pep20, edinburgh: implementing the sdgs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies local...

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies Local Government and P / E Errol Douwes Manager: Restoration Ecology Branch Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department Durban (EThekwini Municipality), South Africa

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PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

Local Government and P / E

Errol DouwesManager: Restoration Ecology Branch

Environmental Planning and Climate Protection DepartmentDurban (EThekwini Municipality), South Africa

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

In summary

Local-level governments will proceed to build sustainability, and ensure adaptation to climate

change, regardless of high level policies

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

Critical linkages• Sustainability

– Not a stand-along concept• Socio-economic development• Gender equity• Disaster risk reduction• Climate protection & resilience

– Always context specific• e.g. local / global; formal / informal

– Must deliver more than one ‘good’

• Local-level example:– Buffelsdraai Community

Reforestation Programme

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

Durban’s CEBA Projects – what are they delivering?

Climate Change AdaptationImproved resilience of communities & ecosystems

to climate change (e.g. water supply)

Climate Change Mitigatione.g. reforestation, renewable energy projects

Ecosystem restoratione.g. wetland rehabilitation; Invasive Alien Species removal from catchment; reforestation

Social upliftmentProject contributes towards improved livelihoods for those involved in work

Green EconomyGrowth of the Green Economy

Education & outreach


PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

But… progress is clumsy

• Still more questions than answers• Lots of poorly aligned debate• Options and more options

– Photo-voltaics / Wind / Infrastructure / Ecosystem services / Landscape approach?

• Many ‘super wicked’ problems – High complexity– Different perceptions and understanding of benefits– Difficult socio- and political- conditions– Silo approaches– Inadequate policies– Growing income divide– Natural / Env. resources not decoupled from GDP

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

What to do?

• Unpack the difficulties– Interventions must have multiple co-

benefits– Conceptual frameworks must change– Self perpetuating systems are unhelpful– Avoid ‘solving’ one problem while

creating another.

• Set clear guidelines– Establish meaningful metrics for

assessing delivery– Research must interface with policy and

practice – Training of institutions and individuals

(enable response)

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

Recognition of local

• Local government not at the table– Still not acknowledged – Only local governments can effect the

changes required– But, recognition and support of national

governments is required

• Local action is real, but cannot leverage policy changes (glass ceiling)– Vertical integration is essential (equal

partners)– SDG and Climate agreements must include

local government agreements

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

Funding at local level

• Direct access to funding is necessary– High transaction costs prohibitive to

local governments – can’t access funds easily

• Funders want clean delivery line (outputs and outcomes)– Often not possible, as our

understanding of wicked problems continues to evolve

– Systems not geared to deal with required flexibility

– Failures generates important learnings (experimentation is needed)

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

Questions to ask

• Current UN system – Is it working?– Nation states vs. ‘planet of cities’

• How much more time do we have?• 10-year plan needed, but as yet no

global agreement?

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

Way forward: Facilitation and Support

• An urban SDG won’t effect changes to the world. The change is happening regardless.

• So, the agreement should rather be facilitating and supporting of local actions that are already happening.

• A top-down approach is not useful. • UN structure needs to change.• Build linkages• Funders: reduce funding conditionality

– Conditions don’t speak to real world issues

• Effect meaningful policy changes

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

In Summary

• Local government – is already transforming the

world. – Will keep moving

regardless of the SDG outcomes (high urgency!).

• Facilitation of change – will ensure sharing of

learnings, and reduce mistakes

PEP20, Edinburgh: Implementing the SDGs for inclusive, climate resilient green economies

Thank you

References• Climate Smart: Buffelsdraai Community Reforestation Project• Douwes E, Roy KE, Diederichs-Mander N, Mavundla K, Roberts D. 2015. The Buffelsdraai Landfill Site Community

Reforestation Project: Leading the way in community ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change. EThekwini Municipality, Durban. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3988.9442

• Roberts D, Boon R, Diederichs N, Douwes E, Govender N, McInnes A, McLean C, O’Donoghue S, Spires, M. 2012. Exploring ecosystem-based adaptation in Durban, South Africa:“learning-by-doing” at the local government coal face. Environment and Urbanization, 24(1): 167–195.

• Roberts D, O'Donoghue S. 2013 Urban Environmental Challenges and Climate Change Action in Durban, South Africa. Environment and Urbanization 25: 0956247813500904.