peninsula clean energy board of directors meeting · 1/26/2017  · and joe karp (winston and...

Peninsula Clean Energy Board of Directors Meeting January 26, 2017 June 23, 2016

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Page 1: Peninsula Clean Energy Board of Directors Meeting · 1/26/2017  · and Joe Karp (Winston and Strawn) • Tonight, PCE staff presents four PPAs for approval ... • League of Women




Page 2: Peninsula Clean Energy Board of Directors Meeting · 1/26/2017  · and Joe Karp (Winston and Strawn) • Tonight, PCE staff presents four PPAs for approval ... • League of Women





Page 3: Peninsula Clean Energy Board of Directors Meeting · 1/26/2017  · and Joe Karp (Winston and Strawn) • Tonight, PCE staff presents four PPAs for approval ... • League of Women

1. ChairReport(Discussion)


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2. CEOReport(Discussion)

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Lease Update

• Temporaryspaceat555Marshall,RedwoodCity– $4.00/squarefoot

• Permanentspace(hooray!!!)at2055-2075WoodsideRoad,RedwoodCity– Approximately6,000squarefeet– $5.00/squarefoot,fullservice,withelectricityseparate– Tenantimprovementsunderway– OccupancyaboutMay1– Flexiblespacetoallowboard,executivecommittee,andCAC


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Recruiting Update

• WelcometoKirstenAndrews-Schwind,CommunicationsandOutreachManager– StartedonJanuary3

• LeslieBrown,CustomerCareManager– StartingonJanuary30

• Regulatory/LegislativeAnalyst– Positionpostingnow

• ContractsandComplianceManager– Nohiringdecisionmadeyet

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Regulatory Update

• TwonewCPUCCommissionersappointedJanuary1,2017:– MarthaGuzmanAceves andCliffordRechtschaffen– ReplacedMichaelFlorioandKatherineSandoval

• En BancHearingonCCAs– February1,2017– EncourageattendancebyPCEBoardmembers– Publiccommentbyelecteds

• PCEMeetandGreetwithCPUCCommissionerCarlaPetermanonFebruary2,2017– EncourageattendancebyPCEBoardmembers

• DiabloCanyonRetirementproceeding– PCEpartofJointPartiesfilingtestimonyonJanuary27– Janiswitnesssponsoringintwosections

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Legislative Update

• MeetingwithStateSenatorJerryHillonJanuary6

• MeetingwithStateAssemblymembers MarcBermanandKevinMullenonJanuary27

• CalCCA meetingwithStateSenatorsandlegislativestaffinSacramento– January25and26(DavidBurruto attendedforPCE)

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Benefits Update

• Modifyingvacationtimefornewemployeestoearnandaccruevacationduringfirstyear

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Regular Agenda



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Regular Agenda

• 3.1MegaRenewables,aCaliforniageneralpartnership(Hatchet)–HatchetCreekHydroelectricProject.Term:5years.NottoExceed$4,130,000.(Action)

• 3.2MegaRenewables,aCaliforniageneralpartnership(Roaring)–RoaringCreekHydroelectricProject.Term:2years.NottoExceed$562,000.(Action)

• 3.3MegaRenewables,aCaliforniageneralpartnership(Bidwell)–BidwellDitchHydroelectricProject.Term:2years.NottoExceed$1,150,000.(Action)

• 3.4WrightSolarPark,LLC,aDelawarelimitedliabilitycompany–WrightSolarPark.Term:20years.NottoExceed$550,000,000.(Action)

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• AtDecember2016BoardofDirectorsmeeting,PCEstaffpresentedsummarydata,anddiscussedaprojectedscheduleforPPAcompletion

• Activelynegotiatingwithanumberofprojectdevelopmentteams– SupportedbyNirit Eriksson(PCEAssociateGeneralCounsel)andJoeKarp(WinstonandStrawn)

• Tonight,PCEstaffpresentsfourPPAsforapproval– Threesmallhydroprojects(existing)– Onelargesolarfarm(new)

