pencaitland churchyard memorial inscriptions

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  • 8/2/2019 Pencaitland Churchyard Memorial Inscriptions


    Pencaitland Churchyard Memorial Inscriptions

    Recorded in 1969 by Norman and Julie Murphy


    A1 HARLAW "J H A M JAMES son to ALEC HARLAW dyed ye 12th of July 1733 aged 14 moneth, And also

    JAMAS HARLAW (his) grandson who dyed .. 27th 1738 aged 4" (And on the obverse) "here lyes .... . husband , .

    , . , who dyed October 1744 aged 46 years" This stone has sunk and although badly eroded above soil level is in

    excellent condition where the text has been protected by the earth. The legend continues underground.

    A2 AYR "In loving memory of MARY AYR who died at Ormiston Novr 11th 1863 aged 80 years, also WILLIAM

    AYR died March 22nd 1885 aged 73 years,"

    A3 HUNTER "Erected in memory of JOHN HUNTER who died 20th Nov 1876 aged 61 years, ROBERT born May

    22nd 181+1F died June 5th 1852, RICHARD born Jan 2nd 1855 died Feb 2nd 1860. 'Though low be their bed in the

    dust, And sound be their sleep in the tomb. Their image inshrined in our breast Still lives in its brightness and


    A4 Unknown The base only exists, the stone having fallen and been removed.

    A5 Unknown This stone is largely buried - as are many in this plot - and no legend remains above ground.(The

    lettering below soil level may be in good condition.)

    A6CAIRNSTheletteringonthistabletombmaypossiblyyieldmoreinastrongsidelight,"MsoL......and......CAIRNShiswife:theydiedinan......ErectedbyalltheirfriendsinPencaitland,"(AndontheEastside:)"hereliesahonestplowman"A7LAWRIE:HAY"InlovingmemoryofCHRISTINAMARKHAYwifeofPETERLAWRIE,Miltonmill,died3May1901aged69.AndofthesaidPETERLAWRIEdied9October1925aged91.Erectedbytheirsorrowingchildrenathomeandabroad,"A8 BURTON: PATERSON: NISBET: SIMPSON: GOWANS. "Erected in memory of JAMES BURTON thatcher in

    Pencaitland who died on the 15th Sepr, 1809 aged 58 years. And of THOMAS his son, late tenant in Leahouses, who

    died on the 10th MAY 1835 aged 56, years, Also ELISPETH PATERSON his spouse who died on the 30th Novr

    1840 aged 88 years. And of ISABELLA BURTON daughter of THOMAS. She died 25th August 1849 aged 17

    years, Also ALISON her sister, died 1st Feby 1872 aged 45 years. Also JANET NISBET relict of the aboveTHOMAS BURTON who died 11 th June 1886 in the year of her age," (And continued on another side:) "Also

    in memory of ALEXANDER BURTON, late farmer in Buchtknowe, who died 17th March 1868 aged 78 years. And

    of JANET SIMPSON his wife who died 18th August 1852 aged 54 years. And of ALEXANDER their son who died

    19th April 1884. And of THOMAS their son who died 27th July 1886. EUPHEMIA BURTON died 2nd May 1911

    aged 82 years. And of PETER BURTON died 21st August 1915 aged 79 years." (And continued on another side:)

    "Also in memory of PETER BURTON, late farmer in Fala Mains, who died 30th March 1862 aged 65 years. And of

    ALISON his daughter who died 6th June 1858 aged 22 years. And of JOHN his son who died 29th May 1854 aged 7

    years. Also CATHERINE GOWANS his wife died 8th April 1885 aged 84 years. GRACE BURTON died 14th April

    1903 aged 63. JAMES BURTON died 15th November 1904 aged 54." (All the numerals "4" occurring after Grace

    Burton are written mirror image,)

    A9- Unknown The text is completely eroded. The stone, a large and ornate one, carries armorial bearings but even

    the devices are almost entirely indecipherable.

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    A10 Unknown This stone also is almost entirely buried. The top few inches - all that remain visible - bear the initials

    "W C or similar. C C"

    A11 FORD:(also spelt FOORD): BEGBY (?) AB JB KATHARIN BEGBY (query Begby) died . 1776 aged 68

    years. Also ALEXR FORD her husband died August ..78 (presumably 1778) Also ALEXR FOORD their son died

    Oct ... 1801 aged 58 years, Also ANN FOORD their daughter who died Aug 8th 1810 aged 62 years."

    A12 Unknown A small stone almost totally buried. No legend remains other than the letters "- W" and "M L" carved

    in the rounded top of the stone. (This stone was lifted and re-set in 1974. No legend had ever been cut into its sides at


    A13 Unknown This stone bears large carvings of a pick, a long-hafted hammer, and a pair of wedges as used by

    stonemasons or timbermen. Also prominent is the date 1752. The obverse is almost entirely worn away except for a

    few fragments such as ".., his spouse..." and a date; 1744. The superscript carries the initials "J M" and "J B ".

    A14WHITE:LECKIE"ErectedinmemoryofANDREWWHITE,Pencaitland,whodied12Oct1847aged50years.ISOBFLLECKIEhiswifewhodied26July1869aged72years.AndtheirchildrenPETERdied20July1837aged4years.JOHNdied9January1843aged16years.ISABELLAdied3June1843aged10months.WILLIAMdied4August1896aged59years."A15"ErectedbySTAIRMcHARRIEtothememoryofhisfriendPETERWHITE,for40yearshousestewardatLochinchandOxenfoord.Born19thJune1839.Died16thFebruary1908.Faithfulandupright,Dutywashiswatchword,inGodwashistrust."A16WATT:GRANGE(?)"ErectedinmemoryofROBERTWATTwhodied6thOctr1816aged47years.AlsoEUPHEMIAWATThisdaughterwhodied.4thNov1829aged28years.AlsoROBERTGRANGE(?)hisson......"A17 AMOS : HILL "In memory of WILLIAM AM0S who died at Huntlaw 5th Nov 1889 aged 78 years. And

    CHRISTINA HILL his wife who died at Blackford Perthshire 21st Oct 1899 aged 86 years. I am the resurrection and

    the Life."

    A18 DICKSON: CAIRNS (This stone lay face down until 1973, when it was turned over and the inscription

    deciphered.) "In memory of JOHN DICKSON mason in Wester Pencaitland who died Febr 20 1775 aged 88. Also

    ROB DICKSON his son who died May 16 1773 aged 19 years. Also MARGRET DICKSON his daughter who died

    July 10 1807 (?) aged 39 years. ELISABETH CAIRNS his spouse who died August 14 1808 aged 80(?) years."

    A19 FOGGO: CLEUCH : SKED In memory of EUPHEMIA daughter of ROBERT FOGGO schoolmaster of

    Pencaitland who died on the 30th June 1823 aged 10 months. And of JANE who died on the 24th of November 1832

    aged 6 years. Also MARGARET CLEUCH his mother who died 12th of August 1834 aged 83 years. And of

    THOMAS his son who died 26th August 1843 aged 27 years," (And on the other side, facing West:) "Also the said

    ROBERT FOGGO who died November 5th 1857 aged 65 years. Much regretted after having officiated as parochial

    teacher in the long period of 41 years. JANE SKED wife of the above ROBERT FOGGO died January 14th 1871

    aged 83 (or 85?) years. JOHN FOGGO their son died 1st April 1887 aged 68 years. Also MARGARET CLEUCH

    FOGGO their daughter who died 23rd July 1891 aged 70 years." (John Foggo probably went to London in 1840

    where he worked as a baker, returning in his later years to Pencaitland. So the Session records suggest. )

    A20 ANDERSON: WHITE (This stone is leaning against the wall, having been moved from its original position.)

    "In memory of WILLIAM ANDERSON who died 20th Febry 1876 aged 49 years. Also WILLIAM his son who died

    4th June 1869 aged 5 years. Also THOMAS his son who died 17th June 1869 aged 8 years. Also JESSIE WHITE his

    wife died at Haddington 21st March 1899 aged 78.

    A21 FINLAY: DALGLEISH "Erected in memory of WILLIAM FINLAY, road surveyor, Haddington who died 23rd

    Feby 1867 aged 77 years. And of CLARA DALGLEISH his wife who died 19th Augt 1855 aged 64 years. By their

    children who desire to hold in remembrance, the worth of a beloved FATHER and MOTHER. Also WILLIAM their

    son, who died 14th April 1817 aged 2 years."

    A22 McLENNAN: NOBLE "Erected by JOHN McLENNAN, farmer, Fountainhall, in memory of CATHERINE

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    NOBLE, his wife who died 10th June 1861 aged 48 years, Also of h is son KENNETH HUGH McLENNAN who

    died 22nd August 1856 aged 4 years. Also of his father-in-law HUGH NOBLE who died 7th October 1857 aged 79

    years. Also of CATHERINE McLENNAN who died 11th April 1802 aged 17 years. (The Kirk Session records

    show that Kenneth Hugh McLennan died of scarlet fever.)

    A23 Unknown This stone is severely weathered. There is no trace of any legend remaining.

    A24NISBET:MALCOLMInmemoryofJAMESNISBETyoungestsonofDAVIDMALCOLMdied28thDec1877aged14years,TheaboveDAVIDA25WHITE"TothememoryofJAMESWHITE[of]HenMuirwhodiedApril22nd1802(or1842?)aged84years."A26UnknownThisstoneisalmostentirelyburied.Theinitials"AA"aredeeplyincisednearthetopandifanylegendiscarvedonthesidesundergrounditprobablyremainslegible.A27 HOWATSON "Sacred to the memory of ROBERT HOWATSON who was born at Keith Humbie School 17th

    September 1829 and died at Miltonmill 4th May 1836,"

    A28 GRAY "Sacred to the memory of JAMES GRAY, son of JAMES GRAY, gardener, who died at Winton on the

    3rd day of March 1832, aged 4 months.

    A29 CUNNINGHAM This stone is removed from its original site and is leaning against the wall. "In memory of

    THOMAS CUNNINGHAM who died in the year 1834 aged 58 years."

    A30: KING : DEWAR In memory of WILLIAM KING, farmer, Wolfstar, died 7th November 1908 aged 66 years.

    Also his wife ELIZABETH DEWAR died 29th November 1932 aged 79 years. Thy will be done."

    A31 CARSTAIRS : KEPPIE "In memory of ISABELLA CARSTAIRS beloved wife of THOMAS KEPPIE whodied 19th July 1891 aged 74 years. Also the above THOMAS KEPPIE who died 31st August 1896 aged 82 years.

    Gone but not forgotten."

    A32 CLEGHORN "In loving memory of MARGRATE CLEGHORN who died 7th Sept 1902,"

    A33 CARSTAIR A small stone, flush with the ground, bearing the name "JOHN CARSTAIR" and no other legend.



    B1 BEGBIE: COWAN: MOFFAT "Sacred to the memory of ARCHIBALD BEGBIE who died Octr 1859 aged 58

    years. THOMAS BEGBIE who died July 1868 aged 76 years. And his wife JANE MOFFAT who died June 1855

    aged 59 years. WILLIAM BEGBIE who died Octr 1872 aged 68 years. JAMES BEGBIE who died Decr 1883 aged

    79 years. JANET COWAN his wife who died Decr 1899 aged 78 years. ELISABETH their daughter who died Novr1889 aged 34 years. MARGARET BEGBIE daughter of THOMAS BEGBIE who died 26th June 1915 aged 83


    B2 Unknown This stone is partly buried and there is no lettering visible.


    PLOT C Starts


    Megginch Esq. She died anno 1716 aged 28, ALISON DRUMMOND her sister spouse to Mr. MATTHEW

    SIMSON, minister of the gospel here, died Feb 24 aged .... ALISON SIMSON their daughter died Feb 25 aged

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    ..... KATHARINE SIMSON their second daughter. She died Feb 27 aged 2., These three died of a violent feaver

    and in the year 1736." (Curiosly, records salvaged from the demolition of a chemist's shop in Grassmarket,

    Edinburgh, in 1973 show that the "violent feaver" was in fact typhoid.)

