penny press 26, · 2017-01-23 · trump signing...

Nevada, USA Volume 14 Number 21 JANUARY 26, 2017

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Page 1: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis

Penny PressNevada, USA Volume 14 Number 21 JANUARY 26, 2017

Page 2: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis

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Credits:Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Doug French Robert Ringer John Getter Pat Choate Ron Knecht Byron Bergeron

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Page 3: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


I have been involved in the media—at literally all levels—since I was 13 years old. From the smallest weekly newspaper to radio and television networks and

everything in between.For those who might be counting,

that’s a few months shy of 52 years.I can confidently make this

prediction based on that experience:If Donald Trump has

measurable success in his first 100 days, NBC’s Chuck Todd will not be hosting Meet the Press and may not have a job at all in the national media.

He may have to go back to his

native Miami and become the sports information director at The U where he can talk endlessly about the Catholics vs. Convicts game as he did on a recent 30 for 30 ESPN film of the same name.

The cause will be his ‘I have a penis and you don’t’ performance against Trump senior advisor Kellyanne Conway who ate him alive during the confrontation he created. When she got through with him, I’m not even sure he did have a penis.

Todd thinks it was outrageous that Trump has his press secretary, Shawn Spicer, attack the media for its reporting that Trump’s inauguration was smaller than Barack Obama’s first hoedown and, then, that Trump had removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the oval office by the pool reporter. He posited that the former was false and the latter was simply a mistake.

And then, he tried to push Ms. Conway—whose most recent accomplishment was the Trump win on November 8—around.

Here’s a brief selection from a segment which should make Todd—who I’ve referred to in the past as the Ryan Seacrest of politics—when he sees the tape: (from NBC’s own transcript)

CHUCK TODD:—you make a very reasonable and rational case for why crowd sizes don’t matter. Then explain, you did not answer the question, why did the president send out his press secretary, who’s not just the spokesperson for Donald Trump. He could be— He also serves as the spokesperson for all of America at times. He speaks for all of the country

at times. Why put him out there for the very first time in front of that podium to utter a provable falsehood? It’s a small thing. But the first time he confronts the public it’s a falsehood?KELLYANNE CONWAY:Chuck, I mean, if we’re going to keep referring to our press secretary in those types of terms I think that we’re going to have to rethink our relationship here. I want to have a great open relationship with our press. But look what happened the day before talking about falsehoods.We allowed the press— the press to come into the Oval Office and witness President Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


Penny WisdomThe fact of the matter is, we have a trust problem in rural America. —Chuck Todd

The Conservative Weekly Voice Of NevadaInside:Trump Courtesy OfThe Red White Blue

See Editorial Page 6


Trump, Supporters Kick Media Butt


Continued on page4

Page 4: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


and General Kelly to their two posts. And we allowed the press in. And what happens almost immediately? A falsehood is told about removing the bust of Martin Luther King Junior from the Oval Office. No, that’s just flat out false. And the pool writer—CHUCK TODD:And it was corrected immediately—KELLYANNE CONWAY:But why— Chuck, why was it said?CHUCK TODD:—but Kellyanne, no, let me—KELLYANNE CONWAY:Chuck, why was it said in the first place because—CHUCK TODD:—I don’t know.KELLYANNE CONWAY:—everybody’s so presumptively negative—CHUCK TODD:—climb, climb into the head of that reporter—KELLYANNE CONWAY:No, that it’s okay. No excuse me.CHUCK TODD:But Miss—KELLYANNE CONWAY:Oh no, no, no, that reporter was writing to— on behalf of the press pool. That falsehood—CHUCK TODD:I understand that—KELLYANNE CONWAY:

—got spread 3,000 times—CHUCK TODD:But it does not excuse—KELLYANNE CONWAY:—before it was corrected.CHUCK TODD:—excuse me. It does not—KELLYANNE CONWAY:And it’s still out there.

If the corporate brass at Comcast—which has good business reasons not to allow guys like Todd not to be quite that obnoxious in playing at bad journalism—sees that sort of behavior as a losing hand after a few months of Trump successes, I will be amazed. And note that Conway wasn’t even shy about using the phrase “if we’re going to keep referring to our press secretary in those types of terms I think that we’re going to have to rethink our relationship here.”

Nothing like that gets said in a Trump administration by accident.The fact is that pundits like Todd are amazingly full of themselves for

people who, somehow, couldn’t see Trump coming and have been almost 100% wrong about the election for the past 18 months.

