peace - rain national public internet

Dear Camp Internet, Please find attached work from Grade 7 and 8 students from the Amman Baccalaureate School in Amman, Jordan. The students enjoyed writing about peace, which in this part of the world at the moment, is a very precious and fragile thing! We look forward to reading the work of other students. Thank you, Best wishes, Sarah Byham (M.S. English Coordinator) Amman Baccalaureate School Sweileh Amman Jordan Peace Tania Zananiri – Grade 7 It started out as little wars God help us, there is no peace anymore Peace has slipped away Leaving the earth all fallen and gone away Bit by bit we can bring some green to our land And return peace to the happy land Peace is not a dream There is no comfort in dreams People lost their land By forcing them out The happiness stopped And the world turned around A quarter of the war has gone away But it is nothing to be proud of War, war is all that is heard Help us please and let us be heard Peace I say That is what we need today Let’s work on peace together At the same time make things better People need help now And they are not going to surrender and bow We want our rights To make things right

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Dear Camp Internet, Please find attached work from Grade 7 and 8 students from the Amman Baccalaureate School in Amman, Jordan. The students enjoyed writing about peace, which in this part of the world at the moment, is a very precious and fragile thing! We look forward to reading the work of other students. Thank you, Best wishes, Sarah Byham (M.S. English Coordinator) Amman Baccalaureate School Sweileh Amman Jordan

Peace Tania Zananiri – Grade 7

It started out as little wars God help us, there is no peace anymore Peace has slipped away Leaving the earth all fallen and gone away Bit by bit we can bring some green to our land And return peace to the happy land Peace is not a dream There is no comfort in dreams People lost their land By forcing them out The happiness stopped And the world turned around A quarter of the war has gone away But it is nothing to be proud of War, war is all that is heard Help us please and let us be heard Peace I say

That is what we need today Let’s work on peace together At the same time make things better People need help now And they are not going to surrender and bow We want our rights To make things right

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Peace Peace is a wanted state for many people. It is the absence of all war

around us. Millions of people die everyday just because of disagreements around the world. Countries invest all their money in weapons and other killing machines, instead of using it to buy food for those that suffer from hunger. If people set their minds to having peace then it can definitely be achieved.

War is a conflict between nations. It is also the cause of many deaths around the world. There are many reasons that cause war; most of them are very unnecessary. Some of the causes of war are conflicts over land. Nations fight over land because they don’t know to whom it really belongs. It is also caused by slight disagreements. Unfortunately, these can lead to war. Also, it can be caused by racism. People fight other countries because they think they are better than them. Racism has many colors, including religion. Nationality is also one of the many causes of war. If people understood that all people are equal, there wouldn’t be conflicts at all.

Most of all, wars may occur because some parties are in need of power over others. Another reason, which is the cause of many conflicts today, is that there are religious and historical monuments that the nations are fighting over. Quarreling over whom they originally belong to. Last but not least, are the different ideas around politics. Everyone has some kind of opinion, and some may not agree with it. So, to them, the only answer is violence. All these may cause small conflicts. Nevertheless, conflicts, if not managed well, can lead to a prolonged war.

War is happening all over the world at this moment. It can lead to many disastrous results. Human results include hunger. People may not be getting enough food to live on. People living under occupation will not have any jobs available. Kids and adults would go around with no shelters to protect them with the savage bombings. They are left to die on the street. War can lead to many diseases. Some are not curable. People aren't able to buy their needs and supplies, including medication. The most brutal result of war is the many innocent people that lose their lives over meaningless battles.

There are also results that can affect the whole economy. The whole security system will collapse. More robberies, shooting and even murders will start happening. The people will lose all common sense to try to go back to the state of peace. It can also lead to the devastating destruction of the whole economic system. All the tourist attractions will fall, leaving this country very poor. There will be no more agriculture. Finally, the destruction of the whole nation will happen, leaving the people to live in misery.

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Peace may appear a difficult thing to be achieved, but if we all think together and find creative solutions to the reasons that cause war, it is not that complicated. People should learn to respect others' rights. That way all people would be even. Other than rights, they should accept other cultures and religions. There would be no racism and everyone would live together in tolerance. War can be solved by negotiations. The rulers can find solutions to these minor conflicts. Everybody can talk and understand the point of view of the others. Whatever the solution is, it must be fair and just.

Everybody agrees that it is a better world when peace rules us all. People wouldn't suffer from hunger anymore. They would be able to find jobs to get the money to support their family. With the money they could buy all the food and medication they need. Diseases would decrease, causing fewer deaths in that nation. The agriculture would become much better. In general, the whole death rate would be very much less. Finally, people wouldn't be afraid to go out of their homes anymore in fear of someone holding a gun to their head.

Wars are happening all over the world right now. Many innocent people are dying and suffering from the misery of being under occupation. That can all be stopped when leaders put their heads together and work on solutions to stop war. People must respect the beliefs of others and try to understand them. Anyone would find it better if everyone were living together in peace.

Tala Andoni - Grade 7

War VS. Peace War and peace are two opposite themes controlling the World. It is just like a fight between a strong guy (war) and a weaker one (peace). The question is, who wins in the end? War is now a factor that countries feel proud of starting, such as America. War destroys, separates families, and kills innocents and a lot more. So why do some powerful countries like to start wars with weaker countries? Are they only excuses for bigger wars? Or is it just a reason to steal the countries' riches??? That’s not a reason!! It is still unfair!! On the other hand, peace, which is the most welcomed factor amongst all countries’ citizens, developed and powerful countries don’t like practicing it. Why is it that countries like war more than peace? Is it for showing-off for any reason? Peace and war are words we hear everywhere all the time. We will keep on hearing these words everywhere, and forever, unless countries join their feelings, ideas, thoughts and work together. Why is it that war is taking over the

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World? Why don’t innocent citizens deserve peace? Why do countries like war? War, war, war and war will take over, but peace will get its rights in the end.

