perceptions of self & others

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  • 8/7/2019 Perceptions of Self & Others


  • 8/7/2019 Perceptions of Self & Others


    Perception - The process of selectivelyattending to information and assigningmeaning to it

    For each person PERCEPTION BECOMESREALITY what they see, hear and interpret isreal and considered true to that person

    When perceptions are different, sharing

    becomes more challenging Perception happens when your brain selects

    some of the information it receives from yoursenses (sensory stimuli), organizes theinformation, and then interprets its

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    We are constantly barraged with

    sensory stimuli, yet we focus our

    attention on relatively little of it

    Just like how we have multiple channels ontelevision but choose to watch our favorites;multiple radio stations to choose from; cerealsto choose from; even in our choice of paperfor office needs certain things about thepaper may catch our attention and that willbe what we tend to focus on in our search

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    Needs We are likely to pay attention toinformation that meets our biological &psychological needs Your brain communicates intrapersonally by asking

    questions like Will what I learn here help me in school,at work, in my own life?

    Interests We are likely to pay attention toinformation that pertains to ourinterests The boss may drone on and on at the company

    meetings, but as soon as you hear him speak aboutvacation or pay changes you may instantly startlistening intently

    Expectations We are likely to see what we expectto see and miss information that violates ourexpectations

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    We use the selection process to reduce thenumber of stimuli we process, though theamount we attend to at any moment is

    vast Our brains arrange these stimuli so that they

    make sense according to organizingprinciples such as simplicity and pattern

    Simplicity When we choose to attend to

    complex stimuli our brain simplifies the stimuli

    into some more commonly recognized form

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    Pattern - A set of characteristics used todifferentiate some things from others

    We tend to find patterns that that help usorganize and respond to information. Whatpattern did you find?

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    As the brain receives selects - organizes

    information from the senses, it also has to

    interpret it by assigning meaning to it

    Such as when you see numbers in certainformats you may interpret them a certainway

    x 11 8 80 A birth date

    x 616 794 3445 A phone #

    x 54914 A zip code

    x 4495 3820 2040 5843 A credit card #

    x 645 81 2398 A social security #

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    Self-Concept Your Self-Identity. The mentalimage you have about your skills, abilities,

    knowledge, competencies, and personality Self-Esteem Your overall evaluation of your

    competence and personal worthiness. In

    short, your positive or negative evaluation of

    your self-concept These are the 2 perceptions of self that have

    the greatest impact on how wecommunicate

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    Our self-concept is our identity, it is whowe thinkwe really are

    Self-concept is based on personalexperiences and others reactions andresponses to us Personal Experiences

    x Positive experiences shape our Self-Concept inpositive ways

    x Negative experiences shape our Self-Conceptin a negative way and have a lasting effecton us

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    Other peoples comments serve to validate,reinforce, or alter our perception of whom and whatwe are

    Comments from people we respect have anespecially powerful affect on our self-concept

    Immediate praise is more powerful than delayedpraise


    Concept forms early in life, our families reactionsshape our self-conceptboth good and bad!

    Sometimes families do real damage to a membersSelf-Concepts. Pointing blame, name-calling, andrepeatedly pointing out anothers shortcomings areespecially damaging

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    Self-Esteem is rooted in our values and develops

    over time as a result of our experiences

    Self-esteem is not just how well or poorly we do

    things, but also the importance or value we place onwhat we do well or poorly

    High Self-Esteem requires both perception ofhaving characteristics and a belief that thecharacteristic is valuable

    Self-Esteem can affect the types of relationships we

    form and who we form them with

    People with low self-esteem tend to be committed to

    partners who feel they are less favorable

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    Culture has a strong influence on theSelf-Perception process

    Individualistic Cultures like the US careabout self-concept, self-esteem, self-image. People tend to think1st of what isbest forthemselves

    Collectivist Cultures like China regardgroups and social norms to be moreimportant than individuals. People areexpected to be interdependent and seethemselves as part of a group

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    Men and Women are socialized to viewthemselves differently and value who they arebased on whether their characteristics orbehaviors correspond to or challenge the

    characteristics or behaviors expected of their sexin their culture

    Norms for what it means to be feminine ormasculine inevitably influence our self-perceptions Girls want to play with dolls, Boys want to play cars

    Today in the US the definitions of appropriatecharacteristics and behaviors for males andfemales are becoming less rigid, but do still exist

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    Self-concept and Self-esteem are enduring characteristicsbut they can be changed

    Contradictions to your current self-perception can lead

    you to slowly change it; however, profound changes inyour social environment can seem to expedite the process

    Therapy & Self-help techniques can assist when we wantto alter our self-concept and improve our self-esteem

    Self-esteem is important in communication because itaffects with whom we choose to form relationships with,how we interact with them, how we participate in small

    groups, and how comfortable we feel when we are calledon to present a speech

    Improving your perception of self will improve how you

    interact with others and improvinghow you interact withothers will improve your self-perception!!

