pdpr week 3

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Post on 25-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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  • 1. Body Shape and Personality

2. there was a time when personality was thought to be associated with body shape. Ectomorphs were considered to be quiet and morose individuals, endomorphs rather jolly mesomorphs a bit on the crude and vulgar side. 3. Clothing and Accessories 4. Clothing changes the appearance of the body. Fashion may enhance the shape of the body, while tight jeans, bikinis, bras, belts, corsets, and other garments may support or constrict areas of the body to achieve different proportions. High heeled shoes, generally used by females, also alter body proportions. 5. Dress size depends on different dimensions. US, European and international standards are common. Different terms used in fashion include petite sizes, full-figured (FFW), size zero, and vanity sizing. 6. Body Types and Shapes For Men 7. Men Body Types: 8. Body Shapes of Men: 9. Height and Weight of Men: 10. Before and After 11. Body Types and Shapes For Women 12. Women Body Types: 13. Body Shapes of Women: 14. Height and Weight of Women: 15. Body Shape Chart: 16. Balance Body Shape: 17. Wardrobe for Men According to their Shapes and Types: 18. Wardrobe for Women According to their Shapes and Types: