pearson baccalaureate physics sl chapter1

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  • 7/24/2019 Pearson Baccalaureate Physics SL Chapter1


    1 Physics and physicalmeasurement

    Range of magnitudes of quantities in ouruniversePhysics seeks to explain the universe itself, from the very large to the very

    small. At the large end, the size of the visible universe is thought to be around

    1025m, and the age of the universe some 1018s. The total mass of the universe is

    estimated to be 1050kg.

    The realm of physics1.1

    Assessment statements

    1.1.1 State and compare quantities to the nearest order of magnitude.

    1.1.2 State the ranges of magnitude of distances, masses and times that

    occur in the universe, from the smallest to the largest.

    1.1.3 State ratios of quantities as different orders of magnitude.

    1.1.4 Estimate approximate values of everyday quantities to one or two

    significant figures and/or to the nearest order of magnitude.

    How do we know all this is true?

    What if there is more than one


    A planet was recently discovered in

    the constellation Libra (about 20 light

    years from Earth) that has all the right

    conditions to support alien life. This

    artists impression shows us how it

    might look.

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  • 7/24/2019 Pearson Baccalaureate Physics SL Chapter1


    Physics and physical measurement

    Rest mass is the mass of a particle

    when at rest; the mass increases ifthe particle moves fast enough.

    If we can split an atom why cant

    we split an electron?

    The diameter of an atom is about 1010m, and of a nucleus 1015m. The smallest

    particles may be the quarks, probably less than 1018m in size, but there is a much

    smaller fundamental unit of length, called the Planck length, which is around 1035m.

    There are good reasons for believing that this is a lower limit for length, and we

    accept the speed of light in a vacuum to be an upper limit for speed (3 108ms1).

    This enables us to calculate an approximate theoretical lower limit for time:







    If the quarks are truly fundamental, then their mass would give us a lower limit.

    Quarks hide themselves inside protons and neutrons so it is not easy to measure

    them. Our best guess is that the mass of the lightest quark, called the up quark, is

    around 1030kg, and this is also the approximate rest mass of the electron.

    You need to be able to state ratios of quantities as differences of orders of magnitude.

    For example, the approximate ratio of the diameter of an atom to its nucleus is:




    105is known as a difference of five orders of magnitude.

    Some physicists think that there are

    still undiscovered particles whose

    size is around the Planck length.

    What are the reasons for there

    being a lower limit for length?Why should there be a lower limit

    for time?

    Production and decay of bottom quarks.

    There are six types of quarks calledup,

    down, charm, strange, topand bottom.

    Figure 1.1 The exact position of

    electrons in an atom is uncertain; we

    can only say where there is a high

    probability of finding them.

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  • 7/24/2019 Pearson Baccalaureate Physics SL Chapter1


    This is not a small ratio; it means that if the atom were as big as a football pitch,

    then the nucleus would be about the size of a pea on the centre circle. This implies

    that most of the atoms of all matter consist of entirely empty space.

    Another example is that the ratio of the rest mass of the proton to the rest mass of

    the electron is of the order:

    1.67 1027kg


    9.11 1031kg2 103

    You should be able to do these estimations without using a calculator.

    You also need to be able to estimate approximate values of everyday quantities to

    one or two significant figures.

    For example, estimate the answers to the following:

    How high is a two-storey house in metres?

    What is the diameter of the pupil of your eye?

    How many times does your heart beat in an hour when you are relaxed?

    What is the weight of an apple in newtons?

    What is the mass of the air in your bedroom?

    What pressure do you exert on the ground when standing on one foot?

    There is help with these estimates at the end of the chapter.

    Measurement and uncertainties1.2

    Assessment statements

    1.2.1 State the fundamental units in the SI system.

    1.2.2 Distinguish between fundamental and derived units and give

    examples of derived units.

    1.2.3 Convert between different units of quantities.

    1.2.4 State units in the accepted SI format.

    1.2.5 State values in scientific notation and in multiples of units with

    appropriate prefixes.

