personal skills development

Master of Business Administration Personal Skills Development Operational Activity, Portfolio and Critical Reflection Supervised By STEPHEN HUMPHREY Submitted By STU 22782 Submitted To IBAM Word Count 4,366 Submission Date 25 July 2011

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Page 1: Personal Skills Development

Master of Business Administration

Personal Skills Development

Operational Activity, Portfolio and Critical Reflection


Submitted By STU 22782

Submitted To IBAM

Word Count 4,366

Submission Date 25 July 2011

Page 2: Personal Skills Development

ContentsContents ................................................................................................................ 2

Group or Team ....................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Was It Group or Team? ................................................................................. 4

1.2 Relationship between the objectives of task and individual role and objectives ........................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Interactions with Colleagues ......................................................................... 6

1.4 What do I do differently and why? ................................................................ 7

Portfolio ................................................................................................................. 8

2.1 Summary of PDP ........................................................................................... 8

2.2 Review of Activities and Resources Used ..................................................... 9

2.2.1 Resources ............................................................................................... 9

2.2.2 Activities ............................................................................................... 10

2.3 Review of the Skills developed ................................................................... 11

2.3.1 Communication skills ............................................................................ 11

2.3.3 Leadership Skills ................................................................................... 12

2.3.3 Entrepreneurship .................................................................................. 12

2.4 Detailed Evidence for the portfolio ............................................................. 12

3. Critical Reflection ....................................................................................... 13

Reference ............................................................................................................ 16

5. Appendix 1 ....................................................................................................... 18

5.1 Skill Audit .................................................................................................... 18

5.2. PDP ............................................................................................................ 20

5.3 SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................ 22

6. Appendix 2 ....................................................................................................... 23

6.1 Feedback .................................................................................................... 23

6.2 Student Assessment Feedback ................................................................... 24

6.3 Group Member Feedback ............................................................................ 27

7. Appendix 3 ....................................................................................................... 28

7.1 LSH Agenda 1 ............................................................................................. 28

7.2 Agenda LSH 2 ............................................................................................. 29

7.3 Pictures LSH ................................................................................................ 30

7.4 Principal Email LSH ..................................................................................... 30

7.4 Testimonial ................................................................................................. 31

8. Appendix 4 ....................................................................................................... 33

8.1 Learning Log ............................................................................................... 33

Page 3: Personal Skills Development

8.2 Face book Scribed and LinkedIn ................................................................. 39

8.3 Learning Style ............................................................................................ 39

8.4 Learning Profile ........................................................................................... 39

8.5 Belbin Score Card ....................................................................................... 40

8.6 Weekly Planner ........................................................................................... 42

9. Appendix 5 ....................................................................................................... 45

9.1 Resources Used .......................................................................................... 45

9.2 List of Journal Used During MBA ................................................................. 47

9.3 List of Books & Article Used ........................................................................ 47

9.3.1 Leadership ............................................................................................ 47

9.3.2 Communication .................................................................................... 48

9.3.3 Entrepreneurship ................................................................................. 48

9.4 Mind tool Test ............................................................................................. 49

Page 4: Personal Skills Development

Group or Team

I have joined Tesco Bow Road as a Customer Service Assistant in October 2010. The

store is amongst top two in group 34 of Tesco. However it was facing problem related to the

increasing percentage of the waste and shrink. During the month of February 2011, the store

administration faced a huge pressure from top level management to control the waste and

shrink percentage due to which store management was forced to bring a change by cutting

down its daily expenses and the rota for employee.

In order to control the waste and shrink percentage the store manger decided to appoint

the workforce which was responsible for the investigating the reason behind the problem and

to come up with the solution. Along with this the team was held responsible for the

implementing the company rule and procedure to help in minimising the waste and shrink

(two months time).

1.1 Was It Group or Team?

According to Gard (2009) word group and team are used interchangeably however

there are many identified difference between two. Katzenbach and Smith (1993) defined the

team as “small number of people with complementary skills, who are committed to a

common purpose, performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually

accountable”. Saiyadain (2003) stated that team is a purposeful entity, which is built to

achieve collective output, which is meaningful to members and organisation. He further

argued that team member are interdependent due to complimentary skills and there success

depends on their individual and collective work. Group take responsibility on individual

output, whereas team takes responsibility on collective output.

Alison Hardingham (1995) argued that shared goal or goals are the difference

between team and group. He further stated that goals are to be understand by all team

members and joint team effort need to be collaborated. Lussier (2009) stated that in group

one leader makes decision while in team its shared leadership. He further stated that in group

members are rewarded on individual performance only, whereas in team members are

awarded individually and group performance.

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It is very evident from the above literature that it was team work in our case, because

there were having extensive communication and meeting for problem solving. We were

dependent on each other for the success of the project, although we were having individual

objective which we have align to achieve organisational objective and all these were done by

mutual collaboration. Duties and responsibilities were assigned and we were made

accountable for results.

1.2 Relationship between the objectives of task and individual role and objectives

The objective of the task was to identify the reasons behind the shrink and waste, and

come up with solutions; also the purpose of this team was to insure the proper

implementation of company standards and procedure in controlling the problem.

When I was selected as the team member for the task, I realised that it is a great

opportunity for me to test my skills and knowledge. During my MBA I decided to improve

my communication skills, Leadership skills including managing and motivating people, and

entrepreneurship (negotiating skills). So my personal goal was to test my above skills and

helped in enhancing my other existing skills like problem solving, planning and time


The task not only helped me in realising my own objectives, it also helped me in

linking my objective with organisation. For example there were many trainees in the stores

and it was observed that one reason for waste was not proper rotation by the trainees. Being a

part of team it was my responsibility to guide them and motivate them for following

procedure of company. I tried to use the knowledge gain at my college regarding

motivational theory. Like motivation by encouragement, reward in term of permanent job on

the basis of performance etc.

While working in team we were planning our daily task and prioritise them, there was

intense communication between the team during the time. We motivated each other help and

supported each other to complete the task in time. This helped in improving my

communication, interpersonal, time management and part of leadership skills.

My Belbin’s test result was Resource investigator and shaper, and my learning profile

was showing inclination to logical, verbal and visual style for learning. Although I contacted

the other store where they were facing same type of problem, I also acted as shaper and made

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consensus during conflict time. One of my intentions was to learn other team role and

improve my learning by other styles. So I also acted a coordinator and helped everyone

whenever they need my help during task. I changed my role according to situation. This was

time where I learned through social and physical style of learning.

Working in team for such task in world number 2nd ranks company gave me

confidence, provided me chance to learn additional things, like we were selected on the basis

of daily job like Job 14, Gap Scan, waste scan etc this activity helped me in learning other

roles as well and we were successful in finding the reasons and successfully came up with

action plan and implemented company rules.

1.3 Interactions with Colleagues

It was very important for us and organisation to achieve the task, and for doing to

everyone in the team has to realise their potential skills and give a combine effort to achieve

the goal. Fisher et al (2001) stated that team effectiveness depends on the extent, to which

members correctly recognize and adjust to the relative strengths.

Hinds and Mortensen (2005) argued that frequent communication enhances shared

team identity and helps in solving the interpersonal conflicts. During the task I have intense

communication with the trainees and the amongst team member and repeatedly reminded the

goals and clarified the situation and resolved the conflicts. Our team was a multi cultural

team, team member were from India, Pakistan, SriLanka and UK, so communication and

regular feedback played a vital in our success.

Weimann et al. (2010) and Congdon (2009) have also shared similar idea that multi

cultural teams need more communication and regular feedback for best performance. As I

have mentioned in section b that I tried to change my team role (Belbin’s) according to

situation. So my interaction with my colleagues with changed roles was very fruitful.

Whenever there was a concern or issue face-to-face communication helped in solving that

problem so I have acted as a shaper. I have also investigated the other store and got

information on this issue and when shared with my team member it appreciated. When my

team member needed helped I helped them and acted as coordinator. This type of interactions

brought the team closer and helped in achieving the objective.

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During the task we appreciated every single success and valued each other cultures,

views listen to each other, work on equal status, given respect to other and listened to them

with open heart. The communication between the team members was informal, we had face-

to- face communication for problem or conflict resolution, we have also interacted with each

other on the phone so communication played a vital role in team interaction. Congden (2009)

stated that multicultural teams need more communication for success due to difference in

verbal and non verbal communication. Dyer (2006) stated that 95 % of project fails due to

poor communication or lack of communication.

1.4 What do I do differently and why?

Even though we have completed the task in time and achieved the objectives,

however when I review my experience and reflection, I believe there were some are where I

could do better or the more learning I have now I could use different approach to do the same

task. There was no written communication amongst the team; it was only verbal, feedback,

results everything was in verbal, however If I will use written communication as well for

team work for more involvement and better results I could have improve my formal written

and problem solving skills. Thompson (2002) stated that written communication can be used

as tool of intervention and problem solving. Written work also provides the basis for future


Me and my team has used the traditional way of writing the data, I think I could have

used the Laptop and WRAP company’s SWMP template (waste & resource action program,

Site waste management program). The program is best in reflection feedback from the user.

And it could have provided better results, although it would have been different from

company policy, but I would have tried this on my own and then given them the report.

There were no formal meetings between the team; we used to meet during working hour.

Seibold (1979) stated that meeting promote cohesiveness and unity in the group and helps in

problem solving and decision making. The regular meeting and review could have resulted in

finishing task earlier then two months time. The feedback was oral; I would use the written

feedback for more encouragement and appreciation.

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According to Redman (1994) portfolio is tangible record of what someone has done.

While Knap (1975) stated that portfolio is like a file or folder containing information which

has been accumulated about a student’s past experiences and accomplishments and is mean

of accreditation of prior learning.

2.1 Summary of PDP

I have always desired to be a successful businessman/manager in my life; however I

have felt in many stages of my life that I lack some of the important skills which are essential

for successful businessman or manager. These skills include the skills like resource

management, communication skills, negotiating skills, entrepreneur skills, managing and

leading people. During my job as Accounts Manager in Niml I have developed some skills

for managing the financial resources and planning but these were not enough for my future

career. I realised to expose myself to challenging environment where I can improve my skills

and can get some theoretical and practical knowledge. For this purpose I have got admission

in MBA as UK seemed to be perfect place for getting degree and experience.

At the start of the course I have done skill audit to find the gap for the skills which I

was lacking, and made a development plan for improving these skills, so that at the end of the

course I could be able to compete in the business environment which was vital for my future

career. My skills audit highlighted weak areas in communication (written and Oral),

Managing and leading people and entrepreneur skills. Along with this I have done SWOT

analysis to identify the strength which I can use to convert my weakness into strengths to

avail the opportunities in the market and minimise my threats.

In order to learn different things I have to be aware of my learning style and nature,

for this purpose I have done Kolb learning style and Belbin’s team role. Based on these

results, skill audit and SWOT analysis I developed a weekly time table which helped me a lot

in developing the desired skills along with some additional skills like time management,

problem solving and decision making.

The skill audit showed a significant gap in the communication skills, so I have

planned to get a job in the company where I have to involve constantly my self interacting

with customer. I decided to volunteer myself for class representative, and the reason behind

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this was I realised this could the best platform where I can improve my communication skills,

can learn how to manage group of people in class and can also improve my negotiation skills

which interacting with staff and administration.

I started reading the article, journal and magazines especially related to the global

business from financial times, Telegraph and BBC business these helped me in understanding

global business tactics and changes these article also helped me in acquitting with the

different ways of writing styles. I have also started reading the books and autobiography of

great leaders and successful businessmen and try to learn different secrets from their

experience and life. I listened to the different interviews of the successful people and listed to

different successful mangers how they managed and lead the people in organisation.

The different activities in class and at my work helped me in understanding the

psychology, culture, norms and values of my colleagues which helped in understanding how

to manage and lead the people, and given me a chance to develop professional approach to

my career. Price (1994) stated that “portfolio shows a dynamic record of growth and

professional change’’.

2.2 Review of Activities and Resources Used

I have been using a wide range of resources and activities as mentioned in table

included in appendix. The detailed review for the resources and activities used for personal

development are as follow:

2.2.1 Resources

I have studied different books and article on related to the leadership, some based on

leadership qualities, motivation, time management, entrepreneurship, and communication.

