and superin¬tendent of the extension division ofClemson college. South Carolina ag¬ents are to play no patt In the cam¬paign other than to vote. They areto refrain from discussing politics,and from doing anything which mightb« construed as pernicious politicalactivity.Mr. Long's letter, which clearlydefines his petition in this matter, ls

as follows:"There is a matter of special im¬

portance to which I desire to directyour attention. I am sure you willappreciate my motive in so doing.By your splendid record of valuableand patriotic service you justly occu¬py a high place in the respect andtmOdence of the peupla jrou. are uer-

my ambition, and 1 feel

-atimM. JJ tiewinriaT»''^can be accompitshed only by faith¬ful nug Unselfish service and a strictattention to public duties."There will be In South Carolina

this Bummer a political campaign.The only part we should play is thatexpected of every good citizen, torsi*. My suggestion Is that we re¬frain from diecuasing politics, ca¬peelal Iy In public places.

"I shall feel lt my painful duty torecommend the removal of any ag¬ent who becomes an. offensive parti¬san. This great organization will beof value to thefistate only so long ssour people are qfnvinced that lt ls en¬tirely removed from politics, and thatavery agent receives his appointmentsolely because of merit, and withoutregard to political Influences or af¬filiations."


M«. Murdock Died YesterdayMorning From Bullet Fired

Into Her Bram

Mrs. Anna Murdock, wife of James I.,Murdock, died at her home about sevenmiles from Monea Path yesterdaymorning at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Murdockshot herself through the right templeTuesday waa seen front, the firstthat there was no chance fer her re¬covery. It 'is understood . that shenever regained consciousness beforeshe died.

Mrs. Murdock waa a daughter ofJohr Thomas Ashley and wag wellknown in that immediate section ofthe county. She was 33 years of]age. It is presumed that Mrs. Mur¬dock took her own life because ofill health and despondent spirits.The Interment took place yester¬

day afternoon at Mt. Bethel Church.


Brae Ridge Train Was DelayedYesterday When Car Got

Off The TrackvThe shifting engine ut me Blue

Ridge railroad rea a caa! car off inotrack in the Blue Ridge- yards yester¬day, holding up paesaager train No.ll. coming into this etty, for about80 minutes. The car was loaded withcoal snd getting lt back on the trackwas quite an undertaking. Tho dam¬age done was small and easily rspalr .


Masses Mildred Branyon and CorriePannon, of the Shady Grove secnVmwere in town today shopping.




! Lodge Center of Senate Attrac¬tion-Logically Advocated

Repeal of Tolls

(By Associated Press)Washington, April 9.-Hearings on

the Panama tolls exemption >'<>pcal billopened today before thc senate canals,committee, but interul ia lia repeal¡fight was focused on the senate Itself,where Senator Lodge, veteran repub¬lican member of the foreign relationscommittee held the attention. Qi vir¬tually the entire membership and ofcrowded galleries for more than twohours, defending the position of Presi¬dent Wilson in Insisting upon the pae-tsage of the repeal bill.

The senator Bpoko without a singleInterruption. He declared that, tn hisopinion, the right of the, United Statesto exempt any of Its shipping fromtolls was unquestioned under strictinterpretation ot the treaty; but be¬cause of the delicate position ip whichthe country Ands Itself tn Its foreign*relation?, urged noi-partisan supportof the president. At the conclusion ofSenator Lodge's address the galleriesbroke Into applause and the vlce-presldent's gavel pounded several minutesbefore order, was restored and thewarning given that Senate filles'-pro¬hibited any display of approval or dis¬approval from the gallery.Senator Lodge was given the strict?

est attention by hts colleague.« on bothsides of tile chamber, and without re-aspect to their announced view» on therepeal struggll

. elga, policy is quite another thlu£> ;

I to be undertaken except for tlgravest reason. In one case w-.throw a party leader within thñwhere tbs American people alone sitin'Judgment; in tue oiher we break¡down and dtecredit the representativeof the whole country in the great fo-jrum of the nations of the. earth, sud.paralyse his future power and itse¬lfulness in that field where he alono.I can declare and represent the policy,the honor and the dignity of the UnitedSUtes."

Delay Appears Probable..Before the canals committee, Sena¬

tors Norris and Thomas appeared 'todiscus their propositions, the sessionmsrklng the beginning of the fifteenday public dlscusuton, decided uponearlier in the week. It was, doubtfulttonight Just what the program ot thehearings would be for the nest fewdays. Representatives Of tho commer¬cial organisations in Pacific Costs cit¬ies, and New Orleans, at whose requestthe hearings were ordered have notarrived, and several senators whohave submitted "substitutes for theSims repeal bill intimated tods/ theyhad no .desire to defend their pro¬posals before the committee. Conse¬quently a delay to thwart the arrivalof the commercial.representatives ap¬peared probable. '"

Senator Norris urged upon the Com¬mittee his suggestion that while theexemption clause be "repealed,.tbs tightof the United sutes to make suchexemptions be asserted in the repealmeasure, and the president empoweredto arrange-for arbitration to the dis¬pute on this pointSenator Thomas outlined big pisa to

throw open the canal to the free pas¬sage of all commerce. He elaboratedthis later tn the day lu the senate.Debate on the repeal fight, which

bas occupied the senate virtually taeentire week, although senators havo'not been speaking directly to any bill,promises to continue at intervals atleast until the committee reports' Itofindings.Senator J\eöyon announced duringthe day that ha approved the sugges-IUoa of Former President Roosevelt

that i tho toiJh question be arbitrated«Senator Williams of Mississippi*agreed that the question might well boarbitrated, and that arbitration wouldsatisfy the "nearer consequoncea"spoken Of by President Wilson in bisrepeal message. He said, however,that a canvas ot the senate a year agoshowed that two thirds of the renatawere not in favor of arbitration, ah4so far art he had heard, only two;aerators opposed to repeal sssscrtcáarbitration.

Preldent Wilson todcj* said ho was)more confident than ever ot the pane«ag« of the repeal b-U ¿a-* iíis.% wittday bis confidence waa increased. Mr.Wilson said the animus behind someof the attacks on the MI! was obviousbut he did not go Into AeUlU. Suchantmus, bs said, often proved a boouv*arang.

. _^