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CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid Updates for CS Bundle #1 Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 February 2007

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  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid Updates for CS Bundle #1 Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008

    February 2007

  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008

    Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid



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  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid


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  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008

    Note. This document is an update to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Aid 9.0 PeopleBook. It describes the Product Update Issue #682663 posted to Customer Connection in February 2007. Use this document in conjunction with your PeopleBook to maintain a complete set of documentation.

    PeopleSoft Financial Aid 9.0 Bundle 1 includes the following essential updates and added features for your 9.0 system:

    • HERA and regulatory updates for Return of Title IV.

    • Annual updates for ISIR Load 2007-2008.

    • Updates to Institutional Methodology (IM) Institutional Need Analysis System (INAS) 2007-2008.

    • Regulatory updates to PROFILE and Need Access for 2007-2008.

    • Changes to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) load for 2007-2008.

    • Updates to Verification 2007-2008.

    • Annual Pell Schedules.

    • Updates to Direct Lending.

    • Updates to Direct Loan School Account Statement (DLSAS) message classes.

    • ACG and SMART grant reporting.

    HERA and Regulatory Updates for Return of Title IV The Return to Title IV worksheet has been changed and Campus Solutions Financial Aid pages have changed accordingly. This section discusses how to:

    • Manage data to calculate return of Title IV aid.

    • Use return of funds worksheet.

    • Track return of Title IV funds.

    • Review return of funds student summary.

    • Review RTIV pages in FA History.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Managing Data to Calculate Return of Title IV Aid This section discusses how to manage data to calculate the return of Title IV funds

    Page Used to Manage Data to Calculate Return of Title IV Aid

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage Return TIV Aid STDNT_RTRN_TIV_AID Financial Aid, Return to

    Title IV Funds HERA, Create Worksheet, Return of TIV Funds Worksheet

    Manage the return of Title IV aid. Add a student who has withdrawn, calculate the withdrawal percentage, view various dates from different sources, view the payment or enrollment period, or view term information

    Managing the Return of Title IV Aid Access the Return of TIV Aid page.

    Return of the TIV Aid page No fields have changed for this page.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Using Return of Funds Worksheet This section discusses how to use the new worksheet.

    Page Used to Generate a Valid Calculation

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage Return of Funds Worksheet


    Financial Aid, Return to Title IV Funds HERA, Create Worksheet, Return of Funds Worksheet

    Generate a valid calculation by entering values in the fields that you can edit or to recalculate the values due by the student and school.

    Generating a Valid Calculation Access the Return of Funds Worksheet page.

    Return of Funds Worksheet page

    Worksheet Data

    E. Total TIV Aid Disb: (E. total Title IV aid disbursed)

    Displays the total amount of disbursed Title IV funds credited to the student’s account to pay for both direct and indirect costs.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    F. Total TIV Grant Aid: (F. total Title IV grant aid)

    Displays total of Title IV grant aid disbursed plus any amount that could have been disbursed for the payment period or period of enrollment.

    G. Total TIV Aid: (G. total Title IV aid)

    Displays an amount that was awarded to the student. This value also includes funds that were not disbursed to the student for which he or she was eligible. It is the total disbursed Title IV aid plus the Title IV aid that could have been disbursed for the payment period or period of enrollment.

    H. Pct. TIV Aid Earned: (H. percent Title IV aid earned)

    Displays the percentage of the period of enrollment or payment period that the student completed.

    I. TIV Aid Earned: (I. Title IV aid earned)

    Displays the amount of earned Title IV funds disbursed or to be disbursed to the student.

    J. TIV Aid to Disburse: (J. Title IV aid to disburse)

    Displays the amount of aid the student may be eligible for as a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the student received less than the eligible amount, the system displays the amount to be disbursed.

    K. TIV Aid to Return: (K. Title IV aid to return)

    Displays the total amount of aid to be returned to the federal government by the student and/or school.

    L. Total Institutional Chrgs: (L. total institutional charges)

    Displays the value of the charges your institution set up in the Institutional Charges setup page. Institutional costs are defined as charges—the cost of attendance—a student must pay to the institution directly. Whether you use the actual or budgeted charges, the system displays the value for the institutional charges you defined in your setup.

    M. Pct TIV Aid Unearned: (M. percent title IV aid unearned)

    Displays the amount to be returned based on the percentage of the unearned aid.

    N. Unearned Inst Charges: (N. unearned institutional charges)

    Displays the amount of aid the student must return for institutional charges. For example, tuition is an institutional charge. If a student withdraws at 10% of the term, the student earns 10% of the charges for tuition. The remaining 90% is unearned.

    O. Amt Due From School: (O. amount due from school)

    Displays the amount of aid the institution must return to the Title IV program. The institution determines its share of unearned funds first.

    P. Total School Must Return: Displays the total loans the school must return.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Q. Amt Due From Student: (Q. amount due from student)

    Displays the amount of aid the student must return to the Title IV program. The student returns the difference between the Title IV aid to be returned and the amount of Title IV aid due by the institution. For example, if the returned aid is 1000.00 USD and your institution returns 600.00 USD, the initial unearned calculation for the student to return is 400.00 USD.

    R. Stdnt Loan Repaymnt Amt: (R. Student loan repayment amount)

    Displays the total amount the student must repay, which consists of loan funds the student has earned, or unearned loan funds that the school is not responsible for repaying, or both.

    S. Initial TIV Grant Amount: (S. initial Title IV grant amount)

    Displays the Initial amount of Title IV grants the student must return.

    T. TIV Grant Protection Amt: (T. Title IV grant protection amount)

    Displays the amount of Title IV grant protection, which is 50% of the total of Title IV grant aid that was disbursed.

    U. TIV Grant Return Amt: (U. Title IV grant return amount)

    Displays the Title IV grant funds that the student must return.

    Tracking Return of Title IV Funds This section discusses how to track the return of TIV funds.

    Pages Used to Track Return of Title IV Funds

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking

    TIV_PWD_TRACKING Financial Aid, Return to Title IV Funds HERA, Track PW Disbursement

    Review post-withdrawal disbursement tracking data.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Reviewing Post Withdrawal Disbursement Tracking Data Access the Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page.

    Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page

    Dates 1 tab

    Select the Dates 1 tab.

    Dates 1 tab

    Date Disbursements Offered

    Enter the date on which the disbursement was offered to the student.

    Date Disbursements Made

    Enter the date the disbursement was made to the student.

    Date Disbursements Declined

    Enter the date the disbursement was declined by the student.

    Dates 2 tab

    Select the Dates 2 tab.

    Dates2 tab


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Date Disbursements Credited

    Enter the date the disbursement was credited to the student’s account.

    Date Disbursements Accepted

    Enter the date the disbursement was accepted by the student.

    Date Loan Funds Needed Displays date of confirmation by borrower that loan funds were still needed.

    Reviewing Return of TIV Funds Student Summary This section discusses how to review the summary of student returns of TIV funds.

