performance evaluation model of optimization methods for wireless

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  • 8/13/2019 Performance Evaluation Model of Optimization Methods for Wireless


    Performance Evaluation Model of Optimization Methods for WirelessSensor Networks


    Faculty of Electrical EngineeringJosip Juraj Strossmayer University of OsijekKneza Trpimira 2b, 31000 Osijek

    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Abstract: - Wireless sensor networks are often composed of large number of wireless sensor nodes that aremostly using battery supplies. Nodes are small and equipped with sensors that cooperatively monitor physicalworld. Communication, sensing and computing have the most influence on performance and powerconsumption of wireless sensor networks. Various optimization methods are used to decrease power

    consumption and improve performance of wireless sensor networks. One of the novel methods is cross-layerapproach. In this paper, first we present the advantages of cross-layer approach. The articles that are using across-layer approach for improving performance and energy preservation in wireless sensor networks arereviewed and state of the art is presented. In their work, scientists propose various optimization methods thatare improving performance and decreasing power consumption. One of the fundamental problems is how tosystematically make the performance evaluation and get the real contribution of these proposed optimizationmethods. In this paper, we develop benchmark methodology and performance evaluation model of variousoptimization methods for wireless sensor networks. Furthermore, we present the benchmark application forcollecting and comparing performance measurement results of various optimization methods.

    Key-Words: - Benchmark Application, Benchmark Methodology, Cross-Layer, Metrics, PerformanceEvaluation Model, Wireless Sensor Networks

    1 IntroductionWireless sensor networks are developing rapidly

    because large number of scientists from fields ofelectrical engineering, computer science,telecommunications, medicine, biology and other,are researching implementation and optimization ofwireless sensor networks. This versatility rises fromthe fact that wireless sensor networks can be usedfor various purposes and in different environments

    because sensor nodes are small, cheap, intelligent

    and have low power consumption, as shown in [1]and [2]. They are mostly used in areas ofenvironment observation, vehicle traffic monitoring,habitat monitoring, industrial automation and healthapplications.

    Main functions of wireless sensor networks aresensing, computing and communications, similar as

    presented in [3]. Sensor nodes are small and oftenspread over huge areas where are no uninterruptible

    power supplies, so mostly they are using tiny batteries which are very difficult or impossible to

    replace. Therefore one of most important challengeis development of power efficient wireless sensornetworks.

    Scientists are using various energy efficientstrategies for energy preservation [4]. The classicway it to optimize routing protocols in layered

    protocol architecture. This could be accomplished by minimizing energy consumption and/or bymaximizing network life time. In [5] these classicstrategies are put in four categories: energy efficientrouting, scheduling the node sleeping rate, topologycontrol by tuning node transmission power andreducing the volume of transferred information.

    Authors in [5] conclude that the most efficient waywould be a combination of all four strategies, whichis cross-layer approach.

    By comparison with layered protocolarchitecture based on OSI (Open SystemsInterconnection) and TCP (Transmission ControlProtocol) models, cross-layer approach allowscommunication between nonadjacent layers. Thisability gives more space for optimization andtherefore cross-layer approach improves

    performance and energy preservation of wireless

    sensor networks.Wireless sensor networks consume most energyfor communication (transmitting, receiving and

    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Goran Martinovic, Josip Balen, Drago Zagar

    ISSN: 1109-2742 1096 Issue 10, Volume 8, October 2009

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    idle) and less for sensing and computing. Routingand cross-layer optimization protocols for wirelesssensor networks are optimizing only communication

    but the big challenge is how to optimize datasensing which will decrease computing and thenumber of communications, as well [4]. Towardsthe various literatures, cross-layer approach is the

    best solution for energy-efficient communication inwireless sensor networks but there is no universalsystematic methodology for performance evaluationof various optimization methods for wireless sensornetworks. There is a need for universal performanceevaluation method and standardized performancemetrics so various optimization methods could beevaluated and compared.

