personality disorders (pdos)

Personality Disorders (PDOs) 1

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Personality Disorders (PDOs). Personality. Unique and long-term pattern of inner experience and outward behavior Often described in terms of “traits ” Comes from combination of genetics and environment. Personality Disorders (PDOs). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Personality Disorders (PDOs)


Personality Disorders (PDOs)

Page 2: Personality Disorders (PDOs)

Personality• Unique and long-term pattern of inner

experience and outward behavior• Often described in terms of “traits”• Comes from combination of genetics and


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Personality Disorders (PDOs)

OLD DSM: Psychological disorders characterized by disruptive, inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning and deviate from the expectations of one’s culture.

NEW DSM: impairments in personality (self and interpersonal) functioning and the presence of pathological personality traits

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Based on New DSM Criteria

Problems with Self-function (SF)

Problems with Inter-personal function (IPF)

Pathological Personality Traits (PPT)

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5 specific types of PDOs Anti-social Avoidant Borderline Narcissistic Obsessive-Compulsive Schizotypal

Overall: 9.1% adults over 12 mo. period

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Anti-Social PDO (@ 1%) Problems with SF:

Ego-centrism Problems with IPF:

• X Pro-social behaviors

• X Intimacy• X Empathy

PPT:• Antagonism• Lack of inhibition

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Anti-Social PDO Causes Biological & psychological

• X gene code for complex behavior• Show little ANS arousal• Can detect behavior for children as young as 3• Boys who become anti-social adults were:

Impulsive Uninhibited Unconcerned with social rewards Low anxiety

• Socio-cultural factors (nature and nurture interact)

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Avoidant PDO (5.2%) Problems with SF:

Low self-esteem Problems with IPF: Fear of rejection PPT:

Withdrawal, Intimacy avoidance, inability to feel pleasure or take interest in lifeAnxiousness

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Borderline PDO (1.6%)

Problems with SF: Unstable self-image; instability in goals, aspirations or values

Problems with IPF: b/c of hypersensitivity, X feel empathy with others; worries @ abandonment

PPT: frequent mood changes, anxiousness, separation anxiety, depressive tendencies, lack of inhibition, antagonism

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Narcissistic PDO Problems with

SF: Exaggerated self-esteem

Problems with IPF: superficial relationships

PPT: Grandiosity

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Obsessive Compulsive PDO

Problems with SF: perfectionism

Problems with IPF: relationships secondary to work

PPT: Negative Affectivity

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Schizotypal Problems with SF: Distorted self-concept Problems with IPF: Mis-interpretations PPT: Eccentricity, Odd thought process,
