pdsahaystackch14 mvvm made simple

Chapter 14 MVVM Made Simple Table of Contents Chapter 14 ................................................................................................................... 14-1 MVVM Made Simple .................................................................................................... 14-1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 14-1 Why MVVM? .................................................................................................... 14-2 The Sample ...................................................................................................... 14-2 The Product Class ................................................................................ 14-3 The ProductManager Class.................................................................. 14-5 The Brute Force Approach ............................................................................... 14-6 Data Binding Basics in XAML .......................................................................... 14-7 Eliminate More Code........................................................................................ 14-9 Binding Other Properties .................................................................................. 14-9 A Simple ViewModel ...................................................................................... 14-12 DataCollection and DetailData Properties .......................................... 14-13 Populating the Data in the View Model Class .................................... 14-15 Hooking Into the View Model Class in the Code-Behind .................... 14-16 Event Procedures in the Window Class ......................................................... 14-17 Chapter Index................................................................................................. 14-20 Overview Do you find yourself struggling to grasp the concepts of the Model-View-View- Model (MVVM) design pattern? Have you found that you can understand the

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PDSAHaystackCh14 MVVM Made Simple


  • Chapter 14

    MVVM Made Simple TableofContents

    Chapter 14 ................................................................................................................... 14-1

    MVVM Made Simple .................................................................................................... 14-1

    Overview .......................................................................................................... 14-1

    Why MVVM? .................................................................................................... 14-2

    The Sample ...................................................................................................... 14-2The Product Class ................................................................................ 14-3The ProductManager Class .................................................................. 14-5

    The Brute Force Approach ............................................................................... 14-6

    Data Binding Basics in XAML .......................................................................... 14-7

    Eliminate More Code ........................................................................................ 14-9

    Binding Other Properties .................................................................................. 14-9

    A Simple ViewModel ...................................................................................... 14-12DataCollection and DetailData Properties .......................................... 14-13Populating the Data in the View Model Class .................................... 14-15Hooking Into the View Model Class in the Code-Behind .................... 14-16

    Event Procedures in the Window Class ......................................................... 14-17

    Chapter Index ................................................................................................. 14-20

    Overview Do you find yourself struggling to grasp the concepts of the Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) design pattern? Have you found that you can understand the

  • MVVM Made Simple

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    basics of data binding in WPF and Silverlight, but when you start to read about MVVM you find that you have been dropped off a cliff? Have you looked at some of the XAML frameworks like PRISM only to find that it is just way too complicated for what you need? If this sounds familiar, then dont worry, you are not alone. Many great programmers struggle with this every day. In my humble opinion I say dont try to implement a pure MVVM model, just Keep It Simple! Many times the simplest approach is the best. In this article I will present MVVM step-by-step but not drop you off a cliff. I am not going to take the purist approach to MVVM, but I am going to use the familiar event model in code-behind that you are used to. Yes, you will be using MVVM, but you will do it using a programming model that you are very familiar with.

    Why MVVM? The whole point behind MVVM is to separate UI logic from your business and data logic. You want to be able to test your business and data logic without having to run your user interface. You can use MVVM to do this and still code your user interface layer just like you are used to. Before diving into MVVM it will be helpful to understand data binding in XAML. Once you understand data binding in XAML you have the foundation you need to apply a MVVM architecture to your WPF or Silverlight applications. Lets start our discussion by taking a look at a sample WPF window that will be used to illustrate the various concepts.

    The Sample Figure 1 shows a sample screen used to display product data, and also allow the user to add and modify that product data. This is a WPF application, but the basic data-binding concepts apply equally to Silverlight applications as well. This screen will be used throughout this article to illustrate the various concepts of data binding and ultimately an MVVM model.

  • The Sample

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    Figure 1: A simple add, edit, delete screen for Product data

    The sample application uses an XML file for the product data, but could just as easily go against a database. This sample uses a class called ProductManager for all data access routines. There is a Product entity class that contains one property for each data field in your data store.

