pennington co. courant, june 14, 2012

$1.00 (tax included) Number 24 Volume 107 June 14, 2012 The independent telephone com- panies of South Dakota elected Golden West Telecommunications General Manager Dennis Law to serve a one-year term on SDN Communications Board of Man- agers during its annual meeting earlier this month in Deadwood. SDN is owned by 17 member telephone companies – the cooper- ative, municipal, tribal and family- owned telephone companies in South Dakota. Together, SDN and its owner companies operate a 22,000 mile fiber optic network reaching into eight states. SDN is a business-to-business telecommu- nications company providing: •Broadband connectivity among office locations •Business-class internet serv- ices •Networking equipment •Network surveillance SDN specializes in serving banks, health care, agricultural businesses, government and edu- cation. SDN is governed by nine board members, who are elected annu- ally by the general managers of the 17 owner companies. The en- tire board includes: 1. Bryan Roth, TrioTel Commu- nications, Salem, SD 2. Don Snyders, Alliance Com- munications, Garretson, SD Dennis Law elected to lead SDN Communications 3. Randy Houdek, Venture Com- munications, Highmore, SD 4. Mark Benton, Midstate Com- munications, Kimball, SD 5. Rod Bowar, Kennebec Tele- phone, Kennebec, SD 6. James Groft, James Valley Telecommunications, Groton, SD 7. Jerry Heiberger, ITC, Clear Lake, SD 8. Dennis Law, Golden West Telecommunications, Wall, SD 9. Jerry Reisenauer, West River Cooperative Telephone, Bison, SD by Laurie Hindman Wall patrons of West River Elec- tic were without power on Wednes- day, June 6 for approximately 42 minutes. CEO Dick Johnson of West River Electric said, “Birds were the cause of the outage at the substation north of Wall.” The birds burnt out Gale Patterson was honored at the South Dakota State Track and Field Championships on Saturday, May 26, 2012 for 25 years as a State Track and Field Official. Patterson has been a starter at track meets and has just com- pleted his fifth state track meet. Bob Lowery (Representing the South Dakota High School Activi- ties Association) presented the award. This is a selection process by the SDHSAA. Patterson was also honored by the National Fed- eration of High Schools Officials Association as the South Dakota State Track and Field Official of the Year back in 2009. Patterson has been involved in track since grade school and ended his competition career lettering all four years at Black Hills State University. He coached track for eight years and continues to volun- teer his time helping athletes. Patterson enjoys being a starter and plans to continue while work- ing with the youth. Gale Patterson honored at State Track meet a lightning arrester which is a de- vice used on electrical power sys- tems to protect the insulation and conductors of the system from the damaging effects of lightning. Crews had the power restored within the hour and will replace the arrestor. Birds were the cause of power outage by Laurie Hindman The Wall City Council met on Thursday, June 7. Council ap- proved temporary signage for Lori Walker. She has 60 days to apply for a sign permit and have the new sign installed for NAPA. Council approved building per- mits for Frontier Cabins - portable shower/bath, Diamond E Storage - storage buildings subject to council seeing the plans when completed, Moyle Petroleum - maintaining their parking lot, Wall Auto Livery - maintaining their parking lot and Verizon Wireless - installing an- tenna’s on existing tower. Three year Conditional Use Per- mits were approved for Common Cents and Cutting Edge Salon. Council approved the tax levy of $263,489 which is up $16,000 from last year. Finance Officer Carolynn Ander- son is preparing to send out post cards to remind residents of the up- coming July 10, Ambulance Dis- trict election to be held at Creighton, Wall, Wasta and Quinn. She has also been in contact with residents to see if they are willing to sit on the Ambulance District Board. Second reading of Ordinance 12- 2 was approved. First reading of Ordinance 12-3; Commercial Building Permit was approved. Council will review the Residential Building Permit Ordi- nance and revise it to mirror the Commercial Building Permit. Resolution 12-6; Bulk Water rate increase was approved. Since the airport will be unable to use their 2012 FAA funds Mayor Dave Hahn asked for a motion to pass on the airport funds to an- other airport. Motion to transfer the funds was approved. Ribbon cutting for Main Street will be held on June 11 at 12:45 p.m. Mayor Hahn, CETEC Engi- neer Ted Schulz and Wall Chamber President Mary Williams will be Council discusses main street issue guest speakers. The new banners for Main Street are in and will be installed by Public Works Director Jeff Clark and Wall City employee Garret Bryan. Finance Officer Anderson re- ceived a quote to install two new doors at the Library. Since the doors were not budgeted for this year a motion to install the new doors and use the contingency funds to pay for them was ap- proved by the council. The Sewer and Lagoon project will cost $716,000., if all four phases would be completed. Differ- ent ideas to solve the problem and pay for the project were discussed. Hahn suggest that the situation be sent to the Sewer Committee to re- view and come back to the July meeting with recommendations was approved. Plat for Dakota Mill has been re- viewed by the City Engineer. He sees no issues with the plat. Jerry Morgan informed the council that Dakota Mill will go by the city and council’s recommendations. A mo- tion to approved the plat was ap- proved with Morgan abstaining from the vote. A plat for Don Kelly will be sent to the Planning and Zoning Com- mittee to review. Clark informed the council that garbage pickup for only the City of Wall will no longer happen on Sun- day’s. The issue has been sent to the Garbage Committee with council’s approval to find a solu- tion for the issue. First time notification was ap- proved for towing vehicles. Skyler Anders was approved to hold water aerobics at the pool two nights a week for six weeks. Classes will begin at 6:30 p.m., she will be required to have a life guard on duty and pay their wages during that time. Due to Federal Mandated Regu- lations the city council and city employees are required to take the Emergency Management Training course. Hahn will find out more in- formation and how to proceed with the issue. Noise permit applications were approved for the Cactus Cafe and Lounge and Wall Drug. Change Order #4 which was a decrease on the Main Street proj- ect was approved. Pay request #8 and final request with a comple- tion letter on the Main Street proj- ect was approved. Final pay re- quest for Associated Pools was ap- proved. Jim Kitterman was approved to attend a Fire Department budget hearing meeting on June 12. The Pool Committee was given approval to establish procedures with the pool. Finance Officer Anderson will be attending a Finance Officer Work- shop in Huron June 12 - 15. She also gave an update on the Transit bus and the new driver from Philip. Public Works Director Clark re- ported that all grease traps are clean and all valves have been turned. John Kitterman reported that they won’t proceed with installing a keyless entry system at the fire department until next year. He also stated the back door at the ambulance bay has concerns. He has received two quotes for new doors for the bay which has in- creased the new entry system to $800. That will leave a shortage of $3200 for the project. He will be put on the agenda for next month and will leave the data for the council to review and have a deci- sion for him at the next month’s meeting. Council discussed what breeds of dogs should be banned in the city. A call will be made to the in- surance company as to what they should be. Two more tourist have fallen over the center parking this week which make a total of six. Council is working on coming up with a so- lution and will wait to hear back from their insurance company on how to prevent any further mishaps. A motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of dis- cussing legal issues/personnel marketing according to SDCL 1- 25-2 was approved. Council entered out of executive session. They approved to move the next meeting to July 9th at 6:30 p.m., in the Wall Community Center meeting room. With no other business the meeting was adjourned. by Nancy Haigh Tradition – doing what has al- ways been done, but is it the right way? Are new practices a better approach? In many instances, one genera- tion has taught the next genera- tion that working livestock means pushing, yelling and prodding the animals. Veterinarian Dr. Tom Noffsinger’s approach is vastly dif- ferent with results that are paying off tremendously. Noffsinger said experience through his vet practice and work- ing with feedlots he noticed how feedlots with similar cattle yielded different results. The differences were in efficiency and health; with the weather conditions, implants and health being the same. He said the difference was in the peo- ple who handled the cattle. Noffsinger said people can be good for cattle or people can be bad. How people treat the cattle has an impact on the animals. Noffsinger noted that livestock will tell a person what they want through body motions. It is learn- ing that communication that Noff- singer focused on at the Tri- County Ag Day at the South Dakota State University Cotton- wood Range and Livestock Re- Livestock handling practices discussed search Station west of Philip, June 8. Noffsinger stressed that a per- son should not get behind the herd and push. “It is easier to pull than push,” he said. He said animals will ask for guidance, some more so than others, until they all learn to trust the person. Noffsinger said as a person walks into a herd one animal or more will focus on the person. He said to use that animal to lead the rest. “If the front ani- mal is stopped, no use pushing from the back.” Noffsinger touched on America’s perception of the cattle industry. “Inappropriate handling episodes occur when handlers don’t under- stand how to perform the tasks,” he said. “Why do people do these things? Because they haven’t been trained and are doing things they shouldn’t be doing in the first place. We’ve got to take care of this.” To correct this, Noffsinger demonstrated some handling as- pects on video and using audience members. “If you can’t see the an- imal’s eye, you are in the wrong place. Cattle die to see you,” he said. Where they can see you best is the front, the worst, is straight behind. “The animal can’t stand to have you behind and will turn to see you,” he said. A producer needs to communicate to the ani- mal’s eye. He stressed that you didn’t want to look the animal in the eye, but look at them to get their attention. Noffsinger said four things come into play in working with animals – the person’s body position, their distance from an animal, the angle and direction the person moves and the speed at which the person moves. Animals generally should be worked at a 45 degree angle, this is so they can see the person with one eye while watching the other side with the opposite eye. “If they watch you with both eyes, they mistrust you,” he said. The deeper the angle, the more pressure. Reg- ulating speed is done with paral- lel motion. “It may take 10 feet or it may take a half mile,” he said. “Cattle have poor depth percep- tion. Don’t stand still, move slightly so they can see you,” said Noffsinger. Moving slightly, he said, is to move weight back and forth on the feet. “A full step is too much.” Noffsinger noted that if you want an animal to move forward, rub from the point of the shoulders down the back. To move it back- wards, start at the rump and rub forward. He said to also watch a momma cow get up her newborn calf. The momma cow will encour- age the newborn calf to get up by licking from back to front. Then when the calf is raising up, she licks from the front to back. When the growth of the animal is interrupted, such as at weaning time, it can take weeks for that an- imal to start performing again. A producer needs to start sensi- tizing the calf as soon as it is born to do what we want. “It’s all men- tality,” he said. Start training them at birth – train them for change of address, first at birth, next is going out to pasture, and fi- nally weaning. Noffsinger spoke of how one pro- ducer, prior to branding and wean- ing, would separate the pairs the first night, reunite them the next morning, separate them again the second night, and then brand or wean the third morning. He noted the calves adjusted to the separa- tion much easier. Local producer Pat Guptill has used Noffsinger’s approach suc- cessfully in his operation. The ag day attendees traveled to where Guptill had heifers pastured on a high intensity grazing rotation. With high intensity grazing, the animals are kept in a smaller pas- ture and moved on a regular schedule. The acreage varies each year on pasture conditions and number of animals. Guptill said the old way re- quired a half day of labor, with hu- mans and animals both being tired at the end. This way, he said, he and one other person can have the animals moved and a new fence up within 30 minutes. The time is shortened considerably if the fence doesn’t have to be moved. Guptill typically moves the cat- tle at about the same time of day. The day of the demonstration the cows were waiting quietly in the corner. Guptill had the electric fence open, the cattle moved and the electric fence back up in five to 10 minutes. The cattle moved qui- etly through the hole and immedi- ately with no urging from Guptill. Noffsinger observed that the cows went right to grazing and were grazing with who they wanted to graze with; without upsetting any- thing at all. Guptill noted that it takes about three days to train the cattle, al- though some take a little longer to trust him. Noffsinger said he learned from Bud Williams, Independence, Kan., one of the first to teach low stress livestock handling tech- niques. He said Williams learned from watching kelpie and border collies. “What he teaches us is what is deep inside a border collie or kelpie.” He also earns the ani- mal’s trust. Noffsinger suggested producers check out Internet websites (Williams’ website); www.cattlexpressions. com; and Videos of Noffsinger’s technique can also be found on You Tube. Dr. Tom Noffsinger, left, presented an alternate method of han- dling livestock which breaks away from the traditional methods. Noffsinger was the featured speaker at the Tri-County Ag Day held at the Cottonwood research station west of Philip June 8. ~Photo by Nancy Haigh Wall Main Street ribbon cutting Wall Main Street ribbon cutting was held on Monday, June 11 at 12:45 p.m. Mayor Dave Hahn, CETEC Engineer Ted Schulz and Wall Badlands Chamber of Commerce President Mary Williams each spoke at the cutting. The last banner was unrolled by West River Electric Lineman Sanden Simons. Pictured cutting the rib- bon is Chamber Director Lindsey Hildebrand, Mayor Dave Hahn, Ted Schulz, Jeb Rieb, Sitework Specialist Project Manager Bob Kaufman, Site Works Project Superintendent Jeremy Lowe, Mary Williams and Public Works Director Jeff Clark. ~Photo Laurie Hindman

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Page 1: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012

$1.00(tax included)

Number 24

Volume 107

June 14, 2012

The independent telephone com-panies of South Dakota electedGolden West TelecommunicationsGeneral Manager Dennis Law toserve a one-year term on SDNCommunications Board of Man-agers during its annual meetingearlier this month in Deadwood.

SDN is owned by 17 membertelephone companies – the cooper-ative, municipal, tribal and family-owned telephone companies inSouth Dakota. Together, SDN andits owner companies operate a22,000 mile fiber optic networkreaching into eight states. SDN isa business-to-business telecommu-nications company providing: •Broadband connectivity amongoffice locations •Business-class internet serv-ices •Networking equipment •Network surveillance SDN specializes in servingbanks, health care, agriculturalbusinesses, government and edu-cation. SDN is governed by nine boardmembers, who are elected annu-ally by the general managers ofthe 17 owner companies. The en-tire board includes: 1. Bryan Roth, TrioTel Commu-nications, Salem, SD 2. Don Snyders, Alliance Com-munications, Garretson, SD

Dennis Law elected to leadSDN Communications

3. Randy Houdek, Venture Com-munications, Highmore, SD 4. Mark Benton, Midstate Com-munications, Kimball, SD 5. Rod Bowar, Kennebec Tele-phone, Kennebec, SD 6. James Groft, James ValleyTelecommunications, Groton, SD 7. Jerry Heiberger, ITC, ClearLake, SD 8. Dennis Law, Golden WestTelecommunications, Wall, SD 9. Jerry Reisenauer, West RiverCooperative Telephone, Bison, SD

by Laurie Hindman Wall patrons of West River Elec-tic were without power on Wednes-day, June 6 for approximately 42minutes. CEO Dick Johnson of West RiverElectric said, “Birds were the causeof the outage at the substationnorth of Wall.” The birds burnt out

Gale Patterson was honored atthe South Dakota State Track andField Championships on Saturday,May 26, 2012 for 25 years as aState Track and Field Official. Patterson has been a starter attrack meets and has just com-pleted his fifth state track meet. Bob Lowery (Representing theSouth Dakota High School Activi-ties Association) presented theaward. This is a selection processby the SDHSAA. Patterson wasalso honored by the National Fed-

eration of High Schools OfficialsAssociation as the South DakotaState Track and Field Official ofthe Year back in 2009. Patterson has been involved intrack since grade school and endedhis competition career lettering allfour years at Black Hills StateUniversity. He coached track foreight years and continues to volun-teer his time helping athletes. Patterson enjoys being a starterand plans to continue while work-ing with the youth.

Gale Patterson honoredat State Track meet

a lightning arrester which is a de-vice used on electrical power sys-tems to protect the insulation andconductors of the system from thedamaging effects of lightning. Crews had the power restoredwithin the hour and will replacethe arrestor.