Another myth these guys have been promulgating is that Trump is entering the office with the lowest approval ratings in history.

That may be what the pollsters say but nobody—nobody—has asked the question, aren’t these the same pollsters who had Trump losing big time?

Whether or not clowns like Todd get it, the fact is they have been consistently wrong about Trump, the election and what’s next.

I wish them luck keeping their jobs.

Media Was Almost 100% Wrong About ElectionContinued from page 3

Page 5: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis

Controller’s Midterm Report: Walking the Talk

Recently, we’ve discussed overall state spending and revenues, and in coming weeks we’ll review the spending and performance in major areas such as education and health and social services. So, it’s timely and appropriate to answer the question: How has the controller’s office done at managing its own spending and delivering services to Nevadans?

In our first full fiscal year (FY16), we cut spending from levels authorized by the legislature and governor based on the request of the previous controller by over

13 percent – while improving services. It’s possible we’ll need a supplemental appropriation in the current fiscal year to complete work originally scheduled for FY16 but not finished then, but the net first-year savings will still exceed ten percent.

When we started our tenure two years ago, the previous controller had left us a deficit exceeding $30,000 for the first half of that fiscal year. In the second half of that year, we erased that deficit and left a surplus of $102,000 – equal to the controller’s salary. Over the first two years of our tenure, the controller’s office has returned over $1,000,000 to the state treasury, helping to hold down your taxes and fees.

Turning to our budget request for the next biennium, the long-

term (2005-2018) rate of growth of controller’s office spending has been only 2.6 percent per year, which is lower than the very low growth rate of Nevada’s economy. That is, we have reduced the burden our office imposes on Nevada families and businesses. Thus, we meet the standard we have proposed for government at all levels in order to resuscitate our economy.

Our spending has grown much slower than that of many other departments and agencies. Due to deferred expenses in previous years, one-time catch-up items requested by the former controller increased FY16 spending (which we reduced), but actual FY17 spending and our proposed FY18 and FY19 spending levels have significantly brought down the long-term trend.

Further, we inherited a $1,000,000-plus potential contractual liability from the previous controller, but to date not a cent has been paid on that contract, as we rigorously held the contractor to the terms of the agreement. Now that two amendments to that contract have been adopted by the parties, we are hopeful the contractor can complete the work timely and satisfactorily. If so, the information technology being developed under that contract will generate new revenues for the state while compensating the contractor in proportion to the benefits its product delivers to the state.

In the first week of Ron’s tenure, he requested an extensive and thorough audit of the office’s operations by the executive branch auditors. That audit proposed moving the state’s residual debt collection operations to the governor’s office because it has power to enforce collections measures the controller’s office does not have. Instead of jealously

protecting our turf like many bureaucrats do, we agreed with the auditors’ recommendations and worked with the director of finance to effect the move. It’s now part of the governor’s budget recommendation.

While cutting spending, we have improved services in numerous ways. During the 2014 election campaign, Ron said he’d put the state checkbook up on line so all citizens can have convenient access to the facts and numbers. To do this, we needed a new business information system, and it is well into development and will be completed this year. The controller’s office will provide public demonstrations of this system this spring.

In the meantime, we created a kiosk at our office at which citizens can access extensive state financial information (including taking copies of files with them) already at no cost to users. When the full system is completed, citizens will be able to access many kinds of information, including state employee compensation levels.

Further, as Ron promised in the election campaign and as state law provides, we created an award-winning Popular Annual Financial Report that details state spending, revenues, issues, operations, problems and solutions, plus the economic outlook and policy recommendations.

And with a very good staff, led by James Smack and our managers, we have improved ongoing operations. Finally, we proposed five bills for the coming legislative session to remedy a number of problems large and small.


The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:The thousands of women who marched on Washington DC last weekend and showed the rest of the lefties how to do non-violence. Peaceful protest is as American as apple pie. The message we may not agree with in total but it is a lot easier to hear when it is not accompanied by violence.

President Donald Trump who, just like Babe Ruth, called his shot and hit it out of the park. We have never had a President quite like this and those who insist on making historical comparisons completely misunderstand the implications of his election. When he says that we are returning the country to the people, he’s NOT kidding.

The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To:The mainstream media which has had to look for negative perspectives on Donald Trump’s election because his very existence threatens their credibility which has dripped away over the last 18 months. It appears to have a lower public approval rating than Congress, which is really saying something. Remember when journalism was legiti-mate?