    C2 BEGBIE "Erected by JOHN BEGBIE in memory of his father ROBERT BEGBIE who died .. 1825 aged

    84(?) years, He lived as gardener at farm. MARY ...... his spouse died ..... 1853, Also JANET BEGBIE

    their daughter ....... "


    INGLES,...... (The greater part of the text is indecipherable. This stone was sited here in 1973, having

    previously been lying against the church wall. There has been another burial here, but no details remain of it.)

    C4 RIACH To MAGGIE, eldest child of Rev.W.L.Riach. Born 19 July 1862, died 26 September 1865."

    (The Reverend Riach was minister in Pencaitland church, 1855 to 1872. The top of this small tombstonekeeps being knocked off and as frequently replaced.)

    C5 FORBES: OSWALD " K F To the memorie of UMqLE KA FORBES daughter to Mr Io FORBES

    Minister to the English Merchants Adventurers at Delf and spous to M Io OSWALD late preacher at this Kirk

    and now removed to A.B.D. Happie in birth, match comely feature And evrie virtue Graceing nature In

    nothing Cross'd but Barren Wombe All that was flesh rests in this tombe. Of her whose inward sprightlie gifts

    Them matched whom grace to glory lifts These life conjoin'd death separate Each his what either aimed at

    Earth with respect its own possesses And heav'ne its due all men confesses. Done by the sad loving husband,

    M Io OSWALD Anno Dom 1639"

    C6NolongerexistsThestonewhichrestedagainstthechurchwallinthispositionin1969wasresitedinthepositionC3in1973.C7UnknownThisisthesiteofatombonly.Thereisnostonenowremaining, C8UnknownThewords"MementoMori"arevisibleaboveaprofileskullatthewestendofthistabularstone.Thesouthsideshowsanotherprofileskullwithcrossbonesalongside,acrossedspadeandshovel,andamotifoftwinedthongsorstraps.Thenorthsideissimilartothesouthsidebuthasadeviceofcrossedarrowandscytheinsteadofcrossedspadeandshovel.Therehasbeenletteringonthewestsidebutthisistotallydefaced.C9 possibly BEL "IOVN VXOR IOANNIS BEL SCH........ B C " (Possibly: Joun, uxor Joannis Bel, Sch

    Note that the final "C" lies on its side, open side to the top.) The stone looks very old.

    C 10 PRINGLE "Here lyes DAVID PRINGLE lei.... in Miltoun. Husband ....... (The remainder is

    indecipherable. This stone possesses some interesting decoration. )

    C11 DUNLOP : HAMILTON: DUNCAN "Sacred to the memory of PETER DUNLOP who died at Pencaitland

    8th September 1899 aged 64 years, Also his wife ELIZABETH HAMIILTON who died 16th August 1914 aged

    77 years, Also their daughter MARY DUNCAN who died 26th September 1922. ISABEL who died 6th August1923. And their youngest son ROBERT who died at New York 5th May 1926, Also their second son JOHN

    who died 29th April 1929. Also their eldest son CHARLES who died 10th February 1949, ELIZABETH who

    died 2nd June 1954."

    C 12 PRINGLE "Here lyes DAVID PRINGLE farmer in Templehall who died Octr 18 1733 aged 65 years.

    LILLIES PRINGLE his spouse died Feb 15 1742 aged 73 years. ROBERT PRINGLE their son died April 2

    1699 aged 6 months. JOHN PRINGLE died Oct 18 1714 aged 12 years. JEAN PRINGLE died July 4 (?) 1733

    aged 24 years." Some notes about the Pringles: A John Pringle appears as a Writer to the Signet - M. Ioanni

    Pringill - in 1638 and also in connection with East and West Templehall (Templihall) in 1636. John and Robert

    Pringle appear to have been owners of Fountainhall from 1650 or so. Vide carvings on wall at Fountainhall: I,P.

    M.D. (John Pringle and Margaret Dickson ?) R,P, V,C, (Robt Pringle and Violet Cant ?) also the letters V,L,I,E,

    on a shield,)

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    C13 HOWDEN: BURNS In loving memory of WILLIAM HOWDEN, farmer Broomrigg, died 30th August

    1899 aged 75 years. Also his wife MARGARET BURNS died 3rd July 1905 aged 77 years."

    C14 HAMILTON: BIRRELL "Sacred to the memory of ELIZABETH BIRRELL, wife of JOHN HAMILTON,

    late baker of Pencaitland, who died on the 4th of May 1854 aged 47 years. Also of their children MARY born

    10th Nov 1834 ; died 7th March 1839. JAMES born 12th April 1841; died 23rd Jan 1850. ELIZABETH born

    31st Oct 1844; died 15th Oct 1849. ROBERT, born 7th Feb 1847; died 2nd Oct 1847. JOHN, born 1st June

    1839; died 23rd Oct 1871. JESSIE born 10th Nov 1834; died 15th June 1895. The loved but not the lost Oh no:

    They have not ceased to be Nor live alone in memory 'Tis we who still are tossed 0'er life's wild sea, it's we who

    die They only live whose life is immortality. JOHN HAMILTON died 2nd October 1889 aged 83 years."

    C15 Unknown "R A H Y " (Hourglass, indecipherable shield, skull and crossbones;

    winged angel on obverse. All text entirely eroded,)

    C16 ROBERTSON "Erected by ALEX and JAMES ROBERTSON in memory of their affectionate father

    , ROBERTSON aged 62 years " (The remainder is indecipherable)

    C17 Unknown Superscription of armorial bearings reads"In God is all our Trwst"

    C18 WEDDERBURN : RENTON "Here lyes THO, WEDDERBURN ...... GM RW, Viro

    probo GEORGIO RENTONO et ipsius familiae P.E.H.M. qui obit 28.Martii an 1640 aetatis

    suae 76,"

    C19 SMITH "Erected in memory of ANDREW SMITH, forrester at Fountain Hall who died .....

    190- aged ... years, (The remainder is indecipherable)

    C20 TURNBULL : RAE "Sacred to the memory of ISABEL RAE who died on the 21st March 1819 (or 1813?)

    spouse of ANDREW TURNBULL, late farmer of Houden, who died on 28th Jan 1850 and of AGNESS

    TURNBULL their daughter who died on the 28th of December 1833, also WILLIAM TURNBULL their sonwho died on 6th May 1861, also JANET TURNBULL their daughter who died on the 5th Feb 1870. Also of

    MARGARET TURNBULL who died in infancy."



    D1 DOBIE: HENDERSON "Here lyes Mr. THOMAS DOBIE schooh master in Pencaitlind, husband to

    ELISABETH HENDERSON He died Sep 12th 1729 in the 63rd year of his age," (Thomas Dobie was

    succeeded in office on 3/10/1729 by Mr. John Hair, schoolmaster, precentor, and Session Clerk, who left the

    Parish in Nov. 1746.

    D2 WILSON : BAILLIE "J W : A B Here lyes the children of JOHN WILSON and AGNESS BAILLIE,

    spooners in Winton ...... 1773 (1775?) aged 14 years." This stone bears, between the initials on the cap-stone, acarving of a large wooden spoon.

    D3 Unknown The date "1718" is the only remaining legible lettering on this stone. The decoration is,

    however, quite ornate and well preserved. Probably Wm.BAIRNFATHER, husband of JOAN ALLAN. See

    the Kirk Session records, Sept.14 1718.

    D4 No burial This reference applies to the superscript above the West door of the Saltoun Aisle;

    S.I.S. the initials of Sir John Sinclair.

    D5 MURRAY : THOMSON "RICHARD MURRAY ..... MA...[possibly Margaret] THOMSON MARY .....

    MURRAY (the middle name, is unreadable) their daughter died March 2_ 1784 aged . years. GRIZEL

    MURRAY their daughter died Dec 25th 1788 aged 14 years, MARGARET THOMSON wife of RICHARD

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    MURRAY died 1st August 1811 (or 1814) aged 69 years. Also RICHARD MURRAY died the 29th of May

    1826 aged 79 years."

    D6 WHITSUNDAY "Erected in memory of MARY WHITSUNDAY housekeeper in Pencaitland House who

    died August 1836. She spent her whole life in faithful and affectionate service to Mrs. Hamilton Campbell of

    Pencaitland and her family by every member of which she is remembered with sincere gratitude,"


    WILLIAMSON his father who died 2nd August 1811 aged 57 years. And of HELEN WILLIAMSON his

    sister who died 1st Septemr 1811 aged 19 years. Also MARGARET KING wife of WILLIAM

    WILLIAMSON who died 26th July 1848 aged 69 years. The said WILLIAM WILLIAMSON who died 11th

    Feby 1870 aged 87 years." (and on a second side:) "Also JAMES WILLIAMSON his son who died 18th April

    1815 aged 17 months. Also JOHN WILLIAMSON second son of the said WILLIAM WILLIAMSON who

    died 4th Dec 1858 aged 37 years. Also MARY PATERSON wife of the above named JOHN WILLIAMSONwho died 28th Jan 1905 aged 84 years."

    D8 WILLIAMSON "J WHD GEORGE WILLIAMSON died Aug 6th 1791 aged 2 years and 7 months. NELLY

    WILLIAMSON died Aug 23rd 1791 aged 4 years and 6 months. ELLISON WILLIAMSON died June 13th

    1800 aged 6 years. #

    D9 WILLIAMSON A very old stone with only the following fragments readable: "1744 ..... WILLIAMSON ....

    ..... 60 ..... 1743 aged .. mother ..... .... 1776 (5?) ...

    D10 Unknown A very small stone, mostly buried, with no legend visible,

    D11 DICK "In memory of ELIZABETH DICK who died 20th April 1876 aged 11 months. Also JANEwho died 23rd Feby 1878 aged 9 months. . Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven,"

    D12 Unknown This stone is almost entirely buried.

    D13/D14 DICK "Sacred to the memory of GEORGE DICK who died 4th August 1897 aged 56 years.

    Until the day break and the shadows flee away,"

    D15 KING "Erected by DAVID KING in loving memory of his beloved son SANDY who died 1st December

    1899 aged 3 years and 3 months.It is well with the child, it is well."

    D16 COULLIE " I H S To the dear memory of MARGARET ALICE BRODIE wife of the Rev JAMES

    COULLIE born April 5th 1854 died Dec 31 1895. Also of their son NORMAN DUNDAS born Jan 12 1887

    died May 15 1896. Also of their daughter ISABELLA BRODIE born April 5 1878 died Oct 7 1904, Also of

    their son WILLIAM LECKIE, Surgeon Lieut-Commander R.N. born Jan 12th 1887 died Sept 15th 1924. Also

    the Rev.JAMES COULLIE B.D. for over 52 years minister of this parish. Born March 30 1844 died June 251927. Till He come,"

    (Other children were: Mary Alice, b.1879; Alexandra, b.1881; Kenneth, b,1883; James, b.1885; Evelyn,

    b.1892. One of these daughters married Mr, John Stodart of Kingstoun - see F32 - and bequeathed the

    memorial window over the east door to the Rev, James Coullie, in 1927)

    D17 CHARLS : DUNCAN "Here lyFS MARY CHARLS spouse to ..... DUNCAN ......

    Easter Pencaitland. She died May 3 1731 aged 38.. The remainder is completely eroded.

    The stone bears a superscript of the device of crossed square and compasses.



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    E1 RAMSAY: ADNISTON: EDGAR "In memory of WILLIAM RAMSAY dyster at Pencaitland waulk-mill,

    and husband to MARGARET ADNISTON, died Feb 21st 1729 aged 51 years, Also JAMES RAMSAY their

    son and husband to ALISON EDGAR died March 1st 1780 aged 71 years, And of WILLIAM RAMSAY dyster

    who died April 23rd 1791 aged 48 years. Also his son WILLIAM RAMSAY, wood merchant, Leith, who died

    Sept 1st 1847 aged 59 years ..... " At this point the stone enters the ground. There may possibly be more below

    this level.

