performance and scalability for maps api sites (dev fest '10 mexico)

Performance and Scalability for Maps API Sites Ossama Alami Developer Advocate, Google @ossamaalami @googlemapsapi

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Post on 19-May-2015




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Also available here: Geo 2 - DevFext MX 2010


Page 1: Performance and Scalability for Maps API Sites (Dev Fest '10 Mexico)

Performance andScalability for Maps API Sites

Ossama AlamiDeveloper Advocate, Google@ossamaalami@googlemapsapi

Page 2: Performance and Scalability for Maps API Sites (Dev Fest '10 Mexico)

“Every millisecond counts”

Google User Experience Guidelines

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Loading the JavaScript API

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Lots of Resources

V2:    Simple Map

V3:    Simple Map

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Maps API v3

• Latency #1 priority• Aggressive modularization• Latency features• Mobile Web (iPhone, Android)

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Displaying Many Markers

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Problem: GMarker/Marker

= <img>*5 + <map>*1

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Many Markers Comparison V2 V3

Solution: Light Weight Marker

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Creating a Custom Overlay

First, subclass OverlayView:1. function MarkerLight(latlng, opts, map) {•   this.latlng = latlng;•   if (!opts) opts = {};•   this.map_ = map;•  •   this.height_ = opts.height || 32;•   this.width_ = opts.width || 32;•   this.image_ = opts.image;•  •   this.setMap(map);• }•  • MarkerLight.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();

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Then implement onAdd() and onRemove() called by the API:1. MarkerLight.prototype.onAdd = function() {•   // Create the DIV representing our MarkerLight•   var div = document.createElement("div");• = "1px solid white";• = "absolute";• = "0px";• = 'pointer';•  •   var img = document.createElement("img");•   img.src = this.image_;• = this.width_ + "px";• = this.height_ + "px";•   div.appendChild(img);•  •   var panes = this.getPanes();•   panes.overlayLayer.appendChild(div);•  •   this.div_ = div;• };•  • MarkerLight.prototype.onRemove = function() {•   this.div_.parentNode.removeChild(this.div_);•   this.div_ = null;• };

Creating a Custom Overlay

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Then implement draw() and position the DIV:1. MarkerLight.prototype.draw = function() {•   var overlayProjection = this.getProjection();•  •   // Calculate the DIV coordinates of two opposite corners•   // of our bounds to get the size and position of our MarkerLight•   var divPixel = overlayProjection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.latlng);•  •   // Now position our DIV based on the DIV coordinates of our bounds• = this.width_ + "px";• = (divPixel.x) + "px";• = (this.height_) + "px";• = (divPixel.y) - this.height_ + "px";• };

Creating a Custom Overlay

Then, just create the Marker:1. var marker = new MarkerLight(latlng, •   {image:"bluecirclemarker.png"},  map));

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Many Markers Comparison V2 V3

Solution: Light Weight Marker

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Light Weight Marker for Flash, Too!

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Problem: Too Many DOM Nodes

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Solution: Clustering

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Solution: K-means Clustering

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MarkerClusterer V2 V3

Solution: Grid Based Clustering

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Solution: Regional Clustering

US Pizzas Travellr

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Article: Handling Large Amounts of Markers

Python k-means


More Clustering Resources

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Solution: View Only Visualization

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HeatMapAPI Boston Pizza

Solution: View Only Visualization

NY Times Taxi Map

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Google Local Search

Clickable Tile Layer

Solution: Clickable Marker Layer

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Rendering Large Polys

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Problem: Polygon/GPolygon

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Solution: Lightweight Polys


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13500 points 2200 points

Problem: Too Many Points

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Mapping the Votes: Resources  

Solution: Data Simplification

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Encoded Poly Example 

Solution: Encoded Polys

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Problem: Browsers + Vector Graphics

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Thematic Mapping HowSFVotes 

Solution: Maps API for Flash

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Map of The Fallen

Solution: Earth API

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Solution: Tile Layers

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Generated County Tiles• Tiles generated with Perl script using data in PostGRE

database for zoom levels 5-9

Zoom 5

Zoom 6

Zoom 7

Zoom 8

Zoom 9

Static Data Tiles: Counties Example

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Hosting Geo Data

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Hosting Geo DataGoogle Maps Data API • Stores geo data and associated attributes. • Supports geospatial and attribute queries• Storage scales simply with usage.• Geodata is accessible across platforms and devices. • Geodata from the Google Maps Data API can be instantly

indexed and made searchable in Google Maps.App Engine• Host and run your web applications on Google's infrastructure.• Easy to build, maintain and scale. Highly customizable.• Supports Python and Java• Libraries available to make geospatial queries easier on App


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Developer Qualification

Community Driven. 

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Q & AThanks!