Tips Of Our Capand

Bronx Cheers

Commentary: Ron Knecht & Geoffrey Lawrence


Page 6: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis

I’ll admit that when I wrote on July 16 of 2015 about Donald Trump:

“He represents the frustration of the average guy who doesn’t think his vote counts for very much and appreciates a man who is willing to put his mouth where his money is and say what he thinks,”

I didn’t expect to be watching Toby Keith sing Courtesy of the Red White and Blue on the national mall the day before the inauguration 16 months later.

Let me be clear. I suspected he would win. That took a couple of months after his announcement.

I just never thought we’d have a President who would understand the deep, powerful connection that a Toby Keith and a Lee Greenwood have with the average guy who voted for him.

Initially, I just thought it was time to blow up Washington—the Washington we have come to detest. The Washington where it didn’t matter, for the most part, whether you were an R or a D; the name of the game was getting re-elected. And I thought, who better than the guy who a) helped build it, b) appeared to understand the need to blow it up, and, c) didn’t need the job so he couldn’t be bought.

As time has gone on, something special has happened.

The much ignored backbone of this nation stood up and said, “no more”. Folks whose parents always told them what mine always told me—that, indeed, any little boy or girl could grow up to be President—good, hard working folks who were largely ignored by the elites on the coasts, amazingly, saw a billionaire as their voice.

Pollsters had no effective way of measuring those folks—it was a movement, not a campaign—and, since pollsters, too, were part of the media elite neither they nor the media could see this coming.

And, so it came to pass, that Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States of America.

It was probably poetic justice that Keith’s anthem, written in 20 minutes of anger after 9-11, was performed the night before the inauguration. Including the favorite line of the

troops, “we’ll put a boot in your ass, it’s the American way”.

The irony of the song is that much of elite Washington didn’t like it. Hell, they hated it.

Keith actually wasn’t going to record it until then Commandant of the Marine Corps James L. Jones told him it was his duty as an American citizen to record the song. “It’s your job as an entertainer to lift the morale of the troops,” Jones said to Keith. “If you want to serve, that is what you can do.”

Some 16 years later, it seemed an entirely appropriate song, given the circumstances.

So did Whiskey for My Men, Beer for My Horses, a song we’ve referenced in this space before.

It also seemed appropriate that the Chorale of Missouri State University sang for the inauguration ceremony itself. There are very few places more born of Middle America than Springfield, Missouri which is the home to three institutions of higher learning.

And, finally, Salt Lake City’s Mormon Tabernacle Choir performed America immediately prior to Trump taking the oath of office.

Trump then took the platform and, in the words of CBS’ Bob Schieffer, “took the hide off of everybody on the platform.”

He went after the same Washington establishment which once hated Courtesy of the Red White and Blue. He laid down a marker making it clear that America is owned by its citizens, not its government.

He greatly offended the media elite. They howled on all of the networks in real time.

In Trump’s immortal words—made famous by a Hillary Clinton TV commercial— “tell them to go f**k themselves”!

He said what needed to be said, both to his supporters and everyone else. If official Washington wants to fight over it, they’ll be fighting a large portion of Middle America which, it appears, is up for the fight and will follow its new leader over the wall.



OPINIONFrom The Publisher...

Trump: Courtesy of Red, White and Blue

Page 7: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


Finally, the End of the Affordable Care Scam

March 23, 2010, will go down in U.S. history as a day of infamy. It was the day Barack Obama signed into law the so-called Affordable Care Act, an unconstitutional piece of legislation that a majority of Americans clearly did not want.

Now, with Obamacare in its final death throes, it appears to be headed for the Trumpster. Of course, no one knows exactly what DT will put in its place, but we should have a pretty good idea very soon. Let’s hope for the best and not expect the worst.

The most important thing is to act fast and get rid of Obamacare immediately, before the Radical Left has an opportunity to put out more fake news in an attempt to obfuscate the truth about this hideous piece of legislation. And the truth is that it’s nothing more than a complex scam sold to the public on a foundation of lies.

The lies were essential, because without over-the-top, outright lying, the American public would have revolted against this arrogant government overreach early on. And what’s especially offensive about it is that Obama and his surrogates, both in and out of Congress, fully realized it would fail from the outset, which they hoped would lead to single-payer, government-controlled healthcare.

If there was any doubt about it, the scam was inadvertently exposed in 2013 when John Gruber, one of the architects of Obamacare, was caught on video laughing and bragging to a panel how he and his cohorts had gotten the legislation passed.