    Page Used to Review Return of TIV Funds Student Summary

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage Return of TIV Funds Summary

    RTRN_TIV_STU_TRACK Financial Aid, Return to Title IV Funds HERA, Review Summary of TIV Return

    View summary of the student’s return of TIV funds calculation.

    Reviewing the Summary of Student Return of TIV Funds Access the Return of TIV Funds Summary page.

    Return of TIV Funds Summary page

    Calculation Period tab

    Select the Calculation Period tab.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Calculation Period tab

    J. TIV Aid to Disburse Displays the amount of aid that the student may be eligible for as a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the student received less than his eligibility, the system displays the amount to be disbursed.

    Worksheet Data tab

    Select the Worksheet Data tab.

    Worksheet Data tab

    O. Amt Due from School (O. amount due from school)

    Displays the amount of aid the institution must return to the Title IV programs. The institution allocates its share of unearned funds first.

    Status Displays the school’s return status of the calculation for the amount due from the school as Pending or Complete.

    Q. Amt Due from Student (Q. amount due from student)

    Displays the amount of aid the student must return to the Title IV programs. The student returns the difference between the Title IV aid to be returned and the amount of Title IV aid due by the institution. For example, if the returned aid is 1000.00 USD and your institution returns 600.00 USD, the initial unearned calculation for the student to return is 400.00 USD.

    Status Displays the student’s return status of the calculation for the amount due from the student as Pending or Complete.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Reviewing 2006 RTIV Pages in FA History RTIV records prior to the implementation of HERA 2006 are stored in Financial Aid History.

    Page Used to Review RTIV Pages in FA History

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage Historical Application Information

    FA_APP_HIST_TRNSFR Financial Aid, Financial Aid History, View Archived Application Data

    View RTIV Worksheet, RTIV PW Disbursement, RTIV Return Summary, or RTIV Fund Return records calculated prior to the implementation of HERA 2006.

    Annual Updates for ISIR Load 2007-2008 This section includes updates and changes to ISIR processing to support regulatory release changes for the 2007-2008 aid year cycle. It documents and discusses:

    • New pages and components for 2007-2008.

    • Changes to ISIR data corrections for 2007-2008.

    • Changes to ISIR load processing.

    Note. These updates are based on the August 2006 of the draft 2007-2008 ISIR file specifications. Additional updates may be necessary when the 2007-2008 EDE Technical Reference Guide is published and reviewed. Updates are normally delivered in the following bundle.

    New Pages and Components This section displays the following new pages and components.

    Pages New for ISIR Load 2007-2008

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage ISIR Suspense Management 07/08

    ISIR_SUSP_CNTRPIA8 Financial Aid, File Management, ISIR Import, 2007-2008 Suspense Management, ISIR Suspense Management

    Review all ISIR records processed by the FA Inbound and FAPSAR00 processes.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    CPS Generated Fields


    Click the CPSGenerated Data link on the ISIR Suspense Management 07/08 page.

    View information generated by CPS for this ISIR.

    ISIR Inbound Load Summary


    Financial Aid, File Management, ISIR Import, 2007-2008 ISIR File Data

    View processing information for a batch of ISIRs.

    ISIR Data 1


    Click the ISIR Data 1 link on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page: ISIR Inbound File Data tab.

    View the FAFSA questions reported on the ISIR.

    ISIR Data 2


    Click the ISIR Data 2 link on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page: ISIR Inbound File Data tab.

    View Federal database match and FM computational information reported on the ISIR.

    NSLDS Data 1


    Click the NSLDS Data 1 link on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page: ISIR Inbound File Data tab.

    View NSLDS history information reported on the ISIR.

    Header and Trailer Data

    ISIR_08_IN_HSEC Click the Header and Trailer Data link on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page.

    View header and trailer information for the ISIR record.

    NSLDS ACG NSLDS_ACG Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS ACG

    View Academic Competitiveness Grant award history for the student.

    NSLDS NSG NSLDS_NSG Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS NSG

    View National Smart Grant award history for the student.

    NSLDS Activity NSLDS_ERR_CD_SEC Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data. Click the Detail link on any page in the component.

    View NSLDS activity and change flags.

    NSLDS Overpayment Information

    NSLDS_CONTCT_SEC Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data. Click the Overpayment Information link on the NSLDS Information page.

    View NSLDS grant and Perkins loan overpayment status.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Using ISIR Suspense Management Access the ISIR Suspense Management 07/08 page.

    ISIR Suspense Management 07/08 page


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Viewing Information Generated by CPS for the ISIR Access the CPS Generated Fields page.

    CPS Generated Fields page

    Managing ISIRs Suspended in Batch Access the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page and ISIR Batch Detail Records tab.

    ISIR Inbound Load Summary page


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Viewing ISIR Data 1 Access the ISIR Data 1 page.

    ISIR Data 1 page (1 of 3)


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    ISIR Data 1 page (2 of 3)


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    ISIR Data 1 page (3 of 3)


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Viewing ISIR Data 2 Access the ISIR Data 2 page.

    ISIR Data 2 page (1 of 4)


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    ISIR Data 2 page (2 of 4)


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    ISIR Data 2 page (3 of 4)


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    ISIR Data 2 page (4 of 4)


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Viewing NSLDS Data 1 Access the NSLDS Data 1 page.

    NSLDS Data 1 page (1 of 3)


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    NSLDS 1 page (2 of 3)


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    NSLDS 1 page (3 of 3)

    Viewing Header and Trailer Data Access the Header and Trailer Data page.

    Header and Trailer Data


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Viewing NSLDS ACG Access the NSLDS ACG page.

    NSLDS ACG page

    Viewing NSLDS NSG Access the NSLDS NSG page.

    NSLDS NSG page

    Viewing NSLDS Activity Access the NSLDS Activity page.


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    NSLDS Activity page


  • CS Bundle 1 – Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Changes to ISIR Data Corrections for 2007-2008 You can now create 2007-2008 ISIR Correction and Signature files. In addition, updates to the ISIR load process reflect the final changes to the 2007-2008 ISIR file layout published in the Electronic Data Exchange for 2007-2008, which was published in December 2006. The ISIR message tables are updated with the comment codes and text for 2007-2008.

    Note. Evaluate the delivered set of values on the ISIR Comments table for severity level and DB match use. You may want to adjust these values based on your institutional business practice. For example, review the level of importance that you assigned to the reject reasons and comment codes during setup to ensure that the action required by financial aid staff is applicable.

    The following pages are removed from the Financial Aid, File Management, ISIR Import folder:

    • ISIR Suspense Management 05/06

    • 2005-2006 ISIR File Data

    The following pages are removed from the Financial Aid, File Management, ISIR Corrections folder:

    • View 2005-2006 Outbound Files

    • View 2005-2006 Outbound Data

    This section discusses changes to the ISIR Corrections 07/08 component for ISIR 2008.

    Pages Used to Make ISIR Data Corrections for 2007-2008

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage FAFSA Information ISIR_PIA_CS1_08

    Financial Aid, Federal Application Data, Correct 2007–2008 ISIR records, FAFSA Information

    Correct information on the FAFSA Information page.

    INAS Federal Extension


    Click the FM link on the FAFSA Information page.

    Override INAS local policy options.

    Change Student Status Values


    Click the Assumptions link in the Student Data – Dependency Status Information group box on the FAFSA Information page.

    Edit any fields that are unavailable for entry on the main page due to the CPS assigning an assumed value to the field.

    Change Parent Household Information


    Click the Assumptions link in the Parent Data – Parent Background Information group box on the FAFSA Information page.

    Change the Assumption Indicator for each of the fields pertaining to parent household information so that the field can be corrected on the Parent Data – Parent Background Information page.


  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Assumptions and School Codes


    Financial Aid, Federal Application Data, Correct 2007–2008 ISIR records, Assumptions School Code

    Enter corrections to a student's choice of school and housing, to override a student's dependency status, and to override FAFSA Assumption and/or Reject information on behalf of the student. You can use this page to override this data.

    EFC\DB Matches\Corr


    Financial Aid, Federal Application Data, Correct 2007–2008 ISIR Records, EFC\DB Matches\Corr

    View the expected family contribution detail for a student and information about all ISIR database matches and processing flags set by the Central Processing System.

    Reviewing FAFSA Information Access the FAFSA Information page.

    FAFSA Information page (1 of 3)

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    FAFSA Information page (2 of 3)

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    FAFSA Information page (3 of 3)

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Viewing INAS Federal Extension Information Viewing INAS Federal Extension Information Access the INAS Federal Extension page.

    INAS Federal Extension page

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 33 29

  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Changing Student Status Values Changing Student Status Values Access the Change Student Status Values page.

    Change Student Status Values page

    Changing Parent Household Information Access the Change Parent Household Information page.

    Change Parent Household Information page

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 34 30

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    Correcting Assumptions and School Codes Information Correcting Assumptions and School Codes Information Access the Assumptions and School Codes page.

    Assumptions and School Codes page (1 of 4)

    Assumptions and School Codes page (2 of 4)

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    Assumptions and School Codes page (3 of 4)

    Assumptions and School Codes page (4 of 4)

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    Viewing EFC and Database Matches Viewing EFC and Database Matches Access the EFC\DB Matches\Corr page.

    EFC\DB Matches\Corr page (1 of 2)

    EFC\DB Matches\Corr page (2 of 2)

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 37 33

  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Changes to ISIR Load Processing The current changes to the ISIR load processes are limited to the handling of the new fields added to the 2008 ISIR. There are no changes to the ISIR load and suspend rules. For a complete list of new and modified ISIR fields, please refer to the current 2007-2008 ISIR layout documents available at the Federal Student Aid website at

    In addition:

    FM INAS for 2007-08 is not yet available, so INAS calculations during the ISIR load will not occur. Set the ISIR Load parameter settings to not call INAS. When FM INAS is delivered, all ISIRs loaded with this setting will be processed using the batch INAS process.

    Set up the Prospect Cross Reference table for 2008 and create a prospect data source of ISIR08. This is part of the normal processing setup for new financial aid years.

    Peoplecode was added to the ISIR Corrections 07/08 component to set the student dependency status based on the answer to the new Active duty in the military question. The behavior should follow that of the traditional dependency status questions.

    Updates to IM INAS 2007-2008 The College Board deactivated options I-10 (exclude tuition and fee deduction from income) and I-20 (allow parents in college).

    This section describes corresponding changes to Financial Aid pages.

    See Also

    The College Board INAS User Manual for 2007-2008

    Excluding Tuition Fee Deductions This section shows changes to pages used to:

    • Define IM Yes and No options.

    • View INAS Institutional extension 1.

    • View INAS Institutional extension 4.

    • Define home asset projections.

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 38 34

  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Pages Used to Define IM Options and Make ISIR Corrections Pages Used to Define IM Options and Make ISIR Corrections

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage IM Yes/No Options


    Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Application Processing, INAS 2006–2007 Global Options, IM Yes/No Options

    Define values for IM PROFILE options. Select the student and parent options appropriate for your IM.

    Student Data INST_STUDENT_08 Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 2007-2008, Student Data

    Click the IM link to access INAS Institutional Extension 1.

    FAFSA Information ISIR_PIA_HIST1 Financial Aid, Federal Application Data, Correct 2007-2008 ISIR Records, FAFSA Information

    View or correct information on the FAFSA information.

    INAS Institutional Extension 1


    Click the IM link on the FAFSA Information page.

    Override INAS local policy options institutional calculations on a student-by-student basis.

    INAS Institutional Extension 4


    Click the Extension 4 link on the INAS Institutional Extension 1 page.

    Override INAS Local Policy Option institutional calculations on a student-by-student basis.

    Home/Asset Projections


    Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Application Processing, INAS 2006–2007 Global Options, Home/Asset Projections

    Define options and values for assessing home equity for parents, students, and students with dependents. Define asset assessment rates.

    Defining IM Yes and No Options

    Access the IM Yes/No Options page.

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    IM Yes/No Options page

    The Exclude Tuition Fee Deduction field and the Home Equity Cap fields have been removed from this page. The Home Equity Cap field was moved to the Home/Asset Projections page.

    Viewing INAS Institutional Extension 1

    Access the INAS Institutional Extension 1 page.

    INAS Institutional Extension 1 page

    The Exclude Tuition Fee Deduction field and the Cap Home Equity field have been removed from this page.

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 40 36

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    Viewing INAS Institutional Extension 4 Viewing INAS Institutional Extension 4

    Access the INAS Institutional Extension 4 page.

    INAS Institutional Extension 4 page

    The Home Equity Cap Factor field formerly used a static factor of 2. You can now enter a factor from 0.0 to 9.9.

    The Allow Parents in College field has been removed from this page.

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 41 37

  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Defining Home Asset Projections Defining Home Asset Projections

    Access the Home/Asset Projections page.

    Home/Asset Projections

    Home Equity Cap Factor Enter a cap factor from 0.0 to 9.9.

    Regulatory Updates to PROFILE and Need Access for 2007-2008 This section discusses:

    • Field and page changes driven by the 2007-2008 College Scholarship Service (CSS) Data Reporting Layout.

    • Changes to PROFILE and Need Access navigation paths.

    • Changes to PROFILE and Need Access run control search pages.

    Field and Page Changes for the 2007-2008 CSS Data Reporting Layout This section lists the field changes driven by the 2007-2008 CSS Data Reporting Layout and displays the online Institutional Application component that is updated to reflect these changes.

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    Modified, New, and Deleted Fields The following fields effect existing translate values. Other modified fields listed on the 2007-2008 CSS Data Reporting Layout that are defined as either required (cannot be blank) or signed positive response (cannot be negative) have been addressed but are not itemized here. Refer to the CSS Data Reporting Layout for those specific fields.