    E2 HAMILTON A B Here lyes ... HAMILTON ..after Pencaitland to my d.. his son

    ..... HAMILTON Esq. He .. faitly (saitly?) in 1723 ..... HAMILTON .. 50 years. In whose memory

    the said ALEXR HAMILTON erected this stone. He ...." (2 of 6)05/12/2009 13:55:38

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    The lower part of this stone is buried. and may be more legible. Much of what is visible is just barely readable

    in parts, given a strong side light (for instance, ".....after Pencaitland" might well be "....aster Pencaitland" as in

    schoolmaster. This stone is lettered in lower case and with the use of the 'long S' such discrimination is very


    E3 RICHARDSON : TURNBULL "Sacred to the memory of JAMES SMITH RICIHARDSON eldest son of

    ROBERT RICHARDSON, died 4th March 1850 aged 45, And MARY TURNBULL his wife who died 19th

    June 1890 aged 83 years,"

    E4 RICHARDSON : SMITH : SUTTON "Erected to the memory of Mr. ROBERT RICHARDSON who died at

    Pencaitland Cottage on the 18th June 1838 in the 73rd year of his age. Also his family: EUPHEMIA died 29

    July 1807 aged 2 years ISABELLA died 5 July 1812 aged 10 years MARGARET died 4 May 1818 aged 11

    years ELIZABETH died 16 June 1834 aged 34 years Dr. JOHNSTONE THORNTON RICHARDSON, 57th

    Regiment, died at Enniskillen, Ireland, on the 10 December 1848 aged 33 years. MARGARET SMITH relict ofMr. ROBERT RICHARDSON died 22 March 1866 aged 91 years.

    Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

    Likewise FANNY SUTTON their daughter died 9 July 1875 aged 64 years. And JOHN RICHARDSON their

    son who died at Gisborne, New Zealand, May 8 1891 aged 82 years.

    E5 HOME : RICHARDSON "Sacred to the memory of JANE LAW HOME wife of JOHN RICHARDSON

    who died 30th Sep 1850. Also their sons ROBERT died 24th March 1849. JOHNSTONE died 10th Nov

    1849. JANE ELIZA died 10th Nov 1859 aged 14 years.

    E6 Unknown There is no trace of any legend

    whatsoever remaining on this stone.

    E7 KINGHORNE "In memory of GEORGE KINGHORNE who was a faithful servant at Winton for nearly

    forty years and died on the 10th of May 1871 aged 72.

    This stone is erected by Lady Ruthven as a testimony of her regard for him. The gift of God is eternal lifethrough Jesus Christ our Lord,"

    E8 FULTON The original lettering is totally eroded except for the single word 'FULTON'. A marble plaque has

    been affixed to the stone and this reads as follows: "To the memory of ELIZABETH FULTON, born 1785 died

    June 3rd. 1857.Beloved and respected by all who knew her. Beloved are the dead- who die in the Lord,"

    E9 LEWIS : LUNLEY "Erected by ELISABETH LEWIS in memory of JOHANNA LUNLEY her sister who

    died in Pencaitland House 23rd of February 1826 aged 30 years,"

    E10 STRATH (?) The facing of this stone has broken away, leaving only a small fragment bearing the words

    ....... died 28th Dec .... .... EORGE STRATH.."

    E11 HENDERSON: GRAY: WALKER: GRAY-HUNTER "Erected to the memory of NAOMI

    HENDERSON who died 19th Dec 1798 aped 30 years. Also GEORGE GRAY who died at Spilmersford on

    the 1st Jan 1813 aged 13 years. Also HELEN WALKER who died 11 th July 1815 aged 46 years. AlsoROBERT GRAY who died 13th Nov 1851 aged 52 years. MARGARET GRAY-HUNTER 1838 - 1877." (3 of 6)05/12/2009 13:55:38

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    E12 CAIRNS (?) "JM BN (N reversed) Here lyes the body of ALEX son to A.... CAIRNS (? ) of

    Howden (?) who died Ma 8(?)th 1782 aged 11 years and 7 months."

    El3 GRAY: COCKBURN "Erected by JAMES GRAY in memory of ALISON his daughter who died 21st July

    1873 aged 15 years. Also VIOLET his daughter who died 22nd March 1895 aged 27 years. Also the sbove

    JAMES GRAY who died 25th November 1899 aged 70 years. Also ANN COCKBURN wife of the above who

    died 16th December 1903 aged 72 years.Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Gone but not forgotten,"

    E14 : GRAY: HUTCHISON : DUNCAN : GIBB "Erected in memory of VIOLET GRAY who died 8th Jan

    1826 aged 5 years. ROBERT GRAY died 23rd Decr 1833 aged 21 years. Also ANDREW GRAY their father

    died 28th July 1848 aged 64 years. And VIOLET HUTCHISON their mother died 8th Feby 1854 aged 64

    years. HUGH GRAY died 25th Septr 1871 aged 55 years." And on the obverse: "Also of JOHN GRAY who

    died 6th January 1877 aged 67 years and MARION DUNCAN his wife who died 18th December 1881 aged

    71 years, AGNES GIBB wife of HUGH GRAY died 5th October 1886 aged 67 years."

    E15 GRAY : WILSON "Erected by JOHN WILSON, Ormiston, to the memory of JOHN GRAY his

    father-in-law who died at Deanhead, Newtown, Pencaitland, 24th Febry 1851 aged 54 years,"

    E16 DUNCAN : GRANT "Sacred to the memory of JOHN DUNCAN, miner, born at Penston, Gladsmuir, 3rd

    Decr 1781. Died at Deanhead 15th July 1856. JEAN GRANT his wife born at Penston 10th May 1789, died at

    Glasgow 28th December 1868. MARY DUNCAN, their daughter died at Edinburgh 30th July 1841 aged 19

    years. They also sleep which in Jesus will God bring with Him." (Other records inform us that John Duncan

    'died of his lungs', being affected by 'the black spittle'.)

    E17 GRANT "Sacred to the memory of the late Reverend WILLIAM GRANT missionary of the Church of

    Scotland at Madras from 1845 to 1850, was born at Penston 2nd March 1801 and died at Grant's Braes near

    Haddington 24th January 1866.Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."

    E18 Unknown This stone is missing entirely, having presumably fallen down and been removed. Only thebase and a separate cap-stone remain.

    E19 HASTIE : KAY "Erected by WILLIAM HASTIE in affectionate remembrance of his parents STEPHEN

    HASTIE who died 2nd Dec 1859 aged 38 years. His wife DIVINIA KAY died 2nd Dec 1862 aged 38 years.

    HELEN their daughter died 28th April 1870 aged 17 years. DAVID their son died 13th August 1873 aged 24

    years. MARGARET their daughter died at Santa Barbara California 16th April 1877 aged 34 years. MARY

    ANN their daughter died at Santa Barbara, California 30th March 1878 aged 22 years. JANE their daughter

    died at Detroit USA 4th Dec 1885 aged 41 years."

    E20 COSSAR : HUNTER : HOGG "Erected by Mary, Lady Ruthven, in memory of JAMES COSSAR who

    died March 12 1837 aged 35 years. And MARY HUNTER his wife who died Oct 26 1884 aged 82 years. Also

    AGNES HOGG beloved wife of PETER COSSAR died 28 July 1908 aged 65 years. Also the above PETER

    COSSAR died 8th Sept. 1924 aged 92 years. MARGARET JAMIESON COSSAR their daughter died 8th Oct

    1954 aged 75 years."

    [James Cossar was coachman to the Ruthven family]

    E21 YULE: HUNTER "Sacred to the memory of ANN YULE spouse of ALEXr HUNTER, Wright

    Pencaitland, who died Jan 22 1830 aged 54 years. Also the said ALEXr HUNTER who. died October 10th 1813

    (or 1843?) aged 71 years. (4 of 6)05/12/2009 13:55:38

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    And of ANN HUNTER their daughter who died on the 9th Nov 1850 aged 56 years."

    E22 WRIGHT: THOMSON "To the memory of HELEN WRIGHT spouse to Wm THOMSON who departed

    (this) life April 1816 aged ......, years".

    E23 BALSILLIE: TURNER "Sacred to the memory of Wm.BALSILLIE,mason, who died on 23rd June

    1815 aged 50 years. Also MARGARET TURNER his wife who died on the 7th of January 1827 aged 62


    E24 HARRIER: RUTHERFORD "Erected in memory of PETER HARRIER who died at Broomrig on the

    20 October 1830 aged 75 years. Also CATHRINE HARRIER died on the 21st July 1793 aged 5 years. And

    of CATHRINE HARRIER his younger daughter who died on the 19th September 1825 aged 11 years. Also

    ..... RUTHERFORD his spouse of Pl....spring (?) who died the 14th January ...... aged 71 years."

    E25 FULTON: CRAIK "Sacred to the memory of BARBARA FULTON wife of JAMES CRAIK who died at

    the Barley Mill April 30th 1884 aged 70 years. Also JAMES CRAIK who died at Milton Mill August 5th 1871

    aged 55 years.

    "Oh call it not death - t'is a glorious rest Yea: saith the spirit for all such are blest They rest from their labours,

    their work is done The goal is attained, the weary race won; The battle is fought, the struggle is o'er The crown

    now replaces the cross they bore The pilgrimage path shall no more be trod A rest remains to the people of

    God" "Be ye also Ready".

    E26 AMOS : SMAIL "Erected to the memory of ALEX AMOS died Jan 20th 1795 aged 51 years. Also JANET

    SMAIL his wife who died Nov 1819 aged 71 years". (This family ran a hostelry [and smuggling business?] at

    Spilmersford for many years.)

    E27 MONTGOMERY: HALLIDAY "By DAVID.MONTGOMERY in memory of his sons who died.

    GEORGE on the 11th Nov 1818 aged 11 years. PETER on the 5th Feb 1861 aged -1 years. Also PETER

    grandson died Nov 5th 1867 aged 22 months and MARGARET who died 28th March 1884 aged 29 years.Also MARGARET HALLIDAY wife of DAVID MONTGOMERY died 13th Sept 1889 aged 78 years.

    DAVID MONTGOMERY died 21st Dec 1891 aged 81 years."

    E28 HENDERSON; AMOS: HARDIE "In memory of ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, land steward, who

    died at Templehall 8th February 1863 aged 66 years. Also MARGARET AMOS his wife who died at

    Ormiston Feb 25 1865 aged 71 and of their son JOHN HENDERSON, died at the Murrays 11 May 1872

    aged 47. Also his wife HELEN HARDIE who died at Samuelston Mains 29 June 1889 aged 60 years."

    (And.continued on another side) "In memory of his grandchildren. MARGARET HENDERSON died

    26th February 1856 aged 2[and a half] years. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON died 23rd April 1856 aged 4

    [and a half] years. JOHN HENDERSON died 6th October 1863 aged 10 months. Children of JOHN


    (Grandchild Margaret died of pneumonia; Archibald of scarlet fever.)

    E29 ALLAN : CUNNINGHAM "In memory of ELISABETH ALLAN who died at Pencaitland on the 18th July

    1816 aged 45 years, and of ROBERT (5 of 6)05/12/2009 13:55:38

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    CUNNINGHAM her husband who died on the 1st of March 1833 in the 62nd year of his age. Also AGNES

    CUNNINGHAM, sister to ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, who died on the 9th Dec 1818 aged 80 years."

    E30 DUDGEON: HEPBURN : DUNCAN Erected AD 1863 by JOHN DUDGE0N as a memorial of his father

    PATRICK DUDGEON, Writer to the Signet in Edinburgh, who died on 10th October 1846 and is here interred.

    He was eldest son of JOHN DUDGEON of East Craig in the Parish of North Berwick who died on 8th August

    1815, and of ANN HEPBURN, his wife who died on 13th October 1861, and respectively with the rest of the

    family are interred in the Parish of Prestonkirk. Further in memorialist late lamented of M H [a possible reading

    here is John] LIGHT DUDGEON died at Douglas, Isle of Man, on 11th [maybe 14th] August 1861 [maybe

    1864] and interred on 19th ....., in St.George Burial Ground there, and only son of said PATRICK DUDGEON

    W.S. and of JANE DUNCAN his wife. [He may have been aged 36 years] (Patrick Dudgeon built Tyneholm

    House, bought Wester Pencaitland from Fletcher's trustees in 1833,purchased Woodhall and Wolfstar in 1838

    from Bogue of Linplum.)