Birds were the causeof power outage

by Laurie Hindman The Wall City Council met onThursday, June 7. Council ap-proved temporary signage for LoriWalker. She has 60 days to applyfor a sign permit and have the newsign installed for NAPA. Council approved building per-mits for Frontier Cabins - portableshower/bath, Diamond E Storage -storage buildings subject to councilseeing the plans when completed,Moyle Petroleum - maintainingtheir parking lot, Wall Auto Livery- maintaining their parking lot andVerizon Wireless - installing an-tenna’s on existing tower. Three year Conditional Use Per-mits were approved for CommonCents and Cutting Edge Salon. Council approved the tax levy of$263,489 which is up $16,000 fromlast year. Finance Officer Carolynn Ander-son is preparing to send out postcards to remind residents of the up-coming July 10, Ambulance Dis-trict election to be held atCreighton, Wall, Wasta and Quinn.She has also been in contact withresidents to see if they are willingto sit on the Ambulance DistrictBoard. Second reading of Ordinance 12-2 was approved. First reading of Ordinance 12-3;Commercial Building Permit wasapproved. Council will review theResidential Building Permit Ordi-nance and revise it to mirror theCommercial Building Permit. Resolution 12-6; Bulk Water rateincrease was approved. Since the airport will be unableto use their 2012 FAA funds MayorDave Hahn asked for a motion topass on the airport funds to an-other airport. Motion to transferthe funds was approved. Ribbon cutting for Main Streetwill be held on June 11 at 12:45p.m. Mayor Hahn, CETEC Engi-neer Ted Schulz and Wall ChamberPresident Mary Williams will be

Council discusses main street issue guest speakers. The new bannersfor Main Street are in and will beinstalled by Public Works DirectorJeff Clark and Wall City employeeGarret Bryan. Finance Officer Anderson re-ceived a quote to install two newdoors at the Library. Since thedoors were not budgeted for thisyear a motion to install the newdoors and use the contingencyfunds to pay for them was ap-proved by the council. The Sewer and Lagoon projectwill cost $716,000., if all fourphases would be completed. Differ-ent ideas to solve the problem andpay for the project were discussed.Hahn suggest that the situation besent to the Sewer Committee to re-view and come back to the Julymeeting with recommendationswas approved. Plat for Dakota Mill has been re-viewed by the City Engineer. Hesees no issues with the plat. JerryMorgan informed the council thatDakota Mill will go by the city andcouncil’s recommendations. A mo-tion to approved the plat was ap-proved with Morgan abstainingfrom the vote. A plat for Don Kelly will be sentto the Planning and Zoning Com-mittee to review. Clark informed the council thatgarbage pickup for only the City ofWall will no longer happen on Sun-day’s. The issue has been sent tothe Garbage Committee withcouncil’s approval to find a solu-tion for the issue. First time notification was ap-proved for towing vehicles. Skyler Anders was approved tohold water aerobics at the pool twonights a week for six weeks.Classes will begin at 6:30 p.m., shewill be required to have a lifeguard on duty and pay their wagesduring that time. Due to Federal Mandated Regu-lations the city council and cityemployees are required to take the

Emergency Management Trainingcourse. Hahn will find out more in-formation and how to proceed withthe issue. Noise permit applications wereapproved for the Cactus Cafe andLounge and Wall Drug. Change Order #4 which was adecrease on the Main Street proj-ect was approved. Pay request #8and final request with a comple-tion letter on the Main Street proj-ect was approved. Final pay re-quest for Associated Pools was ap-proved. Jim Kitterman was approved toattend a Fire Department budgethearing meeting on June 12. The Pool Committee was givenapproval to establish procedureswith the pool. Finance Officer Anderson will beattending a Finance Officer Work-shop in Huron June 12 - 15. Shealso gave an update on the Transitbus and the new driver fromPhilip. Public Works Director Clark re-ported that all grease traps areclean and all valves have beenturned. John Kitterman reported thatthey won’t proceed with installinga keyless entry system at the firedepartment until next year. Healso stated the back door at the

ambulance bay has concerns. Hehas received two quotes for newdoors for the bay which has in-creased the new entry system to$800. That will leave a shortage of$3200 for the project. He will beput on the agenda for next monthand will leave the data for thecouncil to review and have a deci-sion for him at the next month’smeeting. Council discussed what breedsof dogs should be banned in thecity. A call will be made to the in-surance company as to what theyshould be. Two more tourist have fallenover the center parking this weekwhich make a total of six. Councilis working on coming up with a so-lution and will wait to hear backfrom their insurance company onhow to prevent any furthermishaps. A motion to enter into ExecutiveSession for the purpose of dis-cussing legal issues/personnelmarketing according to SDCL 1-25-2 was approved. Council entered out of executivesession. They approved to movethe next meeting to July 9th at6:30 p.m., in the Wall CommunityCenter meeting room. With no other business themeeting was adjourned.

by Nancy Haigh Tradition – doing what has al-ways been done, but is it the rightway? Are new practices a betterapproach? In many instances, one genera-tion has taught the next genera-tion that working livestock meanspushing, yelling and prodding theanimals. Veterinarian Dr. TomNoffsinger’s approach is vastly dif-ferent with results that are payingoff tremendously. Noffsinger said experiencethrough his vet practice and work-ing with feedlots he noticed howfeedlots with similar cattle yieldeddifferent results. The differenceswere in efficiency and health; withthe weather conditions, implantsand health being the same. Hesaid the difference was in the peo-ple who handled the cattle. Noffsinger said people can begood for cattle or people can bebad. How people treat the cattlehas an impact on the animals. Noffsinger noted that livestockwill tell a person what they wantthrough body motions. It is learn-ing that communication that Noff-singer focused on at the Tri-County Ag Day at the SouthDakota State University Cotton-wood Range and Livestock Re-

Livestock handling practices discussed

search Station west of Philip, June8. Noffsinger stressed that a per-son should not get behind the herdand push. “It is easier to pull thanpush,” he said. He said animalswill ask for guidance, some moreso than others, until they all learnto trust the person. Noffsinger saidas a person walks into a herd oneanimal or more will focus on theperson. He said to use that animalto lead the rest. “If the front ani-mal is stopped, no use pushingfrom the back.” Noffsinger touched on America’sperception of the cattle industry.“Inappropriate handling episodesoccur when handlers don’t under-stand how to perform the tasks,”he said. “Why do people do thesethings? Because they haven’t beentrained and are doing things theyshouldn’t be doing in the firstplace. We’ve got to take care ofthis.” To correct this, Noffsingerdemonstrated some handling as-pects on video and using audiencemembers. “If you can’t see the an-imal’s eye, you are in the wrongplace. Cattle die to see you,” hesaid. Where they can see you bestis the front, the worst, is straightbehind. “The animal can’t stand to

have you behind and will turn tosee you,” he said. A producerneeds to communicate to the ani-mal’s eye. He stressed that youdidn’t want to look the animal inthe eye, but look at them to gettheir attention. Noffsinger said four things comeinto play in working with animals– the person’s body position, theirdistance from an animal, the angleand direction the person movesand the speed at which the personmoves. Animals generally should beworked at a 45 degree angle, thisis so they can see the person withone eye while watching the otherside with the opposite eye. “If theywatch you with both eyes, theymistrust you,” he said. The deeperthe angle, the more pressure. Reg-ulating speed is done with paral-lel motion. “It may take 10 feet orit may take a half mile,” he said. “Cattle have poor depth percep-tion. Don’t stand still, moveslightly so they can see you,” saidNoffsinger. Moving slightly, hesaid, is to move weight back andforth on the feet. “A full step is toomuch.” Noffsinger noted that if youwant an animal to move forward,rub from the point of the shouldersdown the back. To move it back-wards, start at the rump and rubforward. He said to also watch amomma cow get up her newborncalf. The momma cow will encour-age the newborn calf to get up bylicking from back to front. Thenwhen the calf is raising up, shelicks from the front to back. When the growth of the animalis interrupted, such as at weaningtime, it can take weeks for that an-imal to start performing again. A producer needs to start sensi-tizing the calf as soon as it is bornto do what we want. “It’s all men-tality,” he said. Start trainingthem at birth – train them forchange of address, first at birth,next is going out to pasture, and fi-nally weaning. Noffsinger spoke of how one pro-ducer, prior to branding and wean-ing, would separate the pairs thefirst night, reunite them the nextmorning, separate them again the

second night, and then brand orwean the third morning. He notedthe calves adjusted to the separa-tion much easier. Local producer Pat Guptill hasused Noffsinger’s approach suc-cessfully in his operation. The agday attendees traveled to whereGuptill had heifers pastured on ahigh intensity grazing rotation. With high intensity grazing, theanimals are kept in a smaller pas-ture and moved on a regularschedule. The acreage varies eachyear on pasture conditions andnumber of animals. Guptill said the old way re-quired a half day of labor, with hu-mans and animals both being tiredat the end. This way, he said, heand one other person can have theanimals moved and a new fence upwithin 30 minutes. The time isshortened considerably if the fencedoesn’t have to be moved. Guptill typically moves the cat-tle at about the same time of day.The day of the demonstration thecows were waiting quietly in thecorner. Guptill had the electricfence open, the cattle moved andthe electric fence back up in five to10 minutes. The cattle moved qui-etly through the hole and immedi-ately with no urging from Guptill.Noffsinger observed that the cowswent right to grazing and weregrazing with who they wanted tograze with; without upsetting any-thing at all. Guptill noted that it takes aboutthree days to train the cattle, al-though some take a little longer totrust him. Noffsinger said he learned fromBud Williams, Independence,Kan., one of the first to teach lowstress livestock handling tech-niques. He said Williams learnedfrom watching kelpie and bordercollies. “What he teaches us iswhat is deep inside a border collieor kelpie.” He also earns the ani-mal’s trust. Noffsinger suggested producerscheck out Internet (Williams’website);; and of Noffsinger’s techniquecan also be found on You Tube.

Dr. Tom Noffsinger, left, presented an alternate method of han-dling livestock which breaks away from the traditional methods.Noffsinger was the featured speaker at the Tri-County Ag Dayheld at the Cottonwood research station west of Philip June 8.

~Photo by Nancy Haigh

Wall Main Streetribbon cutting

Wall Main Street ribbon cutting was held on Monday, June 11 at12:45 p.m. Mayor Dave Hahn, CETEC Engineer Ted Schulz andWall Badlands Chamber of Commerce President Mary Williamseach spoke at the cutting. The last banner was unrolled by WestRiver Electric Lineman Sanden Simons. Pictured cutting the rib-bon is Chamber Director Lindsey Hildebrand, Mayor Dave Hahn,Ted Schulz, Jeb Rieb, Sitework Specialist Project Manager BobKaufman, Site Works Project Superintendent Jeremy Lowe,Mary Williams and Public Works Director Jeff Clark.

~Photo Laurie Hindman

Page 2: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012


Area News

PenningtonCounty Courant

Publisher: Don RavelletteGeneral Manager ofOperations: Kelly Penticoff Office Manager/Graphics: Ann ClarkStaff Writer: Laurie Hindman

Subscription Rates: In PenningtonCounty and those having Kadoka,Belvidere, Cottonwood, Elm Springs, Inte-rior, Philip, Midland, Milesville, and CedarPass addresses: $35.00 per year; PLUSapplicable sales tax. In-State: $42.00 peryear; PLUS applicable sales tax. Out-of-State: $42.00 per year. Periodicals Postage Paid at Wall, SD.

PostmasterSend change of address notices to:

Pennington Co. CourantPO Box 435

Wall, SD 57790-0435.

Established in 1906. The PenningtonCo. Courant, an official newspaper of Pen-

nington County, the towns of Wall, Quinnand Wasta, and the school district in Wall,SD, is published weekly by Ravellette Pub-lications, Inc. The Pennington CountyCourant office is located on the corner of4th Ave. and Norris St. in Wall, SD.

Telephone: (605)279-2565FAX: (605)279-2965

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Copyrighted 1982: Ravellette Publica-tions, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing maybe reprinted, photocopied, or in any way re-produced from this publication, in whole orin part, without the written consent of thepublisher.

South Dakota Newspaper Association

U.S.P.S 425-720


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Pennington County Courant • June 14, 2012 • Page 2

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College briefs

College briefs

The Office of Academic Affairs atBlack Hills State University hasreleased the dean’s list for thespring 2012 semester. A total of 689 students main-tained a grade point average of 3.5or above while taking at least 12

South Dakota Health Care Asso-ciation’s Century Club is in searchof the 2012 Centenarian of theYear. In order to qualify for thishonorable recognition, your birthdate must be before June 4, 1899!You must be at least 113 years oldto be considered to earn this recog-nition.

According to Century Clubrecords, Beryl Kapaun who lives inSalem, SD, was born June 4, 1899,is currently the eldest living SouthDakotan celebrating her 113thbirthday!

The Century Club is open toeveryone in the State of SouthDakota upon reaching his or her100th birthday. There are no duesand every inductee receives a spe-cially designed, framed certificateand membership card. The Cen-

Searching for oldestliving S.D. / Beryl isgoing for a Four-Peat!

tury Club has inducted over 1,000members since it began in 1997. A specially designed, framed cer-tificate will be presented to thecurrent eldest living Century ClubMember recognizing him or her asthe “Centenarian of the Year."

If you know someone in yourcommunity that would qualify forthe Centenarian of the Year or youwant an application to inductsomeone in to the Century Club,please contact LuAnn Severson,Century Club Coordinator, SouthDakota Health Care Association at1-800-952-3052 or write: CenturyClub, South Dakota Health CareAssociation, 804 N Western Av-enue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 or youmay download an application

The 398 high school boys be-tween their junior and senioryears, who were delegates to the70th Annual Session of The Amer-ican Legion Boys State of SouthDakota held their general electionfor state officers on Thursday, May31st. The candidates for Governorand Lt. Governor of both parties,Nationalist and Federalist, weresubjected to questions during mid-morning assembly in the JohnsonFine Arts Center on the campus ofNorthern State University. All del-egates returned to their respectivecities prior to lunch to cast their

2012 American Legion Boys’ State of S.D.announces election results and awards

ballots. After lunch, election resultswere announced by Boys State Ex-ecutive Officer Todd Otterberg ofSpearfish. Ty Wiley of Sioux Falls, who will

be a senior this year at Sioux FallsWashington High School, waselected as Governor. Elected as Lt. Governor wasDustin Johnson of Brandon ValleyHigh School. John Slunecka of Sioux Fallsand Mitchell Keena also of SiouxFalls were selected as the two del-egates to represent South Dakota

at The American Legion Boys Na-tion in Washington, D.C. in July.David Strain of Sturgis and MicahRobideaux of Rapid City were se-lected as Alternates for Sluneckaand Keena, respectively. Adrian Del Grosso of Huron wasselected as the 2012 recipient ofthe Samsung, American LegionScholarship of $1,000. Del Grossois now a national finalist and is el-igible and entered into competitionfor an additional scholarship fromThe American Legion. Other election results wereDylan Top of Sioux Falls for Attor-ney General; Stetson Heirigs ofAberdeen for Secretary of State;Brady Jones of Spearfish as StateAuditor; Brady Daly of Sioux Fallsas State Treasurer; ZacharyChristy of Belle Fourche as Com-missioner of School and PublicLands. Elected as members of thePublic Utilities Commission wereThorn Dramstad of Huron, AidenGoetzinger of Rapid City andAustin Benson of Sioux Falls. In non-political elections, thedelegates also elected six justicesto serve on the Supreme Court.Elected as Supreme Court Justiceswere Adrian Del Grosso of Huron,Brandt Dekruif of Mitchell, TylerAnderson of Brandon Valley, CalebHawkes of Madison and DavidDay of Vermillion. Adrian DelGrosso of Huron was subsequentlyselected as the Chief Justice of theSupreme Court. Ryder Wilson of Wall HighSchool was selected as the Speakerof the House of Representatives.

Adam Bierstedt of Sioux Falls wasselected as the Nationalist PartyChairman and Dustin Johnson ofBrandon Valley High School wasthe Nationalist Party KeynoteSpeaker. The Federalist Partychose Joseph Williams of RapidCity as their Party Chairman andJack Seitz of Aberdeen as theirKeynote Speaker. Dustin Johnson of Brandon Val-ley High School captured the hon-ors of Outstanding Speaker. KyleOrtmeier of Faulkton was selectedas the Outstanding Boys State Cit-izen. The Chandler L. Beach Memo-rial Scholarship, which recognizesthe Boys State Delegate who bestexemplifies the purpose of Ameri-can Legion Boys State of SouthDakota, was awarded to TannerComp of Sioux Falls. Nathan Ellenbecker of Pierrewas selected as the Editor of theBoys State Daily Newspaper, theSunshine Scribe and also was theWalter S. Travis Memorial Schol-arship winner. American Legion Boys State ofSouth Dakota was held on thecampus of Northern State Univer-sity in Aberdeen, May 28-June 1,2012, under the direction of BoysState Director Eugene Opbroek ofPickstown. Over 60 volunteer staffmembers from local, county andstate government along with mem-bers of the SD Army NationalGuard, colleges and universities,and associations in South Dakotaassisted The American Legion inpresenting the program.

credit hours to be named to the listthis semester. Making the deans list are: •Shelby Johnson, Quinn •Marla Kelly, Quinn •Colby Smith, Quinn •Carmen Moschell, Wall

Farm Service Agency (FSA) hasannounced the date for filing nom-inating petitions to the County Of-fice Committee election. Everylocal resident involved in a farm-ing operation is urged to contactthe Pennington County FSA Officeto be sure they are on the list of el-igible voters and participants. Thedeadline for filing a nominationpetition for the election is August1, 2012. A complete list of area farmersand ranchers eligible to vote in theelection is available in the Pen-nington County office located at414 E Stumer Rd., Rapid City, SD.The election will be held in the

University of South Dakota stu-dents have been honored for theiracademic success during the 2012Spring Semester.

USD students achieving Dean’sList honors this spring total 1,518students while 399 part-time stu-dents have been cited with Aca-demic Recognition honors.

