pedex issue5

Issue 5 Thoughts by Harry Fitzwilliam-pipe Do you want to promote great engagement, and high quality learning? Try Page 4 for a refreshing approach. May 2014 S CAVENGER H UNT - ‘ X MARKS THE SPOT ! This issue is a particularly exciting one for All Hallows since it showcases the work that was undertaken within faculties, focused on collaborative, creative planning. The insights and ideas and resources displayed here are the fruits of sharing ideas and teaching strategies, that took place in the February INSET. This approach has come naturally out of the experiences gained in our professional development programme, on Wednesday afternoons. It is evident that we are building a shared educational vision and making this concrete through the sharing of ideas and resources in an increasingly developed and natural manner. Everyone is benefiting from this approach and lesson observations reflect the improvement in the frequency of students being fully engaged in outstanding learning through the provision of outstanding learning experiences. (John Shropshire) P1. Foreword P2. Theatre of Learning P3. Lead Learners P4. ‘X’ marks the spot P5. Group Quiz task P6. Money, money, money P7. Fishing for success P8. Promoting reading Expansive education Collaborative Creative Lesson Planning 100%success Guaranteed This issue Pedagogy exchange - steeped in practice PedEx is published termly by All Hallows Catholic College Teaching & Learning Group.

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Page 1: Pedex issue5

I ssu

e 5

T h o u g h t s b y H a r r y F i t z w i l l i a m - p i p e

Do you want to promote great engagement, and high quality learning? !Try Page 4 for a refreshing approach.

M a y 2 0 1 4


!This issue is a particularly exciting one for All Hallows since it showcases the work that was undertaken within faculties, focused on collaborative, creative planning. The insights and ideas and resources displayed here are the fruits of sharing ideas and teaching strategies, that took place in the February INSET. !

This approach has come naturally out of the experiences gained in our professional development programme, on Wednesday afternoons.!

!It is evident that we are building a shared educational vision and making this concrete through the sharing of ideas and resources in an increasingly developed and natural manner. !

Everyone is benefiting from this approach and lesson observations reflect the improvement in the frequency of students being fully engaged in outstanding learning through the provision of outstanding learning experiences.!

(John Shropshire)!

!P1. Foreword! !

P2. Theatre of Learning!

P3. Lead Learners!

P4. ‘X’ marks the spot!

P5. Group Quiz task!

P6. Money, money, money!

P7. Fishing for success!

P8. Promoting reading!

Expansive education!!

Collaborative Creative Lesson Planning













This issue

Pedagogy exchange - steeped in practice

PedEx is published termly !by All Hallows Catholic College !

Teaching & Learning Group.!!

Page 2: Pedex issue5

Theatre of Learning - Creative RECCDuring the RE Departmental Training 12 February 2014, Michelle Garvey introduced an experiential approach to teaching RE, which was pioneered by Sue Phillips. This approach is known as the Theatre of Learning and is an active and innovative method of teaching in RE. It is aimed at increasing the engagement of disaffected students and improving examination results. Michelle modelled the Theatre of Learning style of teaching to the RE department by sharing a lesson she had trialled with a GCSE class beforehand. The lesson involved each person choosing a character to become that was related to world poverty, for example a cotton farmer. The idea was to get a real sense of what part we all play in world poverty and to improve our skills of empathy for others.!

!During the INSET day on Monday 24 February, each member of the RE department created an RE lesson, using

the Theatre of Learning approach. I created a lesson in the Year 7 scheme of work on the topic of the government. The lesson involves students applying their prior knowledge on the UK system of government that is learnt in the previous lesson to a re-enactment of passing an Act of Parliament through the House of Commons. Students will learn through doing and the scene of the House of Commons will be replicated within the RE classroom. !!Joe Keane created a lesson for the Year 8 scheme of work on

the topic of child poverty in LEDC’s. !!David Harrison created a lesson for the Year 9 scheme of work that involved students recreating a trial on human rights. !!Breeda Ruddy created a lesson for the Year 10 scheme of work that simulated the students becoming asylum seekers. !!(Katie Lawrey: RECC Faculty)!!!!!!

An example of the theatre of learning

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Observing teaching and learning!Inspectors consider whether:!

• teaching engages and includes all pupils, with work that is challenging enough and that meets their individual needs, including for the most able pupils!

• pupils’ responses demonstrate sufficient gains in their knowledge, skills and understanding, including of literacy and mathematics!

• teachers monitor pupils’ progress in lessons and use the information well to adapt their teaching!

• teachers use questioning and discussion to assess the effectiveness of their teaching and promote pupils’ learning!

• pupils understand well how to improve their work!

OFSTED thoughtsLead Learners in Performing Arts

Gone are the days when the teacher stood at the front and did all the work for the pupils. OFSTED want to see autonomy. Independent learning is at the forefront of teaching; less is more as far as the teacher is concerned. With so much focus on ‘the learner’ and the increasing need to hand the learning over to pupils, the Performing Arts Faculty have started using Lead Learner tops which can help encourage autonomy whilst promoting positive learner behaviours.!

The idea behind the jumpers is that a student or students who feel more able or confident with a particular topic don the lead learner role with a view to helping others.!

This can work in several ways, students may lead the first part of the lesson, take a starter or circulate the room ensuring those who may be struggling are supported and receive intervention at the point of learning.!

They may plan an opportunity in the lesson to stop and assess others or take responsibility for reiterating key words or skills. You may use them to model good practice, asking them to create a step by step chart for others or share their experiences of how they learnt something.!

The jumper may also be used to allocate a specific role within a group, for example in Drama and Dance, a pupil will often wear the jumper to become the director of the piece, pushing the students creativity, ensuring that they are thinking about criteria in order to push others. In music those who play an instrument are often used to model a performance or help others.!

