per ii iip i.ljo. -...

PROPRIETORS. (5 MS -- LTON, Editor... A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor Per Square of 10 llua or Zmh-cO- Sa In fidr&nce. ' i r ti One soraaro, 1 insertion, . :n'::ti :::: Ctf - I ( I ' I I . 113 II 111 - " Ter f Subscription. advance, or within three months, .... .$2 50 0c 3rCar'.nJCnt is delayed over three months, .... I . .3 00 0cn received for a less term than one year. Vu')lCr'' :ej to discontinue his paper after the II WW IIP ao. z insertions,.. , 13 do.' S do':::::; Otf flo'. 3 months, Without change,-- . .;.'.- - 3 CJ do. 6 - rto.. do. .'do..'.'. -- .3 C'J do. 12 do. ;.i .'.do..... rdo.:.;.. ..';.,. U t d6. . .6 do.;.renen-c- weekly,.. ':c:: 12 00 do'. 12 do...... dft.--.-d- - 20 00 I. lJO. - Do. Do. Do. Do. ear. 0 snt16" 0fa subscription, till the expiration ofsaidy' A WEEKLY NEWSI'APH:-Dcvot- cd to Politics, the Markets, Foreign and Domestic Netts, Agriculture, Commerce, and General Inforniatm-TE- MSi $2 50 IN ADVANCE, ribcr wishing his paper discontinued at the end of lnr su"sc t ay up in full and give the proprietors two weeks ifcfT'ar'wffHe the paper will be continued and charged for ' J:i.0' to the above terms. , sending us five new subscribers, accompa-7- L Advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive the 3" Advertisements Ordered to te c6ntinttedota the,fnside charged 37 cents per sjuare fcTr eaeW inseHioii after tKo first : Any advertisem-en- i tfp6n wMcb the number of insertion i not marked, will be continued until ordered out, and eharsc(l 5 cents per sluare for each-insertiOn- ; ; A liberal discount Will be made on iatertfsftm6'ni eibtbi: mg one Beware,- - when pttfclijhed 6 or 12 months,- - ts w abS KSr advef tiscmenC, reflecting ifpon privatd enafaclcf Can, under axy CmcuMsfiNCES, be admitted. one year. VOL. 6. ..... . .A.M!rfA1 TxesT mail nt Aiir ri.V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1850. jfonty "''J business connected with this office, must be ,..,.,,..,i.,;NO. 30. ill"1 4 paid) to the proprietors. ..Ut'1 U - General Notices. General Notices. Schools. Mercantile, Drugs, Medicines, &c. FRIENDSHIP AfMivrcrtrv- - A. C. EVANS & BROTHER j . d Departure of the Malls at Wilmington. jr'l'froui the North, by Railroad, arrives daily about i! F i f,nm the South, by Steamer from Charleston, ar- - 'fK IK1111 'ut y A M. :rt?1Arom Faj-ettevill- via Warsaw, is due upon the ftc he cars, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, n gjriral oI ., f 'w Favotteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey, e 81 Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M. ;:Jen Vfrom" Onslow Court-Hous- e, by sulkey, is due on 'TV. V V M. TtS Institution situated about six miles from Warsaw, county, N. C. in a Northeasterlv direction, AN1 . APOTHECARIES, Ex- - 9 DRUGGISTS Wilmington,- - N6rth Car61ina, 'f . , now open for the reception of pupils, under the care, as here- tofore, of Mr. C. B. Baker. Parents and guardians wishing DISSOLUTION. TfE existing under the'firm of r otanton & Co., is dissolved by mutual consent. 1 he affairs of the concern will be settled by Mr. Barlow who will be found at the old stand. - ' It. II. STANTON, L. N. BARLOW. N. B. L. N. Barlow is authorized to use the name of the late firm in the settlement of the business. March 14, 1850. 27--4t R. H. STANTON COTTOX YARNS I COTTON YARNS! T"WINE X BATTLE & CO., Rocky Mount, N. C, are now of good quality, the above articles, which they are desirous of disposing of, as far as possible, in North Caro- lina.! Their terms shall be exceedingly liberal. March 8, 1850 26-12- ROCK SPRING Furniture Manufactory ami "Ware-Room- s. w piaee their children and wards at School, in a healthv. W holesale Dealers in Drugs, fcelcct Medicines, l'aints, 2 : Oils, Window Glass, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fncy Goods'; Patent Medicines, Varnish, old Liquors and Wines, . Ha- vana Cigars, &c. &c., respectfully announce to physfcians; yLoa.,.,, uu moral neignoornooa, wneretney may rest their moral ns well ns n?pntnl trainintr wrill Vi ;f ltcck, uy sui- - !:i'lV ?;iafrmu Black River Chapel, via Lonj goThuwdoys, at 5P. M. merchants, and the public, that they, have commenced an exclusive wholesale business in the above articles", at their. ly attended to, wuld do well to patronize this School. Loard can be had, in respectable families, at o per month. 5T'ie rates of tuition, per session of five months, are : ' I subscriber would respectluliy an- - old stand, where wo shall keep a comprehensive stock of the best selections from the Northern markets, in Quanti Closing of Malls. --L nounee to the citizens of V llmington, closes daily at 10 and public generally, that he has employed ail for the North, by Railroad, 1 iimary rngnsn urancnes 7 (X) tor Higher.... do do 9 00 Ti'- - m ORDERS NO. 20. u f Headquarters 30th Regiment No. Ca. MUItla, S Wilmington, March 8th, 1850. Jf xo the Captains of the 20th Regt JY. C. Militia : YOU are hereby ordered to assemble your respective Companies at their naual tiIhaa r.f r.or,ir tu ly atl2M. P.M. poL Latin, Greek, and Higher Mathematics 12 00 N. B. No deductions for absence, exeent in eases of pro ties suited to the trade. In this Aw lutcrprle we are determined to bestow the most careful attention. Believing tho resourcei of that portion of the State which, with pro- per induceeiaents, might most conveniently trade at thirf point, will warrant the undertaking on a more enlarged ecnlo. it will be our object, with the facilities we possess in purcha on lues- - i South, by Steamboat, closes dail The may UF ttcville, via Warsaw, closes The . mail for Sunday8, at 10 P. M. ... tracted sicknes. For further information, apply to W. W. Faison, C. O. llritST, C. J. Oates. and Branch Williams. ..i" .11. II i VivetteVUie, via, ijiuaucimunu, uy buikcv, ma f- - Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M. The experienced and skillful workmen, for the purpose of making and repairing all articles of Cabinet Furniture, and that he has made large additions to his stock of Furniture by re- cent arrivals from New York and Boston ; and in a few days, on the arrival of schooner Jonas Smith and others, from the North, will make a still larger addition, so that his assort- ment will be very complete. Furniture will be made to order, or repaired, at short "no- tice and at moderate prices. J. D. L.OVE. March 8, 1850 - 26-- 6t Goldsboro' Patriot copy till forbid. . March 22, 1850 28-- 4 1 - t .- - j.uv, ju iue in ci .:atm- - day in May next, and proceed to vote for Major, vice D. Wil- liams, resigned. The Officer highest in command will superintend the elec- tion, and certify the result to me. on i A " .1 Hf.nrt-IIous- e. bv sulkev. clnsea nn ifUM1'" J J . , l f,,r sing, to retain a liberal portion of this trade in our own ctate; The greatly reduced prices at which we shall sell will ena ble the purchaser, in many instances, to save the freight nq other charges from a Northern mai ket, wkh the additional advantage of getting his Goods in a much shorter time. 7 Columbia Academy, Black Creek. THIS Institution will be opened for the reception of on the fourth Mondav in October instant, under Thfmau"r LonVcrcek,by sulkey, closes on Thursdays, it, W X- - ' ehnnld be in the Office at least 15 minutes be- - it. U. RAiNKlN, Col. Comg. A. A. Hartsfield, Adjutant. We call particular attention fiom couirpetori and builderi" the management of Mr. John Robinson, late Teacher of the Honewell Stantnnshnrf to our stock of lalita ami oil, which will always be large A. O. BOWERS & BROTHER. SEW STORES. YTTATCH and Clock Makers, acwtllcrs. ana warranted oi tne nest quality. The locality being ne of the most healthy in thi3 part of KELLY, of the late firm of Kelly & McCalebb. W e have the various colors rround fi om tnv mxUrinla. un E. VY opposite the Chronicle Office, Front-stree- t, Wil-J-- f; mington, N. C. begs to inform his old customers, and the nublie in iren- - der our own supervision. Linseed. 1 .imn. md Maohiner Profrwnal and Business Cards. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. Wilmington, N. C, March 25, 1850. Pmoitt will be received until 12 o'clock M., on the at this office, for building two Li-h- t Hou- ses, to range with the Channel around the Horse Shoe, at 1 rice s Creek, on Cape Fear River, of the following materi- als, dimensions, aud descriptions : 1st. The Dwelling to be of hard bricks or stone, 36 feet by one story, 8 feet in clear, divided into two rooms, with an entry between eight feet wide ; walLs to be 20 inches thick, and laid in strong lime mortar ; a cellar to be under the en- tire house, six feet in the clear, walls of the same, to be 20 inches thick, built of stone and well laid in strong lime mor- -. tar. Roof to be rectangular, covered with good seasoned boards and shingles of the best quality two centre rafters to be of timber 7 inches by 7 square for the posts of the tower to bolt on, the rema inder 3 by 5; a, chimney at each end of the house; fire places in each parlor ; three windows in each parlor, 16 lights 10 by 8 in each, one in each gable end, 12 lights each 8 by 10 ; the attic to be divided into 2 chambers, with a space between 8 feet wide; chambers to be finished, lathed and plastered ; parlors to be lathed and plastered ; stairs to lead from the entry into the chambers ; closet in each parlor back of the stairs ; all the floors to be laid double and well nailed ; to be 4 windows in the cellar, six lights 8 by 10 each, and a door to lead outside with a lock. Attached to the house, to be a kitchen, 14 by 12 in the clear, walls same thickness as the house, to finish 7 feet in the clear, floor to be on a level with the floor of the house ; to be two doors, one to lead outside and one to open into one of the rooms in the house ; two windows 12 lights each, 8 by 10 ; lathed and plastered ; floor laid double ; a chimney, with a suitable fire place, crane, tramel, and hooks ; on one side of the chimney to be an oven, with an iron door on the other side a sink, with a trunk to lead through the wall to carry off the water. Closets in the rooms to be lathed and plastered, with shelves, and lock3 on the doors; all the doors to be four pannels, ex- cept the front door, which is to have frieze lights ; all the doors to have good hinges and latches, the front door to have a good lock, the kitchen and outside cellar doors to ha ve bolts. Steps to lead from the ground to nnder the sill of the front door, with a raising on each side ; the kitchen door to open on to a platform 20 feet by 13, supported by 12 pieces of tim- ber 6 inches square, svt into the ground, on the head of which to be laid 4 by 4 joist, covered with two inch plank, spike down to the top of the plank to be on a level with the under part of the sill of the door ; around the platform to bo rail- ings, six inches wide, three feet high, except a space of three feet wide, in which to be a gate hung with hinges and a latch, steps to lead from the gate to the ground, with a railing, On the centre of the house to be an octagon tower, 13 feet high above the walls of the house, 8 feet diameter ;.thc posts to be 7 inches square, tenoned into the beams of the house, which are to be S inches square, well secured with girts and eral, tlutt he has resumed the mercantile business in the town of Wilmington, and has just opened, at his new stand, on the ine sraie, ana tne arrangement ot terms sucn as to suit the mgABsf f the humblest of our citizens, and, in addition, the acknowledged competency of Mr. It. as a Teacher, justify the subscribers in anticipating the of the public in Oils, may always ba had pine, and at low Wiees., " . z In order that we may be fully understood, we append, fof the guidance of those interested, the m-W- a th most DOCT. FRED'K J. Cl'TLAR s returned to Wilmington, and would Ve pleased to re- - I U n i f frrt Vo f rs ro Af Vita f r-- r y-- I nnrl 4 Vi a nnk. tne lauuaoic work. corner of Water and Princess Streets, an entire new stock of Family Groceries, Farming Utensils, Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Wood and Willow AVare, &c, consistire in part of A. G. B. having just returned from the North, with a new stock of Elegant Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Musical Boxes, Plated and Silver Ware, respectfully invite the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wilmington, and country generally, to exam- ine our stock before making a purchase elsewhere, as we flat- ter ourselves that we can sell goods at as low prices as anv prominent leading articles : . TERMS, PER SESSION OF F1VK MONTHS. Per pound. U'ue Pill mass. 1 U. Jam, $1 0U iuu luuowing articles : 1st Class, (including a eoursc up to mercantile arithme- - ticA 5 00 Refined Alum, 12.T do do i mer 5 cts. 9 " Dry Goods Pad, chest, till, and cupboard 4 '.j; (,(Tice is a few doors east of London's corner, where ''c tie f'mil when not professionally engaged, or at the h' his sister, Mrs. Davis. rlS 26-- 4t Ens. Mandersi. 2nd do. (from the 1st class ud to enterins on E. Calicoes: Sattinctts: Grammar, i 7 00 Cassimeres; Vestiugs; Marlboro' Stripes; " Saltpetre, " Copperas, " Epsom Salts, " Glauber " " Saleratus, " Bieart Soda, Locks; Hoes; Manure Forks; Shovels and Spades; Long handle Shovels; Curry Combs; 2i " 4 " 3 " n 10 " 15 ST 183 50 0 3rd do. (do. with E. Grammar,) 10 00 4th do. Logic, Natural Philosophy. &c 15 00 Balsam Copaiva, Calomel, in bulk. 1 lb.boitles, Hyd. Poijiss, per ounce, Red Bark opt. ! Yellow " " . Ked and white rlannels; Bed Ticks; Apron Checks; N. B. Board will be afforded oa the most reasonable terms. Books supplied to Students at a very small percent, on ELI W. IIAIiLi, TTORXE v at Iaw, Wilmington, N. C, will practice in ; t;(. bounties of New Hanover, Onslow, and Duplin. on Front Street, opposite the Cape Fear Bank, t.i'ju(ir below the Washington Hotel. 5 L.inseys; Kerseys: lintannia lea and I able Flour Sulphur. Bleached and brown Shirtings New York prices. BUN Y AN BARNES, Keo IVnriArmir.t Srli Arm omer esiauiisnniem couin. inis stocK is the third one we have received within the last five months, which is a proof that a quick sale and small profit is the best and only way to secure the good will and patronage ef the citizens generally. N. B. Every description oi Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Boxes, Plated and Silver Ware, personally repaired, nd in a workman-lik- e manner, not to be surpassed by any other establishment, and warranted for one year. February 15, 1850 6 NOTICE. THIS DAY entered into Thomas C. and Edmund II. Grant, under the firm of CRAFT & GRANT, Castor Oil, per dozen, $1 a $4 Spoons; Candlesticks; Whitewash, Scrub, Dusting, and Sheetings: 3 per Olive Oil, qts., per dozen, 4 5(J bands barsaparilla, C hairman lioara ot lrustees. Wayne county, N. C, October 19. 