    In this paper, we focus on developing benchmarkmethodology and performance evaluation model

    that can be applied on various optimizationmethods. The main goal is to standardize and unify

    performance evaluation in order to get the realcontribution of new proposed optimization methods.Therefore, we have made benchmark application forcollecting and comparing performance measurementresults of various optimization methods.

    The remaining of this paper is organized asfollows. We start out by giving an overview oflayered architecture in Section 2 and cross-layerapproach in Section 3. State of the art for cross-

    layer approach is presented in Section 4. In Section5 we are presenting benchmark methodology and performance evaluation model of variousoptimization methods for wireless sensor networks.Section 6 concludes the paper.

    2 Layered ArchitectureTo understand the cross-layer approach, first weintroduce the layered architecture. Traditionally,communication inside wireless sensor network ismanaged by protocol stack which is organized in aseries of different layers. Mostly this model has fivelayers as described in [6] and represents a hybrid

    between the OSI seven layer model and the fourlayer TCP/IP model, as shown in Figure 1.

    The protocol stack in wireless sensor networksconsists of the physical layer, data link layer,network layer, transport layer and application layer.Physical layer converts a bit streams into signal andit is responsible for frequency generation, signaldetection, modulation and data encryption. Datalink layer consists of two sublayers as shown in [6]:

    DLC (Data Link Control) and MAC (MediumAccess Control) sublayers. Main objectives for data

    link layer are: multiplexing of data streams, dataframe detection, medium access and error control.Primary function of network layer is routing datafrom the transport layer and data link layer. It alsoaddresses methods on achieving a reliable andefficient communication between twocommunicating nodes. Transport layer bridgeapplication and network layer by applicationmultiplexing and demultiplexing, provides datadelivery service between the source and the sinkwith an error control mechanism and regulates theamount of traffic injected to the network.Application layer is the interface for the users whoare running their application software. Moredetailed description can be found in [7].






    Data link





    Data link:MAC/DLC







    Fig.1 Comparison of similar layer models

    Presented layer architecture of wireless sensornetwork protocol stack can fluctuate from thisuniversal configuration. References [8] and [9]

    propose their own adapted architectures which have better performance and lower power consumption.

    3 Cross-Layer ApproachIn presented layered architecture in Section 2, alllayers are individual and communication is allowedonly between adjacent layers. Each layer has

    predefined functionality and can use only theservices provided by the layer below it. In the cross-layer approach each layer can share informationwith any other layer.

    As described in [10], the motivation for cross-layer approach is based on following:

    Multiple factors determine wireless sensornetwork system performance. Optimization of

    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Goran Martinovic, Josip Balen, Drago Zagar

    ISSN: 1109-2742 1097 Issue 10, Volume 8, October 2009

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    individual layer often leads to inefficientsolution;

    Individual and isolated optimizationtechniques may cause conflicts inoptimization goals;

    Each group of applications requires differentfunctionality. Cross-layer can provideapplication-specific performance;

    Cross-layer approach can hide the differencesof various platforms from higher layers [11];

    Cross-layer approach provides nodes withunattended operation which anticipate nodeautonomy and self-configuration [11].

    In many articles, of which state of the art is presented in Section 4, it has been proven thatcross-layer approach improves performance by

    decreasing energy consumption, maximizingnetwork lifetime, maximizing throughput andminimizing delays. As cross-layer approach hasmany interlayer interactions, big design andoptimization space, the algorithms and systemdesign are more complicated and challenging [10].

    In [6] and [12], authors classify different kindsof cross-layer approaches from the literature andgive the instructions on how these approaches can

    be implemented in layered architecture. They statedthat cross-layer approach can be performed in fourways:

    1. Creation of new interfaces between thelayers for information sharing at run-time. Itcan be done into three ways: upward (fromlower layer to a higher level), downward(from higher level to a lower layer), backand forth (iterative loop between twolayers);

    2. Merging of adjacent layers to a newsuperlayer without creating new interfaces;

    3. Design couplings two or more layers atdesign time without creating new interfaces;

    4. Vertical calibration across layers can bedone statically by setting parameters atdesign time or dynamically at runtime.