    1.2.6 Describe and give examples of random and systematic errors.

    1.2.7 Distinguish between precision and accuracy.

    1.2.8 Explain how the effects of random errors may be reduced.

    1.2.9 Calculate quantities and results of calculations to the appropriate

    number of significant figures.

    1.2.10 State uncertainties as absolute, fractional and percentage uncertainties.

    1.2.11 Determine the uncertainties in results.

    1.2.12 Identify uncertainties as error bars in graphs.

    1.2.13 State random uncertainty as an uncertainty range () and represent it

    graphically as an error bar.

    1.2.14 Determine the uncertainties in the slope and intercepts of a straightline graph.

    1 The diameter of a proton is of the order of magnitude of

    A 1012m. B 1015m. C 1018m D 1021m.


    If most of the atom is empty space

    why does stuff feel so solid?

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    Physics and physical measurement

    The SI system of fundamental and derived unitsIf you want to measure something, you have to use a unit. For example, it is useless

    to say that a persons mass is 10, 60, 140 or 600 if we do not know whether it is

    measured in kilograms or some other unit such as stones or pounds. In the old

    days, units were rather random; your mass might be measured in stones, but your

    height would not be measured in sticks, but in feet.

    Soon after the French Revolution, the International System of units was developed.

    They are called the SI units because SI stands for Systme International.

    There are seven base, or fundamental, SI units and they are listed in the table


    Name Symbol Concept

    metre or meter m length

    kilogram kg mass

    second s second

    ampere A electric current

    kelvin K temperature

    mole mol amount of matter

    candela cd intensity of light

    Mechanics is the study of matter, motion, forces and energy. With combinations

    of the first three base units (metre, kilogram and second), we can develop all the

    other units of mechanics.

    density mass


    volumekg m3

    speed distance


    time m s1

    As the concepts become more complex, we give them new units. The derived SI

    units you will need to know are as follows:

    Name Symbol ConceptBroken down intobase SI units

    newton N force or weight kg m s2

    joule J energy or work kg m2s2

    watt W power kg m2s3

    pascal Pa pressure kg m1s2

    hertz Hz frequency s1

    coulomb C electric charge As

    volt V potential difference kg m2s3A1

    ohm resistance kg m2s3A2

    tesla T magnetic field strength kg s2A1

    weber Wb magnetic flux kg m2



    becquerel Bq radioactivity s1

    Some people think the foot was

    based on, or defined by, the length

    of the foot of an English king, but it

    can be traced back to the ancient


    The system of units we now call SI

    was originally developed on the

    orders of King Louis XVI of France.

    The unit for length was defined

    in terms of the distance from the

    equator to the pole; this distance

    was divided into 10 000 equal parts

    and these were called kilometres.

    The unit for mass was defined in

    terms of pure water at a certain

    temperature; one litre (or 1000 cm3)

    has a mass of exactly one kilogram.

    Put another way, 1 cm3of water

    has a mass of exactly 1 gram.

    The units of time go back to the

    ancients, and the second was

    simply accepted as a fraction

    of a solar day. The base unit for

    electricity, the ampere, is defined

    in terms of the force between two

    current-carrying wires and the unit

    for temperature, the kelvin, comes

    from an earlier scale developed by

    a Swedish man called Celsius.

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    Worked examples

    1 Give units for the following expressed as (i)the derived unit (ii)base SI units:

    (a) force

    (b) kinetic energy.

    2 Check if these equations work by substituting units into them.

    (a) powerwork/time or energy/time

    (b) powerforcevelocity


    1 (a) (i) N (ii) kg(m s2) or kg m s2

    (b) (i) J (ii) kg (m s1)2or kg m2s2

    2 (a) W : J/s or W : (kg m2s2)/s or W : kg m2s3

    (b) W : N(m s1) or W : (kg m s2)(m s1) or W : kg m2s3

    In addition to the above, there are also a few important units that are not

    technically SI, including:

    Name Symbol Concept

    litre l volume

    minute, hour, year, etc. min, h, y, etc. time

    kilowatt-hour kWh energy

    electronvolt eV energy

    degrees celsius C temperature

    decibel dB loudness

    unified atomic mass unit u mass of nucleon

    Examiners hint:

    forcemass acceleration.