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    Accuracy of our self-concept & self-esteem dependson the accuracy of our own perceptions and howwe process others perceptions of us

    If we are overly attentive to successful & positiveresponses, our self-concept and self-esteem maybecome inflated

    xt=1&list=PLFD5FA4B91E243BFB Do you know anyone like this? How is it to communicate

    with them?

    If we dwell on failures and give little value to oursuccesses, and/or only remember the criticism wereceive, our self-concept and self-esteem may bedeflated

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    Incongruence the gap between our

    inaccurate self-perceptions and reality

    This is a problem because ourperceptions of self are more likely toaffect our behavior than our true abilities

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    The inaccuracy of a distorted self-perceptionis magnified through Self-fulfilling prophecies,filtering messages, and reliance on mediaimages

    Self-fulfilling Prophecies A falseperception of a situation or characteristicor skill that leads to behaviors thatperpetuate that false perception as true

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    A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy may be self-created orother-imposed

    Self Created Prophecies Predictions you make aboutyourself. We often talk ourselves into success or failure! Self-esteem has an important effect on our self-perception

    and on the prophecies we make

    People with low self-esteem attribute their successes to luck,so they prophesize that they will not repeat them

    People with high self-esteem see their successes as self-created so they prophesize that they WILL repeat them

    Other-Imposed Prophecies have a large affect on ourperception of our self and our behavior

    When bosses act as if their employees are bright andcapable, those employees buy into this expectation andperform better as a result. The same goes for bosses that actlike their employees are incompetent and stupid, thoseemployees will most certainly under-perform the others

    Have you ever experienced a self-fulfilling prophecy basedon what others have said? How did that influence your self-

    concept and your self-esteem?

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    The way we filter what others say to us is

    another way that our self-perceptions

    can/may become distorted

    We are prone to pay attention to

    messages that reinforce our current

    self-image; though messages that

    contradict this image may not register If your boss tells you that you are great at

    public speaking though youve never been,you may not pay attention to the compliment

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    Verbal & Visual Images we see in the mediais the 3rd way in which our perceptions of selfcan become distorted

    Social learning theory suggest that we striveto copy the characteristics and behaviors ofthose we perceive as Ideal Types

    Persistent Media Images of violence,promiscuity, profanity, bulk-up males andpencil-thin females are all linked to distortedperceptions of self among viewers

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    Ones self-concept and self-esteem will affecthow accurately we perceive ourselves, but itwill also influence our communication byallowing our Self-Perceptions to:

    Moderate how we talk to ourselves

    Moderate how we talk about ourselves toothers

    Affect Communication Apprehension

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    Self Talk The internal conversations we

    have with ourselves. A lot of these are

    about ourselves Positive Self-Talk is likely to be seen in

    individuals with High Self-Esteem

    Negative Self-Talk is likely to be seen in

    individuals with Low Self-Esteem


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    If we feel good about ourselves we are morelikely to communicate positively

    People with higher self-esteems and healthy

    perceptions will usually take credit for theirsuccesses and are more inclined to defendtheir views even in the face of opposition

    Low self-esteem leaves us feeling bad aboutourselves, we then are more likely to

    communicate negatively and downplay ouraccomplishments People with poor self-concept and low self-esteem

    may find it easier to put themselves down than tohear the criticism from others; they are usually the 1st

    to comment on their unworthiness so others dont

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    One of the most unfortunate consequencesof a poor self-concept and low self-esteemis a high level of Communication

    Apprehension People with a fear of speaking with others,

    whether public or one-on-one, tend toengage in negative self-talk that leads to aself-fulfilling prophecy

    REMEMBER: The negative self-talk that leadsto communication apprehension CAN BEreversed by replacing negative self-talkwith positive self-talk!

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    Your self-concept and self-esteem are thetrue perceptions of what you think ofyourself

    When we interact with others we tend tomask some of who we really think we are tomeet or violate others expectations As a result of this we tend to create different

    selves to present in different situations withdifferent people

    How differently you present yourself indifferent social settings/relationshipsdepends on how actively you self-monitor

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    Self-Monitoring The internal process of observing,analyzing and regulating your own behavior based onyour analysis of the situation and others responses to you

    Monitoring and making choices on how to act is aninternal process that others probably wont know you aredoing

    Involves being sensitive to other peoples feedback andusing this information in deciding how to act and whatroles to play

    People differ in when & how carefully they self-monitor Some are very cautious and always vigilant in all areas Others are careful to monitor when they perceive

    themselves to be in a risky or new situation, but are lessattentive in safer relationships or situations Few people seem unable to self-monitor they tend to do

    or say the wrong things because they are not payingattention to how they are coming across

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    A Role is a pattern of learned behaviors thatwe use to meet the perceived demands of aparticular context

    We socially construct ourselves through theroles we enact

    We begin this Self-Construction process at birthand continue it throughout our lives

    Who here has a Facebook/MySpace?

