peering economics 101 - london internet exchange...when peering is worth the investment it’s not...

Hurricane Electric - Massive Peering! 1 Peering Economics 101 Susan Forney Hurricane Electric AS6939

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Page 1: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

HurricaneElectric-MassivePeering! 1

Peering Economics 101



Page 2: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Peering Economics Topics

• WhyisPeeringNeverFree?• WhenisPeeringWorththeInvestment?• WhattypeofpeeringshouldIdo?• WhydoIneedapeeringstrategy?• WhyshouldIbeagoodneighbor?

Page 3: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why Peering is Never Free

• Peeringaconnectionbetweentwonetworkdevices.Networkdevicesarenotfree.• Peopleareneededtoconfigureandmaintainnetworkdevices.Peoplearenotfree.•  Thenetworkdevicesneedelectricpowerandaspacetooccupy.Powerandspacearenotfree.

Page 4: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why Peering is Never Free

Peeringhasacost,butaswithanythingthathasacost,italsohasvalue.Todetermineitsvaluetoyou,youneedtoknow:• Howmuchyourportcosts.Besidestheequipment,don’tforgetoptics,itsrackspace,power,andsupportcosts.• Howmuchacross-connectcostsatthedatacenterthathostsyouandtheexchange.Don’tforgetsetupfeesforthosecross-connects.• Whileitistruethateachofyourtransitprovidersalsoconsumesaportandacrossconnection,thisisagoodexercisetokeeptrackofyourcosts.Ifnothingelse,itwillhelpyouwhenitisbudgettime.

Page 5: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why Peering is Never Free MyISP MyIX

One-timeCostsDeviceport $200 $200Setupfeeforcross-connect $500 $500Setupfeeforservice $250 $500

RecurringcostsCommitlevel(MBPS) 2000 n/aCommitPrice $2,000 n/aPriceperMbabovecommit $1 n/aPriceperport n/a $500Cross-connect $250 $250

Page 6: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

When Peering is Worth the Investment

Todetermineifyourpeeringportisagoodinvestment,youneedtoknow:• Howmuchyourtransitand/orsettledpeeringcostsare—don’tforgettoconsideryourcommittedrates.• Howmuchtrafficyoucouldmovetotheport

Page 7: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

When Peering is Worth the Investment

Todeterminehowmuchtrafficyoucouldmovetotheport,youshouldconsiderwhoyourpotentialpeeringpartnerswillbeontheexchange:•  Exchangeswhereyoucanreachcontentnetworksorcloudproviderscanbeveryadvantageous.• Don’tforgettopeerwiththecachingnetworkslikeAkamai,Fastly,Limelight,etc.• NetfloworSflowcangiveyoualotofinformationaboutyourhighesttrafficsourcesanddestinations.

Page 8: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

When Peering is Worth the Investment


Page 9: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why Peering is Never Free












500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000 7,500 8,000



Page 10: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why Peering is Never Free

Don’tforgettofactorinoperationalsupportcosts—andsavebystreamliningorautomatingthem.• Createtwoorthreepeergroupsforyourneighbors.AllyouneedtoknowfromaneighbortoturnconfigurethepeersaretheASnumber,theirIPaddresses,theirAS-SETandtheirsuggestedprefixlimitsare.• Considerthesupportpriorityofpeers.Youmaynotneedtowakeupyouron-callengineers.• MonitorportcapacityonyourIXconnectionsandincreaseitbeforeyougetintotrouble.• Usecommunitiestomakeyourpeeringsmarter.

Page 11: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

When Peering is Worth the Investment

It’snotallaboutthemoney.• Peeringcanproviderealtangiblebenefitsintermsofreducedlatencyandimprovedthroughput.•  Youwillgainmorediversityatyouredge—helpsimprovetrafficflowintheshortrunandhelpsyouscaleyournetworkinthelongrun.•  Yourinternalandexternalcustomerswillbehappier.