    The Product Class The Product entity class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface so each property can raise the PropertyChanged event. The data binding in XAML relies on this interface to stay informed of changes to properties in your code. Listing 1 shows the Product entity class:

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    C# public class Product : INotifyPropertyChanged { #region INotifyPropertyChanged public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName) { if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } #endregion #region Private Variables private int _ProductId = 0; private string _ProductName = string.Empty; private decimal _Price = 0; private bool _IsActive = true; #endregion #region Public Properties public int ProductId { get { return _ProductId; } set { if (_ProductId != value) { _ProductId = value; RaisePropertyChanged("ProductId"); } } } public string ProductName { get { return _ProductName; } set { if (_ProductName != value) { _ProductName = value; RaisePropertyChanged("ProductName"); } } } ... // More properties here } VB.NET Public Class Product Implements INotifyPropertyChanged #Region "INotifyPropertyChanged" Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged Protected Sub RaisePropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String)

  • The Sample

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    RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)) End Sub #End Region #Region "Private Variables" Private mProductId As Integer = 0 Private mProductName As String = String.Empty Private mPrice As Decimal = 0 Private mIsActive As Boolean = True #End Region #Region "Public Properties" Public Property ProductId() As Integer Get Return mProductId End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) If mProductId value Then mProductId = value RaisePropertyChanged("ProductId") End If End Set End Property Public Property ProductName() As String Get Return mProductName End Get Set(ByVal value As String) If mProductName value Then mProductName = value RaisePropertyChanged("ProductName") End If End Set End Property ... More properties here #End Region End Class

    Listing 1: The Product Entity Class

    The ProductManager Class The ProductManager class has methods that work with the Product entity class. For example, there is a GetProducts method that returns an ObservableCollection of Product objects. There are also stubs for Insert, Update and Delete. I did not write any code in these methods as I was trying to just illustrate MVVM and not data access.

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    The Brute Force Approach To start out our discussion of data binding, lets just look at how you might use the brute force approach to populating the ListView and the various text boxes on this screen. First off, you create a ListView with XAML shown in Listing 2.

    Listing 2: The ListView XAML

    You will use the Loaded event procedure of the WPF window to populate the list view using the code shown in Listing 3. When you set the DataContext property with the ObservableCollection of Product objects, the {Binding} in each GridViewColumn shown in Listing 2 grabs the data from the Product objects property to display in the appropriate column in the ListView.

    C# private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ProductManager mgr = new ProductManager(); lstData.DataContext = mgr.GetProducts(); } VB.NET Private Sub Window_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) Dim mgr As New ProductManager() lstData.DataContext = mgr.GetProducts() End Sub

    Listing 3: Calling GetProducts to load the ListView

  • Data Binding Basics in XAML

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    When you click on a row in the ListView control the SelectionChanged event fires. In this event you will retrieve the Product object from the selected row and use that to populate the text boxes and other controls with the data from that Product object as shown in Listing 4.

    C# private void lstData_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Product entity; entity = (Product)lstData.SelectedItem; txtProductId.Text = entity.ProductId.ToString(); txtProductName.Text = entity.ProductName; txtPrice.Text = entity.Price.ToString(); chkIsActive.IsChecked = entity.IsActive; } VB.NET Private Sub lstData_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As SelectionChangedEventArgs) Dim entity As Product entity = DirectCast(lstData.SelectedItem, Product) txtProductId.Text = entity.ProductId.ToString() txtProductName.Text = entity.ProductName txtPrice.Text = entity.Price.ToString() chkIsActive.IsChecked = entity.IsActive End Sub

    Listing 4: Populating Controls Manually

    The code in Listing 4 should be fairly standard code that you are used to writing if you have ever coded Windows Forms or ASP.NET. You also know that you need to write code to take the data from the forms and move it back into the Product object prior to passing this object to the Insert or Update methods on your data class. You end up with a lot of code just to move data back and forth between your UI and your entity class. When you use XAML data binding, you can completely eliminate this code! Lets take a look at how to do that.

    Data Binding Basics in XAML Just as you use the Binding syntax in the ListView you may also use this same approach for your text boxes, check boxes and other controls. Each GridViewColumn control has as its parent the ListView itself. This concept of a parent is very important in XAML and we can use this to our advantage. Consider the following XAML.