The Mintzberg’s management roles, Jack Welch’s leadership principle and other books

related to life and achievement of leader helped me in understanding the different aspect of

leadership, changing styles and roles according to different situations and industries (country

level, global, work place etc). The “One Minute Manager, By Ken Blanchard and Spencer

Johnson was really interesting it gave me another side of manager or leader. Moreover the

Belbin’s work on teamwork helped in understanding the team building, roles, and its

importance and tried to learn other team roles according to the task and requirement.

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The Maslow, Hertzberg theories on motivation helped in understanding the human

nature and factors motivating it. These ideas help me in understanding different results and its

application in different situation, e.g. in Tesco I have seen the effects of bonus, rewards, and

acknowledgement, and while in college I have seen the power of appreciation,

acknowledgment and creating competitive environment.

I have read the motivational books like Vinci Code and Who Say’s I Can't? This gave

me another idea how internal motivation and sense of achievement works. I have taken

leadership test on mindstool and businessball website. These test helped me in understanding

the different questions, situations and traits of leadership in test. In order to keep my self

updated I regularly read the Financial times, Telegraph and BBC business. These programs

helped in understanding the market current situation, the future expected trends and the

valuable views, suggestions and strategies helped me in understanding the market trends and

future opportunities and threats and how to cope with them. I really enjoyed listing to Alan

Sugar and Philip Kotler. The strategies of these people will really helpful to me when I will

start my business.

I have been reading the article, case studies, blogs, which helped me in learning

different styles of written communication. I have tried business development emails, learned

different business terminologies, vocabulary, which helped me a lot in improving my

communication skills. All the resources mentioned in table in appendix helped in getting

knowledge which was helpful during activities.

2.2.2 Activities

I have been involved in group discussion at college, participated in group activities,

presentation. This was the real time and place where I have tested my skills and applied the

knowledge gained during my course. All these activities helped in building confidence,

personality development, helped in learning motivating people in group, power sharing,

delegating responsibilities, resolving conflict, learning different cultures , evaluating

performance, improving my communication skills and leading people. I have also represented

London Student Hub twice representing IBAM where I learned meeting skills, learnt about

UOW online library and then given lecture to my class mates on how to use UOW online

library. Listening to Harvard, Stanford and Oxford university channel helped me a lot in

gaining knowledge and improving my desired skills.

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My work place helped me a lot in improving my oral and interpersonal skills as I have

to deal with many customers. While working in team I learned the motivation, cooperation

and helping each other, sharing responsibility. This was the real place where I have seen the

practical about what I have studied during course, like motivation, team, group work,

customer services, marketing concepts, organisational culture etc, and managing change.

Other activities like revising and following my timetable, helped in time management

and planning, all above activities provided me chance to test my skills in real environment.

2.3 Review of the Skills developed

2.3.1 Communication skills

Communication skills are considered very important in every field however these are

very crucial for the business students. Both written and oral communications are keys to

successful leaders, businessmen and managers. During my course I have improved my

written skills, learned writing styles, (academic, and business) and these will help me in

conveying message in strong way and problem solving. Thompson (2002) has argued that

written communication can be used directly as a tool of intervention, a method of problem

solving .e.g. SWOT analysis is best example.

Oral skills are also very important for my future career, as good manager/businessmen

should be good speaker. My college and my jobs helped a lot in improving my oral skills and

the interviews and speeches from YouTube helped me to understand non verbal

communication as well. Like smile, warm welcome, listening and understanding others, these

are also requirement of my current job. According to Fontana (1990) research shows that in

both personal and professional life people who smile are rated as warm, empathetic and

understanding. While Buhler (2009) stated that active listening improve communication


Although I have improved my communication skills a lot if I compare my self when I

joined my course, however I feel that in my future life I need to improve more, Although the

current level of this skills is fulfilling my current role. But when I will move in international

market for business, expos, seminars I will have exposure to much bigger environment and I

need to equip my skills to the mark that I can compete in that competitive environment, so I

am planning and learning.

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2.3.3 Leadership Skills

Now a days there is high demand for leader in both private and public organisations

(Bennis, 2007; Hill, 2008; Mumford et al., 2000 Cited in Smits 2010). I have learned lot

of theories and gain knowledge on effective leadership from college. Also my college provide

me variety of group activities where I have learned and tested leadership skill. However these

were limited as Mintzberg (2004) argued that only academic community can not engage you

in leadership development due to many reasons. Smits (2010) divided leadership

development in to leadership and training and development. (Ashby & Miles, 2002 cited

in Smits 2010) stated that leaders emerge from organisations.

It was my work place where I learned how to lead people, all the attributes

of leadership, communication, listening and valuing other culture, emotional

intelligence, sensing and planning change etc. While working in team and

supervising the trainees in store helped me in true learning and development.

The training course in my work place also helped me in this regard. Every time I

have faced new situation and challenges during job rotation and special task and

learned new thing. This will help me in my future life when I will have to manage

my own firm and will have to lead people.

2.3.3 Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneur is a like manger that has to manage his business and has to involved and

lead his people and he should know the market trend and can respond to situation. Mubaslat

(2010) stated that effective leader should know what to do? Although I have learned some

traditional skills from my father’s business, however the Richard Cantillon, Samson and

Stevenson’s works really helped me in understanding the entrepreneur. The F.T Telegraph,

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, and other resource from internet helped me in

understanding the modern entrepreneur, business developments and global world. This will

definitely help me when I will start my own business. That will be the time when I will be

having time to test my all skills which I have developed during my course and my work at

Tesco and I am positive that these thing will give me a competitive advantage in my back

home market.

2.4 Detailed Evidence for the portfolio

Appendix 1 for Skill audit, PDP & SWOT, Appendix 2, Feedback, London Student Hub &

email from Principal and Tutor, Appendix 3 Contains Learning log, Face book, LinkedIn,

Page 13: Personal Skills Development

scribed , Learning Style, Learning Profile, Belbin Score card, & Weekly Planner, While

Appendix 5 has Table for Resources used, List of Journals, books and Mindstool results.