    DUDGEON Esq. of Tyneholm House, Pencaitland, died 26th April 1868 aged 67 years."


    WILLIAM THOMSON her husband who died Dec 29 1788 aged 32 years. Also EUPHEMIA THOMSON

    her daughter who died Nov 23 1806 aged 23 years. Also WILIAM THOMSON her son who died June 25

    1819 aged 37 years and MARY McGROUTHER her daughter who died March 21 1847 aged 61 years. Also

    ELISABETH ROBERTSON. ......... "

    (The bottom part of the stone is buried and some legend is lost.)

    E33 HUTCHISON: FARMER The most part of this stone is indecipherable but a later addition at the bottom

    reads: "And of his aunt MARION HUTCHISON who died on the 2nd of February 1850 aged 73 years. Also his

    aunt JEAN FARMER who died 1st June 1839 aged 59 (?) years."



    F1 BENNET : BLUE "In memory of JAMES BENNET died at Pencaitland 9th January 1894 aged 76. JANET

    BLUE his wife died 18th Nov 1900 aged

    69. Sons JAMES died 10th Oct 1864 aged 2. JOHN CHARLES died 4th Nov 1895 aged 31. ALEXANDER

    died 8th April 1902 aged 41, and is interred at Anston. Daughters JANE died 25th Oct 1868 aged 15. JESSIE

    died 11th Oct 1855 aged 4."

    F2 ALLAN : LAIDLAW "In loving memory of JOHN ALLAN died 8th June 1893 aged 67 years. Also

    AGNES LAIDLAW his wife died 10th Feb 1919 aged 89 years. And MARION their daughter died 19th Jan

    1953 aged 88 years. And her daughter AGNES LAIDLAW ALLAN, died 20th March 1981, aged 82 years.

    [Note: this is undoubtedly the last interment in Pencaitland churchyard, after a gap of some thirty years.]

    F3 McDIARMID "In memory of DUNCAN McDIARMID died 6th Dec 1903 aged 35. Also CATHRINE

    JANE McDIARMID aged 7 months. Also JOHN McDIARMID aged 1 year and 3 months. Also MARY

    McDIARMID wife of HUGH McDIARMID died 14th Jan 1917 aged 75 years."

    [The spelling is as given: not the more common "McDairmid"]

    F4 HOGG "In loving memory of JOHN HOGG son of WILLIAM HOGG who through an accident died on 7th

    April 1905 aged 15 years. Also WILLIAM aged 6 years. Also HENRY aged 6 months. Also LIZZIE aged 5

    weeks. "Jesus loves me."

    F5 GOODALL : AMOS "In memory of CHRISTINA GOODALL wife of GEORGE AMOS Born 1822 died at

    Nisbet, March 29th 1885. Also his daughter MARION aged 3 [and a half] years."

    F6 AMOS "In memory of WALTER AMOS who died 19th August 1805 (stone broken across at this point)

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    aged 70 years. Also MARION AMOS who died 15th Novr 1862 aged 68 years. Also ROBERT AMOS died

    15th Janry 1877 aged 73 years. Also JOHN AMOS died 17th Decr 1881 aged 65 years."


    Glenkinchie, Born 15th May 1901, died 31st July 1901.

    Of such is the Kingdom."

    F8 ANDERSON :SMEATON "In loving memory of JOHNSTON ANDERSON who died 29th August 1886

    aged 73 years. Also his grandchildren LIZZIE who died 9th February 1891 aged 2 years. JANET who died 11th

    June 1892 aged 3 months. Also his son WILLIAM SMEATON ANDERSON, M.B.,C.M.(Edin.) who died 11th

    October 1898 aged 33 years. His wife JANET SMEATON died 21st May 1902 aged 67 years."

    F9 SMEATON : BURNET "In loving remembrance of WILLIAM SMEATON, Merchant, who died at

    Newtown Store 19th Jan 1881 aged 70 years. His wife MARY BURNET died 14th Oct 1879 aged 67 years.Their son WILLIAM died 2nd July 1875 aged 27 years. Their daughter FRANCES died 27th Aug 1880 aged 35

    years. Their son JAMES died 21st May 1901 aged 61 years.

    "Honour thy father and thy mother" Erected by their daughters Mary and Euphemia."

    F10 NICHOLSON : HANDASYDE "The family burying ground of T.W.NICHOLSON, Nisbet. ELLA died

    14th March 1865. KATE died 10th May 1869. Both in childhood. MARY ANNE died 10th May 1869 aged 33

    years. Beloved & regreted by all who knew her. Also the said T.W.NICHOLSON who died at Nisbet on the

    20th April 1873. His wife HELEN HANDASYDE died at Nisbet 26th July 1870.

    F11 MacDONALD : ROSS : FROST "In memory of WILLIAM L. MacDONALD Born 10th Decr. 1854 Died

    2nd Augt 1878. Also MARY RUTHVEN MacDONALD Born 3rd Augt 1856 Died 11th July 1861. MARY

    MacDONALD wife of J.M.ROSS Born 7th April 1863 Died 1st March 1886. EWEN MacDONALD Born 14th

    Feby 1821 Died 28th June 1891. MacDONALD EMSLIE ROSS Born 8th January 1884 Killed 24th July 1895.

    EMMA SUSAN MacDONALD Born 1st Feby 1867 Died 28th Augt 1897. JOSEPH EWEN MacDONALDBorn 23rd Jany 1866 Died 9th Novr 1898. MARGARET FROST wife of EWEN MacDONALD Died 24th May



    30th Jany 1938 aged 68 years. The above WILLIAM COCKBURN died 3rd Feby 1939 aged 76 years."

    F13 RENNIE : STEWART "In memory of PETER RENNIE who died 5th January 1862 aged 39 years. Also his

    wife AGNES STEWART who died 9th December 1891 aged 73 years. Also their grand daughter AGNES

    STEWART RENNIE who died at Tranent 27th October 1895 aged 8 years."

    F14 MORGAN : HENDRIE "Erected by JAMES H.MORGAN in loving memory of his dear children. ALICE

    died 5th Feb 1889 aged 4 years. NELLIE died 26th Aug 1890 aged 11 months. JESSIE died 17th March 1902

    aged 12 years. Also the above JAMES H.MORGAN died 2nd Nov 1932 aged 77 years. And is wife JANET

    F.HENDRIE died 19th Jan 1941 aged 82 years.

    "Jesus loves me this I know.""

    F15 HERKES : BERTRAM "In loving memory of JANET HERKES beloved wife of JAMES BERTRAM died

    11th August 1905 aged 63 years. Also their daughter MARION died 31st January 1880 aged 2 [and a half]

    years. Also the above JAMES BERTRAM died 16th October 1915 aged 74 years.

    "Until the daybreak, and the shadows flee away.""

    F16 SMITH: WOOD "In loving memory of our dear father JAMES SMITH who died 1925. Also our dear

    mother JEANIE WOOD SMITH who died 1887. Also our dear grandmother PRIMROSE SMITH who died

    1897. Also our dear aunt PHEMIA who died 1897. To memory ever dear."

    F17 GIBSON : SHFRRIFF This stone is in three pieces. The following appears on the largest bit. "In memory

    of AGNES SHERRIFF wife of GEORGE GIBSON who died 14th December 1878 aged 60 years. ROBERT

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    ...... GIBSON their son who died 3rd ..... 1873 aged 18 years. Also GEORGE GIBSON who died 27th August

    1897 aged 80 years." (And on a smaller bit) "Erected by GEORGE GIBSON, Pencaitland."

    F18 DAUIDSONE : PRINGLE This old stone is carved with an axe, mallet and chisel. The words "Memento

    Mori" are over a skull and crossbones. The inscription on the other side reads: "Here lyes WILLIAM

    DAUIDSONE, Meall Maker in Foulstruther, who departed this life 17 of September 1707 in the 57 of his age.

    And ROBERT DAUIDSONE, Wright in Wintoun, his son, who died 27 of May 1710 and of aged 24. This done

    by IANET PRINGLE spous to the said WILLIAM DAUIDSONE."

    F19 BROWN : WOOD "Erected by BENGIMAN BROWN, Wright in Nisbat, & AGNUS WOOD, Spouse.

    There daughter ISABEL died year 1782 aged 27 years."


    F.G.Teacher,Ormiston, who died at Dunbar 10th May 1884 aged 78. And MARGARET ANDERSON hiswife who died at Ormiston on 24th Dec. 1882 aged 71. CHARLES NOTMAN for 27 years Town Clerk of

    Dunbar died at Templelands, Dunbar, 10th March 1904 aged 70 years. Also CHRISTINA FORBES his

    wife died at Templelands, Dunbar, 3rd February 1940 aged 92 years."

    F21 NOTMAN : SOMERVILLE Erected by NINIAN NOTMAN in memory of his oldest son WILLIAM

    who died at Ormiston on the 16th day of June 1834 in the 17th year of his age. Also of ISABELLA his

    daughter who died in infancy. And of his second son NINIAN, a merchant in London, who died on the 8th day

    of Octr 1856 aged 36 years. (Note: Parish Records show Ninian died 1855 aged 32 years.)

    NINIAN NOTMAN, Chief Constable of Peeblesshire, born at Tranent 16 October 1794, Died at Peebles 26

    September 1867 aged

    73. Also his wife MARGARET SOMERVILLE died at Peebles 27 Febry 1885 aged 90 years.

    ALEXANDER died at Haddington 23rd May 1872. ISABELLA died at Peebles 7 April 1894." (Note:This

    stone was wantonly destroyed by Council workmen while repairing the churchyard wall in the 1970s.)

    F22 BROWN : SHORTES(?) This stone is lying against the church wall,is a difficult one to read. "Here lyesALEN BROWN who died at Spilmerford. MARY BROWN his spous. PATRICK BROWN who died 13 June

    1714 aged 71. HELEN WI.E his spouse died 1732 aged 60(?) JAMES BROWN AGNES SHORTES(?) His

    spous. PATRICK BROWN Children. PATRICK died .... 1753 aged 6, ROBERT died 1780 aged 32.

    PATNI...[Patrick?] BROWN. Children ... son to PATRICK BROWN, miner, in Spilmerford, March. WILLm

    died young. ALEX died 1784 aged 31." F23 ANDERSON : EWART "Erected by JOHN ANDERSON in

    memory of HELEN EWART his wife who died , August 1st 1871 aged 40 years. Also the above JOHN

    ANDERSON died 27th July 1919 aged 89 years. JOHN died Nov 27 1887 aged 16 year. JANE died Dec 12th

    1891 aged 33 years."

    This stone is lying sideways against the church wall and may be part of F67 which is nearby and only a


    F24 Unknown

    This stone is lying against the churchyard wall with no text remaining.

    F25 HERIOT: KERR "In memory of JOHN HERIOT who died April 29th 1871 aged 61 years. Erected by his

    widow ELISABETH KERR."

    F26 WALLACE "In memory of PETER WALLACE who died at New

    Winton 1st August 1866 aged 52 years.

    F27 HEWART : FORSYTH : BURNET "In memory of FRANCIS HEWAT, Blacksmith, Nisbet

    Loanhead, who died May 20 1868 aged 69 years. Also CHRISTIAN FORSYTH his wife who died

    April 21 1881 aged 80 years. Their son JAMES HEWAT died at Inglesfield 20th Jan 1903 aged 74

    years. JANET BURNET wife of JAMES HEWAT died April 3rd 1904 aged 71 years."


    This is a large ornate monument to Lord Ruthven in the centre of the eastern side of the churchyard.

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    Inscriptions on the East side are: "God is love. Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God. Believe also

    in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you. In affectionate remembrance

    of JAMES, VI LORD RUTHVEN. Born 1777 Died 1853. 0 Man greatly beloved. Peace be unto Thee. Erected

    by his widow, MARY LADY RUTHVEN (And on the west side:-) "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.