Students earn Dean’s List dis-tinction by achieving a GPA of atleast 3.5 while maintaining acourse load of 12 or more credithours with no incomplete or failinggrades. Part-time students are eli-gible for Academic Recognition by

FSA COC election announcedLocal Administrative Area (LAA)#1. This area consists of NortheastPennington County, East of theCheyenne River and North of aline six miles north of Wall. Har-lan Eisenbraun currently repre-sents this area. His second termexpires on December 31, 2012. All local farmers and ranchersand their spouses that own and/oroperate in LAA #1 are eligible tovote in the election. All a producerneeds to do is get his/her name onthe list of eligible voters at thecounty office. All farmers eligibleto vote are also eligible to file anomination form for the county of-fice committee. It is important thatthe committee represents all of theagricultural interest in the area.FSA works with all kinds of farm-ers - small and large operations,female and minority producers,growers of specialty crops, etc. Interested farmers and ranchersshould contact the PenningtonCounty Farm Service Agency at605-342-0301 extension #2, for fur-ther information. The FSA office has moved to 414E STUMER RD, STE 100, RAPIDCITY, SD 57701 (this is locatedon the east end of Fifth Streetacross from the new Walmart cur-rently under construction).

completing at least 12 hours priorto the current semester earning aminimum of three and up to 11credit hours during the term andachieving a GPA of at least 3.5with no failing or incompletegrades.

Students receiving academichonors for the 2012 spring semes-ter are listed below by state orcountry, hometown and honor re-ceived:

•Wall: Lisa Anderson, Erin MSimpfenderfer, Amanda R Fischer,Ashton R Schulz.

South Dakota faces the possibil-ity of destructive grasshopper out-breaks every year, and predictingthose outbreaks before they hap-pen can be challenging.

Experts look at current weatherconditions and survey data fromprevious years to predict whatmight happen this year. While awidespread outbreak is unlikely,the potential is definitely there forisolated problem areas across thestate.

Early scouting is the key to ef-fectively controlling problemgrasshoppers.

Grasshoppers go through fivenymphal stages before adulthood.They are most susceptible to treat-ments as nymphs. Once grasshop-pers reach adulthood, they aremuch tougher to control. Sincethey begin laying eggs immedi-ately, spraying too late will notbreak their life cycle.

Grasshopper densities acrossSouth Dakota reached historic lev-els in the summer of 2010. Lastyear threatened to be one of theworst grasshopper years since theearly 1930s, but Mother Nature in-tervened. Early warmth followedby a cool wet May and June helpedkeep the grasshoppers in checknaturally.

Newly hatched grasshoppers arevery susceptible to cold, wetweather that increases the preva-lence of bacteria and disease that

Start scouting now for grasshopperscan cause mortality. Althoughthose weather patterns helped tolimit early hatching species, latehatching species thrived with sur-plus vegetation, moderate temper-atures, and a late frost. Perfectconditions late last summer willlikely result in escalatinggrasshopper population numbersthis summer.

Reports have been received inthe past two weeks of hatchesstarting in the southern tier ofSouth Dakota counties and pro-gressing north. If the hatch pro-gresses at a normal pace, mid-June will be the perfect time forcontrol activities.

The South Dakota Departmentof Agriculture, USDA Animal andPlant Health Inspection Service,and SDSU Extension Service willbe collaborating to keep the publicinformed about grasshopper condi-tions and provide producers withtailored information on grasshop-per treatment options.

Agriculture is South Dakota'sNo. 1 industry, generating nearly$21 billion in annual economic ac-tivity and employing more than80,000 South Dakotans. The SouthDakota Department of Agricul-ture's mission is to promote, pro-tect, preserve and improve this in-dustry for today and tomorrow.Visit us online at or follow us onFacebook and Twitter.

Park Rangers received a 911 callfrom two European visitors at ap-proximately 10:30 a.m. Thursday,June 7, reporting an injured hikeron the Notch Trail. Park Rangers and the InteriorVolunteer Fire Department werefirst on scene after hiking in a cou-ple of miles to find Dave Johnsona 57 year old man from Audubon,Pennsylvania who had fallen, slid-ing into a crack and was experienc-ing severe leg and back pain alongwith numerous cuts and scrapes. He stated that he had startedhiking at 7:30 this morning andhad been trapped and unable toget help until he was discovered. Multiple agencies responded tothe incident including Kadoka andPhilip Ambulance companies,Jackson County Sheriff ’s officersand the South Dakota HighwayPatrol. After assessing both his injuriesand the situation, it was deter-mined that the safest and most ap-propriate method of rescue wouldbe by helicopter, especially consid-ering the difficulty of bringing a

Injured hiker rescuedin Badlands on June 7

litter down the wood/cable ladderthat connects the upper and lowerparts of the Notch Trail. Black Hills Life Flight was al-ready on scene with both a flightnurse and paramedic having hikedin to provide advanced medicalcare. After the South Dakota Air Na-tional Guard arrived on scene,they were able to use a cable hoistto bring the victim to the LifeFlight Helicopter for evacuation toRapid City Regional Medical Cen-ter.

Park Rangers and the Interior Volunteer Fire Department hikeinto the injured hiker. ~Courtesy Photos

Dave Johnson being loadedinto the Black Hills Life flighthelicopter.

Page 3: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012

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Area News Pennington County Courant • June 14, 2012• Page 3

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The governor’s Commission onChild Support will conduct publichearings this summer to gatherinput on potential changes toSouth Dakota’s child-supportguidelines and related statutes. The commission is conductingits required four-year review ofSouth Dakota’s child-supportguidelines and is comprised of rep-resentatives of custodial and non-custodial parents, family law at-torneys, the Judiciary, Legislature,and Department of Social Services.The commission may recommendchanges that reflect adjustmentsin the costs of raising children, pa-ternity establishment and dises-tablishment processes and pre-

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Commission on child support to hold hearings on proposed guideline changes

sumptions, and other issues withrelated statutes. The commissionwill submit its report and recom-mendations to Gov. Dennis Dau-gaard by Dec. 31, 2012, to be con-sidered during the 2013 legislativesession. Public hearings will be held onMonday, July 2, 2012, from 6 – 8p.m. MDT in the Lincoln Room atthe Ramkota Hotel, 2111 N.LaCrosse Street, Rapid City, andMonday, Aug. 13, 2012, from 6 –8 p.m. CDT in the Palisades roomsone and two at the Holiday InnCity Centre, 100 W. 8th Street,Sioux Falls. The hearings are not intendedfor specific comments or to address

complaints involving individualchild-support cases or visitation.Discussions during the publichearings will be limited to poten-tial changes to the child-supportguidelines and statutes. Written comments or sugges-tions may also be submitted forconsideration by the full commis-sion by mailing them to the De-partment of Social Services, Attn:Child Support Commission, 700Governors Drive, Pierre, SD57501-2291 or by e-mailing [email protected]. The commission’s final reportwill be available on the DSS web-site:

To walk through a cemeteryis to walk through history. “A gravestone is something tan-gible to remember that person by.When I drive by a cemetery, thefirst thing I look at is the older sec-tion. I’m curious about the styleand design of the gravestones andthe names on the gravestones,”said Virginia Hanson, archivist atthe State Archives of the SouthDakota State Historical Society, lo-cated in the Cultural HeritageCenter in Pierre. She often lec-tures about genealogy and themeaning of gravestones. Wood was a common materialused to mark graves from the1840s to about 1910 in SouthDakota. “People often ask me why wehave so many unmarked burialsites. A reason is the markers pos-sibly were made of wood. Woodonly lasts so long,” Hanson said. Names cut in wood became lessvisible as the wood weathered.Some wooden markers were con-sumed in prairie fires. Large rocks were also used tomark the location of graves. Some of the earliest gravestones

The meaning of gravestone carvings

in South Dakota were made oflocal stone, with the name of thedeceased and year of death carvedby hand into the stone. Symbolswere added if the family could af-ford it. “Carvers charged by the letter,so if there was a lot of carving inthe gravestone, that was quite aninvestment,” Hanson said. Many of the symbols carved on agravestone reflected the national-ity of the deceased. A Celtic cross might symbolizesomeone who came from Ireland orScotland, and an iron cross mightdenote the German-Russian peo-ples. Some of the common carvings ontombstones in South Dakota wereflowers, gates, butterflies and bro-ken rings. Flowers symbolized con-dolences, grief or sorrow, whileclosed roses meant brevity ofearthly existence. A gate symbol-ized the open gateway from earthto heaven. A broken ring meantthe family circle was severed. Alamb was often seen on the grave-stones of those under 16 andmeant innocence or youth. An in-verted torch meant sudden death

Four iron crosses at the Saint Wenceslas Graveyard in Tabor.Traditionally, a graveyard is a burial ground by a church. A ceme-tery is a separate piece of land that is a burial ground.

~Photos by South Dakota State Historical Society – Archives

The gravestone with a lamb onit was taken at the GettysburgCity Cemetery.

or the sudden loss of an adult life. Symbols often reflected member-ship in an organization or militaryservice. A Sears and Roebuck Catalogfrom about 1912 offered differenttombstones and styles that peoplecould order. “So if you see several stones withthe same pattern, there is a goodchance they were ordered throughthe local market,” Hanson said. The meaning of gravestone carv-ings has changed over the years.Wheat or corn stalks once symbol-ized ripe old age, but now it canmean the deceased was a farmer,Hanson said. “Since 1950, with modern etch-ing, you see about anything as faras tombstone markings -- rodeoscenes, airplanes, farm machinery,or a portrait of a person,” Hansonsaid. Motion sensors make it possiblefor a recording to turn on whenpeople walk by the gravestone andlight sensitive lamps turn on whenthe sun sets. “Back 100 years ago youwouldn’t think of putting a lamp ata grave, but now, a light at thegravesite is a modern symbol of re-membering the spirit of that per-son,” Hanson said. This moment in South Dakotahistory is provided by the SouthDakota Historical Society Founda-tion, the nonprofit fundraisingpartner of the South Dakota StateHistorical Society. Find us on theweb at

South Dakota state parks willhold several special events overFather’s Day weekend. The activi-ties are a great way to spend asummer day with your family.Make plans to attend the followingevents: •The Big Mick, June 16, 5 a.m.MDT on the George S. MickelsonTrail in the Black Hills. Are you upfor the challenge? Join us for thisbike ride of the entire 109-mileMickelson Trail in one day. Snacksand meals are provided. Info: 605-584-3896 or •Treats for Dad, June 16, 10:30a.m. CDT at Oakwood Lakes StatePark near Volga. Make sometreats for dad on Father's Dayweekend! Info: 605-627-5441 •Parrot Program, June 16, 11a.m. CDT at Newton Hills StatePark near Canton. Bring yourfamily and lawn chairs to campsite85E to learn about the Ensz fam-ily's eight parrots from all over theworld. They will tell us all aboutwhat it is like to live with thesefriendly birds. Children under 12years old need to be accompaniedby an adult. Info: 605-987-2263 •Stars in the Afternoon, June16, 1 p.m. CDT at Newton HillsState Park near Canton. Learnabout stars, planets and how a re-

Make plans to attend Father’s Dayweekend events in S.D. parks

flector telescope works. Partici-pants will make a small craft tohelp in learning constellations.This program qualifies as a JuniorNaturalist Program. Info: 605-987-2263 •Lewis and Clark HomesteadDay, June 16, 1-4 p.m. CDT atPierson Ranch Recreation Areanear Yankton. Enjoy an afternoonfull of family activities. Make but-ter and candles, sample home-made ice cream, watch rope-mak-ing and spinning demonstrationsor enter the homemade pie con-test! Info: 605-668-2985 •More Than One Way to Boil anEgg! Campfire Novelty Cooking,June 16, 2 p.m. CDT at PalisadesState Park near Garretson. Learnhow to cook on an open campfirewith more than just a stick. Youwill learn how to boil an egg, cookmuffins and more. Recipes andsamples available. Info: 605-594-3824 •Father’s Day Bluebird BoxWorkshop, June 16, 6 p.m. MDT atAngostura Recreation Area nearHot Springs. Gather at the hostsite at Cascade Campground tomake a bluebird box for the moun-tain bluebirds of the area. Partici-

pants will learn what makes themountain bluebirds special to thearea and some tricks to enticethem to use the crafted box. Bringa hammer and Dad! Info: 605-745-6996 •Lantern Tour, June 16, 9:30p.m. CDT at Fort Sisseton HistoricState Park near Lake City. Tourhistoric Fort Sisseton by the lightof a lantern. Learn about the peo-ple and events that make this his-toric site famous. Info: 605-448-5474 •Lantern Hike, June 16, 9:30p.m. CDT at Chief White CraneRecreation Area near Yankton.Discover the sights and sounds ofthe night during a hike on theChief White Crane Trail. Info: 605-668-2985. Participants are encouraged towear comfortable walking shoesand dress for the weather. There isno cost to participate in any of theevents; however, park entrance li-censes are required. For more information on activi-ties in the SD state parks,, contact the indi-vidual park office, or call 605-773-3391.

The biopsy report described ful-minant or raging hepatitis, theviral test was positive for cy-tomegalovirus or CMV, and every-thing else was negative. We thendiscussed her case at length withthe infectious disease and liverspecialists by phone, and kept herin our hospital as we were advisedthere was no advantage gained byreferral to a larger hospital. Despite following every recom-mendation of the experts and thetextbooks, we observed how ourpatient’s liver function continuedto deteriorate. Over the next weekand a half she slipped away fromour grasp and died in a coma, sur-rounded by her children and theirfamilies. This was some twentyyears ago and it taught me howour lives truly depend on a func-tioning liver. But I still wonder about thecase. Why did this common virusfound in 80 percent of the adultpopulation kill her? What could Ihave done differently to save thislovely lady? Despite all the gathered knowl-edge available to physicians,sometimes we are helpless. Dr. Rick Holm wrote this edito-rial for “On Call®,” a weekly pro-gram where medical professionalsdiscuss health concerns for thegeneral public. “On Call®” is pro-duced by the Healing Words Foun-dation in association with theSouth Dakota State UniversityJournalism Department. “OnCall®” airs Thursdays on SouthDakota Public Broadcasting-Tele-vision at 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m.Mountain. Visit us at

By Richard P. Holm MD Despite all the gathered knowl-edge available to physicians,sometimes we are helpless. She was in her mid-80s, a nor-mal-sized classy-dressed lady, whowalked into my office with yelloweyes. She stated her urine hadturned dark and the stool turnedlight about a week ago, was feeling“ishy” now for a couple of weeks,and had lost five or ten poundsover the last month. She noted herbelly was bloated, her skin wasitching, and her get-up-and-go hadgot-up-and-gone. My patient reminded me shewas a farm-wife who, after herhusband’s death, moved to townand lived in an apartment alone,although kids lived nearby. Shehad lead a careful life without ex-posure to excessive alcohol ordrugs, was only taking a multiplevitamin, no herbal supplements,and had only one lifetime sexualpartner. She had never received atransfusion, never been to a for-eign country, no family history ofliver disease or cancer, never beentreated for diabetes, and no im-mune condition like lupus. Her husband had worked withfarm chemicals and insecticides,and although they worked to-gether sometimes moving cattle orwith fieldwork during harvesttime, her jobs mostly involved out-side dealing with chickens and in-side preparing for meals, withoutmuch exposure to chemicals. Inshort, she gave no clue to any-thing, which may cause inflamedliver or “hepatitis.” We admitted her to the hospitalwhere we obtained blood tests, im-aging tests, a liver biopsy, all thewhile monitoring her carefully es-pecially for bleeding problems.

The Prairie Doc Perspective: A tale of hepatitis

The Tuesday, June 5, primaryelection was held in South Dakota. Presidential candidates, StateSenators, State Representatives,U.S. Representative, States Attor-ney, School Board members and Al-derman position were on the ballot. Total Registered voters for Pen-nington County are 61,635. Totalballots cast were 12,764, with Re-publicans totalling 8,986, Democ-rats 3,254, and Nonpartisans 524. Results of the election for theWall area are: Presidential raceRon Paul ................................. 907Mitt Romeny ........................ 5,701Rick Santorum ....................... 923New Gingrich ......................... 336

State Senator District 30George W. Ferebee .................. 401 Bruce Rampelberg .................. 639 State Represenatives Dis-

trict 33Two positions were up for electionMike Verchio ........................... 602Travis L. Bies .......................... 221Tim Behlings .......................... 289Florence K. Thomspon ........... 188Lance Russell .......................... 441 States AttorneyGlenn Brenner ..................... 2,768Mark A. Vargo ..................... 5,688 U. S. Representative Jeff Barth ............................. 2,315Matt Varilek ........................ 3,126 Wall School District 51-5Three positions were up for electionScot Eisenbraun ...................... 257Pamela Johnson ...................... 259Todd Trask ............................... 241Angela Lytle ............................ 178

June 5 election results

Arla Olson (pictured) BevDartt and Mildred Harnischchecked in voters at the WallCommunity Center meetingroom for the June 5 primaryelection.