    Note. For non-numeric fields that are required, no value is assigned if the field is blank. The field remains blank during the PROFILE Load process. INAS handles the field accordingly if it is blank.

    This table lists the modified fields.

    Field Number Description Action 36B Tax Form Type


    Component: Maintain Institutional Application 2007-2008

    Page: Student Data

    Section: Student's Income and Benefits

    Translate values have been changed to:

    Can be blank.

    1 = 1040

    2 = 1040A

    3 = 1040EZ

    4 = Puerto Rican Tax Return

    5 = Other US Territory Tax Return

    6 = Canadian Tax Return

    7 = Other Non-US Tax Return

    88 Natural Parent Status


    Component: Maintain Institutional Application 2007-2008

    Page: Student Data

    Section: Student's Information

    Translate values have been changed to:

    Can be blank.

    1 = Married

    2 = Separated

    3 = Divorced

    4 = Never Married Living Separate

    5 = Never Married Living Together

    6 = Widowed

    121B Parents’ Tax Form Type


    Component: Maintain Institutional Application 2007-2008

    Page: Parent Data

    Section: Parents' Income

    Translate values have been changed to:

    Can be blank.

    1 = 1040

    2 = 1040A

    3 = 1040EZ

    4 = Puerto Rican Tax Return

    5 = Other US Territory Tax Return

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    and Benefits 6 = Canadian Tax Return

    7 = Other Non-US Tax Return

    This table lists the new fields.

    Field Number Description New Item 25D Lowest Income Filer Status

    36A Student's 2006 Tax Filing Status Question

    49A Student's 2006 – Means Tested Benefits Question

    61 Students Assets – Own Business, Home, or Self-Employed? Question

    63C Student's Business, FTE Employees > 100 Question

    82A Parent receive TANF Question

    82B Parent receive SSI Question

    82C or 82D Father or Mother – Retirement Assets Question

    82C or 82D Father or Mother – Retirement Assets Question

    85 Parents' 2006 – Means Tested Benefits Question

    105A Parent – Either parent self-employed? Question

    105B Parent – Housing status Question

    115 Parents' Business, FTE Employees > 100 Question

    121A Parents' Tax Status Question

    409C Student's biological/adoptive parents are treated as married Message

    This table lists fields deleted from the layout.

    Field Number Description Removed Item Parents' Assets – Siblings pre-paid tuition Question

    Parents' Assets – Student's pre-paid tuition Question

    Student – Location of computer Question

    Parents – Number of Parents in College Question

    FNAR-MESSAGE-50 – Parents' number of Parents in college differs from family member listing



    Pages Used to Process PROFILE and Need Access Applications

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 44 40

  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Student Data INST_STUDENT_08 Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 2007-2008, Student Data

    View or enter all the information about the student.

    Parent Data INST_PARENT_08 Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 2007-2008, Parent Data

    View or enter all the parent information.

    Miscellaneous Data INST_MISC_08 Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 2007-2008, Miscellaneous Data

    View or enter signature, family member, school selection, and institutional question (the College Board PROFILE Section Q) information. You can also view FNAR messages on this page.

    Computation Data INST_COMP_SUMM_08 Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 2007-2008, Computation Data

    View or enter computed parent and student income, allowance, and asset information using your institutional and estimated federal methodology. The system displays computed values here. Because the system loads and supports the short form, you must invoke INAS to view interim calculations.

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    Viewing Student Data Viewing Student Data Access the Student Data page.

    Student Data page (1 of 2)

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Student Data page (2 of 2) The following are new or modified Student Data fields based on the changes contained on the 2007-2008 CSS Data Reporting Layout.

    Bio Demo Data

    Lowest Income Filer Displays status identifying Lowest Income Filers.

    Student’s Information

    Natural Parent Status Optional. Select from Married, Separated, Divorced, Never Married Living Separate, Never Married Living Together, or Widowed.

    Student’s Income and Benefits

    Tax Filed Status Select blank, Completed, Non Filer, or Will File.

    Tax Form Type Optional. Select from 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, Canadian, Puerto Rican, Other US, or Other Non-US

    Means Tested benefits Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).

    Student’s Assets

    Self Employed Select Yes or No.

    FTE Employees < 100 Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).

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    Viewing Parent Data Access the Parent Data page.

    Parent Data page (1 of 3)

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    Parent Data page (2 of 3)

    Parent Data page (3 of 3) The following are new or modified Parent Data fields based on the changes contained on the 2007-2008 CSS Data Reporting Layout.

    Parents’ Household

    Housing Status Select Living with Others, Own Home, Provided by Employer, or Rent.

    Means Tested benefits Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).

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    Parents’ Assets

    Father Retirement Assets

    Can be blank or a number from 0000000 – 9999999.

    Mother Retirement Assets Can be blank or a number from 0000000 – 9999999.

    Self Employed Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).

    FTE Employees > 100 Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).

    Parents’ Income and Benefits

    Tax Filed Status Select blank, Completed, Non Filer, or Will File.

    Tax Form Type Optional. Select from 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, Canadian, Other Non-US, Puerto Rican, or Other US.

    Receive TANF Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).

    Receive SSI Select Yes, No, or N/R (Not Reported).

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    Viewing Miscellaneous Data Access the Miscellaneous Data page.

    Miscellaneous Data page .

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    Viewing Computation Data Access the Computation Data page.

    Computation Data page (1 of 3)

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    Computation Data page (2 of 3)

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    Computation Data page (3 of 3) .

    Changes to PROFILE and Need Access Navigation Paths The following navigation paths reflect 2007-2008 records:

    • Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Load Records 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Recycle Suspense 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Move Suspense 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE Import, Suspense Records 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Load Records 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Recycle Suspense 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Move Suspense 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, File Management, Need Access Import, Suspense Records 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, Maintain Application 2007-2008

    • Financial Aid, Institutional Application Data, View 2006-2007 IM EFC Detail

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 54 50

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    Changes to PROFILE and Need Access Search Page The search page for the Profile/Need Access Run Controls page has been updated to include the 2007-2008 processes.

    Page Used to Define Run Controls for PROFILE and Need Access Processes

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

    Profile/Need Access Run Controls

    RUNCTL_CPS Financial Aid, File Management, PROFILE – Need Access Controls

    Define run controls for PROFILE and Need Access processes.

    Defining PROFILE and Need Access Process Run Controls Access the Profile/Need Access Run Cntls page.

    Profile/Need Access Run Cntls page

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 55 51

  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Changes to the NSLDS Load for 2007-2008 Changes to the NSLDS Load for 2007-2008 The NSLDS load process is modified to accept the modified NSLDS Transfer Monitoring and Financial Aid History files generated by NSLDS in 2007. The NSLDS load process is modified to accept the modified NSLDS Transfer Monitoring and Financial Aid History files generated by NSLDS in 2007.