Mona Jaber


Peace is love among all nations, countries, nationalities, presidents, and, most importantly, among people.

Peace is good. It makes people, especially children, feel secure and safe. People feel relaxed and comfortable. So they can work and achieve better results. It will stop wars and stop killing innocent people and prevent famine and disasters. Children and students should learn about peace at schools and homes, and practice it among their families and friends.

One of the biggest disasters that had started a long time ago, is still happening in Palestine, between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The war between both parties has caused the deaths of many children, fathers, and mothers and has damaged many houses, trees and plants. So people who are left are only just surviving and have a shortage of food and water. They are also left with no work.

This war has affected me and all the people in Jordan. We all hope that war will stop and peace will take place soon. There are also many wars happening in other countries. We all hope the United Nations will solve all the problems and force people to make peace.

When I grow up, I would like to join all the conferences that are connected with the United Nations, which my sister has joined in the Hague, with the school in Egypt and the United States. I would like to give them ideas how to stop wars and make peace. I would also suggest making summer peace camps where students from all over the world can meet together and exchange ideas about peace and how to stop wars.

One of the famous presidents who tried to make peace was President Anwar Sadat, president of Egypt, who tried to make peace between Israel and Palestine, but he was assassinated by his people. But now people are more than ever ready for peace, so we should work hard, hand in hand, to make peace all over the world. Lara Abu Jaber – Grade 7

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World peace

War war war, we don’t need to have war Some people just have to kill With no reason or blame This is a sickness that must be stopped Or forget about your kids and the beloved Pick up a gun Shoot shoot, kill kill Don’t stop unless you win If they win, the others will attack And call it a pay back But if that side stops and the other stops too Then we will have world peace in our hands

Hamza Omari – Grade 7

These days we use and hear this word a lot because we have a lot of troubles all over the world. This word is used when two countries are fighting each other for land, oil and water some times. For example, Palestine and Israel are fighting each other for land. The historical land belongs to the Palestinians and that’s why Arabs are trying to tell the people who don’t know about the problem because they think that the land is for Israel, especially those who are living in Europe and USA. They have to know that this land is for the Palestinians, not for Israelis. The Israelis should understand that they shouldn’t live without peace with their neighbours the Palestinians.

The international laws do not allow countries to fight each other, and people should live in a peaceful way, which means freedom from war. The dangers

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of war (absence of peace) are: People are not safe, and their lives are in danger. The economy will be in trouble also and disasters will appear, like what happened in Europe in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. While the benefits of peace are so many that we can’t count them. The most important one is that lives will be safe.

My opinion as a child is that war must stop and every body should live in peace, especially in Palestine, because the Palestinians have been suffering a lot for decades from the Israeli occupation.

Finally peace should be for every child and body all over the world.

Zeid Muti – Grade 7


It seems we live in a society that denies our ability To let our mind roam, with infinite sovereignty

Is it a shame to forget the elapsed and resurrect harmony?

And collaborate for a better prospect filled with love and ecstasy?

This world we live in is poisoned with odium and hostility With each soul gone, the venom works with hate and fatality

The key for liberty is in our hands, but we deny its genuine reality How can we live a lie, when the fate of many souls lies in jeopardy?

Some people try to run from veracity, they are afraid of humanity

To betray them once again, and murder their society

How long will we stay under the dark shed of iniquity? When will we finally let light spread with freedom and tranquillity?

The key for liberty is the sincerity of peace and amity

So I pray to the Lord … cleanse our world of this horrible malady

And let peace rain above our lives and kill the insanity That led us to no choice, but to use this evil felony

The dream will one day come true in our humanity

And peace shall reign, over our unity.

Zayd Al-Abidi – Grade 7

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Nowadays, peace is something unusual in the world, because every country likes wars and violence. They don’t use peace in this world because they want what the country has such as oil, patrol, weapons, money etc… So the world is becoming worse and worse because of wars. For example, Israel is a bad country because it doesn’t look forward to making peace with Arabs. It likes wars and killing. They are destroying places and killing people. They need to make peace especially the U.S and Israel and the Arabs. It is important to have peace because everybody will have their own personality and live peacefully and calmly, not with violence and wars. The world will be a good family if nobody has wickedness, and they have to be good people because they can live like they want. We need to have more strictness because everyone will be in a peaceful situation. People should start making peace or else the world will get damaged with wars and violence. I hope that the world will be peaceful and everyone will have his or her own personality.

Shareef Kattan – Grade 7

Peace works!

Thirteen, maybe fourteen years old It’s really cold

Nothing to do but hold Rocks in her tiny little hands

Throwing them at tanks.

Bang bang everywhere Fear and tears every day

Moaning and crawling all the way.

Dreams of Christmas trees not fulfilled Dreams of turkey and beef not even grilled

Dreams of toys and boys not even been heard Dreams of peace never been mentioned.

But in the end

They only want peace Quiet

And happiness.

Tanya Haddad – Grade8

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What is Peace?

Peace is an ocean Of tranquillity and love

It is presented with a dove

It’s a cure to all woes It’s the key to all doors And the end to all wars

When people are struggling

To finish the puzzle, and end the trouble Peace is the light at the end of the tunnel

If one can experience peace

And be immersed in it He can enjoy life not just a bit

If we all work together With a clear peace vision

We can complete this mission

For some people Peace is just a word

To others it means the world

Hind Katkuda – Grade 8


They say we had a home Unlike our tent now, a real one made of stone. With bedrooms, a kitchen and paintings on the wall I can’t remember, since I was only four.

