peace and tolrance (1)


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Peace and tolrance (1)
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Peace and Tolerance

PresenTed by: grouP 3

Page 3: Peace and tolrance (1)

Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there’s no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom.

Peace definition

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Learning live together in peace, dynamic, holistic and long life

Important values, mutual respect, understanding, caring and sharing social responsibility, solidarity, and tolerance of diversity among individuals and groups

Peace and Tolerance

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Both inner and outer peace is important and the quest is for a personal and a subsequent societal transformation. But process has to start from smaller unit let it be individual, household community

Learning to live together in peace and harmony requires that quality of relationships at all levels is committed to peace, human rights, democracy and social justice in an ecological sustainable environment

Peace and Tolerance

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Positive peace is filled with positive content such as restoration of relationship, the creation of social system that serve the needs of the hole population and the constructive resolution of conflict

Negative peace refers to absence of violence

Peace and Tolerance

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NEGATIVE DEFINITIONAbsence of direct or physical violence(both macro and micro)

DIRECT VIOLENCEe.g. macro (war and torture) and micro (violence and abuse)

POSITIVE DEFINATION Presence of conditions of well-being and just relationship

STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE e.g. poverty, hunger, gender inequality

SOCIO-CULTURAL VIOLENCE e.g. racism, sexism, religious intolerance

ECOLOGICAL VIOLENCEe.g. pollution, over-consumption


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