pentecost - gospel illustration: jn. 20 19-23 a faith stronger than death

Jn. 20:19-31 Faith is Stronger Than Death With permission of

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Pentecost - Gospel Illustration: Jn. 20 19-23 A Faith Stronger than Death


  • 1. Jn. 20:19-31Faith is Stronger Than DeathWith permission of

2. After Midnight, Day One Paul, barely conscious, was at school . . . this time Ion his way to the hospitalwill probably not leaveagain. His mother held himthe hospitalin the back seat of the car A week later and still notwhile his father behind the even the slightestwheel was intent on improvement was seen.getting there quickly. Jessica, his mother, Entering the emergencystruggled to keep up hisroom, Paul released a spirits. Youll come outmuffled shriek because of of the hospital, sonthe stabbing pain in hisgrandma bought you office chair. A few days later Paul Thanks, mom, but Itexted message a friend dont think I will be usingit. 3. Paul would go into daily fitsof burning and acute pain.Now the pain had spreadbeyond his abdomen. Hisliver and kidneys weredeteriorating progressively. Mom, it hurts it hurts,Looking on at her son tornapart by suffering, she coulddo nothing else but raiseher tear-filled eyes towardthe crucifix and beg Christto look with favor on herson and grant him strengthand consolation. 4. Paul would soon apologize Paul had now been in theto his mom. Sorry forhospital for 30 days and ityelling, mom. Its just that it was his 17th birthday.hurts so much I cant help When the priest arrived,it but Ill try harder not toJessica marveled at Godsyell next time.loving Providence. When On the tenth day Pauls baptism was administered,body became bloated he became so relieved,beyond recognition. serene, and joyful. It was on this tenth day that Paul begged forgivenessPaul was to shock his mom.from everyone, beginningI have something to tell with his, mom Jessica was overwhelmed What is it, honey?when he apologized for I want to be baptizedcausing her so muchCatholic.suffering and so manysleepless nights. 5. With the same humility andsimplicity he askedforgiveness from his dad,two little brothers, littlesister, and friends forwhatever trouble oroffenses he might havecaused them. Even to the last days ofphysical torment he kept upa positive and sometimes Fifteen minutes after arrivinghome, the phone rang.cheerful spirit.Honey, he just passed away, Paul knew his hour washer husband said.near. He convinced his From infancy Paul sufferedsorrowful mother to gofrom an inherited immunehome and rest.deficiency. Mom, nothing drastic is All his sufferings andgoing to happen in thediscomforts took on a newmeantime. Convinced, his meaning since his baptism.mother headed home. 6. Three days before hepassed away he said to hismom, Mom, I just dreamedthat two persons came tovisit me, but the Fatherdidnt come Jessica had made light of hisdream at the moment butknew that our Lord heardher prayers; she knew thatGod was preparing toreceive Paul into paradise. Soon after Pauls death Though she grieved the deathof her son, she was consoledafter several years of beingby knowing that after all thatcatechumen Jessica wassuffering he was now inbaptized. heaven. 7. Pauls Faith Neither Paul, his Mother Blessed are those whoor anyone else in the have not seen and havefamily was like Thomasbelieved.and able to touch thewounds of Christ, yet theybelieved. Pauls faith was strong, sostrong ,that it brought notonly spiritual comfort butbrought a new meaningand acceptance of hisphysical pain.