1849. ni Blankets; Cambrics; dozen. I Townsends' " ana cnoe urusncs; Bed Cords; Nails; Hosiery: Guernsey Shirts; TOPSAIL ACADEMY. Jaconet and cross barred Mus- - Leading Lines; Coffee Mills; JOHN T,. HOLMES, TTOR"EY at Law, Wilmington, N C. will practice 1 i the Counties of New Hanover, Jrumnson, Duplin, and BrW'k. ..... ...Pl..!JnB! At Lleachcd and brown Drill: flm: Hair. Brass, and Wh-- p Seives; THE first session of this Institution will open on the first of October, under the superintendence of James II. the above goods are warranted fresh, and of superior or may be returned at our expense. Our terms are cash bilk and Cotton lldkts.; Ovens; Spiders; Pots; jViECeon 1 roil l curai, uiiuui iiiu wiiioinuie uurcu. t t Head do. Yarn: Kettles; Saucepans; Blacking; Turkey red and blue Cotton'Shoe Thread; Shot Pouches; Beext, a graduate of Randolph Macon College. Its location is 12 miles East of Wilmington, on the road leading to New- bern, healthfully and pleasantly situated, in a neighborhood or snort time tor approved credit. November 1G. 1S49. EDWARD CAMAVELL, 10 Groceries. LMolasses Uates; where Board may be obtained at S6 per month. Terms of TTORKY at Lnw, Wilmington. N. C, has removed liii' ifirt to Market-stree- t, opposite the Carolina Hotel. Lanai tiols. ana tools.; I'ewter r aueets; FKESH DRUGS, MKDIC1NKS, Ac. tuition will be as follows, viz : Mess and Prime Pork: Reap Hooks; Mouse Traps; who expect to keep constantly on hand, a complete supply of Family Groceries. They occupy a store in Bettcncourt's buildings, two doors below the corner. Every attention will be given to business, and they hope to give satifaction to customers. Wilniington,N. C, February 4th, 1850. 22-t- f Taos. C. Craft. Edmund II. Grant. JUST Received at Shaw's Drug Sloie, third North of IIaht & Tolley's, Front Strict, Wilmington, North Carolina, where Physicians, conn- - Lower branches of English, per session of 5 months, .... 7 00 Higher do. do. together with Mathematics,. .12 50 Latin arid Greek, 18 00 Imitation English Cheese; Goshen Butter; Olive Oil; Chocolate; Cloves and Mace; Augers; Mates; Wood and Hand Saws. Wood Wave. Cedar and painted Tubs; do. Churns; NICHOLAS N. NIXON, Fres't Board of Trustees. September 14, 189. 1-- tf MARTIN & CRONLY, i IYTW.VEERS aiul Commission 3Ioi-cliaiit- Wilmington, N. C. " I .UlKTlV M. Croxi.y. ( APT. K. 11KXSON ready to attend to the selling of all kinds of 1r.uiv on commission. Prompt attention will be giv- - indebted to J. Kylk, in-th- e shape Brass and iron bound and TVTOTICE. All persons try Merchants, and all others, who desire to consult their own interest, can purchase the best Dru and Medicines, Paints, (His mid lyc (vflfs, Perfume iy nud Patent Medic ines, Upvde.i Sccrt, fresh from DaViO Landeeth's; Philadelphia, aud every other article usually kept in a Druj Store, 25 per cent, cheaper than similar goods can bo obtain- ed at perhaps any other house in the State. , NEW ROOKS. Li of notes, accounts, &e., will please call at his Store and painted Buckets; braces ; the former to be 4 inches by 6 ; to be brick pillars under the beams of the tower fl..or, and joists 4 by 4 framed into the beams of the lower flooi to those of the upper, to support the tower ; the outside of the tower to be boarded and shingled. Above the roof, round the tower where it con- nects with the roof of the house, to be well c ollared with lead; necessity of placing Washboards; Sugar Boxes; LIVER GOLDSMITH, a Biography, bv Washington settle forthwith, or he will be under the them in the hands of an officer. rving : Dante s Inferno, a Divine C oinedy, a prose (c Ui on win lavor miu yiiii lueir custom. Mour and ugar Buckets; Nests' Measures; Varnished Keelers; translation, with the text of the original, collated from the Ihc subscribers would beg to remind those Physicians who! ).,r.h 1, J- - Z7-6- m one window in the tower, nine lights 8 by 10. On the top of best editions, with explanatory notes, by John Carlyle, M patronized the late 'Wat. Siia, that they can still bo supplied SAVAGE iSi ME ARES, Cinnamon and INutmegs; Pepper and Spice; Race and ground Ginger; Cayenne Pepper; Rio, Laguyra, St. Domingo, and Java Coffee; Crushed, pulverized, clarified, and Porto Rico Sugars; Hull & Son's Candles; Colgate's best brown Soap; Fancy Soaps; Tobacco of all qualities; Powder and Shot; Indigo and fig Blue; Spanish Brown; Brimstone and Sulphur; Camphor and Saltpetre; Alum; Saleratus; Cocoa Dippers; Barrel Covers; An assortment of Baskets. tae tower to be a, trained octagon deck, 10 ieet diameter, tim- ber 6 by 7 inches square secured to the ton of the post bv D.; Life of Win. Wirt, by Kennedy; the Mountains ot the Bible ; Modern Society ; Modern Accomplishments, by Miss with everything of tho best quality, and on the most reason able terms. No exertion will be spared io render satifacti6ii mOCF.US niul Commission II-- r limits, South Wa-- (j t;r Street, third door below Market, Wilmington, N. C. Sinclair ; the Golden Censer ; My Mother, or Recollections to those who may favor us with t heir natronnsre. and we re mortice and tenons, the frame of tho deck to be covered with two inch plank spiked down, the joints well caulked with N. B The Store occupied by him is for rent for the bal- ance of the year. For terms, &e., apply at the Store of Car-ko- ll & Fknnkll. Feb'y 1, 1850. TAKE Notlee. All persons having unsettled business the estate of the late Seth Hoard, will please eall at the office of the undersigned, on Front-stree- t, third door from Market-stree- t, opposite Drs. Bellamy & Ilarriss' office, and settle the same, without delay. V. li. PEIRSON, Executor of Seth Hoard December 28, 1849 16-- tf I.llV,-Mil- ) SAVAGE, OASTON MEAKES. of Maternal Influence ; " this book should find a place in ev spectfully solicit a call before purchashitr elsewhere. We havd oakum, and then covered with white lead ; the deck coppered just received a fresh supply of those instruments for aftlietion C. MYERS, Liquors. Rectified and Old Rye Whis: N. E. Rum; key; Cogaiac Brandy; Malaga, Port, Madeira, and Malmsley Wines. Bread. ery household ;" Thornton's Prayers ; Berrien's Prayers ; al so, a large and extensive assortment of School Books. To Churchmen and others. wun &z ounce copper, well nailed down. Un one side ot the deck to be a scuttle to enter the lantern, as large as the IvrFACTl'REll ami Dealer in Hats, Cap, Umbrel-am- i Walking Canes, of every description, whole- - space between the timbers of the deck will admit; scuttled I retail, .Norm siue AiarKCi-srree- i, vv umingion, i. vj. door and rabets to be covered with copper same as the deck. Stairs to lead from the attic story of the house to the entrance Soda, Wine, Milk and Lemon Just received at the Wilmington Book Store, The Church Vindicated, against the assaults of W. T. Hamilton, D. D., in a review of his Sermon on Acts XXIII, 22, 4 Ye are too superstitious,' by Richard Johnson, Rector of Zion Church ; Johnson's Examination of Snodgrass on the Apostolic suc Biscuit; of the scuttle ; the inside of the tower to be either lathed and plastered, or lined up with boards planed and jointed, plowed Mrs. Miller's, Outcalt's, and Lorillard's Scotch Snuff; OWEN HOLMES, tttiioLKSAIjE ami Retail IJealerin Domestic Goods, flnn-crii-s- , ('rockery Ware, &c. &e., Wilmington, N. C Butter, Sugar, Soda and Milk Crackers. Stone Ware. ana xonguea. 2d. A light house at proper distance in front of the above, to range with the channel, to be 20 feet high, to b built of EXECUTOR'S Notiee The subscriber having at the Court of Fleas and Sessions of New Han- over County, qualified as Executor of the last will and testa- ment of Seth Hoard, all persons indebted to the testator are hereby notified to make immediate payment ; and those having claims against the estate to present them within the time prescribed by Law, or they will be barred of a recovery. V. II. PEIUSON, Ex'r. Dec. 28th. l-- tf Jugs and Jars, all sizes; Churns; Clay Pans; I GEORGE AV". DAVIS, tnOMMISSIOX ami Forwarding Merchant, Davis's A.) Whurf. South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. 1 j A. C. EVAXS & BROTHER, ot the spine, so highly recommended by tho Medical faculty of New York and Philadelphia, and which are a certain pre- ventive against consumption, and are indispensable to C'lerkd and others confined to a sedentarv life, none of whom shpula be without them. Also, a fresh arrival of Spencer's Pills, whicW are warranted to cure headache in twenty-fiv- e or thirty niftr-ute- s' time. In the operation they are tho most nreeablo Pills ever invented ; acting upon the stomach and bowels, and! bringing the liver to its proper functions, they cannot fail to" restore the system health, strength and vigor. Call and get a box at Shaw's Drug Store, 3d door north of IIakt & PoiX ley's. SHAW & BROTHER. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 4th, 1850. 17-t- f. SEW DRUG AND MEDICINE! STORK. THE subscriber would respectfully call the attention fJt the inhabitants of Wilmington and the sur- - jf rounding country, to his large and carefully selected Jv stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, OH, Putty, JL'i Stuffs, Window Glass, Perfumery, Kaney Articles, Patent Medicines, &e., consisting of the following, togeth hard bricks, the form round, foundation to be hud as deep as necessary to make the fabric secure, to be laid in Rosen-dal- e cement. The diameter of the base to be 17 feet, and Stationery. Mrs. Miller s Maeoboy do. Hardware and Cutlery. Table Knives and Carvers; Pocket, speying, shoe, and butcher Knives; Stock and rim Locks; Closet do. II. and I. Hinges; Butt do. Screws; Blank Books; Pass Books; that of the top nine feet. The thickness of the walls at the mRl (.(.1ST ana iotliecarleg, Exchange Buudmgs, Letter, roolscap, and Bill Pa- per; Spelling Books; 10 C. Market-stree- t, Wilmington, N, base to be three ieet, to be uniformly graduated to two feet at the top, where an arch is to be turned, on which is to be Notice. Consignees and owners of Goods, corn Steel pens, Quills, and Ink. ing by any of the Packets consigned to my address, are AVILLIAM II. t'a rm 1 1 isr I tonsils. Collins , Bradley s, and Sim- - laid a soap stone deck, eleven feet 6 inches diameter, four THOLES ALE and Retail Druggist, and Dealer in inches thick, in which is to be a scuttle door, and rabets to A large assortment of Ploughs, raints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, cession ; Examination ot Continuation examined, or a Re- view of the Romish and Prclaticil rite of confirmation exsfin-ine- d, &c, by Thomas Smyth, D. D., by the Rev. William Johnson. Also, more of Bishop Ives' Pastoral Letters, and the ex- amination by a Lay member ; the works of the Right Rev. John England, first Bishop of Charleston, collected and ar- ranged under the direction of his immediate successor, the Right Rev. Ignatius Aloyscns Reynolds, in five volumes; Dead Sea, more of the great National Work, "Expedition to the Dead Sea," by Lieut. Lynch. To Fanners. A book every farmer should have, The Farmer's Land Measurer, or Pocket Companion, showing at one view the contents of any piece of land from dimensions taken in yards, with a set of useful Agricultural tables. To Mechanics. A book which no mechanic should be without. The Mehanin's Tevt Hook, and Engineer's Pocket Guide, containing a concise treaties of the nature and appli- cation of mechanical forces, action of gravity, the elements of machinery, rules and tables for calculating the working effects of machinery, of the strength, resistance, and pressure of materials, with the tables of the weight of iron and other materials. Also, the Mechanic's Cultivator, comprehending hereby notified that they must attend to receiving them on their arrival, and during the time the vessels are discharging, as 1 will not be responsible for any "roods after being landed. October 16, 1849. GEORGE W. DAVIS. ot various patterns; mous' Axes; Hammers; Squares; Files; Braces; Smoothing Irons; Rat Traps; Coopers' Adzes and Axes; be covered with copper ; to be two windows in the tower, 12 lights each, 8 by 10 glass, and a door, six feet by three, made of double inch board, cross nailed, with substantial Trace Chains; Straw Cutters; P tfunwry, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., corner of Front and Market-street- immediately opposite Shaw's old stand, Wil-mir.jtu- ii, N. (. 4 Corn bhellers; Corn Mills. &c. &c. hinges, latch and lock : the door posts, cap and sill to be of Dowelling Bitts; er with a great many other articles not usually kept in Drug Stores : And various other articles too numerous to mention all of dressed stone, ten inches square ; the ground floor paved which he offers for sale at, a small profit.. November 2, 1849. 8-- tf Turkey Umber; 275 gallons Linseed Oil,' Fay- - with brick ; circular stairs to lead lrom the floor to within 5v fpt nf the lantern, connected by a centre pt irom the DISSOLUTION. The heretofore existing and firm of Cashwell & Blossom, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The affairs of the lato firm will he s.H,.d by J0seph li. Blossom- - QASnwF JOSEPH 11. BLOSSOM. Wilmington, N. C, Oct., 20, 1849. A 9. 