persistency (4)

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  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Development Methodologies

    Mapping Design Models to the Data Layer

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Data Layer

    The general goal of an object-oriented design is tomodel a business process or set of processes

    The goal of a data layer design is to model the

    business data Typically a relational database

    Mapping from system objects to data entities can bedifficult if the system contains

    Complex class structure Large unstructured objects

    Object inheritance

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Using Databases

    3 approaches have been developed for the

    management of the object storage:

    Object relational mapping



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    Object Relational mapping

    Most business database application use

    relational databases

    Need to map object in the database to tables

    in the database

    The mapping needs to be carefully considered

    to allow data to be represented and accessed

    as efficiently as possible

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    RDBMS terminology

    A relational database can contain one or manytables.

    Tables make up the basic storage structure of arelational database management system.

    A table holds the data about something in thereal world, such as employees, departments, orsalaries

    A single row, or record, represents all data for a

    particular employee. The order of rows stored ina table is insignificant. You can specify an orderwhen you retrieve data from a table.

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    The class model

    Artefact produced to represent the logical

    structure of a system.

    It captures both the data requirement and the

    behaviour of the objects.

    Behaviour is captured using the operations

    that are defined for the class.

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Object-oriented Principles

    Abstraction: indicates the process of identifying theessential aspects of an entity. Typically it relates to

    Identifying an object

    And what it does

    Then deciding if it should be implemented

    Encapsulation: An object contains both the datastructure and the set of operations which can beused to manipulate it

    Information Hiding : External aspects of an objectare separated from its Internal details (these arehidden from the outside world)

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    Association : relationship between 2 classes.

    The relationship may be functional or


    Aggregation: form of association that implies

    Inheritance: a means of factoring out

    common behaviour into generalised classes

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    UML data profile



  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Stereotyped operations

    Behaviour is represented as stereotypedoperations:

    A primary key constraint (PK);

    A Foreign key constraint (FK);

    An index constraint (Index); A trigger (Trigger);

    A uniqueness constraint (Unique);

    A stored procedure (Proc) - not formally part of the dataprofile, but an example of a possible modellingtechnique; and a

    Validity check (Check).

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Class model to Relational model

    Step 1: Model classes

    Step 2:

    Identify persistent objects Step3:

    Assume each persistent class maps to onerelational table

    Step4: Map attributes to columns

    Not all attributes are persistent

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    Class model to Relational model

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Step 5:

    Select an inheritance strategy

    Filtered mapping

    Each class hierarchy has a single corresponding table thatcontains all the inherited attributes for all elements - this table is

    therefore the union of every class in the hierarchy

    Horizontal mapping

    Each class in the hierarchy has a corresponding table of only the

    attributes accessible by that class (including inherited attributes). Vertical mapping

    Each generation in the class hierarchy has a table containing only

    that generation's actual attributes.

    Class model to Relational model

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Step 6:

    For each class add a unique object identifier

    It is often more convenient to implement absolute

    identity using OID's rather than business related

    primary keys

    Class model to Relational model

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    Step 7a:

    Map associations to foreign keys

    Each association in the class model create a foreign key

    from the child to the parent table

    Class model to Relational model

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    Step 7b:

    Map Aggregation and Composition

    A weak aggregation could be implemented using

    either an intermediate table (for the many-to-many case)

    a foreign key in the aggregated class/table (one-to-many case). In the case of the many-to-many relationship, if the parent is

    deleted, the entries in the intermediate table for that entity mustalso be deleted also. In the case of the one-to-many relationship, ifthe parent is deleted, the foreign key entry (ie. 'owner') must becleared.

    In the case of composition, the use of a foreign key is mandatory,with the added constraint that on deletion of the parent the partmust be deleted also

    Class model to Relational model

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Step 8:

    Model behaviour

    Issue: Should one map some or all class behaviour to

    the functional capabilities provided by databasevendors in the form of triggers, stored procedures,

    uniqueness and data constraints, and relational


    Class model to Relational model

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Relational Database Issues

    Because the relational model is simple, relational

    databases ...

    have a "simple" formal model and semantics

    support data independence (physical & logical)

    have good ad-hoc query facilities

    have good storage management facilities: recovery;backup


    good concurrency

    are fast and efficient

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    Relational Database Issues contd.

    But when building application

    data in the application does not map well to table

    heterogeneous collections

    only fixed number of built-in types is available

    It is not possible to represent/manipulate complex entities

    as a single unit

    The business rules and logical rules are written as

    independent procedures, functions or triggers.

  • 8/3/2019 Persistency (4)


    Further Considerations

    Manual ORM process outlined to date

    Existing libraries/techniques for ORM

    Hibernate / Nhibernate

    QuickDB Orm

    Service Data Objects