Said Gruber, in part, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And, basically — call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever — but basically that was really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

From whence came those infamous and embarrassing lies: “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor — period.” “If you like your healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep your healthcare plan — period.”

It goes without saying that Obama has never once apologized or even acknowledged that he made these and similar statements dozens of times. When you sincerely believe that the people you’re hurting are beneath you, you don’t feel the need to apologize.

Even the official name for Obamacare, “The Affordable Care Act,” is a lie. If Obamacare is anything, it is most decidedly not affordable. Despite promises of lower insurance premiums for everyone, premiums have spiraled out of control — in some cases, up as much as 100 percent.

None of this should come as a surprise, given that Obamacare was never intended to help anyone. Its real purpose from the outset was to (1) redistribute wealth and (2) increase government’s stranglehold over people’s lives. After all, 85 percent of Americans already owned health insurance, and polls showed that most of them were quite happy with their policies.

The Dirty Dems used their age-old strategy of pushing through unpopular laws by whatever means necessary, then, when people start

realizing that the new law is bad for most Americans, they yell and scream that you can’t repeal it because too many folks now depend on its benefits. Let’s face it, it’s a cute little trick, and one that is used over and over again by the Dirty Dems. And with good reason: It works!

So it’s not surprising that the Radical Left is now yelling and screaming that 30 million people will lose their healthcare if Obamacare is repealed. It’s like a movie you’ve seen over and over again, but, as is usually the case, it’s a complete a ruse.

Why? Because, first of all, most of those 30 million people didn’t have medical insurance to begin with. The only reason most of them have healthcare today is because others — those who did have health insurance and whose premiums have gone up since the implementation of Obamacare — are paying for them. Again, Obamacare was never about creating a better healthcare system. It has always been about redistribution of wealth and people control!

If Obama and the Dirty Dems had really been interested in doing what was best for all Americans at the lowest possible cost, all they needed to do was target the 30 million or so citizens who were uninsured and pay for their health costs directly as a separate budgetary item.

No draconian law required, no new giant bureaucracy created. Just keep it simple by paying for the uninsured. I’m not saying that I necessarily would have supported the idea, but it certainly would have been simpler and far less expensive.

America already had the best healthcare system in the world, but the goal of the angry young community organizer in the White House was to destroy it. And, give him credit, he did what he set out to do, though it was (hopefully) only a temporary destruction.

Of course, many folks want to know why Obamacare has to be replaced with anything if we already had a healthcare system that was the envy of the world. In theory, I’m sympathetic to that question, but through the years I’ve become more of a pragmatist than a libertarian ideologue.

Let me make it clear that I eschew ridiculous statements like “healthcare is right, not a privilege,” because it most certainly is not a right. But the pragmatic (or humane) side of me doesn’t like the idea of people suffering from a lack of good healthcare.

So, one way or another, I’d like to see everyone have access to good healthcare, including those at the bottom end of the income spectrum. My only caveat is that the United States cannot afford to pay for medical care for everyone in the world, so anyone who violates our immigration laws and is here illegally should not have access to free healthcare — or any other government benefits.

That said, how Donald Trump addresses this biggest of all issues confronting him will tell us a lot about how serious he is about following through on his promises. Figuring out how to make 2 + 2 = 5 is not an easy task, but the fact is that he will have to figure out how to implement his agenda without bankrupting the country — i.e., bankrupting it more than it already is. ROBERT RINGERRobert Ringer (© 2017)is a New York Times #1 bestselling author who has appeared on numerous national radio and television shows, including The Tonight Show, Today, The Dennis Miller Show, Good Morning America, ABC Nightline, The Charlie Rose Show, as well as Fox News and Fox Business. To sign up for a free subscription to his mind-expanding daily insights, visit

Commentary: Robert Ringer

Page 8: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


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Page 9: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


Commentary: Satesh BidaiseeHow Online Education Can Fix Its Student Retention Problem

The recent growth of online education has been astounding. Last year, 35 million people signed up for at least one online class. That’s more than double the previous year’s enrollment.

The popularity of online learning is easy to understand. Today, students have access to well over 4,000 courses in a wide array of subjects, from chemistry to philosophy to graphic design. They participate at a time and place that suits their schedule. Many courses are free.