1 i l l nsVs "Kpsom Salts, Eng.; do: sup. Carb. Soda; do: Cream Tartar; do: Carb. or Sal Soda; do: Castor Oil; top oi ine stairs to tue entrance to tne scuttle to be an iron G. & V. A. GW1ER, V'w.A'Ai varieties; Bedsteads, Cots, Mat trasses, Look-hgdhyef,- &c., Front Street, near Market, Wilmingt- on, S, C. (iti.KCE (IWVER, W. A. GWYER. ladder, with steps two inches wide, one half inch thick. On each tower to be an iron lantern of an octagon form ctreyine; , 12 loZ. Hair Brushes, naaorV4) Paint Brushes, a large assdrt- - ment; Whitewash Brashes"; the height and diameter sufficient to admit six lights 24 by 15 inches in each octagon, a post Is inches square to pass through the deck 3 feet and bolted on to the post of the T. F. ROBESON, NEGROES Wanted. In the absence of Mr. principles, rules and tables in the various departments of fSSPECTOR of Timber and Lnmher, Tooth, Nail, & FIce&Bruiihos-- i tower ; rabets of the sashes to be I inch deep, glazed with I Wilmington, N. C. Mr. A.nslky Davis, I will buy negroes, and give as good prices for the description that suits me, as can be ,got iu the R iehuiond market, or any market in this the best French plate glass, to be fastened to the sash with 6 dozen Bay Buhl;. strong lead pins, except the lower tier, which is to be filled in 1 .TOH.V HALL, JTVSPECTOR of Timber and Lumber, Matches, perfumed; Phosphorus; Phosphate Ammonia'; witheopper; m one ot the octagons to be an iron Irame door. 4 tt. bv 2 covered with copper, to shut tisrht into ra State, or the State of Virginia. SOLOMON MYERS, or MYERS & DAVIS. Dec. 28th. 16-- tf 1 2S-- tf AVilmington, N. Quinine, Fair's arid Rb'iHjit- - bets with two strong turn buttons the dome to be formed by mathematics and mechanics, useful to Millwrights, Engineers, and Artisans in general, by William Grier. Architectural Works. Wightwick,s Hints to young Architects, &c. Tho American House Carpenter; Rural Architecture, consisting of Classic dwellings, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Gothic, and details connected with each of the orders, embracing plans, elevat ions, parallels, perspective, specifications, estimates, &e., for private Houses and Church- es, designed for the United States of America, by Edward Shaw, Architect. The Architect and Practical House Car- - by Asher Benjamin. On hand the following works : 1enter, of the Girondists, by Lamartine ; Ilowitt's Homes of the Poets ; the works of Charles Lamb ; Washington and gartcn s; Sulphate Morphine: PREPARED GUANO Farmers, Planters, and Market respectfully informed that the above cele- brated fertilizer is admitted, by practical farmers and others who have used it repeatedly throughout the United States and West Indies, on every variety of vegetables and articles usually raised in the different States, to be the cheapest, most durable, and fertilizing Manure whose certificates rccom-commendi- ng its use, in pamphlet form, with dircctrions, can be had gratis. It destroys worms, insects, and llies, and pre- vents blight, mildew, and rust. For sale by 3-- tf 1 HOWARD & PEDEN, Ag'ts for the Manufacturers. BLAKE'S ATHER and Fire-Pro- of Patent Paint I WE give notice to the public, that I have been appoint- ed Agent for the sale of this extraordinary substance. It is a Mineral Paint, which, when applied to a Building, and exposed to the action of the atmosphere, forms a coat of slate or stone, rendering the Building perfectly fire and weath- er proof. The attention of Distillers, Mill Owners, Railroad Companies, Steamboat Proprietors, and Planters, is particu- larly called to this substance. It adheres with the utmost te- nacity, to the substance to which it is applied, never cleans off, and once applied, it is applied for ever. It is much pre- ferable to tin or zinc, for covering roofs, makes thein perfect 16 iron rafters concentrating into an iron hoop 5 inches wide, 9 inches diameter, covered with copper 30 ounces to the foot, which is to come down and rivet to the piece that forms the ALFRED ALDERMAN, rSPECTOR of Xaval Stores and Provisions, I Mf Wilmington, N. C. mAVEXTY-FIV- B Dollars Reward.-Runa- way 12 boxes Enens Plasters; 6" do: India Rubber do: 12 do: Fahnestock's Vermi- fuge; 1 do: Peery's Dead Shot; 6 do: Ger. Cough Drops; 6 do: Sands' Sarsaparilla; 1 do: Bristol's do: 6 do: Townsend's do: 6 do: Bull's do: 4 do: German Cologne; 1 do: French do: 4 C3. Calabria Licorice; Sponge for Surgical purposes; Do: coarse Bahama; 6 dozen Cod Liver Oil Rush-ton- s; 1 do: Ricime Toniquo for the hair; 2 do: Hardy's Elixir for Dyspepsia; Lunar Caustic jmrc; Dcnarcotizcd Opium; Acetate do; Iodine resubliraed; . , Iodidu Potassiahi, English n! X from the subscriber, residing on the Newbern, about sixteen miles from Wilmington, in the latter top of the sash. On the top of each dome to be a traversing ventilator, 15 inches high and 12 inches diameter, on which AV. T. .T. VAXN, J2d nart of March last, a small boy named ISAAC. Said, TOR of Xaval Stores and Provisions, P'SPEC is to be secured a vane 2 teet long and 1 toot wide ventilators i rs-t- n Wilmington, N. C. Do: Iron; trench-- ; Do: Lead; Do: Mercury? . and vanes covered with copper round the lantern to be an Isaac is a bright mulatto, about eleven years of age, small for his age, and freckled. He was last heard from on the Hollv Shelter road, seventeen miles from Wilmington. All iron railing, posts inch square, three railings f inch square the house to have one electrical rod made ot copper, inch IXSPKCTOR'S NOTICE. THE umlersigned having been elected Inspector of Naval and Provisions, .it Mareh Term of New Hanover persons are forbid to harbor said boy, under the penalty of bolt, to runup one foot above the vane, aud two feet down his Generals ; Democracy in America, hy De Tocqueville ; Rollin's Ancient History; Plutarch's Lives ; Cooper s Naval History ; Charlotte Elizabeth's works ; Prescott's Conquest of Mexico ; Prescott's Miscellanies ; Mrs. Ellis' Select works ; the Young House Keeper ; Dealings with the firm of Domby & Son. Also, the following interesting works : Typec ; unlit y Court, takes this method of informing his friends and Calomel, English;, Citrate of Iron And Quimnd'; Do: do: soluble: . ,. Oil of Ergot; Oil of Neroli; Do: Cedrnt; Kreosot; 1 gross Seidlitz Powders"; do: Soda do: Mustard, English and Amon-I'r- o. to Carb. Iron; fcan; the law. I will also give ten dollars for evidence to convict any per- son or persons of harboring said Isaac. Any person returning said boy to Mrs. Mary Craig, in Wilmington, or to John Howard, on Topsail Sound, or lodg- ing him in nnv so that he can be irot, will receive the i.i.; vuWic jienorally, that he has entered upon the duties of fin.t otVn.e, and hopes to receive a liberal shitre of patronage. Nncr and prompt attention will be paid to all business en- trusted fo hi,' euro. Omoo ; Mardi, by Herman Melville. With a large assortment of other useful and interesting books, for sale by March 22d. L. II. PIERCE. tB'Otiiec on North Water Street, up stairs, a few doors ly water tight. When applied to brick or stone buildings, it excludes the dampness of the external atmosphere, making such buildings more healthy. For a more particular explana- tion of its Chemical properties, see Circulars. 100 lbs. will cover 1000 superficial feet. Wholesale price, 4 cents per lb., above reward. ROBERT J. HOWARD. March 1, 1350 25-f- it -- nriug. 250 lbs. Spanish Brown, ' dry; rn .1 Til. Vi Hotels, &c. lumgfon, A. C, March 22, 1830 23-3- m 135 Reward. Runaway from the subscriber, re Citric Acid; dia; 1 cs. Pul. Rhubarb, East In-d- o: do: Turkey; Copaiva Capsules; Pills, sugar coated; Thompson's Eye Water. ALSO. 3.000 lbs. pure White Lead; 2,500 do: ixtra do: 2,000 do: No. 1 extra do: 300 do: Venitian red, in oil; retail 5 cents; this is about half the price of White Lend. DAVID CASHWELL. Anv person wishing a circular, can have it mailed to tliem. siding in Edgecombe county, four miles North of loss-n- ot Depot, and about a quarter of a mile from the EXERAL Commission & Pnrwnifll us Merchant. Address me, post paid. WM. A. GWYER, 11 uu; uo: uu: in on; 100 do: pure Verdigris do: 50 do: Chrome Green dos 10 do: do: YelloW dol 75 do: Paris Green; . . , Patent Black; Lampblack; Camphino and Burning Fluid, best quality; Railroad, on or about the 2d of September last, his ne- - s Wilmington, N. C. General Agent, ! orwarding fc L ommission Merchant, Nov. 2, 1349. 6tf Wilmington, N. O. into the grown, secured to the building with copper staples. All the wood work of the house, including floors, roof and tower, and the iron and copper work of the lanterns, to be painted 3 coats the lanterns to be fitted up with eight lamps and eight 14 inch reflectors, made in a mould or die, as done by Mr. Winslow Lewis, and by Messrs. Hooper & Co., of Boston, in the same manner, and the reflectors to bo of the same form and focus as the United States light houses have been fitted by Winslow Lewis, each reflector to have on it six ounces of silver each light house to be furnished with two spare lamps, 4 double tin oil conisters to hold 80 gallons each, painted 2 coats lantern canister and trivet, tin wick box, tin tube box, hand lantern and lamp, oil feeder, torch, 6 wick formers, 2 pair scissors, 2 files, and 1 glazier's dia- mond. Also, a cistern capable of containing 1,000 gallons of water, and gutters to lead around the dwelling, with spouts leading into tho cistern. No payment to be made to the contractor until the whole is completed, and the same inspected and approved by the undersigned, or such persons as he may appoint for the pur- pose. The whole to be completed in a workmanlike manner by the 15th of August next. ROB'T G. RANKIN, Collector, and Superintendent of Lights. March 29th, 1850 29-- 3t uian named HARRY. Said Harry is about 40 years ot : 5 feet 5 inches hi'h, or thereabouts; yellow complexion; gro age AVILLIAM A. GAVYER, I i mEUAL Agent, forwarding tfe Commission Mer- - f ( Mam, Wilminr'ton. N. C. will make liberal cash ad- - 500 do: do: do: dry; Prussian Blue; LIME, Lime, Lime. SOO bbls. LincoJnvi?lc white lump; Calcined Plaster; Plaster Hair; and Fire Brick; Hy- draulic Cement; 1,000 bbls. Lime, &c. For sale bv PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT, AT ELIZABETHTOWN, BLADEN COUNTY, N. C. CARTER respectfully informs the travelling pub-- , A . lie that he is prepared to entertain travellers at hisJsijjL HOTEL in Elizabethtown, and will be pleased to receive a portion of patronage. His Table will be found furnished with the best the surrounding country can afford. His rooms are well furnished with bedding. In a word, every effort will be made to render his guests comfortable. His arc well provided with provender, and atten- ded by careful Ostlers. He has two large Lots for the accommodation of Drovers. February 8th, 1850. 22-3- m stout built; has a scar on his left leg, from the cut of an axe; has very thick lips; eyes deep sunk in his head; forehead very square; tolerably loud voice; has lost one or two of his upper front teeth; and has a very dark spot on his jaw, supposed to be a mark. j aii(vu,n consignments of Naval Stores and country produce IS' nerally. business entrusted to him will receive his ner- - J. C. & R. B. WOOD. swial attention as usual. His terms arc Cash, but short indulgence- - will bo ftlway granted when circumstances justify. C. DuPBE, Druggist and Pharmaceutist. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 8, 1850 14 jrOffKt on Front Street, near Market. 37 Hallcttvllle, Long Creek, N. C, Sth January, 1850. THE subscribers beg to call the attention of the citizens of Creek District and surrounding country, to their superior stock of goods at present on hand, the greater part of which has recently been received direct from New i ork MILES COSTIX, ent, for the sale of all kinds of Country SflENETUL A- - T i . tores, Lorn, j i ; mvYl . Lumber, Timber, Naval S te.kc, Wilmington, N. C. references : John Dawson, Owes Fennell, A. L. Price, Parsley, Supreme Court Reports. Reduction of Price i .. THE subscriber having purchased from the estate of W. Gales, Esq., deceased, the entire Edition of Vols. 6, 7, and 8, Law, and Vols. 4 and 5, Equity, of Iredell' Reports of Cases decided in the Supremo Court of North Carolina, (from December Term, 1845, to August Term, 1848, inclu- sive, and including also the Equity Cases of the present Tern of the Court,) has reduced the price from Six DoUars to Fit Dollars per volume; and 13 prepared to furnish them to Gen- tlemen of the Bar and to Booksellers, except Vol.5 of Equity, to be published in a few weeks, of which notice will be given. Orders f'r the whole, or for any one or more Volumes, prompt- ly attended to; aud the Bar supplied on reasonable terms with the previous Volumes of North Carolina Reports, and Law Books generally. O. G. Dr.T. 'BERr PoTTES, llvb II. Wright, and other .Northern markets. 1 heir stock consists in part of the following articles, which will be sold cheap for Cash or Barter, viz : Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hollow-war- e, Wood-war- e, Cutlery, Crockery, Guns, Farming and Garden Implements, Garden Seeds, Ready Made Clo- thing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Saddlery, Medicines and Dye Stuffs, Alum and Sack Salt, Corn and Bacon, etc. &c. &c. In addition to the above, country residents will find many other articles suited to their wants which will be offered for sale at low prices. B. & R. C. 1IALLETT. Jan'y 8, 1850. 19-t- f C. Wilmington, N. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Depot of Bronze Powders. The subscriber, AND and Manufacturer, keeps constantly on hand the largest assortment of Musical Instruments, of every de- scription, in the United States ; also BRONZE POWDER, of all colors and qualities, of the best German manufacture, Dutch Metal. Florence Leaf Gold, and Ultra-marin- e Blue, and which he will sell on reasonable terms. Store-keepe- rs are requested to call and examine his large assortment before purchasing elsewhere. EDWARD BAACK, S7 Fulton-stree- t, New York. March 22, 1S50 23-4- t R. FORD, C Dealer in Marble Monuments: Washington and Lafayette Hotel. K THE subscriber having taken the Washington Hotel in IjQconnection with the Lafayette House, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that the two Houses are open, under the name and style of the Washington and La- fayette Hotel, which ia under his immediate superinten- dence, and now ready for the reception of transient or steady Boarders. The Hotel has been throughly cleansed, and supplied with new bedding and furniture of every description, lie has also obtained the services of good and faithful servants ; and he flatters himself that he will be able to give satisfact ion to those who may patronize the House, as no pains will be spared on his part to make his guests both comfortable and contented. His TAble will be found bountifully furnished with the best the market affords ; and his Bar supplied with the best of Li- quors DAVID THALLY. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 12, 18495. 