    In [11], cross-layer approaches are put into twocategories. First is information sharing across layerswhile maintaining architectural protocol boundaries.Second is design coupling which ignore layer

    boundaries and integrate functionalities fromdifferent layers in order to optimize network

    performance metrics. Beside these two categoriesthere is a middle ground solution that preserveslayering and enhances it with richer interactionsamong layers to optimize performance.

    4 State Of The Art For Cross-LayerApproach

    Cross-layer approach has been intensivelydeveloped in recent years, because it does not haverestrictions as layer approach. Still there is a lot ofspace for more improvements and this is the mainmotivation for the scientist to find better, cheaper,safer or more reliable cross-layer solution. In thefollowing, state of the art for the cross-layerapproach is presented.

    Described cross-layer approach in third sectionapplies to information sharing between differentlayers of one single stations protocol stack. In [13],authors are going step further. They propose amulti-hop communication model in whichinformation can be exchanged between different

    layers of multiple stations. In experimentalenvironment, they implemented this additionalfeature in WiseMAC protocol. WiseMAC protocol

    belongs to the unscheduled sensor MAC protocolsand is very energy-efficient in scenarios with low orvariable traffic. Performance results for case whensupplying the routing layers with the knowledge oftheir two-hop neighborhood, shows that averageone-way delay was decreased by 30%, withoutincreasing of energy consumption. However,

    benefits in bigger wireless sensor networks areunknown.

    If wireless sensor network consist of asymmetric and asymmetric links between nodes andif transmission protocol uses implicit acknowledges,the message route from source to destination couldconsist of asymmetric links but this information ishidden from the transport layer and the implicitacknowledgement cannot be sent directly to thesource. The solution to this problem is cross-layerretransmission protocol family called IMPACT(IMPlicit Acknowledgement Transmission protocol)[14]. With cross-layer acknowledges and dynamic

    rerouting it provides bigger success rate whichenables energy aware communication that has been proved in two experiments (on simulator and on realsensor nodes).

    RMC, an energy-aware cross-layer data-gathering protocol for wireless sensor networks is

    presented in [15]. Compared to cross-layerscheduling scheme presented in [16], RMCincreases the network lifetime. The basic idea is toreduce the overhead caused by managing thetransmission schedule by integrating routing, MACand clustering protocols. Therefore, each node canrecompute its schedule and forwarding path withoutexplicit message exchange. However, RMC is

    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Goran Martinovic, Josip Balen, Drago Zagar

    ISSN: 1109-2742 1098 Issue 10, Volume 8, October 2009

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    location based protocol and simulation is doneunder strictly determinate conditions which may not

    be easy to subject in real sensor networks.In [17], authors presented a cross-layer data

    reporting scheme that provide an expectedinformation quality at the end system by combiningtwo communication protocols in network and MAClayers: QoS (Quality of Service) -aware datareporting tree construction and QoS-aware nodescheduling. Simulation results show that their datareporting scheme is not affected by network densityand has good throughput performance. Althoughthis approach is based on single-hop cluster-basedtopology, authors conclude that it can be used forvarious topologies.

    The extended DSR (Dynamic Source Routing)algorithm is presented in [18]. The extended DSR

    uses a cross-layer approach to determine whetherthe packet loss was the result of congestion or nodefailure. In both cases normal DSR would compute anew route which creates unnecessary energyconsumption. Although extended DSR reduce routerecomputing by enormous 50%, authors are goingfurther with their future work by including TCPlayer interactions.

    Authors in [19] developed a cross-layerasynchronous protocol EEFF (Energy Efficient andFast Forwarding), which improves low power

    listening approach by coupling MAC protocol witha dynamic routing selection. They evaluate performance by theoretical analysis and testbedexperiments. Their experimental results show thatin the sparse network average latency for B-EEFF(Basic EEFF) is 24.4% lower than for X-MAC+MiniHop, and in denser network for even40.9%. In randomly deployed network, averagelatency is more 36.8% lower in 300 nodes network,and 45.3% lower in the 1000 nodes network. Theyconclude that EEFF shows great energy

    performance and improves the latency and it ismuch more suitable for large scale dense wirelesssensor networks. However, their A-EEFF(Advanced EEFF) protocol should be improved toadopt the varying network condition.