3. Critical Reflection

Critical reflection has become an increasingly important aspect of research, teaching

and learning (Gilstrap 2010). Boud et al (1985) described reflection as the process of

investigating and discovery, which often leads to unexpected outcomes. He further argued

that reflection act as bridge between the experience and learning and involves feeling and


There are number of scholars who have worked in this area and they have came up some

famous model like John model of reflection (1994), Kolb learning cycle (1984) and Atkins

and Murphy model of reflection (1994) however I will use the Kolb’s and Murphy model.

During my stay at college I have learned many things which were totally new to me.

The best part of learning was working in groups and giving presentation where I had chance

to develop leadership skills, like planning, communication, motivating people, delegating

responsibilities, solving group conflicts. Presentations to class and tutor give me confidence

and help in improving my communication skills and personality development. The best part

was question, answer and discussion. Murphy (2001) have also stated that semi- structured

interviews and presentation allows discussion to come to life as this provide opportunity to

talk to each other in group or to a group.

While working in Tesco I have also learned many things especially when change was

implemented, this helped me in learning how to plan, implement and manage change and

measure results in term of success. This change time truly helped me in understanding the

theories of motivation, concept of change management, conflicts resolution and

communication channel and feedback importance. The most important thing during the

period was organisation learning being a part of organisation and knowledge management.

Concrete Experience

If I see my skills development process which started after joining MBA, I can see that

the lectures which I have attended in the class, the online material from Ilearn and university

of Wales, and other article from different magazines, internet were similar to the my previous

experience of MBA in Pakistan. However the group discussion and presentation added more

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value, knowledge and experience to my existing beliefs as I have interacted with different

people belonging to different background and culture.

Reflective Observation

My reflection observation on course, my studies, class lectures, discussion with group

mates, tutor was contradicting on some stage with my past experience. The feedback on the

assessment, feedback from tutor and class mates I kept on tracking what I have done well and

what was weak in my assessment, my work in class. Although it was very difficult time for

me to change my existing views however I have to change my views as I could not achieve

the true learning and professional development on the basis of just reflection I had to listen

and value the opinion of other . Based on this I articulated my reflection in organized way so

that what I think and remember will build on the experience in my future life.

Abstract Conceptualisation

I have studied theories and literature on motivation, leadership, communication,

negotiation and interpersonal skills, problem solving, group and team work, performance

appraisal from Ilearn, UOW and internet. Use of flow charts, frameworks and

implementation of different models and the critical analysis of the data these were new skills

which I have learned during the course. These helped me in understanding the use of same

skill in different scenario like motivating colleagues, communicating them, giving them

feedback, resolving group conflict these were totally different to my work place where the

process of communication (formal), motivational technique (appreciation and reward),

problem solving were different then in college. This approach of learning helped me in

updating my learning and reflection of my previous experience and solved many


Active Experimentation

The conclusion from abstract conceptualisation stage provided me the foundation

based on which I could plan changes. I have worked in group many times in college; lead the

group, delegated the work, and planned to whole layout for controlling things and given

presentations. These activities provided me a plate form to test the skills which I was willing

to develop. My work place where I daily interacted with hundreds of customers helped me in

improving my communication skills, and helped in grooming my personality. While working

in team; during assigned task helped me to test my skills in different environment where the

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standards were different as compared to college. However these both platforms provided me

a different views that how person could change or could be flexible in applying same skill

according to situation and environment.

During our first semester in PDP Mr Trevor Peck conducted the test for Belbin teams

role, Kolb’s learning cycle and Honey & Mumford’s learning in class which helped me a lot

in understanding my way of learning. My inclination was toward theorist and pragmatic style

so based on that I shifted my attention to other two styles for active learning. Also Belbin

team’s role helped me a lot while working in group during different tasks in class and at my

work place, where I tried to learn other team roles that can help me in future.

Overall the learning and development process was very well in college and Tesco and I am

pleased with this however I still feel and desire to improve my skill and I will work regularly

to maintain the level. Moreover learning and development is thing which never ends, person

can learn throughout life time. This course at IBAM and working in Tesco provided me a

platform and made a foundation for my learning and development for my future life.

Page 16: Personal Skills Development


Armstrong, M. (2006) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, Philadelphia Kogan, London

Gard, R.P (2009) A behavioural approach to pharmacy practice, Blackwell Science Ltd, USA

Hardingham, A (1995) Working in Teams, chartered institute of personal and development, London

Lussier, N, R (2009) Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, Skill Development, 4th edition Cengage learning, USA

Saiyadain, S, M (2003) Organisational Behaviour ,Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi

Thompson, N. (2002) People Skills, 2nd Ed Basingstoke, New York Palgrave Macmillan.

Bennis, W. (2007), The challenges of leadership in the modern world: Introduction to the special issue, American Psychologist, 62(1), pp. 2–5.

Boud, R. Keogh and D. Walker (eds) Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning, pp 7-17. London: Kogan Page.

Buhler, P, M,. (2009) ‘Six tips to more effective communication’, Supervision, Vol. 70, no.7, p19-21

Congden, S., Matveev, A, V., Desplaces, D, E. (2009) ‘Cross-cultural Communication and Multicultural Team Performance: A German and American Comparison’, Journal of Comparative International Management, Vol. 12, no.2, p73-89.

Dyer, S., ‘T he Root Causes of Poor Communication’, Cost Engineering, Vol. 48, no.6, p8-10.

Excellent 30 minute BBC Radio 4 Discussion about Modern Leadership. [online] Available at:>

Fisher, S, G., Hunter, T, A., MacRosson, W, D,K.(2001) ‘A validation study of Belbin's team roles’, European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, Vol. 10, no. 2, p121-144.

Hill, L.A. (2008), Where will we find tomorrow’s leaders? A Conversation with Linda A. Hill,Harvard Business Review, January, pp. 123–129.

Page 17: Personal Skills Development

Hinds, P., & McGrath, C. (2006) ‘Structures that Work: Social Structure, Work Structure and Coordination Ease in Geographically Distributed Teams’. Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work: 343-352

Knapp J (1975) A guide to assessing prior experience through portfolios. Education testing service, Cooperative Assessment of Experiential Learning, Princeton

Humphrey, S. 2011. Change Process: Managing Change course unit handout, IBAM, London, 22 April.