• CommentonNTEamount

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• AllthreePPAsarewiththesameSeller:MegaRenewables,aCaliforniageneralpartnership– AllthreePPAsareidenticalastotermsandconditions;onlyproject-specific

detailsdiffer– Thethreesitesareclosetogether,identifiedbythepushpinonthemap


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Project Hatchet Bidwell RoaringAnticipated

deliverystart date 1/27/2017* 2/22/2017* 1/27/2017*

Deliveryterm,years 5 2 2

Contractcapacity,MW 7.5 2 2

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• TheSellerisWrightSolarPark,LLC,aDelawarelimitedliabilitycompany– Constructionstartdate:3/1/2018;commercialoperationdate:11/30/2018– Deliveryterm:20years;contractcapacity:200MW



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• PCEaskedforandreceivedrefreshedpriceslastweek• Additionalanalysisongoingtoreviewprojectsandimproved

pricing• Adhoccommitteetobecalledupagain!• AnticipateadditionalPPAstoPCEBoardforapprovalinFebruary


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Regular Agenda

4. PowerSupplyPlanforPhase2Energy(Discussion)

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Regular Agenda




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April 2017 Resource Adequacy

• AskingforAprilapprovalonlytonight• ApprovalforMayandJunepurchaseswillbesoughtatfutureboardmeeting(s)

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Regular Agenda



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PG&E Rate Changes as of 1/1/17

• PG&EraisedratesonJanuary1,2017between1.6%and3%fordifferentratecategories

• PCIAincreasedsignificantly:26%– ResidentialcustomerPCIAincreasedto2.9cents/kwhfromprevious2.3cents/kWh

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PCE Rate Change

• RecommendmaintainingPCE5%discounttoPG&EforgenerationrateforPhase2enrollment,tomatchofferingforPhase1

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PCE Revenue Impact

• ResultsindecreasetoPCErate,buthigherrateandrevenuesthanprojectedinJuly2016proforma

• FY17proformaimpactincludedinpacket• ExampleforJuly2017revenue:– Originalproforma: $20,309,028–Withnewrates: $21,530,577–Withnewrates&5%opt-out: $24,063,586

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7. FinancialReport(Discussion)

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Regular Agenda

8. Marketing and Outreach Report (Discussion)

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Spring 2017 Outreach Goals

• Maintainlowopt-outrates• RaiserateofECO100opt-ups• EstablishhighlevelofunderstandingofPCEforkeylocalcommunicatorswhocanhelpgetthewordoutandanswerquestionsfromthepublic– LocalPress– CityCouncils– KeyCityandCountystaff– PCEvolunteers/champions– CitizensAdvisoryCommittee

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City-Specific Outreach Plans

• CommunityworkshopsineachcityandinmajorunincorporatedareastoinformthepublicaboutPCE– CoordinatingwithcitystaffthroughtheRICAPsregionalclimateactionprogramnetwork

• Integratewithlocaltraditionalandsocialmediaoutreach– IncollaborationwithCityandCountycommunicationsstaff

• Yourinputiswelcomeonyourcity’splan

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City Workshop StatusCity CityStaffContact Status WorkshopDateAtherton DoriGanetsos IncommunicationBelmont CarlosdeMelo IncommunicationBrisbane KarenKinser IncommunicationBurlingame Sigalle Michael IncommunicationColma KathleenGallagherandLori Burns IncommunicationDalyCity StephenStolte Confirmed 15-Mar EastPaloAlto MichelleDaher IncommunicationFosterCity VanessaBrannon IncommunicationHalfMoonBay JillEkas andJenniferChong ReachedoutHillsborough ElizabethCullinan IncommunicationMenloPark ClayCurtin ReachedoutMillbrae ShellyReider Confirmed 1-Mar Pacifica ChristianMurdock ReachedoutPortolaValley BrandideGarmeaux IncommunicationRedwoodCity VickiSherman IncommunicationSanBruno BrianMillar ReachedoutSanCarlos ElenaOlmedo Confirmed 7-Mar SanMateo ChristineFerry Confirmed 8-Mar SouthSanFrancisco Adena Friedman IncommunicationWoodside SeanMullin Reachedout