    In [20] authors did not design a new routing protocol, rather they present a solution that isflexible and easy to implement over several existingrouting protocols. They designed a cross-layermulti-objective algorithm that focuses on three mainwireless sensor network requirements: networksustainability, reliability and minimum delay.

    Performance evaluation was performed by computersimulation and real hardware experiments. Resultsshow that their approach improves performance for

    different application requirements and preserveenergy resources trough dynamic parameter tuning.

    Flooding techniques are used in transmittinginformation from one node to all other nodes innetwork. After nodes receive the packets theyretransmit it to all neighbor nodes which existwithin their transmission range. FARNS (FloodingAlgorithm with Retransmission Node Selection),described in [21] is cross-layer based floodingalgorithm that reduces unnecessary retransmission

    by using identifier information and distanceinformation of neighbor nodes from MAC and

    physical layer. Simulation results show that FARNSoutperforms other flooding schemes in terms of

    broadcast forwarding radio, broadcast delivery ratioand the number of redundancy packets andoverhead. However, these results are obtained in

    predefined network environment therefore addition benchmarks should be done for differentenvironments.

    5 Benchmark MethodologyWireless sensor network is an active part of often

    big computer system. On the other hand, eachsensor node is one small computer system thatconsists of several subsystems: power supply,sensing, computing (processing) and

    communication subsystem. Therefore wirelesssensor network can be presented as collection ofsmall computer systems.

    As mentioned in [22], various factors of wirelesssensor network have influence on performance and

    power consumption. These factors includecomputation at the nodes, network bandwidth,environmental problems and queuing at the sensorin the routing path. Each node consumes energy forsensing, data computing, communication andcoordination. It is considered that data transmissionconsumes most energy of wireless sensors but datasensing and computing also consume a large amountof energy, sometimes more than data transmission[4]. Also energy-efficient data acquisitiontechniques decrease number of communications andreduce data sensing. Beside energy efficiency,energy balancing is main issue for energy

    preservation and prolonging network lifetime [23].Whereas exist numerous various methods for

    energy consumption optimization and performanceimprovement of wireless sensor networks, followingquestion is raised: What optimization approach is

    the best? In articles where new optimizationmethods are proposed, like [13], [14], [15], [17],[18], [19], [20] and [21], authors choose themselves

    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Goran Martinovic, Josip Balen, Drago Zagar

    ISSN: 1109-2742 1099 Issue 10, Volume 8, October 2009

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    performance evaluation methods. Mostly theycompare their proposed optimizations with olderone, and then evaluate results of comparison.However, the real contributions of new methods areunknown. As far as we know, there is no universalsystematic methodology for performance evaluationof various optimization methods for wireless sensornetworks.

    In literature, individual performance evaluationsare presented. Authors arbitrarily choose benchmarkmethods and metrics. In [24] authors create aWiSeNBench (Wireless Sensor NetworkBenchmark) benchmark suite from various sensornetwork applications to explore how they affectunderlying architecture. They considered followingmetrics: code size, memory accesses, loads inmemory accesses, frequent instructions and frequent

    pairs of instruction. In [25], authors selected benchmarks that represents usual tasks in wirelesssensor network applications and performexperimental analysis of wireless sensor nodescurrent consumption. Performance evaluation ofenergy efficient ad hoc routing protocols is

    presented in [26]. For assessment, they use energy-related performance metrics such as averagedelivery ratio, average end-to-end delay, averageoverhead, average energy consumption and standarddeviation of remaining energy among all the nodes.

    Similar performance metrics, as in [26], authors areusing in [27] and [28]. In [27] authors perform a performance evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 ad hocwireless sensor networks. In [28] authors compare

    performance of the four mobile ad hoc networkrouting protocols.