    Come unto Me all ye that labour and I will give you rest. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.

    Blessed is he that considereth the poor, the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. A meek and quiet spirit in

    the sight of God is of great price.

    Heu quanto minus est cum reliquis versari quam tui meminisse."

    F29 MYLNE : PATERSON "In memory of JAMES MYLNE who died at Milton 17th Decr 1868 aged 53

    years. Also of his only son JOHN RENNIE MYLNE who died 30th Nov 1869 aged 8 years and 7 months. Also

    ELIZABETH PATERSON, wife of the above named JAMES MYLNE who died 6th Jan 1906 aged 83 years."

    F30 HOWDEN: DICKSON "In loving remembrance of those fallen asleep. ROBERT HOWDEN JUNR.Boggs, May 22 1878 aged 19. MARY HOWDSN, July 2nd 1878 aged 23. ROBERT HOWDEN SNR. Feby 6th

    1880 aged 64. FRANK HOWDEN who died in South Africa Sept 25th 1898 aged 37. FREDERICK

    J.HOWDEN who died in Savannah, Georgia, Feb 12th 1914 aged 49. ANNIE I.DICKSON wife of ROBERT

    HOWDEN SNR. Born 22nd Jan 1827 died 8th Jan 1916:" (There is a further short text below which is

    unreadable. Robert Howden was a local farmer.)

    F31 WILSON : WHITE "In memory of MARGARET WHITE wife of WILLIAM WILSON, Wolfstar, born

    Nov 7th 1839, died July 12th 1873. The above WILLIAM WILSON. Born May 29th 1833, died Septr 8th

    1886." .


    Wintonhill, born May 14th 1830 died Janry 14th 1874. Also their daughter MARY JANE born Sepr 15th 1871

    died Dec 7th 1872. The above WILLIAM STODART born July 27th 1820 died Nov 26th 1903. Their sons,

    JAMES GEORGE , born Dec 28th 1861, died July 23rd 1908, DAVID born Jan 8th 1874, died 10th Nov 1920.

    JOHN of Kingston, Dirleton, and of Leaston, Humbie, born March 31st 1856, died May 9th 1922. HUGH,

    tenant in Wintonhill, born Nov 11th 1863, died August 13th 1925. And their daughters, GRACE

    HENDERSON STODART, born March 3rd 1860, died at Leaston, Jan 10th 1944. ELIZABETH WATSON

    STODART, born Jan 29th 1853, died June 17th 1946. WILLIAM TORRANCE STODART born August 13th

    1853, died December 29th 1946. CHARLES died 4th November 1957 aged 91." (Stodart related to Coullie

    family, D.16)

    F33 WILSON: STEWART "In memory of ROBERT WILSON, Weaver in Nisbet, who died 8th Janry 1813

    aged 79 years. Also JANET S.....NCE his spouse who died ..... March 1791 aged ..... years. Also .... ......

    children LU.... ..RIDE(?) wife (of)....... WILSON who died 18th of October 1817 aged 39 years. And of

    MARGRAT STEWART who died 11th Sept 1833 aged 49 years." (And on obverse-) "Also of JAMES

    WILSON, Weaver, son of ROBERT WILSON and husband to the two last mentioned females on the other

    side of the stone, who died the 23rd July 1835 aged 64 years."

    F34 HOG I H Here lyeth the body of IOHN HOG Wright in Easter Pencaitland, who died Jwly 27 1745 aged

    47 years. Also RICHARD MARION who died in infancy & ANN HOG who died Jwly .... 1768 aged 26 years.

    October 30 1738 was ....... ...... AGNES HOG died ..... 1790 "

    (The rest of this text is indecipherable.)

    F35 BAIRD : SMITH "Sacred to the memory of JAMES BAIRD, Mason in Fountainhall, who died 28th Novr

    1820 aged 38 years. Also ELIZABETH SMITH his wife who died 9th Novr 1842 aged 52 years.

    This stone is erected by MARION their daughter now resident in Wellington, New Zealand."

    F36 DAVIDSON : HOGG "Erected in loving memory of CHARLES DAVIDSON who died 5th Dec 1841 aged

    35 years. Also ISABELLA HOGG his wife died 13th Nov 1877 aged 74 years. And JOHN their son died


    F37 LAWSON : HASTIE "In loving memory of HELEN LAWSON wife of JAMES HASTIE died 17th March

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    1898 aged 35 years. Also the above JAMES HASTIE died 11th September 1932 in his 72nd year

    "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.""

    F38 WINTON : THOMSON : TURNER : AINSLIE 1866 "In memory of JAMES WINTON, Pencaitland, who

    died 12 March 1828 aged 45 years, And of JANET THOMSON his wife who died 1 January 1861 aged 70

    years. Also THOMAS WINTON their son who died 8 May 1859 aged 40 years. And of MARY TURNER his

    wife who died 28th May 1879 aged 67 years. Also JAMES WINTON Jr. died 8th Decr 1903 aged 78 years.

    And MARION AINSLIE his wife died 24th April 1900 aged 66 years."

    F39 Unknown.

    This stone is sunken with the legend underground.

    F40 FORD: BOWMAN "In memory of MARGARET BOWMAN wife of ALEXANDER FORD died 13th

    October 1849 aged 75 years. Also two children who died in infancy."

    F41 FORD This stone is mostly buried but on the top are the letters - "A.FORD".

    F42 FORD: FOWLER: WILLIAMSON "Erected by THOMAS FORD in memory of his father WILLIAM

    FORD who died 31st Janry 1848 aged 67 years. Also his mother BFATRICE FOWLER died 15th Febry 1855

    aged 67. WILLIAM his brother died 22nd May 1829 aged 9, JOHN his brother died 18th Sepr 1840 aged 24.

    CHRISTIAN his sister died 6th March 1866 aged 51. Also in memory of GEORGE his son died 11th Janry

    1866 aged 18 months. BEATRICE his daughter died 14th Novr 1883 aged 25. HELEN WILLIAMSON his wife

    31st Janry 1885 aged 57 years. Also the above THOMAS FORD who died 26th Janry 1897 aged 74 years.

    HELEN his daughter died 19th Feby 1918 aged 64."

    (Thomas Ford was a local shoemaker)

    F43 FORD

    This stone is mostly buried but on the top are the letters -"W.FORD".

    F44 KER : REID : THOMSON On the west side: The top is indecipherable then lower down reads:

    "....RACHEL REID'S Children procrea Bo..... ROBERT REID (Nephew to ANDREW KER) and IANET

    THOMSON his spous......

    On the top: "Here lies Mr. ANDREW KER, Hoselan (or Hosclan) in Ti.... otagle (? ) He died December 20th

    1724 aged 105 years. And Mr.FLETCHER KER who died 1719 aged 79 years."

    (Was Andrew really 105 years? Or was he simply older than people could remember? We shall never now


    F45 Unknown

    This stone is sunken. The letters "R.D." appear on the top

    F46 Unknown

    This stone is sunken. No legend is remaining.

    F47 WOOD : McCONNELL "In memory of ALEXANDER WOOD who died 30th Oct 1897 aged 66 years.

    Also his spouse ELIZABETH CORBETT McCONNELL who died 17th Decr 1898 aged 77 years."

    F48 COCKBURN : BETHUNE "In loving memory of DAVID COCKBURN, Bee Cottage, Pencaitland, who

    died 13th April 1894 aged 53. Faithful in the discharge of his duty. Also his wife JOHAN BETHUNE who died

    13th February 1893 aged 50. "The leaves of the oak and the willow will fade Be sdattered around and together

    be laid. So the young and the old, and the low and the high Shall crumble to dust and together shall lie. Erected

    by their two sons."

    F49 MUIRHEAD : HERON "In memory of JOHN MUIRHEAD, Salton, Born 1772 died 1854, and HELEN

    HERON his wife born 1773 died 1816. Also their sons JAMES born 1803 died 1823. FRANCIS born 1804 died


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    F50 Unknown

    The text on this stone is indecipherable.

    F51 CRAIG: DUNCAN "Erected in memory of AGNES CRAIG wife of JOHN DUNCAN who died 17th July

    1886 aged 65 years."

    F52 BEL

    This stone is richly ornamented on the obverse with motifs including a crown and hammer in addition to the

    skull and crossbones. The text reads: "Here lyeth JOHN BEL smith who depearted this lyf the 14th April

    1662 and of his age 52. And BESSIE TH....." with more unreadable

    F53 MARTIN : SCOTT : HAMILTON "In loving memory of ANNIE MARTIN the beloved wife of FRANCISC.SCOTT, Leith, and granddaughter of the late DAVID HAMILTON, Blacksmith, Pencaitland, who died 4th

    March 1895 aged 40 years.

    "Endowed with many a grace of form and mind Warm friend true sister daughter dear and kind. Devoted wife,

    whose path in good or ill The lights of love and Duty guided still. While yet before her all untrodden lay Life's

    downward slope and slowly darkening way. Ere t ime in heart or eye had dimmed the glow Death came, and

    smote her with one sudden blow. Here let remembrance of her virtues lie. The last fond tribute how that love

    can give Nor here alone, but in the mourner's breast The brooding grief shall long her worth attest,"

    Also the above FRANCIS C.SCOTT (Scott and Davie, Plasterers, Leith) who died 17th July 1900, aged 56


    F54 HAMILTON : ISAAC : MARTIN "In memory of DAVID HAMILTON, Blacksmith in Pencaitland for 60

    years, Died 6th January 1861, aged 80 years. And of MARY ISAAC his wife died 12th September 1863 aged

    82 years. Also of five sons and two daughters who are interred here.

    "Beyond the years to man ordained Their humble path they walked in peace True to each task while strength

    remained Till from their toil God gave release As He in his good time we trust To higher life will make theirdust."

    Erected in 1884" (And on a second side:-) "In memory of MARGARET HAMILTON wife of JOHN MARTIN

    who died at Westerlea, Edinburgh, 5th March 1884, aged 74 years. And of the above JOHN MARTIN who died

    16th September 1902 aged 91 years. Also their eldest son WILLIAM MARTIN for 25 years Schoolmaster in

    the Parish of Inverkeithnie, Banffshire, who died at Edinburgh August 6th 1908 aged 72 years.

    Her sorrowing husband and children record here their grateful remembrance of her devoted affection, wise

    counsel and unceasing care for their welfare." Prov,XXXL 28

    F55 GIBB "Erected in memory of EDWARD GIBB died 29th Sept 1875 aged 63 years. Also his daughter

    MARGARET KING aged 4 years. Also his daughter MARGARET GREIR aged 5 years. Also ALEXANDER

    GEORGE infant son of ALEXANDER GIBB, Baker, Pathhead, Ford, aged 1 month.Erected by his sons in

    loving remembrance."

    F56 Unknown

    This stone is half sunk with no text readable.

    F57 Unknown

    There is no text readable on this stone.

    F58 Unknown

    This stone is very old. The masonic sign appears but the stone is half sunk.

    F59 Unknown

    There is no text readable on this stone.

    F60 CRICHTON : MAXWELL "August the XXth MDCCCXXVIII" (Superscipt) "Erected by ARCHIBALD

    CRICHTON in memory of JAMES CRICHTON his father and of AGNES MAXWELL his mother, also their

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    children ......... SAND ....... ...... .DAI GUTERS..... "[This last a doubtful reading]

    F61 Unknown

    This is a very small and sunken stone. Illegible initials on the top remain.

    F62 Unknown There is text on both sides which is unreadable on the East side. The following fragments appear

    on the West side: "Verce ..., the path..., ust if as the d... light" (obliterated by metal clamps holding top on stone

    - apparently a sacred text of some sort only.)

    F63 SIMPSON : FERGUSON "In memory of JAMES SIMPSON for 30 years farmer and mill master

    Spilmersford, afterwards of Samuelston, were he died February 10th 1844 aged 62 years. And of SUSAN

    FERGUSON his wife who died September 8th 1856 aged 64 years. Also THOMAS their son died Febry 21st

    1874 aged 50 years.

