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  • FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    College of Engineering and Computing Miami, Florida

    Civil Engineering PE Exam Refresher

    Hydrologic Engineering

    Fernando R. Miralles-Wilhelm, Ph.D., P.E., D.E.E.

    Associate Professor of Water Resources Engineering PN: (305) 348-3653 FN: (305) 348-2800

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Hydrology Concepts, Principles and Applications

    1) Hydrologic Cycle

    2) Hydrologic Cycle Components

    a) Precipitation b) Evaporation and transpiration c) Infiltration d) Surface Runoff e) Groundwater Flow

    3) Hydrologic Calculations

    a) Rainfall data b) Runoff depth c) Time of Concentration d) Rational formula e) CN-method f) Infiltration data g) Evapotranspiration data h) Groundwater flow i) Well hydraulics

  • It never stops moving, it never goes away

    Hydrologic EngineeringPE Refresher Course

  • Review OutlineReview Outline

    Hydrologic CycleHydrologic Cycle Rainfall data

    S f R ff Surface Runoff Evaporation and Transpiration Infiltration and Groundwater Flow Water balance calculationsWater balance calculations

  • The Hydrologic CycleThe Hydrologic Cycle

  • Lets take it from the top: RainfallLets take it from the top: Rainfall

    How much rain does my site get?How much rain does my site get?

    D l k t h t t ( i l i f ll Do we look at short term (single rainfall events) or longer term (seasonal, annual)?

    What aspect of my design is affected by p y g yrainfall?

  • Rainfall: sources of dataRainfall: sources of data

    National/International: NOAA NationalNational/International: NOAA, National Weather Service, World Climate

    State: SFWMD in Florida

    Local: county water agencies (Boston y g (Water and Sewer)

  • Rainfall DataRainfall DataAnnual Rainfall in the Continental US, 1895-2003Source: NOAA (www noaa gov)Source: NOAA (

  • Rainfall DataRainfall DataAnnual Rainfall in Key West, FL, 1895-2003Source: NOAA (www noaa gov)Source: NOAA (

  • Rainfall DataRainfall DataBAGHDAD, IRAQWeather station BAGHDAD is at about 33 22N 44 20EWeather station BAGHDAD is at about 33.22 N 44.20 E. Average Rainfall

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year

    mm 27.1 27.5 26.9 18.8 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 2.6 20.0 26.3 154.8

    inches 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.8 1.0 6.1es

    Source: BAGHDAD data derived from GHCN 1. 967 months between 1888 and 1990

  • Are there regulatory requirements?Are there regulatory requirements?Figure 1: SFWMD 25-Year 72-Hour Design Storm

    11 50012.00012.50013.00013.50014.00014.50015.000



    3 0003.5004.0004.5005.0005.5006.0006.5007.000


    0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00

    Ti m e ( H our s)

  • Rainfall CharacteristicsRainfall Characteristics

    Depth: volume of rainfall per unit area ofDepth: volume of rainfall per unit area of watershed

    Duration: elapsed time of a rainfall event Duration: elapsed time of a rainfall event Intensity: instantaneous rate of change of

    i f ll d th ith tirainfall depth with time Return Period: statistical average of

    separation time between events of similar depth, duration and intensity

  • I t it D ti FIntensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves(IDF) Curves

    ai cd bt

    i)( += d )(

    a, b, c are coefficients fitted to datatd is the rainfall duration

  • Following water: Surface RunoffFollowing water: Surface Runoff

    Depends on type of soil and slopeDepends on type of soil and slope Should be a fraction of rainfall, since other

    fractions either infiltrate into the soilfractions either infiltrate into the soil, evaporate or are transpired by vegetation

  • Surface RunoffSurface RunoffFound as: The Rational Method

    Q = C x i x AQ C x i x A


    Q = Maximum (or Peak) Surface Runoff Rate (cfs)C = Runoff CoefficientC = Runoff CoefficientI = Rainfall Intensity (in/hr)A = Site Area (acre)A Site Area (acre)

  • Surface RunoffSurface RunoffSoil Classification Groups

    A: Sand and siltsB: Sandy loam (muddy) soilsC: Clayey loam (muddy) soilsC: Clayey loam (muddy) soilsD: Clay (swell when wet)

    Source: McCuen [1998]: Hydrologic Analysis and DesignHydrologic Analysis and Design,Prentice Hall

  • Are there regulatory requirements?Are there regulatory requirements?