Johari window [online] Available at<:>

Kolb’s Learning Cycle available at <>

Leadership styles and theories [online] Available at <>

Leadership Books [online] Available at <>

Leadership Quiz [online] Available at:<>

Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Harding, F.D., Jacobs, T.O., & Fleishman, E.A. (2000), Leadership skills for a changing world: Solving complex social problems, Leadership Quarterly, 11(1), pp. 11–35.

Peck, T., 2010 Personal Skills Development, LIBAMUOWMBAW007. RDI, Unpublished

Peck, T. (2010) Defining Groups and team. Personal Skills Development course unit handout, IBAM, London, 19 Oct.

Peck, T. (2010) Group Theories. Personal Skills Development course unit handout, IBAM, London, 19 Oct.

Peck, T. (2010) Groups Dynamics and Team Skills. Personal Skills Development course unit handout, IBAM, London, 19 Oct.

Price, A. (1994) Midwifery portfolios: making reflective records. Mod Midwife 4:35–38.

Redman W (1994) Portfolios for development: a guide for trainers and managers. Kogan Page, London.

Smits, S,J. (2010) ‘Extending the journey: leadership development beyond the MBA’, Poznan University of Economics Review, Vol. 10, no.1. P62-77.

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5. Appendix 1

5.1 Skill Audit

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Low High


Organisation and time management

Prioritising, dealing with paperwork; interruptions; planning your day.

1 2 3 4 5 I am good in this area but need to maintain this level

Decision making and problem solving

Ability to make decisions; selecting suitable solutions; analysis of appropriateness.

1 2 3 4 5 I am good in this area but need to maintain this level

Planning Leading teams; consulting team members; task allocation; objective setting.

1 2 3 4 5 I am good in this area but need to maintain this level

Delegation Matching tasks to staff; providing guidance and advice; maintaining staff motivation and focus.

1 2 3 4 5 I am good in this area but need to maintain this level

Motivation Applying motivational techniques; understanding individual motives; making tasks challenging; encouraging creativity; providing team support; engendering trust and openness.

1 2 3 4 5 Need to learn motivational techniques. How to apply them in groups. How to motivate people in groups. Understanding their motives.

Coaching Providing guidance; listening skills; ability to draw out information; reinforcing behaviour using feedback; negotiating; planning goals and objectives.

1 2 3 4 5 I am good in this area but need to maintain this level

Target setting Understanding and communicating organisational objectives; use of SMART objectives to achieve targets.

1 2 3 4 5 I am good in this area but need to maintain this level

Interpersonal skills Relating to others; building rapport and 1 2 3 4 5 Need to work more on

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5.2. PDP

Skill Area Action Plan for Development Start Date Target completion Time


Written • Essays/Reports/Assignments/Case study for College

• Personal Statements/Resume/Covering Letters

• Business letters/emails/memos• Group Discussions on College/Social

Discussion Board forums• Writing , writing and writing while

listing to news etc• Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary/Business


31 August 2010 8 Months See appendix

For business email & covering letter

Speaking • Lectures• Class room participations• Being Class representative• Customer assistant job• Making new friends• Job interviews• Presentations to class mates

31 July 2010 8 Months Class participation, presenting many times in class on behalf of group, Class representative

Leadership • Taking initiatives• Managing students in class• Working in groups• Assigning task• Understanding their issue• Discussion on different topic• Listing to their view• Conflicts resolution

31 July 2010 12 Months Taking initiative in class, Managing class member on different issue, keeping in mind learning style and profile i have given job in class

Page 21: Personal Skills Development

• Leadership styles test• Reading biography of leaders

Entrepreneur • Managing resources• Managing time•

01 September 2011

10 Months

Source: “PDP” Formative Assessment 1 STU 22782

Page 22: Personal Skills Development

5.3 SWOT Analysis


• MBA (Finance)• Accounting Software’s• IT Packages• Job Experience• Writing Skills• Takes Initiatives• Team Player• Creative • Analytical /Critical• Problem Solving ability• Influencing Ability• Negotiating Skills • Strong Observation/Memory• Adaptable to new Environment• Cool Minded/Calm• Firm & Persistent • Planning & Organizing events• Decision Making• Delegation/ Taking Responsibilities


• Communication Skills not up to the mark• Look everything in my own way due to

which I argue• Take time to be friendly with people• Not Challenging in oral Communication


• New IT/Accounting Packages• Tesco Job C.A (I can improve my

communication skill)• Class participation can improve

communication skills• Online Business in UK• Can apply for Managerial Position in

Tesco after MBA from UK• Customer Assistant job making me more

people friendly• Being a Class Representative


• UKBA new regulations• Time Management• Short Term time• Market Competition• Classmates

Page 23: Personal Skills Development

6. Appendix 2

6.1 Feedback

Student Assessment Feedback


First Name: MUHAMMAD

Surname: OMAIR

Module: Managing Human Resources

Assignment due date: 05.11.2010

The paper is clearly and logically structured and well resourced. However appropriate academic language has not been used in some cases and the list of appendices should be placed after ‘list of references’.

Good resources are used to explore HR concepts and practices. In some cases, resources are not well analysed; explicitly and critically linked to the issues of the case in order to develop arguments.

This is impressive that number of issues are identified that negatively influenced the rewards and retention strategies and practices of Microsoft. However, phases of changes in reward practices over the time are not clearly linked and discussed. It has demonstrated very good

Page 24: Personal Skills Development

awareness about the implications of HR issues. However, a balanced view of critical discussion has not been addressed.

Overall, the paper has demonstrated good understanding in explaining the concepts and models of HR issues and their applications.

Date Marked: 11.11.2010

Marked by: Jasim Uddin

Grade Awarded 60

Penalty to be Applied 0

Overall Grade 60

6.2 Student Assessment Feedback


First Name: Muhammad

Surname: Omair

Module : Strategic Management

Assignment due date: 22nd January 2011

Assessment Feedback

Question 1 – Intended Learning Outcomes 2 & 3 (Weighting = 20%)

ILO 1 - Critically analyse a range of strategic decision making models.

ILO 5 - Develop and justify plans for the implementation of agreed strategies.

