pepsi’s entry into india


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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Pepsi’S Entry Into India
Page 2: Pepsi’S Entry Into India

1.1 Why do companies like Pepsi need to globalize?

1.2 What are the various ways in which foreign companies can enter a foreign market?

1.3 What hurdles and problems did Pepsi face when it tried to enter India during the 1980s?

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To Broaden the markets To seek raw materials To seek the technologies To seek the production efficiencies To avoid political hurdles To diversify To postpone the payment of domestic

taxes To counter foreign investments by


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Indirect Export Direct Export Joint Ventures Mergers Acquisitions Assembly line

operation Licensing

Management Control

Franchising Piggy Back Strategic Alliance Turn Key Projects Contract

Manufacturing Manufacturing

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In 1988, the threatening letter by George Fernandes.

There should be no import of cola concentrate

There should be no use of foreign brand name.

Lack of liberalization 100% FDI was not allowed Agricultural sector was the priority

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2.1 Critically analyze the strategy adopted by Pepsi to sell itself

to Indian government.2.2 Do you think the biggest factor

responsible for the acceptance of its proposal by the regulatory authorities was its projection of its operations as the solution to many of Punjab’s problem? Why/Why not?

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Promoting and developing the export of Indian Agro-based products, though it got rejected.

Each cola import would be in return of exporting juice concentrate from Punjab.

Development and Welfare of State. Bringing about Agriculture Revolution in

state. Creating Employments. Terrorists to return to society. Punjab boasted a healthy agricultural sector

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Development of Areas it planned to operate in

Directing major (75%) investment towards agricultural sector

Focusing on food and Agro-processing. Boosting the image of Indian products in

foreign market. Establishing Agricultural Research Centre. More emphasis on Exports than imports to

improvise the balance of payment.

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Yes, Most of the commitments were related with Punjab therefore it is the biggest factor responsible for acceptance of Pepsi.

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3.1 How did company react to changes in the business

environment after the liberalization of the economy in the early 1990s?

3.2 Critically comment on the allegations that Pepsi

deliberately did not adhere to most of its commitments?

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In 1994, it bought off its partner in venture i.e. Voltas and PAIC.

Establishing wholly owned subsidiary PepsiCo Holding India Pvt. Ltd.

Changed name from “Lehar Pepsi” to “Pepsi”

Sold off its Tomato Paste Plant in 1995 Gradually reduce the contract farming Plastic Exports were 67%. Till 1997, the agro research centre was

no where.

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Failing to create jobs 50% of employee working for Concentrate and

Bottling Business not for Food processing Business.

Pepsi with Futura Polymers Ltd. were reducing the workforce and more machine oriented

More lasting impression of “Pepsi” and “Lehar Pepsi”.

Export of fruit & vegetable based products was negligible & started exporting Tea, Rice & Shrimps

Failed its commitment to export 50% production. Products exported were same which use to

happen earlier.

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4.1 Examine the contract framing initiatives undertaken by Pepsi in India and explain the rationale for such initiative from the company’s prospective.

4.2 why is it important for multinational corporations to work towards the

improvement of the economics in the country in which the operates?

4.3 What are the various other ways in which this can be done?

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Increase in Tomato crop productionProviding High yield seeds to

increase the productivity in the tomato cultivation

Offered advanced equipments (Free of cost) to increase the speed & efficiency

Imported the required material for tomato cultivation

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Rationale behind the contract farming was that in one or the other way company insisted on the development of those crops which were directly or indirectly related to their businesses such as soft drinks, snacks, fruit juices & mineral water.

Other rationale behind the contract farming was to increase their own business rather than any social welfare.

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Taken initiative forChilly farmingGroundnuts production over paddy

productionRice productionFruits & Vegetable Farming

Encouraging farmers to cultivate potato with low sugar content for chips.

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