    Examiners hint:

    kinetic energy1




    2 Which one of the following units is a unit of energy?

    A eV B W s1 C W m1 D N m s1

    3 Which one of the following lists a derived unit and a fundamental unit?

    A ampere second

    B coulomb kilogram

    C coulomb newton

    D metre kilogram


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    Physics and physical measurement

    Worked example

    Convert these units to SI:.

    (a) year (b)C (c) kWh (d)eV


    (a) 1 year1 365 days 24 hours 60 minutes 60 seconds


    (b) Here are some common conversions:

    0 K273 C

    273 K0 C

    300 K27 C

    373 K100 C

    (c) 1 kWh (energy)1000 W (power) 3600 s (time)

    3 600 000 J


    (d) electrical energyelectric charge potential difference

    1 eV 1.6 1019C 1 V

    1.61019 J

    The SI units can be modified by the use of prefixes such as millias in millimetre

    (mm) and kiloas in kilometre (km). The number conversions on the prefixes are

    always the same; millialways means one thousandth or 103and kiloalways means

    one thousand or 10


    .These are the most common SI prefixes:

    Prefix Abbreviation Value

    tera T 1012

    giga G 109

    mega M 106

    kilo k 103

    centi c 102

    milli m 103

    micro 106

    nano n 109

    pico p 1012

    femto f 1015

    Examiners hint: To change kilowatt-

    hours to joules involves using the


    energypower time.

    1 kW1000 Wand 1 hour60 60 seconds.

    Examiners hint: The electronvolt

    is defined as the energy gained by an

    electron accelerated through a potential

    difference of one volt. So the electronvolt

    is equal to the charge on an electron

    multiplied by one volt.

    4 Change 2 360 000 J to scientific notation and to M J.

    5 A popular radio station has a frequency of 1 090 000 Hz. Change this to scientific notation and to MHz.

    6 The average wavelength of white light is 5.0 107m. What would this be in nanometres?

    7 The time taken for light to cross a room is about 1 108seconds. Change this intomicroseconds.


    Examiners hint: The size of one

    degree Celsius is the same as one Kelvin

    the difference is where they start, or the

    zero point. The conversion involves adding

    or subtracting 273. Since absolute zero or

    0 K is equal to273 C, temperature in

    Ctemperature in K 273.

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  • 7/24/2019 Pearson Baccalaureate Physics SL Chapter1


    Uncertainty and error in measurementEven when we try to measure things very accurately, it is never possible to be

    absolutely certain that the measurement is perfect.

    The errors that occur in measurement can be divided into two types, randomand

    systematic. If readings of a measurement are above and below the true value with

    equal probability, then the errors are random. Usually random errors are causedby the person making the measurement; for example, the error due to a persons

    reaction time is a random error.

    Systematic errors are due to the system or apparatus being used. Systematic errors

    can often be detected by repeating the measurement using a different method

    or different apparatus and comparing the results. A zero offset, an instrument

    not reading exactly zero at the beginning of the experiment, is an example of a

    systematic error. You will learn more about errors as you do your practical work in

    the laboratory.

    Random errors can be reduced by repeating the measurement many times and

    taking the average, but this process will not affect systematic errors. When you

    write up your practical work you need to discuss the errors that have occurred in

    the experiment. For example: What difference did friction and air resistance make?

    How accurate were the measurements of length, mass and time? Were the errors

    random or systematic?

    Another distinction in measuring things is betweenprecisionand accuracy.

    Imagine a game of darts where a person has three attempts to hit the bulls-eye.

    If all three darts hit the double twenty, then it was a precise attempt, but not

    accurate. If the three darts are evenly spaced just outside and around the bulls-eye,

    then the throw was accurate, but not precise enough. If the darts all miss the board

    entirely then the throw was neither precise nor accurate. Only if all three darts hitthe bulls-eye can the throws be described as both precise and accurate!

    What conditions would be

    necessary to enable something to

    be measured with total accuracy?