There is, however, a serious problem currently keeping online education from reaching its full potential — low retention rates. About 90 percent of enrollees in “MOOCS” — short for “Massive Open Online Courses,” which have unlimited registration and are the most popular online education product — drop out within two weeks.

The key to solving this problem? Making MOOCs more interactive. While MOOCs can never perfectly replicate the in-person back-and-forth of traditional brick-and-mortar schools, they can capitalize on modern technologies that empower students to more intimately engage with the material, their instructors, and their peers.

It’s no surprise that so few online learners finish. Few MOOC platforms include features that allow students to collaborate or ask questions in real time. Students are often expected to just click play on a lecture video, sit back, and passively learn.

They’re stuck studying alone, with no sense of belonging to a broader community. If they find a lesson especially challenging, there’s no one to boost their morale or guide them over the hump. It’s easy to lose motivation.

Meanwhile, interactivity is the rule at traditional schools. Students can raise their hands in class and interrupt their teachers to ask questions. They can go to a professor’s office hours for further clarification. They

join study groups and mentorship programs.And all the extracurricular activities integral to college life — clubs

and sororities and sports teams — further strengthen students’ social networks to keep them motivated and working.

MOOCs can replicate those connections by incorporating interactive tools that let students share notes, ask questions, and cheer each other on.

A new study from Penn State suggests that social media sites should be a prominent part of the MOOC toolkit. Researchers analyzed data from Facebook and Coursera, a popular MOOC provider. They found that students greatly preferred traditional social media channels to Coursera’s built-in message boards. Less than 10 percent of Coursera students used its boards, while nearly 30 percent of students were active on Facebook groups set up for specific classes. Researchers noted that the use of real names on the social site gave students “a sense of community.”

Some of the highest MOOC retention rates can be found at institutions that have invested in interactive technologies.

Harvard University, for instance, set up small virtual discussion groups supervised by a Harvard Law teaching fellow for an online course on copyright law. Out of 500 enrollees, about half took the final exam — a completion rate that’s well above the norm.

Likewise, St. George’s University, where I teach, has incorporated live sessions and student-led seminars into one of its public-health courses. Completion rates have jumped to five times that of the average MOOC.

Online learning is transforming lives all over the world. But too many students don’t finish what they’ve started. MOOC providers need to create more engaging, interactive experiences. That’s the best way to boost completion rates — and ensure that students take full advantage of this revolutionary new way to learn. SATESH BIDAISEESatesh Bidaisee is an Associate Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine and Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies at St. George’s University, Grenada.

Page 10: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


President Donald Trump Really Meant It

“He really meant it.” That’s what I thought as President Donald Trump began wrapping up his Inaugural Address. My God, he really meant it.

For me the journey began in April of 2015, when Senator Ted Cruz joined then House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan in signing a joint opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal urging passage of fast track legislation. A few short days later, I developed a strategy to counter their support. That strategy was built around Donald Trump. At the time, now President Trump was dismissed by almost everyone as a sideshow, but as he proved, he was much more than that.

Donald Trump immediately agreed to voice a radio ad for my group, Americans for Limited Government, against fast track uttering the famous words, “It’s a bad, bad deal.” The ad ran continuously in New Hampshire and South Carolina up until he announced his candidacy for the presidency, and played a major role in getting a majority of the GOP candidates for President to agree with Mr. Trump. Eventually, even Senator Cruz voted against fast track, but it was Donald J. Trump who knew in his heart that corporate crony trade deals were bad for America’s workers and disastrous for America.

Now, twenty months later, Donald Trump is President, and virtually every Washington D.C. power broker has been routed.

He really means it.President Obama’s last three years in office have been predicated on

the principle that he could regulate, sign away and stretch the bounds of Executive Orders with impunity, disregarding the rightful Constitutional role of Congress.

Today, that work which was like a house built on sand, will begin to be washed away as Trump appointees take immediate control of the levers of power at virtually every agency in government. As a member of the Trump transition team at the U.S. Department of Labor, I got the opportunity to work with some of the most brilliant, dedicated minds in D.C. in an exercise in cross-pollination between the various Departments in federal government to help remake the relationship between the government and the people and indeed between the Executive Branch and Congress.

Obama’s impatience and demands for a whole loaf through Executive fiat means that every one of these actions can, and many will, be wiped from the books using the same pen and phone that willed them into existence.

The Madisonian vision of separation of powers creating a balancing act to ensure that no one branch got too strong will be restored, and Obama’s arrogance the led him to ignore Congress when he couldn’t get everything he wanted will lead to most of his Administration’s “accomplishments” being cast onto the scrapheap of history.

This definitely would not be true if Hillary had won in November, and most likely would not be true if virtually any other Republican candidate would have won the nomination.

But I predict before the weekend is out, America will learn that when President Donald J. Trump says he is going to make America great again, he really means it. And that is reason to celebrate. RICK MANNINGThe author is President of Americans for Limited Government.

Commentary: Rick Manning

Page 11: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis

Which Obama Executive Actions Will Trump Undo?

“[President-elect Donald Trump]’s got a few of [executive actions] probably in the area of four or five that we’re looking at for Friday. Then there are some other ones that I expect him to sign with respect to a couple of issues that have been high on his priority list.”

That was incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer broadcasting ahead of time what to expect from President-elect Donald Trump upon being sworn into office on Jan. 20. In short, Trump is getting straight to work. And first on the agenda could be undoing many of the executive actions from his predecessor, outgoing President Barack Obama.

Spicer was rather unspecific what actions might be taken immediately, leaving the Washington, D.C. press corps and the American people to speculate about just what might be on the agenda.

That said, one imagines that rescinding Obama’s executive amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants with U.S.-born children might be close to the top of the list. This was a big campaign promise by Trump and he can send a strong message to his supporters that when he makes a promise, he keeps it, by repealing the amnesty in day one.

And his decision to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.Overall, Obama had issued 260 executive orders. Those could be

undone with the stroke of a pen en masse, since there is nothing legally that keeps them in place.

Don’t forget all of the regulations issued by executive departments and agencies. Upon assuming office Trump could direct the heads of those departments and agencies to begin the process of delaying, revising or rescinding through the process under the Administrative Procedures Act economically harmful regulations, including the 2009 Carbon Endangerment Finding by the Environmental Protection Agency, the new and existing power plant rules and others. Also labor regulations like the overtime pay rule or the persuader rule.

Further down the list might appear the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulation that conditioned the receipt of community development block grants on municipalities making changes to local zoning along income and racial guidelines.

The regulatory process can take a couple of years to work through, meaning for those items Trump has already made up his mind about to revise or rescind, it is important to get started right away.

But Trump need not act alone. Congress has a very viable role under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which gives Congress the power to roll back with simple majorities regulations within 60 legislative days of being implemented on an expedited basis. Critically, this gets around the standing rules of the Senate that might otherwise require a supermajority to do away with a regulation.

As far as which regulations could be targeted by Congress, those include those issued going back to June, according to the Heritage Foundation, and include “many dozens of major rules [that] could be vulnerable to a CRA challenge. These include, among others: Rules under the Dodd–Frank

financial regulation law, Sick leave for federal contractors, Offshore drilling rules, and Energy mandates for home appliances.”

It would also include another $6 billion of midnight regulations Obama has implemented on his way out the door.

Controversially, there was also Obama’s executive action to indefinitely seal off much of the outer continental shelf in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans from oil and gas drilling. Obama officials believe this action cannot be undone by executive action, although there is a clear process under the law for issuing new offshore drilling leases.

Trump could try to rescind this action via some executive action of his own, but he should anticipate a legal fight in federal courts, which could take another few years to sort out. Alternately, Congress could always just defund this Obama overreach on the outer continental shelf or pass new legislation repealing the provision he invoked to seal it off.

But the sky’s the limit. Congress can and should act preemptively to deal with legislatively that which may take a long time via the regulatory process, including defunding harmful regulations in the April continuing resolution. Congress has the Article I power of the purse to prohibit the use of funds to implement regulations and any other executive action.

If that all happens, the Obama’s legacy may be wiped away like sand castle that was made too close to the waves when the tide comes in. ROBERT ROMANORobert Romano is the senior editor of Americans for Limited Government.


Commentary: Robert Romano

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Page 13: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


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Page 14: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis

Conservative Reflections on Sandoval’s State of the State Speech

THANKFULLY, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has delivered his LAST State of the State address. This guy has been absolutely the WORST possible governor for conservatives and Republicans in Nevada. A Democrat couldn’t have done more damage.

Before he was first elected in 2010, Sandoval campaigned on rolling back the state budget to its pre-recession level of around $5.8 billion. Instead, he’s overseen an explosive growth in spending – now up to his proposed 2017-19 budget of $8.1 billion.