Page 25: Personal Skills Development

This was a good evaluation of Carrefour’s approach of organic growth and acquisitions and you provided a sound explanation of the market leadership concept. You undertook some evaluation of the evidence as the basis for your answer and you made effective use of supporting examples.

Question 2 – Intended Learning Outcomes 3 & 5 (Weighting = 40%)

ILO 1 - Critically analyse a range of strategic decision making models.

ILO 2 - Undertake a strategic analysis of an organisation.

ILO 3 - Apply a range of strategic choice frameworks to generate and evaluate an organisation’s strategic options.

This was a very good discussion of strategic planning frameworks using which a retailer can assess the potential of a new market and you reviewed a range of relevant approaches. You presented a good application of the methods to retailing examples and you highlighted the importance of the competitive landscape. Your answer included a critical perspective on the limitations of the tools.

Question 3 – Intended Learning Outcomes 4 & 5 (Weighting = 20%)

ILO 2 - Undertake a strategic analysis of an organisation.

ILO 5 - Develop and justify plans for the implementation of agreed strategies

This was a sound analysis of Carrefour’s core competences and you provided some discussion of how Carrefour’s strengths align to market opportunities. You also included some discussion of how they can be exploited to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

Question 4 – Intended Learning Outcomes 1 & 5 (Weighting = 20%)

ILO 4 - Demonstrate the need to reflect cultural and behavioural issues in the strategic process.

ILO 5 - Develop and justify plans for the implementation of agreed strategies.

This answer demonstrated only a basic understanding of the principal cultural issues that arise from globalisation efforts by business organisations. You could have made more use of relevant theoretical material (e.g. Hofstede’s work on national culture) and more in-depth discussion of appropriate

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management approaches was needed.


Overall, this was a good submission, well-focussed on the set questions and demonstrating a clear understanding of the Strategy module content. A more critical approach was sometimes needed in evaluating the application of theories to practice. You should aim to read (and reference) more widely.

Achievement of Intended Learning Outcomes:

ILO 1 - Critically analyse a range of strategic decision making models.

ILO 2 - Undertake a strategic analysis of an organisation.

ILO 3 - Apply a range of strategic choice frameworks to generate and evaluate an organisation’s strategic options.

ILO 4 - Demonstrate the need to reflect cultural and behavioural issues in the strategic process

ILO 5 - Develop and justify plans for the implementation of agreed strategies



14 30 12 9 65

20 40 20 20 100

Word limit None Turnitin 0% Presentation ++++ Referencing ++

Date Marked: 25th January 2011

Marked by: Dr Colin Price

Page 27: Personal Skills Development

Grade Awarded 65

Penalty to be Applied

Overall Grade 65%

Please note that the grade awarded is provisional and subject to ratification by the examining board.

If you have been awarded less than 40% and have a referral opportunity, you will need to retake this at the next available assessment period. If this is your second attempt, please contact the Wales Support Team as you have now exceeded your maximum attempts

6.3 Group Member Feedback


Friday, 6 May, 2011 16:46


This sender is DomainKeys verified

"pradeesh cv" <[email protected]>

View contact details


[email protected]

Hi Omair,

I really enjoyed and motivated when i come to your group.

You have big heart to hear all members voice and consider our suggestions.

More over you are a good leader who lead from the frond.

Your analysis skills and leadership is really appreciable.

And you are one of the best buddy who take seminars very professionally.

I alwasy like to be part of your team.

Keep on going great..

Thanks for your support and suggestions.

Page 28: Personal Skills Development


7. Appendix 3

7.1 LSH Agenda 1

The Inaugural Meeting of the London Student Hub

Wednesday 24th November 2010

At the Upper Hall, University of London Union,

Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY

T: 0207 664 2020



10:30 – 11:00 Registration

- Tea and Coffee available on arrival

11:00 – 11:15 Welcome / Ice Breaker 1

11:15 – 11:30 Introduction to the London Student Network

11:30 – 12:15 Online Library

- Presented by Ms Bronwen Blatchford – UW Librarian12:15 – 13:15 Academic Feedback Training Session

13:15 – 14:15 Lunch / Student Network

14:15 – 14:30 Ice Breaker 2

14:30 – 15:30 Rotating Ideas Hour

15:30 – 15:45 Report back

Page 29: Personal Skills Development

- Presented by Mr Rhys Parry – Student Liaison Officer15:45 – 16:00 Closing Plenary

- Presented by Mr Ben Gray – Student Liaison Officer16:00 – 16:30 Complete LSH Feedback Form

7.2 Agenda LSH 2

London Student Hub

Saturday 26th February 2011

At the Upper Hall, University of London Union,

Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY

T: 0207 664 2020



14:00 Registration

- Tea and Coffee available on arrival14:00 – 14:15 Opening Plenary

14:15 – 15:00 “Embracing Media: Presenting, Publishing, Products and Promotion”

- Presented by Jacqueline, Senior Lecturer in Health Related Subjects, University of Wales Faculty

15:00 – 15:45 Meeting Skills

- Workshop run by Mr Rhys Parry, Student Liaison Officer, University of Wales

15:45 – 16:00 Break

16:00 – 16:25 Meeting Skills (Scenario’s)

16:25 – 16:45 Mix and Match (Profiles with Roles)

16:45 – 17:15 University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC) Students’ Union

Page 30: Personal Skills Development

- Presented by Mr Theo Taylor, Student Representative, UWIC17:15 – 17:45 Global Campus

- Presented by Mr Andrew Howells, Communications Officer, University of Wales

17:45 – 18:00 Feedback and Closing Plenary

7.3 Pictures LSH

7.4 Principal Email LSH

Page 31: Personal Skills Development

FW: London Student Hub

Thursday, 18 November, 2010 15:49From:

"Andy Golding" <[email protected]>View contact details

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Cc: "Ben Culling" <[email protected]>

Message contains attachments1 File (547KB

Hi Muhammad,

Please see below:

Are you able to attend as the MBA Student Representative please?

Can you please let me know ASAP.