    Erected by there sons Archibald and John in

    affectionate remembrance." (Note:Susan Ferguson

    died of cancer.)

    F64 Unknown The date "1742" appears and the initials "D R: M C"

    The stone is richly ornamented.

    F65 Unknown

    This stone is barely readable. One side has the crown, hammer and skull and crossbones. The obverse the


    "here ...... ..... JAMES (more illegible text) 1657 and of hir age."


    This old stone is richly ornamented on the back.

    "Here lyeth HERCULES GUTHRIE who died Febuire 20 1718 and of age 51."

    F67 Unknown

    All remaining is a headstone which may possibly belong to F23 which lies against a nearby wall.

    F68 Unknown

    This stone is very small with the only inscription being the letters J.S. carved in the top.

    F69 ALLAN : TURNBULL "Erected in memory of JAMES ALLAN, wright, who died at Winton on the 11th

    of March 1812 aged 45 years. Also WALTER ALLAN his son died 4th August 1803 aged 6 years. And JAMES

    ALLAN his son died 3rd January 1832 aged 29 years. And of his spouse CATHRINE TURNBULL who died

    25th June 1832 aged 67 years."

    F70 MUIRHEAD "Here lyeth JOHN MUIRHEAD, tailzour, sone to JOHN MUIRHEAD, Baxter, and husband

    to ISOBEL CATHIE. He depearted thes lyf the 22 of May 1670 and of his age 47."

    This stone is in very good condition, On the obverse is depicted an iron, pair of scissors and the skull and


    F71 RICHARDSON "Erected by THOS.RICHARDS0N in memory of his sons ALEXANDER died 14th May

    1874 aged 27 years. WILLIAM died 19th July 1874 aged 23 years, Also his son ROBERT died 23rd March

    1893 aged 24 years. Also THOMAS RICHARDSON died 5th Dec 1900 aged 81 years.

    Jesus the resurrection and the life."

    F72 Unknown

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    There is no text remaining on this stone.

    F73 Unknown

    This is a small and deeply sunken stone. There is no text above ground.

    Plot F ends.

    Plot "G" starts.

    G1 PURVES "Erected by CHRISTINA in memory of HELEN PURVES her mother (?) who died .......... 57

    (1857?)" (Parish records state that she died July 18 ,aged 68, of stomach ulceration. Came from Boggs)

    G2 AFFLECK : CRAWFORD "Erected by JOHN AFFLECK and MARY CRAWFORD in memory of theirchildren. ROBINA died 28th June 1857 aged 13 months. ALEXANDER died 21st Dec 1870 aged 9 months.

    ALEXANDER died 24th August 1865 aged 14 months. GEORGE died 24th Febry 1876 aged 3 years.

    ROBERT died 17th June 1879 aged 1 year"

    (John Affleck was a mason. He had at least 5 other children according to church records)

    G3 ARCHIBALD : WINTON "Erected by JAMES ARCHIRALD in memory of his wife BEATRICE

    WINTON who died 4th Decr 1884 aged 59 years. Also their son PETER who died 28th September 1887 aged

    25 years,"

    G4 Unknown

    The text on this stone is totally eroded.

    G5 ARCHIBALD "Erected to the memory of PETER ARCHIBALD who died at New Winton 11th Octr 1864

    aged 5 years."

    G6 CLEGHORN "To HELEN CLEGHORN who left good service to attend upon an aged frail aunt, and while

    spending her savings upon this kind work, died, April 13 1867."

    G7 COSTA :0'SHEA : FLETCHER "I know that my Redeemer liveth. Job xix 25." "Sacred to the memory of

    JANE COSTA who died 22nd April 1858. She was for many years the faithfull attendant on Lady Ruthven and

    afterwards the beloved wife of ANGELO COSTA by whom this tomb is erected as a memorial of his love and

    respect ..........CATHERINE 0'SHEA ..... years....., attendant on Lady CHARLOTTE FLETCHER. Died 9th

    May 1... ANGELO COSTA, born at Tunis, died at Winton 7th Sept 1864. Deeply lamented by Lady Ruthven to

    whom and to her husband Lord Ruthven he had been a faithful and attached servant for more than forty years."

    (Angelo Costa was butler, married Catherine 0'Shea in 1859- Bequests left for aiding poor and upkeep of

    grave.) ,P>G8 BEVERIDGE "In memory of ELIZABETH BEVERIDGE died 4th May 1878 aged 6 months.

    Suffer the little children to come unto Me."

    Plot "G" ends.

    Memorial Records inside the church

    In the Winton Aisle

    HAMILTON : DUNDAS "Sacred to the memory of JOHN HAMILTON of Pencaitland Esq. who was born the

    23d of Decr 1752, and departed this life the 25th Decr 1804. The elevated Endowments of his mind, and amiable

    qualities of his heart, rendered him a highly interesting and valuable member of Society in all the relations of

    life. He lived sincerely beloved, and died deeply and universally lamented.

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    Sacred also the memory of his much honoured and lamented spouse JANET DUNDAS. She was born 1st July

    1764 and died 10th April 1810.

    Her life was distinguished by piety and virtue. Her death by

    fortitude and resignation." [The long S is used in the memorial to

    John Hamilton]

    CAMPBELL "Sacred to the memory of MARY HAMILTON CAMPBELL who was born on the 4th day of

    August 1750 and died on the 19th of November 1826.A rare combination of sweetness of manners, kindness of

    heart, sound discretion, and exalted piety, rendered her the delight of her friends, and imparted a nameless

    charm to all her intercourse in domestic and social life. "When the ear heard her it blessed her, And when the

    eye saw it gave witness to her, Because she delivered the poor that cried, And the fatherless, and him that had

    none to help him.

    The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon her, and she caused the widow's heart to sign for joy."

    In the East Nave

    ROBERTSON "Erected by his children in loving memory of the Rev. SAMUEL ROBERTSON, 37 years

    Minister of this church. He went to God on the 20th December 1882. We thank God for every remembrance of


    (Underneath, a second tablet:-) This tablet was transferred from the West Church, Fountainhall, to the

    old Parish Church Pencaitland on the Union of the two congregations.)

    DENUNE:HEPBURN "Exuvias hic posuit Carnis Victor spirtus M.GULIELMI DENUNE Qui per annos

    novemdecim hujus parochiae pastor Morum Fuavitate linguae fuadela totius vitae tenore Sincerus Evangeli

    praeco. In omni negotio etiam mundano Christianum Sapient. Eaetis ac auris Ecclisiae Vicibus aequanimiter

    inserviit. Socios Juvit suos instruxit Exemplo denique quantum innotuit omnes erudivit Et insitam animo

    hilaritatem sic summo commutavit gaudio. Ad Cal Feb anno aetatis quadragesimo octavo Salvat MDCCIV

    Vitae Comes unanimis octo liberorum lecta Mater inter cineres unius et alterius GULIELMI JOHANNIS etHELENAE praemortuorum. Cum honore et lachrimis recondi. Curavit Moerens ISABELLA HEPBURN


    DENUNE:HEPBURN - A Translation

    (With acknowledgement to the Haddingtonshire Courier.)

    "Here the victorious spirit of Mr. William Denune, who was for 19 years minister of the Parish, laid aside his

    earthly tabernacle. He was a true preacher of the gospel both by the sweetness of his manners, the persuasive

    eloquence of his tongue, and by the whole tone of his life. In the joyful and sorrowful changes in the church he

    calmly did his duty. He was helpful to his friends, instructed his own people by his example, and communicated

    to others the knowledge which he himself had acquired. And so he exchanged his natural cheerfulness of spirit

    for the highest joy about the beginning of February in the year of our Salvation 1704, in the 48th year of his age.

    His mourning widow (Isabel Hepburn) like-minded companion of his life, the beloved mother of his eight

    children, was buried with honour and tears among the ashes of her husband William, and her son William, of

    John and Helen who predeceased her."(Note: the meaning of this last sentence is less than clear, and the translation is perhaps open to question.)

    Internal records end.


    The undernoted text was received in 2009. Although the stone to which it refers no longer exists (or if it does, it

    is totally unreadable) the text as read in 1879 is of some interest, as are the accompanying notes.

    The following inscription was transcribed on 30 June 1879 ("day very wet") by Dr William Rutherford, a

    descendant of the Rutherfords of Ormiston mentioned below. The details on the stone were obviously

    disappearing even then and must since have been obliterated, as none of the names mentioned appear today.

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    "Here lies Grisel Pecock spouse of William Cairns Brewer .... in Pencaitland Aged .... years. Also Robert, James

    and William Cairns their children. Here lye ........ Rutherford, Mason in Ormiston, aged 69 years James

    Rutherford .... died June ... 1707 and Robert Rutherford

    Also Jas. Rutherford and Agnes Cairns his wife. They died in advanced age much respected by all their friends

    and relations.

    Dr William Rutherford's father was John Rutherford, also a mason from Ormiston. His mother was Margaret

    Ronaldson of Gladsmuir and William was born in Dublin in 1816, where his father was working on some of the

    major bridge projects. William had a career as an army surgeon, retiring with the rank of Surgeon General and

    Honorary Physician to Queen Victoria. He was also, as Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals, one of the two

    British delegates to the first Geneva conference on the treatment of wounded in 1863 which led to the founding

    of the Red Cross, returning the next year for the signing of what became the original Geneva Convention. He

    was unmarried and died in 1887 in London, but was very fond of his East Lothian Ronaldson relations and keento trace his roots.

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    Rough Alphabetical Index of Names

    Please note that while this index is in "Initial letter of name" order, it is not truly alphabetical. For

    instance, if looking for "Smith", please check through the whole "S" list. "Smith" will be among the "S"s

    somewhere but not necessarily where you expect it!

    A2 AYR Mary 1863 80 AYR William 1885 73 A17 AMOS William 1889 78 AMOS Christina (nee Hill) 1899

    86 A20 ANDERSON William 1876 49 ANDERSON William 1895 ANDERSON Thomas 1869 8

    ANDERSON Jessie (nee White) 1899 78 E1 ADNISTON Margaret, see RAMSAY E26 AMOS Alexander

    1795 51 AMOS Janet (nee Smail) 1819 71 AMOS Margaret, see HENDERSON E29 ALLAN Elizabeth, see

    CUNNINGHAM F23 ANDERSON John 1919 89 ANDERSON Hellen (nee Ewart) 1871 40 ANDERSON

    John 1887 16 ANDERSON Jane 1891 33 F69 ALLAN James 1812 45 ALLAN Walter 1803 6 ALLAN James1832 29 ALLAN Cathrine (nee Turnbull) 1832 67 G2 AFFLECK John (mentioned only) AFFLECK Mary (nee

    Crawford) (mentioned only) AFFLECK Robina 1857 15mth AFFLECK Alexander 1865 14mth AFFLECK

    Alexander 1870 9mth AFFLECK George 1876 3 AFFLECK Robert 1879 1 G3 ARCHIBALD Beatrice (nee

    Winton) 1884 59 ARCHIBALD Peter 1887 25 ARCHIBALD James (mentioned only) G5 ARCHIBALD Peter

    1864 5 F2 ALLAN John 1893 67 ALLAN Agnes (nee Laidlaw) 1919 89 ALLAN Agnes Laidlaw 1981 82

    ALLAN Marion 1953 88 F6 AMOS Walter 1805 70 AMOS Marion 1862 68 AMOS Robert 1877 73 AMOS

    John 1881 65 F5 AMOS Christina (nee Goodall) 1885 -AMOS Marion 3 AMOS George (mentioned only) F8

    ANDERSON Johnston 1886 73 ANDERSON Lizzie 1891 2 ANDERSON Janet 1892 3mth ANDERSON

    William 1898 33 ANDERSON Janet (nee Smeaton) 1902 67 F20 ANDERSON Margaret, see FORBES F38

    AINSLIE Marion, see WINTON

    A8 BURTON James 1809 58 BURTON Thomas 1835 56 BURTON Elispeth (nee Paterson) 1840 88 BURTON