Sandoval’s new budget includes $60 million for the Education Savings Accounts (ESA) school choice program. That’s only enough to fund a little more than half of the families who have already applied for the grants. And before all is said and done by this new Democrat-controlled Legislature, it’s going to be pared down even more.

In fact, I don’t believe the governor really supports this program and could end up letting it die completely by the time the session ends. If he REALLY wanted the program to move forward, he should have included a funding fix during October’s special session when Republicans still had the majority.

Worst. Governor. Ever.Not only does Sandoval extend a Christmas wish list of new spending for

everything else under the sun in his budget, he’s proposed yet ANOTHER tax hike – a new 10 percent tax on marijuana sales to piggyback on the already existing 15 percent tax on this now-legal product.

Now, this is just plain stupid and counter-productive and here’s why…The main reason for legalizing and regulating the sale of marijuana is to

take it out of the hands of dangerous drug dealers and the violence that comes with their illegal street trade. So ask yourself this: If people can buy and sell pot for at least 25 percent LESS from illegal drug dealers than what they’ll have to pay in a legal dispensary, where do you think they’re going to go?

Stupid is as stupid does.Sandoval also proposed funneling $20 million from taxpayers into the

Kenny Guinn Millennium Scholarship program. The big problem with this is that it was never supposed to be. The funding for the Millennium Scholarships was supposed to come 100% from revenue from the tobacco settlement.

At the time the program was created, then-State Treasurer Brian Krolickipushed to securitize the cash flow from the tobacco settlement and protect the funding for the future. Alas, short-sighted Democrats, led by then-Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley, foolishly killed Krolicki’s fiscally responsible proposal.

And now you and I are paying for it. Lovely.Lastly, Sandoval is asking for an additional $173 million to fund his ill-

conceived Medicaid expansion. That expansion is a ticking fiscal time bomb. And we should be REDUCING the program, not expanding it.

But what does Sandoval care? He’ll be out of office when the bomb finally goes off. Someone else will have to clean up the mess.

The end of the Sandoval era (error), like the end of the Obama era (error), can’t come soon enough. CHUCK MUTH


Commentary: Chuck Muth Every week in Nevada, someone is trying to screw us.

Most of the time, we elected that someone.

That's why we conserva-tives NEED a WEEKLY voice.

That's why the Penny Press has made sticking up for us little guys a whole new Nevada tradition.

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Page 15: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis




Page 16: Penny Press 26, · 2017-01-23 · Trump signing executive orders. And of course, you know, the Senate had just confirmed General Mattis


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MS #: 15010729 / Alabama #: 980, 12082, 1321 / Alaska #: 952694, 36012, 10-052 / Arizona #: ROC218272, ROC272138, 18335 / Arkansas #: E 07-009, 1440150 / California #: ACO6286, LCO5368, 874794 / Connecticut #: ELC - 0192591-L5, ELC.0191352-L5, HIC.0634529 / Delaware #: 06-116, 2006209146, FAL-0328 / Florida #: EF20001030 / Georgia #: LVU406189 / Hawaii #: CT31374 / Idaho #: 011630, 012673 / Illinois #: 127-001290 / Iowa #: AC-0011, 04643-06 / Maine #: LM50017112 / Maryland #: 107-1302, IR-2525 / Massachusetts #: 1471 C, 1351 / Michigan #: 3601206218, 7109296 / Minnesota #: TS01618, MB648213 / Montana #: 216 / Nebraska #: FA12465 / Nevada #: 62684 / New Jersey BURGLAR AND FIRE ALARM #: 34BF00000100 / New Mexico #: 93695 / New York #: 12000301658, 68VI1000200, D BY THE N.Y.S DEPARTMENT OF STATE / North Carolina #: 25514-SP-LV, 1811-CSA, NC: 2370-CSA / North Dakota #: TM-00227 / Ohio #: 53891547 / Oklahoma #: 1026, 143819 / Oregon #: 173349, CLE216, 37646 / Pennsylvania #: PA017248 / Rhode Island #: 3734, 34456 / South Carolina #: BAC5569, FAC3437, 1256 / Tennessee #: 1253, 333, 1524 / Texas #: TACLA00043940E, B13684, ACR-2854, 2854A / Utah #: 6093322-6501 / Virginia #: 11 4822, 2705 138422 / Washington #: VIVINI*894BZ / Washington D.C. #: ECS901552, 71101930 / West Virginia #: WV040401 / Wisconsin #: 1209627 / Wyoming #: LV-G-16005