Our nights are long In winter we get flooded with rain and blinded with fog. Sadness has become my second nature.

Enemies pass by Thinking we have no hope. Trying to escape Is what we surely couldn’t make?

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It’s a word that made all this difference, I just don’t know why a word that starts with “w” And ends with “r” can change a person’s standard of living from a perfect one to a suffering one!

I hope that in the future Everyone would find out the crimes they have committed. Giving each and every person the lesson I could teach That peace is something hard to get but easy to lose.

Haya Dajani – Grade 8


Peace is a baby bird flying through the atmosphere Peace is a snow coloured white mist coming from the cloud

Peace is someone who is sleeping calmly in the middle of his dreams Peace is someone who negotiates against war in a peaceful way

Peace is all the world wants Peace is the absence of war Please, just ask for peace

Sami Khoury – Grade 7

What will it take to put down your gun And stop this guesome killing All this death is not real fun We can stop if we are willing.

You’ll have to think about your view

Maybe listen to the other side This advice might not be new But it’ll only cost your pride.

You’ll have to say “ Maybe I’m wrong

Maybe you’re not so bad.” If you’re lucky you’ll hear the peace song

Much happier than sad.

So think about if it’s really hard And start to set us free

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There’ll be nothing left for us to guard We might even share a tree

All over the world, let the fighting cease

I’m not asking for your soul Help to reach our common goal Let’s pay the price of peace!

Ayah Nasif - Grade 8


Everyone is different Everyone is wrong

Everyone has opinions And tries to be strong

Peace must spread

Peace must be recognized We all have differences

That makes each one special

We can learn We can teach

But most of all we must get along To spread something called peace

We try to follow

Our own ways of life But someone must say It’s how to get along

People say war

It’s something violent Between the people of God We’re meant to be as one

People try to ruin things Just the way they are

But war is wrong And we’re meant to get along

Lara Kalis – Grade 8

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The Peace Poem

Peace is a word most people misuse In thinking and in talking together For it is said around the world so much That its meaning and position in speech no one bothers It’s supposed to mean something good But why do some get it wrong? It is not made for something mean or bad As well as its use in a song It’s supposed to be around the world To help the people big and small To stop a war from going on And not making it so tall Peace I think it’s supposed to be A thing equal wherever you go And murder might spread as well as death Which is something everyone surely will know Peace is a thing I love in the world I would rather have it than anything I can deserve It would be better to have it right So we could have a world that could be preserved Shereen Baddour – Grade 8

About peace

Peace, a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been in war or in a state of enmity. Yet, in many countries in the world, peace, is not an option. Without peace, war, hatred, discrimination, apartheid, conflict, and lack of security prevail.

Today, self-centered people only care about themselves. Ignorant people should not be held responsible. Many associations and international committees have been established for supporting and securing peace. The United Nations’ (UN) primary purpose is to maintain world peace by settling conflicts without violence. It allows countries to cooperate to solve world problems, such as war, poverty, disease, and environmental degradation. The UN’s peacekeeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. Nevertheless, nowadays, an international association is not enough for achieving world peace. Extensive public awareness should be applied internationally.

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Throughout the centuries, greed has taken over. Human beings have been competing for almost everything. Land, and other resources such as petrol, water, valuable minerals… Conflict has become a routine - part of our daily lives. Everyday, Palestine: Israel, Iraq: America, Afghanistan: America, India: Pakistan, Russia: Chechnya… face catastrophes. For each of these countries undergo war, and enmity. God created us equal, and there should be no border differentiating between us.

The human race, influences not only its species, but also all its surroundings. Animals, plants and life are being destroyed by Man’s wars. With rapid development and technology, our environment is getting polluted. “We are destroying the world using our bare hands” However, by achieving peace, we’d be achieving a better place to live in.

I hope that one day, peace overcomes, and war no longer exists. We should

co-operate in making people understand each other, respect other’s ideas, and love each other for who they are, not for what they have. Tala Kayyali – Grade 8


Peace is when all the countries are friends. They help each other in different ways. All people around the world rich and poor, different nations and religions are looking forward to make peace in the world. God created us all to help each other in many ways even if they were our enemies. But in these days it's hard to help our enemies because they are doing lots of bad things to us. I want the world to be one huge big family and we should act like brothers and sisters.

All people hate wars and killing so we should be friends with each in order to help each other, like the colourful butterflies. They are all different shapes, colours and sizes, but they all help each other even if they are different. But in our real world there are some countries that are fighting to get their country back. So that’s why we should all have an understanding towards each other.

I hope that one day I will wake up and find the world in peace and harmony, living in love and care with NO wars. Imagine the world as a big factory, where every machine is a country, and every machine contributes to the other in order to give the final product that we believe in, which is (PEACE).

Zein Salti – Grade 7

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Peace Works

Peace is the friendship between some families, people, tribes and lots of countries.

War is a bad thing that has disadvantages, and it rarely ever has any advantages.

Quickly, stop the wars between you and everyone, before it forever turns into a really big one.

And a letter to the government: try to stop the war, so we can have peace for now and ever more.

Peace is what they want, so give it to them please, so they can live in happiness and forever at ease.

Laith Nuqul – Grade 7

Stolen Lives

A slave ship was leaving the coast of Africa for America. On board were 200 Africans who had been kidnapped and forced to board the ship. This ship would make a fortune for the slave traders by selling the young Africans to rich plantation owners.

Baruwa was a prince who was 18 years old; unfortunately he was taken to be a slave and a plantation worker.

At last they arrived at the American coasts. People who wanted a slave came and chose the one that they liked. There was an old man and his family, which consisted of 1 lovely and beautiful daughter and her rude son, as their mother had died. This family chose Baruwa to be their servant. They went back with Baruwa to their expensive and big house. Baruwa automatically fell in love

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with Maria and Maria also fell in love with Baruwa. She was beautiful and gorgeous. Baruwa knew that he would never get her.