    This section shows modified pages and discusses how to: This section shows modified pages and discusses how to:

    • Review failed NSLDS records • Review failed NSLDS records

    • Use NSLDS change review • Use NSLDS change review

    • Review NSLDS general aggregate information • Review NSLDS general aggregate information

    • View NSLDS overpayment information • View NSLDS overpayment information

    • View details of NSLDS aggregate data • View details of NSLDS aggregate data

    • View NSLDS Pell grant details • View NSLDS Pell grant details

    • View NSLDS ACG grant details • View NSLDS ACG grant details

    • View NSLDS NSG grant details • View NSLDS NSG grant details

    • Review the NSLDS alerts • Review the NSLDS alerts

    See Also See Also

    ACG and SMART award processing is described in ACG and SMART Grant Reporting on page 79. ACG and SMART award processing is described in ACG and SMART Grant Reporting on page 79.

    Pages Used to Review and Process NSLDS Data Pages Used to Review and Process NSLDS Data Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

    NSLDS Suspense Management


    Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Manage NSLDS Records Management

    Review NSLDS records that failed to load.


    Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, Review NSLDS Flagged Students

    Review all NSLDS Alert file records that have been loaded into the NSLDS Inquiry application tables.

    NSLDS Information NSLDS_GEN_AGGR Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Information

    View error codes, change flags, MPN flags, and alert file flags.

    NSLDS Overpayment Information

    NSLDS_CONTCT_SEC Click the Overpayment Information link on the NSLDS Information page.

    View overpayment and contact information for Pell, Perk, SEOG, ACG, and NSG.

    (NSLDS Detail)

    Formerly the NSLDS

    NSLDS_ERR_CD_SEC Click the Detail link on the NSLDS Information page.

    View NSLDS error codes, change flags, master promissory note flags, and

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    Active Match page alert file flags for the effective-dated row.

    NSLDS Pell NSLDS_PELL Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS Pell

    View details for Pell Grants.

    NSLDS ACG NSLDS_ACG Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS ACG

    View details for Academic Competitiveness Grants.

    NSLDS NSG NSLDS_NSG Financial Aid, Awards, View NSLDS Loan Data, NSLDS NSG

    View details for National SMART Grants.

    NSLDS Alert File Report RUNCNTL_FA924 Financial Aid, File Management, NSLDS, NSLDS Alert File Report

    Generate a printed copy of students who have been reported by NSLDS with changed data.

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    Reviewing Failed NSLDS Records Access the NSLDS Suspense Management page.

    NSLDS Suspense Management page The new fields are listed here.

    ACG Change Flag Indicates if there has been a change to ACG.

    NSG Change Flag Indicates if there has been a change to NSG.

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Using NSLDS Change Review Access the NSLDS Change Review page.

    NSLDS Change Review Students with changed NSLDS information are listed on the page. The financial aid staff reviews each file for possible modifications to the current financial aid eligibility. After the file is reviewed and the staff person selects the Reviewed check box, the system removes the student's information from the page. The change flag fields indicate what portion of the student's NSLDS data has been recently modified by NSLDS.

    The changed and new fields are listed here.

    ID Indicates the student ID, formerly referred to as EmplID.

    ACG Change Indicates if there has been a change to ACG.

    NSG Change Indicates if there has been a change to NSG.

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Reviewing NSLDS General Aggregate Information Access the NSLDS Information page.

    NSLDS Information page The changed and new fields are listed here.

    Overpayment Information A link to NSLDS overpayment details is displayed when federal overpayment information exists.


    Fraud This field identifies a student having a fraud loan status on one or more loans or one or more fraud overpayment indicators.


    The Perkins group box title has been changed to Other.

    Grad PLUS Outstanding Balance

    This field identifies a student having a fraud loan status on one or more loans or one or more fraud overpayment indicators.

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    Grad PLUS Total This field displays the total loan amount of graduate PLUS loans borrowed by the student.

    Viewing NSLDS Overpayment Information Access the NSLDS Overpayment Information page.

    NSLDS Overpayment Information The new fields are listed here.

    ACG Ovrpy (ACG overpayment)

    ACG overpayment. The valid values are:

    F: Indicates fraud designated through an overpayment

    Y: Yes, an active overpayment exists.

    S: Yes, the student has an overpayment, but has made satisfactory arrangements for repayment.

    N: N/A.

    D: Deferred.

    W: Waived.

    ACG Overpayment Contact Contact agency for the ACG overpayment. Either the federal ID code of the agency or N/A is displayed.

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    NSG Ovrpy (NSG overpayment)

    NSG overpayment. The valid values are:

    F: Indicates fraud designated through an overpayment

    Y: Yes, an active overpayment exists.

    S: Yes, the student has an overpayment, but has made satisfactory arrangements for repayment.

    N: N/A.

    D: Deferred.

    W: Waived.

    NSG Overpayment Contact Contact agency for the NSG overpayment. Either the federal ID code of the agency or N/A is displayed.

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Viewing Details of NSLDS Aggregate Data Access the detail page, formerly the NSLDS Active Match page.

    Detail page for Aggregate Data The new fields in the NSLDS Alert File Flags group box are listed here.

    ACG Change Flag Indicates that a change to the student’s ACG data has occured in the current NSLDS data.

    NSG Change Flag Indicates that a change to the student’s NSG data has occured in the current NSLDS data.

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Viewing NSLDS Pell Grant Details Access the NSLDS Pell page.

    NSLDS Pell page The new field for 2007-2008 is Pell Payment Period Limit, which lists the payment period limit for Pell grants.

    Viewing NSLDS ACG Grant Details Access the NSLDS ACG page.

    NSLDS ACG page The fields in the Academic Competitiveness Grant Information group box are listed here.

    Sequence Sequential key value assigned by the NSLDS load process.

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    Transaction Nbr (transaction number)

    Transaction number on the SAR or ISIR for the payment accepted by the school.

    Last Update Last reported update to the grant record maintained by NSLDS.

    School Code An 8-digit ED OPE Code used to identify the school and branch attended by the student with the Grant. Last two digits equal 00 if there is no branch code.

    School Year Indicates the student’s grade level for ACG and SMART grants.

    Award Amount Accepted origination amount.

    Paid to Date The amount of the Federal Grant the school has disbursed to the student.

    Sequence Code Identifying sequence number from the Award ID for ACG and SMART grants.

    Eligibility Code Indicates the eligibility payment code for ACG grant.

    Posted to COD Date disbursement was posted to the COD system. Format is CCYYMMDD.

    ACG Change Indicates change to this Academic Competitiveness Grant record in the current transaction, either Y or N.

    High School Prog (high school program code)

    Indicates the high school program code for ACG grant.

    Award ID Award ID is provided by COD and consists of:

    • SSN (9 characters)

    • Award Type (ACG = A)

    • Award Year (2 characters)

    • Pell School ID (6 characters)

    • Award Sequence Number (3 characters)

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    Viewing NSLDS NSG Grant Details Access the NSLDS NSG page.

    NSLDS NSG page The fields on the NSLDS NSG page are the same as fields on the NSLDS ACG page with the following exceptions.

