performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly the report of the royal statistical society working...

Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services, chaired by Professor Sheila Bird

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Page 1: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Performance indicators: good, bad, and uglyThe report of the Royal Statistical

Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services, chaired by Professor Sheila Bird

Page 2: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

“Performance monitoring done well is broadly productive for those concerned. Done badly, it can be very costly and not merely ineffective but harmful and indeed destructive - of morale, reputations and the public services.”

Page 3: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Methodological rigour in selecting indicators

Sample surveys should be designed, conducted and analysed in accordance with statistical theory and best practice

Admin data should be fully auditable Concepts, questions, etc should be comparable and

harmonised where possible – conforming to national or international standards as appropriate

Indicators should be precise and accurate enough to show reliably when change has occurred

Page 4: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Definitions should be precise

Definitions of both indicators and targets should be Precise but practicable

useful definitions should be given for all the key concepts in the indicator or target

Consistent over time any changes to definitions or methods should be fully

documented Unambiguous

there should be no possibility of disagreement about whether progress is the indicator going up or down

Page 5: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Practitioners involved should have input For targets to be ambitious but achievable, a

good understanding of both the practicalities of delivery on the ground, and of the data, is needed

To understand the practicalities of delivery, practitioners should be consulted

Motivational but irrational targets may demoralise

Page 6: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Monitor for perverse outcomes Targets can lead to practitioners playing the

system rather than improving performance to meet badly thought through targets

An example from the report: An indicator for prisons is the number of “serious”

assaults on prisoners “Serious” = proven prisoner-on-prisoner assault The indicator would improve if prisons reduced

their investigations into assaults

Page 7: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Do not ignore uncertainty or variability Insistence on single numbers as answers to

complex questions is to be resisted Natural variability, outliers, recording errors,

statistical error (i.e. confidence intervals around sample estimates), all need to be considered

All need to be clearly presented

Page 8: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Do not set 100% targets 100% targets can lead to perverse outcomes,

demoralise when failure inevitably occurs, and lead to disproportionate resources being used

An example from the report: “No patient shall wait in A&E for more than 4

hours” This becomes irrelevant as soon as one patient

does wait more than 4 hours A&E staff may have very sound reasons for

making a small number of people wait longer

Page 9: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Do not ignore the distribution Performance Indicators are 1 number Single number summaries of data can be

misleading An example from the report:

“Number of patients waiting more than 4 hours” The whole distribution needs viewing to

understand the indicator e.g. has progress been achieved by getting most people seen in 3 hours 59 minutes but some not for 10 hours?

Page 10: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Do not mistake statistical significance for practical importance There can not be a difference of practical

importance if the difference is not statistically significant (because the difference might not be genuine – it could just be chance)

BUT A difference could be statistically significant

but not practically important (because statistical significance can be achieved by getting a huge sample size)

Page 11: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Consider not setting a target until data are well understood The statistical properties of an indicator will

be much better understood after one or two rounds of analysis

It may therefore be sensible to wait before setting a target

Page 12: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

Document everything: Others should be able to replicate procedures All assumptions and methods should be fully

documented so that others can fully understand and replicate results

A ‘PM Protocol’ should include: Objectives Definitions Survey methods / information about data Information about context Risks of perverse outcomes How the data will be analysed Components of variation Ethical, legal and confidentiality issues How, when and where data will be published

Page 13: Performance indicators: good, bad, and ugly The report of the Royal Statistical Society working party on performance monitoring in the public services,

The report is available on the RSS website here: