pdp what makes you interesting 1 usp

What makes you interesting? 1

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Post on 29-Jan-2018




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What makes you interesting?



Philips screwdriver








The earth



Norwich University of the Arts

BA Textile Design

Unique Selling Point

Unique Selling Point

A unique selling point defines your unique position in the marketplace.

Unique Selling Point

A strong unique selling Point lets you stand apart from competitors and actively focus’s your energy on creating things that cater to your ideal group of customers.

Unique Selling Point

Why You Need a Unique Selling Point

Your prospective ‘customers’ have difficulty deciding which option is the one that deserves their time, money and trust.

Unique Selling Point

This selection can be a daunting process for ‘customers’ that don’t have the experience to know what separates one competitor from another.

It is your job to assist them by making your unique selling point obvious, different and memorable enough that they can see exactly what your business has to offer that the other people do not.

Unique Selling Point


In order to be remembered in a crowded marketplace, it helps if your business (you) have a trait that is worth remembering.

While a superior product and outstanding service are the foundation for growing a successful company you could consider differentiation as a competitive advantage in order to stand out.

Ways to Develop a Unique Selling Point

Unabashedly Appeal to an Ideal Customer

Finding your ideal customer is difficult. When you’ve finally identified the perfect person to sell to, it makes sense to appeal to them through every aspect of your business.

Ways to Develop a Unique Selling Point

Unabashedly Appeal to an Ideal Customer

Would you ostracizing non-customers to spur on brand loyalty?

Abercrombie & Fitch’s CEO Mike Jeffries identifies their ideal customers as “cool, good-looking people,” and has said the brand refuses to market to anyone outside of that subgroup.

crazy or tactical?

Ways to Develop a Unique Selling Point

Get Personal

Can a strong personality be incorporated into a company’s unique selling proposition?

A strong personality can go a long way—as long as it aligns with what is being sold.

Consider the value of a recognizable personality.


Understand the characteristics that customers value

What do customers value about you, your product or services, and about those of your competitors.

Move beyond the basics that are common to all suppliers in the industry, and look at the criteria that customers use to decide which product or service to buy.

Talk to salespeople, customer service teams and, most importantly, to customers themselves.


Make a list of what you know about your target audience.

Make a list of all the needs that your product or service could meet – these attributes are all potential USPs for your business.

USPCheck these USPs against trends and competitors.

Now remove the USPs that are already being well met by competitors.

Don't forget that your USP is a unique selling proposition so you are looking for a gap in the/a market.

Match each USP against what you (and your business) are good at.

Think about how you want to be seen.

Don't advertise yourself as always being available if you don't want to work a 60+ hour week!

USPDouble check that you have the right USP.

Does it convey one strong benefit?

Is it memorable?

Is it clear who the brand is targeting from the USP?

Can you deliver what it promises? Is it unique - or could a competitor claim the same thing?

Use this positioning to develop your business and your marketing strategy.


Evaluate your activities using your USP as a benchmark. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benchmarking

benchmark - A standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.

Monitor trends and new competitors that could affect how customers see your USP.

USP• You..... What makes you interesting?

stand out

who else?• Specifics....... What you do.

• Good at...................

• Aspire to.................


To consider – further thinking/doing

For each USP you have identified, create a list of words and visuals to bring the idea to life.

Conduct short interviews with about ten people in your target market to choose the strongest USP for your business.