The jumpers are also great as behaviour for Learning tool and the Faculty have found that allocating the responsibility of the ‘lead learner’ role to more challenging pupils has had an extremely positive effect.!

The Lead learner role does not have to be awarded through wearing a jumper, it could be a badge that is worn, a lollypop stick with an L attached to it, a sticker or crown, in short any object or item that is visible to the room and gives the student that sense of responsibility.!

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‘X’ marks the spot: The Scavenger Hunt“The digestive system is one of the body’s fundamental structures, ensuring the nutritional content of the food we consume is effectively and efficiently…through the oesophagus…bile…ileum and duodenum…soluble…blah blah blah…waste expelled through the anus” !*cue sniggers at the only memorable statement in what was essentially a fifteen minute long cacophony of dull.* !Sometimes in lessons, there can be a lot of incredibly important information that our students have to know, but that is delivered in a manner that is drier than desert air in a sandstorm. !“There must be a better way!” we cried in Science, and lo, there is! My friends, we give you the Scavenger Hunt! !

The idea is the information is still there but rather than the pupils being sent to sleep by way of oral assault, they are actively involved in their learning by getting up and hunting around the classroom for their information (which is

conveniently stuck up on walls, cabinets, windows, TAs, whatever you fancy really). !!!!!!

That way, they get the opportunity to move, to talk, to collaborate and to extrapolate the content in a way that makes sense to them, in order that they build up their knowledge by adapting their existing ideas; a Constructivist’s dream! !It saves the teacher’s voice; it saves the pupils’ brains from melting and it saves everybody time because – as illustrated to the right – it can be done as a team exercise that the pupils then share the parts they were responsible for with each other at the end. It can be adapted to incorporate a variety of higher level skills too: sequencing and designing activities fall nicely into the lap of Mother Hunt. All in all, a pretty useful little piece of pie we think. !Enjoy!

!(Harry Fitzwilliam-Pipe: Science Faculty)

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Group Quiz Task: !Gamification of revision in Geography lessons We are constantly searching for new ways to enliven revision for assessments and examinations.!

The latest incarnation of the revision game that we have developed is the Group Quiz Task and it has proven to be equally popular and effective !

The rules for the game are as follows: !

Each team member should write 3 questions based on their revision notes on the given topic on the scrap pieces of paper. !

Each question should have the!answer underneath it and!should relate ONLY to the topic!you have.!Once they have been!completed you will be playing!against another group, you put!all the cards in one pile shuffled!together. !Each team takes it in turns to!

roll the die and you move that!many places only if you get the!question correct, if not then!stay where you are. !The team that goes first is the!team who gets the highest first!roll.!If you land on a star you move!an extra place.!!(Alistair Scott: Geography)

!There are many resources

available to ‘gamify’ revision and these are very editable

and scalable for a multitude of academic subjects

Group Quiz Task: the game board

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Money, money, money: financial literacy

In the collaborative planning day our focus was on developing financial literacy within the maths curriculum. We have collaboratively planned a series of lessons to be delivered to students of all abilities in Year 9, during Deep Learning Week. !

Higher ability students will be challenged to participate in an interactive stock market experience in order to expose them to real life financial situations.!

Other students will be taking part in a variety of tasks which involve budgeting, supermarket deals and planning of events; all part of everyday financial life.!

Our hope is for students to engage with maths in a new way and develop transferable life skills.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(Maths Faculty)!

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Fishing for success: ADT & ZentanglesADT’s Deep Learning Week focus is a development of the meditative, Zen like doodles known as Zentangles. Linking with the miracle of the loaves and the fishes as well as mathematical concepts of symmetry and artists such as MC Escher, Year 7 students will have the opportunity to focus on developing their creative mark making skills through design work and into a realised 3D outcome within the session. !

With the focused time that ELD week allows, the construct phase can be extended to enable students to experiment, build up their skills and enjoy creating experimental marks together. The construct task will see students working collaboratively to explore initial mark making based on prior learning before being challenged to connect the new Zentangle knowledge to develop their marks into distinct patterns. Students working on a collaborative drawing task allows for students of varying abilities and confidence levels to support each other. Peers are able to contribute ideas

and shapes which can be developed and built upon as well as challenging the more able to generate more and more creative & unique designs.!

Following the construct activity, students are able to reflect upon the development of their ideas through reviewing the work as a whole class. This again is able to support progress through students sharing success and creative ideas.

Into the apply phase pupils are able to consolidate their experiences by developing the experimental marks into purposeful patterns which are appropriate to the 3D form. By continuing to collaborate with others on a shared 3D fish, students are able to continually challenge themselves and refine their skills through shared drawing.!

(ADT Faculty)!

A zentangle fish

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The new Ofsted framework places heightened emphasis on the importance of literacy skills being addressed across the curriculum. One way to do

this is through active teaching of reading in lessons, particularly reading of key words and key texts related to your subject.

“…the greatest effects on learning occur when teachers become learners of their own teaching, and when students become their own teachers.”

Professor Bill Lucas!Educationalist

!A focus on cultivating dispositions as well as developing knowledge A set of learning to learn strategies Growth mindsets for all Learners as teachers Authentic and connected to prior experiences

!Stretching goals, feedback-rich environments; all powered by engaging questions Emotional and intellectual, social and individual Practical and academic experiences, within and beyond the formal curriculum !


Why don’t you be a contributor to the next issue? Think about an aspect of your practice that you would like to share with colleagues. Then think about making the linkage to the underpinning elements or stage in the Learning Cycle explicit. All contributions gratefully received.

Desired Outcomes of Education: 8 key principles

Promoting reading in your subject