    5.1 Performance Evaluation ModelUniversal benchmark suite for performancemeasuring of various wireless sensor networkoptimization methods would make possible to haveuniversal and systematic methodology forcollecting, comparing and evaluating optimizationmethods for wireless sensor networks. Universal

    benchmark suite should operate across allsimulation platforms (e. g. as a framework) and itshould be applicable on all types of wireless sensornetworks.

    All metrics that have influence on performanceand energy consumption of wireless sensornetworks should be evaluated. Performance metricsmust be measurable, independent and comparable

    between various optimization methods. As wirelesssensor networks are energy constrained, the maingoal for the most optimization methods is to

    optimize energy consumption. Proposed energy-related performance metrics that should beevaluated in universal benchmark suite are similaras in [26], [27] and [28]:

    1. Energy consumption: could have fewsubmetrics as total energy consumption (insome time interval), average energyconsumption per received packet or pernode;

    2. Network lifetime: time until first nodefailure;

    3. Average delivery ratio: number of total packets successfully received/number oftotal packets sent;

    4. Average packet delay: average time taken bythe packets to reach its destination;

    5. Average overhead: average energyconsumed for overhearing;

    6. Total data aggregation: amount ofinformation sensed/amount of the powerconsumed by all nodes;

    7. Standard deviation: deviation of theremaining energy among all nodes.

    Additional performance metrics for evaluatingwireless sensor network protocols are:

    1. Throughput: number of total packetssuccessfully received in observed time

    interval;2. Average packet journey length: number of

    visit nodes on packet journey;3. Response time: time needed for node to

    respond;4. Sampling frequency: number of samples

    taken by each sensor in observed timeinterval.

    Performance metrics used in our benchmarkapplication are shown in Table 1. Total energyconsumption T E is defined as sum of all nodes

    energy consumptions in observed time interval. Network lifetime T is defined as time until firstnode failure but in shortest simulations it is mostlysame as simulation time. Average delivery ratio isdefined as number of total packets successfullyreceived R pack per number of total packets sent

    S pack , as shown in (1):

    % 100 Rd S

    pack R

    pack (1)

    Average packet delay DT is time metricexpressed as total time needed for all packets

    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Goran Martinovic, Josip Balen, Drago Zagar

    ISSN: 1109-2742 1100 Issue 10, Volume 8, October 2009

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    Table 1 Performance metrics of wireless sensor networks

    Metric Explanation Unit RelevanceT E Energy consumption (total) mJoule Less is better

    T Network lifetime hour Longer is betterd R Average delivery ratio % More is better

    DT Average packet delay second Less is betterO E Average overhead mJoule Less is bettera D Total data aggregation kbit/mWatt More is better

    Standard deviation of theremaining energy among allnodes

    mJoule Less is better

    v Throughput kbit/second More is betternp N Average packet journey length nodes/packet Shorter is better

    RT Average response time second Shorter is betterS f Sampling frequency Hz More is better

    delivery per number of successfully delivered packets. Average overhead O E can be calculated assum of all overhearing energy per number of nodes.Total data aggregation a D is defined as totalamount of information sensed T S per amount of the

    power consumed by all nodes T P , as shown in (2):






    a T


    T ii


    T ii

    S D P

    S S

    P P


    Smaller standard deviation means that theremaining energy of all nodes i E is similar, and can

    prolong the whole network lifetime. It is expressed




    1 2

    1( )





    E E N

    E E E E



    The primary goal of some measurements is todetermine wh ich optimization method is faster.Therefore, we use the speed performance metric

    called throughput, defined in (4). Throughput v iscalculated as number of total packets successfully

    received ( ) R N pack per observed time interval t . Inorder to simplify comparison, observed timeinterval is one second.