One day Baruwa was working in the garden when Maria came and told him good morning. She also told him that she loved him and she wants to know his story. Baruwa started talking about his story and how he was a prince. Unluckily Maria’s father came and saw them talking to each other, so he sent Maria to her room and punished Baruwa by not giving him food for one week. Maria’s father was so strict with Baruwa but Maria’s father would never stop them from loving each other and the more Maria’s father tried to stop them from loving each other, their love for each other would increase

Until one day Maria’s father made a decision that he would kill Baruwa for loving Maria. Baruwa’s execution was the next day but Maria was convinced to save his life although if she had to forsake her life to save his life. ‘Baruwa is innocent’ she would tell herself, ‘Why should my father kill him? We need peace.’

As night covered the place, Maria went down from her room without anybody seeing her to Baruwa’s bedroom. She found him asleep so she woke him up and took him to her poor neighbours who were kind and loyal. She asked them if Baruwa could sleep over at their house and not to tell her father.

The next day when the gallows were prepared, they went to bring Baruwa but they didn’t find him. They looked for him in all the house and also in the neighbour’s house, Maria was anxious because it was the turn to look in the loyal and friendly neighbours and unfortunately they found him. They put him on the gallows. When they were going to pull the rope a guy am called Abraham Lincoln came and freed Baruwa and all those innocent young people who were kidnapped to work as slaves who were supposed to stay with their families. All the Africans were thankful to Abraham Lincoln.

Baruwa took Maria and they ran far far away and lived happily ever after

with peace and open hearts.

Rasha EL Jundi – Grade 7

Peace Poem Story

Yesterday, we lived our wonderful days Today, enemies changed our ways

We fought, thought and tried, But, all the lives miss some pride.

“Only one way to stop this,” said a man, “We shall spread love to the world if the people can.”

“No,” said another, “we shall hold hands in hands.” “Wait,” said a woman, “we shall share all the lands.”

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A boy also said, “Why not share money?” “No,” said an old man, “we will fight for that sonny,”

Everyone started to give ideas that were right Which made the people have a fight!

All the people were separated, each one alone, They shivered to their bone

They cried which made them sleep And made them suffer through their entire deep!

“Why did this happen to us?” asked a father, “We did not deserve this,” said a mother.

The children went out to see their mother, But the enemies ran after them one after the other.

“Stop!” shouted a girl. “Why don’t we have Peace as classy as a pearl?”

All the people looked at her in astonishment Her mother ran to her in accomplishment!!

“This is the answer!” she said, “My girl is the best!”

“Peace involves love, care and share and all of the rest!” The people thought and thought, until they agreed.

After all these years, they lived their lives with no hate indeed! Dina Marto – Grade 8


War war everywhere People suffering all over

Few celebrating their victory Many dying frequently.

Pain and tears in abundance Fear and sorrow surround us

Dark unknown days ahead Yet we still have a lead.

To love one’s brothers and sisters To dream of a better life To work for our dreams To see them come true.

Nadeen Kattan – Grade 7

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Peace is a candle waiting to be lit.

Peace is pride coming from deep inside.

Peace is hiding waiting to be found.

Peace is justice waiting to be served.

Peace is a state of mind that you must find.

Peace is a bear getting along with a salmon.

Peace is saluting the flag before a game.

Peace is a flickering candle of hope.

Peace is people at ease with each other.

Yazeed Nshiewat - Grade 7

Peace, peace, peace

A world of peace A world of love

Is what the people need! Peace of mind

Is what we want! Peace in hearts Is what we ask!

Peace in life Is what we like!

Savers of peace come Let us be together

We get peace

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From world power Makers of peace Come together

Light the candle of Peace Take God’s message

Of living a life of peace. So please world stop war,

As peace is the best of all. Peace for children For young and old. Peace to prevail

For ever. Yazan Al Alami - Grade 7

Peace Works Said Kawar – Grade 8

Its symbol is a white dove It feels like heaven above In peace there is pride and joy It’s a thing we all enjoy

So many people are out at war It makes your heart very sore These wars will have to end A helping hand, we all must lend

People of the world unite Let’s try to stop the fight Stop this crazy violence All we want is some silence

Let’s live in love and understanding Instead of being so demanding Let’s give peace a chance Let’s sing a song and dance

Let’s stop this horrible bloodshed Before everybody drops dead Let’s shake hands and be friends Before we come to dead ends

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Peace is a beautiful thing that people need for living White pigeon is a symbol of peace we like to have

The world has to have peace so it can all be one piece Peace is a fantastic thing makes people want to sing Every place the wars start they will keep people apart If we have peace here kids will not live in fear So many people would like to be the peacemakers

I’d like to be a peace man ending the wars all around Let’s live peacefully no fights no wars only peace Wars can lead to pain and make people live insane When love fills the heart we can have a new start I hope my wishes come true and the world never feels blue

Tarek Soudi - Grade 7

Peace Project Basil Beirouti - Grade 7

The world is shared by all of us and by all of us is used Then why are countries fighting? Other countries they accuse Of terrorists and killers drug dealers robbers too They go to battle with each other, like animals in a zoo They fight kill and slaughter evil deeds they do Can all this disgusting stuff stop? Can we build Earth anew? This fighting frenzy has to stop the Earth is not a place, For war and battle to occur between the same race! The Palestinian war is raging on Iraq is fighting treason Why is all this happening? Is it all without a reason? Some people live a peaceful life others a life of danger? This is a very big problem the size of it is major! A bad decision it really is for rich countries to go to war They should aid the poor and let their economy grow more All countries cities and states continents and territories too Should unite as one big country it should not split itself to two! From the mountains and plains and valleys to the ocean wide Must all be in perfect peace help each other side by side I have a wonderful dream that in every part of the world Will be without war or death but united, like one big herd Of peaceful sheep together they all forgive each other They move side-by-side help one another like a mother What a great world it would be with joy, fun, and laughter Everybody will live together happily ever after!