    Figure 1.2 All the players try to hit

    the bulls eye with their three darts, but

    only the last result is both precise and










    719 3 17







    181 205








    719 3 17

















    19 3 17







    181 205









    19 3 17









    not accurate

    neither precise

    nor accurate


    not precise

    both accurate

    and precise

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    Physics and physical measurement

    It is the same with measurements; they can be precise, accurate, neither or both. If

    there have been a large number of measurements made of a particular quantity, we

    can show these four possibilities on graphs like this:

    Significant figures

    When measuring something, in addition to a unit, it is important to think aboutthe number of significant figures or digits we are going to use.

    For example, when measuring the width and length of a piece of A4 paper with a

    30 cm ruler, what sort of results would be sensible?

    Measurements (cm)Number of

    significant figuresSensible?

    21 30 1 2 yes

    21.0 29.7 0.1 3 maybe

    21.03 29.68 0.01 4 no

    With a 30 cm ruler it is not possible to guarantee a measurement of 0.01 cm or

    0.1 mm so these numbers are not significant.

    This is what the above measurements of width would tell us:

    Measurements (cm) Number ofsignificant figures

    Value probablybetween (cm)

    21 1 2 2022

    21.0 0.1 3 20.921.1

    21.03 0.01 4 21.0221.04

    The number of significant figures in any answer or result should not be more than

    that of the least precise value that has been used in the calculation.

    precise but

    not accurate

    true value ofmeasured quantity

    number ofreadings

    number ofreadings

    number ofreadings

    number ofreadings

    accurate but

    not precise

    true value

    neither accurate

    nor precise

    true value

    accurate and precise

    true value

    Figure 1.3 Here is another way of

    looking at the difference between

    precision and accuracy, showing the

    distribution of a large number of

    measurements of the same quantity

    around the correct value of the


    If you are describing a person

    you have just met to your best

    friend, which is more important

    accuracy, precision or some other


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    Worked example

    Calculate the area of a piece of A4 paper, dimensions 21 cm 29.7 cm. Give your

    answer to the appropriate number of significant figures.


    21 29.7623.7

    Area620 cm2


    Uncertainties in calculated results

    If we use a stopwatch to measure the time taken for a ball to fall a short distance,

    there will inevitably be errors or uncertainties due to reaction time. For example, if

    the measured time is 1.0 s, then the uncertainty could reasonably be0.1 s. Here

    the uncertainty, or plus or minus value, is called an absolute uncertainty. Absolute

    uncertainties have a magnitude, or size, and a unit as appropriate.

    There are two other ways we could show this uncertainty, either as a fraction or asa percentage. As a fraction, an uncertainty of 0.1 s in 1.0 s would be 1__10and as a

    percentage it would be 10%.

    These uncertainties increase if the measurements are combined in calculations or

    through equations. In an experiment to find the acceleration due to gravity, the

    errors measuring both time and distance would influence the final result.

    If the measurements are to be combined by addition or subtraction, then the

    easiest way is to add absolute uncertainties. If the measurements are to be

    combined using multiplication, division or by using powers like x2, then the best

    method is to add percentage uncertainties. If there is a square root relationship,

    then the percentage uncertainty is halved.

    Uncertainties in graphs

    When you hand in your lab reports, you must always show uncertainty values

    at the top of your data tables asa sensible value. On your graphs, these are

    represented as error bars. The error bars must be drawn so that their length on

    the scale of the graph is the same as the uncertainty in the data table. Error bars

    can be on either or both axes, depending on how accurate the measurements are.

    The best-fit line must pass through all the error bars. If it does not pass through

    a point, then that point is called an outlier and this should be discussed in the

    evaluation of the experiment.

    Examiners hint: The least precise

    input value, 21 cm, only has 2 significant


    Examiners hint: Because we are

    using scientific notation, there is no

    doubt that we are giving the area to 2

    significant figures.

    8 When a voltage Vof 12.2 V is applied to a DC motor, the current Iin the motor is 0.20 A. Which

    one of the following is the output power VIof the motor given to the correct appropriate

    number of significant digits?

