perception and understanding1 lesson objectives 1.why perceptions differ among people? 2.why do...

Perception and Understand ing 1 Lesson Objectives 1. Why perceptions differ among people? 2. Why do social roles affect perception? 3. What is the self-serving bias? 4. How do perceptions shape our views of others? 5. Should we try to read others’ minds? 6. How can we sharpen our perceptions?

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 1

Lesson Objectives

1. Why perceptions differ among people?2. Why do social roles affect perception?3. What is the self-serving bias?4. How do perceptions shape our views of

others?5. Should we try to read others’ minds?6. How can we sharpen our perceptions?

Page 2: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 2

Perception Process

• We notice and make sense of experience and stimuli around us.

• Perception: an active process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events, situations…etc.– Active– Three interrelated processes: selection, organization,

interpretation (all blend into one another)• Examples in daily life…

Page 3: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 3


• Noticing stimuli (selective attention)• Factors influencing selection

– What stands out– What matters– What changes– What we instruct ourselves to attend to (or are

trained to)– Other Motives: needs, interests…

Page 4: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 4


• Not perceiving randomly, but in meaningful ways• Constructivism (theory)

– Applying cognitive structures (schemata) to organize and interpret experience

• Four cognitive schemata (schema)– Prototypes: representative ideals (for a specific category)– Personal constructs: mental yardsticks (of judgment)– Stereotypes: predictive generalizations about people, things...– Scripts: guides for action (a sequence of activities)

Page 5: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 5


• Creating meaning and explanations for observation• Attributions (3 dimensions)

– Locus: internal-external locus (internal or external factor)– Stability: stable factors or temporary occurrences– Controllability: responsibility (under or beyond control)

• Self-Serving Bias (interested only in yourself)– Tendency of serving personal interests– Good results → Positive / Internal control– Bad results → Negative / external control

Page 6: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 6

Influences on Perception• Physiological factors

– Sensory abilities, biorhythm, age• Expectations

– Prior hints, subliminal priming, positive visualization– Study of priming (p. 60: terms of rudeness vs. politeness)

• Cognitive abilities– Cognitive complexity (constructs), person-centeredness,

empathy• Social Roles• Cultural Factors

Page 7: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 7

Guidelines for Sharpening Skills

• Avoid mind reading: Assuming we understand…• Check perception with others

– State what you noticed– Check if others perceive the same things– Seek help with interpretation

• Distinguish facts from inferences• Monitor self-serving bias

Page 8: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 8

感官特性與錯誤• 受週邊因素影響• 對型態與群組的自動分類(完形)• 訊號過於近似或情境誤判(雙關語)• 情緒與期望• 被障眼法愚弄(認為非關鍵而輕忽;注


Page 9: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 9

感官、 Schema 、與真相-視覺

Created by Hill (1915); interpreted by Boring.


Page 10: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 10

感官、 Schema 、與真相-視覺



Page 11: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 11

感官、 Schema 、與真相-視覺



Page 12: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 12

感官、 Schema 、與真相-視覺



Page 13: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 13

感官、 Schema 、與真相 -聽覺

• 國、臺語混合後的語言辨識• 阿伯仔去銀行、、、• 阿伯仔買蔥油餅、、、• 阿伯仔被臨檢、、、• 阿伯仔去買魚、、、

• 你是否曾經是這位阿伯仔?

Page 14: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 14

感官、 Schema 、與真相 -情感︰期待 or 害怕被傷害?

2/100 vs. 1/50

100 位阿兵哥,抽兩位放假。


Page 15: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 15

感官、 Schema 、與真相 -情感︰期待 or 害怕被傷害?

2/100 vs. 1/50

100 位阿兵哥,抽兩位放假。用 1/50 呈現機率。



Page 16: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 16


Page 17: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 17


Page 18: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 18


Page 19: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 19

感官、 Schema 、與真相 - Ki-Mo-Chi 啦!• 生活中︰

– 哥哥的西瓜好像比較大片耶!– 樂透每期都有人中,該輪到我了吧!– 我們系(社團)貼的海報最顯眼!– 那個帥哥(美女)就是不一樣!– 和阿雄(阿桃)的那一次相聚,情景歷歷在目、、– 別人的報告好像寫好多嗚!

• 其他︰產品包裝、店面外觀、小吃攤人氣、人的外貌、說話的語調、新聞平衡報導、、、

Page 20: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 20


• 三個人去投宿 ...... 服務生說要 30 元 ....• 每個人就各出了 10 元,湊成了 30 元 ......• 後來老闆說今天特價,只要 25 元 ....• 於是叫服務生把退的 5 元拿去還給他們 ....• 服務生想說自己暗藏 2 元起來 ......• 於是就把剩下的 3 元還給他們 ......• 那三個人每人拿回 1 元 ......10-1=9 表示只出了 9 元投

宿 ....• 9 x 3 + 服務生的 2 元 = 29 元• 那剩下的 1 元呢?

Page 21: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 21

轉換成學生• 假如看完前一種陳述方式 , 你嘗試把 25除以 3, 或29除以 3… ( 試以不可分割的個體單位重新陳述 - 轉換成學生 )

• 3 班各派 10 員,共 30 名公差給校長• 校長說 25 員就夠了, 5 員回教室• 途中 2 員跑到福利社, 3 員回各教室(恰好 1 班 1 員)• (3 班 x 9 人 ) +2 員搗蛋學生 = 29 人• 30 人– 29 人 =1 人 到哪裡去了?• 趕快報警?

Page 22: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 22

虛擬的一元 !• 三個人去投宿 ...... 服務生說要 30 元 ....• 每個人就各出了 10 元,湊成了 30 元 ......• 老闆說只要 25 元,於是服務生退 5 元給他們 ....• 服務生暗藏 2 元起來,把剩下的 3 元還給他們 ......• 那三個人每人拿回 1 元 10-1=9 表示只每人出了 9元投宿 (推論而來 ) 9 x 3 + 服務生的 2元 = 29 元 (推論的 + 部份實況;兩者關係也是假想出來的 ~~~~~ 可用來誤導 )

• 1 元呢? (9 x 3 –25 老闆 – 2 服務生 =0) (推論的 + 大部分實況 )• 或者︰ (10 x 3) - 25 - 2 - 3 = 0 (全部實況 )• 其實 ,所謂的 1 元 (30 – 29 = 1), 完全是推論錯誤而來的 , 對實況而

言 ,27 與 2存在相減而非相加的關係(但原題設計意在誤導… )

Page 23: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 23

視覺化 ( 除去誤導的部份 )• 從劇情與人物 ? • 從符號與關係 ?











似乎較能清楚呈現謬誤所在 :27 與 2 的關係


Page 24: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 24

Just do it - don't cheat 在下面的短文裡數有幾個 "F"



3 or 6 ?

Page 25: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 25

How many persons ?

Page 26: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 26

物質不滅! 4 如何變成 3 ?

當兩邊各挪出無效的 1/2 時…

Page 27: Perception and Understanding1 Lesson Objectives 1.Why perceptions differ among people? 2.Why do social roles affect perception? 3.What is the self-serving

Perception and Understanding 27

預祝 中秋快樂 !