peaty clay improvement with prefabricated vertical … · 2019. 2. 13. · figure 2.2 prefabricated...

PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL DRAINS Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science. ----''tS^flS^P^" : :cr.. immsm OF wioMTum ifik»} Rasiah Kugan Department of Civil Engineering University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka January 2004 79576 urv) Thesis coll 11516 University of Moratuwa 79576 brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Digital Repository, University of Moratuwa

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Page 1: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods


Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science.

----''tS^flS^P^": :cr.. immsm OF w i o M T u m ifik»}

Rasiah Kugan

Department of Civil Engineering University of Moratuwa

Sri Lanka January 2004


urv) Thesis coll


University of Moratuwa


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Page 2: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods


The work included in this thesis in part or whole, has not been submitted for any other academic qualification at any institution.

e candidate


Signature of the Supervisor

Page 3: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods


Peaty clay obtained from the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway route was tested in the

laboratory for its consolidation characteristics. The main objective was to quantify the

improvement in peaty clay by the use of pre-fabricated vertical drains (PVD).

Two large-scale model set-ups were erected to monitor the consolidation process of peaty

clay, one without the use of PVD, and the other with the PVD installed. Both tests were

conducted by depositing remoulded peaty clay in cylindrical barrels, and load was

applied by several increments. Settlements and pore-water pressure were monitored over

a long period. Axi-symmetric conditions were simulated by these tests. Based on the test

results, the performance of PVD in accelerating the consolidation process is quantified.

The model test results are back-analysed using the finite difference method, in order to

give an indication of an appropriate numerical modeling process which can be used to

model other instances of similar process.

In addition, the effect of sample size and the duration of the load increment period on

consolidation in peaty clay is investigated. Tests were carried out in three different sizes

of specimen dimensions. Values of c v were calculated by several methods found in the

literature, after carrying out tests using different load increment periods. Load increment

periods for different sample thicknesses were calculated according to Terzaghi theory, for

time simulation tests. The time necessary to obtain a specified degree of consolidation

was calculated by an appropriate equation. The values of c v obtained by these methods

are of the same order for the time simulation tests. The secondary compression index of

the peaty clay is found to be very high.

The improvement of shear strength in peaty clay due to consolidation is also investigated.

Shear strength of peaty clay was measured at the end of laboratory tests and the results

were compared with the strength of sample taken prior to consolidation. Soil strength

after the treatment was evaluated by undrained triaxial tests, vane shear tests and

consolidated drained triaxial tests. Soil strength before the treatment was evaluated only

by vane shear tests as sample preparation with the soft soil was not possible. Gain in

shear strength in peaty clay due to consolidation is quantified.


Page 4: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods


E v e n a s m a l l r e s e a r c h o w e s i t s e x i s t e n c e t o m a n y m o r e p e o p l e t h a n t h e o n e w h o s e n a m e a p p e a r s as

r e s e a r c h e r . A m o n g t h o s e w h o d e s e r v e c r e d i t f o r t h e a s s i s t a n c e e x t e n d e d d u r i n g t h e r e s e a r c h p r o g r a m m e ,

D r . U . G . A . P u s w e w a l a , w h o p r o v e d a n e x c e l l e n t s u p e r v i s o r t o w o r k w i t h , h a s c o n t r i b u t e d a g r e a t d e a l t o t h i s

r e s e a r c h . H i s g u i d a n c e , s u p p o r t a n d s t i m u l a t i n g c r i t i c i s m s m a d e t h e r e s e a r c h a c o m p l e t e s u c c e s s . T h e

s u p p o r t o f r e s e a r c h c o - o r d i n a t o r D r . S . A . S . K u l a t h i l a k e i s h i g h l y a p p r e c i a t e d . I w i s h t o a c k n o w l e d g e a n d

e x p r e s s m y g r a t i t u d e t o D r . S . A . S . K u l a t h i l a k e , w h o f o u n d t i m e t o s u p e r v i s e m e t h r o u g h o u t t h e s t u d y p e r i o d .