    A. 2 W B. 2.4 W C. 2.40 W D. 2.44 W


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  • 7/24/2019 Pearson Baccalaureate Physics SL Chapter1


    Physics and physical measurement

    Scalarsare measurements that have size, or magnitude. A scalar almost always

    needs a unit. Vectorshave magnitude and also have a direction. For example, a

    Boeing 747 can fly at a speed of 885 kmh1or 246 ms1. This is the speed and is a

    scalar quantity. If the plane flies from London to New York at 246 ms1then this

    is called its velocity and is a vector, because it tells us the direction. Clearly, flying

    from London to New York is not the same as flying from New York to London;

    the speed can be the same but the velocity is different. Direction can be crucially




    time (s)0.2















    Motion showing a body travelling at a steady speedFigure 1.4 Error bars can

    be on thex-axis only,

    y-axis only or on both

    axes, as shown here.

    Vectors and scalars1.3

    Assessment statements

    1.3.1 Distinguish between vector and scalar quantities, and give examples ofeach.

    1.3.2 Determine the sum or difference of two vectors by a graphical method.

    1.3.3 Resolve vectors into perpendicular components along chosen axes.

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    Here is another example of the difference between a vector and a scalar. Suppose

    you walk three metres to the east and then four metres towards the north.

    The distance you have travelled is seven metres but your displacement, the distance

    between where you started and where you ended up, is only five metres. Because

    displacement is a vector, we also need to say that the five metres had been moved

    in a certain direction north of east.

    Here are some common examples:

    Scalar Vector

    Distance Displacement

    Speed Velocity

    Temperature Acceleration

    Mass Weight

    All types of energy All forces

    Work Momentum

    Pressure All field strengths

    A vector is usually represented by a bold italicized symbol, for example F for force.

    Free body diagrams


    m north

    distance walked7


    displacement5m (north of east)


    m east



    Figure 1.5 Distance is a scalar, and

    in this case, the distance travelled is

    3 m4 m7 m. Displacement is a

    vector, and here it is the hypotenuse of

    the triangle (5 m).

    9 Which oneof the following is a scalar quantity?

    A Pressure B Impulse

    C Magnetic field strength D Weight

    10 Which oneof the following is a vector quantity?

    A Electric power B Electrical resistance

    C Electric field D Electric potential difference




    thrust of jets


    drag of air

    weightnormal force


    normal orsupporting force

    Figure 1.6 Free-body diagrams show

    all the forces acting on the body. The

    arrows should be drawn to represent

    both the size and direction of the forces

    and should always be labelled.(c) Aeroplane in level flight acceleratingto the right:

    (a) Book resting on a table: (b) Car travelling at constant velocityto the left:

    weightnormal forcesdriving forceresistive forces


    normal forces

    resistive forcesdriving force

    of engine

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  • 7/24/2019 Pearson Baccalaureate Physics SL Chapter1


    Physics and physical measurement

    If two or more forces are acting at the same point in space, you need to be able to

    calculate the resultant, or total effective force, of the combination. The resultant is

    the single force that has the same effect as the combination.

    If they are not parallel, the easiest way to determine the resultant is by the

    parallelogram law. This says that the resultant of two vectors acting at a point is

    given by the diagonal of the parallelogram they form.

    You also need to be able to resolve, or split, vectors into components or parts. A

    component of a vector shows the effect in a particular direction. Usually we resolve

    vectors into an x-component and ay-component.

    Worked example

    A force of 20 N pulls a box on a bench at an angle of 60 to the horizontal. What is

    the magnitude of the force Fparallel to the bench?

    Figure 1.7 When the vectors are

    parallel, the resultant is found by simple

    addition or subtraction.

    (a) (b)



    N 3


    resultant5N to right


    N 3


    resultant1N to left








    N resultant

    magnitude of resultant14



    Figure 1.8 We can use a graphical

    method to find the resultant accurately.

    Examiners hint: You can do this is

    by scale drawing using graph paper.