12m. Rock Spring Hotel. IleaJ and Foot Stonos ; Paint Stones ; Imposing do.: "uh- - jr'i an lrble: and work warranted to please or I Nor ir" r c,:lluaSe,l before delivery, it is at his expense. Round for the Gold Regions I The having determined on going to California, of Harry is a Carpenter by trade, and has been in the employ- ment of the Railroad Company, in whose service he was when he runaway. He is well known along the line of the Road. It is supposed that he has obtained, or will endeavor to obtain, free papers from a free colored man living in Nash county, by the name of Moses Hagens, and assume his name, in order to make his way to a free State. The above negro was once the property of Mrs. Copage, of Edgecomb county ; afterwards he fell into the hands of Asiel Farmer, from whom he was purchased by Mr. Barnes, of said county, from whom I purchased him about six years ago. He will be certain to alter his name; probably call himself Harry Copage, Farmer, or Barnes. He was last hoard from on the 11th September, on the Newbern Road, about a mile and a half from Wilmington, enquiring the way to the Sound. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver him to me, or lodge him in any jail in the State; or One Hun- dred Dollars if lodged in any jail out of the State, so that I can get h'ai again. Captains of vessels are cautioned against taking the above negro away, under the severest penalty of the Jaw. GUILFORD HORN. Edgecombe county, N. C, Oct. 5, 1849. 4-- tf WHOLESALE TIN WARE MANUFACTORY. subscribers invite the attention of Country Merchants THE their extensive assortment of Superior Tin and Japanned Ware. Keeping constantly on hand the largest assortment in the State, and selling at lower rates than ever offered be- fore, they only ask a call to sat isfy buyers of the superior ad- vantages they offer. MELLOY & FORD, Sign of the " Large Coffee Pot," No. 291 Market-stree- t, above Seventh, Philadelphia. February i, 1850 21-3- m OIL. A pure article can be obtained at the store of PIXE Polley, at any time, and will be delivered to cus- tomers, by my man, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Wnrranfa ,rtr or lVlOnPV TetUmCd CY JT. S. WILLIAMS, nud Staple Dry Goods Store, Market-stree- t, Wilmington, N. C Office AVIlmlngtoii Si Manchester Railroad Comp'y, Marion Couet-Hous- e, S. C, March 12, 1850. The subscriber has resumed his bu- - "il T.YILORLV- G- in Wilmingt J "Alness in all itt ALFRED ALDERMAN respectfully informs his old S friends and customers that he still continues to keep open on, and will carry on the Tailoring Bound coiie3 furnished to the x'rotession, in exenanje lor their Nos. E. J. HALE,. Faycttcville, March 23, 1849. 23-t- f LISTS. A large supply on hand and for sale low CREAV JOURNAL OFFICE. AFRESH SUPPLY. Smith's best brand Flour; 10 whole and 10 half bbls. extra Canal Floor; 21 bbls. Fayetteville superfine and X do?' , . ... 100 lbs. superior Dried Beef; 6 boxes Soda Crackers; 6 boxes Sugar Crackers; 6 do: Pio Nic . do: 6 do: Sperm Candles, (lower than canbcba,d North;) 6 do: Adamantine Candles, 5'g and 6's. lwforeaeh, at GEO. II. KELLEY'S.- - nOGRESS Water. 16 dozen Saratoga Water, direct fers for sale his Lot and buildings thereon, situated on Mar- ket Street, now occupied as a Carriage ManuCactory. The Lot is large, and the buildings can be conveniently converted into large and comfortable dwellings. Also, a variety of RIDING VEHICLES, Saddles, Bridles, and Harness, which will be sold very low. To any person wishing a pleasant residence, the above lo- cation will be found very desirable, and a bargain may be had. Terms easy. All persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or account, are requested to settle the same without delav. Wilmington, N. C, July 13. '49. ISAAC WELLS various branches, lie is in nosses-- the Rock Spring Hotel, and solicits a continuance ot the liberal patronage he has heretofore received. the 1 ine Iatcst sryies, ana irom his past experience t vwmw' lie fecliJ satisfied that he can please the taste Wvv'f fas,i,lioas. A trial is all that he asks, to con- - Sept. 28, 1S49. o-- " he fit . ; i"1"-"- - ne guurunrees an worK inai London House. THE subscriber, having rented the Hotel formerly kept 17 ism niaiie m a wornman-iiK- e manner. Stockholders of the Wilmington and Manchester THE Company are hereby notified that tho fifth in- stalment, of Five Dollars per. share, is required to be paid on the first day of April, 1850. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN McRAE, Jr., Treasurer. March 22, IS30 23-- 3t AV ANTED. THE subscriber will pay cash for all kinds of Paper stock, viz : Old Canvas; White and colored Rags; " Basrsinsr; Grass and Tarred Rope. L. N. BAKLOW. Wilmington, N. C, March 29, 1S50 29-t- f A CARD. ' ' S. II. ROBBINS. 3G-l- y iuLiby Capt. A. Wade, on the N. E. corner of front ana .Market, streets, known as tne JLiomion, rcspcciiuiiy SADDLE, HARNESS, AND informs the citizens of Wilmington, and all others desirous of lrom the just received, ror sale bv 2 j. TRUNK MANUFACTORY. Faslilonablc Tailoring, p 'Kl'I'Y, Having disconnected himself from WM. H. LIPPITT, ..; Druggist and Chemist. March 29 THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has obtaining Board, that he has provided the House with new furniture of every description, and that he is prepared to re- ceive Boarders by the day, week or month, on the most rea- sonable terms. All the bed rooms are so constructed as to have them warmed to suit the comfort of all persons. His Ta- ble shall alwavs be provided with the vers' best our market i r Ri'iiornl i" "'N r. im i. . ",,! laiien ine siorc on r roni a 'ffic ,.i .' ircet immediately opposite Dr. liella- - sv in " b ' ' A. II. VANBOKKELEN. Liberal discounts to those who wish to sell again. Sept. 28, 1849. 3-- " l'l it.'' lir;in..lifi!! tj: ,,.-iit.j;- i i can afford, and no pains or expense will be spared to make his the Ladies of AY iimingtoti ana vicinii i TO most respectfully call your attention to my Swrlne and Summer Goods, now opening, compri DC Will flit nvwl t1rt,no nnnrnl .,f customers perfectly satisfied. Strangers will wlcasc enquire for the London House. d sing all the stvles of Millinery Goods, which will be dispose workmanship and neatness of o -- . ... i ' 'it i r 1 '' ai He fias also rented ine rcceuujr a-u- - l'U.X Utlee ' a style of t'M'anv intl iCBBlnw the State ; and he hopes to T5ed bv Mr. W. T. J. Vann, near the Carolina Hotel, IMPORTED Segars. 10,000 La Cathedral; . Jew; 10,000 Judeos Eranteu. The above brands are direct from Havana, and prime. For sale by J. WILKINSON & CO. FEW More Left. . : . A 40 superior Beef Tongue", at 62i cents apiece; 100 pounds best Dried Beef, warranted good;. 30 kegs Nails, assorted; 20 bags Shot, assorted; 10 bbls. and half bbls. best clarified Sugar; j Salmon, Corned Beef, and No. 1 Mackerel, at retail Low for cash, at . . GEO. II. KELLKY'S i;mlreUI The subscriber has just UMBRELLAS: assortment of Umbrellas ever offered in this market, embracing every variety of quality style, Here. The subscriber has opened a large stock of LOOK GOODS and GROCERIES, at Hall & Arm- strong's old stand, on Water-stree- t, which he will sell low for cash. He will also act as Agent for the sale of all kinds patronage of his former customers ft where he is prepared to take Horses at Livery, and of at prices as low as at any other establishment in town. With my grateful thanks for favors heretofore received, I mot respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. March 29, 1850 -- Mrs. V. R. PEIRSON. b.-- r tliem r.ronerlv and carefully attended to. He has also a m of country produce. MILES COSTIN. Tr. ' laro-- LOT adjoining the Stables, for the accommodation of Drovers ' JAMES PETTEWAY. December 14, 134U 14-- ti AND THE PUBLIC. Oct. 19, 1849 6-- tf all Ji, KINNE & CO- - (- - R- - Potter and E. D. ii,.. ' nave enterrl . : .. r 4V recently received large additions to his stock of Saddle ana Harness mountings, of the latest and most improved style, and is constantly manufacturing, at his store on Market-- street, formerly occupied by Guv C. Hotuhkiss, every description of articles in the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to his customers and all others who may favor him with a call. He has now on hand, and will con- stantly keep, alam-- e assortment of Coach, Gig, Sulky and Buggy Harness; Lady's Saddles, Urldlcs, Whips, &c. ; Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, &c. fcc. ; all of which he will warrant to be of the best ma- terials and workmanship. He has also a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, &c., and all other articles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he offers low for rash, or on short credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, &c. &c, made to order. Repairing t of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Old Saddles and Harngss taken in part pay for new. JOILN J. CONOLEY. N. B. All accounts standing on my books over six months, will be charged with interest. All persons indebted to the subscriber for last year will please call and settle, as by so doing they may prevent what would be disagreeable to them and unpleasant to him, as persons sometimes have to do un- pleasant things in self-defenc- e. J. J. C. December 14. 1S49 New Root and Shoe Manufactory. The sub- scriber wishes to inform his friends and the public that he will manufacture, at his shop, two doors above New Livery Stables. FlreProof. m , and for no other pnrjose whatever. this Having completed my new Jivery tables, l am opnortimitw f ;v.-- . c i n Messrs. Cashweli. & Blossom s old stand, on North Water and price, and will b sold at small prou's ior tne casn. March 291 C. MYERS, latter. J "vfiiii lamias generally, T)av i V. r now ready to receive Horses at livery, by the day, Street, the most fashionable French Boots, Channel Pumps, Water Proof Military f air mucn ; aiso, vontpress ana oin- - til r . .. .t! ITa nrlll In nil .... tt.,ii,..i ,.; ' ,or l")OD beef, ana none other ; they are !v"' 'tin t prcscnt !lnd would advise those who wish to I 'Vi iivirt c.ommunicate by letter before they drive their Wtf Thy would further inform the citizens l;!lve "'.; rcce.nt,y bought Mr. Petteway out, under a LOOKING GLASSES, John Dawson, from New York, at the N. Y. PER Warehouse. We have now and intend keeping constantly on hand, a large assortment of Looking and Toilet Glasses. It is our intention to offer Glasses at the lowest possible price, and have made arrangements with an Importer in New York that will enable us to sell them at lower prices than they have ever been offered in this market. 24 O. G. sqr. Glass, from 34,' 20 to 22, 13; 40" " top " " 30, 18 to 17, 10; 68 Glasses, various sizes, 14, 10 to 10, 8; 26 Toilets, " 4 superior French Plates; 6 " " " gilt frames. March 29 G. & W. A. GWYER. er uaiters, ana oiots e?jr oij. xv " iu u cases guarantee a fit. 1:n Received. Fayetteville Flour, superfine flne and JUST N. O. Whiskey; N. E. Rum; Imperial Gin; Col- gate's Soap, boxes and halves; superior Goshen Buttery West India Ground Coffee; Wrapping and letter Paper. For sale low, by SAVAGE & MLAIiES. Open. A great variety of Children's Spring and NOW Hats, to which the attention of those wishing A share ot the puoiic patronage is rcvnunj wuuku, auu every effort used to give satisfaction to his customers. 1luce that we should have his custom and patron eml n. Di v ID r . ivlClV I i i I: X- - 111 Jt r 1 1 j e " " ' 15-- tf Wilmington, N. C, June 22, 1S49. 41-l- y u-- ut -- One of the novelties of the l Or Sliln 1... to purchase is respectfully solicited. 'l ie. I C. MYERS, Hatter. week, or month. My Stables are situated on the corner of Princess and Third Streets, directly op'Ksitc the Court-Hous- e, and very conveni- ent to the business part of the town. They are built of brick, and covered with tin, which makes them entirely fire-proo- f. They are large, commodious, and well constructed; and in ev- ery respect as comfortable and convenient as any Stables in the United States. 1' I also have (for the accommodation of Drovers,) a large and comfortable Lot, together with a basement under the stables sufficient to hold one hundred horses, and shelter them well and comfortably, Horses, Carriage;, and Buggies, kept constantly for hire. Mv Hostlers cannot be surpassed in any country, and 1 therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those who favor me with their custom. . I feel rateful to my friends and the public for their liberal patronage heretofore, and hope to merit a continuance i of their custom- - : H. it. I, JLaAJiN . Wilmington, N. P , Tec-1- 1. 1847. U-t- f March 29 C MYERS, Hatter. .r- - .1 ,; - w that. T 1 once more notify persons indebted and Will not fr:mt, lonrror - Sale at Cost The subscriber has for sale a large FOR of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, and Satinetts, all of which are new goods, of this Fall's purchase. He has also for sale a large assortment of Tailor's Trimmings. The above goods will be sold cheap for cash, or on short credit for good notes. V. R. PEIRSON, Executor of Seth Hoard. December 2S, 1849 Wilmington papers copy 6 timos and stop old advertise- ments of V. R. Peirson, Agent. I Chairs I The proprietors of the New CHAIRS Warehouse would respectfully in- form their friends and the public generally, that they b vp inw on hand a stock of Mahosany, Black Wal- - uat if payiuent is mailo. T will Hools antULInes. Howarjd & Pedes have just FISH their Spring supply of Hooks and Lines, of every variety and style ; also, a large supply, already fixed with corks, hooks, leads, &c, for sale cheap. mO the Ladies. I have just received a few Ladies? Ri-- fl hand, of knMUt Liver Oil. Just received, a fresh supply of COD Clark & Co.'s Cod Liver Oil ; warranted fresh. For sale by . WM. H. LIPPITT, March 29 J Druggist and Chemist. Glass War. A Store full of all GUOCKERYnd . . ALEX. MacR AE. jr. March 22, 1850 " 1 23-t- f ' nil debts due me without instructions to collect them nct. Cherry, Maple, and Wood Seat Chairs, riot to be cx called in variety of finish, or neatness and durability of wort .r.o.;r. liir anv iHt.ililiihmftnt. OWEN HOLMES. 0 Harncfore. I X ding Hats, of the Spring Fashion for 1850, a beauti- - ful article. For sale hy , - . C. MYERS, Hatter. Appl Persons disposed to purchase or examine, are '"PtSHi"1? edtocu. - G. & W. A. GWYER. 10 hhds. suprior retailing: Molasses." Low - GEO. H. KELLEY'S. at the NAL OFFICE. MOLASSES, JOTt