H i s d e v o t i o n i n t h e s u b j e c t o f s o f t g r o u n d i m p r o v e m e n t i s a l s o a c k n o w l e d g e d . I e x p r e s s m y s i n c e r e t h a n k s

t o D r . T . A . P e i r i s f o r g i v i n g n e c e s s a r y s u p p o r t a n d g u i d a n c e . M y g r a t i t u d e i s e x t e n d e d t o P r o f e s s o r

B . L . T e n n e k o o n f r o m w h o m I g a r n e r e d i n s i g h t s a n d s u g g e s t i o n s d u r i n g t h e p r o g r e s s r e v i e w s a n d i n s o m e

s p e c i f i c a r e a s . A s p e c i a l t h a n k s i s e x t e n d e d t o D r . S . T h i l a k a s i r i f o r h i s v a l u a b l e i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d s u p p o r t . I

w o u l d h a v e n o t g o t t h e c h a n c e o f d o i n g t h i s r e s e a r c h s t u d y i f n o t f o r t h e S c h o l a r s h i p g r a n t e d b y A s i a n

D e v e l o p m e n t B a n k a n d t h e M i n i s t r y o f S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y , S r i L a n k a , a n d t h e i r c o n s i d e r a t i o n i s v e r y

m u c h a p p r e c i a t e d .

T h e a s s i s t a n c e r e c e i v e d f r o m M r . K . R . P i t i p a n a a r a c h c h i , t e c h n i c a l o f f i c e r , M r . D . G . S . V i t h a n a g e , t e c h n i c a l

o f f i c e r a n d M r . D . B a n d u l a s e n a , l a b a s s i s t a n t , o f S o i l M e c h a n i c s L a b o r a t o r y o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f M o r a t u w a ,

d u r i n g t h e l a b o r a t o r y - t e s t i n g p r o g r a m m e i s a c k n o w l e d g e d . I w o u l d l i k e t o a c k n o w l e d g e t h e a s s i s t a n c e

e x t e n d e d b y M r . G u n a s e r k a r a , t e c h n i c a l o f f i c e r , C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g W o r k s h o p f o r f a b r i c a t i n g e x p e r i m e n t a l

m o d e l s s u c c e s s f u l l y .

M r . G . V . S . K . K u m a r a s r i , C h i e f E n g i n e e r , K e a n g - N a m C o n s t r u c t i o n s , C o l o m b o - K a t u n a y a k a H i g h w a y

P r o j e c t n e e d s t o b e t h a n k e d f o r a l l o w i n g m e t o c o l l e c t s o m e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f v e r t i c a l

d r a i n s a t C o l o m b o - K a t u n a y a k e E x p r e s s w a y P r o j e c t o f t h e R o a d D e v e l o p m e n t A u t h o r i t y , a n d p r o v i d i n g

n e c e s s a r y m a t e r i a l s t o m a k e t h e l a r g e - s c a l e m o d e l .

M y s i n c e r e t h a n k s a r e a l s o f o r w a r d e d t o a l l t h e g e o t e c h n i c a l r e s e a r c h s t u d e n t s f o r t h e i r s u p p o r t t h r o u g h o u t

t h e r e s e a r c h p e r i o d . I e x t e n d m y t h a n k s s p e c i a l l y t o u n d e r g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s w h o s u p p o r t e d m e d u r i n g t h e

t e s t i n g p r o g r a m m e .

Rasiah Kugan 01-01-2004


Page 5: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods





List of Figures vii

List of Tables x


1 Introduction

1.1 Problems due to peaty clay in Sri Lanka 2

1.2 Improvement of peat 2

1.2.1 Methods applicable to cohesive soils 3

1.2.2 Ground treatment in peaty soils 3 Excavation and replacement by stable fill material 3 Displacement methods 4 Pre-loading 4 Preloading with Vertical Drains 4 Placement of compacted fill on peat 8 Dynamic compaction 8 Vacuum consolidation 9 Deep mixing method 10

1.3 Consolidation testing of peaty clay 10

1.4 Objectives and Scope of the current research 11

1.5 Arrangement of the thesis 12

2 Literature review

2.1 How to approach a project involving possible site-improvement with

vertical drains 14

2.2 Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) 17

2.2.1 General 17

2.2.2 Definition of PVD 18



Page 6: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods

2.2.3 History 18

2.2.4 Types, material and installation procedure for vertical drains 20

2.2.5 Installation 21

2.2.6 Factors affecting the efficiency of PVD 26 Design Factors 27 Drain Spacing 27 Equivalent Diameter 28 Well resistance 29 Smear Zone 30 Degree of consolidation 31