    11 The diagram below shows a boat that is about to cross a river in a direction perpendicular to the

    bank at a speed of 0.8 ms1. The current flows at 0.6 ms1in the direction shown.

    The magnitude of the displacement of the boat 5 seconds after leaving the bank is

    A 3 m. B 4 m. C 5 m. D 7 m.










    x-component (F)A




    Figure 1.9 Resolving into

    components is the opposite process

    to adding vectors and finding the


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    The string will tend to pull the box along the bench but it will also tend to pull it


    cosine 60adjacent





    F20 N cos 6010 N

    Examiners hint: In the right-angled

    triangle ABC, thex-component (F) is

    adjacent to the 60 angle while the 20 N

    force is the hypotenuse.

    12 A force of 35 N pulls a brick on a level surface at an angle of 40 to the horizontal. The frictional

    force opposing the motion is 6.8N. What is the resultant force Fparallel to the bench?

    Exercise Examiners hint: Here is an example

    of how notto answer a basic question:





    1 Which one of the following contains three fundamental units?

    A Metre Kilogram Coulomb

    B Second Ampere Newton

    C Kilogram Ampere Kelvin

    D Kelvin Coulomb Second

    2 The resistive force Facting on a sphere of radius rmoving at speed vthrough a liquid is

    given by


    where cis a constant. Which of the following is a correct unit for c?

    A N

    B N s1

    C N m2s1

    D N m2s

    3 Which of the following is nota unit of energy?

    A W s

    B W s1

    C k Wh

    D k g m2s2

    4 The power Pdissipated in a resistor Rin which there is a current Iis given by

    PI 2R

    The uncertainty in the value of the resistance is10% and the uncertainty in the value

    of the current is 3%. The best estimate for the uncertainty of the power dissipated is

    A 6%

    B 9%

    C 6%

    D 19%

    actice questions

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    Physics and physical measurement

    Here are some ideas to help you with the estimates on page 3:

    1 How high is a two floor house in metres?

    First we could think about how high a normal room is. When you stand up

    how far is your head from the ceiling? Most adults are between 1.5 m and 2.0 m

    tall, so the height of a room must be above 2.0 m and probably below 2.5 m.

    If we multiply by two and add in some more for the floors and the roof then asensible value could be 7 or 8 m.

    2 What is the diameter of the pupil of your eye?

    This would change with the brightness of the light, but even if it were really

    dark it is unlikely to be above half a centimetre or 5.0 mm. In bright sunshine

    maybe it could go down to 1.0 mm so a good estimate would be between these

    two diameters.

    3 How many times does your heart beat in an hour when you are relaxed?

    You can easily measure your pulse in a minute. When you are relaxed it willmost probably be between 60 and 80 beats per minute. To get a value for an

    hour we must multiply by 60, and this gives a number between 3600 and 4800.

    As an order of magnitude or ball park figure this would be 103.

    4 What is the weight of an apple in newtons?

    Apples come in different sizes but if you buy a kilogram how many do you get?

    If the number is somewhere between 5 and 15 that would give an average mass

    for each apple of around 100g which translates to a weight of approximately 1


    5 What is the mass of the air in your bedroom?

    To estimate this you need to know the approximate density of air, which is

    1.3 kg m3. Then you need an estimate of the volume of your bedroom, for

    example 4 m 3 m 2.5 m, which would give 30 m3.

    Then massdensity volume would give around 40 kg; maybe more than


    6 What pressure do you exert on the ground standing on one foot?

    For this we would use the equation pressureforce


    area. The force would be

    your weight; if your mass is 60 kg then your weight would be 600 N. If we take

    average values for the length and width of your foot as 30 cm and 10 cm, change

    them to 0.3 m and 0.1 m, and multiply, then the area is 0.03 m2. Dividing 600 N

    by 0.03 m2gives an answer of 20 000 Pa.

    You need to practise these kinds of estimations without a calculator.

    If air is that heavy then why dont

    we feel it?

    How does the pressure exerted

    by one foot compare to blood

    pressure and atmospheric


    What would happen to an

    astronaut in space if their space suit

    suddenly ripped open?

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