    Typically, the post-development surface runoffTypically, the post development surface runoff should not exceed pre-development values

    Figure I-1Figure I 1 Comparison of Pre- and Post-development Hydrographs in an Upstream Catchment





















    Post-development with peak flow control



    5 10 15 20 25 30Time (hours)

  • Where do we put the excess ?water?

    Development typically means moreDevelopment typically means more impervious areas (increase C more runoff))

    If we are not allowed to increase the peak surface runoff, there will be excess water post-development

    Need to store water in storage basins, gdetention ponds, or reservoirs (canals, ponds, lakes); this is known as t t tstormwater management

  • Stormwater ManagementStormwater Management

    Henderson Creek (Belle Meade, FL)

  • Stormwater ManagementStormwater Management

    Stormwater drainage system, Immokalee, FL

  • Stormwater ManagementStormwater Management

    Stormwater drainage canal, Kingston, Jamaica

  • How much storage do I need?How much storage do I need?

    The volume of excess water will be theThe volume of excess water will be the difference between the surface runoff volumes post-prevolumes post pre

    This is the volume of storage you will need to insure that peak runoff is not exceededto insure that peak runoff is not exceeded

    Do you have it or do you need to build it? Thi t i t itti ith l l dThis gets into permitting with local and state agencies

  • Runoff CharacteristicsRunoff Characteristics

    Depth: volume of runoff generated per unitDepth: volume of runoff generated per unit watershed area

    Time of concentration: travel time of water Time of concentration: travel time of water from the furthermost point in the watershed to the outletwatershed to the outlet

    Runoff hydrograph

  • Runoff DepthRunoff Depth

    Calculated using the NRCS (formerlyCalculated using the NRCS (formerly SCS) TR-55 Method

    Curve Number (CN) is calculated based Curve Number (CN) is calculated based on soil type and land useCN i dj t d f t d t ff CN is adjusted for antecedent runoff conditions

    Runoff depth is calculated from the adjusted CN

  • Runoff DepthRunoff DepthII

    I CNCNCN058010

    2.4=I: Dry soilsIICN058.010

    II: Normal moisture conditions (from table)III: Soil is wet; at or near saturation

    Runoff Depth (in) is calculated as:II




    Runoff Depth (in) is calculated as:

    )8.0()2.0( 2

    SPSPR +

    =)8.0( SP +

    Where P is the rainfall depth in inches, and S is given by:

    101000S 101000 =CN


  • Time of ConcentrationTime of Concentration6.0)(996 nL



    )(99.6SqnLtC =

    tC = minutesn = Manning roughness coefn = Manning roughness coefL = flow path lengthq= excess rainfall (mm/hr)S l d lS0 = land slope

  • Runoff HydrographRunoff Hydrograph

    NRCS Triangular HydrographNRCS Triangular Hydrograph

    Note: QP from RationalMethod and tP is time ofconcentration.

  • NRCS Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph

  • EvaporationEvaporation

    Linkage between the hydrologic andLinkage between the hydrologic and energy (sun) cycles; energy is transformed to moisture (humidity)( y)

    The rate of evaporation (how much, howThe rate of evaporation (how much, how quick) depends primarily on temperature

    Requires knowing how much energy is required to evaporate (dry) a drop of waterrequired to evaporate (dry) a drop of water

  • EvaporationEvaporationFound by evaporation pans

    Actual Evaporation =

    Pan Evaporation x 0.70

  • TranspirationTranspiration

    Vegetation uptake and release of water forVegetation uptake and release of water for metabolic (growth) purposes

    Uptake takes place through the roots

    Release takes place through the leaves (stomata)(sto ata)

    Vegetation functions as a pass-through forVegetation functions as a pass through for water

  • EvapotranspirationSource: Laio et al., AdvancesIn Water Resources 24, p. 708, 2001



    Source: Hanson U S GeologicalSource: Hanson, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2375,1991

  • InfiltrationInfiltration

    Leakage of water through the groundLeakage of water through the ground surface and into aquifers

    Soil tends to hold-up some of the water; d d i lsoda and ice analogy

    Actual infiltration does not exceed the soils infiltration capacityp y

  • Infiltration Capacity MeasurementInfiltration Capacity MeasurementVery site specific !!!