    Instructional Program Code Indicates a student’s major course of study; the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) designated code for SMART grants.

    NSG Change Indicates change to this National Smart Grant record in the current transaction, either Y or N.

    Award ID The Award ID is provided by COD and consists of:

    • SSN (9 characters)

    • Award Type (NSG = T)

    • Award Year (2 characters)

    • Pell School ID (6 characters)

    • Award Sequence Number (3 characters)

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    Reviewing the NSLDS Alerts Access the NSLDS Alert File Report.

    NSLDS Alert File Report The ACG and NSG change flag fields have been added to this report.

    Updates to Verification 2007-2008

    This section includes updates and modifications for verification processing based on 2006 tax forms and schedules. It includes updates to pages and components for the addition of Manage 2006-2007 Verification to the menu. It discusses:

    • Changes to tax forms and pages

    • Changes to the menu.

    Changes to Tax Forms and Pages This section describes the changes to pages for students who file forms 1040, 1040 A, and 1040 EZ.

    In addition to the changes in fields on various pages, The Other Taxable Income link is now hidden on the Tax Form Data page when 1040EZ is selected for the Tax Form field.

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    Pages Used to Verify Tax Information Note. Only pages that are impacted by the changes are listed in the following table. The list does not include all of the pages used to verify tax information.

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

    Tax Form Data VERIF04_FORM2 Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 2007–2008 Verification, Tax Form Data

    Enter information reported on the filer's tax form.

    Income Adjustments

    SFA_INCOME_ADJ_08 Click the Income Adjustments link on the Tax Form Data page.

    Record 1040 or 1040A adjustments to income. The tax form recorded as filed determines which fields activate. Values entered here write to Tax Form Data/Income Adjustments and may affect Worksheet A totals.

    Tax, Credit and Payments

    SFA_TAXCREDIT_08 Click theTax, Credits, and Payments link on the Tax Form Data page.

    Enter or view tax and credit data. Field activation on this page depends on the tax form filed. Taxable income is entered from 1040 line 43, 1040A line 27, and 1040EZ line 6. Tax is entered from 1040 line 44, 1040A line 28, and 1040EZ line 11. All credits entered are subtracted from the tax amount. The net calculated amount writes to Tax Form Data — US Income Tax Paid.

    Other Taxable Income

    SFA_OTHER_INC2_05 Click theOther Taxable Income link on the Tax Form Data page

    Record 1040A or 1040 tax line items for taxable income other than wages. Entries recorded here can affect totals to Worksheet A.

    Untaxed Income VERIF04_UNTAXED_EZ Click the Untaxed Income link on the Tax Form Data page.

    Enter or view information about income that is not taxed. Fields unavailable for entry indicate that the values originate from Other Taxed Income or Income Adjustments. Values entered here are written to the Untaxed Income field on the Tax Form Data page and can affect Worksheet A totals.

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    Changes to Income Adjustments Pages Changes have been made for income adjustments when filing a 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ form.

    Entering Income Adjustments for Form 1040

    Access the Income Adjustments page for a 1040 filer.

    Income Adjustments page for a 1040 filer The following fields were removed from the Income Adjustments page:

    • Educator expenses

    • Tuition and fees deduction

    The following fields were added to the Income Adjustments page:

    • Archer MSA deduction

    • Jury duty pay given employer

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Entering Income Adjustments for Form 1040A

    Access the Income Adjustments page for 1040A.

    Income Adjustments page for Form 1040A The following fields were removed from the Income Adjustments page:

    • Educator expenses

    • Tuition and fees deduction

    The following fields were added to the Income Adjustments page:

    • Penalty on early w/d of Saving

    • Jury duty pay given employer

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Entering Income Adjustments for Form 1040EZ

    Access the Tax Form Data page.

    Tax Form Data page for a 1040EZ filer Enter the bottomline income adjustment for a 1040EZ filer. The sub page for income adjustments has been removed for 1040EZ filers.

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Changes to Tax, Credits and Payments Pages Changes have been made for tax credits when filing a 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ form.

    Entering Tax, Credits, and Payments for Form 1040

    Access the Tax, Credits and Payments page for a 1040 filer.

    Tax, Credit and Payments page for a 1040 filer The Adoption Credit field was removed and the Residential Energy credits field was added.

    The Forms 8396/8859 field was changed to Forms 8396/8839/8859.

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Entering Tax, Credits, and Payments for Form 1040A

    Access the Tax, Credits and Payments page for a 1040A filer.

    Tax, Credits and Payments page for a 1040A filer The Adoption credit field has been removed.

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    Entering Tax, Credits, and Payments for Form 1040EZ

    Access the Tax, Credits and Payments page for a 1040EZ filer.

    Tax, Credits and Payments page for a 1040EZ filer

    Changes to Untaxed Income for Form 1040EZ

    Access the Untaxed Income page for a 1040EZ filer.

    Untaxed Income page for a 1040EZ filer The following fields have been removed from the Untaxed Income page for the 1040EZ filer because they do not apply to 1040EZ filers:

    • Untaxed SS Benefits

    • Earned Income Credit

    • Tax Exempt Interest Income

    • Additional Child Tax Credit

    • Filer’s IRA deduction

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    • Untaxed IRA Distributions

    • Untaxed Pension

    Changes to the Menu Appl Data Verification 04/05 is moved to Financial Aid, Financial Aid History, View Archived Application Data.

    Appl Data Verification 07/08 is located in Financial Aid, Verification, Manage 2007-2008 Verification.

    Annual Pell Schedules As of publication of this bundle, the Department of Education (ED) has not yet published the Regular and Alternate Payment and Disbursements schedules for determining Federal Pell Grant awards for the 2007-2008 award year, July 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008. However, with this release, PeopleSoft provides you with the ability to calculate an estimated Pell Grant award in the 2008 Aid Year based on the current 2006-2007 Pell schedules. We anticipate releasing the official 2007-2008 schedules in April 2007.

    To package students in 2008 with an estimated Pell award based on the 2006-2007 schedules, you must verify that the following areas of the 2008 setup support the 2007 amount of 4,050.00 USD: • Aggregate aid limit table.

    • Item type.

    • Financial aid item type.

    • Packaging plans that include the Pell item type.

    After you complete the setup, the system will use the 2006-2007 Federal Pell Grant Program Payment and Disbursement Schedules to award the students up to a maximum of 4,050.00 USD based on eligibility.

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Updates to Direct Lending Updates to Direct Lending Updates to Direct Lending include the: Updates to Direct Lending include the:

    • Addition of the PreProfessional Coursework Eligible check box to the Application Misc Data page.

    • Addition of the PreProfessional Coursework Eligible check box to the Application Misc Data page.

    • Display of the MPN Expiration Date and PreProfessional Coursework fields on the COD Award page.

    • Display of the MPN Expiration Date and PreProfessional Coursework fields on the COD Award page.

    This section discusses how to: This section discusses how to:

    • Set up student eligibility. • Set up student eligibility.