    Isabella 1849 17 BURTON Janet (nee Nisbet) BURTON Alison 1872 45 BURTON Alexander 1868 78

    BURTON Janet (nee Simpson) 1852 54 BURTON Alexander 1884 BURTON Thomas 1886 BURTON

    Euphemia 1911 82 BURTON Peter 1915 79 BURTON Peter 1862 65 BURTON Alison 1858 22 BURTON

    John 1854 71 BURTON Catherine (nee Gowans) 1885 84 BURTON Grace 1903 63 BURTON James 1904 54

    A11 BEGBY (?)Katharin, see FORD (FOORD) C2 BEGBIE John BEGBIE Robert 1825 84(?) BEGBIE Mary

    1853 BEGBIE Janet C9 BEL Joun BEL Joannis E23 BALSILLIE 1815 50 BALSILLIE Margaret (nee Turner)

    1827 62 B1 BEGBIE Archibald 1859 58 BEGBIE Thomas 1868 76 BEGBIE Jane (nee Moffat) 1855 59

    BEGBIE William 1872 68 BEGBIE James 1883 79 BEGBIE JAnet (nee Cowan) 1899 78 BEGBIE Elizabeth

    1889 34 BEGBIE Margaret 1915 83 G8 BEVERIDGE Elizabeth 1878 6mth F52 BEL John 1662 BEL Bessie

    F1 BENNETT James 1894 76 BENNETT Janet (Nee Blue) 1900 69 BENNETT James 1864 2 BENNETT John

    Charles 1895 31

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    BENNETT Alexander 1902 41 BENNETT Jane 1868 15 BENNET Jessie 1855 4 F15 BERTRAM James 1915

    74 BERTRAM Janet (nee Herkes) 1905 63 BERTRAM Marion 1880 2 C14 BIRRELL Elisabeth, see

    HAMILTON C13 BURNS Margaret, see HOWDEN D16 BRODIE Margaret, see COULLIE F1 BLUE Janet,

    see BEGBIE. F9 BURNET Mary, see SMEATON F27 BURNET Janet, see HEWAT F22 BROWN Patrick

    1714 71 BROWN Alen BROWN Mary BROWN James BROWN Helen 1732 60 BROWN Patrick 1753 6

    BROWN Robert 1780 32 BROWN Patni (?) [probably Patrick?] BROWN William BROWN Alexander 1784

    31 BROWN Agnes (nee Shortes) F35 BAIRD James 1820 38 BAIRD Elizabeth (nee Smith) 1842 52 BAIRD

    Marion (mentioned only) F19 BROWN Isabel 1782 27 BROWN Bengiman (mentioned only) BROWN Agnus

    (nee Wood) (mentioned only)

    A18 CAIRNS Elisabeth, see DICKSON 1808 ?80 A6 CAIRNS L Appx.(p.12d) CAIRNS Agnes, William,

    Robert, James A33 CARSTAIR John A19 CLEUCH Margaret, see FOGGO A29 CUNNINGHAM Thomas1834 58 A31 CARSTAIRS Isabella, see KEPPIE A32 CLEGHORN Margaret 1902 D16 COULLIE Margaret

    (nee Brodie) 1895 41 COULLIE James 1927 83 COULLIE Norman 1896 9 COULLIE Isabella 1904 26

    COULLIE William 1924 37 D17 CHARLS Mary, see DUNCAN E13 COCKBURN Ann, see GRAY E20

    COSSAR James 1837 35 COSSAR Mary (nee Hunter) 1884 82 COSSAR Agnes (nee Hogg) 1908 65 COSSAR

    Peter 1924 92 COSSAR Margaret 1954 75 E25 CRAIK Barbara (nee Fulton) 1884 70 CRAIK James 1871 55

    E29 CUNNINGHAM Robert 1833 62 CUNNINGHAM Agnes 1818 80 CUNNINGHAM Elisabeth (nee Allan)

    1816 45 F51 CRAIG Agnes, see DUNCAN G6 CLEGHORN Helen 1867 G7 COSTA Jane 1858 COSTA

    Angelo 1864 G2 CRAWFORD Mary, see AFFLECK B1 COWAN Janet, see BEGBIE F12 COCKBURN

    Priscilla Anne 1938 68 COCKBURN William 1939 76 F60 CRICHTON James CRICHTON Agnes (nee

    Maxwell) CRICHTON Archibald (mentioned, 1928) F48 COCKBURN David 1894 53 COCKBURN Johan

    (nee Bethune) 1893 50 --CAMPBELL Mary Hamilton (inside church) 1826 76

    A21 DALGLIESH Clara, see FINLAY A30 DEWAR Elisabeth, see KING C1 DRUMMOND Helen 1716 28

    DRUMMOND Adam DRUMMOND Alison, see SIMPSON C11 DUNLOP Peter 1899 64 DUNLOP Elizabeth

    (nee Hamilton) 1914 77 DUNLOP Mary Duncan 1922 DUNLOP Isabel 1923 DUNLOP Robert 1926 DUNLOPJohn 1929 DUNLOP Charles 1949 DUNLOP Elizabeth 1954 D1DOBIE Thomas 1729 63 DOBIE Elizabeth

    (nee Henderson) D11 DICK Elizabeth 1876 11 months DICK Jane 1878 9 months D13 DICK George 1897 56

    D17 DUNCAN Mary (nee Charls) 1731 38 E14 DUNCAN Marion, see GRAY E16 DUNCAN John 1856 75

    E30 DUDGEON Patrick 1846 DUDGEON Jane (nee Duncan) (mentioned) DUDGEON John (mentioned) 1815

    DUDGEON Ann (nee Hepburn) (mentioned) 1861 DUDGEON M.H.Light (mentioned) 1861 E31 DUDGEON

    Jane (nee Duncan) 1868 67 F51 DUNCAN Agnes (nee Craig) 1886 65 DUNCAN John (mentioned) A18

    DICKSON John 1775 88 DICKSON Margret 39 DICKSON Rob 1773 19 F18 DAUIDSONE William 1707 57

    DAUIDSONE Robert 1710 24 DAUIDSONE Janet (nee Pringle)(mentioned) F7 DOBINSON Elizabeth

    Alexandrina 1901 2mth F30 DICKSON Annie I see HOWDEN F36 DAVIDSON Charles 1841 35

    DAVIDSON Isabella (nee Hogg) 1877 74 DAVIDSON John, infancy. --DENUNE William (inside church)

    1704 48

    E1 EDGAR Alison, see RAMSAY F23 EWART Hellen, see ADNISTON

    A11 FORD Katharin (nee Begby(?)) 1776 68 FOORD Alexander 1778 FOORD Alexander 1801 58 FOORD

    Ann 1810 62 A19 FOGGO Euphemia 1823 10 mth FOGGO Jane 1832 6 FOGGO Margaret (nee Cleuch) 1834

    83 FOGGO Thomas 1843 27 FOGGO Robert 1857 65 FOGGO Jane (nee Sked) 1871 85 FOGGO John 1887 68

    FOGGO Margaret 1891 70 A21 FINLAY William 1867 77 FINLAY Clara (nee Dalgliesh) 1855 64 FINLAY

    William 1817 2 C5 FORBES Ka, see OSWALD E8 FULTON Elizabeth 1857 72 E25 FULTON Barbara see

    CRAIK E33 FARMER Jean 1839 59 (?) F63 FERGUSON Susan, see SIMPSON F11 FROST Margaret, see

    McDONALD F27 FORSYTH Christian, see HEWAT F20 FORBES Christina, see NOTMAN FORBES

    Archibald 1884 78 FORBES Margaret (nee Anderson) 1882 71 F40 FORD Alexander FORD Margaret (nee

    Bowman) 1849 75 F41 FORD A F43 FORD w F42 FORD William 1848 67 FORD Beatrix (nee Fowler) 1855

    67 FORD William 1829 9 FORD John 1840 24 FORD Christian 1866 51 FORD George 1866 1 yr.6mths

    FORD Beatrix 1883 25 FORD Helen (nee Williamson) 1885 57 FORD Thomas 1897 74 FORD Helen 1918 64

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    F42 FOWLER Beatrix,see FORD

    A8 GOWANS Catherine, see BURTON A16 GRANGE Robert A28 GRAY James 1832 4 mths E11 GRAY

    George 1813 13 GRAY Robert 1851 52 GRAY-HUNTER Margaret 1877 39 E13 GRAY James 1899 70

    GRAY Alison 1873 15 GRAY Violet 1895 27 GRAY Ann (nee Cockburn) 1903 72 E14 GRAY Violet 1826

    GRAY Robert 1833 21 GRAY William 1837 14 GRAY Andrew 1848 64 GRAY Violet (nee Hutchison) 1854

    64 GRAY Hugh 1871 55 GRAY John 1877 67 GRAY Marion (nee Duncan) 1881 71 GRAY Agnes (nee Gibb)

    1886 67 E15 GRAY John 1851 54 E16 GRANT Jean, see DUNCAN F66 GUTHRIE Hercules 1718 51 F5

    GOODALL Christina, see AMOS F17 GIBSON George 1897 80 GIBSON Agnes (nee Sherriff) 1878 60

    GIBSON Robert 1873 18 F60 GUTERS Dai F55 GIBB Edward 1875 63 GIBB Margaret King 4 GIBB

    Margaret Grier 5 GIBB Alexander George lmth GIBB Alexander (mentioned only)

    A1 HARLAW Alec 1733 14 mth HARLAW Jamas 1738 4 A3 HUNTER John 1876 61 HUNTER Robert 18528 HUNTER Richard A7 HAY Christina, see LAWRIE A27 HOWATSON Robert 1836 7 C11 HAMILTON

    Elizabeth, see DUNLOP C13 HOWDEN William 1899 75 HOWDEN Margaret (nee Burns) 1905 77 C14

    HAMILTON John 1889 83 HAMILTON Elizabeth (nee Burrell) 1854 47 HAMILTON Mary 1839 5

    HAMILTON James 1850 9 HAMILTON Elizabeth 1849 5 HAMILTON Robert 1847 1 HAMILTON John

    1871 32 HAMILTON Jessie 1895 61 D1 HENDERSON Elisabeth, see DOBIE E2 HAMILTON 1723 50 E5

    HOME Jane, see RICHARDSON E11 HENDERSON Naomi 1798 30 GRAY-HUNTER Margaret, see GRAY

    E14 HUTCHISON Violet, see GRAY E19 HASTIE William (mentioned only) HASTIE Stephen 1859 38

    HASTIE Divinia Kay 1862 38 HASTIE Helen 1870 17 HASTIE David 1873 24 HASTIE Margaret 1877 34

    HASTIE Mary Ann 1878 22 HASTIE Jane 1885 41 E20 HUNTER Mary, see COSSAR HOGG Agnes, see

    COSSAR E21 HUNTER Ann (nee Yule) 1830 54 HUNTER Alexander 1813 71 HUNTER Ann 1850 56 E24

    HARRIER Peter 1830 75 HARRIER Catherine 1793 5 HARRIER Cathrine 1825 11 HARRIER -- (nee

    Rutherford)71 E27HALLIDAY Margaret, see MONTGOMERY E28 HARDIE Helen, see HENDERSON

    HENDERSON Archibald 1863 66 HENDERSON Margaret (nee Amos) 1865 71 HENDERSON John 1872 47

    HENDERSON Helen (nee Hardie) 1889 60 HENDERSON Margaret 1856 2yr.6mths HENDERSON Archibald

    1856 4 HENDERSON John 1863 10mth E30 HEPBURN Ann, see DUDGEON E33 HUTCHISON Marion

    1850 73 F4 HOGG John 1905 15 HOGG William 6 HOGG Henry 6mth HOGG Lizzie 5wks F10HANDASYDE Helen, see NICHOLSON F14 HENDRIE Janet, see MORGAN F15 HERKES Janet, see

    BERTRAM F25 HERIOT John 1871 61 HERIOT Elisabeth (nee Kerr) (mentioned) F27 HEWAT Francis 1868