Page 12: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

What Type of Peering To Do

TheeasiestoptionatmostpublicexchangesispeeringwiththeIX’srouteserver.Thishassomeadvantages:•  Yourrouteronlyhaspeeringsessionswiththerouteservers.•  It’saquickwaytogetaccesstomanyofthenetworksontheexchange.•  Evenifyoupeerindividually,youstillcanpeerwiththerouteserveraswell,butyoumaywanttopreferanydirectlyconnectedpeerroutes.


Page 13: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

What Type of Peering To Do

• Peeringalsotakesplaceacrossprivatedirectconnections.Thisconnectioniscreatedbetweentwonetworks,usuallywhenalotoftrafficwouldbeexchangedwhichwouldjustifythecostofaportandacrossconnect.Insomeexchanges,keepingthetrafficontheexchangeputsaburdenontheswitch.

•  Aswithapeerontheexchange,itcanbefreeorpaid.Thenetworksdeterminewhopaysforthecross-connectfees.

Page 14: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

What Type of Peering To Do

• Peeringdirectlywithothernetworksontheexchangeswitchfabricisthemostcommonandconvenientwaytosetuppeeringsessions.•  Youhavemoreroutingoptionsroutesthanyoudopeeringwiththerouteserverandoncetheportisinplace,youcanturnsessionsupinminutes.• Peeringacrosstheexchangeswitchfabriccanbefree,oritcanbeapaidor“settled”peeringarrangement,inwhichanarrangementismadetodeterminewhopaysforthetrafficimbalance.

Page 15: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why you need a peering strategy

Youneedapeeringstrategytogetthemostvaluefromyourexchangeport.Someofthethingstoconsiderare:• Whatnetworkswouldbenefityouthemost?• Whatexchangesshouldyoujoin?• Howwillyouroutetheprefixesyoureceiveinyournetwork?

Page 16: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why you need a peering strategy

Howtodetermineifnetworkpeermakesenseforyou:• Doyousendalotoftraffictothispeerovertransitconnections?•  Isyourtraffictothispeerhandedofflocallyordoesit“hairpin,”addinglatency?• DoyouhaveexcessbandwidthonyourIXinterface?

Page 17: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why you need a peering strategy

• Peeringcanimproveyourroutingandreducelatency.Ornot.•  Ifyoupeeratmorethanonelocation,consideraroutingarchitecturethatallowsprefixestobeannouncedstrategicallytokeeptrafficlocal.•  Somepeerscandomoreforyouthanothers.Figuringthatoutcangetyouabiggerreturnonyourinvestmentmorequickly.

Page 18: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why you should be a good neighbor

Peeringworkswhenitisagoodexperienceforbothparties.• Cleanupyouradvertisements.Youshouldn’tbeleakingyourprivateIPspaceorroutesthatdon’toriginatefromapublicAS.•• KeepyourIRRrecordsuptodate.

Page 19: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why you should be a good neighbor

Whiletheothernetworkyouarepeeringwithisprobablyafineorganization,trustnoone.•  Setmaximumprefixlimitsforyourpeers.•  Filtertheroutestoacceptonlyroutesvalidfromthepeer’sAS.

Page 20: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why you should be a good neighbor

Buildingfiltersdoesnothavetobehard.Youcanscriptityourselforuseatoollikebgpq3.Hereisanexampleusingbgpq3togenerateaprefixlistforaJuniperrouter:Galadriel:~ susan$ bgpq3 -J6l MyNewPrefixList AS44684

policy-options {

replace: prefix-list MyNewPrefixList {

2a00:1098::/32; 2a00:7d81:1000::/48;


2a00:9b40::/48; 2a06:1c80::/29;

} }

Page 21: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

Why you should be a good neighbor

• Beresponsivewhenyouarenotifiedofanissue.Noonelikesapeerwhoignoresthem,especiallyiftheyareexperiencingaDDoS,phishing,orothertypesofnaughtybehaviorfromusersonyournetwork.• Noonecantakeadvantageofyouwithoutyourpermission.Controlyouradvertisements.• Notallnetworkswillwanttopeerwithyou.Thisusuallyismoretodowiththeirpeeringpolicyandstrategiesandlesstodowithyou.

Page 22: Peering Economics 101 - London Internet Exchange...When Peering is Worth the Investment It’s not all about the money. • Peering can provide real tangible benefits in terms of reduced

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