~Photo Laurie Hindman

Page 4: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012

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Pennington County Courant • June 14, 2012 • Page 4Socials

Wall NewsGathered by Frances Poste

Cindy Severson, Vernal, Utahcame to Spearfish on May 21st tostay with her sister, Cleo Roweand to help Charlene Kjerstadwith the rehearsal supper for Con-rad and Kalie Thursday, May 24th.Charlene spent Tuesday to Satur-day with her sisters. Claude andIsabel Ramsey hosted the re-hearsal supper at their house andthe opening of wedding gifts onSaturday. Cindy's daughter, An-drea Severson and her husbandJosh Christianson from Ft.Belvoir, Virginia arrived inSpearfish to stay at Claude and Is-abel's and attend Conrad andKalie's wedding and the weddingof another friend of Andrea's shehad met in college in Kansas onSunday in Spearfish. They re-turned to their homes on Thurs-day, May 31st. Wednesday, June 6, CharleneKjerstad drove to Spearfish whereshe had lunch with her Aunt HazelThompson, cousin, Russell Thomp-son and his wife, Jody, and sister,Cleo Rowe. Russell, Jody andCharlene took Hazel for her pre opappointment with her new doctorin Spearfish to be okayed for herhip replacement surgery on June22, in Spearfish. Charlene spentthe night with Cleo and visited hermother, Bea Ramsey Thursdaymorning. Penny Thompson,Hazel's daughter-in-law fromPhilip had been in Hot Springswith Hazel's sister-in-law, EnidThompson all week and broughtEnid to Spearfish to see the doctorand the apartments where Hazellives and they had lunch withHazel at the Hickory House. Char-lene and Cleo visited all of them.Charlene returned home Thurs-day. Roger and Judy Fiegen, Dell

Rapids, SD came to their daughter,Laurie and Brennan Kjerstad's onWednesday, June 6, to be here forthe arrival of their new grandsonwho arrived Friday, June 8th at5:10 p.m.; Westan Roger Kjerstad,7 lbs. 20 1/2 in long at Rapid CityRegional Hospital. Austan had at-tended the Methodist VacationBible School with his cousins,Kyler and Karmyn Kjerstad, andBria Buhmann Tuesday throughFriday. So after the program Fri-day night Roger and Judy tookAustan and Lexi to the hospital tosee the new baby. Grandma Char-lene and Aunt Muriel drove upthen also. Laurie and baby, Westancame home Saturday night.Grandpa Roger went home Sun-day morning and Grandma Judy isstaying for a few days to help out. Mary Kjerstad and MargeWinkowitsch received word Satur-day that their youngest brother,Ben Winkowitsch had died inIdaho. Sunday afternoon Charlene tookRachel Buhmann, Rachel Kjer-stad, and Dianne Terkildsen toPhilip for the outstanding musical"Honky Tonk Angels" put on by thePhilip Drama Club. Rachel Kjer-stad's parents, Ron and Linda Par-sons, New Underwood joined themat the play and commented it wasone of the best they had ever at-tended. Merlin and Betty Crown went toAberdeen on Friday to watch theirgrandson Bailey Hauge play base-ball. They won both games againstMitchell. That seemed to set thepace for the weekend tournamentin Watertown on Saturday andSunday. The fourteen year old Ab-erdeen “Smitty” won their gamesagainst Watertown, Brookings andPipestone, MN. The Smitty wenton to play Sioux Falls for theChampionship. It turned out to bea short game. They won by the 10run rule ending the game in thefourth inning. That made for someexcited ball players and somehappy parents. Mary Jane Doyle and BarbCroell of Sundance, spent a won-derful week in Silver City. TheBlack Hills are gorgeous. MerlinDoyle, Jeramy Croell and TashaTonne of Lawler, IA, Steven Doyleand Susan Spent of Rapid City,and Jim Doyle of Spearfish spenta day with them. Kent and Kelly Lurz treated allof the family to a wonderful dinnerfor Kay Leonard’s birthday onSunday. The Leonards, Caswells,Davisons and Kroells were in at-tendance. Happy belated birthday,Kay!

Our congratulations go out toHarold Delbridge for being hon-ored for his many years of an-nouncing at the Wall High SchoolRegional Rodeos. June is considered the month forweddings — no wonder there areso many anniversaries to cele-brate! Steve and Terry McDonnellhave been married 40 years onJune 10th. Joe and June Wanczykhave been married 65 years onJune 10th. Bill and Karyl Sandalhave been married 50 years onJune 16th. Our congratulations goout to all of these couples! Dates to mark on your calendar:“Theme” meal at Prairie Villagewill be on June 19th. Menu listscider braised pork chops, countrymacaroni salad, broccoli/cauli-flower, applesauce and cake. Sen-ior Citizen potluck is at six o’clockon the evening of June 21st. Ashton Schulz and Tyler Swiftwere married at the First Evangel-ical Lutheran Church, Wall, onSaturday, June 9th. A receptionwas held at the Wall CommunityCenter. Our heartiest congratula-tions and the best of wishes go outto the couple! Michelle Lamphere was home inRapid City the past weekend. Enroute back to Sioux Falls on Mon-day, she stopped to have lunchwith her grandma Frances Poste— celebrating her birthday a dayearly. We took in the “ribbon-cut-ting” ceremony outside the Com-munity Building and had a gameof Scrabble. Janis Yager of Illinois, is in Wallvisiting her dad, Bernard Foster. We are sorry to hear of the deathof Harold Michels, a victim of can-cer. The Michels came from Mon-

tana and lived on a place north ofWall. Our condolences go out toSue and the rest of the family. The Methodist’s Vacation BibleSchool was a big success last week.Seems there were 28 in atten-dance. Evelyn Kjerstad reported thatthe WHS class of 1954 were hav-ing their monthly luncheon at arestaurant in Rapid City on June7th. Eileen Flatt had invited her tojoin her as she was planning to at-tend. Donna Jedlicka and FrancesPoste went to Philip on Sunday af-ternoon for the last performance of“Honky Tonk Angels”, a musicalcomedy put on by the PhilipDrama Group. Maureen Palecek,Barbara Bowen and Deb Smith dida fantastic job! A lot of other “Wall”folks were seen in the audience. This coming Sunday, June 17this Father’s Day. May all you dadsenjoy your day! The State High School Rodeostarts on June 20th at BelleFourche. Good luck to all contest-ants! Lyle and Viola Williams at-tended the funeral for Wilma Ben-son in New Underwood, last week.Our sympathy goes out to the Ben-son family. The Class of ‘51 had theirmonthly luncheon on Monday inRapid City, Kay Leonard attended. We have had more wind againthis week. Some rain came with iton Thursday night and again onSaturday night. It always leaves alot of downed branches in its wake.More damage was done in otherareas. The rain is always welcome— a variety of totals given.

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Submitted byLola Joyce Riggins

837-2053 Greetings… Opps, is it really al-ready Sunday again? There wasquite a serious weather forecastlast evening but I haven’t heard tomuch. Eldon and Lillian Helms re-ceived about one and a quarter toone and one-half inches of rain.Bob Helms received about 1.35inches with a threat but it was justa little hail. Eldon’s branded today.Emily and Eli were home, and Timand Darla Johannesen, and familyof Rapid City also joined thebranding crew. Then they had funon the four wheelers. Ruby Gabriel drove to ClearLake and enjoyed dinner in hersister’s, Beverly and HerbHamann and Breck, home. Shealso visited her niece Arla Poindex-

ter, who had an accident with thesqueeze chute getting her handcrushed. I, Lola Joyce Riggins, accompa-nied Norma Stverak of Rapid Cityto Sioux Falls, Friday. We wentdown for her son Chuck to give hercar and the air conditioner theonce over, twice over, anyway wewere over night guests in the Daveand Sandy Stverak home andHolden. Saturday, we returned. Enroute, we ran into Les and KayWilliams and grandson on theirway to Nebraska, at a rest area.Todd and Lori Stverak and familywere late afternoon callers in theDave Stverak home and Katlynn,Erika and Weston came home withNorma for a week visit. One busylady. Emily Helms was a weekend vis-itor in the Eldon and Lillian Helmshome and attended her classmate’s(Ashton Schulz) wedding. Pat and Mary Lou Guptill at-tended MTSU Ag Day at the Ex-periment Station on Friday at Cot-tonwood. When Kale Guptill completeshis Basic Training at Ft. Hood, hewill be transfered to Kuwait for atour of duty. My grandson Chris, Anitalyn,Dylan and Stanley are in theprocess of moving back to Kadokaand I accompanied Anitalyn toRapid City, Wednesday, to keep aneye appointment with Dr. Wright.Dylan and Stanley also went. Thought: To be able to look backupon one’s life in satisfaction is to

live twice — Success is never final.Failure is never fatal. It is courage

that counts.

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June 18th: Bacon Cheeseburger

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June 19th: Chicken Enchilada

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FOCUS ON THE FAMILYwith Dr. JamesDobson

Dr. Dobson Answersyour Questions

QUeSTioN: I'm a father of twosmall children and my wife is astay-at-home mom. Some menmay not realize how difficult it isto spend your entire day attendingto the needs of little kids, but I'mkeenly aware of the strains andstresses associated with my wife'soccupation. What can I do to helpshoulder the load? ANSWeR: You deserve somespecial recognition for raising sucha thoughtful question. As you'reapparently aware, some hard-working husbands seem to be la-boring under the delusion thatrearing children at home doesn'ttake much effort. If they couldspend a day in their wives' shoes,they'd find out how seriously mis-taken they are. Happily, you don't fall into thatcategory. You're sensitive enoughnot only to see that your wifeneeds help but to ask what you cando to provide it. We're pleased to beable to offer you a few suggestions. First, when you arrive homeafter your long, tiring day, remem-ber that your wife has had anequally long and tiring day. Thereare two things she needs most atthis point: 1) adult conversation,including expressions of apprecia-tion for what she has been doing;and 2) an adult pair of hands topitch in, take charge of one or morechildren, wrangle dirty diapers orother debris or begin any other ac-tivity that will lighten her load. Second, don't expect to be takencare of like another child. Pick upyour own clothes and toys. Third, don't expect much sexualresponse if your wife is exhaustedand you haven't done much tohelp. Remember that sex begins inthe kitchen — with meaningfulconversation, compliments, acts ofkindness and some elbow greaseapplied to the tasks at hand. Fourth, get actively involved inor even take over the process ofgetting your kids ready for bed. Asthey get older, you will hearthoughts and questions at bedtimethat won't be expressed at anyother time of the day. Be ready tolisten and be amazed. Fifth, maintain the habit of aregular date night — a meal (fancyor otherwise), a concert, a walk,whatever your imagination andbudget can manage — in whichthe focus is conversation and com-panionship. Make it a point tokeep your wife current on yourday's activities and to find outabout hers. Call her during the dayto touch base, offer an encouragingword or simply say, "I love you."Flowers and gifts for no particularreason speak volumes. Sixth, if your hours at workseem to be getting longer, stop andtake an honest look at your atti-tude. Are you listening to the sirensong that says your career is morefulfilling than your life at home? Isyour commitment to your job turn-ing your wife into a single parent?If so, find some practical ways tochange directions — fast. Finally, see if you can manage totake her away for a romanticweekend, or even dinner and anovernight stay at a pleasant loca-tion where her daily responsibili-ties are temporarily suspended.With planning and creativity, thisneed not be expensive. Anotherworthwhile activity is a marriage-enrichment weekend such as aFamilyLife conference, which canserve as a therapeutic time-outand an opportunity to renew anddeepen your commitment to oneanother. QUeSTioN: I'm anxious to bea mother, but my husband doesn'twant to have children yet. My bio-logical clock is ticking away, and

the tension between us is growing,but he says he isn't ready to takethe step into parenthood. How canwe resolve this conflict? ANSWeR: There must be somereason your husband doesn't feelready to start a family yet. Thebest thing you can do at this pointis find a way to get to the heart ofthose feelings. It's pointless tothink of moving forward until thetwo of you can arrive at some kindof a mutual understanding. This will have to be handledcarefully and sensitively. Somemen can feel a bit intimidated by asit-down, face-to-face confronta-tion. If your husband is like that,you might suggest that the two ofyou spend a day engaging in somekind of shared activity that he en-joys, like fishing or hiking. Then,when you're both relaxed and hav-ing a good time, tell him you've gotsomething on your mind and askhim if he wouldn't mind talkingabout it. A common mistake in marriageis trying to be the person we per-ceive our spouse wants us to be in-stead of being ourselves. So bestraightforward and honest. Re-member you married your hus-band because there was a "spark"of some kind between the two ofyou: an emotional, spiritual, andsocial connection. When there is anegative shift in the relationship,the first thing to do is to attemptto restore and preserve that con-nection. When the time seems right,start by saying, "I really want tounderstand your feelings aboutstarting a family." Based on whatyou've said about him, we assumehe'll probably respond, "I don'twant to start a family yet." It's atthis point that you'll need to steelyourself to resist the temptation towhine, lecture or interrogate.Adopt a listening attitude and lethim say whatever he needs to say.Don't interrupt or take the discus-sion down any rabbit-trails. Whenhe's finished, simply start overand, like a "broken record," reiter-ate your original concern: "I reallyneed to talk about this." If he puts you off again, followthe same procedure. Don't criticizehim or cut him off. Just adopt the"broken record" approach and keepverbalizing your own feelings in acalm and respectful tone of voice.Ask him to give the matter somethought. If this doesn't help you get to theheart of the matter, it would be agood idea to consider the option ofshort-term marriage counseling.Focus on the Family's CounselingDepartment can supply you with alist of referrals to qualified mar-riage-and-family professionals inyour area. You can reach our coun-selors Monday through Friday be-tween 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.Mountain time at 855-771-HELP(4357). It might also be advisablefor both you and your husband toseek out the help and guidance ofolder and wiser mentors withinthe spiritual community of yourlocal church.

Send your questions to Dr. Dob-son, c/o Focus on the Family, POBox 444, Colorado Springs, CO80903. This question and answeris excerpted from books authoredby Dr. James Dobson and pub-lished by Tyndale House Publish-ers. Dr. Dobson is the Chairman ofthe Board of Focus on the Family,a nonprofit organization dedicatedto the preservation of the home.Copyright 2003 James Dobson,Inc. All rights reserved. Interna-tional copyright secured.

Page 5: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012

we don’t charge…Obituaries, engagements and wedding write-ups

are published free of charge. Call 279-2565or e-mail [email protected].

Pennington County Courant • June 14, 2012 • Page 5Religious

Wall Bldg.Center

279-2158Wall, SD

De's Tire& Muffler


Wall, SD



Call 279-2565 to be a

sponsor on this church


Rush Funeral HomeChapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka

Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush

Dowling Community ChurchMemorial Day through Labor Day

Service 10:00 a.m.

Badlands Cowboy ChurchWall Rodeo GroundsWednesdays, 7 p.m.

Evangelical Free Bible ChurchWall

Ron Burtz, Pastor279-2867 •

Wednesdays: Good News Club, 2:45 p.m.,Awana 4:45 p.m., Youth Nite, 7:00 p.m.;

Sundays: Sunday School &Adult Bible Fellowship, 9 a.m.,

Sunday Worship Service, 10:30 a.m.,Women’s Bible Study, 6:30 p.m.

Interior Community ChurchHighway 44 East

Sunday School 9:30 a.m.;Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m.

Scenic Community ChurchPastor Ken Toews

Services - 2nd and 4th Sundays9:00 a.m.; Sept. through May.

First Baptist ChurchNew underwood

Pastor James HarbertBible Study, 9:00 a.m.;

Sunday Services, 10:00 a.m.

Wall united Methodist ChurchPastor Darwin Kopfmann • 279-2359

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.Wasta

Services Sundays at 8:30 a.m.

New underwood Community Church Pastor Wes Wilean

Sunday School 9 a.m.;Adult & Children Service 10 a.m.;

Youth Fellowship: Wed. 7 - 8:30 p.m.

St. John's Catholic ChurchNew underwood

Father William ZandriMass: Sundays at 11:00 a.m.;Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. at

Good Samaritan Nursing Home;Reconciliation before Sun. Mass

First Evangelical Lutheran ChurchWall

Pastor Curtis GarlandSunday Service, 9 a.m.

Emmanuel Lutheran ChurchCreighton

Services 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning.

St. Patrick's Catholic Church • WallRev. Leo Hausmann

Masses: Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m.Weekdays refer to Bulletin

St. Margaret Church • LakesideMass: Saturday 7 p.m. even number months or

Sunday 10 a.m. odd number months

Holy Rosary Church • InteriorMass: Saturday 7 p.m. odd number months or

Sunday 10 a.m. even number months

by Cornelius R. StamA man's conduct, in

Scripture, is called his"walk"! The Bible hasmuch to say about how wewalk, morally and spiritu-ally. Many "walk after theirown lusts" (II Pet. 3:3) and"walk in darkness" (John12:35). Some even "walkin craftiness" (II Cor. 4:2)trying to lead others astray.Indeed, even Christian be-lievers are sometimescareless about their "walk"and so cause others tostumble.

Every true child of Godshould be very carefulabout his walk, or conduct.In Eph. 2:8-10 we read thatwhile believers are notsaved by good works, theyare saved "unto goodworks." God's grace is theroot of our salvation, andgood works are the fruit.

Sincere believers inChrist are counted as onewith Him, and it is ex-pected of us that "as Christwas raised up from thedead" after having died forour sins, "even so we also

should walk in newness oflife" (Rom. 6:4).

