peer review guidelines core 2012 call agnieszka ratajczak head of section


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Peer review guidelines Core 2012 call Agnieszka ratajczak Head of Section Bilateral Programmes and Eureka. 6 September 2012. ELIGIBILITY CHECK - NCBR In order to be retained, the proposals must fulfil all of the following eligibility criteria: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Peer review guidelines Core 2012 call Agnieszka  ratajczak Head of Section

6 September 2012




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ELIGIBILITY CHECK - NCBRIn order to be retained, the proposals must fulfil all of the following eligibility criteria:

• Proposals must be submitted by an entity eligible according to the Programme

• Proposals must be submitted before the deadline• Proposals must meet the criterion concerning the number of

participants (at least 1 entity from Poland and 1 from Norway); the project partners must be entities eligible according to the Programme

• Proposals must be complete (i.e. all of the requested components and forms must be included). Proposals must respect the requested format

• Proposals must be coherent with the call topic6 September 2012

Page 3: Peer review guidelines Core 2012 call Agnieszka  ratajczak Head of Section

Peer Reviews

I stage – three independent international reviewers, chosen from the database of reviewers of NCBR and the EC, assess the proposal. The reviewers also indicate if the proposal:

• falls entirely out of scope of the call for proposals; and• deals with sensitive ethical issues.

The reviewers complete the ‘Review Form’.

If the proposal is considered to be out of scope by all reviewers, it may be considered to be ineligible and may not be passed on to the second stage.6 September 2012

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Peer Reviews

• II stage - called ‘consensus stage’ - the evaluation progresses to a consensus assessment performed by the experts who evaluated the

proposal in I stage. Scores and comments of this stage are set out in the

evaluation summary report. Comments are presented in a way to be

suitable for feedback to the proposal Project Promoter.

6 September 2012

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Outcome of the evaluation

The Programme Operator draws up:

• 5 ranking lists (one for each programme area) containing proposals passing all thresholds along with a final score for each proposal, those having failed one or more thresholds, and those having been found ineligible during the evaluation process

The PO takes into account any other recommendations of the independent experts.

6 September 2012

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Selection criteria:

13 August 2012

Criteria Description

1. Coherence with the call topic Relevance in relation to the objectives and areas of the programme

2. Scientific and/or technical excellence

Innovativeness of idea

Appropriateness of approach

3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation and management

Competence and expertise of applicant teamFeasibility and efficiency of project plan

4. Impact of the project Contribution to capacity and competence buildingIntended short-term outcomes

Intended long-term application of outcomes

Page 7: Peer review guidelines Core 2012 call Agnieszka  ratajczak Head of Section

Selection criteria – scientific and/or technical excellence

• Innovativeness of the idea – originality of project idea, state-of-the-art knowledge of literature and references, ambition and challenge to address scientific or technicall problems of current interest and their relevance to an international level of expertise

• Appropriateness of approach – methods proposed have to be sound, rigorous, state-of-the-art and appropriate to the proposed investigation, proposed goals are achieved using the methodology/approach presenting the level of risk that is inherent to a challenging research project

6 September 2012

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Selection criteria – quality and efficiency of implementation and management

• Competence and expertise of the applicant team – PI’s knowledge and experience in the field of research and her/his general qualifications to lead the project; relevance and strengths of partners; quality of previous work, results of previous projects, etc.

• Feasibility and efficiency of the project plan – schedule and milestones compatible with resources, appropriateness of human resources per partner, appropriateness of budget, etc.

6 September 2012

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Selection criteria – impact of the project

• Contribution to capacity and competence building – how the project will build the experience and competence of the applicant team/institutions involved, how the project will influence a long-term collaboration between partners, etc.

• Intended short-term outcomes – doctoral or post-doctoral training, actual research work and dissemination of results, foreseen number of publications, etc.

• Intended long-term application of outcomes – planned strategies for disseminating and using results during and after the project as well as description of how potential users can be involved in the project in view of exploitation of results i.e. exploitation of intellectual property generated, technical innovations, spin-offs; intended technical, economic, environmental and societal impacts

6 September 2012

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Scoring of the proposal

The reviewers examines the issues to be considered comprising each evaluation criterion, and score these on a scale from 0 to 5. Half points

may be given. Explanations for each score value are given in the Guidelines.

Top scores should only be awarded to proposals of exceptionally

high quality (high international calibre and major scientific impact).

6 September 2012

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Consensus report form – funding recommendationFunding recommendation Explanation

Not recommended for funding

Project of too low calibre to warrant funding.Major and essential modifications need to be made to achieve an international standard of quality and efficiency of the proposal:Abolition of large portions of a (or entire) work package (unless project can be conducted well without said work package) or need to add important work packages.Substantial modification of the proposed methodology.Additional scientific/ technical expertise required for the project.

Inclined not to fund Project of good to very good quality. Minor modifications to the project plan may improve the quality and efficiency of the proposal:Budget cuts (and resources) necessary because of slight overestimation which do not jeopardise the successful completion of work packages and the project while achieving the full range of proposed results.Modifications of the work-packages which do not necessitate large changes to the project description.Minor alterations and considerations that should be accounted for on the level of the methodology.

Inclined to fund

Recommended for funding Project of excellent quality that should be funded as proposed.

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The proposal can receive a total number of 25 points in the evaluation procedure. To be recommended for funding, the proposal must receive at least 15 points and pass all the thresholds according to the values presented in the table below.

6 Septemeber 2012

Criteria Thresholds Weight

1. Coherence with the call topic

YES Precondition

2. Scientific and/or technical excellence

3/5 x3

3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation and management

3/5 x1

4. Impact of the project 3/5 x1

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Programm Committee recommendation

PC receives:• 5 ranking lists• evaluation summary reports• proposals

PC while making its recommendation takes into account the available budget, strategic objectives of the Programme, as well as the overall balance of the thematic areas to be funded. Also, the suggested grant amount is determined for each proposal. The outcome of the discussion is the final ranking list approved by the PC, containing the proposals recommended for funding.

6 September 2012

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Funding decision by NCBR

After the final approval of the ranking list by the Programme Committee, the NCBR issues the funding decision for each proposal recommended for funding. The decision are also issued for proposal rejected from financing.

After the decisions have been issued, the Programme Operator sends electronically a letter, together with an evaluation summary report, to the Project Promoter of each of the

evaluated proposals.

6 September 2012

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6 September 2012