2.3 Preloading 34

2.4 Settlement 35

2.5 Numerical prediction of model behavior 38

2.5.1 Modeling the pore pressure response 38

2.6 Properties and behaviour 39

2.6.1 Classification of peat and other organic soils 39

2.6.2 Amorphous granular peat 41

2.6.3 Mires and Peats 41

2.6.4 Physical and chemical characteristics 42 Water content 42 Permeability 43 Void ratio 43 Specific Gravity 44

2.6 Overview of some methods proposed to find c v. 44

3 Methodology

3.1 Geological condition in the borrow area 54

3.2 Sample collection 54

3.2.1 Taking of undisturbed sample 54

3.2.2 Taking disturbed sample 56

3.3 Sample preparation 59


Page 7: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods

3.4 Testing programme 60

3.4.1 Testing programme for investigating the influence of the prefabricated

vertical drains on the consolidation process in peaty clay 60

3.4.2 Consolidation tests on treated large-scale sample without PVD 65

3.4.3 Testing programme for investigating the improvement of shear strength

in peaty clay due to consolidation 65

3.4.4 Testing programme for investigating the influence of sample thickness

in consolidation 68

3.4.5 Testing programme for investigating the moisture content variation in

the sample 68

4 Results

4.1 Experimental results and analysis of improvement with PVD 69

4.2 Experimental results and analysis of improvement in shear strength 69

4.2.1 Consolidation test results 69

4.2.2 Undrained unconsolidated triaxial test results 75

4.2.3 Field vane shear test 77

4.2.4 Consolidated drained test 79

4.2.5 Moisture content variation with depth for treated sample without PVD 81

4.2.6 Effect of friction on the process of consolidation of large-scale model 81

5 Back analysis of test results

5.1 Back analysis of test data using Terzaghi model by finite different

method 82

5.2 Development of the finite difference numerical schemes 82

5.2.1 Numerical solution for one-dimensional consolidation 82

5.2.2 Numerical solution for radial drainage 84

5.2.3 Modelling of the vertical drainage 86

5.2.4 Modelling of the radial drainage 86

5.2.5 Modelling of the settlement behaviour 87

5.3 Modelling of the large-scale test using the finite difference method (FDM) 88



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5.4 Analysis of results 89

6 Application of various methods to analyse test results for

consolidation characteristics

6.1 Experimental results 94

6.2 Analysis of results 94

6.3 Application of the methods to test data 97

7 Analysis of long-term consolidation test result

7.1 Analysis of long-term consolidation test results and calculation of

secondary compression index 100

7.2 Improvements in compression index and compression ratio 100

7.3 Improvements in the coefficient of volume compressibility 101

7.4 Secondary compression 102

8 Conclusions and Recommendations

8.1 Conclusions 105

8.2 Recommendations 106

9 References 107

Appendix A A - l - A - 9

Appendix B B - l - B - 9

Appendix C C-l -C-6


Page 9: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 General arrangement of preloading with vertical drains and field monitoring


Figure 1.2 Vacuum consolidation arrangement

Figure 2.1 Flow chart illustrating the foundation design process (Hartikainen, 1983)

Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain

Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods and typical geometric

characteristics (after Jamiolkowski, Lancellotta and Wolski, 1983a)

Table 2.2 Dimension and materials of some prefabricated drains

Figure 2.3 Typical mandrels for band-shaped drains (Sectional plan views)

Figure 2.4 Typical shoes

Figure 2.5 Illustration of PVD installation procedure

Figure 2. 6 Equivalent diameters for square and triangular grid pattern

Figure 2.7 Equivalent diameter

Figure 2.8 Approximation of disturbed zone around the mandrel (Rixner et al., 1986)

Figure 2.9 Schematic diagram of PVD with drain resistance and soil disturbance

(Rixner et al., 1986)

Figure 2.10 Consolidation due to vertical and radial drainage (Rixner et al., 1986)

Figure 2.11 Graph of influence factors for calculation of immediate settlement

Figure 2.12 Logarithm-of-time method for determination of c v

Figure 2.13 Square-root-of-time method for determination of c v

Figure 2.14 Maximum slope method for determination of c v

Figure 2.15 The log8 - log t method for determination of c v (point A corresponds to U =


Figure 2.16 Asaoka's(1978) method for determination of c v

Figure 2.17 (a) Typical experimental 5-log t plot

(b) A5/Alog t - log t plot

Figure 2.18 t/ 8 - t plot for determination of c v


Page 10: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods

Figure 3.1 Location map of the sample collection area

Figure 3.2 Removal of top vegetated layer

Figure 3.3 Pushing the barrel vertically into the peat layer

Figure 3.4 pushing the barrel into the peat layer by using backhoe

Figure 3.5 Taking the barrel out from the soil by holding the bottom of the barrel with