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Page 1: Per II IIP I.lJO. - · clear, walls same thickness as the house, to finish 7 feet in

PROPRIETORS. (5 MS-- LTON, Editor... A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor

Per Square of 10 llua or Zmh-cO-Sa In fidr&nce. '

i r ti One soraaro, 1 insertion, . :n'::ti :::: Ctf -

I ( I ' I I . 113 II 111

- "

Ter f Subscription.advance, or within three months, .... .$2 50

0c 3rCar'.nJCnt is delayed over three months, .... I . .3 000cn received for a less term than one year.Vu')lCr'' :ej to discontinue his paper after the

II WW IIP ao. z insertions,.. , 13do.' S do':::::; Otfflo'. 3 months, Without change,-- . .;.'.-- 3 CJdo. 6 - rto.. do. .'do..'.'. -- .3 C'Jdo. 12 do. ;.i .'.do..... rdo.:.;.. ..';.,. U


d6. . .6 do.;.renen-c- weekly,.. ':c:: 12 00do'. 12 do...... dft.--.-d- - 20 00

I.lJO. -


ear.0 snt16" 0fa subscription, till the expiration ofsaidy'

AWEEKLY NEWSI'APH:-Dcvot- cd to Politics, the Markets, Foreign and Domestic Netts, Agriculture, Commerce, and General Inforniatm-TE- MSi $2 50 INADVANCE,

ribcr wishing his paper discontinued at the end oflnr su"sc

t ay up in full and give the proprietors two weeksifcfT'ar'wffHe the paper will be continued and charged for


J:i.0' to the above terms. ,

sending us five new subscribers, accompa-7- L

Advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive the

3"Advertisements Ordered to te c6ntinttedota the,fnsidecharged 37 cents per sjuare fcTr eaeW inseHioii after tKo first :

Any advertisem-en-i tfp6n wMcb the number of insertion inot marked, will be continued until ordered out, and eharsc(l5 cents per sluare for each-insertiOn-


; A liberal discount Will be made on iatertfsftm6'ni eibtbi:mg one Beware,- - when pttfclijhed 6 or 12 months,-- ts w abS

KSr advef tiscmenC, reflecting ifpon privatd enafaclcfCan, under axy CmcuMsfiNCES, be admitted.

one year.VOL. 6. ...... .A.M!rfA1 TxesT mail nt Aiir ri.V WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1850.jfonty "''J business connected with this office, must be ,..,.,,..,i.,;NO. 30.

ill"1 4 paid) to the proprietors...Ut'1 U -

General Notices. General Notices. Schools. Mercantile, Drugs, Medicines, &c.FRIENDSHIP AfMivrcrtrv- -


d Departure of the Malls at Wilmington.jr'l'froui the North, by Railroad, arrives daily about

i! F i f,nm the South, by Steamer from Charleston, ar--'fK

IK1111 'ut y A M.:rt?1Arom Faj-ettevill- via Warsaw, is due upon theftc he cars, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,n

gjriral oI ., f 'w Favotteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey,e 81 Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M.

;:Jen Vfrom" Onslow Court-Hous- e, by sulkey, is due on'TV. V V M.

TtS Institution situated about six miles from Warsaw,county, N. C. in a Northeasterlv direction,

AN1 . APOTHECARIES, Ex-- 9DRUGGISTS Wilmington,-- N6rth Car61ina, 'f . ,now open for the reception of pupils, under the care, as here-tofore, of Mr. C. B. Baker. Parents and guardians wishing

DISSOLUTION.TfE existing under the'firm ofr otanton & Co., is dissolved by mutual consent.1 he affairs of the concern will be settled by Mr. Barlowwho will be found at the old stand. - '


N. B. L. N. Barlow is authorized to use the name of thelate firm in the settlement of the business.March 14, 1850. 27--4t R. H. STANTON


BATTLE & CO., Rocky Mount, N. C, are nowof good quality, the above articles, which they

are desirous of disposing of, as far as possible, in North Caro-lina.! Their terms shall be exceedingly liberal.

March 8, 1850 26-12-

ROCK SPRINGFurniture Manufactory ami "Ware-Room- s.

w piaee their children and wards at School, in a healthv.

W holesale Dealers in Drugs, fcelcct Medicines, l'aints, 2 :

Oils, Window Glass, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fncy Goods';Patent Medicines, Varnish, old Liquors and Wines, . Ha-vana Cigars, &c. &c., respectfully announce to physfcians;yLoa.,.,, uu moral neignoornooa, wneretney may rest

their moral ns well ns n?pntnl trainintr wrill Vi ;fltcck, uy sui- -!:i'lV ?;iafrmu Black River Chapel, via LonjgoThuwdoys, at 5P. M. merchants, and the public, that they, have commenced an

exclusive wholesale business in the above articles", at attended to, wuld do well to patronize this School.

Loard can be had, in respectable families, at o per month.5T'ie rates of tuition, per session of five months, are :

' I subscriber would respectluliy an-- old stand, where wo shall keep a comprehensive stock ofthe best selections from the Northern markets, in QuantiClosing of Malls. --L nounee to the citizens of V llmington,

closes daily at 10 and public generally, that he has employedail for the North, by Railroad, 1 iimary rngnsn urancnes 7 (X)tor Higher.... do do 9 00Ti'-- m

ORDERS NO. 20. uf Headquarters 30th Regiment No. Ca. MUItla, SWilmington, March 8th, 1850. Jf

x o the Captains of the 20th Regt JY. C. Militia :YOU are hereby ordered to assemble your respectiveCompanies at their naual tiIhaa r.f r.or,ir tu

ly atl2M.P.M.poL Latin, Greek, and Higher Mathematics 12 00

N. B. No deductions for absence, exeent in eases of pro

ties suited to the trade. In this Aw lutcrprle we aredetermined to bestow the most careful attention. Believingtho resourcei of that portion of the State which, with pro-per induceeiaents, might most conveniently trade at thirfpoint, will warrant the undertaking on a more enlarged will be our object, with the facilities we possess in purcha

on lues- -i South, by Steamboat, closes dail

The may UF ttcville, via Warsaw, closesThe


mail for Sunday8, at 10 P. M....tracted sicknes.

For further information, apply to W. W. Faison, C. O.llritST, C. J. Oates. and Branch Williams.

..i" .11. IIi VivetteVUie, via, ijiuaucimunu, uy buikcv,

ma f-

- Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M.The

experienced and skillful workmen, for the purpose of makingand repairing all articles of Cabinet Furniture, and thathe has made large additions to his stock of Furniture by re-cent arrivals from New York and Boston ; and in a few days,on the arrival of schooner Jonas Smith and others, from theNorth, will make a still larger addition, so that his assort-ment will be very complete.

Furniture will be made to order, or repaired, at short "no-

tice and at moderate prices. J. D. L.OVE.March 8, 1850 - 26-- 6t

Goldsboro' Patriot copy till forbid. .

March 22, 1850 28--4 1

- t .- - j.uv, ju iue in ci .:atm- -day in May next, and proceed to vote for Major, vice D. Wil-liams, resigned.

The Officer highest in command will superintend the elec-tion, and certify the result to me.

on i A ".1 Hf.nrt-IIous- e. bv sulkev. clnsea nn

ifUM1'" J J ., l f,,rsing, to retain a liberal portion of this trade in our own ctate;

The greatly reduced prices at which we shall sell will enable the purchaser, in many instances, to save the freight nqother charges from a Northern mai ket, wkh the additionaladvantage of getting his Goods in a much shorter time. 7

Columbia Academy, Black Creek.THIS Institution will be opened for the reception of

on the fourth Mondav in October instant, underThfmau"r LonVcrcek,by sulkey, closes on Thursdays,

it, W X- - ' ehnnld be in the Office at least 15 minutes be- -it. U. RAiNKlN, Col. Comg.

A. A. Hartsfield, Adjutant.We call particular attention fiom couirpetori and builderi"the management of Mr. John Robinson, late Teacher of the

Honewell Stantnnshnrf to our stock of lalita ami oil, which will always be largeA. O. BOWERS & BROTHER. SEW STORES.YTTATCH and Clock Makers, acwtllcrs. ana warranted oi tne nest quality.The locality being ne of the most healthy in thi3 part of KELLY, of the late firm of Kelly & McCalebb. W e have the various colors rround fi om tnv mxUrinla. unE.V Y opposite the Chronicle Office, Front-stree- t, Wil-J-- f;

mington, N. C.begs to inform his old customers, and the nublie in iren-- der our own supervision. Linseed. 1 .imn. md MaohinerProfrwnal and Business Cards.

COLLECTOR'S OFFICE.Wilmington, N. C, March 25, 1850.

Pmoitt will be received until 12 o'clock M., on theat this office, for building two Li-h- t Hou-

ses, to range with the Channel around the Horse Shoe, at1 rice s Creek, on Cape Fear River, of the following materi-als, dimensions, aud descriptions :

1st. The Dwelling to be of hard bricks or stone, 36 feet byone story, 8 feet in clear, divided into two rooms, with an

entry between eight feet wide ; walLs to be 20 inches thick,and laid in strong lime mortar ; a cellar to be under the en-tire house, six feet in the clear, walls of the same, to be 20inches thick, built of stone and well laid in strong lime mor- -.

tar.Roof to be rectangular, covered with good seasoned boards

and shingles of the best quality two centre rafters to be oftimber 7 inches by 7 square for the posts of the tower to bolton, the rema inder 3 by 5 ; a, chimney at each end of the house;fire places in each parlor ; three windows in each parlor, 16lights 10 by 8 in each, one in each gable end, 12 lights each8 by 10 ; the attic to be divided into 2 chambers, with a spacebetween 8 feet wide; chambers to be finished, lathed andplastered ; parlors to be lathed and plastered ; stairs to leadfrom the entry into the chambers ; closet in each parlor backof the stairs ; all the floors to be laid double and well nailed ;to be 4 windows in the cellar, six lights 8 by 10 each, and adoor to lead outside with a lock.

Attached to the house, to be a kitchen, 14 by 12 in theclear, walls same thickness as the house, to finish 7 feet inthe clear, floor to be on a level with the floor of the house ; tobe two doors, one to lead outside and one to open into one ofthe rooms in the house ; two windows 12 lights each, 8 by10 ; lathed and plastered ; floor laid double ; a chimney, witha suitable fire place, crane, tramel, and hooks ; on one side ofthe chimney to be an oven, with an iron door on the otherside a sink, with a trunk to lead through the wall to carryoff the water.

Closets in the rooms to be lathed and plastered, with shelves,and lock3 on the doors; all the doors to be four pannels, ex-cept the front door, which is to have frieze lights ; all thedoors to have good hinges and latches, the front door to havea good lock, the kitchen and outside cellar doors to have bolts.

Steps to lead from the ground to nnder the sill of the frontdoor, with a raising on each side ; the kitchen door to openon to a platform 20 feet by 13, supported by 12 pieces of tim-ber 6 inches square, svt into the ground, on the head of whichto be laid 4 by 4 joist, covered with two inch plank, spikedown to the top of the plank to be on a level with the underpart of the sill of the door ; around the platform to bo rail-ings, six inches wide, three feet high, except a space of threefeet wide, in which to be a gate hung with hinges and a latch,steps to lead from the gate to the ground, with a railing,

On the centre of the house to be an octagon tower, 13 feethigh above the walls of the house, 8 feet diameter ;.thc poststo be 7 inches square, tenoned into the beams of the house,which are to be S inches square, well secured with girts and

eral, tlutt he has resumed the mercantile business in the townof Wilmington, and has just opened, at his new stand, on the

ine sraie, ana tne arrangement ot terms sucn as to suit themgABsf f the humblest of our citizens, and, in addition, theacknowledged competency of Mr. It. as a Teacher, justify thesubscribers in anticipating the of the public in

Oils, may always ba had pine, and at low Wiees., " . zIn order that we may be fully understood, we append, fof

the guidance of those interested, the m-W- a th mostDOCT. FRED'K J. Cl'TLAR

s returned to Wilmington, and would Ve pleased to re--I U n i f frrt Vo f rs r o Af Vita fr-- r y-- I nnrl 4 Vi a nnk. tne lauuaoic work.

corner of Water and Princess Streets, an entire new stock ofFamily Groceries, Farming Utensils, Dry Goods, Hardware,Cutlery, Wood and Willow AVare, &c, consistire in part of

A. G. B. having just returned from the North, with a newstock of Elegant Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Musical Boxes,Plated and Silver Ware, respectfully invite the Ladies andGentlemen of Wilmington, and country generally, to exam-ine our stock before making a purchase elsewhere, as we flat-ter ourselves that we can sell goods at as low prices as anv

prominent leading articles : .TERMS, PER SESSION OF F1VK MONTHS. Per pound. U'ue Pill mass. 1 U. Jam, $1 0U

iuu luuowing articles :1st Class, (including a eoursc up to mercantile arithme- -ticA 5 00

Refined Alum, 12.Tdo do i mer5 cts.9 "Dry Goods Pad, chest, till, and cupboard 4

'.j; (,(Tice is a few doors east of London's corner, where''c

tie f'mil when not professionally engaged, or at theh' his sister, Mrs. Davis.rlS 26-- 4t

Ens. Mandersi.2nd do. (from the 1st class ud to enterins on E. Calicoes: Sattinctts:Grammar, i 7 00 Cassimeres; Vestiugs;

Marlboro' Stripes;

" Saltpetre," Copperas," Epsom Salts," Glauber "" Saleratus," Bieart Soda,

Locks; Hoes;Manure Forks;Shovels and Spades;Long handle Shovels;Curry Combs;

2i "4 "3 "n

10 "




3rd do. (do. with E. Grammar,) 10 004th do. Logic, Natural Philosophy. &c 15 00

Balsam Copaiva,Calomel, in bulk.

1 lb.boitles,Hyd. Poijiss, per ounce,Red Bark opt. !

Yellow " " .

Ked and white rlannels;Bed Ticks; Apron Checks;N. B. Board will be afforded oa the most reasonable terms.

Books supplied to Students at a very small percent, on

ELI W. IIAIiLi,TTORXE v at Iaw, Wilmington, N. C, will practice in

; t;(. bounties of New Hanover, Onslow, and Duplin.on Front Street, opposite the Cape Fear Bank,

t.i'ju(ir below the Washington Hotel. 5

L.inseys; Kerseys: lintannia lea and I able Flour Sulphur.Bleached and brown ShirtingsNew York prices. BUN YAN BARNES, Keo IVnriArmir.t Srli Arm

omer esiauiisnniem couin. inis stocK is the third one wehave received within the last five months, which is a proofthat a quick sale and small profit is the best and only way tosecure the good will and patronage ef the citizens generally.

N. B. Every description oi Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,Musical Boxes, Plated and Silver Ware, personally repaired,

nd in a workman-lik- e manner, not to be surpassed by anyother establishment, and warranted for one year.

February 15, 1850 6

NOTICE.THIS DAY entered into Thomas C.

and Edmund II. Grant, under the firm ofCRAFT & GRANT,

Castor Oil, per dozen, $1 a $4Spoons; Candlesticks;Whitewash, Scrub, Dusting,and Sheetings: 3 per Olive Oil, qts., per dozen, 4 5(Jbands barsaparilla,C hairman lioara ot lrustees.