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    In the above XAML, the Grid named grdDetail contains one text box that has a {Binding} in its Text property. If you set the DataContext of the Grid control to an instance of a Product object, then the Text property of the TextBox will display the ProductName property within that Product object as shown in the following code:

    C# Product entity = new Product(); entity.ProductName = "A New Product"; grdDetail.DataContext = entity; VB.NET Dim entity As New Product() entity.ProductName = "A New Product" grdDetail.DataContext = entity;

    You can take advantage of this technique to eliminate the code shown in Listing 4 that moves the code from the Product object into the various controls. Replace the code in the SelectionChanged event with the code shown in Listing 5.

    C# private void lstData_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { _Entity = (Product)lstData.SelectedItem; grdDetail.DataContext = _Entity; } VB.NET Private Sub lstData_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As SelectionChangedEventArgs) mEntity = DirectCast(lstData.SelectedItem, Product) grdDetail.DataContext = mEntity End Sub

    Listing 5: Wrap controls into containers to make data binding easier.

  • Eliminate More Code

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    Eliminate More Code While you eliminated a lot of code in the last example, you still had to write code in the SelectionChanged event. You can eliminate even more code by taking advantage of the control-to-control data binding features in XAML. In the XAML shown in Listing 6 you will set the DataContext property of the Grid to a Binding that uses the ElementName attribute set to the name of the ListView. You set the Path property to SelectedItem as that property of the ListView contains the currently selected Product object. This syntax is all that is needed to automatically bind the ListView control to the Grid where all your text box controls are located. You can now remove the SelectionChanged event procedure completely!

    Listing 6: Use ElementName and Path to Bind the ListView to the Grid.

    Binding Other Properties All of the data binding you have done so far relates to data you retrieve from your database. However, you can bind almost any property on any control to any property on any class. To illustrate this concept consider the Add, Save and Cancel buttons on the form shown in Figure 1. Notice how the Add button is enabled, but the Save and Cancel buttons are disabled. The IsEnabled property on these buttons can be controlled from properties on a class. Lets assume you have XAML window named winMoreDataBinding. You can add the appropriate properties to this window class and bind the IsEnabled properties of your buttons to these properties. To do this you need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface on your window. Listing 7 shows the code that you would add your Window class to implement properties that you bind to the respective IsEnabled properties of your buttons.

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    C# public partial class winMoreDataBinding : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName) { if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } private bool _IsSaveEnabled = false; private bool _IsCancelEnabled = false; private bool _IsAddEnabled = true; public bool IsSaveEnabled { get { return _IsSaveEnabled; } set { if (_IsSaveEnabled != value) { _IsSaveEnabled = value; RaisePropertyChanged("IsSaveEnabled"); } } } public bool IsCancelEnabled { get { return _IsCancelEnabled; } set { if (_IsCancelEnabled != value) { _IsCancelEnabled = value; RaisePropertyChanged("IsCancelEnabled"); } } } public bool IsAddEnabled { get { return _IsAddEnabled; } set { if (_IsAddEnabled != value) { _IsAddEnabled = value; RaisePropertyChanged("IsAddEnabled"); } } } } VB.NET

  • Binding Other Properties

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    Partial Public Class winMoreDataBinding Inherits Window Implements INotifyPropertyChanged Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler _ Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged Protected Sub RaisePropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String) RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, _ New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)) End Sub Private _IsSaveEnabled As Boolean = False Private _IsCancelEnabled As Boolean = False Private _IsAddEnabled As Boolean = True Public Property IsSaveEnabled() As Boolean Get Return _IsSaveEnabled End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) If _IsSaveEnabled value Then _IsSaveEnabled = value RaisePropertyChanged("IsSaveEnabled") End If End Set End Property Public Property IsCancelEnabled() As Boolean Get Return _IsCancelEnabled End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) If _IsCancelEnabled value Then _IsCancelEnabled = value RaisePropertyChanged("IsCancelEnabled") End If End Set End Property Public Property IsAddEnabled() As Boolean Get Return _IsAddEnabled End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) If _IsAddEnabled value Then _IsAddEnabled = value RaisePropertyChanged("IsAddEnabled") End If End Set End Property End Class

    Listing 7: Add Properties to your Window to Control UI Elements

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    To bind each of these properties to your buttons IsEnabled properties you write the following XAML:

    Listing 8: Bind UI Properties to properties in a class

    Now in the code-behind for your window if you set the IsAddEnabled property to False, then the Add button will become disabled automatically. It is important that you set the property IsAddEnabled, not the private variable that this property uses as its backing data store. The Set procedure for the IsAddEnabled will raise the property changed event which is how XAML is informed of the change in value and then knows to refresh its controls UI state.