Figure 3.6 Removal of undisturbed sample with barrel

Figure 3.7 Properly sealed barrels after the sample collection

Figure 3.8 Sample preparation

Figure 3.9 Schematic diagram of model test apparatus (arrangement shown without


Figure 3.10 Arrangement of excess pore pressure measuring system and settlement

measuring system (arrangement shown with PVD)

Figure 3.11 Outer casing and inner casing arrangement of filter tip

Figure 3.12 Positioning the filter tip arrangement

Figure 3.13 Closed hydraulic piezometer arrangement with null indicator

Figure 3.14 Photograph of the model test arrangement

Figure 3.15 PVD installation

Figure 31.6 Field vane shear test arrangement

Figure 3.17 Test in progress with the medium scale model

Figure 3.18 Consolidation test using the small scale model (oedometer test)

Figure 3.19 Cutting sample using guitar string

Figure 3.20 Sample pieces

Figure 4.1 Test result for loading without PVD

Figure 4.2 Test result for loading with PVD installed at center of the remoulded peat

slurry prior to loading

Figure 4.3 Comparison of test results without PVD and with PVD

Figure 4.4 Consolidation test result of top layer

Figure 4.5 Consolidation test result of middle layer

Figure 4.6 Consolidation test result of bottom layer

Figure 4.7 Unconsolidated undrain Traxial test results for top treated layer > v


Page 11: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods

Figure 4.8 Unconsolidated undrain Traxial test results for middle treated layer

Figure 4.9 Unconsolidated undrain traxial test results for bottom treated layer

Figure 4.10 Field vane shear test result at location 1

Figure 4.11 Field vane shear test result at location 2

Figure 4.12 Field vane shear test result at location 3

Figure 4.13 Field vane shear test result before treatment

Figure 4.14 Consolidated drained traxial test results for top treated layer

Figure 4.15 Consolidated drained traxial test results for middle treated layer

Figure 4.16 Consolidated drain traxial test results for bottom treated layer

Figure 4.16 The variation of moisture content with depth

Figure 5.3 Idealized section used for FDM

Figure 5.1 Illustration of FDM meshes

Figure 5.2 Illustration of FDM mesh

Figure 5.4 Excess pore water pressure mesh developed for the analysis

Figure 5.5 Comparison of observed and estimated excess pore water pressure (constant

c v values)

Figure 5.6 Comparison of observed and estimated excess pore water pressure

dissipation (variable c v value)

Figure 5.7 Variation of c v value with days

Figure 5.8 Comparison of observed settlements with predictions c v 1 lm2/yr

Figure 5.9 Comparison of observed settlements with predictions c v 5.5m2/yr

Figure 5.10 Comparison of observed settlements with predictions by varying the c v

value with time

Figure 5.11 Comparison of observed settlements with predictions by varying the c v and

Ch values with time

Figure 5.12 Variation of Ch value with time

Figure 6.1 Consolidation test results

Figure 6.2. A possible deviation from Asaoka's construction (Orleach, 1983)

Figure 6.3 Summary of c v values by different methods

Figure 7.1 e vs log (ff) plot for remoulded peaty clay (long term test results)


Page 12: PEATY CLAY IMPROVEMENT WITH PREFABRICATED VERTICAL … · 2019. 2. 13. · Figure 2.2 Prefabricated vertical drain Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods


Figure 7.3

Figure 7.4

Effect of preloading on m v for remoulded peaty clay

Test results from long term oedometer test for each load incremental

c a vs log (a) plot for remoulded peaty clay

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Types of vertical drains, common installation methods and typical geometric

characteristics (after Jamiolkowski, Lancellotta and Wolski, 1983a)

Table 2.2 Dimension and materials of some prefabricated drains

Table 2.3 Classification of peat ( The Canadian system after Radforth 1969)

Table 4.1 Unconsolidated undrained traxial test results

Table 4.2 Field vane shear test results

Table 4.3 Consolidated drain triaxial test results

Table 6.1 Comparison of results obtained by using various methods

Table 7.1 Values of Void ratio

Table 7.2 Values of m v

Table 7.3 Classification of soil based on secondary compressibility (Mesri, 1973)

Table 7.4 Values of c a

Table 7.5 Comparison of results obtained from samples of different size