    How much time and effort did you put intocreating it?

    Does it reflect you or did you pick and choosewhat you would present for others to see?

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    As we encounter new people or experience newsituations, most of us feel somewhat to profoundlyanxious This leaves us searching for ways to alleviate the

    anxietyenter Uncertainty Reduction

    Uncertainty Reduction The process of monitoring thesocial environment to learn more about self andothers

    The more we learn about each other and findcommonalities, the less uncertain we are about eachother Perceptions will be reinforced, intensified or

    changed as relationships develop Factors likely to influence perceptions of others

    include our observations of their physicalcharacteristics & social behaviors, our interpretationof those messages, our use of stereotyping and ouremotional state

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    What is yourimpression of these 2people based on

    these photos alone?

    How far off were your

    1st Impressions?

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  • 8/7/2019 Perceptions of Self & Others


    Today especially, potential employers canmake judgments about job applicants basedon impressions gleaned from the applicantshome pages, profiles, and even the email

    address they provide Profile pictures of you upside down chugging a beer

    bong will not leave others with a good impression ofyou

    Status updates with profanity and disrespect towardsothers does not give people a positive perception of

    you An email address such [email protected] [email protected] does not give othersa positive perception of you either

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    Implicit Personality Theories Assumptionsabout which physical characteristics andpersonality traits or behaviors areassociated with one another

    Halo Effect To generalize and perceivethat a person has a whole set ofcharacteristics when you have actually

    observed only one characteristic, trait orbehavior

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    It is human nature to name, label andorganize to make sense of the stimuli weencounter, so we inherently have to becareful to not Stereotype the individuals weencounter in our lives

    Stereotypes are generalizations, usuallyexaggerated or oversimplified and oftenoffensive, used to describe or distinguish agroup

    Because stereotypes guide what weperceive, they can lead us to pay attentionto information that confirms them andoverlook information that contradicts them

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    Stereotyping can lead to prejudice

    and discrimination

    Prejudice A rigid attitude that is basedon group membership and predisposes

    an individual to feel, think or act in a

    negative way towards another person

    or group Discrimination A negative action

    toward a social group or its members on

    account of group membership

  • 8/7/2019 Perceptions of Self & Others


    A final factor that affects how accurately weperceive others is our emotional state at the time ofthe interaction If your coworker is rude to you right after you have just

    received a raise at work you are more likely to let yourpositive mood counter their actions possibly making anexcuse for them such as they were having a bad day

    Emotional State also affects our attributions Attributions Reasons we give for others behavior Attribution Theory states that what we determine

    rightly or wrongly to be the causes of others

    behavior has a direct impact on our perceptions ofthem If your boss is late for work and you arent particularly fond

    of him, you might attribute his lateness to him being lazy orhypocritical ; Instead if you like your boss you mayattribute his lateness to bad traffic or car trouble possibly

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    Factors that influence how we perceive othersmessages include Context and Shared Language

    We interpret the content and intent of a speakerbased on the Context

    The better we know others, the more likely we are

    to share an understanding of the context in whichour messages are sent and receivedinside jokesare a great example of this!

    When both participants speak the same language,they still may not enjoy a shared language in

    terms of how each one perceives specific words,visual images and nonverbal cues In other words, the sender might use a word with

    which the receiver is unfamiliar, use a word that hasmultiple meanings, misuse a symbol, or use apersonal and idiosyncratic definitions of a word

  • 8/7/2019 Perceptions of Self & Others


    Improving perceptual accuracy is an important first step inbecoming a competent communicator. Use the followingguidelines to help you:

    1. Question the accuracy of your perceptions I know what I think I saw, heard, tasted, smelled or felt, but I could be

    wrong. What other information should I be aware of?

    2.Seek more information to verify perception


    If your perception is based on only one or two pieces of information, try tocollect additional information

    3. Realize that your perceptions of a person will change over time When you encounter someone you havent seen for a while, you will want

    to become reacquainted and let the persons current behavior form yourperceptions instead of allowing their past to affect if

    4.Use the

    skill of perception checking Perception Checking A message that reflects your understanding of the

    meaning of another persons nonverbal behavior

    One way to assess the accuracy of a perception is to verbalize it and seewhether others agree with what you see, hear, and interpret

    Perception Checking calls for you to (1) watch the behavior of the otherperson, and (2) ask yourself What does that behavior mean to me? And(3) describe the behavior & put your interpretation into words to verify your