    A Simple ViewModel Now that you are familiar with data binding both in terms of data objects and UI objects, you can now expand on your knowledge to create a simple ViewModel and eliminate even more code-behind from your windows. If you download and look at each of the samples illustrated in this article, you will find that each window has about 200 lines of code-behind. When you start using a ViewModel you will cut this amount by more than half! Remember that a view model is just a class with code, there is no magic. In the sample application that goes along with this article, there is a class called ProductViewModel. You will create an instance of this class by creating it as a resource in your XAML. First you will create an XML namespace and give that namespace a name. In the XAML shown in Listing 9 the fourth line down creates a namespace called local and assigns that namespace to the name of the assembly where the ProductViewModel class is located. Next, in the section of the XAML is where you create an instance of the ProductViewModel and assign it a key called viewModel.

  • A Simple ViewModel

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    Listing 9: Use XAML to create an instance of a ViewModel class

    DataCollection and DetailData Properties In the ProductViewModel class there are two properties that you will use for data binding to your window (see Listing 10). The DataCollection property is an ObservableCollection of Product objects and DetailData is a single instance of a Product object. The DataCollection property will be filled in with the data in the constructor of the ProductViewModel class. The DetailData property will be filled in when you click on a row in the ListView.

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    C# private ObservableCollection mDataCollection; public ObservableCollection DataCollection { get { return mDataCollection; } set { mDataCollection = value; RaisePropertyChanged("DataCollection"); } } private Product mDetailData; public Product DetailData { get { return mDetailData; } set { mDetailData = value; RaisePropertyChanged("DetailData"); } } VB.NET Public Property DataCollection As ObservableCollection(Of Product) Get Return mDataCollection End Get Set(ByVal value As ObservableCollection(Of Product)) mDataCollection = value RaisePropertyChanged("DataCollection") End Set End Property Public Property DetailData As Product Get Return mDetailData End Get Set(ByVal value As Product) mDetailData = value RaisePropertyChanged("DetailData") End Set End Property

    Listing 10: DataCollection and DetailData are Dependency Properties

    You use these two properties as the source of data for the ListView control (Listing 11) and as the source of data for the Grid that contains all of the detail text boxes and the check box (Listing 12).


    Listing 11: Bind the ListView to a property of the ViewModel class

  • A Simple ViewModel

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    Listing 12: Bind the Detail Grid to a property of the ViewModel class

    Populating the Data in the View Model Class There is a method called InitializeComponent that is called in the constructor of a WPF Window. The InitializeComponent method is where all controls on your page are created. This includes the ProductViewModel. This means that the constructor in your ProductViewModel will be called at this time. In Listing 13 you see the constructor code in the ProductViewModel class. Notice that is calls the GetProducts method in the ProductManager class which as you remember returns a collection of Product objects.

    C# public class ProductViewModel : DependencyObject, INotifyPropertyChanged { ProductManager _DataManager = new ProductManager(); public ProductViewModel() { DataCollection = _DataManager.GetProducts(); } ... } VB.NET Public Class ProductViewModel Inherits DependencyObject Implements INotifyPropertyChanged Private mDataManager As New ProductManager() Public Sub New() DataCollection = mDataManager.GetProducts() End Sub ... End Class

    Listing 13: Initialize the DataCollection property in the constructor of your ViewModel

    Since you are doing data access in the constructor it is very critical that you have excellent exception handling in place when retrieving your data. The GetProducts method contains all of the exception handling in this example. Notice that the ProductViewModel class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. In the prior example, this interface was added to the Window class

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    because that is where the UI properties such as IsAddEnabled were created. Now all those UI properties are in the view model class.

    Hooking Into the View Model Class in the Code-Behind Remember that you created an instance of the view model class in the XAML. You will need to interact with this view model class in the code-behind of your window. In the constructor of your Window class (Listing 14) you can grab the instance of the view model class that was created by using the FindResource method on the Window class. You pass in the key that you assigned to the view model class in the XAML, in this case viewModel, you cast it to a ProductViewModel and assign it into a private field variable in the Window class. You can now use this private variable to call any method or get/set any properties in the view model.