Wayne county, N. C, October 19. 1849. ni Blankets; Cambrics; dozen. ITownsends' "ana cnoe urusncs;Bed Cords; Nails;Hosiery: Guernsey Shirts;

TOPSAIL ACADEMY. Jaconet and cross barred Mus- - Leading Lines; Coffee Mills;

JOHN T,. HOLMES,TTOR"EY at Law, Wilmington, N C. will practice

1i the Counties of New Hanover, Jrumnson, Duplin, and

BrW'k. ..... ...Pl..!JnB! AtLleachcd and brown Drill: flm: Hair. Brass, and Wh-- p Seives;THE first session of this Institution will open on the first

of October, under the superintendence of James II. the above goods are warranted fresh, and of superioror may be returned at our expense. Our terms are cashbilk and Cotton lldkts.; Ovens; Spiders; Pots;

jViECeon 1 roil l curai, uiiuui iiiu wiiioinuie uurcu. t t Head do. Yarn: Kettles; Saucepans; Blacking;Turkey red and blue Cotton'Shoe Thread; Shot Pouches;

Beext, a graduate of Randolph Macon College. Its locationis 12 miles East of Wilmington, on the road leading to New-bern, healthfully and pleasantly situated, in a neighborhood

or snort time tor approved credit.November 1G. 1S49.EDWARD CAMAVELL, 10

Groceries. LMolasses Uates;where Board may be obtained at S6 per month. Terms ofTTORKY at Lnw, Wilmington. N. C, has removed

liii' ifirt to Market-stree- t, opposite the Carolina Hotel. Lanai tiols. ana tools.; I'ewter r aueets; FKESH DRUGS, MKDIC1NKS, Ac.tuition will be as follows, viz : Mess and Prime Pork: Reap Hooks; Mouse Traps;

who expect to keep constantly on hand, a complete supply ofFamily Groceries.

They occupy a store in Bettcncourt's buildings, two doorsbelow the corner.

Every attention will be given to business, and they hope togive satifaction to customers.

Wilniington,N. C, February 4th, 1850. 22-t- f

Taos. C. Craft. Edmund II. Grant.

JUST Received at Shaw's Drug Sloie, thirdNorth of IIaht & Tolley's, Front Strict,

Wilmington, North Carolina, where Physicians, conn--

Lower branches of English, per session of 5 months, .... 7 00Higher do. do. together with Mathematics,. .12 50Latin arid Greek, 18 00

Imitation English Cheese;Goshen Butter; Olive Oil;Chocolate; Cloves and Mace;

Augers; Mates;Wood and Hand Saws.

Wood Wave.Cedar and painted Tubs;

do. Churns;NICHOLAS N. NIXON, Fres't Board of Trustees.

September 14, 189. 1-- tf

MARTIN & CRONLY,i IYTW.VEERS aiul Commission 3Ioi-cliaiit-

Wilmington, N. C."I .UlKTlV M. Croxi.y.

( APT. K. 11KXSONready to attend to the selling of all kinds of

1r.uiv on commission. Prompt attention will be giv- -

indebted to J. Kylk, in-th- e shape Brass and iron bound andTVTOTICE. All persons

try Merchants, and all others, who desire to consult their owninterest, can purchase the best Dru and Medicines,Paints, (His mid lyc (vflfs, Perfume iy nud PatentMedic ines, Upvde.i Sccrt, fresh from DaViO Landeeth's;Philadelphia, aud every other article usually kept in a DrujStore, 25 per cent, cheaper than similar goods can bo obtain-ed at perhaps any other house in the State. ,

NEW ROOKS.Li of notes, accounts, &e., will please call at his Store and painted Buckets;

braces ; the former to be 4 inches by 6 ; to be brick pillarsunder the beams of the tower fl..or, and joists 4 by 4 framedinto the beams of the lower flooi to those of the upper, tosupport the tower ; the outside of the tower to be boardedand shingled. Above the roof, round the tower where it con-nects with the roof of the house, to be well c ollared with lead;

necessity of placing Washboards; Sugar Boxes;LIVER GOLDSMITH, a Biography, bv Washingtonsettle forthwith, or he will be under thethem in the hands of an officer. rving : Dante s Inferno, a Divine C oinedy, a prose

(c Ui on win lavor miu yiiii lueir custom. Mour and ugar Buckets;Nests' Measures;Varnished Keelers;

translation, with the text of the original, collated from the Ihc subscribers would beg to remind those Physicians who!).,r.h 1, J- - Z7-6- m

one window in the tower, nine lights 8 by 10. On the top of best editions, with explanatory notes, by John Carlyle, M patronized the late 'Wat. Siia, that they can still bo suppliedSAVAGE iSi ME ARES,

Cinnamon and INutmegs;Pepper and Spice;Race and ground Ginger;Cayenne Pepper;Rio, Laguyra, St. Domingo,

and Java Coffee;Crushed, pulverized, clarified,

and Porto Rico Sugars;Hull & Son's Candles;Colgate's best brown Soap;Fancy Soaps;Tobacco of all qualities;Powder and Shot;Indigo and fig Blue;Spanish Brown;Brimstone and Sulphur;Camphor and Saltpetre;Alum; Saleratus;

Cocoa Dippers; Barrel Covers;An assortment of Baskets.

tae tower to be a, trained octagon deck, 10 ieet diameter, tim-ber 6 by 7 inches square secured to the ton of the post bv

D.; Life of Win. Wirt, by Kennedy; the Mountains ot theBible ; Modern Society ; Modern Accomplishments, by Miss

with everything of tho best quality, and on the most reasonable terms. No exertion will be spared io render satifacti6iimOCF.US niul Commission II-- r limits, South Wa--

(j t;r Street, third door below Market, Wilmington, N. C. Sinclair ; the Golden Censer ; My Mother, or Recollections to those who may favor us with t heir natronnsre. and we remortice and tenons, the frame of tho deck to be covered withtwo inch plank spiked down, the joints well caulked with

N. B The Store occupied by him is for rent for the bal-ance of the year. For terms, &e., apply at the Store of Car-ko- ll

& Fknnkll. Feb'y 1, 1850.

TAKE Notlee. All persons having unsettled businessthe estate of the late Seth Hoard, will please eall at

the office of the undersigned, on Front-stree- t, third door fromMarket-stree- t, opposite Drs. Bellamy & Ilarriss' office, andsettle the same, without delay.

V. li. PEIRSON, Executor of Seth HoardDecember 28, 1849 16-- tf

I.llV,-Mil-) SAVAGE, OASTON MEAKES. of Maternal Influence ; " this book should find a place in ev spectfully solicit a call before purchashitr elsewhere. We havdoakum, and then covered with white lead ; the deck coppered just received a fresh supply of those instruments for aftlietionC. MYERS,

Liquors.Rectified and Old Rye Whis:N. E. Rum; key;Cogaiac Brandy;Malaga, Port, Madeira, and

Malmsley Wines.Bread.

ery household ;" Thornton's Prayers ; Berrien's Prayers ; also, a large and extensive assortment of School Books.

To Churchmen and others.wun &z ounce copper, well nailed down. Un one side ot thedeck to be a scuttle to enter the lantern, as large as theIvrFACTl'REll ami Dealer in Hats, Cap, Umbrel-am- i

Walking Canes, of every description, whole- - space between the timbers of the deck will admit; scuttledI retail, .Norm siue AiarKCi-srree- i, vv umingion, i. vj. door and rabets to be covered with copper same as the deck.

Stairs to lead from the attic story of the house to the entrance Soda, Wine, Milk and Lemon

Just received at the Wilmington Book Store, The ChurchVindicated, against the assaults of W. T. Hamilton, D. D.,in a review of his Sermon on Acts XXIII, 22, 4 Ye are toosuperstitious,' by Richard Johnson, Rector of Zion Church ;Johnson's Examination of Snodgrass on the Apostolic suc

Biscuit;of the scuttle ; the inside of the tower to be either lathed andplastered, or lined up with boards planed and jointed, plowed

Mrs. Miller's, Outcalt's, andLorillard's Scotch Snuff;

OWEN HOLMES,tttiioLKSAIjE ami Retail IJealerin Domestic Goods,

flnn-crii-s- , ('rockery Ware, &c. &e., Wilmington, N. C Butter, Sugar, Soda and MilkCrackers.

Stone Ware.ana xonguea.

2d. A light house at proper distance in front of the above,to range with the channel, to be 20 feet high, to b built of

EXECUTOR'S Notiee The subscriber having at theCourt of Fleas and Sessions of New Han-

over County, qualified as Executor of the last will and testa-ment of Seth Hoard, all persons indebted to the testatorare hereby notified to make immediate payment ; and thosehaving claims against the estate to present them within thetime prescribed by Law, or they will be barred of a recovery.

V. II. PEIUSON, Ex'r.Dec. 28th. l-- tf

Jugs and Jars, all sizes;Churns; Clay Pans;

I GEORGE AV". DAVIS,tnOMMISSIOX ami Forwarding Merchant, Davis'sA.) Whurf. South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. 1


ot the spine, so highly recommended by tho Medical facultyof New York and Philadelphia, and which are a certain pre-ventive against consumption, and are indispensable to C'lerkdand others confined to a sedentarv life, none of whom shpulabe without them. Also, a fresh arrival of Spencer's Pills, whicWare warranted to cure headache in twenty-fiv- e or thirty niftr-ute- s'

time. In the operation they are tho most nreeabloPills ever invented ; acting upon the stomach and bowels, and!bringing the liver to its proper functions, they cannot fail to"restore the system health, strength and vigor. Call and geta box at Shaw's Drug Store, 3d door north of IIakt & PoiXley's. SHAW & BROTHER.

Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 4th, 1850. 17-t- f.

SEW DRUG AND MEDICINE! STORK.THE subscriber would respectfully call the attention fJtthe inhabitants of Wilmington and the sur- - jfrounding country, to his large and carefully selected Jvstock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, OH, Putty, JL'iStuffs, Window Glass, Perfumery, Kaney Articles,Patent Medicines, &e., consisting of the following, togeth

hard bricks, the form round, foundation to be hud as deepas necessary to make the fabric secure, to be laid in Rosen-dal- e

cement. The diameter of the base to be 17 feet, andStationery.

Mrs. Miller s Maeoboy do.Hardware and Cutlery.

Table Knives and Carvers;Pocket, speying, shoe, and

butcher Knives;Stock and rim Locks;Closet do.II. and I. Hinges;Butt do. Screws;

Blank Books; Pass Books;that of the top nine feet. The thickness of the walls at themRl (.(.1ST ana iotliecarleg, Exchange Buudmgs, Letter, roolscap, and Bill Pa-

per; Spelling Books;10C.Market-stree- t, Wilmington, N, base to be three ieet, to be uniformly graduated to two feetat the top, where an arch is to be turned, on which is to beNotice. Consignees and owners of Goods, corn Steel pens, Quills, and by any of the Packets consigned to my address, areAVILLIAM II. t'a rm 1 1 isr I tonsils.Collins , Bradley s, and Sim--laid a soap stone deck, eleven feet 6 inches diameter, four

THOLES ALE and Retail Druggist, and Dealer in inches thick, in which is to be a scuttle door, and rabets to A large assortment of Ploughs,raints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Garden Seeds,

cession ; Examination ot Continuation examined, or a Re-view of the Romish and Prclaticil rite of confirmation exsfin-ine- d,

&c, by Thomas Smyth, D. D., by the Rev. WilliamJohnson.

Also, more of Bishop Ives' Pastoral Letters, and the ex-amination by a Lay member ; the works of the Right Rev.John England, first Bishop of Charleston, collected and ar-ranged under the direction of his immediate successor, theRight Rev. Ignatius Aloyscns Reynolds, in five volumes;Dead Sea, more of the great National Work, "Expeditionto the Dead Sea," by Lieut. Lynch.

To Fanners. A book every farmer should have, TheFarmer's Land Measurer, or Pocket Companion, showing atone view the contents of any piece of land from dimensionstaken in yards, with a set of useful Agricultural tables.

To Mechanics. A book which no mechanic should bewithout. The Mehanin's Tevt Hook, and Engineer's PocketGuide, containing a concise treaties of the nature and appli-cation of mechanical forces, action of gravity, the elementsof machinery, rules and tables for calculating the workingeffects of machinery, of the strength, resistance, and pressureof materials, with the tables of the weight of iron and othermaterials. Also, the Mechanic's Cultivator, comprehending

hereby notified that they must attend to receiving them ontheir arrival, and during the time the vessels are discharging,as 1 will not be responsible for any "roods after being landed.

October 16, 1849. GEORGE W. DAVIS.ot various patterns;

mous' Axes; Hammers;Squares; Files; Braces;Smoothing Irons; Rat Traps;Coopers' Adzes and Axes;

be covered with copper ; to be two windows in the tower, 12lights each, 8 by 10 glass, and a door, six feet by three,made of double inch board, cross nailed, with substantial

Trace Chains; Straw Cutters;P tfunwry, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., corner of Front andMarket-street- immediately opposite Shaw's old stand, Wil-mir.jtu- ii,

N. (. 4Corn bhellers; Corn Mills.&c. &c.hinges, latch and lock : the door posts, cap and sill to be of Dowelling Bitts; er with a great many other articles not usually kept in Drug

Stores :And various other articles too numerous to mention all ofdressed stone, ten inches square ; the ground floor pavedwhich he offers for sale at, a small profit..

November 2, 1849. 8-- tf

Turkey Umber;275 gallons Linseed Oil,' Fay- -

with brick ; circular stairs to lead lrom the floor to within5v fpt nf the lantern, connected by a centre pt irom the

DISSOLUTION. The heretofore existingand firm of Cashwell & Blossom, is this

day dissolved by mutual consent. The affairs of the lato firmwill he s.H,.d by J0seph li. Blossom- -


Wilmington, N. C, Oct., 20, 1849. A




nsVs "Kpsom Salts, Eng.;do: sup. Carb. Soda;do: Cream Tartar;do: Carb. or Sal Soda;do: Castor Oil;

top oi ine stairs to tue entrance to tne scuttle to be an iron

G. & V. A. GW1ER,V'w.A'Ai varieties; Bedsteads, Cots, Mat trasses, Look-hgdhyef,-

&c., Front Street, near Market, Wilmingt-on, S, C.


ladder, with steps two inches wide, one half inch thick.On each tower to be an iron lantern of an octagon form

ctreyine; ,

12 loZ. Hair Brushes, naaorV4)Paint Brushes, a large assdrt- -

ment;Whitewash Brashes";

the height and diameter sufficient to admit six lights 24 by15 inches in each octagon, a post Is inches square to passthrough the deck 3 feet and bolted on to the post of theT. F. ROBESON, NEGROES Wanted. In the absence of Mr. principles, rules and tables in the various departments offSSPECTOR of Timber and Lnmher, Tooth, Nail, & FIce&Bruiihos-- itower ; rabets of the sashes to be I inch deep, glazed with

I Wilmington, N. C.Mr. A.nslky Davis, I will buy negroes, and give asgood prices for the description that suits me, as can be,got iu the R iehuiond market, or any market in this

the best French plate glass, to be fastened to the sash with 6 dozen Bay Buhl;.strong lead pins, except the lower tier, which is to be filled in1 .TOH.V HALL,

JTVSPECTOR of Timber and Lumber,Matches, perfumed;Phosphorus;Phosphate Ammonia';

witheopper; m one ot the octagons to be an iron Iramedoor. 4 tt. bv 2 covered with copper, to shut tisrht into ra

State, or the State of Virginia.SOLOMON MYERS,

or MYERS & DAVIS.Dec. 28th. 16-- tf

1 2S-- tf AVilmington, N. Quinine, Fair's arid Rb'iHjit- -bets with two strong turn buttons the dome to be formed by

mathematics and mechanics, useful to Millwrights, Engineers,and Artisans in general, by William Grier.