Andy GoldingPrincipal

IBAM (London)


48 Fashion Street


E1 6PX

Part of the RDI Global Group

Tel: +44 (0)24 765 15700 +44 (0)24 765 15700 Fax: +44 (0)24 765 15701Mob: +44 (0)7950 337347 +44 (0)7950 337347 Email: [email protected] Web:

7.4 Testimonial

Page 32: Personal Skills Development

Testimonial for Muhammad Omair (STU22782)

Tuesday, 10 May, 2011 15:10From:

"jkalmus (ibam london tutor)" <[email protected]>Add sender to Contacts

To: [email protected]

Cc: "jkalmus (ibam london tutor)" <[email protected] for Muhammad Omair (STU22782)

To whom it may concern, Muhammad Omair has been been a consistent and active member of his MBA class, and has taken the lead in group activities and given group presentations on many occasions. I have been very impressed both by his hard work and by his willingness to take the initiative.

He has also acted as the class representative and has argued skillfully on behalf of his coleagues in discussions with IBAM staff. There is no doubt in my mind that his communication skills have improved significantly during the course of his MBA studies at IBAM London. With my very best wishes, John KalmusTutor, IBAM London campus

Page 33: Personal Skills Development

8. Appendix 4

8.1 Learning Log

Date Development activity

Expected outcome Learning Application of learning n future


• Journey metaphor

• Defining strategy• Short term and long term• Method of evaluation• 5 P’s of Strategy• Deliberate VS Emergent

• Understanding journey cycle

• Using right strategy and approach

• Planned Strategy and Emergent Environment

I have understood the journey metaphor of the strategy. I have applied this metaphor in assessments, my actual life, what i want to do , Where I am and how I can reach to final place. This helped me in planning strategy in my future life.


• Types of Research

• Making strategy or marketing plan based on the gathered data

• I have learnt the tools for conducting research, qualitative and quantitative and how this data can be used for decision making

The understanding of the research type is very important as all the decision making depend on it. I will used this in my dissertation and Research method


• Level of Decisions

• Learning importance of decision making

• Learn who decision class is, who is

I can use this information while

Page 34: Personal Skills Development

making and their working

• Level of decision making• How working is done

controlling the strategic change and who are planning and formulating strategy.

working on leadership and its role. This will help me in developing the leadership skills


• Operation Cycle of the Business

• Daily operation• Manufacturing• Raw material to finished good

process• Resource gathering• Financing, budgeting

• Helped in understanding the cash flow of the business, it operation and critical areas

I can used this cycle in my assignment and will also help in running my business and will help in developing sight of entrepreneurship


• Environment Analysis


• Understanding the tools for assessing environment of the business and then Planning according to the resources , strength , and threats

Helped a lot me in understanding the environment of the business, I can use these tools while starting my business.


• Input and Output for business

• Drivers behind business change

• Required resources for the business

• Drivers which can make hurdle

• Impact on competitive advantage

• Financial position

• Understanding the required resource for business,

• Which internal and external factors can effect business

• Their effect on financial position, stake holder, rivals

I can use these skills while starting my own business and will also use in my academic work. This will help me in thinking critically and devising the strategy

Page 35: Personal Skills Development

• Stake holder etc etc


• MIS • MIS Resources• Internal record keeping• Marketing intelligence• Marketing research

• Key components and working of MIS in marketing

• How research is done and data gathered before making new strategy

• How data utilised

This activity was very helpful in understanding the market factor and how intelligence can be done to gathered data which can be ultimately used for competitive advantage


• Stakeholder management

• Understanding key stakeholders

• Issues related to them• Managing Risk related to them• Meeting expectation of stake


• Finding right key stake holder

• Bringing their interest in business

• Managing Risk to safeguard Stakeholders

I have learned how to manage the risk, related to you, your stake holder and keeping alive their interest in your business. Can be used in future business


• Type of Customers

• Understanding the type of customers for business

• Planning according to them

• Managing Relationship

• Different type of customers in business environment

• Techniques for keeping lasting relationship with them

This was self study activity and coming up with internal and external customer of business, and managing their relationship. Can be helpful in defining

Page 36: Personal Skills Development

degree of relationship with each customer


• Research Techniques

• Market selection

• Tools for research • Market selection• Segmentation• Product development

• Tools for market selection

• Market segmentation basis

• Product feature and customer demands

I will use these techniques and strategies in academic work and in my future business


• Effective and Efficient operation

• Theme of effective and efficient business

• TQM• Way to operation

management• Improved decision making

• How to run effective operations in business

• How to manage quality issues

• Possible areas of improvement

Keeping in mind this activity I can easily analyse any business and its environment and problematic areas


• Assignment Brief

• .How to write assignment according to the handout and tutor guideline

• Ideas and topics to be included in assessment for getting good mark

Learned how to plan whole activity


• Project management

• Project life cycle• Resources• Scope• Stake holders• Risk management

• Understanding project theme

• Comparing outcome with resources

• Getting scope right• Managing risk

I can now easily define project , its scope, resources required and expected risk and their management


• Change issues

• Understanding drivers for change

• Nature of change

• Reason that cause change in organisation

Helped in understanding while people fear change,

Page 37: Personal Skills Development

• Planning for change• Communicating change

• Resistance to change

• Managing resistance

• Communication importance in change

how it can be overcome, these all techniques can be used in personal life and business as well


• Leadership • Leadership style• Corporate culture• Power influence• Relationship management• Motivation• Vision of accessing change

• How leaders should lead

• How leaders works in business

• How relationship can be managed

• Responsibility and authority sharing

• Change symptom

Leaned the leadership style, will use during group activities and project in project management and will also help in future business and current job


• SFA Relocation

• Developing business plan• Addressing the stakeholders

concerns• Use of IT packages• Marketing and communication


• Developing business strategy

• Managing change• How to use


I devised the business strategy using the group members, learned how to work as leader or consultant for government will help in future project


• Project management tool

• Pert and Gert analysis• Gants charts• Prince 2

• Managing the project activities and time

• Setting KPI• evaluation

These IT packages will help in future project and career

23/03/ • Project • Presentation to the team • Defining project Working as a project

Page 38: Personal Skills Development

11 Presentation members • Allocating work • Setting rules and guidelines• Communicating with tutor

activity • Scope • Communication• Empowering


manager give me huge confidence and will use this experience in coming life

Page 39: Personal Skills Development

8.2 Face book Scribed and LinkedIn

8.3 Learning Style

8.4 Learning Profile

For User: Muhammad omair

This page displays the results of your learning styles inventory. You can also select options below to compare your

styles to other users of the site.

