peru ecosystem services law

PERU’S ECOSYSTEM SERVICES LAW Impacts of CIAT Cañete River Basin Project

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Impacts of CIAT Cañete River Basin Project

JaneLee Waldock
do we need to say this?
Page 2: Peru Ecosystem Services Law

Policy Influence PathwayMany factors can influence national policy changes. In the case of Peru, this started with non-research based influences, knowledge creation, policy formulation, and eventually policy outcomes.

On the following slide you can see a visual representation of this relationship.

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Adapted From Renkow and Byerlee 2014



Non-Research Based Influences

Policy Formulation

Knowledge Creation

Policy Impacts

Policy Outcomes

Research Outputs

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Ecosystem Services in Peru2004

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are voluntary transactions between service users and service providers, conditional on agreed rules of natural resource management, for generating offsite services.

CPWF-CIAT-GTZ-CONDESAN the first PES scheme in Peru is located in the Moyobamaba watershed.

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Ecosystem Services in Peru


The Ministry of Environment of Peru is created.


Formal collaboration agreement between CIAT and MINAM is signed.

MINAM initiates process to evaluate and design a Reward Mechanism for Water-Related Ecosystem Services (MRSEH) in the Cañete River Basin as official PES pilot case.


MINAM and its advisors are actors targeted into the AN2 Outcome Logic Model, CIAT includes Cañete as the Peruvian study site.

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Cañete River Basin PilotWater users in Cañete River basin include farmers and rural households in the upper part, shrimp farmers and hydropower companies at the mid-level, and more farmers, industry, and the urban population of Cañete town downstream.

Local water users have an explicit interest in developing a benefit sharing mechanism in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem and long-term water supply.

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CIAT researchers analyzed with the Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) the bottlenecks that hindered implementation of reward mechanisms in Peru.


CIAT conducted studies on economic valuation and hydrological priority areas as inputs for the study.


Actors from multiple disciplines came together to be part of a ESS law discussion group led by MINAM and CIAT.


MINAM disseminated the PES initiative widely and kept supporting it even after two changes of Ministry and one change of government

Ecosystem Services in Peru

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Policy Formulation – ActivitiesThrough multi-stakeholder meetings, CIAT and its partners found that water users downstream recognize the benefits they receive from the ecosystem upstream and are willing to reward the upstream communities for maintaining the ecosystem.

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International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) approached MINAM with the purpose of creating a Trust Fund to start up the operation of the PES scheme in Cañete. An IFAD Global Environment Facility project was formed.


CIAT’s “bottlenecks” study, which identified limitations that hinder implementation of PES, is the basis of discussions to identify what needed to be overcome in PES regulation.

Ecosystem Services in Peru

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In 2014 and 2015, CIAT actively participated in the organization and implementation of 5 macro-regional workshops led by MINAM, to share results of the bottlenecks study.


Peruvian congress passed the law, which promotes and regulates rewards for ecosystem services schemes throughout the country.


CIAT recently signed a new five-year agreement with the ministry to help it with developing more specific regulations and registration processes.

Ecosystem Services in Peru

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Water users in the Cañete river lower basin now have a way to make voluntary contributions. Communities in the upper watershed are already applying to the IFAD trust fund.

Ecosystem Services in Peru

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July 21, 2016, Peruvian government approved regulations of Law No. 30215 - Law on Compensation Mechanisms for Ecosystem Services (MRSE).

Ecosystem Services in Peru

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SourcesCIAT Blog. (2016). Perú avanza en la implementación de la Ley de Mecanismos de Retribución por Servicios Ecosistémicos.

Peru Ministry of the Environment. (2016). Aprueban Reglamento de la Ley de Mecanismos de Retribución por Servicios Ecosistémicos.

Renkow, M. and D. Byerlee. (2014). Assessing the Impact of Policy-Oriented Research: a Stocktaking.Paper prepared for a workshop on Assessing the Impact of Policy-Oriented Research, Washington D.C. November 11-12 2014.

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