    ( )


    R N pack vt

    t s (4)

    Average packet journey length np N is defined ascount of all visit nodes for every successfullydelivered packet per number of packets. The shorter

    packet journey length leads to less energyconsumption [29]. Average response time RT isimportant for event driven sensor networks. It isdefined as sum of all response times per number ofnodes. Sampling frequency is expressed as numberof samples taken by each sensor samples N in onesecond, as shown in (5):



    N f


    t s (5)

    Sampling frequency depends on the purpose of thewireless sensor network. Some purposes likemeasuring atmospheric and body temperature or

    barometric pressure do not require high samplingfrequencies as they are not changing often. Other

    purposes, like blood pressure or heart activityrequires very high sampling frequency as theirvalues are changing frequently.

    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Goran Martinovic, Josip Balen, Drago Zagar

    ISSN: 1109-2742 1101 Issue 10, Volume 8, October 2009

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    Fig.2 Benchmark application window

    5.1.1 Experimental setupAs some methods are optimized to work on pre-

    planned structured topology and other for theunstructured (ad hoc) networks, universal

    benchmark suite should consider these twocategories separately, however experimental setupmust be identical for all optimization methods thatare compared to each other. Performancemeasurements are divided according to predefinednum ber of nodes (e. g. 5, 10, 20, , 1000) . These

    results of performance measurements on differentnumber of nodes could show if optimizationmethods are affected by scalability. Also,simulation times must have unified values. Optionfor various traffic loads would be useful to showmethod efficiency. Benchmarking must be doneunder the same conditions for all optimizationmethods that are included in comparison in order tohave valid performance evaluation.

    The target of benchmarking is to presentwireless sensor network optimization method

    behavior with numeric values which can becompared and evaluated. From the performancemetrics results, optimization methods could be

    easier classified and therefore their purpose can bespecified.

    5.2 Benchmark ApplicationThe primary goal of our benchmark application is todetermine which wireless sensor networks

    performance optimization method is better, that iswhich has better performance measurements results.Therefore, performance comparison of two differentmethods is done with percentage error formula

    which calculates percentage difference between performance measurement results of two differentoptimization methods, as shown in (6):

    2 1% 100

    1WSN WSN



    As scientists often want to compare their resultsof a given measurement to some known results,

    performance measurement results of known(previous) optimization method (WSN1) are used asthe referent values and performance measurementresults of new optimization method (WSN2) arecompared regarding to known.

    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Goran Martinovic, Josip Balen, Drago Zagar

    ISSN: 1109-2742 1102 Issue 10, Volume 8, October 2009

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    Fig.3 Performance measurement results of two different optimization methods

    In order to obtain accuracy and precision of

    performance measurement results all measurementsmust be repeated ten times in same experimentalcondition. Final result of each measurement must becalculated as arithmetic mean of these tenrepetitions.

    We made the benchmark application shown inFigure 2, that collects performance measurementresults and provide a comparison of two differentoptimization methods for wireless sensor networks.Furthermore, all results are stored in a database andcan be accessed in any time. Main purpose of thisapplication is to become a universal method for

    performance evaluation and comparison of variousoptimization methods.

    Performance metrics used in our benchmarkapplication are explained in Section 5.1 and shownin Table 1. Beside performance metrics,characteristics like topology, number of nodes andsimulation time must be same for both optimizationmethods. Furthermore, previous performancemeasurement results can be imported to application.We simulated two different optimization methodsand performance measurement results are shown in

    Figure 3.

    6 ConclusionIn this paper, first we analyze the advantages ofcross-layer approach in optimizing wireless sensornetwork performance and than present state of theart. Since wireless sensor networks consume mostenergy for communication, sensing and computing,various optimization methods are used to improve

    performance, conserve energy and extend networklifetime. In order to get the real contribution ofvarious optimization methods we propose the

    benchmark methodology and performanceevaluation model. The contribution of this modellies in standardizing and unifying performanceevaluation of various optimization methods.Performance evaluation model is implemented in

    benchmark application that can be used forcollecting and comparing performance measurementresults of various optimization methods for wirelesssensor networks.

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    WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS Goran Martinovic, Josip Balen, Drago Zagar

    ISSN: 1109-2742 1105 Issue 10, Volume 8, October 2009