performance tuning grails applications

Lari Hotari @lhotari Pivotal Software, Inc. Performance tuning Grails applications

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Grails has great performance characteristics but as with all full stack frameworks, attention must be paid to optimize performance. In this talk Lari will discuss common missteps that can easily be avoided and share tips and tricks which help profile and tune Grails applications.


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Lari Hotari @lhotariPivotal Software, Inc.

Performance tuning Grails applications

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• What is performance and what are we optimising for?

• How do you do performance tuning and optimisation?

• common missteps, tips and tricks related to Grails applications profiling and tuning

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Performance aspects

• Latency of operations

• Throughput of operations

• Quality of operations - correctness, consistency, resilience, security, usability ...

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Why?• Optimising costs to run your system -

operational efficiency

• Tuning your system to meet it's performance requirements with optimal cost

• Performance is a feature of your system: keeping up the quality of the operations under high load

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Amdahl's law

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How?• Set up your own feedback cycle for tuning your own system

• Measure & profile !

• start with the tools you have available. You can add more tools and methods in the next iteration.

• Think & learn, analyse and plan the next change

• find tools and methods to measure something in the next iteration you want to know about more

• Implement a single change!

• Iterate: do a lot of iterations and optimally change one thing at a time - this will help you to learn about your system's performance and operational aspects

• Set up a different feedback cycle for production environments. Don't forget that usually it's irrelevant if the system performs well on your laptop. If you are not involved in operations, use innovative means to set up a feedback cycle.

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Performance tuning feedback


Measure & profile

Think and


Do tuning and fixes

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More • In concurrent execution: Amdahl's law - you won't be able to speed up a single computation

task if you cannot parallellize it.

• In traditional synchronous Grails code this means, that each request thread shouldn't block other threads. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to switch to asynchronous handling of requests. However that might be helpful for error handling reasons. Asynchronous doesn't mean fast.

• Find the most limiting bottleneck and eliminate it, one by one

• re-measure after each change because the behaviour of concurrent execution can be different after a small change in reducing blocking - usually the next problem is not the 2. one on the list from the previous measurement.

• "Mature optimization" - keep the clarity and consistency of the solution. Don't do things just "because this is faster". Don't introduce accidental complexity.

• Find out also how your systems gets saturated - the saturation point . How does latency change when load is added? Can your system survive? What happens when it gets over loaded?

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JVM code profiler concepts• Sampling

• statistical ways to get information about the execution using JVM profiling interfaces with a given time interval, for example 100 milliseconds. Statistical methods are used to calculate values based on the samples.

• Unreliable results, but certainly useful in some cases since the overhead of sampling is minimal compared to instrumentation

• Usually helps to get better understanding of the problem if you learn to look past the numeric values returned from measurements.

• Instrumentation

• exact measurements of method execution details

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Load generation tools• Simple command line tools

• ab - apache bench

• wrk - modern HTTP benchmarking tool

• has lua scripting support for doing things like checking the reply

• Load testing toolkits

• Support testing use cases and state full flows

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Common pitfalls in profiling Groovy and Grails code

• Measuring wall clock time

• Measuring CPU time for certain method

• Instrumentation usually provides false results because of JIT compilation and other reasons like spin locks

• lack of proper JVM warmup

• Relying on gut feeling

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Ground your feet• Find a way to review production performance graphs regularly,

especially after making changes to the system

• system utilisation over time (CPU load, IO load & wait, Memory usage), system input workload (requests) over time, etc.

• In the Cloud, use tools like New Relic to get a view in operations

• CloudFoundry based Pivotal Web Services and IBM Bluemix have New Relic available

• In the development environment, use a profiler and debugger to get understanding. You can use grails-melody plugin to get insight on SQL that's executed.

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Recommendations• Concentrate on eliminating blocking because of Amdahl's law

• Look for low hanging fruit (next slide) if you are in a rush - it's worth doing.

• Concentrate on constantly improving the performance tuning feedback cycles you have in place for development and production environments.

• Innovate to get iterations going: you don't necessary need expensive tools or toolkits. Continuous improvement is more important than fancy tools.

• Take small steps.

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Environment related problems

• Improper JVM configuration for Grails apps

• out-of-the-box Tomcat parameters

• a single JVM running with a huge heap on a big box

• If you have a big powerful box, it's better to run multiple small JVMs and put a load balancer in front of them

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Low hanging fruit• SQL and database related bottlenecks: learn how to profile SQL queries and tune your database queries and your database

• grails-melody plugin can be used to spot costly SQL queries in development and testing environments. Nothing prevents use in production however there is a risk that running it in production environment has negative side effects.

• New Relic in CloudFoundry (works for production environments)

• Eliminate stack traces thrown in normal program flow - use profiler or debugger to find if any are called in normal program flow

• High CPU usage: Check regexps that are used a lot (use profiler's CPU time measurement to spot those, search for the code for candidate regexps). Also check the regexps with different input size. Make sure valid input doesn't trigger "catastrophic backtracking". Understand what it is. Use a regexp analyser to find out the number of operations a certain input triggers in handling the input.

• Check concurrency patterns like synchronised usage: using java.util.Hashtable/Properties is blocking

• these block: System.getProperty("some.config.value","some.default"), Boolean.getBoolean("some.feature.flag")

• .each -> for loop

• Cache implementation that serves stale information while entry is being updated (blocks only when there isn't information available)

• Cache implementation that locks a certain key for updating to prevent cache storms

• "static transactional = true" in services that don't need transactions

• Don't call transactional services from GSP taglibs (or GSP views), that might cause a large number of short transactions during view rendering

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Tool for getting insight in sudden production performance problems

• kill -3 <PID>

• Makes a thread dump of all threads and outputs it to System.out which ends up in catalina.out in default Tomcat config.

• the java process keeps running and it doesn't get terminated

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wrk http load testing tool sample output

1 Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8080/empty-test-app/empty/index 2 10 threads and 10 connections 3 Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev 4 Latency 1.46ms 4.24ms 17.41ms 93.28% 5 Req/Sec 2.93k 0.90k 5.11k 85.67% 6 Latency Distribution 7 50% 320.00us 8 75% 352.00us 9 90% 406.00us 10 99% 17.34ms 11 249573 requests in 10.00s, 41.22MB read 12 Socket errors: connect 1, read 0, write 0, timeout 5 13 Requests/sec: 24949.26 14 Transfer/sec: 4.12MB

check latency, the max and it's distribution

Total throughput

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Lari Hotari @lhotariPivotal Software, Inc.

Thank you!