Christians are exhortedin the Bible to "walk worthyof the Lord, unto all pleas-ing" (Col. 1:10), to "walk inthe spirit" that they mightnot "fulfill the lust of theflesh" (Gal. 5:16). They areexhorted to "walk worthy of[their] calling" (Eph. 4:1), to"walk in the light" (I John1:7) and to "walk as chil-dren of the light" (Eph.5:8). They are exhorted to"walk circumspectly, not asfools, but as wise" (Eph.5:15), to "walk honestly"(Rom. 13:13), to "walk inlove" (Eph. 5:2) and to"walk by faith, not by sight"(II Cor. 5:7).

Much more is said aboutthe believer's walk in theBible, but never are we toldthat it is our "walk," or con-duct, that makes us ac-ceptable for salvation. Ourfailing, stumbling wayscould never earn salvationfor us. On the contrary weare exhorted to walk pleas-ing to the Lord out of sheergratitude to Him.



TWO MINUTESWith The BibleBerean Bible Society

PO Box 756Germantown, WI 53022

Join us for a time of refreshing

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June 14-17

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Phyllis Sims__________________________________mother, grandmother and lovingfriend to many. Phyllis attended the Universityof Nebraska, taught fourth gradein Interior, South Dakota; workedfor several medical specialists inWaynesboro, Virginia; and workedas an Executive Secretary in Skag-way, Alaska and Renton, Washing-ton. She was an avid bridge playerand won many Mercer Islandbridge tournaments with her part-ner. She solved the crossword puz-zle every day with her husband,studied the stock market and en-joyed observing politics.

Phyllis is survived by her hus-band Richard; three children, Kim-berly and Neil, Valerie and John,and Scott and Anne; five grand-children, Collier, Matthew,Rachael, Paige and Natalie. A memorial service was held atthe Emmanuel Episcopal Churchof Mercer Island on Saturday,March 10. Remembrances to: Seattle Can-cer Care Alliance, www/ or Salvation Army in thename of Phyllis Sims.

Phyllis Sims passed away peace-fully at home on March 3, 2012.She will forever be in our heartsand memories. Phyllis was born in Wilber, Ne-braska, on July 23, 1930 and grewup in a loving family as theyoungest of six children. She metRichard, the love of her life andhigh school sweetheart, in Wilber,married in 1951 and spent thenext 61 glorious years together. Dick and Phyllis moved 17 timesin their lives from Nebraska toSouth Dakota to Virginia to Ore-gon to Alaska, retiring in Seattle,Wa. Phyllis was a devoted wife,

Richard Harlan Sims____________________________ing in the NW Regional office inSeattle, his last assignment was asSuperintendent of Klondike GoldRush International Park in Skag-way, Alaska which he was a littlelike living on the side of a volcano,“very pleasant in-between erup-tions”. Our father was a reticent manand lead by example. He was kind,honest and hardworking. He lovednature and being outdoors. If youwanted to know what kind of treeyou just walked by you only had toask Dad. He was very talentedwith his hands and an excellentwoodworker. At one point, everytable and lamp in our home wasmade by Dad. Richard loved musicand singing and had a beautifulvoice. We kids were very lucky togrow up hearing our dad sing

Moon River, Night and Day andDanny Boy, just to name a few.Dad also enjoyed sports and wasan excellent athlete. He was athree sport letterman and winnerof many track and field medals inhigh school. He loved watching theSeattle Mariners and never misseda game. Richard and Phyllis leave be-hind three children: KimberlySims (Neil) of Seattle, ValerieHauter (John) of Bellingham, andScott Sims (Anne) of Mercer Is-land. They had five grandchildren:Matthew and Rachael Sims, Col-lier and Paige Hauter, and NatalieQuek. We loved Dad and Mom dearlyand miss them beyond belief.

Born in the small town ofWester, Nebraska, October 31,1930, our sweet, sensitive fatherdied of a broken heart March 25,2012 in Mercer Island, Wa, 22 daysafter losing Phyllis, his wife of 61years, his high school sweetheartand the love of his life. Richard graduated from theUniversity of Nebraska. He taughtIndustrial Arts and Math for 10years in Scottsbluff, Neb. and alsowas the basketball and tenniscoach. He then had an opportunityto join the National Park Serviceand enjoyed a glorious career untilhis retirement. He was a Rangerat Scottsbluff Natl. Park in Vir-ginia, then Superintendent of Ore-gon Caves Natl. Monument andSuperintendent of Crater LakeNatl. Park in Oregon. After work-

Wilma E. Benson_______________________________

Wilma E. Benson, 88, of RapidCity and formerly of New Under-wood, passed away on Monday,June 4, 2012 at a local nursinghome. Wilma was born April 4, 1924 onher Dad’s homestead located onthe Belle Fourche River. She at-tended Gumbo Lily School which

was located on the opposite side ofthe river. She either had to ride asaddle horse across the river, orwalk across the river on stilts. In 1938, her folks sold theirranch and moved to Sturgis.Wilma graduated from SturgisHigh School. After graduation, shewent to work at the OrdinanceDepot at Provo, SD. She came backto Rapid City the next year andwent to Business College. In 1943,she was employed at the RapidCity Army Air Force Base. It waswhile she worked at this Base thatshe met Harold Benson. They weremarried a year later. They lived ona rented farm for seven years andin 1951 they bought a farm east ofNew Underwood. After all the children graduatedfrom high school, Wilma workedfor the Farmers Union as Educa-tional Director in District 5. Later,she worked for ten years as headcook at Good Samaritan Center inNew Underwood. She was a mem-ber of the Homemakers Club andLadies Fidelis Circle. In 1987, Harold and Wilma sold

their farm and moved to RapidCity. Wilma worked as a volunteerfor the Elderly Meals Program forseveral years. She was a memberof the Minneluzahan Senior Citi-zen Center. She was also a mem-ber and Vice President of the Pen-nington County Council on Aging. Wilma is survived by her hus-band of 68 years, Harold Benson ofRapid City; two sons, Kenneth(Doralyn) Benson, Cedar Rapids,IA, and H. Dean Benson, BelleFourche, SD; three daughters,Beverly (Jerry) Mooney, Wall, SD,Donna (Mick) Coyle, BelleFourche, and Jean (Mike) Treloar,Custer, SD; eight grandchildrenand seven great-grandchildren. Funeral Services were held Sat-urday, June 9, 2012 at New Under-wood Community Church in NewUnderwood, SD, with Pastor WesWileman officiating. Interment followed at the NewUnderwood Cemetery. Family and friends are welcometo sign Wilma’s guestbook

A memorial service with mili-tary honors for Ivo Bannister willbe held Friday, June 22, 2012, at

1:00 p.m., at the Black Hills Na-tional Cemetery, Sturgis. Follow-ing the service, lunch will be at the

VFW Club, Sturgis. Ivo was married to the late IoneFlatt.

Ivo Bannister__________________________________

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todd Sieler

More obituaries on page 10

Harold Michels_________________________________

Harold Michels, age 77, of Wall,S.D., died Saturday, June 9, 2012,at the Hans P. Peterson MemorialHospital in Philip. Harold L. Michels was born De-cember 19, 1934, in Plentywood,Mont., the son of Vernon and Hazel(Wilson) Michels. He attended theSheridan County Schools and grad-uated from Medicine Lake HighSchool in 1955. After graduation,he enrolled in the Park’s Radio andTelevision School in Denver, Colo.Upon graduation from the techni-cal school, he went to work for theLake Electric Shop in MedicineLake, Mont. Harold married Joanna SueDavis on May 26, 1956, in Casper,Wyo., and to this union were borntwo children, Jeff Allen and Teri Jo.In 1958, Harold went to work forLarsen Hardware and ImplementCorp. in Medicine Lake. Afterworking there for many years, hebought Norman Larsen out. Haroldand Sue operated this hardwarestore and the John Deere agencyuntil the late 1970s. After leaving the hardware andimplement business, Haroldstarted H. Michels Construction.His main work was to build oil welllocations, and clean up and restora-

tion work after the oil well hadbeen drilled. Harold also had takenover the operation of his father’sfarm. In 1988, Harold and Sue boughttheir first piece of land north ofWall. In 1993, they bought a dou-blewide for the farm, and moved toSouth Dakota. Harold and Suewent back and forth between Mon-tana and South Dakota for about10 years, farming both places until1998, when they sold the farm inMontana. In 1993, Harold went towork for the State of South Dakota,as a snowplow operator on Inter-state 90, retiring in 1998. Harold was a member of thelocal Moose Lodge, the city council,and a member of the County Plan-ning Board, all of Medicine Lake,Mont. Harold was also a volunteer

fireman in Medicine Lake. Survivors include his wife, SueMichels of Wall; a son, Jeff Michelsand his wife, Carol, of MedicineLake, Mont.; a daughter, Teri JoHove and her husband, Steve, ofHomestead, Mont.; four grandchil-dren; three great-grandchildren;and a host of other relatives andfriends. Harold was preceded in death byhis parents, Vernon and Hazel(Wilson) Michels; one brother,Frank Michels; and one sister, LoisAndrus. Memorial services and burialwill take place at a later date inMedicine Lake, Mont. Arrangements were with theRush Funeral Chapel of Wall. His online guestbook is availableat

Sylvia (Knutson) Schultz__________________________

Sylvia (Knutson) Schultz, age99, of Brookings, S.D., formerly ofPhilip and Pierre, died Saturday,June 9, 2012, at the BrookviewManor in Brookings. Sylvia Gladys Knutson was bornDecember 22, 1912, in ruralHaakon County, the daughter ofAnton and Olga M. (Tungland)Knutson. She grew up in HaakonCounty and received her educationin that area. She attended AlfalfaValley Rural School in the seventhand eighth grade, which her fatherdonated the land for the school.She then attended Philip HighSchool where she sang in the GleeClub, and participated in basket-ball and softball. She worked for Noble Garageand Cafe in Nowlin for a short timeafter high school. It was then thatshe met William Ross “Bill”Mostert, an accordion player, at asquare dance. They were later mar-ried in 1933 in Philip, and to thisunion were born two children,Pauline “Punky” Mae, and BobRoss. They made their home in

Philip. In 1937, her husband Billwas killed in an airplane accident. Sylvia continued to live inPhilip, and raise her two children,as well as work with the WPA inthe courthouse making men’sshirts. She also cooked at the Win-chester Hotel. In 1943, she startedworking for the Farm Loan Associ-ation, measuring maps and aerialphotos. Later that year, she was of-fered a position in Pierre. Sylviaand the kids moved to Pierre wherethey lived on the top floor of theLocke Hotel. While in Pierre, shemet a service man named MatthewNolz, and were married in 1947.Sylvia worked for the superintend-ent of schools and later worked inthe office of the hotel. They thenmoved to Ohio for a short timeafter her children were out of highschool. They moved back to Pierrewhere they managed both theLocke and St. Charles hotels. Herhusband Matt died on January 31,1965. After Matt’s death, Sylvia movedto California for five years beforereturning to Pierre. She took a jobat the city auditor’s office as abookkeeper and office manager atState Publishing Company. It wasthere that she met Philip Schultz.They were later married on No-vember 8, 1980. They made theirhome in Pierre, and Sylvia contin-ued to work for the publishing com-pany. In March of 1983, Philip diedof cancer. Sylvia continued to live inPierre, and in 1986, retired fromthe publishing company. In 2004,she moved to Brookings to be closerto her daughter, Pauline and herfamily, where she has sinceresided. Sylvia was most thankful for her

relatives and friends. Throughouther life, she learned patience andhow to survive during the toughtimes. She will be missed by allthat knew her. Grateful for having shared herlife include her son, Bob Mostertand his wife, Patty, of Vienna, Va.;a daughter, Pauline Earley andDennis I. Johnson of Brookings;eight grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; one great-great-granddaughter; one sister, LillianPerry of Seattle, Wash.; severalnieces and nephews; and a host ofother relatives and friends. Sylvia was preceded in death byher first husband, William Mostert;her second husband, MatthewNolz; her third husband, PhilipSchultz; her parents, Anton andOlga M. (Tungland) Knutson; ason-in-law, Loren Earley; a grand-daughter, Julie Mostert; a grand-son, Kyle Earley; two brothers,Luther and Ted Knutson; and twosisters Helen Culbreath and AliceCarr. Visitation will be held one hourprior to the services. Funeral services will be held at2:00 p.m. Thursday, June 14, at theFirst Lutheran Church in Philip,with Pastor Frezil Westerlund offi-ciating. Interment will be at the MasonicCemetery in Philip. A memorial has been estab-lished. Arrangements are with theRush Funeral Home of Philip. Her online guestbook is avail-able at

Page 6: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012

Sports & Area News Pennington County Courant • June 14, 2012• Page 6


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Martin held their BCHS/JeffWaln Memorial Practice Rodeo onSaturday, May 26. One hundredand twelve contestant entered thetwo performances which were heldon the one day. Prizes were handed out for firstthrough fourth in each perform-ance and Buckles to the averagewinners in each event. Saddleswent to the all-around winners andStar quilts to the reserve all-around winners. The weather was usual, wet andfoggy for the rodeo. Contestants who placed from theWall High School Rodeo team were:First Performance •Pole Bending: first MazeePauley - 22.12. •Breakaway Roping: first -Elsie Fortune - 3.17, third - MatteePauley - 4.17. •Goat Tying: third - MatteePauley - 10.47. •Team Roping: first - TreyRichter and Caleb Schroth - 9.01. •Tie Down Roping: second -Lane Blasius - 14.93.

•Bulls: first - John Luke Mc-Griff - 68.Second Performance •Pole Bending: first MazeePauley -21.905. •Breakaway: first - MatteePauley - 3.76. •Goat Tying: second - MatteePauley - 10.61. •Tie Down Roping: third -Rolly Fortune - 13.64.Average Winners •Pole Bending: Mazee Pauley -44.025. •Breakaway Roping: MatteePauley - 7.93. Wall Regional High SchoolRodeo was held on Friday, Satur-day and Sunday, June 1, 2 and 3. Two hundred and eighty six con-testants entered the rodeo whichhad good weather. Contestantswho place for the Wall High SchoolRodeo team were:First Performance •Barrel Racing: ninth - CarleeJohnston - 17.582. •Breakaway Roping: second -Elsie Fortune - 2.870, tenth -

Mazee Pauley - 21.370. •Goat Tying: sixth - MatteePauley - 10.260, eighth - CarleeJohnston - 10.610, tenth - MazeePauley - 11.010. •Pole Bending: second - MazeePauley - 21.362, eighth - MatteePauley - 22.670. •Steer Wrestling: second - Car-son Johnston - 8.870. •Team Roping: second - TreyRichter and Caleb Schroth - 8.300,fifth - Rolly Fortune and Lane Bla-sius - 10.280. •Tie Down Roping: sixth - Car-son Johnston - 14.870.Second Performance •Barrel Racing: second - Mat-tee Pauley - 17.078, seventh - Car-lee Johnston - 17.397. •Breakaway Roping: second -Mazee Pauley - 3.020, third - ElsieFortune - 3.090, tenth - CarleeJohnston - 5.240. •Goat Tying: first - MazeePauley - 7.920, eighth - CarleeJohnston - 11.350. •Pole Bending: second - CarleeJohnston - 21.606. •Steer Wrestling: third - Car-

The U.S. Forest Service is tak-ing actions to maintain its aerialfirefighting capability after a se-ries of events that have signifi-cantly reduced the number of air-tankers available for wildfire sup-pression over the last year, includ-ing an accident that tragically re-sulted in the deaths of two Nep-tune Aviation Services, Inc. pilots. “The pilots of Tanker 11 losttheir lives protecting public safetyand natural resources,” said TomHarbour, Director of Fire and Avi-ation Management for the U.S.Forest Service. “As the entire fireand aviation community grievestheir loss, we must ensure that wemaintain our capability to fulfillour responsibilities to be preparedto respond vigorously to wildfiresthreatening people, communities,infrastructure, and natural andcultural resources.” The U.S. Forest Service cur-rently has nine operational largeairtankers on exclusive use con-tracts. The U.S. Forest Service hasarranged for a total of four addi-tional airtankers to become avail-able immediately for wildfire sup-pression. Two are CV-580s, one ofwhich is available through anagreement with the state of Alaska

Martin and Wall Regional High School Rodeo results

May 2012, PenningtonCounty Sheriff’s report During the month of May 2012,the Pennington County Sheriff'sOffice recorded the following statis-tics in and around the communityof Wall:

TimeCity hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . .312.50City hrs other deputies . . . .83.50Total City hours . . . . . .396.00Training hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . .16.00Vacation/Sick hrs . . . . . . . . . .0.00County hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00# of times called out/Hrs . . . .2.00

ArrestWarrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Non-Warrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Calls For ServiceAlarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Alcohol Violations . . . . . . . . . . . .1Animal Complaints . . . . . . . . . . .4Assaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Assist Other Agencies . . . . . . . . .7Attempt to Locate . . . . . . . . . . . .6Burglary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Civil Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Community Activity . . . . . . . . . .2Coroner Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Disturbance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0DPP/Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Extra Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168Fire Medical Assist . . . . . . . . . . .3Follow-up Investigation . . . . . .16Found or Lost Property . . . . . . .4

Calls for ServiceKeep the Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0

Minor Consuming . . . . . . . . . . . .1Murder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Robbery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Runaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0School Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0SOLV Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Suicide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Suspicious Activity . . . . . . . . . . .6Theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Weapons Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Welfare Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2911 Hang up Calls . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Civil PatrolAttempted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4City Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0

Traffic ActivityCitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Injury Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Non-Injury Accident . . . . . . . . . .2DUI's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Motorist Assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6School Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Skate/Bike Citation . . . . . . . . . .0Skate/Bike Warning . . . . . . . . . .0Speed Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0Vehicle/Parking Comp . . . . . . . .9 Please feel free to visit withDeputies Louis Lange, DarrenGinn, Sgt. Dustin Morrison, Lt.Kraig Wood or Capt. CoreyBrubakken with any questions orconcerns related to law enforce-ment in and around the Wall Com-munity.