    • View COD award data. • View COD award data.

    Note: Do not send 2007-2008 DL-COD transactions until after April 14, 2007. After April 14, 2007, the COD System will use the Disbursement Date on the earliest dated actual disbursement, regardless of disbursement number, to confirm the appropriate Origination Fee Percent was submitted with Sub/Unsub originations, regardless of the award year.

    See Also

    For information on basic Direct Lending origination, change, and disbursement processes, see the PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Aid 9.0 PeopleBook.

    Setting Up Student Eligibility This section discusses how to set up student eligibility for preprofessional coursework unsubsidized loans.

    Page Used to Process and View Loan Change Transmission Information

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage Application Misc Data (application miscellaneous data)

    LOAN_ORIG_ELG_DL01 Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending Management, Manage Direct Loan Application, Application Misc Data

    Process and review information pertaining to student eligibility, promissory note printing, and loan credit.

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    Setting Up PreProfessional Coursework Eligibility Setting Up PreProfessional Coursework Eligibility Access the Application Misc Data page.

    Application Misc Data page In the Student Eligibility group box, select the PreProfessional Coursework Eligible check box if the student is eligible for an additional preprofessional coursework unsubsidized loan amount. This is valid only on unsubsidized loans. Because the value is not derived from any field, you must manually select the check box.

    Viewing COD Award Data This section discusses how to view a student's award information, including the MPN expiration date and the preprofessional coursework indicator.

    Page Used to Review COD Award Data

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage COD Award SFA_COD_AWARD

    Financial Aid, File Management, COD Full Participant, View COD Data, COD Award

    View a student's award information.

    Oracle Proprietary and Confidential 77 73

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    Reviewing the COD Award Data Access the COD Award page.

    COD Award page In the Loan Information group box, view the MPN Expire Date and the PreProfessional Coursework fields.

    MPN Expire Date Indicates the date when the MPN linked to this loan will expire. The COD system returns a value for this field.

    PreProfessional Coursework If the PreProfessional Coursework Eligible check box is selected on the Application Misc Data page, the value in this field is true.

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  • CS Bundle 1– Regulatory Release 2 2007-2008 PeopleSoft 9.0 Financial Aid

    Updates to DLSAS Message Classes For aid year 2007-2008, the following fixed-length flat file messages classes are supported:

    • DSDF08OP – Disbursement Level

    • DSLF08OP – Loan Level

    Note. Because the School Account Statement (SAS) report options are year-specific, you must update your report options and preferences each year to change the defaults. Ensure that you have the correct program year on the SAS Report Options page before updating your options.

    See Also

    Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical References 2007-2008.

    ACG and SMART Grant Reporting This section discusses the new functionality provided to enable COD reporting of Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) and Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) awards for the 2006-2007 year.

    The processes that originate ACG and SMART awards are similar to the Pell COD processes. Schools can generate messages in the common record format and then receive acknowledgement messages from the COD.

    This section discusses how to:

    • Set up ACG and SMART processing.

    • Process ACG and SMART grants.

    • Process special cases.

    • Load grant eligibility information with an external file.

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    Setting Up ACG and SMART Grant Processing Setting Up ACG and SMART Grant Processing This section discusses how to:

    • Set up ACG/SMART processing options.

    • View eligible CIP codes for SMART.

    • View the ACG state program codes.

    • View COD edit codes and messages.

    Pages Used to Set Up ACG and SMART Grant Processing

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

    ACG/SMART Setup SFA_ASG_SETUP Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Setup ACG/SMART Options

    Set up the processing options for ACG and SMART grants.

    Eligible CIP Codes for SMART

    SFA_ASG_CIP_CODE Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Eligible CIP Codes for SMART

    Maintain eligible CIP codes for SMART grants. Data is stored by aid year.

    ACG State Program Codes

    SFA_ASG_HS_PROGRAM Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, ACG State Program Codes

    Maintain list of eligible state high school program codes for ACG. Data is stored by aid year.

    COD Edit Codes SFA_COD_EDIT_CODE Setup SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, File Management, View COD Edit Codes

    Maintain list of valid COD edit codes used by the grant components.

    Setting Up ACG/SMART Processing Options Access the ACG/SMART Setup page.

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    ACG/SMART Setup page Reporting School Code Select the owning school code used for Pell.

    Disbursement Offset Enter the number of days from the scheduled disbursement date that can be used to select disbursement records for reporting to COD. To select disbursement records prior to the scheduled date, use a negative signed number.

    Originate Offered Awards Select to include ACG and SMART awards in offered status for origination. If not selected, only grants with an accept status will be originated.

    Disb Prior to Transmitting (disbursement prior to transmitting)

    Select to restrict the reporting of disbursement information to COD until the individual disbursement has been paid to the student’s account.

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    Viewing Eligible CIP Codes for SMART Access the Eligible CIP Codes for SMART page.

    Eligible CIP Codes for SMART page The page displays all Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) codes that are eligible for SMART grants. The codes are set up by aid year and have already been populated for 2007.

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    Viewing the ACG State Program Codes Access the ACG State Program Codes page.

    ACG State Program Codes page This page displays all state high school program codes that are eligible for ACG grants. The codes are set up by aid year and have already been populated for 2007.

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    Viewing COD Edit Codes and Messages Access the COD Edit Codes page.

    COD Edit Codes page This page displays all COD edit messages for 2007. The codes and text will be displayed in the ACG/SMART origination pages.

    Processing ACG and SMART Grants This section includes an overview of ACG and SMART grant processing and discusses how to:

    • Enter grant eligibility interface information.

    • Originate ACG and SMART grants.

    • View ACG/SMART processing records.

    • Generate origination files for COD.

    • Resolve ACG/SMART outbound errors.

    • Process response data from COD.

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    Overview of ACG and SMART Grant Processing Overview of ACG and SMART Grant Processing The following steps give an overview of how schools process ACG and SMART grants.

    1. Determine eligible students and awards using item types with Federal ID values of ACG and SMART.

    2. Run the grant origination process (FAPASORG).

    The process creates an origination record for the student that can be viewed in the Manage ACG/Smart Grant component. Information entered in the Grant Eligibility Interface page for the student is used to originate the grant.

    3. Ensure that grant eligibility criteria are provided to the origination record. This can be accomplished in one of these ways:

    • Enter the eligibility information in the record after origination.

    • Enter the eligibility information in the Grant Eligibility Interface component prior to origination.

    • Load a flat file of eligible grant recipients using the FA Inbound (Import Federal Data Files component) process, which loads the Grant Eligibility Interface page.

    See Loading Grant Eligibility Information with an External File on page 99.

    4. Run the Generate ACG/SMART Outbound process (ASGOUT).

    This process populates the COD staging tables using data from the grant application tables. The process verifies that the required data is present before moving the data to the staging tables and then creates the common record XML file.