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Recent Community Presentations

• LEAN monthly market call update

• Clean Energy Showcase 2017 at Skyline College, January 20

• League of Women Voters public presentation at Redwood City Library, January 24th

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Upcoming Presentations

12-Feb San Mateo Baywood Annual Meeting San Mateo Main Library

22-Feb Sustainability Academy Master Resource Conservation Course

Office of Sustainability

1-Mar City of Millbrae Greywater Workshop Millbrae Library

7-Mar City of San Carlos Official PCE Community Workshop San Carlos Public Library

8-Mar City of San Mateo Official PCE Community Workshop San Mateo Main Library

15-Mar City of Daly City Official PCE Community Workshop Daly City Hall Council Chambers

23-Mar North Fair Oaks Council PCE Presentation Fair Oaks Community Center

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Earth Day Event Outreach

• MarineScienceInstituteEarthDay,RedwoodCity• BelmontEarthDay• PacificaEarthDay• SanCarlosEarthDay• PortolaValley/WoodsideEarthDay• DalyCityEarthDay• OysterPointEarthDay,SouthSanFrancisco

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ECO100 Visibility

• ForBusinessesandOrganizations– Windowclings– Dedicatedpagelistinglogosonourwebsite

• ForResidences– ECO100yardsigns

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Thank you ECO100 Cities!

• Brisbane• Millbrae• Portola Valley• Redwood City• Woodside• MenloPark• Foster City• Atherton• SanCarlos

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• MaintainSpanishandChineselanguageonPCEwebsite• PrintcurrentPCEresidentialbrochureinSpanishandChinese• PurchaseadvertisingonSpanishandChineselanguagemedia• CollaboratewithCountysocialservicesongettingwordoutto


• ConsiderpurchasingSamTrans busadswithmessagethatCAREandMedicalbaselinecustomersremainautomaticallyenrolledintheseprograms,toberuninEnglish,Spanish,andChinese

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• Reachouttofollowinggroupstocollaborateoncommunications– NorthFairOaksCouncil(communitypresentationscheduledforMarch23rd).

– ElConcilio ofSanMateoCounty– EnlacedelaCostaSur(Pescadero,servescoastalfarmworkers)

– CityofEastPaloAlto

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• Strategicadbuysinkeylocalmediatorunfrommid-FebruarythroughMay.

• PressadvisoryandpresskittolocalpressinFebruarytocorrespondwithenrollmentnotices

• Communitynewslettersoutreach• MediaeventforAprilrolloutataprominentlocationintheCounty.

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2016 Advertising Summary

MediaType Channel Buy Impressions

Digital/Social YouTube ~$17,000 2,074,000Facebook/InstagramCable CableTV:30Ads,6weeks,3336spots ~$20,000 259,559Outdoor SamTrans/Outfront 30TransitShelterAds,4weeks ~$13,000 4,374,000


SanMateoDailyJournal– 1,721,250

~$40,000 4,630,400

TheAlmanac-300,000HalfMoonBayReview- 110,000TheSpectrum- 12,500WorldJournal– 500,000SingTao– 650,000AsianJournal- 300,000LaOpiniondeBahia

Online 500,000

~$10,000 859,– 141,644Laganga Online– 34, 183,318

TOTAL $97,739 12,197,207

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Op Ed Update

• Survey went out to Board members last week• Please indicate preferred topics and local

outlets• Dan will create & share the schedule next

week• Will do single-author pieces for local press,

and multiple-author pieces for regional press

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Customer Notices: Update

• NEM – in Phase 3 of 6• Move-ins – ongoing, about 600/week• Printing/mailing contract• Phase 2 notices arriving at customers in late February

and March

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Customer Notices: Update

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Ad Campaign & Web Metrics

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Regular Agenda

9. Ad Hoc Committee Report on Formation of Citizens Advisory Committee

(Discussion and possible Action)

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