Powerhouse gets a facelift

Painting season is here. Kris Kitterman is sandblasting the Pow-erhouse before he powerwashes and gives the building a freshcoat of paint this summer. ~Photo Laurie Hindman

son Johnston - 10.810. •Team Roping: second - TreyRichter and Caleb Schroth - 9.580,fourth - Rolly Fortune and LaneBlasius - 17.080. •Tie Down Roping: second -Lane Blasius - 12.230, third - RollyFortune.Average •Barrel Racing: sixth - CarleeJohnston - 34.979. •Breakaway Roping: first -Elsie Fortune, fifth - MazeePauley. Goat Tying: fourth - MazeePauley - 18.930, ninth - CarleeJohnston - 21.960. •Pole Bending: fifth - MazeePauley - 48.110, seventh - MatteePauley - 49.468. •Steer Wrestling: second - Car-son Johnston - 19.680. •Team Roping: first - TreyRichter and Caleb Schroth -17.880, third - Rolly Fortune andLane Blasius - 27.360. •Tie Down Roping: sixth -Lane Blasius - 12.23, ninth - RollyFortune - 14.01.

The Sturgis Regional HighSchool Rodeo was held on June 8-10, 2012. This was one of four re-gional rodeos held around SouthDakota this past weekend. Contestants who accumulatethree or more go-around points inan event at regional rodeos qualifyfor the South Dakota State FinalsHigh School Rodeo held in BelleFourche, SD on June 20-24. Formore information, you can checkthe website. ResultsFirst go: •Barrel Racing: third - MazeePauley - 17.513, fourth - BaileyLytle - 17.587, fifth - Carlee John-ston - 17.748. •Breakaway Roping: first -Elsie Fortune - 2.840, fourth - Mat-tee Pauley - 3.840, seventh - MazeePauley - 4.960. •Bull Riding: second - JohnLuke McGriff - 61. •Goat Tying: first - MazeePauley - 7.99, fifth - Kailey RaeSawvell - 9.00, ninth - Carlee John-ston - 9.24, tenth - Mattee Pauley -9.43. •Pole Bending: sixth - MazeePauley - 22.428. •Team Roping: ninth - Trey

Richter/Caleb Schroth - 23.57.Second Go: •Barrel Racing: tenth - MazeePauley - 17.953. •Breakaway Roping: first -Mattee Pauley - 2.780, ninth -Elsie Fortune - 18.360. •Goat Tying: first - Kailey RaeSawvell - 7.360, eighth - MatteePauley - 10.440. •Pole Bending: first - MazeePauley - 21.367, eighth - CarleeJohnston - 21.999. •Team Roping: fifth - TreyRichter/Caleb Schroth - 11.180,seventh - Rolly Fortune/Lane Bla-sius- 13.380.Average •Barrel Racing: fourth -Mazee Pauley - 35.466, fifth - Car-lee Johnston - 35.829, ninth - Bai-ley Lytle - 36.111. •Breakaway Roping: third -Mattee Pauley - 6.620, sixth - ElsieFortune - 21.200. •Bull Riding: fourth - JohnLuke McGriff - 61.0. •Goat Tying: first - Kailey RaeSawvell - 16.360, seventh - MatteePauley - 19.870. •Pole Bending: third - MazeePauley - 43.795. •Team Roping: sixth - TreyRichter/Cable Schroth - 34.750. •Tie Down: seventh - Rolly For-tune - 34.080. •2012 Sturgis Regional HighSchool Rodeo Queen: Elsie For-tune.

Sturgis Regional HighSchool Rodeo results

U.S. Forest Service readiesfor wildfire suppression

and one of which is availablethrough an agreement with theCanadian Interagency Fire Cen-tre. These airtankers will be avail-able for wildfire suppression na-tionwide. The other two air-tankers are CAL FIRE S-2Ts,which will be staffed and availablein California through an agree-ment offered by the state andfunded by the U.S. Forest Service. “The loss of the two aerial fire-fighters has reverberated throughthe fire service community and ourthoughts are certainly with theirfamilies and coworkers as theygrieve,” said Chief Ken Pimlott,Director of CAL FIRE. “In thewake of this tragedy, we reachedout to our federal partners to offerthis agreement which staffs twoCAL FIRE airtankers in Californiaa month earlier than we wouldnormally staff them based on thecurrent wildfire threat.” The U.S. Forest Service is alsoarranging for five heavy (Type 1)helicopters to become available forwildfire suppression nationwideearlier than scheduled. The U.S.Forest Service believes that theadditions of the airtankers andheavy helicopters will enable theagency to respond effectively tocurrent and predicted fire activity.If needed, the U.S. Forest Servicecan also mobilize eight military C-130s equipped with Modular Air-borne Firefighting Systems(MAFFS) to serve as large air-tankers as well as a DC-10 verylarge airtanker. Airtankers play an importantrole in wildfire suppression, partic-ularly during the early stagesknown as “initial attack,” by drop-ping retardant that reduces the in-tensity and rate of spread of wild-fires, enabling firefighters on theground to safely construct fireline.

Page 7: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012

Pennington County Courant • June 14 2012 • Page 7

80 years ago…The marriage of Gale Dartt to

Miss Edna Leman took place atthe Presbyterian Manse, Wednes-day afternoon, June 1. The cere-mony was conducted by Rev. RewWalz with Mr. Joe Pauli and Mrs.Rew Walz attending the bridalcouple. The groom, Gale Dartt, is ason of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dartt wholive north of Wall. Gale is a gradu-ate of the Wall High School and at-tended University of Vermillionwhere he obtained a teaching cer-tificate and for the past yeartaught the School near his place.The bride is a native of the Hill,her parents reside at Nemo.

BiRTH: Born to Mrs. and Mrs.Ira Strandell, a ten pound boy,June 6.

A twister Tuesday night did agreat deal of damage to propertynorthwest of Wall. Many noted thedark funnel shaped cloud as ittraveled along about four Tuesdayafternoon. Another tornado at thesame time did considerable dam-age to Rapid Valley. On the oldCuller place north of Wall whereHaskell’s live, practically all of thebuildings were demolished. One ofthe largest barns in the country onone of the Townview Farms whereLogan’s are living was blowndown. Damage was also reportedto buildings on Fred Woltzen’splace, Tom Parkin’s, LodaSawvell’s and D. Paulson’s. Therewas no train service Tuesday nightdue to a washout of the new fillnear Dakota City. Owanka re-ported a four inch rain. Some hailfollowed the wind and some dam-age to crops has been reported.

70 years ago… Rains are still falling with a day

or two of sunshine but seldomenough to allow farmers time toget much done in the fields. LastWednesday night, Wall received atally of 1 3/4 inches. This heavydownfall continued eastward caus-ing the Cottonwood Creek and theBadland Creek to seriously attackthe C & NW tracks. Train serviceto Wall was entirely eliminateduntil Saturday night while traincrews reinforced their right-of-ways. One span of the several hun-dred foot bridge across the WhiteRiver southwest of Interior wentout Thursday and another bridgesouth of Conata also washed away.The Cheyenne River at Crestonhas cut into its bank about 200 feetback for a distance of about half amile, washing out the highway. Merle Crown had the misfortuneof having two of his toes crushedwhen a heavy piece of iron fellfrom a truck that he was fixing atthe Oliver Machine shop in RapidCity, last Wednesday, the toes hadto be amputated. He was able to bereleased from the hospital, Mon-day. 60 years ago… The Town of Wall has been busythe past two weeks repairing andreplacing water mains. A thousandfeet of two inch mains were re-placed with standard four inchmains along by the CatholicChurch. A new line from this pointwill be extended to the DowdingPlace. Also in North Wall, mainsare planned to be extended to theCounty Highway shops. In closingthe valves at the MethodistChurch corner, commissionerHarold Welsh, ran into difficulty. Apiece of 2x4 about six inches longwas wedged under the valve. How

this block of wood got into thewater main is still anybody’sguess. Merle Crown won Sunday’s ballgame without lifting his bat fromhis shoulder. Bases loaded, scoretied, last of the tenth, and fourstraight balls. This win againstBelvidere coupled with a loss byKadoka, places the Wall-Quinnball club at the top of the BadlandsLeague with 1,000 percentagepoints. 50 years ago… The Wall school board electionwill be held Tuesday, June 19, atthe School house. The only contestis for the five year term betweentwo candidates, Bryce Kennedy,the present board member, and O.S. Soma. Roy Milliken is unop-posed for the four year term. Thethree members whose terms do notexpire this year are G. W. Shelton,Howard Johnson and ReynoldPaulsen. Rev. John Jacoway has been as-signed to the Wall-WastaMethodist Church at the AnnualConference held last week inHuron. Joe Crawford is still hobblingfrom an accidental .22 pistolwound in the thigh of his leg. Dr.Hvam removed the bullet whichhad penetrated through a leatherholster and nearly through theflesh part of his thigh.

40 years ago… Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Williams ofWall, announce the engagementand forthcoming marriage of theirdaughter, Carla Lynn to Mark A.Brucklacher, son of Reverend andMrs. Alvin Brucklacher of Philip. AJuly 14 wedding is being planned. The annual school district elec-tion for Wall Dist. 58, will be heldTuesday, June 20. It was a yearago that voters favored a seven-man board, but no special electionor appointments were made to in-crease the board from five toseven. So following this election,the Wall School District will havea seven member board. A re-orga-nization meeting has been sched-uled for Wednesday evening, July5. There is only one contest forTuesday’s election, Dean Pattersonand Robert Hays are candidatesfor the five year term. Only onecandidate has filed for the othertwo positions, Joan Renner for thefour year term, and Milton Traskfor the three year term. BiRTH: Born to Mr. and Mrs.Robert Hays, a son, Jerry Jerome,nine pounds, four ounces, June 9,at the Philip hospital. “You just can’t believe it” is theexpression heard often since thetragic flood in Rapid City and thisreally describes the feeling thatpeople have. “You just can’t believeit” is the statement that was re-peated many times in a conserva-tion with Norman Klingbile whospent 24 continuous hours on po-lice patrol in Rapid City. In Wall,Friday evening, with little or noreason to believe that a storm wasraging in the central Hills, the TVcarried a written message of heavyrains and dangerous flooding con-ditions in Spearfish Canyon, theBoulder Canyon, and finally a fourfoot wall of water coming downRapid City Creek. Wall received norain until well after midnight.

30 years ago… Wall has a unique opportunitythis week. This opportunity is oneof studying theatre with a profes-sional theatre company interestedin telling stories of area people. Be-cause Wall is a small town, its ex-periences with theatre may not beas frequent as people in largertowns and cities enjoy. That is whyall ages cannot afford to miss whatthe Dakota Theatre Caravan canteach them this week. The Cara-van is not only conducting a seriesof acting workshops, but it is alsopersonalizing its visit here by hold-ing a “Wall Musical Review”, anoral and musical history of Wall,including stories of and by localpeople. Everyone in Wall knows ofthe wealth of history that the peo-ple in the area posses — The WallMusical Review will bring this his-tory to the stage. Mr. and Mrs. John Paulsen cele-brated their 50th anniversary withan open house on Sunday in theMethodist Church basement.Their son John and family fromSioux Falls, hosted the party. Mr.and Mrs. Roy White and LucileHalverson, sisters of MyrtlePaulsen, and Edna Barnes andGladys Sether, sisters of John,were out-of-town guests along withmany nieces and nephews andhosts of friends and neighbors whohelped make the anniversary avery happy occasion. A group of young people from theWall School left last Wednesday ona tour of Europe where they willjoin chorus groups and put onsome concerts. Those from Wallare Scott Patterson, Jim Sautter,James Babcock, Kevin Foster,Mike Carlbom, Rhonda Crawford,Rhonda Lurz, DeAnna Shearer,Jody Sawvell, Sherri Knutson,Lori Hays, Lois Stverak, ConnieHeinrichs, and chaperones Markand Carla Brucklacher. Theylanded at Amsterdam, Hollandand will visit Rotterdam, Arnhem,Cologne, Heidelberg, Strassburg,Nancy, Paris, Calais, Dover, Lon-don, Zeebruggle, Brussels andAntwerp. They are due home June26. The Outlaws captured first placeat the Wall Drive Inn SoftballTournament held last Saturdayand Sunday at the softball field.The Outlaws played the Penning-ton County Courant-Eagles in thechampionship game Sunday, de-feating them 21-4. Leading scorersfor the Outlaws were Tim Huether,Terry Allred, Merlin Doyle andKeith Thompson, each with threeruns. Merlin Doyle was the win-ning pitcher. Fifteen teams partic-ipated in the tournament, includ-ing the seven men’s teams fromWall as well as teams from RapidCity, Philip, Milesville and theBlack Hills. The top four finisherswere the Outlaws (1), Courant-Ea-gles (2), Mud Hogs, Milesville (3),and Skier Construction, Hill City(4).

20 years ago… Lynn and Shaun McKay re-cently earned their Fourth DegreeBlackbelts after completing an ap-plication process and meeting test-ing requirement. Lynn and Shaunhave been studying Ju-Jitsu since1986 and teaching the Wall Ju-Jitsu class from 1989 to the pres-ent. Lynn is the only woman inSouth Dakota in the Jukite Ju-Jitsu style to have earned a FourthDegree Blackbelt. Lindsey Renner, a recent 2002graduate of Wall High School, re-cently took part in the March 16-23 2002 Presidential ClassroomScholar’s Program in Washington,D.C. BiRTH: Born to Joel andStephanie Deering, Wasta, a son,John Wayne, on April 2, 2002. Lit-

tle John weighed in at 8 lbs. 14 oz.and measured 20 inches long. Hejoined big sisters Cheyenne andAutumn at home. Grandparentsare Wayne and Sharon Titus,Black Hawk, Karen Soderquist,Rapid City and George Deering,Evans, CO. Great-grandparentsare Deloris Titus, Maryland, Ralphand Bonnie Rodbell, Florida,Maude Soderquist, Wasta andgreat-great grandmother SophiePhillips, Florida. Golfing awards for the 2002 sea-son: Most Improved Players,Matthew Anderson and MaloriJohnson; Most Valuable Players,Talon Peters and Lindsey Renner.

10 years ago… On June 4, the Teener baseballteam came against the BennettCo. team in Wall, losing 13-7 in thefirst game and in the second game,the Wall Teeners won 7-6. The Wall Midget “A” youth base-ball team traveled to Midland,June 5th and opened the seasonwith a 10-4 win. The Wall Midget “B” baseballteam traveled to Midland June 5thto open the 1992 season. The gamewas the first baseball game thatmany of these youngsters had everplayed. Although they came out onthe losing side of an eight to two

score, the youngsters played welland learned a lot. The Wall High School RodeoTeam members are down in num-bers this year but they are dyna-mite! And it showed at the WallRegional Rodeo last weekend sayspresident Marty Williams. Thereare six team members and ninegroup members. Heather Fortunewalked away with the girls All-Around buckle! She placed first ingirls cutting both days and ingoats fifth on Saturday, sixth onSunday and second in the Average.She placed sixth in poles on Sun-day. Marty Williams had a goodweekend. He placed seventh in calfroping and sixth in steer wrestlingon Saturday and sixth in calf rop-ing and seventh in steer wrestlingon Sunday. On Average, he placedfourth in calf roping and fourth insteer wrestling. Leslie Deutscherplaced third in poles on Saturday,fifth on Sunday and second for Av-erage. Teel Mullanix placed eightin calf roping on Sunday and fifthin team roping with partner MikeHauk from Philip on Sunday.Shannon Sampson placed 11th inpoles on Sunday and MontyWilliams placed 12th in calf ropingon Saturday.

The Looking Glass of Time

Email your social news,obituaries, wedding &

engagement announcementsto: [email protected]

Aaron Kreman andHeather Schell are pleased toannounce their upcoming wed-ding, which is to be celebratedin Scottsbluff, Neb. on August11, 2012.

Parents of the groom areAllan and Diann Kreman of Ba-yard, Neb.

Parents of the bride areLaurie Schell of Sundance, Wy.,and Terry Schell of Wasta, S.D.