    5. Transmit files to COD. Schools must assign the appropriate grant message class name.

    6. Receive and process acknowledgement records.

    Run the Common Origination and Disbursement Inbound process (CODIN), which loads Common Records from the XML file into staging tables and then populates the grant origination tables using data from the COD staging table.

    7. Manage adjustments.

    Adjustments to originated grants are automatically triggered if the award is modified. Adjustments can also be triggered manually from the Manage ACG/Smart Grant component.

    Pages Used to Process ACG and SMART Grants

    Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

    Grant Eligibility Interface

    SFA_ASG_ORGDFLT Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Grant Eligibility Interface

    Store student grant eligibility criteria information that is used by the origination process.

    Process ACG/SMART Grants

    SFA_RUN_ASG_ORG Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Process ACG/SMART Grants

    Use to originate ACG and SMART records.

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    Origination SFS_ASG_ORIG Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Manage ACG/SMART Grants, Origination

    View and modify originated ACG and SMART records.

    ACG/SMART Grants Origination Action Detail

    SFA_ASG_ORIG_SEC Click the Orig Status link on the Origination page.

    View origination level action transactions. COD document data and COD edit messages can be viewed from this page.

    ACG/SMART Grants Origination Messages

    SFA_ASG_ORGMSG_SEC Click the Message link on the ACG/SMART Grants Origination Action Detail page.

    View award level messages.

    Disbursement SFA_ASG_DISB Financial Aid, ACG/SMART Grants, Manage ACG/SMART Grants, Disbursement

    View disbursement level information of the originated grant record.

    ACG/SMART Grants Disbursement Action Detail

    SFA_ASG_DISB_SEC Click the Action Detail link on the Manage ACG/SMART Grants, Disbursement page.

    View disbursement level action transactions. COD edit messages can be viewed from this page.

    ACG/SMART Grants Disbursement Messages

    SFA_ASG_DSBMSG_SEC Click the Message link on the ACG/SMART Grants Disbursement Action Detail page.

    View disbursement level messages.

    COD ACG/SMART Outbound

    SFA_RUNCTL_AS_OUT Financial Aid, File Management, COD Full Participant, Generate ACG/SMART Data

    Generate outbound common origination records for transmission to COD.

    COD Document SFA_COD_DOCUMENT Financial Aid, File Management, COD Full Participant, View COD Data, COD Document

    View COD data stored in the COD staging tables.

    Common Origination and Disbursement Inbound

    SFA_RUNCTL_COD_INB Financial Aid, File Management, COD Full Participant, Import COD Response Data

    Load and process COD response XML files.

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    Entering Grant Eligibility Interface Information Access the Grant Eligibility Interface page.

    Grant Eligibility Interface page Use the Grant Eligibility Interface page to enter student eligibility criteria met by the student awarded ACG or SMART before grant origination record is created. After origination, the data entered in this page is moved into the origination tables. If information is not entered for the student, an incomplete origination record is created and you enter the missing eligibility information using the Manage ACG/SMART Grants component.

    Schools with many grant recipients can create an external file of their grant recipients and load it into this component.

    Using this component is optional. Schools that have been documenting the eligibility criteria of their grant recipients might choose not to enter data in this component, wait until after the records are originated, and then enter the information before originating their grants.

    ACG Eligibility Reason Select the reason the student is eligible for ACG. The values are:

    • HS Prog (high school program). Student has completed an eligible high school program accepted by the Department of Education.

    • AP/IB. Student has completed advanced placement or international baccalaureate coursework with acceptable scores.

    • Course. Student has completed the high school coursework necessary to satisfy the ACG curriculum requirements.

    Rigorous High School Program When the ACG Eligibility Reason value is HS Prog, you must provide the eligible program code.

    SMART Eligible CIP Code For SMART eligible students, select the qualifying CIP code assigned to the student.

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    Student Level The student’s academic level:

    • 0 - First Year NA

    • 1 - First year

    • 2 - Second year

    • 3 - Third year

    • 4 - Fourth year

    Originating ACG and SMART Grants Access the Process ACG/SMART Grants run control page.

    Process ACG/SMART Grants run control page

    Run Click the Run button to run the origination process. The process selects records that meet the run control criteria and are awarded an ACG and SMART grant.

    Institution Select the academic institution of the records to be processed.

    Aid Year Select the aid year of the records to be processed.

    Reporting School Code Select the owning school code used for Pell.

    Student Override Select the check box to allow individual students to be selected for origination.

    ID Available when the Student Override check box is selected. Enter the EmplID of the individual records to originate. The records selected must meet the criteria defined on the page.

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    Viewing ACG/SMART Processing Records The Manage ACG/SMART Grant component stores all ACG/SMART processing records. This section discusses how to view the following ACG/SMART grant records:

    • Origination

    • Origination action details

    • Origination messages

    • Disbursements

    • Disbursement action details

    • Disbursement messages

    Viewing Origination Records

    Access the Origination page.

    Origination page After the record has been transmitted, the current row in the grid cannot be updated. The origination process can insert a new row by either modifying the student’s award or checking the Update Origination check box.

    Award ID Unique ID generated by the origination process.

    Grant Type ACG or SMART.

    Update Origination Select to run the origination process again for the same award. Use when a non-award related change must be made to the originated record.

    For award changes such as changes to the award amount or to the individual disbursement amounts, modify the award in the packaging components, which causes the origination process to select the record for adjustment.

    Reporting School Code The CPS School code used for COD reporting.

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    Origination Status Displays the origination status when the system transmits records. Values are:

    Accepted: Indicates an accepted acknowledgment record.

    Canceled: Indicates a cancelled award from the system.

    Change to Origination: Indicates that a change was made to the student’s origination record. The origination program sets this status.

    Corrected: Indicates an accepted record with corrections.

    Originated: Indicates that the origination process ran successfully. This is also set manually for rejected records that are now ready to be processed.

    Rejected: Indicates a rejected record.

    COD Transmit Status The transmission status of the record to COD. The values are normally assigned automatically as the grant is processed, but can be changed manually as needed.

    The values are:

    Review: Not used.

    On Hold: Set when the rejected by COD. This must be reset to Ready to retransmit to COD.

    Ready: Default status set after the record has been originated. This is also set manually for rejected records that are now ready to be processed.

    Transmitted: Set once the COD message has been generated.

    Cancel: Set when the origination status is set to Cancelled.

    Seq (sequence) Internal counter.

    Trans Nbr (transaction number)

    The transaction number of the current valid ISIR.

    Award Amount The total amount awarded for the award year for the item type.

    Student Lvl (student level) The student’s academic level. The academic level must be valid for the specific grant program.

    Enrollment Date First day of enrollment for the award period.

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    Eligibility Reason Code Select the reason that the student is eligible for ACG. This field can only be updated if the grant type is ACG. The values are:

    HS Prog – Student has completed an eligible high school program accepted by the Dept of Ed.

    AP/IB – Student has completed advanced placement or international baccalaureate coursework with acceptable scores.

    Course – Student has completed the high school coursework nece