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Once upon a time there lived a man. Not just any man, but a rich, busy man

who travelled a lot. The man’s name was Bill. Bill was a large beefy man with very little neck and a lot of mustache. It was the lovely month of February when Bill had a very big and important conference in South Africa for his humongous company of buses. He was going for two weeks.

This was not just an ordinary man who travelled a lot. Only five times a year or anything of that sort. He travelled and returned for a day then travelled again. Sometimes his children didn’t know where he was. Imagine that. But he earned a lot of money from his job, which earned him respect and a good life and helped him to raise a wonderful family. He lived an extraordinary life and had anything he wanted and got his family whatever they wanted. But he didn’t think about the people that are poor or needy people. He thought that everyone had what ever he wanted. He didn’t know what was happening outside, only what was happening between him, his family and his friends.

This all changed the day he reached South Africa, when he saw how the people were being treated. There he learned two words, very important words. Apartheid and segregation. He learned that apartheid means: a political policy practised in South Africa, which separates different people of different races (Negro race and white race). Also he learnt that segregation meant: it’s the law practiced in South Africa that separates different people of different races. Imagine that happening in South Africa. Imagine how cruel that was. Bill felt sorry for these people and began to feel what other people feel. How miserable people feel. He told himself, “ I’m going to educate myself about what is happening here and I’m going to educate my kids about it. To be educated in this subject and to judge and like people not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.”

He saw things you wouldn’t believe. The way the blacks were treated. Like garbage, that is how they were treated. The blacks were not allowed to use the same things as the whites were able to use. They didn’t have rights like others. The whites had their own schools and libraries. The blacks had their own schools and libraries but the whites’ ones better. The blacks were not allowed to use the public places. They had ten benches which had ‘Whites only’ written on them and one bench saying ‘Blacks only’. They had bathrooms for blacks and others for whites. Drinking from public water fountains was separated into one for blacks and the other for whites. The blacks weren’t even allowed to walk on the same street the whites walked on. The blacks were even not allowed to sit in the front seats of the bus but forced to sit on the back seats of the bus. If there was no

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space for the whites to sit in front, they would sit in the back of the bus and make the blacks stand up.

Bill learned all this and felt very sad. He also learned about the population wealth and land in South Africa. He learnt that the population of the blacks were 90%, the whites 10%. The blacks owned 10% of the land while the whites owned 90% of the land. The whites had90% of the wealth while the had 10%.

Bill was angry, and felt really bad for the blacks. But did he shut up? No!

He wanted to do something to end this awful thing. He decided to gather a few people who have knowledge about this humongous problem to help solve it and end it. He thought that this would make world peace. He was willing to spend all his money to help all the poor and black people in the world. With world peace the entire world would be happy and we would live in harmony.

Bill gathered up a crew of geniuses and they started working to achieve his

goal of world peace. All the aim of this was to help needy people and the Negro race. He announced: “ I am going to change the world and make world peace.” After people heard what he was doing, they started to support his ideas.

The world is changing. It is becoming a better place. Apartheid ended and the world is happier. Every day Bill is getting richer, but he gives his money to charity. A lot of people help and give to charity. Even some schools started having charity fairs to help poor and needy people. Bill’s kids are knowledgeable and know all about the world and what is happening in it. Bill reached his goal in life and is still getting better and better by the second.

Imagine that a man travelled to a country for two weeks and changed the

entire world. It’s true Bill changed the world. Bill is going to keep his company and hand it to his eldest son when he dies, to keep the world a better place. They will never close the company. All the world will live happily ever after.

Waseem Khoury - Grade 8

The Dove of Peace and Love

After long, whole and injuring years, Of death, evil and violent war, Comes the Dove of Peace and Love, With its magnificent soar, To destroy the evil, revive the sad sorrow, And demolish the black darkness, To blow away the enemies and their weapons,

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And shine the rays of light and happiness, It fills the world with love and peace, And seals the evil and the savage, In an unknown place around the world, It could be in a mountain village, It’s a sign of love and a sign of peace, It hides an important treasure, Who would want to look for this, And won’t delay his pleasure? The treasure is a message everyone needs, And it’s something we want and we know, “Peace on Earth,” it says to us all, Shall we make it spread and grow? The Dove of Peace drowns our frustrated fears, Makes us feel happy with joy and glee, Shatters the walls for a new peaceful life, You’d finally feel that you’re free! Ziyad Shukri – Grade 8


Peace is a state of mind Living in harmony with positive energy For a better human kind Where love and forgiveness are the strategy The white doves flew over the lands and sea Spreading their wings symbolizing peace For those who embrace it and protect it Will live their lives forever in peace Children of the world suffer from war A horrible bloody act that kills all Demolishes homes and ruins dreams War is the worst enemy of the human soul For the sake of good life We must work hand in hand To abolish war and spread peace Together we must stand

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By respecting each other In an environment of justice and equality Making advantage of diversity We all shall live with dignity Imagine if there is peace in the whole world What a better place it would be Full of love, happiness and respect Don’t you agree?