Aaron graduated highschool from Bayard, Neb. in2001. He then went on to studyat WNCC in Scottsbluff, Neb.receiving his associate’s degree.Following his graduation fromWNCC, he studied at the Uni-versity of Wyoming receivinghis bachelor’s degree in Range-land Ecology and WatershedManagement. Aaron is cur-rently self employed as a

farmer in Bayard, Neb. Heather graduated high schoolfrom Belle Fourche, S.D. in 2004.She then went on to study at Sheri-dan College in Sheridan, Wy. whereshe received her associate’s degree.Following her graduation fromSheridan College, she received herbachelor’s degree in business ad-ministration from the University ofWyoming. Heather is currently em-ployed for Panhandle Coop CropProduction as the Office Managerin Scottsbluff, Neb.


Taking the time and energy togive honest and sincere apprecia-tion is a vital thing for us to do. Sooften though we do not take thetime like we could and should. Ifwe do not get a lot of encourage-ment ourselves we find it hard toencourage others. I practice payingcompliments on most everyone Icome into contact with. I like to bean encourager. It is like good ther-apy for me. Below you will find thesystem that I use.examine Look and watch for what peopleare doing right and well. This is agood strategy to practice on a dailybasis. Look deep into their charac-ter.expose

Bring it out in the open, tell it di-rectly to them.emotion Tell them how it makes you feel,happy, joy, share an emotion.expectation Share with them what the bene-fits to them will be if they keep upthe behavior.endear Maintain eye contact with them,while your paying your compli-ment. Capture people doing thingsright and well. Surprise these peo-ple with words of encouragement.You will astonish them and theywill not know how to handle suchpositive words. That is the fun partof this activity.

Giving Honest andSincere Appreciation

Page 8: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012

Pennington County Courant • June 14, 2012 • Page 8Classifieds

Classified AdvertisingCLASSIFIED RATE: $6.50 minimum for first 20

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HILDEBRAND STEEL & CON-CRETE: ALL types of concretework. Rich, Colleen and HavenHildebrand. Toll-free: 1-877-867-4185; Office: 837-2621;Rich, cell: 431-2226; Haven,cell: 490-2926; Jerry, cell: 488-0291. K36-tfn

TETON RIVER TRENCHING:For all your rural water hook-ups, waterline and tank instal-lation and any kind of backhoework, call Jon Jones, 843-2888,Midland. PR20-52tp

BACKHOE AND TRENCHING:Peters Excavation, Inc. Excava-tion work of all types. Call BrentPeters, 837-2945 or 381-5568(cell). K3-tfn

GRAVEL: Screened or rock. CallO'Connell Construction Inc.,859-2020, Philip. P51-tfn

WEST RIVER EXCAVATIONwill do all types of trenching,ditching and directional boringwork. See Craig, Diana, Saun-tee or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD,or call 837-2690. Craig cell:390-8087, Sauntee cell: 390-8604; [email protected] K50-tfn

FARM & RANCHFOR SALE: Buckskin geldingMustang, 4 years old, 90 daystraining by Steve Mantle,bought at WY State Fair. Goodhorse, needs fine tuning. Not forbeginners. Up to date on shots/worming. $375 OBO. 993-3161. P27-2tc

TRAILER TIRES FOR SALE:Get ready for spring hauling!12-ply, 235/85/16R. $150mounted (limited quantitiesavailable). Les’ Body Shop, 859-2744, Philip. P27-tfn

2012 WHEAT HARVESTING:Wanted in your area for JohnDeere combines and equip-ment. 59 years in business.Dishman Harvesting, 940/733-6327 or 940/631-1549.K 2 7 -5tp

FOR SALE: John Deere 16’ hy-droswing swather. 433-5443. P27-3tp

WANTED: Hay to put up onshares in the Wall-Philip area.Call 441-0284, please leave amessage. P24-4tp

GARAGE SALESRUMMAGE SALE: Saturday,June 16, 8 to 3. 8-man tent,Beanie Babies, Barbies, etc.309 W. Oak St, Philip, in thegarage. PR43-1tc

HELP WANTEDHELP WANTED at the KadokaNursing Home. If you are inter-ested in housekeeping, whichconsists of cleaning residents’rooms and doing laundry, andare dependable, please stop byand visit with Ruby. If youwould like to work in the dietarydepartment as a dietary aide,please stop and visit withCathy. You can also call theKadoka Nursing Home at 837-2270. K27-2tc

HELP WANTED: Elevator handto work with the Dakota Mill &Grain team in the Midland area.Competitive pay with benefits,E.O.E. Stop by your localDM&G to pick up an applica-tion or call Jack at 381-0031. WP42-2tc

FULL OR PART-TIME HOUSE-KEEPER POSITIONS: Collegeor high school students or any-one desiring full or part-timehousekeeping positions. No ex-perience needed, we will train.Apply at Budget Host Sun-downer and America’s BestValue Inn, Kadoka. Call 837-2188 or 837-2296. K26-tfn

BUSINESS & SERVICESROUGH COUNTRY SPRAYING:Specializing in controllingCanada thistle on rangeland.ATV application. ALSO: prairiedogs. Call Bill at 669-2298. PR41-23tp

HELP WANTED: Daytime, full-time. Jones’ Saddlery, Bottle &Vet, 859-2482. PR43-2tc

HELP WANTED: Applicator towork with the Dakota Mill &Grain team in the Murdo area.Competitive pay with benefits,E.O.E. Stop by your localDM&G to pick up an applica-tion or call Jack at 381-0031. WP42-2tc

HELP WANTED: Constructionforeman, carpenters and labor-ers in the Faith, Philip, Sturgisand Cheyenne River areas.Wage depending on experience.Troy Schultes, 985-5055. PR39-tfn

POSITION OPEN: The KadokaArea School District is seekingapplications for the assistantjanitor position. Applicationscan be found on the KadokaArea School District website.Applications may be submittedeither electronically to [email protected] or mail toKadoka Area School District,Attn: Jamie Hermann, 800 Bay-berry St., PO Box 99, Kadoka,SD 57543. Kadoka Area SchoolDistrict is an EOE. K27-2tc

GREAT SUMMER JOB! Salesexperience preferred but willtrain. Salary plus commission.Possibility of up to $12.00 perhour wage. Housing is suppliedin Wall. You will make greatwages, meet lots of people andhave fun. Position available May1, 2012. Apply at GoldDiggerson Mt. Rushmore Road in RapidCity or call factory at 348-8108or fax resumé to 348-1524. P14-tfn

JOBS WANTEDNEED A WEEKEND BABYSIT-TER? Call Charity at 993-3026(home) or 307/756-2897 (cell).Located in Wasta. PW24-4tp

MISC. FOR SALEFOR SALE: Three-piece blondebedroom set, good condition,$200. (1) Elite electric scooter,excellent condition, $1,500.Carla Brucklacher, 279-2278 or515-0252. WP43-2tc

FOR SALE: New in package:clamp-on rod holders for yourboat, great for medium fishingtackle. 2 for $10 or 4 for $20.Call 279-2195 or 441-7049,Wall. PW27-2tp

FOR SALE - OR MAKE ANOFFER: AB Lounger 2, like newcondtion with all instructions &CD. LIFE STYLE 8 mph tread-mill, works great! KING size wa-terbed w/heater, sturdy base &frame. TV - 27” picture tubestyle, great working order -FREE!!!! Entertainment center,light finish. Call Jan Hewitt,859-2559 (office) OR 685-5904(cell) after hours. PR42-3tc

FOR SALE: Several nice, cleanqueen mattress sets. Del’s Sec-ond Hand & Gifts, Exit 63 BoxElder, 390-9810. PR41-4tc

FOR SALE: Rope horse halterswith 10’ lead rope, $15 each.Call 685-3317 or 837-2917. K44-tfn

NOTICES/WANTEDFIREWORKS: Looking for non-profit group or individuals orfamily interested in running lo-cations in the following towns:Faith, Newell or Dupree areas.June 25-July 5. Great moneymaking opportunity. Call Dou-glas, 407/525-6234 or email to:[email protected] F42-2tp

WANTED: Looking for used oil.Taking any type and weight.Call Mike at 685-3068. P42-tfn

WANTED! Young family lookingfor place to rent out of town(Wasta or Wall area). Call 605/210-1805 or 307-756-2897. PW24-4tp

REAL ESTATEHOUSE FOR SALE INKADOKA: Many upgrades &updates in past two years. 3bedrooms, 1 bath, 2 garages,central propane heat & centralair. New roof in 2011. Call 837-1611. K27-2tp

RANCH STYLE HOME FORSALE: 3 bedrooms, 1 bath,must be moved. Call 515-3868,Wall. PW27-2tp

FOR SALE: Well-kept familyhome on quiet street in Philip.Three bedrooms, 2 bath ranchstyle home with finished base-ment, stainless steel appliancesand a two-car attached garage,located at 609 Sunshine Dr. Formore information contactMonte Palecek at 859-2655. PR40-4tc

HOUSE FOR SALE, LOCATEDAT 607 SUNSHINE DRIVE,PHILIP: 3 bedroom, 2 bath,2100 sq. ft. home on a large lotlocated on a quiet cul-de-sac.Has attached 2-car garage,storage shed, large deck and anunderground sprinkler systemwhich operates off a privatewell. Contact Bob Fugate,Philip, at 859-2403 (home) or515-1946 (cell). P24-tfn

RENTALSHOUSE FOR RENT: Two bed-rooms, 2-1/2 baths, 204 PhilipAve., Philip. $600/month. 303/912-3898. PR40-2tp

TWO BEDROOM APART-MENTS FOR RENT IN WALL:Contact Christianson Proper-ties, 605/858-2195. PW24-6tc

APARTMENTS: Spacious onebedroom units, all utilities in-cluded. Young or old. Needrental assistance or not, we canhouse you. Just call 1-800-481-6904 or stop in the lobby andpick up an application. GatewayApartments, Kadoka. WP32-tfn

RECREATIONFOR SALE: 1995 Jayco Eagle29’ camper, E350 Ford chassis,self-contained, good tires, newtransmission, 21’ awning, gen-erator, 2” receiver hitch andwiring to pull a boat. 49,891miles. Asking $8,000. Call 515-0575, Wall. WP43-2tc

FOR SALE: 1973 5th wheelWinnebago travel trailer, greatcondition, sleeps four, reason-ably priced. Vern or Bea For-tune, 279-2222. PR42-3tc

CLASSIFIED POLICYPLEASE READ your classifiedad the first week it runs. If yousee an error, we will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We ac-cept responsibility for the firstincorrect insertion only. Rav-ellette Publications, Inc. re-quests all classifieds and cardsof thanks be paid for when or-dered. A $2.00 billing chargewill be added if ad is not paid atthe time the order is placed.

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EARN $500 DAILY PART-TIME!Hottest business in America.For your free 16 page report call1-800-507-7222 or anduse promo code #CL42783.

LOOMIX® FEED SUPPLE-MENTS is seeking dealers. Moti-vated individuals with cattleknowledge and community ties.Contact Bethany at 800-870-0356 / [email protected] to find out if there is a deal-ership opportunity in your area.

CONTRACT SALESPERSONSsell aerial photography of farms,commission basis, $7,000-$10,000/month. Proven prod-uct and earnings, Travel re-quired. More info at or call 605-882-3566.


SEEKING EXECUTIVE DIREC-TOR for the United Way & Vol-unteer Services of Greater Yank-ton. For information and appli-cation go to

H I G H M O R E - H A R R O L DSCHOOL District is seeking aseventh/eighth grade science/math teacher. Send resume toDr. Frank Palleria, PO Box 416,Highmore, SD 57345.

A PROGRESSIVE GM DEALER-SHIP is seeking an entry leveland experienced automotivetechnicians. Benefit package.Wages DOE. Dave Hahler Auto-motive, Inc., 500 E U.S. Hwy.12, Webster, SD 57274, phone605-345-4792.

COUNTY HIGHWAY SUPERIN-TENDENT - Huron, SD. Job de-scription available at Deadline toapply is 6-15-12 . Submit re-sume with salary expectationsto auditor@beadlesd. org.

SEEKING BUSINESS MAN-AGER for McLaughlin SchoolDisctrict #15-2. Send resumeand application (available toKeith McVay, PO Box 880,McLaughlin, SD 57642. Openuntil filled.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR - Harris-burg,SD: BA Degree required;Salary up to $80,000.00 - JobDescription available . Submitresume to [email protected]. Deadline to apply is06/22/12.

PIERRE SCHOOL DISTRICT isseeking a School Psychologistfor the 2012-13 school year.Apply online at or contactthe Pierre School District at605-773-7300. EOE.

CUSTER REGIONAL SENIORCARE, Custer Regional Hospitaland Custer Clinic are acceptingapplications for dedicated, car-ing staff to join our team. Wehave full and part time RN, LPNand Aide positions available. Weoffer excellent benefits and com-petitive wages. For more infor-mation please call 605-673-2229 ext. 110 or log toapply. EEOC/AA

THE ASSOCIATED SCHOOLBOARDS of South Dakota isseeking an energetic, talentedindividual to serve as the Direc-tor of Communications. Strongwritten and oral communicationskills are required. Experienceworking with school boards,media contacts, publishing andwebpages are preferred. Closingdate June 15, 2012. Applicationinfo is available

PRESS OPERATOR WANTED:Operate Kodak 5634 DI four-color press and AB Dick singlecolor press, along with an as-sortment of other pressroomand bindery equipment. Excel-lent hourly salary with full ben-efit package, including: majormedical insurance, life insur-ance, disability insurance,AFLAC cafeteria insurance plan,pension plan (after one year),paid vacations and holidays.Send resume to Larry Atkinson,Bridge City Publishing, 1413 EGrand Xing, Mobridge, SD57601 or call 800-594-9418 or605-845-3646 or cell: 605-230-0161.

THE SISSETON SCHOOL DIS-TRICT has an opening for an Ac-tivities Director. Job descriptioncan be obtained by contactingthe business office. Send a LOA,resume and credentials to Dr.Stephen Schulte at 516 8th Ave.West, Sisseton, SD 57262.Closed: 6/15/12. EOE


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BUYING ANTLERS UP to 7.50per lb. brown elk, 6.00 per lb.brown deer. Will be buying por-cupines again this fall. Phone605-517-0397 or [email protected]

aPaRtMEntSaVailaBlEWall Ridge Apts.

in Wall

1 Bedroomon-site laundry


PRo/Rental Management


Page 9: Pennington Co. Courant, June 14, 2012

Pennington County Courant • June 14, 2012 • Page 9Public Notices Public Notice AdvertisingProtects Your Right To Know.



The Quinn Town Board met at 7 pm onMonday, June 4, 2012, at the Quinn Com-munity Center with the following mem-bers present Kevin Wenzel, Patty Cole-man and Juston Eisenbraun. Otherspresent were Mike Luedeman, LornaMoore, and Deborah Bryan. Motion by Patty, seconded by Juston toapprove the agenda, motion carried. Mo-tion by Kevin, seconded by Patty to ap-prove the minutes of the last meeting,motion carried. Motion by Kevin, sec-onded by Patty to approve the financialstatement, motion carried. Juston made a motion, seconded byPatty to elect Kevin as Chairman andPatty as Co-Chairman, motion carried.Kevin made a motion to use the Penning-ton County Courant as the official news-paper and the First Interstate Bank as of-ficial depository for the Town of Quinn,seconded by Juston, motion carried. Motion by Juston to hire MichaelLuedeman and Mark Coleman as main-tenance men for the Town of Quinn, at$9.00 per hours, seconded by Patty, mo-tion carried. Kevin made a motion to approve thevouchers, seconded by Patty, motion car-ried. The following vouchers were paid:WREA, $206.00; Pennington CountyCourant, $39.18; Kevin Wenzel, $25.00;Patty Coleman, $25.00; Juston Eisen-braun, $25.00; Deborah Bryan, $200.00;Kelly Jones, $101.89; Corner Pantry,$41.35; Billie Humphrey, $30.00; MarkColeman, $112.50; WRLJ Rural Water,$30.00; Wall Building Center, $45.98;Melvin Smith, $371.36. With all business complete, the meet-ing was adjourned.

Deborah BryanFinance OfficerTown of Quinn

Published June 14, 2012, at the total ap-proximate cost of $17.54.




Bid Opening:The Pennington County Board of Com-

missioners will receive sealed bids at theirAdministrative Office for the above ref-erenced bid package until 2:00 PM onJune 27, 2012. Bids will be opened there-after in the adjacent Commission MeetingRoom. Allow time to pass through build-ing security.

Board of Commissioners AdministrativeOffice, Suite 156

Pennington County Courthouse315 St. Joseph Street (Entrance on

south side of building)Rapid City, SD 57701

The Bids shall be reviewed for compli-ance with requirements and it is antici-pated that the Board of Commissionerswill award a Contract at their regularmeeting on July 3, 2012, which com-mences at 9:00 AM. The successful bid-der shall enter into a Contract with Pen-nington County once any pre-contract re-quirements are completed.