    C# public partial class winSimpleMVVM : Window { ProductViewModel _ViewModel; public winSimpleMVVM() { InitializeComponent(); // Initialize the Product View Model Object _ViewModel = (ProductViewModel)this.FindResource("viewModel"); } ... } VB.NET Partial Public Class winSimpleMVVM Inherits Window Private mViewModel As ProductViewModel Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() ' Initialize the Product View Model Object mViewModel = DirectCast(Me.FindResource("viewModel"), _ ProductViewModel) End Sub ... End Class

    Listing 14: Grab the instance of the ViewModel class in your code-behind.

  • Event Procedures in the Window Class

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    Event Procedures in the Window Class In the product screen, there are still event procedures left in the Window class. These event procedures are for when you click on the Add, Save and/or Cancel buttons. There is very little code in each event procedure as all that is needed is to make calls to the view model class, or maybe perform a little bit of UI logic. Listing 15 shows all the code that is left in the code-behind of this window. Notice that you use the private view model variable to call methods in the view model.

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    C# private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _ViewModel.AddRecord(); } private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _ViewModel.CancelEdit(); // TODO: Write code to undo changes lstData.SelectedIndex = 0; } private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { _ViewModel.SaveData(); } private void TextHasChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { // Only Change Mode if Element has Keyboard Focus if (((UIElement)sender).IsKeyboardFocused) _ViewModel.SetEditUIDisplay(); } private void CheckedHasChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (((UIElement)sender).IsKeyboardFocused || ((UIElement)sender).IsMouseDirectlyOver) _ViewModel.SetEditUIDisplay(); } VB.NET Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) mViewModel.AddRecord() End Sub Private Sub btnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) mViewModel.CancelEdit() ' TODO: Write code to undo changes lstData.SelectedIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) mViewModel.SaveData() End Sub Private Sub TextHasChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As TextChangedEventArgs) ' Only Change Mode if Element has Keyboard Focus If DirectCast(sender, UIElement).IsKeyboardFocused Then mViewModel.SetEditUIDisplay()

  • Event Procedures in the Window Class

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    End If End Sub Private Sub CheckedHasChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) If DirectCast(sender, UIElement).IsKeyboardFocused _ OrElse DirectCast(sender, UIElement).IsMouseDirectlyOver Then mViewModel.SetEditUIDisplay() End If End Sub

    Listing 15: Very little code is left in the code-behind of your Window class

    If you want, you can get rid of some of these events using the Commanding model available in WPF. However, you end up writing a lot more code to support the command model, and to me there is very little benefit. You have accomplished the goal of moving all logic into the view model class so that you can unit test the view model. There is no UI code at all in the view model class and thus can be tested very easily using automated tools. Another problem with the command model is that not all events can be hooked up to commands. So at some point you then have to write some very complicated code to hook to all these events. I find the simpler approach that I have laid out in this article a good compromise between having everything in the code-behind and a pure view model approach. I have accomplished the goals of MVVM but I have kept my programming model simple and easy to understand.

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    Summary Once you understand the basics of data binding in XAML, you can eliminate a lot code that is otherwise needed to move data into controls and out of controls back into an object. This forms the basis of a MVVM approach. You are used to writing classes, you just need to get used to the idea of using properties on classes to affect UI properties. In this article you saw a very simple and easy-to-use pattern for MVVM. While the purists would disagree with this approach, those folks that like things simple and easy to understand should be satisfied.

    Chapter Index

    AAn MVVM Sample, 14-2

    BBind to UI Properties, 14-9 Binding using ElementName and Path, 14-


    DData Binding Basics in XAML, 14-7 DataCollection Property in MVVM Sample,

    14-13 DetailData Property in MVVM Sample, 14-


    IINotifyPropertyChanged, 14-3

    MModel View View Model, 14-1 MVVM, 14-1 MVVM Made Simple, 14-1

    PProduct Class in MVVM Sample, 14-3 ProductManager Class in MVVM Sample,

    14-5 ProductViewModel Class in MVVM, 14-12

    SSimple View Model Class, 14-12

    WWhy MVVM?, 14-2