Layth Batayneh - Grade 8


Peace begins with you and me When many see that it can be Many more will try just like me Peace must happen across the sea Or it will end, for you and me Many people do not see That peace is needed for you and me With peace any thing can be And all our problems will stop to be Peace is inside every he or she But some have it lost in their memory What should we do to make them see That peace is inside every body We should show them how you can help me And show them how you also need me

Ziad Azar - Grade 7

World Peace Amman, Jordan

P.O BOX 253/11118 2nd of Dec.2002

To whom it may concern:

I would like to argue about an important issue in life. It is important for our lives. It is world peace; all of us of all nationalities hate war. All of us know countries that are being attacked by other people that are terrorists. Many people suffer from famines and floods but these are things that God does and we

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cannot control but wars are the most killing act that we can control. I want to say a word about this issue:

Peace, thousands of hands, brains and hearts are praying. War is a heartbreaker I always wonder why wars are happening. Are people greedy? Yes, the terrorists are, because they exchange lives with land, These are things for animals, killing or destroying people’s properties. It is an issue that controls what??? It only controls lives that are not important in terrorist’s minds. If you don’t care for people don’t make people’s lives miserable by killing mothers and babies. Imagine a mother that lives in an attacked country. When army forces kill her baby what will she do??? Or a child without a mother who’ll hate the other country till he dies and he will always try to kill the army who killed his mum.

So, people, let’s put our hands together to save this world from deadly wars for a better future. Rakan Radaidah – Grade 8


There are lots of wars In the east and west In the north and south That kill and kill and kill

These wars don’t help They only make things worst They damage and destroy They wipe and wreck

Wars never do good Wars only do bad They blow things up They burn things down

There used to be peace That know I can’t find There’s no peace in my homeland There is only war

I always hope to have peace But my dream still didn’t come true I will always fight for peace And I’ll never go for war

Peace is the good one That makes love in people’s hearts It doesn’t make people sad

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And it doesn’t make them mad

I always think of peace And I try to forget war But I can’t see peace any where I can only see war every where.

Tareq Mushahwar – Grade 8

Peace Hana Shashaa – Grade 7 War and disagreements are spread all around the world. Killing and torture

is everywhere. The only thing that can stop this is world peace. I live in a part of the world where both my neighboring countries are

accused of causing wars, Palestine and Iraq. I know more about Palestine and Iraq than I know about other accused countries in the world.

Conflicts have different causes. Territorial conflicts like in Palestine. Ethnic or religious conflicts like in Nigeria and in the Philippines. Poverty also leads to conflicts, between the poor and the rich. All these conflicts lead to war.

Conflicts arise from dictatorships, due to the lack of democracy and freedom. Some people don’t have all their rights. Rights like voting, expressing their opinions or even owning a piece of land. This kind of state could lead to war.

All these conflicts that lead to war will never end. Not all the people will gain all their rights again. Not everyone will have a peaceful life with all these wars. Especially people who are losing their loved ones, when their loved ones go and defend their rights. This is not called humanity, it is called unfairness.

War is not fair. From what I know about what is happening in Palestine, I realize that if there is supposed to be war, war should be at least fair. Guns to guns, stones to stones or tanks to tanks. Not guns, tanks and technology against tiny stones. Learning is a right that each child should have. This right should be destroyed be dying for the sake of your country. In Palestine what’s happening, is that before young children go to school, they say goodbye to their family and friends in case it will be the last time they will see them. On the way to school, children will see a huge tank coming to them. The children there wouldn’t even be scared. They have the guts to stand in front of a tank or gun, with only tiny stones to sacrifice their life for their beloved country.

The suicide bombers that are in Palestine are all desperate. They kill themselves so that they can finish this life. They don’t have any other way to kill themselves, except when they kill people with them.

Palestine isn’t the only country that is being tortured. Many other countries don’t have all their rights. I decided to talk a bit about Palestine, as I know more facts about it, and I am sure they are not only words.

Some people say, “Action speaks louder than words”. This saying is so true in the Palestinian- Israeli conflict. Palestinians are showing what they want to say by action. Dying is the action they can afford. World peace is the only solution that can end all these conflicts. So that people can live a human life, peaceful and happy.

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World Peace

I am 12 years old. My name is Zeid Zabian. I have lived in the Middle East all my life. Where I live there is no peace. I have always asked myself what is the meaning of peace? From what I have seen and heard the world peace means war and destruction and this is not what peace means. For peace means “freedom from disturbance, war or hostilities. ”

Is there peace in the world today? In my opinion the answer is no. Today conflicts are everywhere in every corner of the world. This is because of greed and hatred to one another. This has led to blaming others who have different opinions and beliefs and this leads to conflict.

Today we are so far away from achieving world peace. In fact more and more countries are getting involved in conflicts. Some countries today are innocently drawn into conflict by acts of terrorism.

Will there be an end to the violence in this world? This question has no answer. For it depends on the strength of the good. For nowadays, while some people are trying to find peaceful resolutions, others are provoking it. For if we look into our hearts as deep as we can, peace is wonderful thing which each one of us needs and wants.

If the world was a peaceful place, life would be safe from all the dangers. One reason is that every single one of us would be one hand. We would all have the same goals, for example conquering world pollution. Peace is a wonderful thing!