Architectural Works. Wightwick,s Hints to youngArchitects, &c. Tho American House Carpenter; RuralArchitecture, consisting of Classic dwellings, Doric, Ionic,Corinthian and Gothic, and details connected with each ofthe orders, embracing plans, elevat ions, parallels, perspective,specifications, estimates, &e., for private Houses and Church-es, designed for the United States of America, by EdwardShaw, Architect. The Architect and Practical House Car- -

by Asher Benjamin. On hand the following works :1enter, of the Girondists, by Lamartine ; Ilowitt's Homesof the Poets ; the works of Charles Lamb ; Washington and

gartcn s;Sulphate Morphine:

PREPARED GUANO Farmers, Planters, and Marketrespectfully informed that the above cele-

brated fertilizer is admitted, by practical farmers and otherswho have used it repeatedly throughout the United Statesand West Indies, on every variety of vegetables and articlesusually raised in the different States, to be the cheapest, mostdurable, and fertilizing Manure whose certificates rccom-commendi- ng

its use, in pamphlet form, with dircctrions, canbe had gratis. It destroys worms, insects, and llies, and pre-vents blight, mildew, and rust. For sale by3-- tf 1 HOWARD & PEDEN, Ag'ts for the Manufacturers.

BLAKE'SATHER and Fire-Pro- of Patent Paint IWE give notice to the public, that I have been appoint-

ed Agent for the sale of this extraordinary substance.It is a Mineral Paint, which, when applied to a Building,

and exposed to the action of the atmosphere, forms a coat ofslate or stone, rendering the Building perfectly fire and weath-er proof. The attention of Distillers, Mill Owners, RailroadCompanies, Steamboat Proprietors, and Planters, is particu-larly called to this substance. It adheres with the utmost te-

nacity, to the substance to which it is applied, never cleansoff, and once applied, it is applied for ever. It is much pre-ferable to tin or zinc, for covering roofs, makes thein perfect

16 iron rafters concentrating into an iron hoop 5 inches wide,9 inches diameter, covered with copper 30 ounces to the foot,which is to come down and rivet to the piece that forms the

ALFRED ALDERMAN,rSPECTOR of Xaval Stores and Provisions,I Mf Wilmington, N. C. mAVEXTY-FIV- B Dollars Reward.-Runa- way

12 boxes Enens Plasters;6" do: India Rubber do:

12 do: Fahnestock's Vermi-fuge;

1 do: Peery's Dead Shot;6 do: Ger. Cough Drops;6 do: Sands' Sarsaparilla;1 do: Bristol's do:6 do: Townsend's do:6 do: Bull's do:4 do: German Cologne;1 do: French do:4 C3. Calabria Licorice;

Sponge for Surgical purposes;Do: coarse Bahama;

6 dozen Cod Liver Oil Rush-ton- s;

1 do: Ricime Toniquo forthe hair;

2 do: Hardy's Elixir forDyspepsia;

Lunar Caustic jmrc;Dcnarcotizcd Opium;

Acetate do;Iodine resubliraed; . ,

Iodidu Potassiahi, English n!X from the subscriber, residing on the Newbern,

about sixteen miles from Wilmington, in the latter top of the sash. On the top of each dome to be a traversingventilator, 15 inches high and 12 inches diameter, on whichAV. T. .T. VAXN, J2dnart of March last, a small boy named ISAAC. Said,TOR of Xaval Stores and Provisions,P'SPEC is to be secured a vane 2 teet long and 1 toot wide ventilators

i rs-t- n Wilmington, N. C.Do: Iron; trench-- ;

Do: Lead;Do: Mercury? .

and vanes covered with copper round the lantern to be anIsaac is a bright mulatto, about eleven years of age, smallfor his age, and freckled. He was last heard from on theHollv Shelter road, seventeen miles from Wilmington. All iron railing, posts inch square, three railings f inch square

the house to have one electrical rod made ot copper, inchIXSPKCTOR'S NOTICE.THE umlersigned having been elected Inspector of Naval

and Provisions, .it Mareh Term of New Hanoverpersons are forbid to harbor said boy, under the penalty of bolt, to runup one foot above the vane, aud two feet down

his Generals ; Democracy in America, hy De Tocqueville ;

Rollin's Ancient History; Plutarch's Lives ; Cooper s NavalHistory ; Charlotte Elizabeth's works ; Prescott's Conquestof Mexico ; Prescott's Miscellanies ; Mrs. Ellis' Select works ;the Young House Keeper ; Dealings with the firm of Domby& Son. Also, the following interesting works : Typec ;

unlit y Court, takes this method of informing his friends and

Calomel, English;,Citrate of Iron And Quimnd';

Do: do: soluble: . ,.Oil of Ergot; Oil of Neroli;Do: Cedrnt; Kreosot;

1 gross Seidlitz Powders";do: Soda do:

Mustard, English and Amon-I'r- o.

to Carb. Iron; fcan;

the law.I will also give ten dollars for evidence to convict any per-

son or persons of harboring said Isaac.Any person returning said boy to Mrs. Mary Craig, in

Wilmington, or to John Howard, on Topsail Sound, or lodg-ing him in nnv so that he can be irot, will receive the

i.i.; vuWic jienorally, that he has entered upon the duties offin.t otVn.e, and hopes to receive a liberal shitre of patronage.Nncr and prompt attention will be paid to all business en-trusted fo hi,' euro.

Omoo ; Mardi, by Herman Melville. With a large assortmentof other useful and interesting books, for sale by

March 22d. L. II. PIERCE.tB'Otiiec on North Water Street, up stairs, a few doors

ly water tight. When applied to brick or stone buildings, itexcludes the dampness of the external atmosphere, makingsuch buildings more healthy. For a more particular explana-tion of its Chemical properties, see Circulars. 100 lbs. willcover 1000 superficial feet. Wholesale price, 4 cents per lb.,

above reward. ROBERT J. HOWARD.March 1, 1350 25-f- it

-- nriug. 250 lbs. Spanish Brown,'

dry;rn .1 Til.Vi Hotels, &c.lumgfon, A. C, March 22, 1830 23-3- m

135 Reward. Runaway from the subscriber, re

Citric Acid; dia;1 cs. Pul. Rhubarb, East In-d- o:

do: Turkey;Copaiva Capsules;Pills, sugar coated;Thompson's Eye Water.

ALSO.3.000 lbs. pure White Lead;2,500 do: ixtra do:2,000 do: No. 1 extra do:

300 do: Venitian red, in oil;

retail 5 cents; this is about half the price of White Lend.DAVID CASHWELL. Anv person wishing a circular, can have it mailed to tliem.siding in Edgecombe county, four miles North of loss-n- ot

Depot, and about a quarter of a mile from theEXERAL Commission & Pnrwnifll us Merchant. Address me, post paid. WM. A. GWYER,

11 uu; uo: uu: in on;100 do: pure Verdigris do:50 do: Chrome Green dos10 do: do: YelloW dol75 do: Paris Green; . . ,

Patent Black; Lampblack;Camphino and Burning Fluid,

best quality;

Railroad, on or about the 2d of September last, his ne- -s Wilmington, N. C. General Agent, ! orwarding fc L ommission Merchant,Nov. 2, 1349. 6tf Wilmington, N. O.

into the grown, secured to the building with copper staples.All the wood work of the house, including floors, roof and

tower, and the iron and copper work of the lanterns, to bepainted 3 coats the lanterns to be fitted up with eightlamps and eight 14 inch reflectors, made in a mould or die,as done by Mr. Winslow Lewis, and by Messrs. Hooper &Co., of Boston, in the same manner, and the reflectors to boof the same form and focus as the United States light houseshave been fitted by Winslow Lewis, each reflector to have onit six ounces of silver each light house to be furnished withtwo spare lamps, 4 double tin oil conisters to hold 80 gallonseach, painted 2 coats lantern canister and trivet, tin wickbox, tin tube box, hand lantern and lamp, oil feeder, torch,6 wick formers, 2 pair scissors, 2 files, and 1 glazier's dia-

mond.Also, a cistern capable of containing 1,000 gallons of water,

and gutters to lead around the dwelling, with spouts leadinginto tho cistern.

No payment to be made to the contractor until the wholeis completed, and the same inspected and approved by theundersigned, or such persons as he may appoint for the pur-pose. The whole to be completed in a workmanlike mannerby the 15th of August next.

ROB'T G. RANKIN,Collector, and Superintendent of Lights.

March 29th, 1850 29-- 3t

uian named HARRY. Said Harry is about 40 years ot: 5 feet 5 inches hi'h, or thereabouts; yellow complexion;


I i mEUAL Agent, forwarding tfe Commission Mer--f ( Mam, Wilminr'ton. N. C. will make liberal cash ad- -

500 do: do: do: dry;Prussian Blue;

LIME, Lime, Lime. SOO bbls. LincoJnvi?lc white lump;Calcined Plaster; Plaster Hair; and Fire Brick; Hy-

draulic Cement; 1,000 bbls. Lime, &c. For sale bv


CARTER respectfully informs the travelling pub-- ,A . lie that he is prepared to entertain travellers at hisJsijjLHOTEL in Elizabethtown, and will be pleased to receive aportion of patronage. His Table will be found furnished withthe best the surrounding country can afford. His rooms arewell furnished with bedding. In a word, every effort will bemade to render his guests comfortable.

His arc well provided with provender, and atten-ded by careful Ostlers.

He has two large Lots for the accommodation of Drovers.February 8th, 1850. 22-3- m

stout built; has a scar on his left leg, from the cut of an axe;has very thick lips; eyes deep sunk in his head; forehead verysquare; tolerably loud voice; has lost one or two of his upperfront teeth; and has a very dark spot on his jaw, supposed tobe a mark.

j aii(vu,n consignments of Naval Stores and country produceIS' nerally. business entrusted to him will receive his ner- - J. C. & R. B. WOOD.

swial attention as usual.

His terms arc Cash, but short indulgence-- will bo ftlwaygranted when circumstances justify.

C. DuPBE, Druggist and Pharmaceutist.Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 8, 1850 14

jrOffKt on Front Street, near Market. 37 Hallcttvllle, Long Creek, N. C, Sth January, 1850.

THE subscribers beg to call the attention of the citizens ofCreek District and surrounding country, to their

superior stock of goods at present on hand, the greater partof which has recently been received direct from New i ork

MILES COSTIX,ent, for the sale of all kinds of CountrySflENETUL A- -

T i .

tores, Lorn,ji ; mvYl . Lumber, Timber, Naval S

te.kc, Wilmington, N. C.

references :John Dawson, Owes Fennell,

A. L. Price,Parsley,

Supreme Court Reports. Reduction of Price i ..

THE subscriber having purchased from the estate of W.Gales, Esq., deceased, the entire Edition of Vols. 6,

7, and 8, Law, and Vols. 4 and 5, Equity, of Iredell' Reportsof Cases decided in the Supremo Court of North Carolina,(from December Term, 1845, to August Term, 1848, inclu-sive, and including also the Equity Cases of the present Ternof the Court,) has reduced the price from Six DoUars to FitDollars per volume; and 13 prepared to furnish them to Gen-tlemen of the Bar and to Booksellers, except Vol.5 of Equity,to be published in a few weeks, of which notice will be given.Orders f'r the whole, or for any one or more Volumes, prompt-ly attended to; aud the Bar supplied on reasonable terms withthe previous Volumes of North Carolina Reports, and LawBooks generally.


llvb II. Wright,

and other .Northern markets. 1 heir stock consists in part ofthe following articles, which will be sold cheap for Cash orBarter, viz :

Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hollow-war- e,

Wood-war- e, Cutlery, Crockery, Guns, Farming andGarden Implements, Garden Seeds, Ready Made Clo-thing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Saddlery,Medicines and Dye Stuffs, Alum and Sack Salt, Cornand Bacon, etc. &c. &c.

In addition to the above, country residents will find manyother articles suited to their wants which will be offered forsale at low prices. B. & R. C. 1IALLETT.

Jan'y 8, 1850. 19-t- f

C.Wilmington, N.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,Depot of Bronze Powders. The subscriber,AND and Manufacturer, keeps constantly on hand the

largest assortment of Musical Instruments, of every de-

scription, in the United States ; also BRONZE POWDER,of all colors and qualities, of the best German manufacture,Dutch Metal. Florence Leaf Gold, and Ultra-marin- e Blue,and which he will sell on reasonable terms. Store-keepe- rs

are requested to call and examine his large assortment beforepurchasing elsewhere. EDWARD BAACK,

S7 Fulton-stree- t, New York.March 22, 1S50 23-4- t

R. FORD,C Dealer in Marble Monuments:

Washington and Lafayette Hotel.K THE subscriber having taken the Washington Hotel in

IjQconnection with the Lafayette House, respectfully informshis friends and the public in general, that the two Houses areopen, under the name and style of the Washington and La-

fayette Hotel, which ia under his immediate superinten-dence, and now ready for the reception of transient or steadyBoarders.

The Hotel has been throughly cleansed, and supplied withnew bedding and furniture of every description, lie has alsoobtained the services of good and faithful servants ; and heflatters himself that he will be able to give satisfact ion to thosewho may patronize the House, as no pains will be spared onhis part to make his guests both comfortable and contented.

His TAble will be found bountifully furnished with the bestthe market affords ; and his Bar supplied with the best of Li-

quors DAVID THALLY.Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 12, 18495. 12m.

Rock Spring Hotel.

IleaJ and Foot Stonos ; Paint Stones ; Imposing do.:

"uh- - jr'i an lrble: and work warranted to please orI Nor ir" r

c,:lluaSe,l before delivery, it is at his expense. Round for the Gold Regions I Thehaving determined on going to California, of

Harry is a Carpenter by trade, and has been in the employ-ment of the Railroad Company, in whose service he was whenhe runaway. He is well known along the line of the Road.It is supposed that he has obtained, or will endeavor to obtain,free papers from a free colored man living in Nash county, bythe name of Moses Hagens, and assume his name, in orderto make his way to a free State.