    69 HEWAT Christian (nee Forsyth) 1881 80 HEWAT James 1903 74 HEWAT Janet (nee Burnet) 1904 71 F30

    HOWDEN Robert (junior) 1878 19 HOWDEN Mary 1878 23 HOWDEN Robert (senior) 1880 64 HOWDEN

    Frank 1898 37 HOWDEN Frederick J 1914 49 HOWDEN Annie I (nee Dickson) 1916 89 F34 HOG John 1745

    47 HOG Richard Marion infancy HOG Ann 1768 26 HOG Agnes 1790 F49 HERON Helen, see MUIRHEAD

    F54 HAMILTON David 1861 80 HAMILTON Mary Isaac 1863 82 HAMILTON (5 sons,2daughters:no

    names,dates, ages) HAMILTON Margaret, see MARTIN F36 HOGG Isabella see DAVIDSON F37 HASTIE

    James 1932 72 HASTIE Helen(nee Lawson) 1898 35 --HAMILTON John (inside church) 1804 52

    --HAMILTON Janet (nee Dundas) 1810 46 --HAMILTON CAMPBELL Mary, see CAMPBELL

    C6 INGLES Barbara

    A30 KING William 1908 66 KING Elizabeth (nee Dundas) 1932 79 A31 KEPPIE Isabella (nee Carstairs) 1891

    74 KEPPIE Thomas 1896 82 D7 KING Margaret, see WILLIAMSON D15 KING David KING Sandy 1899 3E7 KINGHORNE George 1871 72 F25 KERR Elisabeth, see HERIOT F44 KER Andrew 1724 105 KER

    Fletcher 1719 79

    A7 LAWRIE Peter 1925 91 LAWRIE Christina (nee Hay) 1901 69 A14 LECKIE Isobel, see WHITE E9

    LUNLEY Johanna 1826 30 LEWIS Elisabeth (mentioned) F2 LAIDLAW Agnes, see ALLAN F37 LAWSON

    Helen, see HASTIE

    A22 McLENNAN John (mentioned) McLENNAN Catherine (nee Noble) 1861 48 McLENNAN Kenneth 1856

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    4 McLENNAN Catherine 1802 17 A24 MALCOLM James Nisbet 1877 14 MALCOLM David 1893 74 C6

    MOFFAT William D5 MURRAY Richard 1826 79 MURRAY Margaret (nee Thomson) 1811 69 MURRAY

    Mary 1784 MURRAY Grizel 1788 14 E27 MONTGOMERY David 1891 81 MONTGOMERY George 1818

    11 MONTGOMERY Peter 1861 MONTGOMERY Peter 1827 22mth MONTGOMERY Margaret 1884 29

    MONTGOMERY Margaret (nee Halliday) 1889 78 E32 McGROUTHER Mary (nee Thomson) 1847 61 F70

    MUIRHEAD John 1670 47 MUIRHEAD Isabel (mentioned) B1 MOFFAT Jane; see BEGBIE F3

    McDIARMID Duncan 1903 35 McDIARMID Cathrine Jane 7mth McDIARMID John 14 McDIARMID Mary

    (wife of Hugh) 1917 75 F11 McDONALD William L.Riach 1878 24 McDONALD Mary Ruthven 1861 6

    McDONALD Mary, see ROSS McDONALD Ewan 1821 70 McDONALD Emma Susan 1897 30 F11

    McDONALD Joseph Ewan 1898 32 McDONALD Margaret (nee Frost) 1900 F12 MCDONALD Priscilla

    Anne, see COCKBURN F14 MORGAN James H 1932 77 MORGAN Janet F. (nee Hendrie) 1941 82

    MORGAN Alice 1889 4 MORGAN Nellie 1890 11mth MORGAN Jessie 1902 12 F29 MYINE James 1868 53

    MYLNE John Fennie 1869 8yr 6mth MYLNE Elizabeth (nee Paterson) 1906 83 F60 MAXWELL Agnes, see

    CRICHTON F49 MUIRHEAD John 1854 82 MUIRHEAD Helen (nee Heron) 1816 43 MUIRHEAD James1823 20 MuIRHEAD Francis 1850 46 F54 MARTIN Margaret (nee Hamilton) 1884 74 MARTIN John 1902 91

    MARTIN William 1908 72 F53 MARTIN Annie, see SCOTT F47 McCONNELL Elizabeth, see WOOD

    A28 NISBET Janet, see BURTON A22 NOBLE Catherine, see McLENNAN NOBLE Hugh 1837 79 F10

    NICHOLSON T.W. 1873 NICHOLSON Helen (nee Handasyde) 1870 NICHOLSON Ella 1865 child

    NICHOLSON Kate 1869 child NICHOLSON Mary Anne 1869 33 F21 NOTMAN William 1834 17 NOTMAN

    Isabella infancy NOTMAN Ninian 1856 36 NOTMAN Ninian 1867 73 NOTMAN Margaret (nee Somerville)

    1885 90 NOTMAN Alexander 1872 NOTMAN Isabella 1894 F20 NOTMAN Charles 1904 70 F20 NOTMAN

    Christina (nee Forbes) 1940 92

    C5 OSWALD Ka (nee Forbes) c.1640 OSWALD Mr.IO G7 0'SHEA Catherine

    A8 PATERSON Elispeth, see BURTON Appx.(p.12d)PECOCK Grisel C6 PRINGLE C10 PRINGLE David

    C12 PRINGLE David 1733 65 PRINGLE Lillies 1742 73 PRINGLE Robert 1699 6mth PRINGLE John 1714

    12 PRINGLE Jean 1733 24 D7 PATERSON Mary, see WILLIAMSON F18 PRINGLE Janet, see


    C4 RIACH Maggie 1865 3 C16 ROBERTSON Alexander ROBERTSON James ROBERTSON 62 C20 RAE

    Isabel, see TURNBULL C18 RENTON George 1640 76 E1 RAMSAY William 1729 51 RAMSAY Margaret

    (nae Adniston) RAMSAY James 1780 71 RAMSAY Alison (nee Edgar) RAMSAY William 1791 18

    RAMSAY William 1817 59 E3 RICHARDSON James 1850 45 E3 RICHARDSON Robert RICHARDSON

    Mary (nee Turnbull) 1890 83 E4 RICHARDSON Robert 1838 73 RICHARDSON Margaret (nee Smith) 186691 RICHARDSON Euphemia 1807 2 RICHARDSON Isabella 1812 10 RICHARDSON Margaret 1818 11

    RICHARDSON Elizabeth 1834 34 RICHARDSON Johnstone Thomson 1848 33 RICHARDSON Fanny, see

    SUTTON RICHARDSON John 1891 82 E5 RICHARDSON Jane (nee Home)1850 RICHARDSON John

    RICHARDSON Robert 1849 RICHARDSON Johnstone 1849 RICHARDSON Jane 1859 14 E24


    1853 76 F71 RICHARDSON Thomas 1900 81 RICHARDSON Alexander 1874 27 RICHARDSON Robert

    1893 24 RICHARDSON William 1874 23 F11 ROSS Mary (nee McDonald) 1886 23 ROSS McDonald Emslie

    1895 11 ROSS J.M.(mentioned) F13 RENNIE Peter 1862 39 RENNIE Agnes (nee Stewart) 1891 73 RENNIE

    Agnes 1895 8 F44 REID Robert REID Rachel --ROBERTSON Samuel Rev. (commemorated) 1882

    Appx.(p.12d) RUTHERFORD James, Robert

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    A8 SIMPSON Janet, see BURTON A19 SKED Jane, see FOGGO C1 SIMSON Alison (nee Drummond) 1736

    SIMSON Matthew SIMSON Alison 1736 C1 SIMSON Katharin 1736 20 C19 SMITH Andrew 190-E4 SMITH

    Margaret, see RICHARDSON SUTTON Fanny (nee Richardson) 1785 64 E10 STRATH (?) George E26

    SMAIL JAnet, see AMOS F22 SHORTES Agnes, see BROWN F63 SIMPSON James 1844 62 SIMPSON

    Susan (nee Ferguson) 1856 6 SIMPSON Thomas 1874 50 F8 SMEATON Janet, see ANDERSON F9

    SMEATON William 1881 70 SMEATON Mary (nee Burnet) 1879 67 SMEATON William 1875 27

    SMEATON Frances 1880 35 SMEATON James 1901 61 F13 STEWART Agnes, see RENNIE F16 SMITH

    James 1925 SMITH Jeannie Wood 1887 SMITH Primrose 1897 SMITH Phemia 1897 F17 SHERRIFF

    Agnes,see GIBSON F33 STEWART Margaret, see WILSON F32 STODART Jane (nee Torrance) 1874 44

    STODART Mary Jane 1872 1 STODART William 1903 83 STODART James George 1908 47 STODART

    David 1920 46 STODART John 1922 66 STODART Hugh 1925 61 STODART Grace Henderson 1944 84

    STODART Elizabeth Watson 1946 93 STODART William Thomas Torrance 1946 93 STODART Charles

    1957 91 F60 SAND F35 SMITH Elizabeth, see BAIRD F21 SOMERVILLE Margaret, see NOTMAN F53

    SCOTT Annie (nee Martin) 1895 40 SCOTT Frances C. 1900 56

    C20 TURNBULL Isabel (nee Rae) 1819 TURNBULL Andrew 1850 TURNBULL Agness 1833 TURNBULL

    William 1861 TURNBULL Janet 1870 TURNBULL Margaret infancy D5 THOMSON Margaret, see

    MURRAY E3 TURNBULL Mary, see RICHARDSON E22 THOMSON Helen (nee Wright) 1816 THOMSON

    William E23 TURNER Margaret, see BALSILLIE E32 THOMSON William 1788 32 THOMSON Euphemia

    1806 23 THOMSON William 1819 37 THOMSON Mary, see McGROUTHER THOMSON Elizabeth (nee

    Robertson) F69 TURNBULL Cathrine, see ALLAN F32 TORRANCE Jane, see STODART F44 THOMSON

    Janet F38 THOMSON Janet, see WINTON F38 TURNER Mary, see WINTON

    A14 WHITE Andrew 1847 50 WHITE Isobel (nee Leckie) 1869 72 WHITE Peter 1837 4 WHITE John 1843 16

    WHITE Isabella 1843 10mth WHITE William 1896 59 A15 WHITE Peter 1908 69 A16 WATT Robert 1816 47WATT Euphemia 1829 28 A20 WHITE Jessie, see ANDERSON A25 WHITE James 1802 84 C18


    William 1870 87 WILLIAMSON James 1811 57 WILLIAMSON Helen 1811 19 D7 WILLIAMSON Margaret

    (nee King) 1848 69 WILLIAMSON James 1815 17mth WILLIAMSON John 1858 37 WILLIAMSON Mary

    (nee Peterson) 1905 84 D8 WILLIAMSON George 1791 21 WILLIAMSON Nellie 1791 42 WILLIAMSON

    Ellison 1800 6 D9 WILLIAMSON 1743 WILLIAMSON 1776 E11 WALKER Helen 1815 46 E15 WILSON

    John (mentioned) E22 WRIGHT Helen, see THOMSON G3 WINTON Beatrice, see ARCHIBALD F26

    WALLACE Peter 1866 52 F31 WILSON William 1886 53 WILSON Margaret (nee White) 1873 34 F31

    WHITE Margaret, see WILSON F33 WILSON Robert 1813 79 WILSON Janet 1791 WILSON 1817 39

    WILSON Margaret (nee Stewart) 1833 49 WILSON James 1835 64 F19 WOOD Agnus, see BROWN F47

    WOOD Alexander 1897 66 WOOD Elizabeth Corbett (nee McConnell) 1898 77 F38 WINTON James 1828 45

    WINTON Janet (nee Thomson) 1861 70 WINTON Thomas 1859 40 WINTON Mary (nee Turner) 1879 67

    WINTON James Jnr. 1903 78 WINTON Marion (nee Ainslie) 1900 66 F42 WILLIAMSON Helen, see FORD

    E21 YULE Ann, see HUNTER