    Double-Ring Infiltrometer

  • Groundwater FlowGroundwater Flow Aquifers and aquifer properties Darcys equation Well drawdownWell drawdown

  • AquifersAquifers Portion of geologic porous material that is

    able to store and transmit waterable to store and transmit water

  • Aquifer propertiesAquifer properties

    Porosity (n): fraction of porous material volumePorosity (n): fraction of porous material volume that is void (%)

    Permeability (k): measure of typical pore size y ( ) yp p(units of L2)

    Hydraulic conductivity (K): ability of the media to y y ( ) ytransmit water (units of LT-1)

    Storage coefficient (S): capacity of porous media to store water, expressed as volume of water stored per unit media volume (dimensionless)

  • About k and KkgK =About k and K

  • Darcys EquationDarcy s EquationhKAQ =

    K: hydraulic conductivityL

    KAQ = K: hydraulic conductivity A: cross sectional area (perpendicular to

    flow);flow); h/L = hydraulic gradient (head change

    per unit length of flow)per unit length of flow) Notice that flow occurs from higher to

    lower head (basic hydraulics)lower head (basic hydraulics)

  • Groundwater drawdown near a wellGroundwater drawdown near a well

    Pumping near a well creates a localizedPumping near a well creates a localized depression in the groundwater level (water table)table)

    This depression diminishes with distance from the pumping location (r)from the pumping location (r).

    Drawdown (s) is defined as the head diff b t th b f d ftdifference between the before and after pumping, i.e., s = h-y

  • Calculating groundwater drawdownCalculating groundwater drawdown

    )(2 yyKY22 )( yyK












    1r 1rUnconfined Aquifer Confined Aquifer

  • Water Budget for a SiteWater Budget for a SiteRainfall


    Surface RunoffSITE

    I filt ti

    Surface Runoff


  • Water BudgetWater Budget

    [INs] [OUTs] = [Net][INs] [OUTs] = [Net]

    [IN ] R i f ll [INs] = Rainfall

    [OUTs] = Evap + Trans + Inf + Runoff

    [Net] = Change in surface water depth = dd

  • Water BudgetWater Budget

    So we have:So, we have:

    d = R (Q + E + T + I)

    This budget must be made over a defined ti i d ( th d )time period (year, season, month, day)

  • What you need to knowWhat you need to know

    R: rainfall intensity (i)R: rainfall intensity (i)

    Surface Runoff: runoff coefficient (C) site Surface Runoff: runoff coefficient (C), site area (A)


    Infiltration: local site measurement

  • Calculation Example: Las Vegas, NVNV

    Site area: 5000 acre, Soil Type B, flat slopeSite area: 5000 acre, Soil Type B, flat slope Rainfall Intensity = 7 in/yr Evapotranspiration Rate (E) = 4 5 in/yrEvapotranspiration Rate (E) = 4.5 in/yr Change in surface water depth d= 0 (arid area) Before development: 82% open land; 18% Before development: 82% open land; 18%

    paved roads; After development: 52% residential; 18% paved After development: 52% residential; 18% paved

    roads; 16% open land; 14% parking lots, schools, commercial,

  • Calculation ExampleCalculation Example Before: C = 0.82 x 0.08 + 0.18 x 0.85 =

    0 220.22

    After: C = 0.52 x 0.17 + 0.18 x 0.85 + 0.16 x 0.08 + 0.14 x 0.85 = 0.37

    So, development increases the surface runoff coefficient, and therefore the runoff water (lesser water availability, higher fl d i k)flood risk)

  • Calculation ExampleCalculation ExampleBefore water budget (annual basis): Rainfall: 7 in/yr x 1 ft/12 in = 0.58 ft/yrRunoff: 0.22 x 0.58 ft/yr = 0.13 ft/yrET: 4.5 in/yr x 1 ft/12 in = 0.38 ft/yrInfiltration: I = R - Q ET (d=0)

    Before: 0.58-0.13-0.38 =0.06 ft/yr = 0.7 in annually

    After: 0.58-0.22-0.38=-0.02 ft/yr = -0.2 in annually

  • Conceptual SolutionConceptual Solution

    Need to capture excess surface runoffNeed to capture excess surface runoff generated by development.

    To break even (no net water loss due to d l t) ld d t b ilddevelopment), you would need to build a 0.9 in x 5000 acre = 375 acre-ft reservoir,

    hi h ld l i h th i filt ti twhich would replenish the infiltration water