Associated Construction Project &Bid Package Description:

The Pennington County Campus Ex-pansion Project is a construction projectlocated on Block 99 which is east of theCounty’s Parking Structure. A construc-tion contract has been awarded and workis currently underway. This bid packageis intended to include the supply, deliveryand installation of variousequipment items for the PenningtonCounty Evidence Building portion of thatproject. The scope includes, but is notlimited to: high-density storage, lab case-work, lab equipment, evidence storage,acoustic wall panels, general use storage,and shelving. This package will requirecoordination with the previously re-leased bid package as awarded to gen-eral contractor, J. Scull Construction aspart of Phase I of the overall project.

This package will be bid with pre-deter-mined itemizations; bidders will not be re-quired to bid the package in its entirety.

Equipment Delivery & Installation Co-ordination:

Awarded vendors will be required tocoordinate delivery and installation ofequipment, casework, etc with the Gen-eral Contractor and Owner.

Procurement Documents:Procurement Documents have been

placed on file in the Pennington CountyBuildings & Grounds Office, the planrooms listed below and may be examinedthere or may be obtained Wednesday,June 13, 2012 or thereafter from ARC In-ternational, Inc., 5808 Sheridan Lake Rd.,Rapid City, South Dakota 57702. Re-quests for Documents can be made bycontacting Samantha at ARC Interna-tional by e-mail to [email protected]; fax to (605) 341-3651or phone to (605) 341-2066.

Shipping: Bidders shall provide prepaidexpress air-bills or express billing num-bers.

The Procurement Documents may beexamined at the following locations afterJune 13, 2012:

Construction Industry Center,Rapid City, SD

Dodge Plan Room, Minneapolis, MNFargo-Moorhead Builder Exchange,

Fargo, NDOmaha Builders Exchange, Omaha, NE

Plains Builders Exchange,Sioux Falls, SD

Lincoln Builders Bureau, Lincoln, NE

Pre-Bid Meeting/ Conference Call &Questions:

A Pre-Bid Meeting/ Conference Call(605-341-2066) will be held at ARC Inter-national, Inc. on June 20, 2012 at 10:00AM, local time.

By virtue of statutory authority, prefer-ence will be given to materials, products,and supplies found or produced within theState of South Dakota.

The Pennington County Board of Com-missioners reserves the right to reject any

or all bids and to waive any irregularitiestherein. They also reserve the right toaward the contract to the lowest respon-sible bidder as they so determine.

Julie A. Pearson,Pennington County Auditor

Published June 14 & 21, 2012, at the totalapproximate cost of $72.78.




Notice is hereby given that the followingpetitioners have applied to the Penning-ton County Planning and Zoning Com-mission under the provisions of the Pen-nington County Zoning Ordinance as fol-lows:

James and Linda McArthur have appliedfor a Conditional Use Permit to allow anaccessory structure prior to a primarystructure in a Suburban Residential Dis-trict located on Lot 1 of Tract A (less WellLot), Sunnyside Acres, Section 25, T2N,R4E, BHM, Pennington County, SouthDakota, 22743 Sunnyside Gulch Road, inaccordance with Sections 208 and 510 ofthe Pennington County Zoning Ordi-nance.

Galen and Linda Livermont have appliedfor a Conditional Use Permit to allow acamper to be used as living quarters ona temporary basis on the subject propertyand to allow for accessory structures tobe located on the property prior to a pri-mary structure in a General AgricultureDistrict located on Part of theNW1/4NW1/4 north of the Highway andRailroad, Section 24, T1N, R8E, BHM,Pennington County, South Dakota, 7255Morris Lane, in accordance with Sections205 and 510 of the Pennington CountyZoning Ordinance.

Rita and Albert Chapman have applied fora Conditional Use Permit to allow for aVacation Home Rental in a SuburbanResidential District located on Lots 5-10,Block 2, Silver City, Section 31, T2N,R5E, BHM, Pennington County, SouthDakota, 9209 St. Joseph Street in SilverCity, in accordance with Sections 208,319, and 510 of the Pennington CountyZoning Ordinance.

Rita and Albert Chapman have applied fora Conditional Use Permit to allow for aVacation Home Rental in a SuburbanResidential District located on Lots 9-12,Block 3, Silver City, Section 31, T2N,R5E, BHM, Pennington County, SouthDakota, 9307 St. Joseph Street in SilverCity, in accordance with Sections 208,319, and 510 of the Pennington CountyZoning Ordinance.

Notice is further given that said applica-tions will be heard by the PenningtonCounty Planning and Zoning Commissionin the County Courthouse at 9:00 a.m. onthe 25th day of June 2012. At this time,any person interested may appear andshow cause, if there be any, why such re-quests should or should not be granted.

ADA Compliance: Pennington Countyfully subscribes to the provisions of theAmericans with Disabilities Act. If you de-sire to attend this public meeting and arein need of special accommodations,please notify the Planning Department sothat appropriate auxiliary aids and serv-ices are available.

Dan JennissenPlanning Director

Published June 14, 2012, at the total ap-proximate cost of $27.64.





Voter registration for the “Question on theformation of the Eastern PenningtonCounty Ambulance District” Election tobe held on July 10, 2012, will close onJune 25, 2012. Failure to register by thisdate will cause forfeiture of voting rightsfor this election. If you are in doubt aboutwhether you are registered check theVoter Information Portal or call the PenningtonCounty Auditor’s Office at 605-394-2153.

Registration may be completed duringregular business hours at the PenningtonCounty Auditor’s Office, municipal financeoffice, Secretary of State’s office andthose locations which provide driver’s li-censes, SNAP, TANF, WIC, military re-cruitment, and assistance to the disabledas provided by the Department of HumanServices. You may contact the Penning-ton County Auditor’s Office to request amail-in registration form or access a mail-in format at

Voters with disabilities may contact thePennington County Auditor for informa-tion and special assistance in voter reg-istration, absentee voting or polling placeaccessibility.

Julie A. Pearson, AuditorPennington County

Published June 7 & 14, 2012, at the totalapproximate cost of $27.30.





As of December 31, 2012, there will bethree vacancies on the East PenningtonConservation District Board of Supervi-sors due to the expiration of the currentterms of Lynn Denke (Landowner/Occu-pier), Larry Eisenbraun (Taxpayer of RealProperty), and Kent Jordan (Urban Mem-

ber). All parties interested in election tothe board, or those with questions, pleasecontact Tommi Cheney, District Managerof east Pennington Conservation District,at 279-2519 or stop by the office on 24Creighton Road.

NOTE: All petitions must be signed andfiled on or before July 2, 2012.

Published June 14 & 21, 2012, at the totalapproximate cost of $18.20.





Notice is hereby given that the followingpetitioners have applied to the Penning-ton County Planning Board of Commis-sioners under the provisions of the Pen-nington County Zoning Ordinance as fol-lows:

Orvil Davis, Lazy P6 Land Company;Centerline – Agent, has applied for a Re-zone to rezone 35.88 acres from HighwayService and General Agriculture to Gen-eral Commercial District and to amendthe Pennington County ComprehensivePlan to change the Future Land Use fromHighway Service and Low Density Resi-dential to General Commercial located onUnit II, Southgate Condos Phase II, Sec-tion 24, T1N, R7E, BHM, PenningtonCounty, South Dakota, 315 Catron Boule-vard, in accordance with Section 508 ofthe Pennington County Zoning Ordi-nance.

Orvil Davis, Lazy P6 Land Company;Centerline – Agent, has applied for a Re-zone to rezone 24.039 acres from LightIndustrial to General Commercial Districtand to amend the Pennington CountyComprehensive Plan to change the Fu-ture Land Use from Light Industrial toGeneral Commercial located on the fol-lowing metes and bounds description:Commencing from the West 1/4 Corner ofSection 19, T1N, R8E, B.H.M. thence S0º11’03”E a distance of 900’ to the Pointof Beginning. Thence S89º58’20”E a dis-tance of 957.14’ to a point, thenceS16º08’20”W a distance of 98.80’ to thePC of a right-hand curve with a central

angle of 38º42’34”, a radius of 791.22’and a length of 534.56’, thenceS54º50’56”W to a point a distance of158.02’ to a point, thence S 0º11’03”E adistance of 1131.51’ to a point, thenceS89º50’09”W a distance of 494.00’ to thesouthwest corner of Section 19 consistingof a Banner Cap, thence N0º11’03”W adistance of 1746.27’ to the Point of Begin-ning. Said parcel containing 24.039 acresmore or less, located in Section 19, T1N,R8E, BHM, Pennington County, SouthDakota, 615 E. Catron Boulevard, in ac-cordance with Section 508 of the Pen-nington County Zoning Ordinance.

RMS Lode, Matt Keck, has applied for aRezone to rezone 5.136 acres from Lim-ited Agriculture to Highway Service and toamend the Pennington County Compre-hensive Plan to change the Future LandUse from Planned Unit DevelopmentSensitive to Highway Service located onthe following metes and bounds descrip-

tion: Beginning at the northwest cornerof Lot 1 of Stenson Subdivision as shownon Plat Document A201114185; thence S0°05’04” W, 209.47’; thence S 31°40’12”W, 201.90’; thence S 58°09’38” E,123.93’; thence S 0°08’16” W, 241.70’;thence along a curve having a length of234.44’, a radius of 1,357.39’, a chordbearing of S 46°33’43” W, and a chordlength of 234.15’; thence S 63°54’04” W,155.44’; thence S 56°00’50” W, 113.92’;thence N 2°06’21” E, 339.30’; thence N27°58’10” E, 618.30’, thence N 0°08’20”E, 313.97’; thence S 18°20’56” E,202.67’; thence S 56°47’19” E, 46.22’ tothe Point of Beginning, located in Section21, T1S, R5E, BHM, Pennington County,South Dakota, 12654 Stenson MeadowRoad, in accordance with Section 508 ofthe Pennington County Zoning Ordi-nance.

Notice is further given that said applica-tions will be heard by the Pennington

County Board of Commissioners in theCounty Courthouse at 10:30 a.m. on the3rd day of July 2012. At this time, anyperson interested may appear and showcause, if there be any, why such requestsshould or should not be granted.

ADA Compliance: Pennington Countyfully subscribes to the provisions of theAmericans with Disabilities Act. If you de-sire to attend this public meeting and arein need of special accommodations,please notify the Planning Director so thatappropriate auxiliary aids and servicesare available.



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Pennington County Courant • June 14, 2012 • Page 10

Obituaries More obituaries on page 5

Alex “Bod” Livermont____________________________

Alex “Bod” Livermont, age 66 ofKadoka, S.D., died Tuesday, June5, 2012, at his home in Kadoka.

Alex "Bod" Livermont was bornMarch 26, 1946, in Pine Ridge, theson of Oliver and Emma M. (Wied-man) Livermont. He was raised onthe ranch southeast of Kadoka onthe Alec Livermont Ranch. He at-tended school in Kadoka. After hisschooling, Bob worked at variousplaces around Kadoka, includingBurns Bros. Truck Stop for severalyears. Bod was a very reserved and shyman, but once he knew you, he hada wonderful sense of humor. He en-joyed rock hunting, fishing, housepainting, and exploring with hismetal detector. Bod also enjoyedfamily dinners in Kadoka. Survivors include two brothers,LeRoy “Boots” Livermont ofKadoka and Michael Livermontand Amelia of Belvidere; five sis-ters, Charleen Grass of Norris,Sharon Bowes and her husband,

Delmar, of Rapid City, Linda“Wink” Stoddard and her husband,Joe, of Norris, Mary Gropper andher husband, Dick, of Long Valley,and Janie Whidby of Rapid City;several nieces and nephews; and ahost of other relatives and friends. Bod was preceded in death byhis parents; a brother-in-law,Wayne Whidby; and a niece, LoriStoddard. Memorial services will be held2:00 p.m. Saturday, June 16, at thePresbyterian Church in Kadoka,with Pastor Gus Craven officiating. Interment will be at the KadokaCemetery. A memorial has been estab-lished. Arrangements are with theRush Funeral Chapel of Kadoka. His online guestbook is availableat

Dean J. Talty, 89, Rapid City,died Sunday, June 10, 2012, atRapid City Regional Hospital. Survivors include his wife,Donna Belle Talty, Rapid City;daughters, Deana Culp, India,Debra Peonio, Windsor, Colo.,Darla Crown, Rapid City, andDiana Telford, Monument, Colo.;six grandchildren and ten great-

grandchildren. Visitation will be from 5-7:00p.m. with a Christian Wake Serv-ice at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June14, 2012 at Osheim & Schmidt Fu-neral Home, 2700 Jackson Blvd,Rapid City. Mass of Christian Burial will beat 10:00 a.m., Friday, June 15, atthe Cathedral of Our Lady of Per-

petual Help with Rev. Michel Mul-loy presiding. Interment will follow at PineLawn Memorial Park. Memorials have been estab-lished to the Minneluzahan SeniorCitizens Center and the Cathedralof Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Dean J. Talty_________________________________FINANCIAL FOCUS



If you’re like most people, you gothrough many complex thoughtsand emotions when choosing in-vestments. In fact, a field of studycalled “behavioral finance” is de-voted to understanding why peoplemake their investment decisions.As part of their work, behavioralfinance researchers examine “bi-ases” that affect people’s invest-ment selections. And as an individ-ual investor, you, too, can benefitfrom understanding these biases— so that you can avoid them. Here are some of the key biasesidentified by behavioral financeexperts: •Overconfidence — Overconfi-dence leads investors to believethey know the “right times” to buyand sell investments. But if you’reconstantly buying and selling inthe belief that you are correctly“timing” the market, you maybewrong many times, and you mayincur more investment fees, ex-penses and taxes than if you sim-ply bought quality investmentsand held them for the long term. •Representativeness — If youmake decisions based on precon-ceived ideas or stereotypes, youmay be suffering from a bias called“representativeness.” For example,if you see that investments from aparticular sector, such as energy,have performed particularly wellin one year, you might think thesetypes of vehicles will do just aswell the next year, so you load upon them. Yet every sector will gothrough ups and downs, so oneyear’s performance cannot neces-sarily predict the next year's per-

formance. Instead of chasing “hot”investments, try to build a bal-anced portfolio that reflects yourindividual goals, risk toleranceand time horizon. •Anchoring — Similar to repre-sentativeness, an anchoring biasoccurs when investors place toomuch emphasis on past perform-ance. If you own shares of XYZstock, for instance, and the stockprice hit $60 per share, you mightassume XYZ will always sell for atleast $60 a share. But if XYZ dropsto $30 per share — perhaps as aresult of a broad-based market de-cline — you might think it’s now“undervalued,” leading you to“snap up” even more shares. How-ever, XYX shares could also falldue to a change in its fundamen-tals, such as a shake-up in thecompany’s management or a de-cline in the competitiveness of itsproducts. As an informed investor,you need to work with your finan-

cial advisor to determine thecauses of an investment’s declineand any actions you may need totake in response. •Confirmation — If you are sub-ject to confirmation bias, you maylook for information that supportsyour reasons for choosing a partic-ular investment. This type of biascan lead to faulty decision making,because you’ll end up with one-sided information. In other words,you may latch onto all the positivereasons for investing in something— such as a “hot stock” — but youmay overlook the “red flags” thatwould cause you to think twice ifyou were being totally objective. Tofight back against confirmationbias, take your time before makingany investment decision — a qual-ity investment will almost alwaysbe just as good a choice tomorrowas it is today. Being aware of these investmentbiases can help you make betterdecisions — and over a period ofmany years, these decisions canmake a difference as you work to-ward achieving your financial ob-jectives.

S.D. Sportsmen against hunger donatemeals to those in need At its recent annual meeting inCuster State Park, the SouthDakota Sportsmen AgainstHunger (SAH) Board of Directorsreported that hunters donated78,735 pounds of game meat toneedy individuals and familiesacross the state last year. Although the total pounds of do-nated meat dropped 25 percent in2011, donations in 2010 wererecord large. “A reduction of donations in2011 was not a surprise to us be-cause deer and antelope popula-tions were reduced during severewinters the past few years,” notedJeff Olson, President of SAH. “It isa double-edged sword for us. Onegoal of the program is to reducethe number of deer in areas wherelandowners are having problems,and that part is working well.What we do not like to see is thenumber of pounds to the needydrop, as demand and need for thismeat is high.” One of the highlights from 2011was the implementation of a newgoose donation program. SAHworked with the South Dakota De-partment of Game, Fish and Parksand the U.S. Fish and WildlifeService to allow hunters to donategeese harvested in the AugustManagement Take. SAH wouldlike to expand donations fromother waterfowl seasons and plansto begin discussions with manage-ment agencies this summer. “Those who benefited from thedonated meat would like to send abig ‘Thank You’ to all the donorsand volunteers for yet anothergreat year for the program,” Olsonsaid. “Many people contributed tothe continuing success of SAH thispast year, including sportsmenwho donated game animals, gameprocessors who worked with us toprocess the animals, and foodpantries that accepted and distrib-uted the donated meat.” Olson also thanks hunters, pri-vate donors and SAH volunteersfor their generosity and help inmaking the program a big success.

To learn more about SouthDakota Sportsmen Against

Hunger, visit its website