The above negro was once the property of Mrs. Copage, ofEdgecomb county ; afterwards he fell into the hands of AsielFarmer, from whom he was purchased by Mr. Barnes, of saidcounty, from whom I purchased him about six years ago. Hewill be certain to alter his name; probably call himself HarryCopage, Farmer, or Barnes. He was last hoard from on the11th September, on the Newbern Road, about a mile and ahalf from Wilmington, enquiring the way to the Sound.

I will give the above reward to any person who will deliverhim to me, or lodge him in any jail in the State; or One Hun-

dred Dollars if lodged in any jail out of the State, so that Ican get h'ai again.

Captains of vessels are cautioned against taking the abovenegro away, under the severest penalty of the Jaw.

GUILFORD HORN.Edgecombe county, N. C, Oct. 5, 1849. 4-- tf

WHOLESALE TIN WARE MANUFACTORY.subscribers invite the attention of Country MerchantsTHE their extensive assortment of Superior Tin and

Japanned Ware.Keeping constantly on hand the largest assortment in

the State, and selling at lower rates than ever offered be-

fore, they only ask a call to sat isfy buyers of the superior ad-

vantages they offer. MELLOY & FORD,Sign of the " Large Coffee Pot,"

No. 291 Market-stree- t, above Seventh, Philadelphia.February i, 1850 21-3- m

OIL. A pure article can be obtained at the store ofPIXE Polley, at any time, and will be delivered to cus-

tomers, by my man, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.Wnrranfa ,rtr or lVlOnPV TetUmCd


nud Staple Dry Goods Store, Market-stree- t,

Wilmington, N. C Office AVIlmlngtoii Si Manchester Railroad Comp'y,Marion Couet-Hous- e, S. C, March 12, 1850.

The subscriber has resumed his bu--"il T.YILORLV- G-

in WilmingtJ "Alness in all ittALFRED ALDERMAN respectfully informs his oldS friends and customers that he still continues to keep openon, and will carry on the Tailoring

Bound coiie3 furnished to the x'rotession, in exenanje lortheir Nos. E. J. HALE,.

Faycttcville, March 23, 1849. 23-t- f

LISTS. A large supply on hand and for sale lowCREAV JOURNAL OFFICE.

AFRESH SUPPLY.Smith's best brand Flour;

10 whole and 10 half bbls. extra Canal Floor;21 bbls. Fayetteville superfine and X do?' , . ...

100 lbs. superior Dried Beef; 6 boxes Soda Crackers;6 boxes Sugar Crackers; 6 do: Pio Nic . do:6 do: Sperm Candles, (lower than canbcba,d North;)6 do: Adamantine Candles, 5'g and 6's. lwforeaeh,

at GEO. II. KELLEY'S.- -

nOGRESS Water. 16 dozen Saratoga Water, direct

fers for sale his Lot and buildings thereon, situated on Mar-ket Street, now occupied as a Carriage ManuCactory. TheLot is large, and the buildings can be conveniently convertedinto large and comfortable dwellings.

Also, a variety of RIDING VEHICLES, Saddles, Bridles,and Harness, which will be sold very low.

To any person wishing a pleasant residence, the above lo-

cation will be found very desirable, and a bargain may behad. Terms easy.

All persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or account,are requested to settle the same without delav.

Wilmington, N. C, July 13. '49. ISAAC WELLS

various branches, lie is in nosses-- the Rock Spring Hotel, and solicits a continuance ot theliberal patronage he has heretofore received.the

1 ine Iatcst sryies, ana irom his past experiencet vwmw' lie fecliJ satisfied that he can please the tasteWvv'f fas,i,lioas. A trial is all that he asks, to con- -

Sept. 28, 1S49. o--"

hefit . ; i"1"-"- - ne guurunrees an worK inai London House.THE subscriber, having rented the Hotel formerly kept17 ism niaiie m a wornman-iiK- e manner.

Stockholders of the Wilmington and ManchesterTHE Company are hereby notified that tho fifth in-

stalment, of Five Dollars per. share, is required to be paid onthe first day of April, 1850.

By order of the Board of Directors.JOHN McRAE, Jr., Treasurer.

March 22, IS30 23-- 3t


THE subscriber will pay cash for all kinds of Paperstock, viz :

Old Canvas; White and colored Rags;" Basrsinsr; Grass and Tarred Rope.

L. N. BAKLOW.Wilmington, N. C, March 29, 1S50 29-t- f


' ' S. II. ROBBINS.3G-l- y iuLiby Capt. A. Wade, on the N. E. corner of front ana.Market, streets, known as tne JLiomion, rcspcciiuiiy SADDLE, HARNESS,

ANDinforms the citizens of Wilmington, and all others desirous of lrom the just received, ror sale bv2 j.TRUNK MANUFACTORY.Faslilonablc Tailoring,

p 'Kl'I'Y, Having disconnected himself fromWM. H. LIPPITT, ..;

Druggist and Chemist.March 29THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he hasobtaining Board, that he has provided the House with newfurniture of every description, and that he is prepared to re-

ceive Boarders by the day, week or month, on the most rea-sonable terms. All the bed rooms are so constructed as tohave them warmed to suit the comfort of all persons. His Ta-ble shall alwavs be provided with the vers' best our market

i r Ri'iiornli" "'N r. im i. .

",,! laiien ine siorc on r roni a'ffic ,.i .' ircet immediately opposite Dr. liella--

sv in

" b ' ' A. II. VANBOKKELEN.Liberal discounts to those who wish to sell again.Sept. 28, 1849. 3-- "

l'l it.'' lir;in..lifi!! tj: ,,.-iit.j;- i i can afford, and no pains or expense will be spared to make histhe Ladies of AY iimingtoti ana vicinii iTO most respectfully call your attention to mySwrlne and Summer Goods, now opening, compriDC Will flit nvwl t1rt,no nnnrnl .,f customers perfectly satisfied.

Strangers will wlcasc enquire for the London House.dsing all the stvles of Millinery Goods, which will be disposeworkmanship and neatness of o - - . ... i ' 'it i r 1 ' ' aiHe fias also rented ine rcceuujr a-u--l'U.X Utlee ' a style oft'M'anv intliCBBlnw the

State ; and he hopes toT5ed bv Mr. W. T. J. Vann, near the Carolina Hotel,

IMPORTED Segars. 10,000 La Cathedral; .

Jew; 10,000 Judeos Eranteu.The above brands are direct from Havana, and prime. For

sale by J. WILKINSON & CO.

FEW More Left. . : .A 40 superior Beef Tongue", at 62i cents apiece;100 pounds best Dried Beef, warranted good;.

30 kegs Nails, assorted; 20 bags Shot, assorted;10 bbls. and half bbls. best clarified Sugar; j

Salmon, Corned Beef, and No. 1 Mackerel, at retailLow for cash, at . . GEO. II. KELLKY'S

i;mlreUI The subscriber has justUMBRELLAS: assortment of Umbrellas ever offeredin this market, embracing every variety of quality style,

Here. The subscriber has opened a large stock ofLOOK GOODS and GROCERIES, at Hall & Arm-strong's old stand, on Water-stree-t, which he will sell lowfor cash. He will also act as Agent for the sale of all kinds

patronage of his former customersft where he is prepared to take Horses at Livery, and

of at prices as low as at any other establishment in town.With my grateful thanks for favors heretofore received, I

mot respectfully solicit a continuance of the same.March 29, 1850 --Mrs. V. R. PEIRSON. b.--r tliem r.ronerlv and carefully attended to. He has also a

m of country produce. MILES COSTIN.Tr. ' laro-- LOT adjoining the Stables, for the accommodation ofDrovers ' JAMES PETTEWAY.December 14, 134U 14-- tiAND THE PUBLIC.

Oct. 19, 1849 6-- tf

all Ji, KINNE & CO- - (- - R- - Potter and E. D.ii,.. ' nave enterrl . : .. r 4V

recently received large additions to his stock of Saddle anaHarness mountings, of the latest and most improvedstyle, and is constantly manufacturing, at his store on Market--

street, formerly occupied by Guv C. Hotuhkiss, everydescription of articles in the above line. From his experiencein the business, he feels confident that he will be able to giveentire satisfaction to his customers and all others who mayfavor him with a call. He has now on hand, and will con-

stantly keep, alam-- e assortment of Coach, Gig, Sulky andBuggy Harness; Lady's Saddles, Urldlcs, Whips,&c. ; Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs,&c. fcc. ; all of which he will warrant to be of the best ma-

terials and workmanship.He has also a large assortment of Trunks, Valises, Saddle

and Carpet Bags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, &c., and all otherarticles usually kept in such establishments, all of which heoffers low for rash, or on short credit to prompt customers.

Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, &c. &c, madeto order.

Repairingt of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch.Old Saddles and Harngss taken in part pay for new.

JOILN J. CONOLEY.N. B. All accounts standing on my books over six months,

will be charged with interest. All persons indebted to thesubscriber for last year will please call and settle, as by sodoing they may prevent what would be disagreeable to themand unpleasant to him, as persons sometimes have to do un-

pleasant things in self-defenc- e. J. J. C.December 14. 1S49

New Root and Shoe Manufactory. The sub-

scriber wishes to inform his friends and the public thathe will manufacture, at his shop, two doors above New Livery Stables. FlreProof.m, and for no other pnrjose whatever.this Having completed my new Jivery tables, l amopnortimitw f ;v.-- . c i n Messrs. Cashweli. & Blossom s old stand, on North Water and price, and will b sold at small prou's ior tne casn.

March 291 C. MYERS, latter.J "vfiiii lamias generally, iu.itT)av i V. r now ready to receive Horses at livery, by the day,Street, the most fashionable French Boots, Channel Pumps,Water Proof Military fair mucn ; aiso, vontpress ana oin--

til r . .. .t! ITa nrlll In nil ....

tt.,ii,..i ,.; ' ,or l")OD beef, ana none other ; they are!v"' 'tin t

prcscnt !lnd would advise those who wish toI 'Vi

iivirt c.ommunicate by letter before they drive theirWtf Thy would further inform the citizens

l;!lve "'.; rcce.nt,y bought Mr. Petteway out, under a

LOOKING GLASSES,John Dawson, from New York, at the N. Y.

PER Warehouse. We have now and intendkeeping constantly on hand, a large assortment of Lookingand Toilet Glasses.

It is our intention to offer Glasses at the lowest possibleprice, and have made arrangements with an Importer in NewYork that will enable us to sell them at lower prices thanthey have ever been offered in this market.

24 O. G. sqr. Glass, from 34,' 20 to 22, 13;

40" " top " " 30, 18 to 17, 10;68 Glasses, various sizes, 14, 10 to 10, 8;26 Toilets, "4 superior French Plates;6 " " " gilt frames.

March 29 G. & W. A. GWYER.

er uaiters, ana oiots e?jr oij. xv " iu u casesguarantee a fit. 1:n

Received. Fayetteville Flour, superfine flne andJUST N. O. Whiskey; N. E. Rum; Imperial Gin; Col-

gate's Soap, boxes and halves; superior Goshen Buttery WestIndia Ground Coffee; Wrapping and letter Paper. For salelow, by SAVAGE & MLAIiES.

Open. A great variety of Children's Spring andNOW Hats, to which the attention of those wishing

A share ot the puoiic patronage is rcvnunj wuuku, auuevery effort used to give satisfaction to his customers.1luce that we should have his custom and patron

eml n. Di v ID r . ivlClV I i i I: X-- 111Jt r 1 1 j e " " '15-- tf Wilmington, N. C, June 22, 1S49. 41-l- y


-- One of the novelties of thel Or Sliln 1... to purchase is respectfully solicited.'l ie. I

C. MYERS, Hatter.

week, or month.My Stables are situated on the corner of Princess and Third

Streets, directly op'Ksitc the Court-Hous- e, and very conveni-

ent to the business part of the town. They are built of brick,and covered with tin, which makes them entirely fire-proo- f.

They are large, commodious, and well constructed; and in ev-

ery respect as comfortable and convenient as any Stables inthe United States. 1'I also have (for the accommodation of Drovers,) a large andcomfortable Lot, together with a basement under the stablessufficient to hold one hundred horses, and shelter them welland comfortably,

Horses, Carriage;, and Buggies, kept constantly for hire.Mv Hostlers cannot be surpassed in any country, and 1

therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those

who favor me with their custom. .

I feel rateful to my friends and the public for their liberalpatronage heretofore, and hope to merit a continuance i of theircustom- - : H. it. I, JLaAJiN .

Wilmington, N. P , Tec-1- 1. 1847. U-t- f

March 29C MYERS, Hatter..r- -.1 ,; - w

that. T 1once more notify persons indebtedand Will not fr:mt, lonrror -

Sale at Cost The subscriber has for sale a largeFOR of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, and Satinetts, allof which are new goods, of this Fall's purchase. He has alsofor sale a large assortment of Tailor's Trimmings. The abovegoods will be sold cheap for cash, or on short credit for goodnotes. V. R. PEIRSON, Executor of Seth Hoard.

December 2S, 1849Wilmington papers copy 6 timos and stop old advertise-

ments of V. R. Peirson, Agent.

I Chairs I The proprietors of the NewCHAIRS Warehouse would respectfully in-

form their friends and the public generally, that theyb vp inw on hand a stock of Mahosany, Black Wal--

uat if payiuent is mailo. T will

Hools antULInes. Howarjd & Pedes have justFISH their Spring supply of Hooks and Lines, of everyvariety and style ; also, a large supply, already fixed withcorks, hooks, leads, &c, for sale cheap.

mO the Ladies. I have just received a few Ladies? Ri-- fl

hand, of knMUt

Liver Oil. Just received, a fresh supply ofCOD Clark & Co.'s Cod Liver Oil ; warranted fresh. Forsale by . WM. H. LIPPITT,

March 29 J Druggist and Chemist.

Glass War. A Store full of allGUOCKERYnd. . ALEX. MacR AE. jr.

March 22, 1850 " 123-t-f '

nil debts due me withoutinstructions to collect them nct. Cherry, Maple, and Wood Seat Chairs, riot to be cx

called in variety of finish, or neatness and durability of wort.r.o.;r. liir anv iHt.ililiihmftnt.OWEN HOLMES.0 Harncfore.

I X ding Hats, of the Spring Fashion for 1850, a beauti--ful article. For sale hy , - . C. MYERS, Hatter.Appl Persons disposed to purchase or examine, are '"PtSHi"1?

edtocu. - G. & W. A. GWYER.10 hhds. suprior retailing: Molasses." Low- GEO. H. KELLEY'S.