Page Mode: Normal Full screen (for printing) Refresh

Your results

These are the results of your inventory. The scores are out of 20 for each style. A score of 20 indicates you use that

style often.

Style Scores

Visual 15

Social 15

Memletic Learning Styles Graph:

Page 40: Personal Skills Development

Physical 11

Aural 9

Verbal 14

Solitary 11

Logical 18

More Options

For User: Muhammad omair

This page displays the results of your learning styles inventory. You can also select options below to compare your

styles to other users of the site.

Page Mode: Normal Full screen (for printing) Refresh

Your results

8.5 Belbin Score Card

Page 41: Personal Skills Development
Page 42: Personal Skills Development

8.6 Weekly Planner

Home, College, Travelling, Job, Sports/Activities, Studies, Free time, Assignments work, BedtimeHours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Important Notes

6:00am Bedtime ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Deadline for Assignments

6:30am Shower ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

7:00am Breakfast ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

7:30am Subject 1 Lesson

Subject 2 Lesson

Subject3 Lesson

8:00am To Tesco To College To Tesco To College To College To Tesco To Tesco

8:30am College College College

9:00am Tesco Tesco Tesco Tesco

9:30am ~ ~ ~ ~

10:00am ~ ~ ~ ~

10:30am ~ ~ ~ ~

11:00am ~ ~ ~ ~

11:30am ~ ~ ~ ~

12:00pm ~ ~ ~ ~

12:30pm ~ ~ ~ ~

1:00pm ~ ~ ~ ~

1:30pm To Home To Home To Home To Home

2:00pm Free Time Free Time Free Time Free Time

2:30pm ~ ~ ~ ~

3:00pm ~ ~ ~ Assignment 1

3:30pm ~ ~ ~ ~

Page 43: Personal Skills Development

4:00pm ~ To Home ~ To Home To Tesco ~ ~

4:30pm ~

5:00pm Gym Gym Gym Gym Tesco Gym

5:30pm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

6:00pm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

6:30pm ~ ~

7:00pm Assignment 2 Assignment 2 Assignment 2 Assignment 1 ~ Assignment 1 ~

7:30pm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

8:00pm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

8:30pm Current Affairs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Free time

9:00pm Subject 1 Subject2 Subject 1 Subject 3 ~ Subjet 3 Subject 2

9:30pm ~ ~ ~ ~ To Home ~ ~

10:00pm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

10:30pm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

11:00pm ~ ~ ~ ~ Subject 3 ~ ~

11:30pm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

12:00am Assignment 1

Assignment Assignment Assignment Assignment Assignment Assignment 1 3 3 1 2 2

12:30am Bedtime ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1:00am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1:30am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2:00am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2:30am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

3:00am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

3:30am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

4:00am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Page 44: Personal Skills Development

4:30am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

5:00am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

5:30am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Source: Formative Assessment PDP STU 22782

Page 45: Personal Skills Development

9. Appendix 5

9.1 Resources Used

Skill Resources Used Activities Learning Outcome



Internet, Face book, Ilearn,

YouTube, case studies,

University of Wales Online

Library, British Library,

assignments, report, articles,

magazines, written

presentations , College

projector, laptops and Tutor


• Essays/Reports/Assignments/Case study for College

• Personal Statements/Resume/Covering Letters• Business letters/emails/memos• Group Discussions on College/Social

Discussion Board forums• Writing , writing and writing while listing to

news etc• Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary/Business


See learning log

Oral TV, Internet,

Lectures, Projector, Laptop,

Audios, Videos Interview,

News, Movies

• Lectures• Class room participations• Being Class representative• Customer assistant job• Making new friends• Job interviews• Presentations to class mates

Leadership Books, Articles, Kolb’s • Taking initiatives• Managing students in class

Page 46: Personal Skills Development

Learning styles, Belbin’s Team

building, Leadership Test,

Students Group, London

Student Hub, face book, yahoo


• Working in groups• Assigning task• Understanding their issue• Discussion on different topic• Listing to their view• Conflicts resolution• Leadership styles test• Reading biography of leaders



Books, Internet, Interviews,

Tow Exhibitions

• Managing resources• Managing time•

Page 47: Personal Skills Development

9.2 List of Journal Used During MBA

Journal of Business Communication

International Journal of Management Education

Harvard business review

Mackenzie quarterly

Data monitor

International Journal of Organizational Innovation

Journal of Marketing Communications

Academy of management journal

Journal of Business Ethics,

International Journal of Production Research

Academy of management review

Human resource management

International business and management review

International Business & Economics Research Journal

Journal of business and economic studies

9.3 List of Books & Article Used

9.3.1 Leadership

Cooper, Cary L. (2005) Leadership and Management in the 21st Century, Oxford University PressGoffee, R. (2003). ‘Leadership, Creativity and Innovation’, Presentation Given at the 3rd Annual Innovation Exchange Conference, London Business School, London, 4 December 2003.

Gratton, L. (2004). The Democratic Enterprise: Liberating Your Business with Individual Freedom and Shared Purpose. London: FT Prentice Hall.

Harry, M. and Schroeder, R. (2000) SIX Sigma, the Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World’s Top Corporations.

Page 48: Personal Skills Development

New York: Doubleday.

Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D. P. (1996). The Balanced Scorecard: Translating

Strategy into Action. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Mangham, I. and Pye, A. (1991). The Doing of Managing. Oxford: Blackwell

Mintzberg, H. (1973). The Nature of Managerial Work. New York:

Harper and Row

The Center for Creative Leadership: Handbook of Leadership Development, 403–432. San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass.

The One Minute Manager By Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

9.3.2 CommunicationCorporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice by Joep Cornelissen

Effective Communication (Revised Edition): The most important management skill of all by John Adair

The Handbook of Communication Skills by Owen Hargie

101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly by Jo Condrill and Bennie Bough

9.3.3 Entrepreneurship Harvard Business School

Harvard Business Review

Stanford University

The Alan Sugar Apprentice

Page 49: Personal Skills Development

9.4 Mind tool Test

The Score was 66 first time

Now Score is 76 which is very good