Zeid Zabian – Grade 7


Go towards the light For your future bright

The answer is not to fight It is to do right

Peace Peace Peace To have war and to kill we shan’t

Thousands of deaths every day So stop this madness right away And let peace flourish if you may

Peace Peace Peace

-Omar Muasher- Grade 7

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World Peace

This rose is a delicate flower Many people tried to hold it

To gain enormous power Like Stalin and Hitler

They all tried to rule and conquer As for the red rose

Its red petals into the horizon they drove Only the white pigeon can fly

And retrieve the red petals that flew by After all was done by these men

Maybe, just maybe the rose will be fixed again But even the most beautiful rose has its thorns

One prickle and the rose can be torn By these people who only seek the benefit of their own

These most hateful people Who claimed to be so honorable

End up causing so much pain and suffering God help this flower grow

And let Mother Nature know That she should water it every day

Until… Could I say It’s time to leave this lovely rose

In safe hands and minds full of prose Than let this life draw to a close

Nayef Bataineh – Grade 7

A Peace Essay

Peace is rarely found on earth today… well, anything that is actually good is rare in today’s world. Disasters are taking over the earth. Natural disasters, famine, poverty, and the most dangerous: War. We can’t do anything about nature, we could improve the world and many people are supporting environment-friendly/ save the poor/homeless etc. organizations and some people are really putting an effort into it, but the fact still remains: War is the most idiotic mistake that any human could make. Why would any people, or any person, want to start a war? Hundreds of thousands of people die every year as a result of some politician’s stupid declaration of war. People die from both sides, not just from the side that is attacked. A country attacks a neighboring country out of fear of the other

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country’s power; the need of more land; because the other country’s rich and greedy; or even because of a grudge that has lasted more than a millennium and that country is still living in the past and doesn’t want to move on. Why would anyone ever want to threaten anyone else? Or even just want to beat up some one else? Peace is just not a rarity worldwide; it’s also a rarity in schoolyards, neighborhoods and even at work. An annoying neighbour, a kid you hate in class, or a rival at work. That’s just stupid. If you really hate someone, don’t make the problem a bigger one, and just ignore him or her. Or try to understand them. The whole world can’t have everything in common with you! That’s exactly the basis of wars: fear, hatred, greed and misunderstandings. These develop into much bigger problems. Then you’ve got a war to fight. Thousands of poor soldiers and their friends go into war, which they think is the most honourable thing to do. After they get into the war, they become the people who most want peace, as they are right in the middle of the chaos. They either die or go home. After that the war is forgotten, it’s become a part of the past, long forgotten, not important. Thousands of soldiers have died in a “thing of the past, long forgotten, not important”. Every century has had at least one major war. As weapons upgrade the wars become more and more unimaginable. With atomic bombs, nuclear weapons, tanks, guns, missiles, airplanes, spies, soldiers, gas, and who knows what we may think of next. We watch so many violence-promoting films on T.V and that’s where we think that war is cool and killing people is all right. Right when the guy blasts a hundred bad guys with a bomb or something else. Now who knows what we’ll think of next? Maybe we'll invent a laser? How about a weapon that could clear out half the world’s population? The problem is that we aren’t tolerant with others. We hate all what is different. We are afraid of different people. We are easily threatened. If we weren’t all the above, then peace would emerge on earth. Then the other major problems could be solved. Peace is the state when we feel safe, when we can walk out of our doors knowing that a nuclear bomb won’t drop on our heads suddenly. If people started tolerating each other and stopped being close-minded, peace could be obtained worldwide. Earth would be an almost perfect place. It would be one happy co-operative community. No bombs would be dropped on innocent people who have done no wrong. Peace can be gotten by justice, so we should be wise about whom to judge or blame. No weapons should be on Earth either. What do weapons do? Kill, hurt, destroy, mainly just a tool used in wars for bloodshed. My opinion is that weapons should be annihilated from the face of this earth and forgotten about forever.

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Peace is the most wonderful thing that could happen on earth. Everyone would benefit, everyone would be happy, safe and content. I think all world leaders should aim for peace first, no wars. Imagine the world today with absolutely no wars at all! Not even the little fights that occur in schoolyards! How wonderful would that be? Not even one person would be hurt, no one would die all over the world, and we wouldn’t be on the verge of a war. War and peace have been here since humans were created. Unfortunately they aren’t balanced, and I don’t think we actually want to balance them. Who would want wars in balance with peace? Peace should always be on the heavier side of the scale. The entire world should have peace as its number one goal.

Rand Hidayah - Grade 7

The Peace Poem Samer Al Amad – Grade 8

We mostly do have everything But peace is what we lack

We have had it before And can’t get it back

Peace makes life easier And sets people free

It really decreases worry But mostly increases glee

Peace stops the enemies

Getting more land We really can achieve it All of us hand in hand

It’s great what peace could gain It could make billions of things But what’s fabulous about peace

Is the happiness it brings

Peace spreads love And releases chauvinism

It ends segregation And gets rid of racism

Say no to wars

to conflict and sorrows Oh peace please come

Say yes for peace

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Peace is very hard to find Although it is an idea

That crosses everyone’s mind Life would be a lot more safe and fun

If peace had overcome Life’s reality, which all of us

Should face without it Hope and faith are gone

So is the human race There is no time for complacency

On bended knees I pray We dreamed about peace

And our dream could come true, Lord Grant us the wisdom

To find our peace some day Everybody suffers death and pain

Others enjoy the fun War is the center of hatred and Peace is the center of happiness

We all should join together To help peace grow

United we stand Divided we fall

Zeena Hakim – Grade 7

Peace Works These days there is no peace around. There are so many kinds of wars in

the whole world. That is against peace. For example: wars between blacks and whites, politics around the world, wars between religions, wars between rich and poor countries, etc… Therefore, there will be no peace in this world due to these wars.

Let’s get into politics, for example, Palestine and Israel, the most recent war around the world. They have been fighting for this land for years. Most people want peace but it is not working. Thousands of people have been killed during these several years in Palestine and Israel. But no one is trying to solve it. There was fighting between America and Afghanistan after the explosion which happened in New York in the World Trade Center, which killed thousands of

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people from all over the world. Now there could be war between America and Iraq because of some reasons that the Iraqi people think that America is against them. In Africa there is trouble between black and white people. This is from a long time ago when Nelson Mandela was in prison for over 20 years because of this.

In conclusion, if there was peace, there would be no more deaths, no more killing and no more victims in the universe. Therefore, there would be love all over the world, between countries and people. Omar Kattan – Grade 7

Peace poem Peace we need you indeed

Children don’t want to bleed

Parents want to breed

And make their children live with no need

Lakes filled with swimming geese

Oh come to us, Mr. peace

Yazan Mufleh - Grade 7

Palestine, I want to be with you

America why don’t we just agree

Oh Iraq, just get yourself out of here

I just want to say what I know

The definition of world is WAR

Peace is something never used

Ever ever ever used

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It wouldn’t harm us if we use it

People suffering from the wars

Don’t you feel sad I ask?

If we were just one world

It won’t have to be rough

If we have just one earth

It would be like harmony

After all it is a small world

It’s a world of laughter

A world of tears

It’s a world of hope and a world of fear

There’s so much that we fear

And it’s time we were aware

It’s a small world after all

There is just one moon and one golden sun

If there’s a smile on our face it means friendship for sure

Though the mountains are high and the oceans are wide

It’s a small world after all

Tala al Qadi - Grade 7 (with thanks to Disney!)

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Peace the opposite of war

*Joys of Peace!* Peace brings us together through... - Love - Fairness - Living together - Joy - Freedom - Happiness - Caring - Kindness

*Joys of War!* War sheds a lot of blood, death and tears through.... - Anger - Suffering - Revenge - Fear - Violence - Bombs - Guns

*The poem!* Peace the opposite of war we need peace for all nations we need no war we need peace for a better world we need no violence we need peace for all children we need no sickness and fear we need peace together we need no death we need peace and love we need no aggression we need peace and better living we need no war

*We need fair peace in Palestine*!!!

Raya Abu Younis – Grade 7

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Way for our hopes and dreams Oppressed people no more

Revolutionize Longing for freedom Dying for freedom

Path to the beautiful life

Eager to live Another day things will be better

Creating a peaceful world Ever lasting PEACE

Intisar Jardaneh – Grade 7

What is P E A C E?

Peace is no violence. Peace is friendship. Peace is love. Peace is silence. Peace is good. Peace is happiness. Peace is not fighting. Peace cannot harm you. Peace saves many lives. The entire world needs right now is peace.

Zaina Sarhan – Grade 7

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Peace Peace,

World Peace is what I see, When I look into what the future holds for me, I wish that my future can be bright as can be, Because that's what my future holds for me,

I hope the future holds the same for you, Just like you might already do,

This world is big enough for me and you,

And all other people and animals too. So when you think about what the future holds for you,

Think that it could hold the same for everyone too.

Kareem Darwazeh - Grade 7


A fourteen-year-old Palestinian died today. That boy died of severe wounds in his body from an Israeli bullet attack about a month ago. I sat today, and thought about that boy’s family. I wondered what would have happened to me if my fifteen-year-old brother died from injuries from a bullet. More than feeling sad and grief over my brother, I’d want to get back at the soldier. The way he took a life I would like to do the same.

I know that if I did kill that soldier it would make things much worse, I also know he was not the only boy or child to be murdered at that young age. In fact I know that there are hundreds of children at his age in hospitals, or even in their graves. Children fight with stones, and are killed by tanks, bombs and bullets.

Peace is needed desperately around the world. Children are the future. Unfortunately, our future is being destroyed. Every day in Palestine, children are waiting to go back to school, go out and play with out the fear of that time spent with friends being the last. Not only is their country missing peace, they are also missing a peace much more important. They no longer have inner peace.

Just one word can stop the bombs from exploding, the bullets from killing

and people from murdering. That would be peace. Peace may seem like a small word. It is a small word, but has great power. Humans can’t stop guns, buildings can’t handle bombs, and it has been proven that planes can go through buildings. Shocking yet true, peace can handle and stop these actions.

Many have tried to achieve peace for the sake of people all over. No one is

enjoying the massive defeat the world has gone through for the past 2 decades or so. We look at the Romans, the Persians, the Greeks and the Native Americans

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and think they are primitive for killing people. We kill people with our own two hands. We are the ones who are primitive.

The West looks at Arabs as terrorists, the Arabs look at the people from

the Indian subcontinent as servants, and whites still look at blacks as slaves. Why doesn’t every person in the world work for a better life for every one, because no one can live on this earth twice? If each person contributes to peace, then 5 billion contribute to peace. If 5 billion fight for peace, then peace it will be. If 5 billion people put away their differences, lock them up, and share their similarities, no one would have anything against another person, or country or race.

God created Man to work and achieve, and make it better for the generation after. Humans have worked, created and achieved greatly, yet still managed to destroy with their creations more than making the world a better place. We resort to calling people animals when any human does something abnormal such as killing. In defense of animals, animals only kill when they’re hungry. Humans just kill because they are greedy.

Peace is needed in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Afghanistan,

Palestine, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Ethiopia, South Africa and Lebanon. Many countries and people are suffering from war and the effects of military disasters. The number of people affected by war should be less than the amount of people who are not affected.

The human race without peace couldn’t be considered human. Humans

should understand and love one another. Many say they want peace, yet others work for it. People strive and risk their lives for peace. Those are the true peacemakers, for actions speak louder than words.

Zein Jardaneh – Grade 8

Dead men, crying babies, Harmless women

all for War.

Some with rocks, Some with guns,

Some with very huge Tanks.

Stores closing, Shops burning,

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Houses empty, all Fighting.

Stop the war,

Stop the terrorists, Wave the white flags of


Sharif Ayoub – Grade 7

When Will Those Wars End?

When will those wars end? That's the question to ask when you are scared,

When you're happy or maybe whenever. The real question is what will happen next? Who will be the next person to pass away?

Will it be a family member? Will it be a good friend? What will happen to us?

What will happen to our families? Who knows what's going to happen.

There are lots of possibilities. When will those wars end?

Saif Bdeir - Grade 7